DX425 bulletin issue nr. 393

S DX@WW $425WW393A
425 DX News #393 [1/6]
 14 November 1998                  No 393                   BID: $425WW393A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                        <<< 425 DX NEWS WEB SITE  >>>

The site has been entirely restyled  and now it can be found  at the new  URL 
                 ********   http://www.425dxn.org   ********
There are  two  separate mailing  lists  for automatic  subscribtion  to  the
bulletin in its two versions (English and Italian).

3B9    - Frank Smith,  AH0W  says  the  Midway  Kure  DX  Foundation  (MKDXF)
         multi-national DXpedition to Rodriguez Island (AF-017) [425DXN  387]
         is now scheduled to start on  25 March 1999. Four complete  stations
         will be active on 10-160 metres. QSL via N7LVD. [TNX The Daily DX]
6Y     - AF7Y, AG9A, K2KW, K7CO, KE7X, N6BT,  N6BV, N6TV, W4SO and W9QA  will
         participate  (Multi-Multi)  in  the  CQ  WW  CW  DX  Contest  (28-29
         November) as 6Y2A  (QSL via WA4WTG)  from Jamaica (NA-097).  Outside
         the contest, between 21 November and  1 December, they will  operate
         home calls/6Y5 on 160-6 metres with  an emphasis on WARC, SSB and  6
         metres. [TNX K2KW]
5V     - Vodoo Contest Group members  G3ZEM, G4ZVJ and  G3VMW (see 9G  below)
         will be  active respectively  as 5V7ZM,  5V7VJ and  5V7SW from  Togo
         before and after the CQ WW CW DX Contest. QSL via home calls. During
         the contest they will be signing  5V7A [425DXN 383]. [TNX The  Daily
8P     - John, K4BAI will be active (with an  emphasis on 12, 17, 30 and  160
         metres) as 8P9HT from  Barbados (NA-021) between  24 November and  1
         December. He will participate in the  CQ WW CW  DX Contest as  8P9Z.
         QSL via K4BAI. [TNX The Daily DX]
9G     - Vodoo Contest Group members  G3ZEM, G4ZVJ and  G3VMW will be  active
         respectively as 9G5ZM, 9G5VJ and 9G5SW from Ghana between 19 and  21
         November and again  between 1 and  6 December. QSL  via home  calls.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
9M2    - Dick, 9M2RY/N4ISV  will be  leaving West  Malaysia in  December  and
         return to the United States. QSL via N4JR. [TNX DX News Sheet]
A2     - Charlie, W0YG plans to be active (10-40 metres, WARC bands included)
         as A22/W0YG  from Botswana  for a  couple of  weeks starting  on  15
         November. QSL via W0YG. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
C6     - Dick, N4RP will be active (on all bands, mostly CW) as C6A/N4RP from
         Bimini (NA-048)  between 20  November and  2 December.  He plans  to
         participate in the CQ WW CW  DX Contest (low power, all bands).  QSL
         via N4RP either direct (Dick Phelps, 2805 Casita Way, Apartment 115,
         Delray Beach, FL 33415, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX KN4T]
CN     - Ben, DL6FBL will be active as  CN8WW from Morocco between 25 and  29
         November. He will participate in the CQ WW CW DX Contest (SOAB)  and
         concentrate on WARC bands  before the contest.  QSL via DL6FBL  (Ben
         will confirm  all the  contacts automatically  through the  bureau).
         [TNX DL6FBL]
E3     - Personal calls issued to the Space  A DX Group operators in  Eritrea
         include E30BA (QSL via DJ9ZB), E30CA  (QSL via NF6S),E30DA (QSL  via
         I8NHJ), E30EA (QSL via EA8AFJ), E30FA (QSL via N5VL), E30GA  (issued
         to KO4RR, QSL via K4JDJ: James L. Young, 556 Babbtown Road, Suffolk,
         VA 23434, USA), E30IA (YL, QSL via IV3FSG), E30JA (QSL via  WD4NGB).
         Several operators had to go  home and Franz,  DJ9ZB and Vance,  N5VL
         were not able to  go and operate  from Dahlak Archipelago  (AF-038).
         [TNX F6HIZ and I8NHJ]
         participate in the CQ WW CW DX  Contest as EA6IB from the island  of
         Ibiza. QSL via EA3KU (Fernando Martinez,  P.O. Box 69, L'Ametlla  de
         Mar, 43860 Tarragona, Spain). [TNX EA3KU]
F      - Dominique, F5SJB will be active again  as TM5CW between 27  November
         and 7 December,  CQ WW CW  DX Contest included.  [TNX F6AJA and  Les
         Nouvelles DX]
F      - Special event station TM8UN will be activated by the French national
         association for  the  disabled (ANRAH)  between  28 November  and  6
         December. QSL via F5HWB either direct (Jean-Yves Mulot, La  Frecher,
         F-50140 Mortain, France) or through the bureau. [TNX F5HWB]
GU     - Don, G3XTT will  participate in the  CQ WW  CW DX  Contest as  GU6UW
         (SOAB) from the Guernsey Amateur Radio Society station. He does  not
         anticipate any activity  outside the contest,  other than a  minimal
         amount of  testing. QSL  via G3XTT  either  direct (Don  Field,  105
         Shiplake Bottom, Peppard Common, Henley on Thames, RG9 5HJ, England)
         or through the bureau. [TNX G3XTT]
S DX@WW $425WW393B
425 DX News #393 [2/6]
 14 November 1998                  No 393                   BID: $425WW393B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

JA     - Suehiro, 7K4STV plans to be /1 from Jyogashima Island (AS-117) on 13
         or 14  November.  QSL  via  home  call  (Suehiro  Osada,  8-4-14-803
         Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-city, Tokyo 181-0013, Japan). [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - JI3DST/4 (7N3UXO/4)  plans to  be active  from Ookunoshima  (AS-117)
         between 6 UTC  on 21  November and  1 UTC  on 23  November. QSL  via
         JI3DST either direct (Takeshi Funaki, 2-18-26 Hannan-Cho,  Abeno-Ku,
         Osaka City,  Osaka  545-0021, Japan)  or  through the  bureau.  [TNX
JT     - South China Sea DX Team members  OH1RX, OH2BE, OH2BH and OH8PF  will
         team up with  local operators and  participate in  the CQ  WW CW  DX
         Contest as JT1A (Multi-Single). The visiting team will arrive on  26
         November and close down on 1 December. QSL via OH1RX. [TNX N4GN]
KH2    - Guam Contest  Club  members  JR7OMD/WI3O,  JH0USD  and  JR0BQD  will
         participate in the CQ WW CW  DX Contest as AH2R (Multi-Single)  from
         Guam (OC-026). QSL via JI3ERV. [TNX JI3ERV]
KH6    - Chad, WE9V will  be active (with  an emphasis on  the low bands)  as
         KH6/WE9V (QSL  via  home  call)  from  Hawaii  (OC-019)  between  18
         November and 3 December.  He will join  the KH7R Multi-Multi  effort
         during the CQ WW CW DX Contest. [TNX The Daily DX]
KH0    - Hirotada, JA0SC will  be active  as KH0/JA0SC  from Saipan  (OC-086)
         between 19 and 22 November. He plans to be mainly on SSTV, with some
         CW on 10-160 metres. QSL via JA0SC either direct (Hirotada Yoshiike,
         JA0SC, 722-1 shiba matsushiro-cyo,  Nagano-city, 381-1214 Japan)  or
         through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
LU     - LT0H is the contest call of Juan, LU3HY (ex-LU3HYS). Look for him to
         be active during the main RTTY and SSB contests. QSL via LU5HN. [TNX
ON     - Jean-Pierre, ON4BBA reports he will be active as ON50DST during  the
         WAE DX RTTY  Contest (14-15 November).  QSL via  ON4DST through  the
         bureau.[TNX ON4BBA]
OX     - Joergen, OZ8AE  has  been forced  to  cancel his  planned  trip  (11
         November-2 December) to Greenland [425DXN 385]. [TNX OZ8AE]
PY     - PR7FB, PR7PO, PY7HL, PY7XC  and PY7ZZ will  be active (80-6  metres,
         SSB and CW) from Itamaraca Island (SA-046, DIB-18) between 12 UTC on
         21 November and 12 UTC on 22 November. [TNX PY7XC]
SM     - Eric, SM1TDE/7S1BL will  active again (on  10-160 metres, mainly  on
         CW) from Gotland Island (EU-020) on 13-16 November and again between
         26 November and 15 January 1999. QSL via SM1TDE either direct  (Eric
         Wennstroem,  Vasagatan  9-324,  SE-172  67  Sundbyberg,  Sweden)  or
         through the bureau (please note that the 5180 QSOs made by 7S1BL  in
         1997 have all been confirmed automatically through the bureau). [TNX
T3     - Karl, DL1VU  [425DXN 391]  is currently  active as  T32VU from  East
         Kiribati. His future  plans include  an 11-day  operation from  West
         Kiribati as  T30CT,  followed by  Central  Kiribati (as  T31AF)  and
         Banaba (as T33VU). QSL via DJ5IW. [TNX The Daily DX]
V2     - David, G6QQ will be active  (mainly on 10-20  metres CW) as  V2/G6QQ
         from Antigua (NA-100) between  17 November and  2 December. QSL  via
         G6QQ. [TNX DX News Sheet]
VE     - Frank, VE2FCQ and Conrad, VE2ICM/VE2MA plan to be active as  VE2MA/p
         from four  new C.Is.A.  islands (Quebec  Province) on  14  November.
         Operations will start around 12 UTC  and end when all stations  have
         been worked. QSL via VE2ICM/VE2MA. [TNX VE2ICM]
VK     - Gabriele, I2VGW will be touring Australia between 11 November and  9
         December and  plans to  be QRV  from Kangaroo  (OC-139) and  Norfolk
         (OC-005) islands. QSL via home call. [TNX I2VGW]
VP5    - Vic, N4TO  will be  active as  VP5/N4TO (QSL  via N4TO)  between  20
         November and 1 December. He plans to participate in the CQ WW CW  DX
         Contest as VP5M (SOAB). [TNX DX News Sheet]
XU     - A multi-national team  (AH0W/OH2LVG, JF1IST,  JH1AJT, KH7U,  SM0AGD,
         SM0DJZ, VR2KF and  VR2MM) will  conduct a  special event  DXpedition
         from the ancient temple city of Angkor Wat in the Siem Reap province
         of Cambodia. Look for XU1A to be active on 160-6 metres (CW, SSB and
         RTTY) between 26 November  and 4 December.  The operation will  take
         place  in  conjunction  with  the  Angkor  Wat  International   Half
         Marathon, all in an effort to  raise donations to assist  Cambodia's
         victims  of  landmine  accidents.  Radio  amateurs  are  invited  to
         participate in  this international  humanitarian effort  with  their
         donations, large and small, which can  be forwarded via JH1AJT.  QSL
         via JH1AJT. [TNX AH0W/OH2LVG and KF2TI
XX9    - Pertti, OH2PM will participate in the  CQ WW CW DX Contest from  the
         famous XX9X  station  (SOAB). Look  for  warm-up activity  from  XX9
         starting on 21-22 November. QSL via OH2PM. [TNX N4GN]
ZF     - Joe, W8GEX will  be active (on  6-40 metres SSB)  as ZF2/W8GEX  from
         Grand Cayman Island  (NA-016) between 24  and 29  November. QSL  via
         W8GEX. [TNX W8GEX]
ZL9    - ZM2K Kiwi Contest Team member Murray, ZL1CN has joined the  Kermadec
         DX Association's  DXpedition  to Campbell  Island  (OC-037)  [425DXN
         383]. The 12-member team will depart  New Zealand on 1 January  1999
         and arrive to Campbell on the  6th. ZL9CI will  remain QRV until  25
         January.  The  equipment  will  include  12  transceivers,   several
         amplifiers, a wide range of antennas, nine laptops, five  generators
         plus satellite, SSTV and RTTY equipment and multi-mode  controllers.
         It is possible  that up to  six stations may  be active  at any  one
         time. Extensive  propagation  forecasting is  being  done  and  this
         together with information from strategically located pilot  stations
         should be of  great assistance.  The following  Pilot Stations  have
         been appointed: Ron  Lago, AC7DX  (West Coast  USA); Don  Greenbaum,
         N1DG (East  Coast USA);  Rob Cummings,  GI0KOW (Europe);  Joe  Aoki,
         JJ3PRT (Japan);  Bob Sutton,  ZL1RS (Oceania).  Donations are  still
         required to finance this major effort: contributions can be sent  to
         either  The  Kermadec   DX  Association,  P.O.   Box  56099,   Tawa,
         Wellington, New Zealand or The Kermadec DX Association (Europe), 167
         St. James's Road, Greenhills, Dublin 12, Ireland. All donations will
         be receipted and in the  event of the  DXpedition not proceeding  be
         returned. [TNX ZL2AL]
S DX@WW $425WW393C
425 DX News #393 [3/6]
 14 November 1998                  No 393                   BID: $425WW393C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

14.265 MHz ---> DXers should note that the FCC has declared a  communications
emergency to support the  Honduras disaster relief  effort. Under the  order,
which was isssued  on 10  November, amateur  radio stations  are required  to
refrain from using 14.265 MHz (+/- 3 kHz) unless they are taking part in  the
handling of emergency traffic.

BHUTAN --->  Jim Smith,  VK9NS, who  was planning  to go  to Bhutan  in  late
October/early November, reports  he has "reluctantly  decided to postpone  my
planned travel for  the time being  for several  reasons. We  have had  major
problems on Norfolk in the last  two weeks involving air  travel to and  from
the island. (...) There will be some disappointment at this decision  however
as you  are  aware this  planned  visit to  MOC  was not  intended  to  be  a
DXpedition but  rather a  means  of getting  things  organized for  the  near
future. (...) We will return to  Bhutan as soon as it is  practical to do  so
and when I can travel to Bangkok more easily". [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

D68BW ---> Hermann, DJ2BW logged 8252  QSOs on the nine  HF bands during  his
recent operation as D68BW from Comoro Islands (AF-007). QSL via DJ2BW  either
direct (Hermann Samson, Tannenweg  2, 54317 Osburg,  Germany) or through  the

QSL CX5C ---> Jorge, CX6VM reports he is not the QSL manager for CX5C [425DXN
392]. This could have been "a miscopy of my callsign during the contest or  a
pirate", as Jorge's contest call is  CX5X (QSL via  W3HNK). We apologize  for
any inconvenience this may have caused our readers.

QSL KH0AS ---> Jim Sladek, WB4UBD is  the *new* QSL manager for Mike,  KH0AS.
Those who have  not received their  direct cards  should not  resend at  this
time, as Jim expects to have the backlog in the mail by mid-November.  Please
note that if you have submitted cards  to Mike via bureau, he probably  never
received  them, as there is no Incoming Bureau for KH0. [TNX WB4UBD]

QSL TG9IGI ---> The *new* QSL manager (direct and bureau) for Germano, TG9IGI
is Mario Ambrosi, I2MQP. Germano is reported to be preparing his station  for
RTTY activity. [TNX IK2NCJ]

QSL UU5J --->  Amateurs from Japan  only can send  their requests to  JA6UBK,
whose correct address is: Kouichi  Ohba, 103 Daitoh  Blg., 308 Yakuin,  2-4-5
Chuou Ku, Fukuoka City, 810-0022, Japan. [TNX UU2JQ]

QSL MANAGER NEEDED ---> The Crimean Contest Club (UU5J) is looking for a  QSL
manager in  the US  who can  print and  handle bureau  and direct  cards  for
contacts made with stateside amateurs. Please get in touch with Rusty,  UU2JQ
at nik@expl.cris.net

QSL NOT VIA KI4RU ---> Bob, KI4RU has been shown as the QSL route for several
stations (namely 4J1GC,  YU2WV/5N0, AA5K/NH0, P29KH,  S52DV, V29YS,  V420KAO,
VK5BWR, YU2WV), but he is  *NOT* and has  *NEVER* been a  manager for any  DX
stations. [TNX KI4RU]

QSL VIA K1WY ---> In an effort to speed up QSL returns and to reduce the cost
of QSLling, the K1WY DX Association  (P.O.Box 2644, Hartford, CT  06146-2644,
USA) now has  an office in  Europe:. The K1WY  DX Association,  P.O. Box  90,
Eeklo 9900, Belgium. Stations managed by  the Association are: 5R8ET,  ET3BT,

QSL VIA VE1JS  ---> Those who  worked VE1JS or  VE1YDX (NA-127)  in any  IOTA
contest should note  that John's  *new* direct  QSL address  is: John  Scott,
General Delivery, Sandy Cove, NS, Canada B0V 1E0. [TNX VE1JS]

QSL VIA W3HC ---> Mac, W3HC  reminds that amateurs sending multiple cards  in
one envelope with one SASE should be patient  and wait until he gets all  the
QSLs from the printer: "One person sent six cards", Mac reports, "and I  have
all but one so he must wait until that one card is printed". Mac ha  recently
added a "Photo Album" to his web site at www.qsl.net/w3hc

QSL VIA WA3HUP ---> Mary Ann Crider, WA3HUP (2485 Lewisberry Rd, York  Haven,
PA 17370, USA)  is the new  QSL manager  for Ezzat,  SU1ER (SU1JOTA,  SU0ERA,
SU8LXR). [TNX The Daily DX]

RUSSIAN ROBINSON CLUB (AWARDS) ---> The Russian Robinson Club (RRC)  sponsors
the following awards:  RABA (Russian  Antarctic Bases  Award), RASA  (Russian
Arctic Stations  Award), RRA  (Russian Robinson  Award, the  Russian  islands
national award programme), RMMA (Russian Maritime  Mobile Award), FJL  (Franz
Josef Land),  W-RR-A  (Worked RRC  members  Award). For  further  information
please contact RU3DX (Eugene Pletnev, P.O.Box 33, Moscow, 109240, Russia), or
RW3GW (Valery Sushkov, P.O.Box  3, Lipetsk, 398000,  Russia) or DL6ZFG  (Rolf
Rahne, P.O.Box 15, D-39241, Gommern, Germany). [TNX RW3GW]

RUSSIAN ROBINSON CLUB  (QSL) ---> Valery,  RW3GW reports that  cards for  the
following stations  can be  sent  to RRC  QSL  Service, P.O.Box  3,  Lipetsk,
398000, Russia:  4K3GW (EU-161),  4K3WQ (EU-162),  4K3/RW3GW (EU-082),  4K4DV
(AS-029), 4K1RRC, 4K2RRC (EU-019), 4K3RRC  (EU-082), 4K4RRC (AS-005),  4K5RRC
(AS-025),  R1FJV  (EU-019),  R3AA/9  (AS-109),  RZ3AZO/1  (EU-162),   RW3GW/0
(AS-005, AS-121), RV3GW/1 (EU-161).

ST. PETER & ST. PAUL ROCKS 1999 ---> JA4MRL will be joining PT7AA, PS7KM  and
WX5L in the March 1999 DXpedition  to St. Peter and  St. Paul Rocks  (SA-014)
[425DXN 387]. They plan to operate as ZY0SP (on SSB and RTTY, QSL via  PS7KM)
and ZY0SZ (on CW, QSL via PT7AA) on all bands for 12-14 days, 24 hours a day,
with an emphasis on RTYY and 160, 80, 40 and 6 metres. This DXpedition, which
is organized by the Natal DX Group, is likely  to be the last chance to  work
this DXCC entity and IOTA group for many years to come, as the Brazilian Navy
and the Brazilian  Institute for the  Environment are going  to restrict  the
access to the  islands. The total  budget for  the DXpedition  is around  US$
11,000: contributions from the  DX community will  be highly appreciated  and
can be sent to either PS7KM, WX5L or JA4MRL. [TNX PS7KM]
S DX@WW $425WW393D
425 DX News #393 [4/6]
 14 November 1998                  No 393                   BID: $425WW393D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

THE DAILY DX SEARCH PAGE ---> Bernie  McLenny, W3UR, editor of The Daily  DX,
reports a searchable database is now up and running at http://www.dailydx.com
This feature is available to  all and includes  past issue between  November,
1997 and September, 1998. The  March, 1997 through  October, 1997 issues  and
special bulletins will be uploaded within  a few days' time. The search  page
will always be 6 to 8 weeks behind. Plans are to eventually have a searchable
database for all past issues, with a password, for subscribers.

TJ2RSF ---> Spanish operators EA1QF, EA2CLU, EA4AHK, EA5PR, EA5XX, EA8ADJ and
EA8NN (YL)  made  12.409  QSOs  from  Cameroon  during  their  recent  TJ2RSF
expedition. They operated from a catholic  mission where they intalled  seven
VHF stations for  emergency communications.  QSL via  EA4URE, the  HQ of  the
Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles, either direct (URE, P.O Box 220,  Madrid
28080, Spain) or through the bureau. [TNX EA5XX]

TRANSATLANTIC TEST 1998 ---> It is sponsored by Polski Zwiazek  Krokofalowcow
(PZK) and amateur radio journal "MK QTC" to commemorate the 75th  anniversary
of the first two-way transatlantic contact between Fred Schnell, 1MO and Leon
Deloy, 8AB  on  27 November  1923.  For further  information  please  contact
Sylwester Jarkiewicz, SP2FAP at sp2fap@elblag.kwp.gov.pl [TNX SP2FAP]

US POSTAL RATES ---> The postage rate from the US to the US will change  from
32 cents to 33 cents on 10 January 1999. This does not apply to DX  stations:
the US Postal system indicates  that they will  likely change rates  sometime
next year, but till that moment air mail remains at 60 cents.

V.I.P. ---> The Daily DX reports that "Emile Lahoud, OD5LE has recently  been
elected as the new President of Lebanon and will take office on 24  November.
Other famous heads of state include:  Prime Minister of Japan (Keizo  Obuchi,
JI1KIT), King Juan Carlos  of Spain (EA0JC),  President of Argentina  (Carlos
Menem, LU1SM), King Hussein Ibn Talal of Jordan (JY1), Sultan Qaboos Bin Said
of Oman (A41AA), King Bhumipol Adulyadej of Thailand (HS1A)".

WAU ---> The Worked All Ukraine Award is sponsored by "RadioAmator"  magazine
and is availabe to both  licenced amateurs and  SWL. For further  information
please contact the Award  Manager, UT4UM (Anatoly  Perevertaylo, P.O. Box  7,
Kiev 91, 253091, Ukarine) at ut4um@hotmail.com

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

ADXA:          The  Arkansas  DX  Association  has  moved   to  a  new   ISP:
BQ9P:          The web site for the  BQ9P DXpedition to  Pratas Island is  up
               and running at http://www.qsl.net/bq9p  - the operators  tried
               unsuccessfully to send the logs via  their immarsat phone.  As
               there is no other commercial phone  to the internet  available
               on the island, the logs will be posted after the DXpeditioners
               return. [TNX N1DG]
E30GA:         The logs are available at http://no4j.com/nfdxa/logs/e30ga.htm
EA AWARDS:     To those readers who have asked, the web sites for the Spanish
               islands, lighthouses  and  castles awards  can  be  found  at:
               www.arrakis.es/~ea5ol/die.htm (DIE),
               www.arrakis.es/~ea5ol/diei.htm (DIEI),
               www.arrakis.es/~ea5ol/fea.htm (Lighthouses),
               members.xoom.com/ea5mb/listado.htm (Castles).
FIELD CHASERS: Jon, SM3OJR reports that Field chasers have their place on the
               WWW at http://www.pobox.com/~field 
OKDXF:         The OK DX Foundation has a web site at http://www.okdxf.cz
ZL9CI:         The website for the Campbell 1999  ZL9CI DXpedition is up  and
               running at http://www.qsl.net/zl9ci/

QSL received via direct:  3B7CF, 3C1RV (AF-010), 3C5DX, 3DA0CA, 5A1A,  5R8FU,
7X2LS, 9K2GS,  9M6AAC, 9M0C,  9N1UD, 9Q5MRC,  9V1AG, A35FT,  A45XL  (AS-014),
FG5FC, FO0SUC (OC-152),  H76C, HC1MD/HC4, HS0/G3NOM,  IA5/I1BUP (IIA  LI-018,
035), IB0/I0YKN (IIA LT-013), IB0/IZ0CKJ (IIA  LT-012, 016), IC8/IZ8ANA  (IIA
NA-027), ID9/I2IAU  (IIA ME-009,  021, 023,  035), IF9/IK8WTM  (IIA  TP-010),
IJ7/IK7IMO (IIA  LE-035), IJ8/IZ8BXR  (IIA KR-002),  IL3/IK3ABY (IIA  VE-009,
068), IM0/I2CMA  (IIA  SS-013, 017),  IT9GAI/9  (IIA AG-006),  IT9YRE/9  (IIA
AG-006), JU60MTZ,  N2OO/KH9, N6VV/p  (NA-184), P3A,  S92AT, SU1SK,  SV2ASP/A,
T30RW,  T77M,  TL5A,  UK8GK,  V31MP  (NA-073),  V63RL/p  (OC-226),  VE2/F6ELE
(NA-084,  125,  176,  177),  VK3AJJ/p   (OC-196),  VP8CQS,  VQ9GB,   VR2SS/p,

QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service:  BA1DU, BV9O, C6AIE, C6A/N4RP (NA-048),

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425 DX News #393 [5/6]
 14 November 1998                  No 393                   BID: $425WW393E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  December   4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 385
till  mid Dec    5N3CPR: Nigeria * by SP5CPR                            391
till  15/11      9V8: Singapore * special prefix                        369
till  19/11      BQ9P: Pratas Island (AS-110) * multinational team      391
till  17/11      E3: Eritrea * by Space A DX Group (10 ops)             391
till  25/11      FH/TK5PB: Mayotte (AF-027 & DIFO islands)              381
till  22/11      HC5: Ecuador * by DL2YAK                               390
till  31/12      EU200A, EV200M & EW200M: special event stations        378
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  late Nov   HF0POL: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by SP3BGD           391
till  31/12      HS98AG: special event call                             389
till  25/11      JL1KFR/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  392
till  16/11      JY8ZW: Jordan * by K4ZW                                391
till  15/11      SN0SUL: special event station (Poland)                 392
till  ??         T32VU: East Kiribati * by DL1VU                        393
till  December   TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN             373
till  15/11      TM8OA: special event station (France)                  392
till  17/11      TY8A: Benin * by DJ6TF, DL7BO, DL7DF and DL7UFR        391
till  24/11      XT2HP: Burkina Faso * by JA1OEM                        389
till  Apr 99     ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
till  14/11      ZF2UH: Grand Cayman (NA-016) * by KE5BR                391
till  17/11      ZL8RS: Kermadec Is (OC-039) * by ZL1RS                 392
till  30/11      ZS75SIG: special event station                         389
11/11-09/12      VK: OC-139 and OC-005 * by I2VGW                       393
13/11-14/11      7K4STV/1: Jyogashima (AS-117)                          393
13/11-15/11      9V8SEA: special event station from Singapore (AS-019)  392
13/11-15/11      DL2RNS,DL2RVL,DL2VFR/P: Poel Island (EU-098)           392
13/11-16/11      SM1TDE/7S1BL: Gotland Island (EU-020)                  393
13/11-15/11      26th SEAnet Convention (Singapore)                     367
13/11-15/11      Japan International DX SSB Contest                     392
14/11-16/11      JI3DST/3 (7N3UXO/3): Awaji Island (AS-117)             390
14/11-15/11      ON50DST: Belgium * by ON4BBA                           393
14/11            VE2MA/p: C.Is.A. islands * by VE2FCQ and VE2ICM        393
14/11-15/11      OK DX Contest                                          ***
14/11-15/11      WAEDC RTTY Contest                                     ***
15/11-end Nov    A22/W0YG: Botswana                                     393
15/11-07/12      5R: Madagascar islands (AF-057) * by F6AOI,F6BFH,F9IE  391
15/11-05/12      D68WU: Comoro Islands (AF-007) * by F6HWU              391
17/11-24/11      FR/G3SWH/p: Reunion Island (AF-016)                    391
17/11-02/12      V2/G6QQ: Antigua (NA-100)                              393
18/11-03/12      KH6/WE9V: Hawaii (OC-019)                              393
19/11-21/11      9G5ZM, 9G5VJ, 9G5SW: Ghana * by G3ZEM, G4ZVJ, G3VMW    393
19/11-22/11      KH0/JA0SC: Saipan (OC-086)                             393
20/11-02/12      C6A/N4RP: Bimini (NA-048)                              393
20/11-04/12      GD4UOL: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by G4UOL                392
20/11-01/12      VP5/N4TO and VP5DX: Turks and Caicos                   393
21/11-01/12      6Y2A & 6Y5/home call: Jamaica * by US operators        393
21/11-23/11      JI3DST/4 (7N3UXO/4): Ookunoshima (AS-117)              393
21/11-22/11      PR7FB, PR7PO, PY7HL, PY7XC, PY7ZZ: SA-046              393
21/11-06/12      XZ1N: Myanmar * by Central Arizona DX Association      392
21/11-22/11      Contest INORC - CW                                     ***
22/11-01/12      VK9LX: Lord Howe * by VK2ICV, K6KM, N0TT, N4RU, NM7N   391
23/11-30/11      V31WF: Ambergris Cay (NA-073) by VE6PL                 387
24/11-01/12      8P9HT and 8P9Z: Barbados (NA-021) * by K4BAI           393
24/11-06/12      DL1HCM/HI8: Dominican Republic (NA-096)                392
24/11-29/11      ZF2/W8GEX: Grand Cayman Island (NA-016)                393
25/11-29/11      CN8WW: Morocco * by DL6FBL                             393
25/11-05/12      CP6/LU9AY and CP6AA: Bolivia * by LU9AY                391
25/11-04/12      HI3K and HI3JH: Dominican Republic (NA-096) * by AD4Z  391
26/11-01/12      JT1A: Mongolia * by SCSDXT                             393
26/11-15/01      SM1TDE/7S1BL: Gotland Island (EU-020)                  393
26/11-05/12      TU: Ivory Coast * by JA1OEM                            389
26/11-04/12      XU1A: Cambodia * JH1AJT and others                     393
27/11-23/12      FT5ZH: Amsterdam Isl (AF-002) * by F5PFP & F5SIH       389
27/11-07/12      TM5CW * special call (France) by F5SJB                 393
28/11-29/11      5V7A: Togo * by Voodoo Contest Group                   383
28/11-29/11      AH2R: Guam (OC-026) * by Guam Contest Club             393
28/11-29/11      EA6IB: Ibiza (EU-004) * by EAs                         393
28/11-29/11      GU6UW: Guernsey (EU-114) * by G3XTT                    393
28/11-06/12      TM8UN * special event station (France)                 393
28/11-29/11      XX9X: Macau * by OH2PM                                 393
28/11-29/11      CQWW DX CW Contest                                     ***
mid Nov          3W5FM: Vietnam * by UA0FM                              392
November         5N38: special prefix from Nigeria                      392
November         K3FBI: special event station                           392
Nov-Dec          N1V: Navassa (NA-098) * by K8RF and others             365
November         T30CT: West Kiribati * by DL1VU                        393
Nov-Dec          T31AF: Central Kiribati * by DL1VU                     393
01/12-06/12      9G5ZM, 9G5VJ, 9G5SW: Ghana * by G3ZEM, G4ZVJ, G3VMW    393
04/12-06/12      ARRL 160 Meters CW Contest                             ***
05/12-06/12      EA DX CW Contest                                       ***
05/12-06/12      TARA RTTY Contest                                      ***
05/12-06/12      TOPS Activity Contest 80 mt CW                         ***
08/12-17/12      T88II: Palau (OC-009), Belau * by KJ9I, NF9V and NZ9Z  387
12/12-13/12      ARRL 10 Meters Contest                                 ***
12/12-13/12      Italian Contest (40 & 80 meters)                       ***