DX425 bulletin issue nr. 394

S DX@WW $425WW394A
425 DX News #394 [1/6]
  21 November 1998                 No 394                   BID: $425WW394A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                        <<< 425 DX NEWS WEB SITE  >>>

The site has been entirely restyled  and now it can be found  at the new  URL 
                 ********   http://www.425dxn.org   ********
There are  two  separate mailing  lists  for automatic  subscribtion  to  the
bulletin in its two versions (English and Italian).

3A     - Tom, HA/N9NC will  be active as  3A/N9NC from  Monaco between  25/26
         November and 1  December. He will  participate in  the CQ  WW CW  DX
         Contest (SOAB). QSL via  OM2SA (Juraj Sipos,  930 13 Trhova  Hradska
         550, okr. Dunajska Streda, Slovakia). [TNX HA/N9NC]
3W     - 3W6EZD and 3W6AR were  expected to be  /p from Hon  Tre in the  Mien
         Trung South group (AS-???) on 18-20  November, but they were  forced
         to cancel their trip due to a  typhoon. They hope to try again  next
         month. [TNX I2YDX and JI6KVR]
6Y     - John, W8IYI and Barb, N8TKZ will be /6Y5 (QRP 5 watts) from  Jamaica
         (NA-097) between 23 and 28 November. QSL via W8IYI (bureau cards can
         be requested at jb8858@aol.com). [TNX W8IYI and Islands On The Web]
8Q     - UA9CI, UA9CFF, UA9CDC, UA9CDV, UA9CLB and UA9CKP will be active (CW,
         SSB and  RTTY)  as  8Q7DV from  the  Maldives  (AS-013)  between  20
         November and 4 December. They will  participate in the  CQ WW CW  DX
         Contest. QSL via UA9CI. [TNX UA9CDV]
9A     - DX Group "Talan  & Co" (9A1CZZ)  plans to  operate (CW  and SSB)  as
         9A1CZZ/P from Brioni  Islands (EU-110) between  20 and 22  November.
         QSL via 9A2DM (Vladimir Talan, Box  77, 48000 Koprivnica,  Croatia).
         [TNX 9A1CBV]
9M8    - Hans,  DF5UG/9M8QQ  is  attempting  to  operate  from  Pulau  Satang
         (OC-165),  West  Malaysia   on  24  and   25  November.  There   are
         difficulties with permissions and access so  it is not certain.  QSL
         via DF5UG. [TNX HS0/G3NOM]
C6     - The call C6AKP has been  issued to Dick,  C6A/N4RP [425DXN 393].  He
         will be  active  from Bimini  (NA-048)  between 20  November  and  2
         December, CQ WW CW DX Contest  included. QSL via N4RP either  direct
         (Dick Phelps,  2805  Casita Way,  Apartment  115, Delray  Beach,  FL
         33415, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX KN4T]
CU     - Dieter, DL3KDV and Maike, DL4XS will be CU2/ from Sao Miguel, Azores
         (EU-003) between 25 November and 2 December. Dieter will participate
         in the CQ WW  CW DX Contest  as CU2V (SOAB).  QSL via DL3KDV  either
         direct  (Dieter  Voss,  Friedrichsthal  21,  D-51688   Wipperfuerth,
         Germany) or through the bureau. [TNX DL3KDV]
EZ     - EZ0AB will be active (on 10-160 metres CW and SSB) from Turkmenistan
         starting on 21  November, CQ WW  DX CW and  ARRL 160 Meter  contests
         included. QSL to UA4FAO (Alexander G. Maklakov, P.O. Box 558, 440061
         Penza. Russia). [TNX RA4FKC]
F      - French amateurs in the Nice area will be active (on 18.140,  14.240,
         7.070 and 3.770 MHz SSB and  1.835, 3.525, 7.015 and 14.035 MHz  CW)
         as F8AB between 20 UTC on  25 November and 8 UTC  on 26 November  to
         celebrate the 75th  anniversary of the  first transatlantic  amateur
         radio transmission made by F.H. Schnell, W1MO (Hartford, CT) and  L.
         Deloy, F8AB (Nice, France) around 2 UTC on 26 November 1923. QSL via
         F2VX either direct or through the bureau. [TNX F6HIZ]
HC8    - Herbert, HC8DH; Jorge, HC5AH; Ted, HC5K and possibly Fernando, HC3FD
         will be  active for  about eight  days from  the Galapagos  (SA-004)
         starting on 24 November. Operations are expected to take place  from
         two islands (Santa Cruz and Floreana), mainly on digital modes and 6
         metres. QSL direct to HC5K (P.O. Box DX, Cuenca, Ecuador). [TNX HC5K
         and W5AJ]
S DX@WW $425WW394B
425 DX News #394 [2/6]
  21 November 1998                 No 394                   BID: $425WW394B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I      - Special event station IR0MFP (Millennium For  Peace) will be  active
         on 27 November and during the CQ WW CW Contest. QSL via IK0AZG. [TNX
J6     - Seventeen operators from the Southwest Ohio  DX Association will  be
         active from St. Lucia (NA-108) between  23 November and 6  December.
         They will participate in the  CQ WW CW  DX Contest (Multi-Multi)  as
         J6DX (QSL via N9AG) and in the ARRL 160 Meter Contest as either J6DX
         or J6A  (QSL via N9AG). Before  and after the contests they will  be
         active on  all  bands CW,  SSB,  RTTY and  on  6 metres.  [TNX  OPDX
KP2    - Slavek, OK1TN will  be active from  the US  Virgin Islands  (NA-106)
         between 19 November and 20 December.  He will participate in the  CQ
         WW CW DX Contest as KP2AD.  QSL via the Czech DX Foundation  (OKDXF,
         P.O. Box 73, Bradlec  293 06 Mlada  Boleslav, Czech Republic).  [TNX
P4     - Jose, CT1BOH will be active as  P40E from Aruba (SA-036) between  23
         November and 1  December. He will  participate in  the CQ  WW CW  DX
         Contest (SOAB). See THE TEAM in "Good To Know" below. QSL via W3HNK.
         [TNX CT1BOH]
TI     - Several TE45 special event stations are  active until 6 December  on
         all bands and modes to celebrate  the 45th anniversary of the  Radio
         Club de Costa Rica. QSL via TI0RC. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
V2     - Darrell, AB2E will be active as  V26E from Antigua (NA-100)  between
         26 November and 1 December. He will  participate in the CQ WW CW  DX
         Contest and will concentrate the WARC and low bands before and after
         the contest. QSL via AB2E. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
V6     - WA1S/V63HO (YL), KQ1F/V63HC (YL) and K1XM/V63YP  be active (CW,  SSB
         and RTTY) from Kosrae (OC-059) starting on 22 November. They will be
         there for ten nights and will participate in the CQ WW CW DX Contest
         as V63X (Multi-Single). Then they will  go and operate from  Pohnpei
         (OC-010) for four nights  and Truk (OC-011)  for seven nights.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
V8     - Hans, DF5UG (assisted by Gary,  V8GTW) plans to  be active as  V85QQ
         from Pulau Muara Besar (OC-184) on 20 and 21 November. Look for  him
         on 21.260  MHz between  10 and  13 UTC  and on  14.260 from  13  UTC
         onwards. QSL via DF5UG. [TNX HS0/G3NOM]
VP5    - Dave, K5GN will  be active as  VP5/K5GN from Providenciales,  Caicos
         Islands (NA-002) between  24 November and  1 December.  He plans  to
         participate in the CQ WW CW DX  Contest as VP5GN. QSL to K5GN.  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
VU     - Radio amateurs from India are allowed to replace the VU prefix  with
         AT (for  instance  VU2DPI  is  now  AT2DPI)  until  31  December  to
         celebrate the  75 years  of amateur  radio  in their  country.  [TNX
XZ     - XZ1N [425DXN 392] has been granted  permission to extend  operations
         until 14  December.  Look for  XZ1N  to start  being  active  on  21
         November. During the last week a special emphasis will be put on 160
         metres, with a limited operation on  other bands. Top Band  contacts
         will be posted to the expedition's web site in order to cut down  on
         the number of dupes. XZ1N will participate in the CQ WW CW DX,  ARRL
         160 Meter and possibly 10 Meter contests. QSL via W1XT. For  further
         information please visit http://ng7m.qrq.com/~xz1n [TNX NA7DB]
                 <<< CQ WW CW DX CONTEST - 28/29 NOVEMBER >>>

The following stations are expected to participate in this year's event:
- Omari, 4L5O as Single Operator Single  Band (80 metres) Low Power. QSL  via
  CBA. Omari's e-mail address is 4l5o@caucasus.net [TNX 4L5O]
- Beijing DX  Club as  B1Z (Multi-Multi)  operated  by BA1AA,  BA1DU,  BA1FB,
- Ivo, 9A3A as C4A from Cyprus (AS-004). [TNX CT1BOH]
- Ed, CO2MA as  CO0CW (15  and 40  metres). QSL  to P.O.  Box 21056,  Alamar,
  Havana, 12500 Cuba. [TNX The Daily DX]
- Ville, OH2MM as EA8EA from Canary Islands (AF-004). [TNX CT1BOH]
- KM1P, NJ1V, W1WFZ, K2KQ, W5UDA and N9KAU as J3A (Multi-Multi) from  Grenada
  (NA-024). QSL via WA8LOW. [TNX The Daily DX]
- A 10-operator team as J45T (Multi-Multi) from the Dodecanese (EU-001). [TNX
  DX News Sheet]
- Jay, LU3HU as LU0H. QSL via  LU4HH (P.O. Box  65, 5000 Cordoba,  Argentina)
- A group  of operators  (including OH2KI,  K6NA, N7BG  and others)  as  TI1C
  (Multi-Multi) from the station of Carlos, TI2CF. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX DX New
- Dave, WD5N as  WP2Z (SOAB) from  the US  Virgin Islands  (NA-106). QSL  via
  KU9C. [TNX The Daily DX]
- Frank, DL2CC as WP3R from Puerto Rico. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX CT1BOH]
- Carl, K9LA as ZF2LA (160 metres) from the Cayman Islands (NA-016). QSL  via
  K9LA. [TNX The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW394C
425 DX News #394 [3/6]
  21 November 1998                 No 394                   BID: $425WW394C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

14.265 MHz  ---> The  communications  emergency declared  by  the FCC  on  10
November [425DXN 393] ended on 17 November.

QSL DIRECT ONLY  ---> Please  note that  the Swedish  and USA  8th call  area
incoming bureaus are  returning cards for  7Z1IS and  9K2ZZ as  both the  QSL
managers (namely SM0OFG and W8CNL) do not accept bureau cards.

QSL K8VIR ---> QSL cards for K8VIR's future operations will now be handled by
W8WC (Bill Coale, 605 S. Broad Street, Holly, MI 48442, USA). [TNX The  Daily

QSL JU1HA & JT1X ---> QSL  manager HA0HW (Laszlo Szabo,  P.O. Box 24,  H-4151
Puspokladany, Hungary) has  started replying to  direct request for  contacts
made during the  Hungarian Pannon DX  Club activity  from Mongolia  (May-June
1998). He will begin sending out bureau cards in early December. [TNX HA0HW]

QSL XX9TYD ---> Leo, K8PYD reports he has  sent out all the direct cards  for
his operation as XX9TYD. Those not  received yet have  been sent through  the

QSL ZK1DI ---> While Guenther will  not return to Rarotonga this winter,  his
QSL manager,  DK1RV, reports  all the  cards for  ZK1DI (OC-013,  South  Cook
Islands) have been  sent either direct  or automatically  through the  German
bureau. If you do not receive your bureau card within a reasonable time,  you
may wish to send a direct request (mail to Hans-Georg Goebel, P.O. Box  1114,
D-57235 Netphen, Germany) as it is  likely your call has been mistyped.  [TNX

QSL VIA IK6CAC --->  Carlo, IK6CAC reports  that the cards  for his IL7/  and
IJ7/ operations have been printed. Direct  cards will be sent out next  week,
while bureau cards will be answered on request (bureau cards can be requested
at ikscac@tin.it).  Carlo's  activities include  IIA  FG-001  (IOTA  EU-050),
FG-002 (EU-050), FG-003  (EU-050), FG-006 (EU-050),  LE-003, LE-016,  LE-024,
LE-026, LE-039 and LE-040.

QSL VIA VK4AAR ---> Please note  that as of 1  December Alan's *new*  address
will be: Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box  421, Gatton, QLD  4343, Australia. Alan  is
the QSL manager  for V63PD, VK8AN,  VK8AN/6, VK8MI, YJ8AA,  ZK2JJ, ZK2PJ  and

THE TEAM COMPETITION ---> Five operators will participate in the CQ WW CW  DX
Contest both Single Operator All Band and as a team in order to break the  CQ
WW Team record  (currently 49.9M). They  will be signing  P40E (op.  CT1BOH),
EA8EA (op. OH2MM), C4A (op. 9A3A),  CN8WW (op. DL6FBL) and WP3R (op.  DL2CC).
The Team sponsors  a competition  during the  contest and  twelve "The  Team"
T-shirts will be awarded to the first three operators who have the most  QSOs
with them  (maximum 30  QSOs), the  first three  operators who  work them  (5
QSOs), the first  three operators  who have  the most  QSOs with  them on  LF
(160,80 and 40 metres; maximum 15  QSOs), the first three operators who  have
the most QSOs with them on  HF (20, 15 and 10 metres;  maximum 15 QSOs).  The
winners will be announced after the contest. [TNX CT1BOH]
S DX@WW $425WW394D
425 DX News #394 [4/6]
  21 November 1998                 No 394                   BID: $425WW394D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [1/3] *****
                          Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM
                     <TNX IK1UGX, IK7AFM, The Daily DX>

CALL       MGR      CALL      MGR      CALL       MGR      CALL       MGR
3D2VA      WA2NHA   9X5EE     PA3DMH   HI4M       AD4Z     T99W       DL1QQ 
3V8BB      JF2EZA   9Y4VU     NY3Y     HI8/DJ4IJ  DK8ZD    TA0/UY5XE  UY5XE 
3W5FM      UA0FM    A22/W0YG  W0YG     HI8/DL1XAQ DL1XAQ   TA2IJ      DJ9ZB 
3W6EZD     7L1MFS   A22EW     KB2MS    HI8/DL4JS  DL4JAN   TE45ZM     TI0RC 
3W7TK      OK1HWB   A35HX     DJ9HX    HI8LUZ     AD4Z     TF8GX      K1WY  
4K0E       RW1AI    A35RK     W7TSQ    HL5KY      W3HNK    TG9IGI     I2MQP 
4K1AFM     RW1AI    A45XL     G4VUO    HS0/JA6GIJ JA6LCJ   TL5A       PA3DMH
4K1B       RW1AI    A61AJ     W3UR     HS1AV      JG3AVS   TM0RUM     F5BNJ 
4K1D       RW1AI    A61AP     IK7JTF   HS1NIV     W1ZS     TM1WW      F5SPW 
4K1F       RW1AI    A61AS     YO3FRI   HS1RU      JG3AVS   TM5CW      F5SJB 
4K1G       RW1AI    A71/9K2AI IK7JTF   HS5AC      W1ZS     TM8OA      F6KVD 
4K1RRC     RW3GW    A92FZ     W3HC     HV4NAC     IK0FVC   TM8UN      F5HWB 
4K2RRC     RW3GW    AT2DPI    VU2DPI   II2CO      IK2AQZ   TN7OT      AL7OT 
4K3/RW3GW  RW3GW    AT2HLX    VU2HLX   IK2DUV/2   IK2DUV   TR8CA      F6CBC 
4K3GW      RW3GW    AT3HKQ    VU3HKQ   IK8YFU/2   IK8YFU   TT8FC      EA4AHK
4K3MI      UY5XE    BA1DU     W3HC     IR3MD      IN3PBY   TT8ZB      IK3ERN
4K3RRC     RW3GW    BA4TB     9A2AJ    IY4W       I4JED    TU2DP      K4MQL 
4K3WQ      RW3GW    BN0A      JH3DPB   J28JJ      A92FG    TY8A       DL7DF 
4K4A/A     UY5XE    BQ9P      KU9C     J68AG      N8SM     TZ6JA      JA3EMU
4K4AFM     RW1AI    BV5BG     IK7JTF   J68AH      AC0S     U0B/UA1AFM RW1AI 
4K4BEU/P   UY5XE    BW0R      JA1JKG   J68AI      N8BJQ    U6G/UY5XE  UY5XE 
4K4BVI     UY5XE    C30GA     K4JDG    J68AM      W8ILC    U7D/UY5XE  UY5XE 
4K4DV      RW3GW    C91DI     IN3BXL   J68AR      K9JE     UA0/UA1AFM RW1AI 
4K4I       UY5XE    CN23AMV   CN8MC    J68AS      N9AG     UA0AOZ     K1WY  
4K4RRC     RW3GW    CN2UN     ZP6CU    J68ID      W8QID    UA0DC      K1WY  
4K5RRC     RW3GW    CN8WW     DL6FBL   J68NR      N8NR     UA0IAS/0   OH2BF 
4K80ADR    4K5CW    CO8LY     EA7ADH   J68OK      W8OK     UA0MF      W3HNK 
4K8F       UA9AB    CX5X      W3HNK    JT1A       OH1RX    UA0ZBK     K1WY  
4K9W       DL6KVA   CX6VM     W3HNK    JW0YL      LA6RHA   UA9QGB     RW9QA 
4L1UN      IK7JTF   CY9AA     K7BV     JW9XGA     LA9XGA   UK8CK      RW6HS 
4L8A       OZ1HPS   D25L      PA3DMH   JX7DFA     LA2KD    UK8OM      IK2QPR
4N1EA      YU1EFG   D68BW     DJ2BW    JY8ZW      K4ZW     UN5J       W3HNK 
4N6IOTA    YU7BW    D68WU     F6HWU    JY9QJ      DL5MBY   UR4WWT     WR3L  
4N9BW      YU7BW    D98WCX    HL5FOP   K3FBI      AE4MK    US7W       UY5XE 
4U1UN      W6TER    E21CJN    W3PP     KG4AU      W4WX     UU5J       JA6UBK
5B4/EW1AR  K3CN     E30BA     DJ9ZB    KH0/JA0SC  JA0SC    UU7J       UU6JF 
5B4/EW1AR  NP3D     E30CA     NF6S     KH0AS      WB4UBD   UZ100XE    UY5XE 
5B4/NP3D   W3HNK    E30DA     I8NHJ    KH4/NH6D   N6FF     V2/G6QQ    G6QQ  
5B4/RA3CW  YL2KL    E30EA     EA8AFJ   KH7R       WE9V     V29TU      HB9TU 
5B4/UA9YAB UA9YAB   E30FA     N5VL     KH9/N6MZ   WA4YBV   V44KJ      WB2TSL
5B4ADA     9A2AJ    E30GA     K4JDJ    KL3KIM     K1WY     V47KP      K2SB  
5B4AGI     N4JR     E30HA     HA5YPP   KP2/VE3FU  VE3FU    V63CO      DJ9HX 
5H3DD      W0RA     E30IA     IV3FSG   KW1JY      K1WY     V63PD      VK4AAR
5H3RW      DL0MAR   E30JA     WD4NGB   LV4V       LU4VZ    V63RL      NG7S  
5H3US      WA8JOC   EA6IB     EA3KU    LY62ZZ     LY2ZZ    V73UB      K1ZUT 
5N3BHF     OE6LAG   EA7AIE/P  EA7CWA   NH0E       KH0EJ    V85QQ      DF5UG 
5N3CPR     SP5CPR   EA9/EA7RU EA7RU    OA4DJN     W3HNK    VE8TA      VE2BQB
5R8ET      K1WY     ED2SDX    EA2ABM   OD5NJ      EA5BYP   VG3W       VE3ZM 
5R8FK      NY3N     ED2URV    EA2URV   OD5PL      HB9CRV   VK9CJ      DJ9HX 
5R8FL      F5TBA    ED3MSU    EA3GIS   OD5PN      LX1NO    VK9CQR     HB9QR 
5R8FU      SM0DJZ   ED3TCP    EA3AIM   OH0Z       OH1EH    VK9CTL     HB9QR 
5R8JD      F6BFH    ED5MVV    EA4SS    OJ0AU      DL6LAU   VK9LX      VK2ICV
5R8PR      F6BFH    ED7CE     EA7ARK   OM9AIP     AI5P     VK9NR      I2VGW 
5U7DG      K4SE     ED7TCS    EA7IA    ON4CAT     K1WY     VK9XI      DJ9HX 
5V7A       GM4FDM   EF3MSU    EA3GIS   ON50DST    ON4BBA   VK9XQR     HB9QR 
5V7GL      EA5WX    EG0URD    EA5GMB   ON9CAT     K1WY     VK9XTL     HB9QR 
5V7MF      KC7V     EK2780JJ  EK4JJ    OT8A       ON7LR    VO2CQ      VE3FU 
5V7RF      GM3YTS   EK2780ZZ  EK7DX    OX3LX      OZ1DJJ   VP2VI      AB1U  
5V7SW      G3VMW    EK6CC     N8BGD    P29CC      K1WY     VP5/W3KT   W3KT  
5V7VJ      G4ZVJ    EL2VO     EA5GIY   P3A        UA9YAB   VP5KE      N4KE  
5V7VM      G3VMW    EM10C     UY5XE    P43P       P43ARC   VP5M       N4TO  
5V7VT      K5VT     EM1LV     UR8LV    PJ8/W8EB   W8EB     VP8CEH     G0NWY 
5V7ZM      G3ZEM    EM8W      UY5XE    PJ9B       K2SB     VQ9PH      W2JDK 
5W0HP      DL1SDV   EO6F      UX0FF    PR2W       PT2AW    VR98LC     VR2LC 
5W1SA      JH7OHF   ER4OT     W3HNK    PR2YL      PP5LL    VU2JPS     VK9NS 
5X1DX      NY3Y     ER7N      UT7ND    PS2S       PP5LL    VU2LAM     UY5XE 
5Z4EO      DL0MAR   ES1/EX0V  N6FF     PW2C       PY2KC    VU3EGX     F6EGX 
5Z4FV      NY3Y     ET3BT     K1WY     R0/UR8LV   UY5XE    VY1A       KB5IPQ
5Z4IC      MW0AIE   EU6MM     IK2QPR   R0J/UY5XE  UY5XE    XE1EZM     AC7DX 
6K0ZW      HL5FPL   EW200M    EW4MM    R1FJV      RW3GW    XE1FES     W3HNK 
6W4RK      F5NPS    EX8F      DL8FCU   R3AA/9     RW3GW    XE1IDJ     XE1J  
6Y2A       WA4WTG   EX8ML     W3HNK    RA2FBC     DF4BV    XE1NVX     EA5XX 
6Y5DA      VE4JK    EX8QB     IK2QBR   RG5XE      UY5XE    XE1VIC     KV6U  
7J1ABV     W7BX     EY2Q      DJ1SKO   RK5CH      UY5XE    XU1A       JH1AJT
7O/J28JJ   A92FG    EY8CQ     DJ1SKO   RK9AWC     UA9AB    XV300S     JH1EVE
7Q7BW      G0IAS    EY8MM     K1BV     RM9RX      RW9QA    XV6Z       K6SGD 
7Q7BX      G0IAS    EZ0Z      UY5XE    RM9RX/9    RW9QA    XV7TH      SK7AX 
7Q7FM      G0IAS    EZ8CW     F5RUQ    RV3GW/1    RW3GW    XX9AS      KU9C  
7Q7HB      G0IAS    F8AB      F2VX     RW3GW/0    RW3GW    XX9TRR     OH2PM 
7Q7JL      G0IAS    FK8VHT    F6AJA    RW9QA      RW9QA    XX9TSS     JK2PNY
7Q7LA      G0AIS    FM5BH     W3HNK    RW9QA      W3HNK    XX9X       OH2PM 
7Q7RM      G0IAS    FM5FJ     KU9C     RX1OX/FJL  DL6YET   YA1R       RW3LO 
7S1BL      SM1TDE   FM5GU     WA4JTK   RY7W       UY5XE    YC9MKF     VK4FW 
7X0AD      EA4URE   FN5DN     KU9C     RZ3AZO/1   RW3GW    YE2HBX     YB2BAB
7X4AN      DJ2BW    FO5BI     F6HSI    S21J       K1WY     YI1AK      AD5W  
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  21 November 1998                 No 394                   BID: $425WW394E
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                         ***** QSL INFO  [2/3] *****

8P6DA      KU9C     FO5EM     EA7BXL   S79OY      KF8OY    YI1HK      KK3S  
8P9HT      K4BAI    FO5QG     XE1L     S92AT      NJ2D     YI1WL      N3PBX 
8P9Z       K4BAI    FR/F5PFP  F5PFP    SK7DX      SM7DXQ   YJ0AAU     7M3VAL
8Q7VK      DL7VRO   FR/F5SIH  F5SIH    SN0SUL     SP5ZCC   YL80GW     YL2GW 
9A98PAX    9A3MR    FR/G3SWH  G3SWH    SO4XE      UY5XE    YL80IX     YL2IX 
9G1BJ      G4XTA    FS5PL     N0JT     SU0ERA     WA3HUP   YL80MR     YL2MR 
9G1YR      G4XTA    GB100EGL  GW0ANA   SU1ER      WA3HUP   YL80PQ     YL2PQ 
9H1PF      K5YG     GB100FI   GW0ANA   SU1JOTA    WA3HUP   YL80YN     YL2YN 
9J2BO      W6ORD    GB100LP   GW0ANA   SU1MR      WA3HUP   YM0I/P     UY5XE 
9K2/N6BFM  W8CNL    GB100SFL  GW0ANA   SU1RR      WA3HUP   YM75DS     WA3HUP
9K2QQ      KB2MS    GB4MDI    GW0ANA   SU1SR      WA3HUP   ZD8JF      GW0ANA
9K2ZZ      W8CNL    GB5FI     GW0ANA   SU8LXR     WA3HUP   ZF2/W8GEX  W8GEX 
9M2RY      N4JR     GC4BRS    GW0ANA   SW8LTI     SV1ATV   ZF2GS      DL1DA 
9M2TD      JA4DPL   GC4BRS/M  GW0ANA   T2DX       W4WET    ZF2NT      N2AU  
9M2TO      JA0DMV   GI3MUS    K1WY     T32IW      DJ5IW    ZF2UH      KA5BR 
9M6HX      DJ9HX    GI6YM     K1WY     T32O       WC5P     ZK19HX     DJ9HX 
9M6JU      JA1RJU   GJ0WFH    G0WFH    T32VU      DJ5IW    ZK2XH      DJ9HX 
9N7RW      G4ERW    GU6UW     G3XTT    T88HN      JF1VXB   ZL8RS      ZL1RS 
9N7SON     W4SON    GW7K      GW0ANA   T92T       9A6BSZ   ZP5/KE9NA  KE9NA 
9Q2L       PA3DMH   GW8K      GW0ANA   T94B       N9JR     ZS75SIG    ZS5BBO
9R1A       PA3DMH   H44YC     AA5BT    T94DO      DL1FDV   ZW2Z       PY2ZI 
9V8ZB      JL3WSL   HA/N9NC   OM2SA    T94J       T94JA    ZX0Z       PY1LVF
9X/G4HCL   G4HCL    HF0POL    SP3BGD   T95A       K2PF     ZX1Z       PY1LVF

3W6LI   Trinh Hau, P.O.Box 76, Sai Gon Central Post Office, Ho Chih Minh City
6K5RFO  Young Ha Kim, #589-5, Shinmae-dong, Susung-gu, Taegu 706-170, Korea
7K4STV  Suehiro Osada, 8-4-14-803 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-city, Tokyo 181-0013,
7P8AL   Mike Shutts, P.O.Box 1459, Maseru 100, Lesotho
7P8HH   Horst Huhnlein, P.O.Box 1172, Maseru 100, Lesotho
8R1Z    Len, P.O.Box 12111, Georgetown, Guyana
9H3AY   Jeff Bottom, 48 Chesterton Avenue, Harpenden, Herts AL5 5SU, England
9M2IY   I.Yoshioka, Kamaya Electric (M) S/B, Plot 9, Kinta FTZ, Jln. Kuala
        Kangsar, 31200 Chemor, Perak, Malaysia
9N1FP   Vladimir Zakharov, Kulakova 27/2 - 116, Stavropol 355044, Russia
A71A    QARS, P.O.Box 22122, Doha, Qatar
A92FG   Jean-Jacques, P.O.Box 2669, Doha, Qatar
BD4EG   Zheng Feng, P.O.Box 122-001, Shanghai 200122, China
BD4ER   Kent, P.O.Box 122-001, Shanghai 200122, China
BG5WJC  Cao Jian-Jun, P.O.Box 321, Qingliu, Fujian 365300, China
BI4Q    Jiang Su DX Club, P.O.Box 538, Nanjing 210005, China
BV2/N2IT Louis Dvorsky, 169 Min-Sheng E.Road, Sec.5, 10-2 F, Taipei, Taiwan
CN23AMV P.O.Box 299, Rabat, Morocco
DJ2BW   Hermann Samson, Tannenweg 2, D-54317 Osburg, Germany
DS1GQS  Pilman Kim, #501-1209 Chamsil APT 27, Chamsil-dong, Songpa-Ku,
        Seoul 138-225, South Korea
DS2AXU  Sang Yong Yun, P.O.Box 80, Pyong Taek 450-600, South Korea
DS2KKM  Kim Chul-Jin, P.O.Box 340, Nam-Inchon P.O, Nam-Dong-Gu, Inchon, Korea
DS2KUI  Jangam Jukong, 204-1501, Jangam-dong, Uijongbu 480-030, South Korea
DS4NKA  Lee Hi Mun, Samik APT 605, Samchun Dong 1 Ga, Wansan Gu, Chonju,
        Chonbuk 560-291, South Korea
DS4NKB  Lee Mi Ho, Samik APT 605, Samchun Dong 1 Ga, Wansan Gu, Chonju,
        Chonbuk 560-291, South Korea
DS4NKC  Lee Sung No, Samik APT 605, Samchun Dong 1 Ga, Wansan Gu, Chonju,
        Chonbuk 560-291, Soutg Korea
DS4NMZ  Lee Young No, Samik APT 605, Samchun Dong 1 Ga, Wansan Gu, Chonju,
        Chonbuk 560-291, South Korea
DS5SME  Shin Sang Jae, P.O.Box 21, Dalseogu 704-600, South Korea
DS5TXN  Kim Dae Sik, 301 Jogyo-Dong, Youngchun, Kyungbuk 770-120, Sputh Korea
DS5WSA  Jong Jik Jeong, P.O.Box 4, Ponghwa 755-800, South Korea
DU1ELT  Tasmi G.Datumanong, CPO Box 2167, Quezon City 1161, Philippines
DU1LER  Jose S.Torres, Jr., P.O.Box 460 QP, Cainta, Rizal 1900, Philippines
EP3PTT  Mohammed, P.O.Box 4415, Tehran 15875, Islamic Republic of Iran
ET3AA   Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society, P.O.Box 60258, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
F5SPW   Daniel Libert, 33 rue Honore Lespilette, F-59330 Neufmesnil, France
G3VMW   Steve Wilson, 3 Crag Gardens, Bramham, Wetherby, W. Yorks, LS23 6RP,
G3ZEM   Bob Henderson, Whitwell House, Whitwell-on-the-Hill, North Yorkshire,
        YO6 7JJ, England
G4BWP   Fred Handscomb, Sandholm, Bridge End Road, Red Lodge, Bury St.
        Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 8LQ, England
G4FAM   Cris Henderson, Bellapais, Kelsey Lane, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3NF,
G4ZVJ   Andy Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1UA,
GM3YTS  Robert Ferguson, 24 Braemar Avenue, Dunblane, Perthshire, FK15 9ED,
GM4FDM  Tom Wylie, 3 Kings Crescent, Elderslie, Renfrewshire,PA5 9AD,Scotland
HA5YPP  P.O.Box 1157, H-1245 Budapest, Hungary
HL1MSE  In Kol Yu, Shibum APT 16-23, 50, Yoido-Dong, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul
        150-010,South  Korea
HL1MSF  Woo Jeong Nam, Shibum APT 16-23, 50, Yoido-Dong, Youngdeungpo-ku,
        Seoul 150-010, South Korea
HL2IGU  Ahn Kwang Phil, 526-2 Gan Seok Dong, Nam Dong Gu, Inchon 405-230,
        South Korea
HL5AEX  Bak, P.O.Box 97, Kyongju 780-600, South Korea
HL5FOP  Ray, P.O.Box 97, Kyongju 780-600, South Korea
HS1AQX  Samattachai Chirapiriyakul, P.O.Box 97, Lampang 52000, Thailand
HS1OVH  Malinee Chantrasmi, P.O.Box 195, Samsennai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
HS6NDK  Sonthaya Phanthanyakit, 201/1 M. 3 Nakhon Derd, Srinakorn District,
        Sukhothai 64180, Thailand
S DX@WW $425WW394F
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  21 November 1998                 No 394                   BID: $425WW394F
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                         ***** QSL INFO  [3/3] *****

IK2DUV  Giorgio Tosi, P.O.Box 83, I-21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy
J28JJ   Jean-Jacques, P.O.Box 2669, Doha, Qatar
J73CB   Clayton, P.O.Box 2134, Roseau, Dominica
JA0SC   Hirotada Yoshiike, 722-1 Shiba Matsushiro-Cyo, Nagano-City, 381-1214,
JA6UBK  Kouichi Ohba, 103 Daitoh Blg., 308 Yakuin, 2-4-5 Chuou Ku, Fukuoka
        City, 810-0022, Japan
JD1BIA  Hiroshi Takubo, 3 Mikazukisou, Nishimachi, Chichijima, Ogasawara,
        Tokyo 100-21, Japan
JL1KFR  Ryoichi Tojo, #1-102, 5-37 Miyazaki 2 Chome, Cyuo-Ku, Chiba, 260-0806
JL3WSL  Akiomi Naito, 31-500-5 Hikita, Nara-City 631-0843, Japan
JM1LJS  Hideyuki Kai, 4-22-15, Takata-Cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-City 223-0063,
JQ1USM  Hiroyuki Tobata, 2-31-54-3 Jindaiji, Mitaka-city, Tokyo 181-0016,
K1WY    K1WY DX Association, P.O.Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644, U.S.A.
K4JDJ   James L.Young, 556 Babbtown Road, Suffolk, VA-23434, U.S.A.
K5VT    Vince Thompson, 5227 East Osborn Road, Phoenix, AZ-85018, U.S.A.
KC7V    Mike Fulcher, 6545 East Montgomery Road, Cave Creek, AZ-85331, U.S.A.
KY7M    Lee Finkel, 1011 W.Las Palmaritas Drive, Phoenix, AZ-85021, U.S.A.
LA2KD   Annar E.B.Kjernsvik, Holmlia Sentervei 33, N-1255 Oslo, Norway
OM2SA   Juraj Sipos, 930 13 Trhova Hradska 550, okr.Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
PR7AR   Irapuan de Sousa, P.O.Box 60, Guarabira, Paraiba, 58200-970, Brazil
PT2AW   Paulo Cesar G.Milito, SHIS QI15 - Chacara 62, 71600-800 Brasilia
        (DF), Brazil
PY1MF   Mark, P.O.Box 4664, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 20001-970 Brazil
PZ1DR   R.Dawson, M.D., P.O.Box 396, Paramaribo, Suriname
RU3AA   Konstantin K.Khatchaturov, P.O.Box 1, Moscow 117588, Russia
RW1AI   Mike Fokin, P.O.Box 2, St.Petersburg, 195009, Russia
RW9QA   Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia
SV1EEN  Alex Manouropoulos, 31 Zodohou Pigis Str., GR-162 33 Vironas, Greece
TA2D    Ahmet Kaynak, P.O.Box 27, Kdz. Eregli, Turkey
TG9AOC  P.O.Box 24, Guatemala City, Guatemala
UA2FB   Dmitri Gorshkov, P.O.Box 72, Kaliningrad 236000, Russia
UA9YAB  Alex Vedernikov, P.O.Box 120 Biysk, Altajskij kraj 659300, Russia
UK0A    Fedor Petrov, P.O.Box 58, Tashkent, 700000, Uzbekistan
UT7ND   Gene Chumakov, P.O.Box 5235, Vinnitsa, 286018, Ukraine
UY5XE   George Chlijanc, P.O.Box 19, Lviv, 290000, Ukraine
V51AE   Andre Esterhuyse, P.O.Box 85, Koes 9000, Namibia
V5/DL7UFS Frank, P.O.Box 441 Swakopmund, Namibia
V63KU   Sam, P.O.Box 1679, Truk, Micronesia
VE1JS   John Scott, General Delivery, Sandy Cove, NS, B0V 1E0, Canada
VE3FU   Chris Allingham, 19 Westcliffe Road, Nepean, Ontario, K2H 7X3,Canada
VE6VK   Russ Wilson, 1235 Richland Road N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E 5M5, Canada
VK2ICV  Nick Hacko, P.O.Box 730, Parramatta, NSW 2124, Australia
VP6TC   Tom Christian, P.O.Box 1, Pitcairn Island
VR2PM   Koo Sze-Kwong, P.O.Box 84445, Hung Hom Bay Post Office, Hong Kong,
VU3PMU  P.M.Joshi, 49 Durga Nagar, Old Padra Road, Baroda 390 020, India
W3KT    Frank DeNuzzo, 5905 NW 132nd Street, Gainesville, FL-32653, U.S.A.
W3UR    Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD-21738, U.S.A.
W5RRR   NASA Johnson Space Center, via Amateur Radio Club, Houston, TX-77058,
W8CNL   Raymond McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, N.Augusta, SC 29841-4319, U.S.A.
YB2EMK  Arnold A.Pandelaki, Singosari III/14, Semarang 50241, Indonesia
YB4FIK  Chairul M.Saad, Jl.Mat Yasin No. 16, Tanjung Pandan, Belitung 33416,
YC0GJS  Gjellani Joostman Sutama, P.O.Box 6122 JKPMT, Jakarta 10310,Indonesia
YC4DAK  Hasan Iskandar, Jl.Sri Soedewi No.40, Telanaipura, Jambi 36122,
YC5TML  Erizal M.Isa, P.O.Box 154, Batam Island 29400, Indonesia
YC5YCT  Usman Ma, P.O.Box 154, Batam Island, Indonesia
YC8NLF  Yohana E.George, P.O.Box 1068, Palu 94001, Indonesia
YC9BAS  Nyoman Dodi Irianto, SPd, P.O.Box 250, Singaraja 81100, Indonesia
SP3SUN  Piotr Miranski, Ul.Rydza Smiglego 27/5, 65-610 Zielona Gora, Poland
W1ZT    George Johnson, 30 Washington Street, Beverly, MA-01915, U.S.A.
WH0V    Jun Mercado, P.O.Box 1941, Saipan, MP 96950-1941, U.S.A.
YB0ZDD  Club Station ORARI Lokal Pasar Minggu, P.O.Box 6512/JKSDW, Jakarta
        12065, Indonesia
YC9LQA  L.C.Salean, Jln.Niaga 71, Larantuka, 86216 Flores Timur, Indonesia
Z21KQ   P.O.Box 2377, Harare, Zimbabwe
ZL2IR   Norm, 2 Meldrum Street, Naenae, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
ZP6HW   Raul Domingo Bogado Bernal, P.O.Box 1055, Luque, Paraguay
ZS8BXN  Dave Stols, P.O.Box 5242, Middelburg 1050, South Africa

            425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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