DX425 bulletin issue nr. 388

S DX@WW $425WW388A
425 DX News #388 [1/5]
  10 October 1998                 No 388                   BID: $425WW388A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5H     - Dave, K8MN [425DXN 387] is now  authorized to operate from  Tanzania
         as 5H3US. He  hopes to be  operational, initially with  a couple  of
         verticals, within the next few days and plans to be active on  160-6
         metres SSB, CW and RTTY over the course of the next three years. QSL
         via  WA8JOC  either  direct  (Ken  Scheper,  5875  Cedaridge  Drive,
         Cincinnati, OH 45247, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX K8MN/5H3US]
5R     - Baldur, DJ6SI is active as 5R8GC  from Madagascar until 16  October.
         QSL via DJ6SI.
9G     - Steve, PA3GBQ will be working in Ghana between 15 and 30 October. He
         might be active as 9G5BQ (SSB  and CW with  100 watts and  dipoles).
         QSL via PA3GBQ  either direct (Steve  van Lieburg,  Stresemannplaats
         27, 3068 JL Rotterdam, The Netherlands) or through the bureau.  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
BY     - Jay, W8JAY might operate (RTTY) from the radio club in Beijing on 10
         and 12 October during his evenings and as W8JAY/BY4AA from  Shanghai
         on 17-18 October. QSL via W8JAY  either direct (Jay Dyer, 42  Willow
         Ln, Wheeling, WV 26003-4860, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX W8JAY]
C5     - Mako, JA1OEM will be active as  C56HP from Banjul, The Gambia  until
         19 October. Look for him  on SSB (3795,  7043, 14145, 18115,  21245,
         24945 and 28475 kHz) and slow CW on 3 or 13 kHz from the low end  of
         the band. QSL direct to JA1OEM (Shinichi M Toyofuku, Box 9,  Sawara,
         287-8691 Japan). [TNX JA1ELY]
EL     - EI5GIY might  be active  as EL2VO  from Liberia  between 15  and  29
         October while working in Liberia.  QSL via home  call. [TNX DX  News
F      - It has  been  reported  that F5JOE  will  operate  as  F5JOE/P  from
         torpedo-boat destroyer LS-Kolbert in Bordeaux starting on 10 October
         around 8 UTC. [TNX IK1UGX]
F      - Luc, F6OYU,  and  Jean-Francois, F8CIO  plan  to  be  active  (10-40
         metres) from If Island (EU-095, DIFM ME-028) between 7 and 16 UTC on
         10 and 11 October. [TNX F6OYU]
FO_aus - FO5QF has been reported to be active  from  Rapa  (OC-051),  Austral
HK     - Twelve amateurs from Colombia  are expected to  be active (with  two
         stations on 20 and 40  metres SSB) as  5J8IB from Bocagrande  Island
         (NO-REF) on 10-11 October. QSL via HK3DDD. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
JT     - Jay, W8JAY  plans  to operate  (RTTY)  as JT1FCP  from  Ulaanbaatar,
         Mongolia on 13  and 15  October. QSL  via W8JAY  either direct  (Jay
         Dyer, 42 Willow  Ln, Wheeling, WV  26003-4860, USA)  or through  the
         bureau. [TNX W8JAY]
PJ8    - Don, K4ZA will be on Dutch  St. Maarten (NA-105)  between 16 and  26
         October. He  plans  to participate  in  the CQ  WW  SSB  DX  Contest
         hopefully as PJ8Z. QSL via K4ZA. [TNX The Daily DX]
PY     - Nylson, PY1BNE will be active (on 40,  10 and 20 metres CW and  SSB)
         as PY1BNE/p from Itacuruca Island (SA-029, DIB 66) between 12 and 18
         October. QSL via PY1BNE (Nylson Eduardo dos G. Peixoto, Rua  Joaquim
         Palhares 585/304, 20260-080, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil). [TNX PY1BNE
         and PP5SZ]
SP     - Special event station SN20JP is active until 31 October from  Cracow
         to  celebrate  the   20th  anniversary  of   pope  John  Paul   II's
         pontificate. QSL via SP9PKZ. [TNX SP9MAX]
VE     - Special event station VY1A will be active in October and November to
         celebrate the 100th  anniversary of the  Yukon Territory Gold  Rush.
         QSL via VY1JA (VE stations) and KB5IPQ (others). [TNX DX News Sheet]
VP9    - Seiji, JH6RTO/AH0R  will be  active (especially  on  12, 17  and  30
         metres) as AH0R/VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005) between 15 and 17 October.
         QSL via  JH6RTO  either direct  (Seiji  Fukushima,  1182-2506  Hase,
         Atsugi, 243-0036 Japan) or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
VR2    - VR2SS  (JK2PNY)  will  be  active  as  VR98SS/p  from  Lamma  Island
         (AS-006), Hong Kong between 12 and 20 October. QSL via JK2PNY (Motoi
         Kawatsu,  205  Mezon  Hiramatsu,  3-17-15  Nishisugamo,   Toshima-ku
         170-0001, Japan). [TNX JI6KVR]
W      - Lew, N6VV has not given up being active from NA-184 [425DXN 387]. "I
         am going  to the  abandonded lighthouse  with  the St.  George  Reef
         Lighthouse Historical group", Lew reports. "They have been trying to
         get on the  rock for  some time  now but  have run  into WX  related
         problems for a number of years.  The reason they go out only  during
         the winter is that they must comply with wildlife regulations  which
         prohibit visiting the lighthouse  until 1 October  each year due  to
         breeding sea-lions  and  birds.  Travel to  the  rock  can  ONLY  be
         accomplished by helicopter as the sea approach is treacherous".  The
         group has now  hired a smaller  helicopter and, weather  permitting,
         Lew will try to set up on Friday evening (16 October) and to operate
         for 24 hours on 17 October. [TNX N6VV and Islands On The Web]
ZF     - Bruce, N6NT will be active as ZF2NT from Little Cayman (NA-016) from
         11 October until  April 1999  while building  a new  house. QSL  via
         N2AU. [TNX DX News Sheet]
S DX@WW $425WW388B
425 DX News #388 [2/5]
  10 October 1998                 No 388                   BID: $425WW388B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

BT2HC &  UE0LEZ --->  Martti, OH2BH  reports that  the recent  special  event
stations [425DXN 385] were a tremendous  success.  They received quite a  bit
of local coverage in  both the television  and print media,  and it is  hoped
that this enthusiasm for ham radio  spreads into other  areas of the  region.

ERITREA 1998 ---> The Space A DX Group [425DXN 383] 20 operators will have to
apply for their  license after they  are in Eritrea,  and each operator  will
have to pay $500 for his/her operating permit,  as they can not operate as  a
group with one licence. "At this point the donations are just enough to cover
the cost of our excessive baggage", Bruce Richards (WD4NGB) reports. "We  are
planning to use two hotels on opposite sides of town so we can run 4 stations
24 hours  a  day. If  you  want this  to  take place,  we  will have  to  get
additional donations coming in very soon. We are not asking the DX  community
to cover the complete cost of the license, which is $10,000, but without some
help on this, a large percentage  of the operators will not  be able to  go".
Donations can be  sent to  Eritrea, c/o  Bruce Richards,  533 Briarwood  Dr.,
Clarksville, TN 37040, USA and will  be returned if  the operations does  not
tak  place.   For   more   information,   check   http://qsl.net/eritrea   or
http://pagus.it/E31DX [TNX WD4NGB]

ET3AA ---> The log for the  recent ET3AA operation from  the club station  of
the Ethiopian  Amateur Radio  Society  in Addis  Ababa  [425DXN 383]  is  now
available on-line  at http://www.bramham.demon.co.uk/  on the  ET3AA page  (a
Java enabled browser is required). Steve (G3VMW) and Andy (G4ZVJ) made 10,300
QSOs as  follows (band/QSOs):  10/2266, 12/1451,  15/1994, 17/1431,  20/1321,
30/700, 40/648, 80/40, 160/1 (160 and  80 metres were particularly  difficult
because of the  high levels  of QRN).  QSL via  G3VMW (Steve  Wilson, 3  Crag
Gardens, Bramham, Wetherby, Wetherby, West Yorkshire,  LS23 6RP, England)  or
via EARS, P.O.  Box 60258, Addis  Ababa, Ethiopia.  Any additional  donations
will be passed on to the  Ethiopian Amateur Radio  Society (EARS) to  further
amateur radio and technical training in Ethiopia. [TNX G3VMW]

LU1XT ---> This has  been the new  call of Dionisio  Andrade, LU8XPD since  4
August. Dion transmits from Tierra del Fuego, IOTA SA-008. [TNX LU1XT/LU8XPD]

MACAO ---> OH2PM (XX9TR) and OH2BH (XX9TZ) were active over the past  weekend
from Macao  while preparing  their station  there  for the  upcoming  contest

QSL VIA HB9BGN ---> Albert, HB9BGN  can only confirm contacts made with  ZA1A
during the 1992 CQWW CW Contest. For all the other ZA stations whose route is
"via HB9BGN", Albert acts as a maildrop: "I have no logs and no QSLs of those
stations", he says. "I collect the QSL-mail which I receive and forward it to
Tirana as soon as we have received 100-150 letters. The next shipment will be
at the end of October". Albert  has forwarded over 5,000 letters since  1992.

QSL VIA IK2DUW ---> Antonello, IK2DUW  (Box 22, 20051  Limbiate - MI,  Italy)
reports he has  received the logs  from Armenia and  has replied  to all  the
direct requests for EK88L [425DXN 380].

QSL VIA IK7JTF ---> He is  the QSL manager for Tanya,  BV5BG and can  confirm
contacts made from 1991 onwards. QSL to Salvatore Borace, 3 Trav. Corso  Roma
N.C., 70010 Cellamare - BA, Italy. [TNX IK2IQD]

ROWLEY SHOALS  1999  (VK9-99)  ---> Planning  of  the  VK9-99  DXpedition  to
Imperieuse Reef, Rowley Shoals (Western Australian Outliers, OC-???)  [425DXN
383] is well in advance. The operators will be Jim Model (K9PPY), Sam Pimenta
(CT1EEN), Steve Pall (VK2PS) and  Mal Johnson (VK6LC,  team leader) and  they
will be active for five days  (21-25 September 1999) on SSB  and CW with  two
stations. Donations can be sent to either I1HYW (Gianni Varetto, P.O. Box  1,
10060 Pancalieri -  TO, Italy) or  VK9-99, Malcolm  K. Johnson,  Commonwealth
Bank of Australia, 187 High Road,  Riverton 6148, Western Australia,  Account
76  6164   5005591.   Further  information   will   be  available   soon   at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         **** NEWS FROM THE WEB ****    
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

CALLBOOK:     The French radio  amateurs callbook (including  F, FG, FH,  FK,
              FM,  FO,   FP,   FR,  FS   and   TK)  is   now   available   at
              http://www.ref.tm.fr/nomenclature/nomenclature.shtml       [TNX
LOGS:         The logs  for C6AKM  (WAE  Contest 1998  included),  C6A/DJ3TZ,
              C6A/DL8OBF    and    C6A/N4BP    are    now    available     at
              http://www.qsl.net/ra0ff/dx.html [TNX RA0FF]
S DX@WW $425WW388C
425 DX News #388 [3/5]
  10 October 1998                 No 388                   BID: $425WW388C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [1/3] *****
                          Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM
                <TNX IK1UGX, IK7AFM, W1ZT, The Daily DX>

3W6EA   Peter Emmerton, P.O.Box 121, Central Post Office, Ho Chi Minh City,
4L3Y    Boris, P.O.Box 32, Warsaw 19, Poland
5B4AFM  Stavros Tsiakkouris, P.O.Box 5089, CY-2021, Nicosia, Cyprus
5B4XF   Paris Andreou, 19 Napoleontos st, Stovolos, CY-2021, Nicosia, Cyprus
7L1MFS  Yoh Yoshida, AKT BLDG 1001, 5-4 Arakawa 1 chome, Kita, 116-0002
        Tokyo, Japan
9H1RS   Stephen Camilleri, "Little Mermaid", Qaliet Street, Marsascala
        ZBR 10, Malta
9M2LL   MD Basri Bin Wagimen, 495-A, Jalan Taman Indah, 73000 Tampin,
        N.Sembilan, Malaysia
9V8WW   James Basil Rodrigo, Blk. 13 Ghim Moh Road #19-37, 270013 Singapore
9Z4DZ   Stephenson Ballah, #12 Erin Road, Siparia, Trinidad
A45XU   Don Street, S.K.Street, P.O.Box 2571, Seeb, Postal Code 111,
        Sultanate of Oman
A92GE   David, P.O.Box 1976, Manama, Bahrain
AH8K    OK DX Foundation, Bradlec 73, 293 06 Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic
BD4DW   David Y.J.Zhou, P.O.Box 040-088, Shanghai, People's Republic China
BD7BF   Luo Shilong, 249# Yan Feng Road, Heng Yang City 421001, Hu Nan
        Province, People's Republic of China
BD7JK   Chow, P.O.Box 1711, Guangzhou 510600, People's Republic of China
BD7QI   Lin Kun, P.O.Box 10, Nanning, Guang Xi 530001, People's Republic
        of China
BG0BA   Li Qing Ming, 45-2-2-401 Xihong Road, Wulumuqi 830000, People's
        Republic of China
BM0S    P.O.Box 2006, Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
BV2RS   Wendy Chang, P.O.Box 105-29, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
BY4RRR  22nd Middle School Club Station, P.O.Box 538, Nanjing, People's
        Republic of China
CT3GU   L.Miguel Silva Pereira, Piquinho 101, P-9360 Ponta do Sol, Madeira,
CX1UU   Wilson Mariano Ferreira Cano, P.O.Box 7, 33000 Treinta y Tres,
CX2UP   Jorge Newton Duhalde, P.O.Box 7, 33000 Treinta y Tres, Uruguay
DL4DBR  Thaddaeus Barczyk, Pappelstr.34, D-58099 Hagen, Germany
DL7FP   Erich Graessner, Wintgensstr.9, D-12101 Berlin, Germany
DL5EBE  Dominik Weiel, Eschenbruchstr. 6, D-51069 Koeln, Germany
DU1/DL5VJ Claus J.Karthe, P.O.Box 3771 MCPO, 1299 Makati, MM, Philippines
DU1KT   Roger Flores, P.O.Box 2030, Manila, Philippines
DU1OZ   Edward B.Soriano, M.D., 42-E F. Reyes Street, Caridad, Cavite
        City 4100, Philippines
ER3KS   Serge Convisarov, Salcimilor street 73, Beltsy MD-3110, Moldova
F6FNU   Antoine Baldeck, P.O.Box 14 , F-91291 Arpajon Cedex, France
FM5UH   Jean-Claude Ruchti, Maison Brice, Morne Poirier, F-97220 La Trinite,
GU0SUP  Phil Cooper, 1 Clos au Pre, La Hougue du Pommier, Castel, Guersey
        Islands, CI, GY5 7FQ, England
H44NC   Norried F.Chaisson, Jr., P.O.Box 168, Munda, Western Province,
        Solomon Islands
HB9CYN  Martin Ghermi, Wyden 5, CH-5242 Birr, AG, Switzerland
HB9CYV  Christian Zeller, Jaegerstr. 19, CH-8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
HB9RF   U.S.K.A., Postfach 37, CH-6319 Allenwinden, Switzerland
HJ2PMP  Wilfredo Santana A., A.P.0290, Riohacha, Guajira, Colombia
HJ9QYJ  Enrique A.Quintero Villegas, P.O.Box 23, Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
HL0CHQ  Radio Club, P.O.Box 133, Chonju 560, Korea
HL3EEI  Mun Gu Hwang, P.O.Box 63, Cheong Ju 360-600, Korea
HL3EPH  Suh Pil Won, P.O.Box 67, Suwon 440-600, Korea
HL3EPI  Kim Young Ju, P.O.Box 67, Suwon 440-600, Korea
HL4GKR  Ki Bong Park, Ga-202, Daemyung APT, Sosohak-dong, Wansan-gu,
        Chonju 560-130, Korea
HL4GMJ  Young Ok Ha, Ga-202, Daemyung APT, Sosohak-dong, Wansan-gu,
        Chonju 560-130, Korea
HL5UOK  Lee Young Su, P.O.Box 20, Dong Taegu, Korea 
HP2CWB  Jose Ng Lee, P.O.Box 728, Colon, Panama
HS1NRU  Noppachart Limpaphayom, 567 Nakornchaisri Road, Dusit, Bangkok
        10300, Thailand
HS9CA   Somchai Limphanudom, 275 Thamanoonvithi, Haadyai, Songkhla 90110,
HV5PUL  Luca Della Giovampaola, Responsabile Tecnologia  Informatica,
        Pontificia Universita' Lateranense, Piazza S.Giovanni in Laterano 4,
        00120 Citta' del Vaticano
J73FC   Francis Charles, 68 River Street, Roseau, Dominica
JH6VLF  Masanori  Matsuyama, 303-Jyunesu Suzuki, 1330-Hiregasaki, Nagareyama,
        Chiba, 270-0161, Japan
JH1EVE  Hiroshi Higashiyama, 12-5 Higashi-Jyujyo 1-chome, Kita 114-0001,Japan
JH6RTO  Seiji Fukushima, 1182-2506 Hase, Atsugi 243-0036 Japan
JI1FLB  Seiichi Tanaka, 2-12-20 Nishimizumoto, Katushika-ku, Tokyo 125-0031,
JI3DST  Takeshi Funaki 2-18-26 Hannan, Abeno-ku, Osaka-city 545-0021, Japan
JM1LJS  Hideyuki Kai, 915, Takata-Cho, Kohoku-Ku, Yokohama-City 223-0063,
JQ1SUO  Eiji Shinoda, 3-3-17, Tomisato, Kashiwa, Chiba 277, Japan
K4VUD   Charles H.Harpole, 3100 N.Hwy. 426, Geneva, FL-32732, U.S.A.
KJ9I    David Schmocker, N7298 CTH F, Oconomowoc, WI 53066-9040, U.S.A.
LU1ZI   Direccion Nacional del Antartico, Cerrito 1248,Buenos Aires,Argentina
NE8Z    Rick Dorsch, P.O.Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139-0616 U.S.A.
P40B    Jacobo Oduber, P.O.Box 685, Oranjestad, Aruba
PY2YW   Antonio Demarinis, P.O.Box  65002, 01390-970, Sao  Paulo/SP, Brazil
RX3AEXx Aleksandr Vybornov, P.O.Box 39, 109337, Moscow, Russia
S79SBP  P.Singh, P.O.Box 52, Mahe, Seychelles Islands
T32NCC  Chuck Corbett, Fanning Island, Republic of Kiribati
TF3AO   Arsaell Oskarsson, Gnodarvogi 20, IS-104 Reykjavik, Iceland
TG9AGG  Roberto Garcia, P.O.Box 21 F, Guatemala, Guatemala
TK5PB   Bruno Padey, Le Magenta 1, F-20169 Bonifacio, France
UA6HCW  Igor V.Kovalyov, P.O.Box 59, Pyatigorsk 357500, Russia
UA9LP   Serge S.Abyshev, P.O.Box 698, Yyumen 625000, Russia
UA9OW   Serge, P.O.Box 82, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russia
UN7FK   Willy Martemyanov, P.O.Box 2100, Pavlodar 637000, Kazakhstan
UX1KA   Roman, P.O.Box 88, Kiev 252191, Ukraine
UY0MF   George V.Sobolevsky, P.O.Box 135, Lugansk 348042, Ukraine
V63KU   Sam, P.O.Box 1679, Truk Lagoon, Micronesia
VE3EXY  Nenad Stevanovic, P.O.Box 65046, Nepean, ON, K3G 5Y3, Canada
VK4FW   Bill Horner, P.O.Box 929, Gympie, Queensland 4570, Australia
VU2TMP  V.M.Thampi, Veliyathumalil, P.O.Pulpally, Kerala 673 579, India
W0YG    Charlie Summers, 6746 North Yucca Trail, Parker, CO 80138-6110, USA
W1ZT    George Johnson, 30 Washington Street, Beverly, MA-01915, U.S.A.
W3HC    Carl F.Mcdaniel, 2116 Reed Street, Williamsport, PA 17701-3904, USA
W4WR    Warren Rothberg, 9A Waterford Way, Delray Beach, FL-33446, U.S.A.
YB0MOS  Musa Suraatmadja, Taman Meruya Ilir, Blok D1B/5, Jakarta 11620,
YB3ZBZ  Club Station Lokal ORARI Malang, P.O.Box 234, Malang 65101,Indonesia
YB9ZBI  ORARI Daerah Bali, P.O.Box 3114, Denpasar, Bali 80001, Indonesia
YC0SHD  Suhendra, P.O.Box 2226 JKP, Jakarta 10022, Indonesia
YC1LY   Dedy Sudradjat, P.O.Box 1042, Bandung 40010, Indonesia
YC5TML  Erizal M. Isa., P.O.Box 154, BATAM Island 29400, Indonesia
YC9LQA  Sal, P.O.Box 1129, Kupang 85000, Indonesia
YI98BIF P.O.Box 55072, Baghdad, Iraq
YS1EJ   Juan Manuel Molina, 3 Calle Poniente #3685, Colonia Escalon,
        San Salvador, El Salvador
ZK3MR   Mose R., Agafu, Tokelau Island, South Pacific Ocean
ZP5ERG  Gregorio Espinosa Rojas, P.O.Box 1939, Asuncion 1209, Paraguay
S DX@WW $425WW388D
425 DX News #388 [4/5]
  10 October 1998                 No 388                   BID: $425WW388D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [2/3] *****

CALL       MANAGER         CALL       MANAGER         CALL       MANAGER 
3V8BB      F6FNU 01-15/10  CR3W       DL5EBE          R1ANL      UA6AH   
3V8BB   W6/G0AZT 15-20/10  CT3/DK1RP  DK1RP           RA2FBC     DF4BV   
R1ANF      DL5EBE   97-98  CT3/DL5EBE DL5EBE          RR3YPP     RA3YA   
FG5BG      K6RO            CT3M       DL5EBE          RW9OWD     UA9OW   
AH3C       W0RTT           CT6ARL     CT1EWA          RW9RF      W3HNK   
PT0F       W0RTT           CT98FRN    CT1FRN          RX1OX/FJL  DL6YET  
5R8ET      K1WY            CW2CP      CX6CP           S07WW      ON5NT   
ET3BT      K1WY            CX5BBI     KA5TUF          S08R       EA2JG   
GI6YM      K1WY            CX9AU      KA5TUF          S21YG      DL3NEO  
P29CC      K1WY            CY9AOE     VE1AOE          S92AT      NJ2D    
S21J       K1WY            D25L       PA3DMH          S92YN      HB9CYN  
TF7GX      K1WY            D2BB       W3HNK           S92YV      HB9CYV  
TF8GX      K1WY            DP1ICE     DL5EBE          SN0DXC     SP5ZGO  
UA0AOZ     K1WY            DP1KGI     DL5EBE          SN20JP     SP9PKZ  
UA0DC      K1WY            DS4BBL     EA2AKP          SN5PW      DL3KDC  
UA0ZBK     K1WY            DU1ODX     NH0E            SO1VOX     DL7VOX  
ZL3KIM     K1WY            DX1DX      DU1SAN          SU/PA3AXU  PA3AXU  
PJ7VP      W4WR  Ex K4VP   DX1S       OH2PM           SV0LR      HB9LDR  
3D2LJ      JM1LJS          E31AA      ZL3CW           SV1AFA/8   SV1CIB  
3D2LJ/P    JM1LJS          EA8/DL5EBE DL5EBE          SV2/DL5EBE DL5EBE  
3D2QB      SM3CER          EA8/DL7AU  DL7VRO          SV8/HA6NL  HA6NL   
3D2TS      JM1LJS          ED1IDC     EA4ATI          SV8/HA9AX  HA9PP   
3D2TS/P    JM1LJS          ED1OSM     EA1APL          SV8/ON4BB  ON4BB   
3D2XU      PA3AXU          ED4RAX     EA4AHW          SV9/DF3IS  DF3IS   
3DA0CA     W4DR            ED5MIA     EA5URR          T88II      KJ9I    
3E1DX      N0JT            ED5PCA     EA5WX           T88KH      JM1LJS  
3W/4K2OT   UX1KA           ED7AVT     EA7AVT          T88LJ      JM1LJS  
3W6RU      W1RU            ED7GTJ     EA7AJM          T95A       K2PF    
3W7TK      OK1HWB          ED7NFC     EA7AJM          T95MZZ     T97M    
4K2OT      UX1KA           ED9DLM     EA9BO           TA3/OH3MIG OH3MIG  
4K9W       DL6KVA          EK4JJ      EK4GK           TA4/OH3MIG OH3MIG  
4L4CC      RV1CC           EM1LV      UR8LV           TA4/OH3MIG OH3MIG  
4L8A       OZ1HPS          EP2MKO     UA6HCW          TF/DL5EBE  DL5EBE  
4S7AHG     JA4AHV          ER0F       UX0FF           TG9NX      N4FKZ   
4S7YSG     JA2BDR          ET3AA      G3VMW           TJ1HP      F6FNU   
4U/OH3MIG  OH3MIG          EU3FT      W3HC            TK/DJ5MX   DJ5MX   
4Z1GY      NF4W            EW3LB      W3HNK           TL5A       PA3DMH  
5J8IB      HK3DDD          EX7MM      DF8WS           TL8CG      IK1APO  
5K3W       HK3SGP          EX8MLE     IK2QPR          TM0SEF     F5FLO   
5N0/OK1AUT OK1AUT          EX8W       DL8FCU          TM5B       F5XX    
5N1SYT     IK0PHY          FK/JE1OYE  JM1LJS          TM5FKW     F5KBB   
5N3BHF     OE6LAG          FK/JJ1DWB  JM1LJS          TM5SIA     F2WS    
5N9EAM     IK7JTF          FK/JM1LJS  JM1LJS          TM7CRU     F5RPB   
5R8FK      NY3N            FK8GM      WB2YQH          TP4CE      F6FQK   
5R8FL      F5TBA           FK8VHM     F5TLP           TT8JW      AB4ET   
5R8FU      SM0DJZ          FK8VHT     F6AJA           TU2DP      K4MQL   
5T5WW      ON5NT           FM5FJ      KU9C            TU2XZ      W3HC    
5U7DG      K4SE            FM5GU      WA4JTK          TU5GD      N5FTR   
5V7FA      F6FNU           FO0PT      DJ0FX           TU5GY      IK1GPG  
5V7GL      EA5WX           FO0RIC     F6IFC           TZ6JA      JA3EMU  
5W0FN      HB9HFN          FR5ZU/G    VE2NW           UA1OT      UX1KA   
5W0HP      DL1SDV          FS5PL/P    N0JT            UA3AP      K3AO    
5W0LZ      HB9DLZ          FW5XX      ON4QM           UE0LEZ     UA0MF   
5W1SA      JH7OHF          GB2MLM     GW0CVY          UE0LLL     RW0MM   
5X1Z       SM6CAS          GB4SM      G0TSM           UE145C     RA0CY   
5Z4GC      WB2YQH          GJ/PA3DSR  PA3DSR          UE3LKG     RK3LWA  
5Z4RL      N2AU            GX0STH/P   G4DIY           UN35AB     UN7AB   
6K0ZW      HL5FPL          H27X       5B4XF           UN7GDL     W8JY    
6K98WCX    DS5USH          H2T        5B4XF           UP0F       W3HNK   
6W4RK      F5NPS           H44RY      OH1RY           UR4WWT     WR3L    
7P8FJ      ZS1FJ           H75A       N5FTR           UT2IWL     N5VL    
7Q7DC      WA6IJZ          H76C       HR1RMG          V26A       WB3DNA  
7Q7EH      AA9HD           HB0/DL5EBE DL5EBE          V26B       WT3Q    
7Z1AB      KN4F            HB0/KC4KBF DF8AN           V26DX      KU9C    
8P6DA      KU9C            HB9/DL5EBE DL5EBE          V26E       AB2E    
8Q7BB      JR2KDN          HC1HC      NE8Z            V26FV      W3FV    
8Q7CC      JR2KDN          HC4/VE3LAJ VE3LAJ          V26J       WX0B    
8Q7HA      JR2KDN          HC6CR      NE8Z            V26OC      N3OC    
8Q7LI      JR2KDN          HC6FG      NE8Z            V26R       KA2AEV  
8Q7US      JR2KDN          HC8N       AA5BT           V26RN      N5NJ    
9A98JP     9A1A            HD1HC      NE8Z            V26SR      N2SR    
9A98PAX    9A2TW           HF0POL     SP5BGD          V26T       K3MQH   
9G1YR      G4XTA           HH2LQ      NN6C            V26TS      K3MM    
9G5BQ      PA3GBQ          HI3/ON4ANT ON4ANT          V26TZ      W3HNK   
9H0VRZ     PA0JR           HI3HN      DH2JD           V26U       W2UDT   
9H1EL      LA2TO           HK135P     HK6LRP          V26V       K4VUD   
9H3IB      PA0PRT          HL5KY      W3HNK           V31CK      XE1CI   
9H3IE      PA0BEA          HP8ADU     W2BYW           V31JY      KV5E    
9H3KF      PA3DNW          HS0/JA6GIJ JA6LCJ          V31KR      K5KR    
9H3ON      PA3BIZ          HS0/SM3DYU SM3CVM          V31MP      W5ZPA   
9H3QH      PE1KNL          HS0ZAA     KM1R            V31YK      W5JYK   
9H3UJ      PA3CRA          HS0ZCM     KV5V            V63CO      DJ9HX   
9H3WA      PA3EPV          HS0ZCW     K4VUD           V63CP      JH1BLP  
9H3WH      PA0JR           HS1RU      JG3AVS          V63CV      JP1WDM  
9H3YM      PE1OFJ          HS98AG     HS1CKC          VE2MA/P    VE2ICM  
9H3YN      PA3CUZ          HU1X       YT1AD           VK9CJ      DJ9HX   
9H3YO      PA3AGZ          HZ1AB      K8PYD           VK9LNQ     JM1KNQ  
9H3YP      PD1ABY          II6FII     IK6LLE          VK9XI      DJ9HX   
S DX@WW $425WW388E
425 DX News #388 [5/5]
  10 October 1998                 No 388                   BID: $425WW388E
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                         ***** QSL INFO  [3/3] *****

9H3ZE      PE1RAG          II7A       IK7BPV          VP2V/IK1EDC I1SNW  
9H3ZF      PB0AOD          IU8AC      IK8HEQ          VP5DX      K4UTE   
9H3ZG      PA3AWX          IY4W       I4JED           VP8CTR     DL5EBE  
9H3ZH      PE1PZR          J28AG      ZL3CW           VP9/AH0R   JH6RTO  
9H3ZI      PE1OZU          J28DB      F4AAQ           VP9/US1IDX N5FG    
9H3ZJ      PA3GMZ          J41AG      SV1CIB          VP9LR      K1EFI   
9H3ZK      PE1PWM          J41W       SV1CIB          VP9W2FXA   W2FXA   
9H3ZL      PD0HAV          J43AFA     SV1CIB          VQ9QM      W4QM    
9H3ZM      PE1NSU          J43DIG     DJ8OT           VR98LC     VR2LC   
9H3ZN      PE1OPH          J47LHA     SV7CO           VR98UD     JN1DNG  
9H3ZO      PD1AIY          J48AFA     SV1CIB          VU2ABE     JA4DOB  
9H3ZP      PA3GRI          J48ISL     SV2AEL          VU3MCV     ON7LX   
9K2/SP5UAM SP5PBE          J48LSV     SV8DTL          VU3OAK     DL1SBF  
9M6AAC     N2OO            J73JT      W3HC            W4T        WA3HUP  
9M6HX      DJ9HX           JT1FBB     W9JOE           WP2Z       KU9C    
9N1UD      K4VUD           JT1JA      JT1CO           XE1NVX     EA5XX   
9N7RW      G4ERW           JT1M       JT1BG           XE2MX      K6VNX   
9Q2L       PA3DMH          JT7A       RA0AA           XU7AAE     7N3RQU  
9R1A       PA3DMH          JU60MTZ    JT1CJ           XU7AAK     JA1OEM  
9V1BG      JL1MWI          JW0K       DL5EBE          XV1Z       K6SGD   
9V8ZB      JL3WSL          JW2PA      LA2PA           XW8KPL     JH1EVE  
9X5EE      PA3DMH          JW4KQ      LA4KQ           XX9TJF     WB8YJF  
9Y/DK6WL   DK6WL           JW9OI      LA9OI           XX9TR      OH2PM   
9Y/DL4MCF  DL4MCF          JX7DFA     LA7DFA          XX9TYD     K8PYD   
9Y/DL4MDO  DL4MDO          JY9QJ      DL5MBY          XX9TZ      OH2BH   
9Y/DL4MEH  DL4MEH          K2BSA/2    KF2TI           YB0JWA     N2AU    
9Y4SF      WA4JTK          KC4AAA     NC6J            YB1KOR     VK4FW   
A2/ZS5UZ   W4DR            KH0/KD7CLP JH6VLF          YB5QZ      W3HNK   
A22/W0YG   W9YG            KH0/KH2K   JA1RJU          YC0AZ      W7TSQ   
A22EW      KB2MS           KH0AC      K7ZA            YC0IEM     VK4FW   
A35FN      HB9HFN          KH2/N2MI   JA2ZWJ          YC0LOW     N2AU    
A35HX      DJ9HX           KH7A       JH5DQH          YC0MZI     W6MD    
A35LZ      HB9DLZ          KH8GM      WB2RAJ          YC1LGP     VK4FW   
A35RK      W7TSQ           KL7/NO7F   K8NA            YC8VIP     W6MD    
A35SO      DJ4SO           KP2/IK1EDC I1SNW           YC9MKF     VK4FW   
A35ZL      DJ7RJ           KP4/IK1EDC I1SNW           YC9NBR     VK4FW   
A61AN      WA2JUN          KP3EE      WP4U            YE5B       YC5TML  
A61AS      YO3FRI          LA/DL5EBE  DL5EBE          YI1DKS     IK2DUW  
A92BE      A45XU           LU/UX1KA   DL5EBE          YI98BIF    DL1SEB  
AH0/KH2K   JA1RJU          LX/DL5EBE  DL5EBE          YI9SEB     DL1SEB  
AH8LG      KS6DV           LX8DL      LX1DA           YL80MR     YL2MR   
AP2TJ      W3HNK           LY61DS     LY1DS           YL80PQ     YL2PQ   
AT0PAI     VU2PAI          LY62TZ     LY2TZ           YL80RP     YL2RP   
BA1CO      W3HC            LY63BA     LY3BA           YL80UZ     YK2UZ   
BA1DU      W3HC            NH0E       KH0EJ           YM75ROT    TA3BN   
BA4TB      9A2AJ           NH0F       KH0FO           YU21SRJ    YU1ASB  
BD4ED      BY4BHP          NP3U       WP4U            Z2/W0YG    W0YG    
BI5X       BY4BHP          OD5NQ      RV6AB           Z24S       W3HNK   
BM0S       BV4QW           OD5PN      LX1NO           Z38/OH3MIG OH3MIG  
BT2HC      KU9C            OD5SK      KB5RA           Z38G       OH3MIG  
BV5BG      IK7JTF          OE3/DL5EBE DL5EBE          ZA0B       HB9BGN  
C31SD      CT1AMK          OH0JJS     OH6LI           ZA0Z       HB9BGN  
C46A       9A2AJ           OJ0VR      OH1VR           ZC4/G3VHE  G3VHE   
C4A        9A2AJ           OK2KOS     OK2HZ           ZD7CTO     KB2MS   
C6A/DJ3TZ  DJ3TZ           OK8EBE     DL5EBE          ZD7WRG     WA2JUN  
C6A/DL8OBF DL8OBF          OY/DL5EBE  DL5EBE          ZD8T       AC4IV   
C6A25FV    C6AFV           P29NB      K3BYV           ZD9/ZS1B   ZS1B    
C6AJZ      WI9WI           P29VR      W7LFA           ZF2MM      K1TO    
C6AKM      DL5OBZ          P40K       I2EOW           ZF2NT      N2AU    
C6AKQ      N4BP            P40N       WJ5DX           ZK1EHH     K8VIR   
C6IOTA     WA8LOW          P40RY      W6/G0AZT        ZK1HX      DJ9HX   
C91A       I4LCK           P40Z       WA5ZVE          ZK2FT      DL7FT   
C91RF      DL6DQW          P42W       P43ARC          ZK2XH      DJ9HX   
CE3/NE4Z   AJ4Y            PJ7/W4WR   W4WR            ZL7DK      DK7YY   
CE6JOA     CE6TC           PJ7/WA6WXD WA6WXD          ZL8RS      ZL1RS   
CF3SRF     VE3RHJ          PS1A       PY1SL           ZP5Z       W3HNK   
CN2IB      OM1APD          PU5EPL     PY5BF           ZS/PA0QRP  PA0FI   
CN2NG      OE8GNK          PU5U       PP5LL           ZS1/F5PYI  ZS1PYI  
CN8WW      DL6FBL          PV2E       PY2YW           ZS6/PA3DZN PA3DMH  
CO3ET      WD4OIN          PW5L       PP5LL           ZW5B       PY5EG   
CQ98BM     CT3BM           R1/DL5EBE  DL5EBE          ZX0F       PY5EG (96)

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