DX425 bulletin issue nr. 391

S DX@WW $425WW391A
425 DX News #391 [1/6]
 31 October 1998                  No 391                   BID: $425WW391A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                            425 DX NEWS WEB SITE
The site has been entirely restyled  and now it can be found  at the new  URL 
                 ********   http://www.425dxn.org   ********
There are  two  separate mailing  lists  for automatic  subscribtion  to  the
bulletin in its two versions (English and Italian).

3W     - Coly, UA0FM will be active (on  10-160 metres, hopefully on WARC  as
         well) again as 3W5FW from Vietnam starting in mid-November. He plans
         to be on 160 metres (TX  1826 kHz, RX  3 up) at  14-15 UTC for  USA,
         19.30-20.30 UTC and 23 UTC for  Europe. Queries etc. can be sent  to
         Eugene, RA0FF (ra0ff@qsl.net). QSL to P.O. Box 66, Vladimir, 600011,
         Russia. [TNX RA0FF]
5N     - Bogdan,  SP5CPR  is  again  active  as  5N3CPR  from  Nigeria  until
         mid-December. QSL via SP5CPR (preferably  through the bureau).  [TNX
5R     - Andre (F6AOI), Alain (F6BFH), Bernard (F9IE) and their wives will be
         active from Madagascar between 15 November and 7 December. They plan
         to operate from  the islands of  Sainte Marie (AF-057)  and Nosy  Be
         (AF-057) on all bands CW and SSB. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
BV9P   - The DXpedition  to  Pratas  Island  (AS-110)  [425DXN  390]  is  now
         officially scheduled between 06.00 UTC on 12 November and 00.00  UTC
         on 19 November. The operators are BV2KI, BV2KS, BV2VA, BV4AS, BV4FH,
         BV4ME, BV4QA, BV7FC, JA1BK, KU9C, OH2BH and XE1CI (Nellie, the first
         YL to operate from Pratas) and  they will be active  as BQ9P on  all
         modes and bands. Look for them  (CW/SSB/RTTY) on 160  (1.885-1.905),
         80 (3.505-3.515/3.795/3.550), 40  (7.005/7.055/7.030), 30  (10.135),
         20     (14.055/14.195/14.080),      17      (18.085/18.125),      15
         (21.055/21.295/21.080),   12   (24.895/24.495)    and   10    metres
         (28.055/28.495/28.080). QSL via KU9C. Donations can  be sen to  Paul
         Pai, BV4FH (P.O. Box 163, Feng-Yuan City, 420 Taiwan, R.O.C.) or  to
         Chiang Hui-Yu  (Account No#  392-13-13826-06, Chinatrust  Commercial
         Bank  Feng-Yuan  Branch,  #341,  Chungshan  Road,  Feng-Yuan   city,
         Taichung Hsien, Taiwan R.O.C.). [TNX BV4AS]
CP     - Mats, LU9AY (ex  LU9AUY) will be  active (CW and  SSB, hopefully  on
         160-10 metres)  as CP6/LU9AY  (and CP6AA  in contest)  from  Bolivia
         between 25  November and  5 December.  QSL via  LU9AY either  direct
         (Matias Vanni, 670 Honorio Pueyrredon, 1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina:
         please note that CBA is no longer valid) or through the bureau. [TNX
D2     - Fernando, D2BB will be leaving Luanda,  Angola in mid-December.  QSL
         via W3HNK. "When  Fernando leaves this  semi-rare African  country",
         the Daily DX reports, "there will not be much going on as D2AI  left
         the country two  weeks ago for  Portugal, D2EV moved  to Sri  Lanka,
         D2CM is a  new licensee but  located on  an oil  platform, D2GG  and
         D3SAA are others but no news about them".
D6     - YL operator Denise, F6HWU will be active (mainly on CW and RTTY)  as
         D68WU from  Comoro  Islands  (AF-007)  between  15  November  and  5
         December. She will participate in the  CQ WW CW DX Contest. QSL  via
         F6HWU. [TNA F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
S DX@WW $425WW391B
425 DX News #391 [2/6]
 31 October 1998                  No 391                   BID: $425WW391B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

E3     - The Space A DX Group is  on track with the plans  for their trip  to
         Eritrea [425DXN 389]. With the added $500 dollars cost per  operator
         for the licence,  and the recent  activity from  Eritrea, they  have
         scaled down  to ten  operators: WD4NGB,  KO4RR, N5VL,  IV3FSG  (YL),
         I8NHJ, EA8AFJ, OK1TN, N9NS, NF6S and DJ9ZB. Operations are confirmed
         to take  place  from  (hopefully) 5  November  until  midday  on  17
         November. Individual callsigns will be issued upon arrival  starting
         at E30AA and up, but it  is hoped the operators  will be allowed  to
         use only one call (however  each operator may  be using his/her  own
         call for the last few hours: in this case QSL via home call).  Plans
         are to operate THREE stations, 24 hours a day, on 160-6 metres  (but
         probably not on  30 metres) SSB,  CW and  RTTY. QSL  to Indexa  (c/o
         K4JDJ, 556  Babbtown Rd.,  Suffolk, VA  33434, USA)  or through  the
         bureau via K4JPJ. Logs will be available at  http://qsl.net/eritrea,
         http://www.pagus.it/E31DX and http://members.xoom.com/eritrea_  [TNX
E3     - Zoli, E30HA is expected to go QRT on 8 November, but he might return
         to Eritrea just before the CQ  WW CW Contest.  QSL via HA5YPP  (P.O.
         Box 1157, H-1245 Budapest, Hungary). [TNX HA0DU]
FR     - Phil, G3SWH  will be  active (10-80  metres CW)  as FR/G3SWH/p  from
         Reunion Island (AF-016) between  17 and 24  November. QSL via  G3SWH
         either direct (Phil  Whitchurch, 21  Dickensons Grove,  Congresbury,
         Bristol, BS49  5HQ,  United Kingdom)  or  through the  bureau.  [TNX
FR     - Ten operators will  be active  (on 160-2  metres, CW,  SSB and  some
         RTTY) as TO150  (Tango Oscar One  Five Zero) from  Piton des  Neiges
         (3069 metres  ASL) on  Reunion Island  (AF-016)  between 18  and  20
         December. The special callsign is to celebrate the 150th anniversary
         of the  abolition of  slavery on  Reunion  (20 December  1848).  For
         further information  please  visit  http://www.oceanes.fr/pdn/  [TNX
         IK2RXV and FR5FC]
GJ     - Chris, G0WFH will be active (on all bands SSB) as GJ0UFH from Jersey
         (EU-013) between 4  and 11  November. QSL  via G0WFH.  [TNX DX  News
HA     - HA0HW, HA4XG,  HA6NL, HA6PQ,  HA6PX and  HA6ZV will  be active  from
         Triesenberg (1400  metres  ASL),  Liechtenstein  during  the  HA-QRP
         Contest between 00.00 UTC on 1 November and 07.00 UTC on 7 November.
         During their QRP activity they will  operate on 3511 kHz +/- QRM  as
         HB0/HA5RT/p (QSL via HA6NL), while they will use HB0/home call/p  on
         the other bands, mainly on CW and RTTY. [TNX KA6NL and HA0HW]
HI     - Julio, AD4Z will be active as  either HI3K and HI3JH from  Dominican
         Republic (NA-096) for eleven days starting on 25 November. He  plans
         to operate on all bands, with an  emphasis on 160 and 80 metres  CW,
         and to participate in the CQ WW  CW DX Contest. QSL via HI3JH.  [TNX
JA     - Hiro, JA4DND  might  be active  as  JA4DND/4  from  Oki  Archipelago
         (AS-041) between 31 October and 3 November. QSL via JA4DND. [TNX  DX
         News Sheet]
JW     - Tor, LA9XGA will  be active (160-10  metres, CW and  SSB) as  JW9XGA
         from Longyearbyen  (EU-026),  Svalbard  between  30  October  and  4
         November. QSL via LA9XGA. [TNX DX News Sheet]
JY     - Ken, K4ZW plans to be active as  JY8ZW from Jordan between 5 and  16
         November. He will concentrate on the  low bands, 80 and 160  metres,
         mainly on CW. [TNX The Daily DX]
LA     - Ben, OZ5AAH  (ex  OY5IPA,  OX3IPA,  TF/OZ5IPA)  will  be  active  as
         LA/OZ5IPA between 6 and 9 November  and will participate in the  IPA
         contest on 7-8 November.  QSL direct to  OZ5AAH (Preben Jakobsen,  9
         Knoldager, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark). [TNX OZ5AAH]
PY     - PY1MF/P might be active (on 10  and 20 metres  SSB) as PY1MF/P  from
         Grande Island (SA-029) during the weekend.  QSL via home call.  [TNX
S7     - Roger, KF8OY plans to be active (SSB with some CW) as S79OY from the
         Seychelles between 6 and 9 November. QSL direct to KF8OY. [TNX  OPDX
SM     - Nine operators from the DX-club SSRA (namely SM7AVZ, SM7BCX, SM7CQY,
         SM7DAY, SM7DDR, SM7DXQ, SM7EQL, SM7MPM and SM7NGH) will be active as
         SK7DX from Ven Island (EU-137) between  15 UTC on 6 November and  13
         UTC  on  8  November.  Two  stations  will  be  on  the  usual  IOTA
         frequencies 24  hours a  day. QSL  via  SM7DXQ either  direct  (Mats
         Freden, Klagerupsvagen 258. S-21232 Malmoe,  Sweden) or through  the
         bureau. [TNX SM7CQY]
SP_ssh - Stan, SP3BGD has been active  as HF0POL from  King George Island  in
         the South Shetlands (AN-010) since the beginning of the year [425DXN
         341] and will be leaving the island in early December. There will be
         no amateur radio operator active from this station in 1999. QSL  via
         SP3SUN either  direct  (Piotr Miranski,  ul.  Rydza  Smiglego  27/5,
         65-610 Zielona Gora, Poland) or through  the bureau. [TNX The  Daily
S DX@WW $425WW391C
425 DX News #391 [3/6]
 31 October 1998                  No 391                   BID: $425WW391C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

T3     - After leaving East Kiribati (see T32 below), Karl, DL1VU plans to be
         active as T31AF from Central Kiribati,  as T30CT from West  Kiribati
         and as T33VU from Banaba. [TNX The Daily DX]
T32    - Karl, DL1VU, and Gerhard, DJ5IW  expect to be  active as T32VU  (CW)
         and T32IW (SSB) from East Kiribati starting on 3 November. [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
TY     - Sigi, DL7DF and his crew  (DL7BO, DL7UFR and  DJ6TF) will be  active
         from Benin  between 4  and 17  November. They  plan to  operate  two
         complete stations  mainly on  CW, with  some SSB  and RTTY,  and  to
         concentrate on the low bands. QSL via DL7DF. [TNX DL7UFR]
VE     - Frank, VE2FCQ and  Conrad, VE2ICM/VE2MA  will be  active as  VE2MA/p
         from two new C.IS.A. islands in the Province of Quebec on 31 October
         starting around 12 UTC. The islands  are Ile du lac Pierre Paul  and
         Ile aux Grues (not to be confused with the previous Isle aux Grues).
         QSL direct to VE2ICM/VE2MA.
VK9_coc- Hide, JM1LJS will be active as  VK9CL from Cocos-Keeling between  26
         December and 2 January 1999. He plans to operate on 80-10 metres (CW
         and SSB with 400 watts and a dipole or ground plane). On 3/4 January
         he should be  active as VK6SJS  and VK6SJS/HRP from  the Hutt  River
         Province   (http://www.wps.com.au/hutriver/history.htm).   QSL   via
         JM1LJS,   whose   *new*   address   is   Hideyuki   Kai,    4-22-15,
         Takata-Higashi,  Kohoku-ku,  Yokohama-City  223-0063,  Japan.   [TNX
VK9_coc- George, W8UVZ and Charlie, W0YG have been issued the call VK9YY  for
         their 13-20  February  1999 operation  from  Cocos-Keeling  (OC-003)
         [425DXN 387]. Plans are to concentrate on the low and WARC bands and
         on RTTY.  QSL via  W0YG (Charlie  Summers, 6746  North Yucca  Trail,
         Parker, CO 80138-6110, USA). [TNX The Daily DX]
VK9_lh - Nick Hacko (VK2ICV), Bill Snider (K6KM), Charlie Hansen (N0TT),  Ray
         Smolenski (N4RU) and Mary Lou Brown  (NM7N) will be active as  VK9LX
         [425DXN 370]  from Lord  Howe (OC-004)  between  22 November  and  1
         December. They will participate in  the CQ WW  CW DX Contest  (28-29
         November) as Multi/Single working all HF bands except WARC.  Outside
         the contest they will be operating  two stations (CW, SSB and  RTTY)
         on all the HF bands, with an emphasis on the low and WARC bands. QSL
         via  VK2ICV  (Nick  Hacko,  P.O.  Box  730,  Parramatta,  NSW  2124,
         Australia).     Further     information     is     available      at
         http://qsl.net/vk9lx, while pre- and post-DXpedition e-mail messages
         can be sent to vk9lx@qsl.net [TNX NM7N]
VK9_xms- George, W8UVZ and Charlie, W0YG have been issued the call VK9XX  for
         their 6-13 February  1999 operation from  Christmas Island  (OC-002)
         [425DXN 387]. Plans are to concentrate on the low and WARC bands and
         on RTTY.  QSL via  W0YG (Charlie  Summers, 6746  North Yucca  Trail,
         Parker, CO 80138-6110, USA). [TNX The Daily DX]
YB     - YC8TXW and YC9YZ are reported to be planning an activity from Obi Is
         (OC-222) on 9-11 January 1999. [TNX I1WFF]
ZF     - Robert, KE5BR will be active again as ZF2UH (SSB and CW) from  Grand
         Cayman (NA-016)  between 7  and 14  November.  QSL via  KE5BR.  [TNX
ZL8    - Bob, ZL1RS will be active again as ZL8RS from the Kermadecs (OC-039)
         between 9 and  17 November. He  will operate in  his spare time  and
         plans are to concentrate on 17, 15,  12 and 10 metres SSB with  some
         slow CW on 30 metres. QSL  via ZL1RS (Robert Sutton, 109 Wright  Rd,
         RD2 Katikati,  New  Zealand). Pictures  from  Bob's  past  trip  are
         available at http://www.qsl.net/zl1rs [TNX ZL1RS]
S DX@WW $425WW391D
425 DX News #391 [4/6]
 31 October 1998                  No 391                   BID: $425WW391D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR  IS ---> Nat,  VU2NTA reports he  is "now making  another
attempt to try and obtain permission for VU4. The going is pretty tough, with
the government very unsupportive on  the matter". He  needs the support  from
the DX community and would like DXers to send him e-mail messages  indicating
their requests  for  activation of  Andaman  and Nicobar  Islands  by  INDIAN
AMATEURS (please note that "any requests to join the expedition by non Indian
hams will definitely make the expedition a non starter!"). Send your  message
to vu2nta@amsat.org and KYFC. [TNX W2FG and VU2NTA]

C.Is.A. ---> The Canadian islands activated by VE2MA/p on 17 October were Ile
St-Amour  (PQ-044),  Ile   St-Ignace  (PQ-045),  Ile   Madame  (PQ-046)   and
Ile-Aux-Ours (PQ-047). For further information on the Canadian Islands  Award
plese visit http://www.tir.com/~wd8mgq/index.html

D.I.C. ---> The Diploma delle Isole  Campane (Campania region Islands  Award)
is sponsored  by ARI  Pozzuoli. For  further information  please contact  the
Award Manager,  IK8UHA  at either  ik8uha@amsat.org  or  Sezione  ARI,  attn.
Antonio Barbato  (IK8UHA), P.O.  Box  1, 80078  Pozzuoli  - NA,  Italy.  [TNX

ISLAND RENAMED ---> Kiribati has officially  renamed Caroline Island as  part
of its promotional campaign approaching the  new millenium. It is now  called
Millennium Island.  The information  comes from  the Tourism  Council of  the
South Pacific (http://www.tcsp.com/)

NA-184 ---> Lew, N6VV and Dan, W7DR were on St. George Reef for only 23 hours
on 17-18 October  and logged 1187  QSOs in about  18 hours  of operation  ("I
would guess more than 50% of the QSOs  were with Europe", Lew says). QSL  via
N6VV (cards started going out on  21 October!). A  photo and some  historical
information   on   St.   George   Reef    Lighthouse,   are   available    at
http://members.aol.com/fairyfellr/stgeo.html: "after visiting the web  page",
N4VA says, "I feel a much stronger appreciation for Lew's efforts!" [TNX N4VA
and N6VV]

QSL 3B7RF ---> The latest  report (29 October)  from Switzerland states  that
26,100 QSOs have been confirmed so  far. All direct cards received before  25
October have been replied. If you  do not receive your  direct card within  a
couple of weeks, please contact HB9BXE at hb9bxe@pilatus.net before mailing a
second request. Bureau requests are  being processed as  well. QSL via  HB9RF
(Postfach 37, CH-6319 Allenwinden, Switzerland). [TNX HB9BGN]

QSL BD7JA & BI7W ---> Reports  mentioning F/HH2HM as QSL manager for  BD7JA/7
and BI7W  [425DXN 390]  are not  correct. Yang,  BD7JA  states he  has  never
authorized anyone  to handle  these QSL  chores. QSLs  go to  P.O. Box  1713,
510600  Gaungzhou,  People's  Republic  of  China.   We  apologize  for   any
inconvenience this may have caused Yang and our readers.

QSL EA9EA ---> Joe, W3HNK reports that due to a miscommunication he will  not
be handling the QSL chores for the  Ceuta Contest Club, EA9EA. Cards will  be
handled by EA9AZ. [TNX The Daily DX]

QSL EP2MM ---> Clyde, W5TQE has been  reported as being QSL manager for  this
station and he is receiving many requests for cards. "I have not operated  as
EP2MM for over 25 years", he  reports, "and I cannot  reply to EP2MM  cards".

QSL UA0IAS ---> It has been  reported that many people  were sending mail  to
the old callbook address for UA0IAS/0  at Box 500. Please  note that all  the
mail CURRENTLY at Box  500 will be  forwarded to the  correct address, so  it
will not be necessary for anybody to resubmit a QSL, but any mail coming into
Box 500  NOW  will NOT  be  forwarded. Vald's  current  address  is  Vladimir
Kolodkin, P.O.Box  11,  Palatka, 686110  Magadanskya,  Russia.  Reports  from
Russia also mentioned that there is a mail strike now, so anybody waiting for
mail should have patience. [TNX KB8O]

QSL YA1R --->  Roger, G3SXW reports  he is receiving  direct cards for  YA1R,
which was active earlier this month. Please note that this call was  actually
issued to Roger in 1970 (and at that time the QSL manager was G3TXF), but  he
has not been in Afghanistan since 1973. The QSL route given by the 1998  YA1R
is RW3LO.
S DX@WW $425WW391E
425 DX News #391 [5/6]
 31 October 1998                  No 391                   BID: $425WW391E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

QSL VIA AD4Z/HI3JH  ---> Julio reports  that cards for  CO2JD, CO2HR,  CO2MA,
CM8UB (but *not* CO2JA) are via  HI3JH, while cards for  HI8LUZ and HI4M  are
via AD4Z. Cards for CO2VG  and CM2VK can  be sent to  HI3JH, but please  note
that he is  not the  actual QSL  manager for  these stations  (he just  helps
forwarding the cards). [TNX AD4Z/HI3JH]

QSL VIA  UX1KA  ---> Roman,  UX1KA  still has  some  cards for  his  previous
operations as UA1OT, 4K2OT and 3W/4K2OT.  QSL to Roman A. Bratchyk, P.O.  Box
88, Kyiv 252191, Ukraine. [TNX UX1KA]

136 KHZ --->  Renato, IK1QFK  from Cumiana (Torino)  and Marco,  IK1ODO  from
Rivalta (Torino) are  the only two Italian stations currently  active  on 136
kHz. [TNX Radioincontro]
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

CQWW SSB 98:  QSL Routes for stations active during the contest are available
              at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj/cqssb98.htm [TNX EA5EYJ]
IOTA:         The web  page  for RA1QQ/1's  latest  operations  from  Russian
              Arctic  islands   (25-28   July   1998)   can   be   found   at
              www.geocities.com/pentagon/bunker/4755 [TNX RA1QHJ]

QSL received via direct:  3B7CF, 3C1RV (AF-010), 3C5DX, 3D2QB, 3W6EZD, 4S7CF,
5H3DD, 5R8FU, , 5R8FV, 5X1T, 5Z4RL,  6W1/N2WCQ, 7Q7CE, 9M6AAC, 9V8WW,  A61AJ,
A71EI, A41LZ,  A45XL  (AS-014), BA4TB,  BV5VG,  CP8XA, CY9AA,  D44BS,  ED5ICE
(OC-100),  H40AB  (OC-065),   H44DX,  HK0ER,   KA9KAI/HR2,  HS1CKC,   HS1GUW,
HS0/G3NOM, HS0/JA6GIJ,  IB0/IZ0IIA  (IIA LT-036),  IJ7/IK7IMO  (IIA  LE-035),
IJ8/IZ8BXR (IIA KR-002), IL3/IK3ABY (IIA VE-009, 068), J28DB, JW9THA,  JW0YL,
KH0S, KH0U,  N2OO/KH9, LA/DF8YO/p  (EU-062),  NH4/NH6YK, OH0BH,  OH0W,  S21J,
SV2ASP/A, TG9NX,  TL5A,  TL8CK, TP4CE,  TZ6DX,  V26B, V31CX,  V63KU,  V63RL/p
(OC-226), V73UX, VE2/F6ELE (NA-084, 125, 176, 177), VP8/G4VFU, VR98LC, XX9TR,
ZD9BV, ZY5YZ (SA-026).

QSL received via  WF5E DX QSL  Service:  BA1DU,  C6AIE, EW1MM, FM5DN,  UN7FK,

             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org 


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
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S DX@WW $425WW391F
425 DX News #391 [6/6]
 31 October 1998                  No 391                   BID: $425WW391F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  December   4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 385  
till  mid Dec    5N3CPR: Nigeria * by SP5CPR                            391 
till  08/11      5W0GD: Western Samoa (OC-097) * by PA3AXU              385 
till  04/11      8Q7IO & 8Q7IQ: Maldives (AS-013) * by DL7VRO & others  385
till  07/11      9N7RW: Nepal * by G4ERW                                386
till  15/11      9V8: Singapore * special prefix                        369
till  01/11      A4/G0BQV: Oman                                         389
till  31/10      CY0NR: Sable Island (NA-063) * by VE1NR                390  
till  07/11      D68BW: Comoros (AF-007) * by DJ2BW                     390
till  03/11      FS/N3OC: St. Martin (NA-105)                           390
till  22/11      HC5: Ecuador * by DL2YAK                               390
till  01/11      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Island (NA-057)                      389  
till  08/11      E30HA: Eritrea * by HA5PP                              391  
till  31/12      EU200A, EV200M & EW200M: special event stations        378
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  November   FW5XX: Futuna (OC-118) * by ON4QM                      385
till  late Nov   HF0POL: South Shetlands (AN-010) * by SP3BGD           391
till  01/11      DL1JDK,DL3ALF,DL4JAN,DL4JS,DK8YY/HI8: Dominican Rep.   389
till  31/12      HS98AG: special event call                             389  
till  02/11      PR2YL & PS2S: Comprida Isl (SA-024) * by PY YLs        383
till  07/11      S92YV & S92YN: Sao Tome (AF-023) * by HB9CYV & HB9CYN  387 
till  December   TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN             373
till  02/11      W2FXA/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005)                            387  
till  07/11      W98ITU: special event station (Minneapolis)            389   
till  24/11      XT2HP: Burkina Faso * by JA1OEM                        389 
till  14/11      XV: Vietnam * by K6SGD                                 387
till  Apr 99     ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
30/10-01/11      CX125J: special event stations (Uruguay)               390  
30/10-04/11      JW9XGA: Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard * by LA9XGA    391
30/10-30/11      ZS75SIG: special event station                         389
31/10-01/11      5J8IB: Bocagrande Island (NO-REF) * by HKs             389
31/10-03/11      JA4DND/4: Oki Archipelago (AS-041)                     391
31/10-01/11      PY1MF/P: Grande Island (SA-029)                        391   
31/10            VE2MA/p: C.Is.A. islands (Quebec)                      391
31/10-14/11      VK9XTL, VK9XQR: Christmas Island * by HB9TL, HB9QR     390
31/10-01/11      BARTG RTTY Sprint (Autumn)                             ***
01/11-07/11      HB0/HA0HW, HA4XG, HA6NL, PQ, PX, ZV: Liechtenstein     391
03/11-??         T32VU and T32IW: East Kiribati * by DL1VU and DJ5IW    391
04/11-17/11      TY: Benin * by DJ6TF, DL7BO, DL7DF and DL7UFR          391
04/11-11/11      GJ0UFH: Jersey (EU-013) * by G0WFH                     391
05/11-17/11      E3: Eritrea * by Space A DX Group (10 ops)             391 
05/11-16/11      JY8ZW: Jordan * by K4ZW                                391
06/11            HV5PUL: Vatican City                                   387 
06/11-08/11      SK7DX: Ven Island (EU-137) * by SM7s                   391
06/11-09/11      LA/OZ5IPA * by OZ5AAH                                  391
06/11-09/11      S79OY: Seychelles * by KF8OY                           391
06/11-08/11      SK7DX: Ven Island (EU-137) * by SM7s                   391 
07/11-08/11      JI3DST/3 (7N3UXO/3): Awaji Island (AS-117)             390
07/11-14/11      ZF2UH: Grand Cayman (NA-016) * by KE5BR                391
07/11-08/11      Ukrainian DX Contest                                   *** 
09/11-17/11      ZL8RS: Kermadec Is (OC-039) * by ZL1RS                 391
11/11-02/12      OX/OZ8AE: Greenland (NA-018)                           385
12/11-19/11      BQ9P: Pratas Island (AS-110) * multinational team      391
12/11-25/11      FH/TK5PB: Mayotte (AF-027 & DIFO islands)              381
13/11-15/11      26th SEAnet Convention (Singapore)                     367
14/11-16/11      JI3DST/3 (7N3UXO/3): Awaji Island (AS-117)             390
14/11-15/11      Japan CW Contest                                       ***
14/11-15/11      OK DX Contest                                          ***
14/11-15/11      WAEDC RTTY Contest                                     ***
15/11-07/12      5R: Madagascar islands (AF-057) * by F6AOI,F6BFH,F9IE  391  
15/11-05/12      D68WU: Comoro Islands (AF-007) * by F6HWU              391
17/11-24/11      FR/G3SWH/p: Reunion Island (AF-016)                    391
21/11-06/12      XZ1N: Myanmar * by Central Arizona DX Association      390
22/11-01/12      VK9LX: Lord Howe * by VK2ICV, K6KM, N0TT, N4RU, NM7N   391
23/11-30/11      V31WF: Ambergris Cay (NA-073) by VE6PL                 387 
25/11-05/12      CP6/LU9AY and CP6AA: Bolivia * by LU9AY                391
25/11-04/12      HI3K and HI3JH: Dominican Republic (NA-096) * by AD4Z  391  
26/11-05/12      TU: Ivory Coast * by JA1OEM                            389
27/11-23/12      FT5ZH: Amsterdam Isl (AF-002) * by F5PFP & F5SIH       389
28/11-29/11      5V7A: Togo * by Voodoo Contest Group                   383
28/11-29/11      CQWW DX CW Contest                                     ***
from mid Nov     3W5FW: Vietnam * by UA0FM                              391
November         9G: Ghana * by Voodoo Contest Group                    383
Nov-Dec          N1V: Navassa (NA-098) * by K8RF and others             365
November         T30CT: West Kiribati * by DL1VU                        391  
November         T31AF: Central Kiribati * by DL1VU                     391
November         T33VU: Banaba * by DL1VU                               391
04/12-06/12      ARRL 160 Meters CW Contest                             ***
04/12-05/12      EA DX CW Contest                                       ***
08/12-17/12      T88II: Palau (OC-009), Belau * by KJ9I, NF9V and NZ9Z  387  
12/12-13/12      ARRL 10 Meters Contest                                 ***
12/12-13/12      Italian Contest (40 & 80 meters)                       ***
18/12-20/12      TO150: Reunion Island (AF-016) * by FRs                391
26/12-02/01/99   VK9CL: Cocos-Keeling * by JM1LJS                       391
26/12-16/01/99   VP8CRB: Falkland Is (SA-002) * by K4QD                 381