DX425 bulletin issue nr. 389

S DX@WW $425WW389A
425 DX News #389 [1/7]
 17 October 1998                  No 389                   BID: $425WW389A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3W     - Jani, YB0US/NM6US will be  active as 3W6US  from Vietnam between  22
         and 26 October. He plans to participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest.
         QSL via N2OO (Bob Schenck, P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087,  USA).
         [TNX N2OO]
4S     - Sako, JA4AHV  will  be active  as  4S7AHG from  Colombo,  Sri  Lanka
         (AS-003) between 20 and 30 October. He plans to concentrate on  160,
         80 nd 40 metres CW. QSL via JA4AHV direct (Mitsunori Sako, P.O.  Box
         59, Matsue 690-8691 Japan) or through the bureau. [TNX JA4AHV]
5B     - Andy, NP3D will be active (CW and SSB) from Cyprus (AS-004)  between
         21 and 28  October. He will  be signing NP3D/5B4  on 80,  40 and  20
         metres before and after the contest  and on single band (80  metres)
         during the CQ WW SSB DX. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX NP3D]
5B     - 5B4/EW1AR will be active (CW and  SSB) from Cyprus (AS-004)  between
         21 and 28 October. He will operate on 15, 10 and 6 metres, including
         single band (10 metres) entry during  the CQ WW SSB DX Contest.  QSL
         via NP3D either direct or through the *W3* bureau. Special QSLs will
         be sent to everyone who will  work both NP3D and 5B4/EW1AR on  three
         bands, while certificates will be issued for working them on four or
         more bands. [TNX NP3D]
9M6    - Bruce, KD6WW will be active from 9M6AAC at Hillview Gardens  (Sabah,
         East Malaysia)  between 19  and 28  October, CQ  WW SSB  DX  Contest
         included. Before and after the contest  he will try to make  sunrise
         and sunset on  160 metres, while  other activity  will be  primarily
         WARC and RTTY. Bruce will be vacationing in that area and  therefore
         he will not be on every day. QSL via N2OO. [TNX KD6WW]
A4     - Mary, G0BQV will be active (on  all bands CW) as A4/G0BQV from  Oman
         between 21  October and  1 November.  QSL via  G0BQV. [TNX  DX  News
BY     - The South China  Sea DX Team  has teamed up  with the newly  founded
         Beijing DX  Club  to  participate  in  the  CQ  WW  SSB  DX  Contest
         (Multi-Multi) as B1A  from Beijing. The  Finnish operators  involved
         are OH2BH, OH2KI, OH2PM,  OH2TA, OH2YY and  OH6LI while the  Chinese
         team consists of BA1AA, BA1AB, BA1AJ,  BA1DU, BA1FB, BA1HAM,  BA1KA,
         BA1OK, BG1AC, BZ1DCH, BZ1BM and BA4TB. QSL via KU9C. [TNX N4GN]
C5     - The Bavarian Contest Club operators  (DF4RD, DL5NAM, DL8UD,  DL9NDS,
         OE2VEL, OE2MON) [425DXN 383] have been issued C56A to be used before
         and after the CQ WW SSB  DX Contest, while  during the contest  they
         will be active as C56T. QSL via DL5NAM. [TNX DL3NCI]
C6     - KI6T, WR6O  and  KA6WHA will  be  C6A/home call  from  Treasure  Cay
         (NA-080), Bahamas between 19 and 25  October. They should be  active
         during the CQ WW SSB DX Contest. QSLs via KI6T. [TNX The Daily DX]
CX     - Special station CW4CC will be active (on 10, 40 and 80 metres)  from
         Ciudad De La Costa on 17-18 October. QSL via CX2ABC. [TNX Radiogrupo
DU     - The Mabuhay DX Group (K6MDX) in co-operation with the Philippine  DX
         Foundation (DX1DX)  and the  Philippine  Amateur Radio  League  Inc.
         (DX1L) will participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest (24-25  October)
         as DX100DX (Multi-Single) from Batangas  City (OC-042). The  special
         event  station  celebrates   the  100  years   of  the   Philippines
         independence from Spain and operations will  start (CW and SSB)  one
         day prior to  the contest. QSL  to Philippine  DX Foundation,  Inc.,
         P.O. Box 2000  QCCPO, 1160 Quezon  City, Metro Manila,  Philippines.
         Further information is available at http://www.qsl.net/dx100dx/ [TNX
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425 DX News #389 [2/7]
 17 October 1998                  No 389                   BID: $425WW389B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

E3     - The Space A DX Group are  finalizing their plans for the  DXpedition
         to Eritrea  [425DX  383 and  388].  The  operators  (EA8AFJ,  I8NHJ,
         IV3FSG, JH1AJT, K3VN,  K5VT, K8RF,  KO4RR, N2WB,  N5VL, N9NS,  NF6S,
         OK1TN, S53R, W4WX and WD4NGB,  plus a few  guest operators) will  be
         arriving in Asmara in two groups, one on the night of 3 November and
         the main group on the night of 4 November, and they will make  every
         attempt to  be  active starting  during  5 November.  They  will  be
         operating four stations, 24 hours a day, on10-160 metres CW, SSB and
         RTTY. Individual callsigns will be issued  upon arrival starting  at
         E30AA and up. It is hoped the operators will be allowed to use  only
         one call per site; however they may be using their own call for  the
         last few  hours (they  expect to  go QRT  on 17  November). QSL  via
         INDEXA (c/o K4JDJ,  556 Babbtown Road,  Suffolk, VA  23434, USA)  or
         through the bureau to K4JDJ. The group is still in need of financial
         support (licences will be  issued at US$500  each), which should  be
         sent to Eritrea, c/o Bruce Richards, 533 Briarwood Dr., Clarksville,
         TN  37040,  USA.   The  web  pages   for  the   DXpeditons  are   at
         http://qsl.net/eritrea,     http://members.xoom.com/eritrea_     and
         http://pagus.it/E31DX [TNX WD4NGB and I8NHJ]
EA     - Special event stations ED5JAC and EF5JAC will be active on all bands
         and modes between  17 and 25  October during the  IV Astronomy  Week
         from Cartagena. QSL via EA5GMB either direct (Miguel Campos, P.O.Box
         140, E-30280 Cartagena, Spain) or through the bureau. [TNX EA5GMB]
G      - Scout station GB4YOU will  be active from  Youlbury Scout Camp  near
         Oxford during  the Jamboree  on the  Air  (17-18 October).  QSL  via
         bureau. [TNX DX News Sheet]
HI     - DL1JDK, DL3ALF,  DL4JAN, DL4JS  and DK8YY  will  be active  as  home
         call/HI8 from Dominican Republic between 22 October and 1  November.
         They plan to participate in the  CQ WW SSB DX Contest as  DK8YY/HI8,
         while before and after the contest they will concentrate on CW.  QSL
         via DL4JAN  either  direct (Bernd  Eybe,  Hohes  Gebirge  32,  08289
         Schneeberg, Germany) or through the bureau. [TNX DL3JSW]
HK     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that the  5J8IB operation from  Bocagrande
         Island (NO-REF)  [425DXN 388]  has been  postponed to  31  October-1
         November. This  island  *MIGHT* qualify  for  SA-081, but  the  IOTA
         Manager is  currently  waiting for  the  operators  to  provide  the
         necessary evidence.
HL     - Del, W8KJP will be active as either HL9DC or HL9DX from South  Korea
         between 20  and 23  October. Look  for him  on CW  (14.026,  21.026,
         28.026 and possibly  7.005 MHz) at  10.00-13.00 UTC and  20.00-24.00
         UTC. QSL via N7RO. [TNX DX News Sheet]
HR     - Joe, VE3BW will be active as VE3BW/HR6 from Roatan Island  (NA-057),
         Honduras between 18 October and 1  November. He will participate  in
         the CQ WW  SSB DX Contest  and will  be active  on CW  and 6  meters
         before and after  the contest.  QSL via  VE3BW (Joe  Adams, 5  Romko
         Court, ST. Catharines, ON, Canada L2N-7A1). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
HS     - Special event  call HS98AG  will be  aired  from Thailand  until  31
         December to  celebrate the  Asian Games  which  will take  place  in
         Bangkok on 6-20 December. QSL direct  to HS1CKC (Winit  Kongprasert,
         49/203 Jangwattana Rd.  Prakret, Nonthaburi  11120, Thailand).  [TNX
HS     - Special event station HS0AJ  will be active  from the Thai  National
         Scout Centre during the Jamboree on  the Air (17-18 October).  Other
         stations will  be  active from  Chumporn  (operated  by  HS8EBN  and
         HS8LR), Suratthani (operated by HS8AS and HS8BN), Lampang  (operated
         by HS5AM)  and  Rayong (operated  by  HS0GBI).  [TNX  HS0/G3NOM  and
HS     - Michio (HS0/JA6GIJ),  Haru (JF1PJK)  and Yuki  (JA6LCJ) plan  to  be
         active (CW, SSB and RTTY) as either E22A?? or HS0/JA6GIJ/p from  Koh
         Samui (AS-101)  between 22  and 24  October. QSL  via JA6LCJ  either
         direct  (Yukihisa  Yamashita,   2-25-1  Nagamine-higashi,   Kumamoto
         862-0938, Japan) or through the bureau. Log serach will be available
         at http://www.nttl-net.ne.jp/ja6lcj/ [TNX JA6LCJ]
I      - Weather permitting, Nando, IT9YRE and Gaetano, IT9GAI will be active
         from Scogli  Guicciarda (EU-025,  IIA AG-006)  on 17  October.  [TNX
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

I      - A multi-national  team  (including I8QLS,  IN3QBR,  IT9BLB,  IT9TQH,
         ZS6NW and possibly I8CZW and  9H1EL) will participate  in the CQ  WW
         SSB  DX  Contest  (Multi-Multi)  as  IH9P  from  Pantelleria  Island
         (AF-018). QSL via WA7EQW. [TNX IT9BLB]
IS0    - Scout station IS0C (EU-024)  will be active  during the Jamboree  On
         The Air. QSL via IS0JMA (Roberto  Alaimo, P.O. Box 41, 07026  Olbia-
         SS. Italy). [TNX IS0JMA]
J3     - W8KKF (J37K), NH7CC, NH7C (J38NA), ES7RE, WA8LOW (J37L), W5WW, K5PN,
         VE3RZ, N6HR, IK6CAC,  IK3VIA, DL6LAU, KP2A  (J37A), WO9Z, and  W9IXX
         (J3X) will be active from Grenada (NA-024) between 20 and 27 October
         with J3 calls or as J3/home call They will participate in the CQ  WW
         SSB Contest (Multi-Multi) as J3A from the National Emergency  Relief
         Organisation emergency  operating centre.  QSL  J3A via  WA8LOW  and
         others via home calls. [TNX DX News Sheet]
J6     - David, K3LP will be active as  either J68LP or J67LP from St.  Lucia
         (NA-108) between 21  and 28 October.  He and Ernest,  J69AZ plan  to
         participate in the  CQ WW SSB  DX Contest with  two separate  calls.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
KH2    - Guam Contest Club  members JH1NBN, JH7QXJ,  JI3ERV, JG3RPL,  JK3GAD,
         JP1JFG, JR3RVO, JR7OMD and JR8VSE will participate in the CQ WW  SSB
         DX Contest (Multi-Multi) as AH2R from Guam (OC-026). QSL via JI3ERV.
         [TNX JI3ERV]
KP2    - AA9TK has  joined the  group (N2WB,  VE3FU, W4CJK,  W4WX and  W5OXA)
         [425DXN 382] who is going to operate from St. Croix, Virgin  Islands
         (NA-106). Look for them to be  active on 19-27 October on all  bands
         and modes (QSL via home calls) and  to participate in the CQ WW  SSB
         DX Contest (Multi-Single) as WP2Z (QSL via KU9C). [TNX N2WB]
LU     - Javi, LU9HS will participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest as LR0H  on
         10 metres. QSL direct to LU9HS (Javier 0mar Santillan, Av. 52,  Casa
         40, B Aeronautico, 5022 Cordoba, Argentina). [TNX LU9HS]
T2     - Fumio, JA3JA  will be  active (SSB,  QRS CW  and RTTY)  from  Tuvalu
         between 16 and  22 October (callsign  not known at  the moment).  He
         might participate in the JARTS RTTY Contest (17-18 October). QSL via
         JA3JA either direct (Fumio Hayasaki, 178-1 Kitanoda, Sakai, 599-8123
         Japan) or through the bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
V4     - Doc, W9NY  (ex W9NSZ)  will be  active as  V47NS from  Nevis  Island
         (NA-104) between 22 and 27 October.  He plans to participate in  the
         CQ WW SSB DX Contest. QSL via W9NY. [TNX The Daily DX]
VE     - VO1MP and  VO1MX  will be  active  from Zone  2  between 21  and  25
         October. They will participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest as  VO2CQ
         (Multi-Single), while before  the contest  they plan  to operate  as
         VO2ZZ and concentrate on 160 metres CW,  with some SSB on 12 and  17
         metres. QSL via VE3FU. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP2E   - Joe, W1EK plans to be active  from Anguilla (NA-022) between 22  and
         26 October. He will participate in  the CQ WW  SSB DX Contest  (call
         not assigned as  yet).  QSL  via W1EK. Updated  information will  be
         available at http://www.vbos.net/public/w1ek [TNX W1EK]
VP5    - WA2VYA, WA3RHW and N2VW will operate from the QTH of Jody, VP5JM  on
         Providenciales, Caicos Is (NA-002) between 20  and 27 October.  They
         will participate in the CQ WW SSB  DX Contest as VP5T. QSL via  N2VW
         (E-mail requests for bureau cards may be sent to  n2vw@skyhigh.com).
         [TNX The Daily DX]
VP6    - The Pitcairn Amateur  Radio Club will  be active  from Ducie  Island
         (OC-182) between 22 and 27 October. [TNX DX News Sheet]
W      - W98ITU,    special    event    station    of    the    international
         Telecommunications Union's Plenipotentiary Conference being held  in
         Minneapolis [425DXN 387],  will be  QRV on  RTTY, CW  and SSB  modes
         until 23.59 UTC on 7 November. QSL to P.O. Box 131415, St. Paul,  MN
         55113  (for   stateside  stations,   while  DX   stations  will   be
         automatically QSLled via their bureaus). [TNX  WB2CJL and the  VK2SG
         RTTY DX Notes]
W      - Dan, W7DR will be joining  Lew, N6VV in  his 24-hour operation  from
         St. George  Reef  Lighthouse (NA-184)  [425DXN  388].  "We  will  be
         waiting at the airport on Saturday (17 October) morning  (California
         time) for the final WX determination", Lew reports. "It appears that
         we are in between storms so it looks like we may have a chance  with
         a little luck. The next problem is the State Naturalist who must  go
         out on  the  first  helicopter to  inspect  the  rock  for  breeding
         sea-lions. If none are found we will be given permission to land  on
         the rock". [TNX N6VV and Islands On The Web]
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425 DX News #389 [4/7]
 17 October 1998                  No 389                   BID: $425WW389D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

W      - Pack/Troop 120 from Solon, Iowa will again be activating the special
         callsign K0A during  the 1998 Scouting  Jamboree on  the Air  (17-18
         October). QSL via K0RX. For further information regarding JOTA,  see
         the ARRL web page at http://www.arrl.org [TNX K0RX]
XT     - Mako, JA1OEM [425DXN 388] will be active as XT2HP from  Ouagadougou,
         Burkina Faso between 21-22 October and 24 November. Look for him  on
         SSB (3795, 7043, 14145, 18115, 21245, 24945 and 28475 kHz) and  slow 
         CW on 3 or 13 kHz  from the low end  of the band.  He then plans  to
         visit Ivory  Coast (TU)  between 26  November  and 5  December.  QSL
         direct to  JA1OEM  (Shinichi M  Toyofuku,  Box 9,  Sawara,  287-8691
         Japan). [TNX JA1ELY]
YB     - YB5QZ and YB5PD will be active  as YE5B from Galang Island  (OC-075)
         between 23  and  25 October,  CQ  WW SSB  DX  Contest  included,  to
         celebrate the  27th  anniversary  of  Batam  Industrial  Development
         Authority (http://www.batam.go.id).  QSL via  YC5TML (Erizal  M.Isa,
         P.O.Box 154, Batam Island 29400, Indonesia). [TNX YB5QZ]
XW     - Shin, JA7SGV will be working in  Laos between 23 and 30 October  and
         hopes to be active from XW8KPL. [TNX JA1ELY]
XX9    - The QTH of XX9X will be activated by the visiting U.S. group  (N6AA,
         K6JL, K6MC, AB6BH, K5OT, N6ZZ and  W6XD) together with XX9AS,  XX9MD
         and XX9XF. Look for XX9X (QSL via KU9C) to participate in the CQ  WW
         SSB DX Contest (Multi-Multi). XX9X is  a joint contest call sign  of
         A.R.M. Macau, SCSDXT (South  China Sea DX  Team) and Alberto  Simao,
         XX9AS. The build-up of the station will bring the XX9 signals on the
         air one week prior to the contest by this group using their personal
         call signs. [TNX N4NG]
YJ     - Fumio, JA3JA will  be active  (SSB, QRS  CW and  RTTY) from  Vanuatu
         between 23 and  30 October (callsign  not known at  the moment).  He
         does NOT plan to participate in  the CQ WW SSB  DX Contest. QSL  via
         JA3JA either direct (Fumio Hayasaki, 178-1 Kitanoda, Sakai, 599-8123
         Japan) or through the bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
YL     - Amateurs from Latvia are allowed to  use the special prefix YL80  in
         October and  November  to celebrate  the  80th  anniversary  of  the
         procalamtion of Republic of Latvia (18  November 1918). An award  is
         available  for  contacts  made  during  this  period,  for   further
         information please visit http://www.hamradio.lv [TNX YL1ZF]
ZK1_sc - Roger, KF8OY plans to be active  (SSB with some  CW) as ZK1OOY  from
         South Cook Is between 22 and  24 October. QSL direct to KF8OY.  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
ZS     - Scout station  ZS3KBS  will  be active  on  17-18  October  for  the
         Jamboree On The Air. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
ZS     - Special event station ZS75SIG will be active between 30 October  and
         30 November to celebrate the 75th  anniversary of the South  African
         Corp of Signals. Special  QSL via ZS5BBO  direct only (Edwin  Musto,
         P.O. Box 211032, Bluff, 4036, South Africa). [TNX ZS5BBO]

                         CQ WW SSB DX CONTEST 

The following are expected to participate in this year's event (24-25 Oct):
- Omari, 4L5O as Single Operator on 80  metres Low Power. QSL direct only  to
  4L5O. If  you want  to get  in  touch with  Omari,  his e-mail  address  is
  4l5o@caucasus.net [TNX 4L5O]
- JiangSu DX Club as B4R (Multi-Single). QSL via BY4RSA. [TNX BA4TB]
- W1VE/VE1RM, VY2SS, VY2LI, VE9DX,  VE9MY, K2XT and  K2NJ/VE9NJ of the  Canam
  Contest Coalition as CI9DH (Multi-Multi) from VY2SS's QTH (NA-029). QSL via
  VE9DH. [TNX DX News Sheet]
- CT3HK, CT3IA, CT3BD, CT3HF, CT3BM, CT3DL  and CT3KN as CQ9K  (Multi-Single)
  from Madeira (AF-014). QSL via CS3MAD. [TNX CT3HF]
- IT9AJP, IT9CML, IT9INO, IT9TJH and IT9YHR  as IQ9A (Multi-Single). QSL  via
- Special event  station  IY4W  to celebrate  the  30th  anniversary  of  the
  twinning between Helston  (UK) and Sasso  Marconi (Italy).  QSL via  I4JED.
  [TNX IK2NCJ and I4LEC]
- W5AJ as  P40N (on  15 metres,  QSL via  WJ5DX) and  WA5ZVE as  P40Z (on  10
  metres, QSL via WA5ZVE) from the P49V site on Aruba. [TNX W5AJ]
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425 DX News #389 [5/7]
 17 October 1998                  No 389                   BID: $425WW389E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

AMSTERDAM 1998 ---> Jeffrey Pawlan, WA6KBL (pilot station for North  America:
jpawlan@ieee.org) reports  that  the FT5ZH  DXpedition  to  Amsterdam  Island
[425DXN 381] is on schedule and there  are no problems so far. The  equipment
departed from Marseille on 5 October.  The operators (Mehdi, F5PFP and  Eric,
F5SIH) will  depart  by  plane  for Reunion  in  eary  November.  Enroute  to
Amsterdam Island, the ship will stop at both Crozet and Kerguelen, but  Mehdi
and Eric are most unlikely to operate from either of these islands. They will
arrive on Amsterdam  Island on 25  November and expect  to have all  antennas
erected and operational on 27 November. They will operate around the clock on
all bands CW, SSB and RTTY  as much as they can until  their departure on  25
December. The logs will NOT be available on the web while the operations take
place. QSL via F6KDF. [TNX KF2TI and WA6KBL]

F6AJA --->  Congratulations to  Jean-Michel Duthilleul,  F6AJA on  his  being
awarded the prestigious and well  deserved "Merite National  du REF" for  his
work as the editor of Les Nouvelles DX.

IOTA ---> Fulvio,  I1WFF reports that  JO6PRM (AS-032)  is used  to being  on
21.190 MHz  around 9  UTC, while  Indonesian amateurs  (from OC-210,  OC-147,
OC-151, OC-148, OC-146, OC-145) can be found on 21.260 MHz around 14 UTC.

NCDXF --->  The Northern  California DX  Foundation has  changed its  mailing
address, effective immediately.  The NEW  address is  Northern California  DX
Foundation, P.O. Box 1328, Los Altos, CA 94023-1328, USA. [TNX K6RIM]

QSL INFO SERVER ---> Send an e-mail message to qsl-info@datasync.com with  DX
callsigns in the message body (include only callsigns for best  performance).
Additions and  corrections  should go  to  the database  maintainer  (Lothar,
DL1SBF at k9pes_ms@siiks.a1.bosch.de), while other comments should go to Ray,
WQ5L (rocker@datasync.com)

+ SILENT KEY + Dale HS0ZBJ/K8IXP passed  away on 21 September 1998 whilst  on
holiday in England. He was a  regular net controller  for SEANET (South  East
Asia Net), and the Thailand/Malaysia 40m net. A  web site has been set up  by
9M8MA in  memorial  at  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/4283/dale.html

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

CAMPBELL:     The site  for  the ZL9CI  January  1999 DXpedition  to  Campell
              Island [425DXN 383] is at http://www.qsl.net/zl9ci/
LOGS:         The logs  for  all the  IIA  and IOTA  (EU-155)  operations  by
              Project   Dx   Team/ARI   Lomazzo   are   now   available    at
              http://space.tin.it/associazioni/qjber/arilom/project.htm  [TNX

QSL received via direct:  3A2HB, 3B7RF, 3B8CF, 3C5DX, 3D2DA (OC-156),  3D2TN,
3D2WD (OC-156), 3W6EZD, 4L1BR, 4N5LM, 5N0/OK1AUT, 5R8EE, 5W0FN, 5X1T,  7X2RO,
9N1FP, 9V8ZB,  A2/ZS5UZ, A45XR,  AH8LG, AP2TJ,  BD7JA, CM6LP,  CY9AA,  EK6AD,
IC8/IK8TWX (IIA NA-039),  IC8/IK8WTP (IIA NA-044),  IJ8/IK8TPJ (IIA  KR-002),
IJ9/IT9SGC (IIA SR-011,  016, 017, 018),  IK3ABY/IL3 (IIA  VE-068),IL7/IK7XIV
(IIA  LE-050),  IT9SGC/IT9  (IIA  SR-004),   JT1BG,  JX3EX,  JW0YL,   KC4AAA,
VP6LY, YN1RVR, YW5LB, Z32LM, ZD7DP, ZK1SCQ (OC-013, 082, 159), ZK2FT.

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S DX@WW $425WW389F
425 DX News #389 [6/7]
 17 October 1998                  No 389                   BID: $425WW389A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  December   4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 385  
till  18/10      9H0VRZ & 9H3xx: Malta (EU-023) * by PAs                387
till  07/11      9N7RW: Nepal * by G4ERW                                386
till  15/11      9V8: Singapore * special prefix                        369
till  31/10      9Y/DK6WL, DL4MCF, DL4MDO, DL4MEH: Tobago (SA-009)      387 
till  19/10      A35SO & A35ZL: Fafa (OC-049), Tonga * by DJ4SO & DJ7RJ 386
till  27/10      C56A and C56T: The Gambia * by Bavarian Contest Club   389 
till  19/10      C56HP: The Gambia * by JA1OEM                          388
till  ??         CE3/NE4Z: Chile and Chilean IOTA islands               380
till  ??         E31AA: Eritrea * by ZL3CW/F2CW                         387
till  31/12      EU200A, EV200M & EW200M: special event stations        378
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  30/10      FO0PT: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia * by DJ0FX    387
till  18/10      FO0SUC: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Is * by F5JJW         381  
till  November   FW5XX: Futuna (OC-118) * by ON4QM                      385
till  31/12      HS98AG: special event call                             389  
till  18/10      KP2/IK1EDC                                             387
till  ??         LU1ZI: Teniente Jubany Base, So. Shetlands (AN-010)    382
till  18/10      PY1BNE/p: Itacuruca Island (SA-029, DIB 66)            388  
till  31/10      SN20JP: special event station (Cracow)                 388
till  December   TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN             373
till  ??         TZ6DX: Mali * by K4RB                                  382
till  20/10      VR98SS/p: Lamma Island (AS-006) * by JK2PNY            388 
till  07/11      W98ITU: special event station (Minneapolis)            389   
till  29/10      YM75TA: special event station                          377
till  Apr 99     ZF2NT: Little Cayman (NA-016) * by N6NT                388
14/10-24/10      US1IDX/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005)                           387
15/10-20/10      3V8BB: Tunisia * guest operated by W6/G0AZT            387
15/10-30/10      9G5BQ: Ghana * by PA3GBQ                               388 
15/10-29/10      EL2VO: Liberia * by EI5GIY                             388
16/10-19/10      KH0/N3JJ, KH0/JM1LJS: Saipan (OC-086)*by JA3ART,JM1LJS 385
16/10-26/10      PJ8: St. Maarten (NA-105) * by K4ZA                    388
16/10-22/10      T2: Tuvalu * by JA3JA                                  389
17/10-18/10      W8JAY/BY4AA                                            388
17/10-18/10      CW4CC: special call                                    389
17/10-25/10      ED5JAC and EF5JAC: special event stations              389
17/10-27/10      FG/N6RV,K6RO,W6SR,N6ED,W6KK,N6RT + FG5BG: Guadeloupe   385
17/10-18/10      GB4YOU: scout station (JOTA)                           389 
17/10-18/10      HS0AJ: scout station (JOTA)                            389
17/10-18/10      II0S, II0C, II1O, II2U, II2T, II3J: 41st JOTA          387
17/10-18/10      II4O, II5T ,II7A, II8X, II8L, II9I: 41st JOTA          387
17/10-18/10      IS0C: scout station (JOTA)                             389  
17/10            IT9YRE & IT9GAI: Sc.Guicciarda (EU-025, IIA AG-006)    389
17/10-18/10      K0A: scout station (JOTA)                              389
17/10-18/10      N6VV & W7DR: St. George Reef (NA-184)                  389
17/10-18/10      ZS3KBS: scout station (JOTA)                           389
17/10            Oklahoma DX Association DX Banquet                     384
18/10-01/11      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Island (NA-057)                      389 
19/10-04/11      8Q7IO & 8Q7IQ: Maldives (AS-013) * by DL7VRO & others  385  
19/10-28/10      9M6AAC: Sabah, East Malaysia * by KD6WW                389 
19/10-25/10      C6A/KI6T, WR6O, KA6WHA: Treasure Cay (NA-080)          389
19/10-22/10      FO0SUC: Tahaa (OC-067) * by F5JJW                      381
19/10-27/10      WP2Z & KP2/...: Virgin Is * by W4WX and others         389
20/10-30/10      4S7AHG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by JA4AHV                 389 
20/10-25/10      CN8WW: Morocco * by DL6FBL                             387
20/10-26/10      FM/EA3AOK/P & FM/EA3BT/P: Martinique (NA-107)          383
20/10-27/10      HI3/ON4ANT: Dominican Republic (NA-096) * by ONs       385
20/10-23/10      HL9DC or HL9DX: South Korea * by W8KJP                 389
20/10-30/10      V26B & V26xx: Antigua (NA-100) * by Frankford RC       387
20/10-27/10      N7MQ,WJ7R,K7AR,W7YAQ,N7NU,K9JF/VP2V: British Virgin Is 387
20/10-27/10      VP5/WA2VYA, WA3RHW, N2VW; VP5T: Caicos Is (NA-002)     389
20/10-14/11      XV1Z: Vietnam * by K6SGD                               387
21/10-28/10      5B4/EW1AR: Cyprus (AS-004)                             389  
21/10-28/10      NP3D/5B4: Cyprus (AS-004)                              389 
21/10-28/10      A35XU: Tonga * by PA3AXU                               379
21/10-01/11      A4/G0BQV: Oman                                         389
21/10-28/10      J68LP or J67LP: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by K3LP           389
21/10-26/10      V31MX: Belize * by K0BCN                               383
21/10-25/10      VO2ZZ and VO2CQ: Zone 2 * by VO1MP and VO1MX           389
21/10-24/11      XT2HP: Burkina Faso * by JA1OEM                        389
S DX@WW $425WW389G
425 DX News #389 [7/7]
 17 October 1998                  No 389                   BID: $425WW389G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******

22/10-26/10      3W6US: Vietnam * by YB0US/NM6US                        389
22/10-01/11      DL1JDK,DL3ALF,DL4JAN,DL4JS,DK8YY/HI8: Dominican Rep.   389  
22/10-24/10      E22A?? or HS0/JA6GIJ/p: Koh Samui (AS-101) * by JAs    389
22/10-26/10      HL5/JI6KVR: Ullung Island (AS-045)                     383
22/10-26/10      PV2E: Santo Amaro Island (SA-071, DIB 10) * by PYs     387
22/10-27/10      T32MP,KV,PL,PS: Christmas Isl (OC-024), East Kiribati  385
22/10-27/10      V47NS: Nevis Island (NA-104) * by W9NY                 389
22/10-26/10      VP2E: Anguilla (NA-022) * by W1EK                      389
22/10-24/10      VP2V: British virgin Islands (NA-023) * by IK1EDC      387  
22/10-27/10      VP6: Ducie Island (OC-182) * by Pitcairn ARC           389
22/10-24/10      ZK1OOY: South Cook Is * by KF8OY                       389
23/10-26/10      7K4STV/1 and JQ1USM/1: Hachijo Island (AS-043)         383 
23/10-25/10      YE5B: Galang Island (OC-075) * by YB5QZ and YB5PD      389
23/10-30/10      YJ: Vanuatu * by JA3JA                                 389
23/10-30/10      XW: Laos * by JA7SGV                                   389
24/10-25/10      4L5O (CQWW SSB)                                        389
24/10-25/10      AH2R: Guam (OC-026) * by Guam Contest Club             389
24/10-25/10      B1A: Beijing, China * by SCSDXT and BDXC               389
24/10-25/10      B4R: China * by JiangSu DX Club                        389
24/10-25/10      CI9DH: NA-029 * by Canam Contest Coalition             389
24/10-25/10      CQ9K: Madeira (AF-014) * by CT3s                       389
24/10-25/10      DX100DX: special event station (OC-042)*by DUs and Ws  389
24/10-25/10      FS/K7ZUM and FS/N7KG: St. Martin (NA-105)              385
24/10-25/10      IH9P: Pantelleria (AF-018) * multinational team        389
24/10-25/10      IQ9A: Sicily (EU-025) * by IT9s                        389
24/10-25/10      IY4W (CQWW SSB)                                        389
24/10-25/10      J3A: Grenada (NA-024)                                  389
24/10-25/10      LR0H: Argentina * by LU9HS                             389
24/10-25/10      P40N and P40Z: Aruba (SA-036) * by W5AJ and WA5ZVE     389
24/10-25/10      PJ7/W4WR: Sint Maarten (NA-105)                        387
24/10-25/10      PJ9Q: Bonaire (SA-006) * by W9QQ and W4JVN             383
24/10-25/10      VP5DX: Middle Caicos (NA-002) * by North Florida DXA   387
24/10-25/10      XX9X: Macau * by Ws and XX9s                           389  
24/10-25/10      CQWW DX SSB Contest                                    ***
25/10-02/11      W2FXA/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005)                            387
26/10-07/11      S92YV & S92YN: Sao Tome (AF-023) * by HB9CYV & HB9CYN  387
27/10-30/10      KP3: Puerto Rico (NA-099) * by IK1EDC                  387 
28/10-08/11      5W0GD: Western Samoa (OC-097) * by PA3AXU              385
29/10-02/11      PR2YL & PS2S: Comprida Isl (SA-024) * by PY YLs        383
30/10-30/11      ZS75SIG: special event station                         389
31/10-01/11      5J8IB: Bocagrande Island (NO-REF) * by HKs             389
31/10-01/11      BARTG RTTY Sprint (Autumn)                             ***
October          3V8BB/4 or TS4QI: AF-073 * by Z32ZM,Z32AU,YT1AD & 3V8s 384
October          BV9: Pratas Island                                     386
October          FR5ZU/G: Glorioso (AF-011)                             387
Oct-Nov          VY1A: special event station (Yukon)                    388
Oct-Nov          YL80: special prefix from Latvia                       389
late October     ZK3RW: Tokelau (OC-048) * by ZL1AMO                    387
05/11-17/11      E3: Eritrea * by Space A DX Group                      389 
06/11            HV5PUL: Vatican City                                   387
07/11-08/11      Ukrainian DX Contest                                   ***
11/11-02/12      OX/OZ8AE: Greenland (NA-018)                           385
12/11-25/11      FH/TK5PB: Mayotte (AF-027 & DIFO islands)              381
13/11-15/11      26th SEAnet Convention (Singapore)                     367
14/11-15/11      Japan CW Contest                                       ***
14/11-15/11      OK DX Contest                                          ***
14/11-15/11      WAEDC RTTY Contest                                     ***
23/11-30/11      V31WF: Ambergris Cay (NA-073) by VE6PL                 387
26/11-05/12      TU: Ivory Coast * by JA1OEM                            389
27/11-23/12      FT5ZH: Amsterdam Isl (AF-002) * by F5PFP & F5SIH       389
28/11-29/11      5V7A: Togo * by Voodoo Contest Group                   383
28/11-29/11      CQWW DX CW Contest                                     ***
November         9G: Ghana * by Voodoo Contest Group                    383
Nov-Dec          N1V: Navassa (NA-098) * by K8RF and others             365
late November    VK9LX: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by VK2ICV           370
04/12-06/12      ARRL 160 meters CW Contest                             ***
04/12-05/12      EA DX CW Contest                                       ***
08/12-17/12      T88II: Palau (OC-009), Belau * by KJ9I, NF9V and NZ9Z  387  
12/12-13/12      ARRL 10 Meters Contest                                 ***
12/12-13/12      Italian Contest (40 & 80 meters)                       ***
26/12-16/01/99   VP8CRB: Falkland Is (SA-002) * by K4QD                 381
09/01-25/01/99   ZL9CI: Campbell Island (OC-037) * by KDXA              383
06/02-13/02/99   VK9: Christmas Island (OC-002) * by W8UVZ and W0YG     387
13/02-20/02/99   VK9: Cocos Island (OC-003) * by by W8UVZ and W0YG      387
28/02-08/03/99   FW: Uvea (OC-054), Wallis & Futuna * by HB9HFN         387
March            ZY0SP & ZY0SZ: St.Peter & St.Paul Rocks (SA-014)       387
21/09-25/09/99   VK9: Rowley Shoals (OC-???) * by VK6LC and others      388