DX425 bulletin issue nr. 387

S DX@WW $425WW387A
425 DX News #387 [1/6]
 3 October 1998                   No 387                   BID: $425WW387A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3V     - Eddie, W6/G0AZT  will guest  operate from  3V8BB between  15 and  20
         October, including the  JARTS contest. Some  RTTY activity prior  to
         the contest,  mainly for  west coast  W/VE,  is highly  likely.  QSL
         direct to P.O. Box 5194, Richmond, CA 94805, USA. [TNX W6/G0AZT]
5H     - Dave, K8MN has started his final  rotation in Tanzania [425DXN  373]
         and the licencing application process. He should be there for  about
         three years and hopes to be active on 160-6 metres. More information
         is expected from the QSL manager as soon as it is available. QSL via
         WA8JOC either direct or through the bureau. [TNX WA8JOC]
5N     - Mario, TT8AM is now active  as 5N9EAM from  Nigeria. QSL via IK7JTF.
         [TNX IK7JTF]
5Z     - Graham, G0VNW will be working in  Kenya as of October for one  year.
         He hopes to get the call  5Z4GC and to be active  on all bands,  160
         metres included. QSL via WB2YQH. [TNX DX News Sheet]
9A     - Special event stations signing 9A98JP are  expected to be active  on
         all bands and modes between 1  and 5 October to celebrate the  visit
         of pope John Paul II to Croatia. QSL for contacts made on 20  metres
         only via 9A1A (P.O. Box 108, Zagreb, Croatia 1001). [TNX 9A9A]
9H     - The 24 Dutch amateurs who are going to operate from Malta between  3
         and 18 October  [425DXN 385] have  received individual callsigns  as
         follows: 9H3IB (QSL via PA0PRT), 9H3IE (QSL via PA0BEA), 9H3KF  (QSL
         via PA3DNW), 9H3ON (QSL via PA3BIZ),  9H3QH (QSL via PE1KNL),  9H3UJ
         (QSL via PA3CRA),  9H3WA (QSL via  PA3EPV), 9H3WH  (QSL via  PA0JR),
         9H3YM (QSL  via PE1OFJ),  9H3YN (QSL  via  PA3CUZ), 9H3YO  (QSL  via
         PA3AGZ), 9H3YP (QSL via PD1ABY), 9H3ZE (QSL via PE1RAG), 9H3ZF  (QSL
         via PB0AOD), 9H3ZG (QSL via PA3AWX),  9H3ZH (QSL via PE1PZR),  9H3ZI
         (QSL via PE1OZU), 9H3ZJ  (QSL via PA3GMZ),  9H3ZK (QSL via  PE1PWM),
         9H3ZL (QSL  via PD0HAV),  9H3ZM (QSL  via  PE1NSU), 9H3ZN  (QSL  via
         PE1OPH), 9H3ZO (QSL via PD1AIY), 9H3ZP  (QSL via PA3GRI). They  will
         also operate as 9H0VRZ (QSL via PA0JR). [TNX The Daily DX]
9M6    - Ed, K8EP will be active (mostly on 40, 20, 17, 15 and 10 metres  CW)
         from 9M6AAC at Hillview Gardens (Sabah, East Malaysia) [425DXN  325]
         between 8 and 11 October. QSL via N2OO. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
9Y     - Bavarian Contest Club members DK6WL, DL4MCF, DL4MDO and DL4MEH  will
         be active (on 10-160 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY) as 9Y/home call  from
         Tobago (SA-009) between 15 and 31 October. They will participate  in
         the CQ WW SSB DX Contest  (multi-single) with a  special call to  be
         announced. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
A4     - Don, A45XU (ex A92BE) will be in Oman there until January 2000.  QSL
         to Don Street, S. K. Street,  P.O. Box 2571  Seeb, Postal Code  111,
         Sultanate of Oman. [TNX The Daily DX]
CN     - Ben, DL6FBL will be active as  CN8WW from Morocco between 20 and  25
         October. He will participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest (SOAB)  and
         concentrate on WARC bands  before the contest.  QSL via DL6FBL  (Ben
         will confirm  all the  contacts automatically  through the  bureau).
         [TNX DL6FBL]
E3     - After his trip to Djibouti [425DXN 383] Jacky, ZL3CW/F2CW is  active
         again as E31AA from Eritrea. He started on 28 September and operates
         on CW as promised. Length of stay  is unknown at this time. QSL  via
         ZL3CW (Jacky Calvo, P.O. Box 593, Pukekohe 1800, New Zealand).
FO     - Walter, DJ0FX will be active (on 10-160 metres CW with some SSB)  as
         FO0PT from  Moorea  (OC-046), French  Polynesia  between 10  and  30
         October. QSL via DJ0FX either direct or through the bureau. [TNX The
         Daily DX]
FR/G   - Jacques, FR5ZU will be  active (SSB only)  as FR5ZU/G from  Glorioso
         (AF-011) between 6 and 30 October.  Amateurs from North America  can
         look for Jacques on 20 metres around 2 UTC (he will have daily  QSOs
         with his QSL manager on 14.256 MHz and then he will work freestyle).
         QSL via VE2NW. [TNX VE2NW]
S DX@WW $425WW387B
425 DX News #387 [2/6]
 3 October 1998                   No 387                   BID: $425WW387B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

FW     - Cedric, HB9HFN  (ex A35FN  and 5W0FN)  will be  active (call  to  be
         announced in due time) from Uvea (OC-054), Wallis and Futuna between
         28 February and 8 March 1999.  He plans to operate on 160-10  metres
         mostly on  CW,  with some  SSB  and RTTY.  If  you  have  DX/Contest
         experience and are interested in joining  Cedric, please drop him  a
         line (e-mail  address  is cedric.baechler@com.mcnet.ch;  snail  mail
         address is  Cedric  Baechler,  Mettetlet  26,  1763  Granges-Paccot,
         Switzerland).   The    website    for   the    expdition    is    at
         http://www.qsl.net/hb9hfn/, where log  will be  available after  the
         operation. [TNX HB9HFN]
HP     - DL5RBW, DL1RBR  and  DL9RCF will  be  visiting HP1XVH  on  Contadora
         Island (NA-072) in  October. Actual dates  have not been  mentioned,
         but they are  expected to participate  in CQ  WW SSB  DX Contest  as
         3E1DX (QSL via N0JT). Cards for  contacts made before and after  the
         contest go via home calls. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
HV     - HV5PUL [425DXN  363]  will  be  active  again  from  the  Pontificia
         Universita' Lateranense on 6 November (possibly  until the 13th)  to
         celebrate the opening of the 1998-99 academic year. The website  for
         this station from Vatica City is at http://www.pul.it/pul/hv5pul.htm
         QSL to Luca Della Giovampaola, Responsabile Tecnologia  Informatica,
         Pontificia Universita' Lateranense, Piazza S.Giovanni in Laterano 4,
         00120 Citta' del Vaticano. [TNX IW0DJB]
I      - Twelve AGESCI (Italian Catholic Guides And Scouts Association) scout
         stations will be active on 17-18 October during the 41st Jamboree On
         The Air as follows (please note that the suffixes make up the  words
         SCOUT JOTA  XLI):  II0S  from  Bracciano  (Roma),  II0C  from  Olbia
         (Sassari, EU-024), II1O from Celle Ligure (Savona), II2U from  Salo'
         (Brescia), II2T from Siziano (Pavia), II3J from Costigliola  (Veneto
         region), II4O  from  Spettine (Emilia  Romagna  region),  II5T  from
         Rosignano Marittimo (Livorno), II7A from Cassano Murge (Bari),  II8X
         from Matiniti di Campo Calabro (Reggio Calabria), II8L from  Portici
         (Napoli) and II9I from Marineo (Palermo, EU-025). QSL via bureau  or
         direct to Segreteria AGESCI, Piazza Pasquale Paoli 18, 00186 Roma  -
         RM, Italy. [TNX IK7BPV and IK7AFM]
KH0    - Masa, JH6VLF will be active (on 40, 30, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW/SSB)
         as KH0/KD7CLP from Rota Island (OC-086), Mariana Islands, between  9
         and 12  October. QSL  via  JH6VLF (Masanori  Matsuyama,  303-Jyunesu
         Suzuki, 1330-Hiregasaki, Nagareyama,  Chiba, 270-0161, Japan).  [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]
KL     - Tim, NO7F/KL7 is still on Unalaska Island (NA-059) [425DXN 379].  He
         can be found on +/- 14.260 MHz around 2.30 UTC and later: "I usually
         don't get on much sooner in  the day", he says.  "My work is  fairly
         demanding and some times I just  do not have any opportunity to  get
         on the bands.  I hope to  be operating during  most of the  contests
         this winter". Please  note that his  new QSL manager  is K8NA.  [TNX
         VE2NW and Islands On The Web]
KP2    - Pier Luigi, IK1EDC plans to operate from the Virgin Islands (NA-106)
         as follows: on  14 October from  Great St. James,  on the 15th  from
         Inner Brass, on the 17th from Capella, on the 18th from Savana. [TNX
KP3    - Pier Luigi,  IK1EDC  plans to  operate  from the  following  islands
         surrounding Puerto  Rico  (NA-099): on  9-10  October  from  Vieques
         Island, on the 11th from Culebra, on the 27th from Palominos, on the
         28th from Caja de Muertos, on the 29th from Cabras, on the 30th from
         Maguey. [TNX IK1EDC]
LZ     - Valery "Wally" Stefanov, LZ2CJ will participate in the CQ WW SSB  DX
         Contest (24-25 October) as SOSB on 160 metres and welcomes skeds  at
         lz2cj@qsl.net [TNX LZ2CJ]
PJ7    - Warren, W4WR will  participate in the  CQ WW SSB  DX Contest  (24-25
         October) PJ7/W4WR from  Dutch Sint  Maarten (NA-105).  QSL via  W4WR
         either direct or through the bureau. [TNX W4WR]
PY     - A group of  Brazilian amateurs  will be  active as  PV2E from  Santo
         Amaro Island (SA-071,  DIB 10) between  22 and 26  October. QSL  via
         PY2YW (Antonio Demarinis, P.O. Box  65002, 01390-970, Sao  Paulo/SP,
         Brazil). [TNX PY2YW]
PY0_spp- The ZY0SP and  ZY0SZ January 1999  DXpedition to St.  Peter and  St.
         Paul Rocks [425DXN  385] has  been postponed  to the  first week  of
         March 1999 to avoid any clash with the Campbell (ZL9) and  Rodrigues
         (3B9) operations. [TNX PS7AB and PS7KM]
S9     - Chris, HB9CYV and Martin, HB9CYN will  be active as S92YV and  S92YN
         from Sao Tome (AF-023) between 26  October and 7 November. Look  for
         them on CW (3502, 7002, 10104, 14002, 18069, 21002, 24892 and  28002
         kHz) and SSB (3793, 7045, 14202, 18115, 21245, 24933 and 28502 kHz).
         The      website      for       the      DXpedition      is       at
         http://ab5eh-lin.tamucc.edu/~hb9cyn  (where   the   logs   will   be
         available after the  operation).   QSL S92YV  via HB9CYV  (Christian
         Zeller, Jaegerstr. 19,  CH 8200 Schaffhausen,  Switzerland) and  QSL
         S92YN  via  HB9CYN  (Martin  Ghermi,  Wyden  5,  CH  5242  Birr  AG,
         Switzerland). Cards may be sent either direct or through the bureau.
         [TNX HB9CYN]
S DX@WW $425WW387C
425 DX News #387 [3/6]
 3 October 1998                   No 387                   BID: $425WW387C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

T32    - Chuck, T32NCC  lives on  Fanning (Tabuaeran)  Island (OC-084),  East
         Kiribati. He runs  100 watts into  a wire  dipole and  uses old  car
         batteries charged by solar  cells. Chuck does  not like pileups  and
         usually is active on 12 and 10 metres. QSL to Chuck Corbett, Fanning
         Island, Republic of Kiribati  (please note that  mail to the  island
         takes about seven months). [TNX The Daily DX]
T8     - KJ9I, NF9V and  NZ9Z will be  active as T88II  from Palau  (OC-009),
         Belau between 8  and 17  December. They  plan to  operate on  10-160
         metres (WARC included) with an emphasis on 160 metres. QSL via KJ9I.
         Contributions are  appreciated  via  the  QSL  manager  KJ9I  (David
         Schmocker, N7298 CTH F, Oconomowoc, WI 53066-9040, USA). [TNX KJ9I]
V2     - Frankford Radio Club's (FRC) Team Antigua will once again be  active
         from  Antigua  (NA-100)  between  20  and  30  October.  They   will
         participate in the CQ WW SSB  DX Contest as  V26B. Before and  after
         the contest they  will operate on  all bands and  modes as  follows:
         V26A = N3BNA (QSL via WB3DNA), V26AK  = N2TK (QSL via N2TK), V26B  =
         WT3Q (QSL via WT3Q), V26DX = W3CF  (QSL via KU9C), V26E = AB2E  (QSL
         via AB2E), V26FV = (QSL via W3FV), V26J = WX0B (QSL via WX0B), V26OC
         = N3OC (QSL via N3OC), V26R = KA2AEV (QSL via KA2AEV), V26RN =  (QSL
         via N5NJ),  V26SR =  N2SR (QSL  via N2SR),  V26T  = K3MQH  (QSL  via
         K3MQH), V26TS = (QSL via K3MM), V26TZ = ZP5AZL (QSL via W3HNK), V26U
         = W2UDT  (QSL via  W2UDT). The  home page  for  Team Antigua  is  at
         http://www.frc-contest.org/v26b/index.htm [TNX W3CF]
V3     - Gerry, VE6PL and his wife Flo,  KD7ATS will be active (mainly on  20
         metres SSB) as V31WF from Ambergris Cay (NA-073), Belize between  23
         and 30 November. [TNX VE6VK and Islands On The Web]
VE     - VE2ICM (Conrad), VE2FCQ (Francois) and  possibly VA2SR (Serge)  plan
         to be active (SSB and CW) as VE2MA/P from three or four new Canadian
         islands located in the St. Laurence river near the city of Sorel  on
         3 October atrting around 12  UTC. The islands  are Ile aux  Castors,
         Ile Du Mitan, Ile aux Vaches  and Ile Dupas.  QSL direct to  VE2ICM.
         [TNX VE2ICM]
VK9_coc- George, W8UVZ and  Charlie, W0YG will  be active  from Cocos  Island
         (OC-003) between 13 and 20 February  1999. They plan to  concentrate
         on the low and WARC bands and  on RTTY. The callsigns have not  been
         assigned so far. [TNX W0YG]
VK9_xms- George, W8UVZ and Charlie, W0YG will be active from Christmas Island
         (OC-002) between 6 and 13 February 1999. They plan to concentrate on
         the low and  WARC bands and  on RTTY.  The callsigns  have not  been
         assigned so far. [TNX W0YG]
VP2V   - Pier Luigi, IK1EDC plans to operate from the British Virgin  Islands
         (NA-023) as follows: on 22 October from Virgin Gorda, on the 23rd or
         the 25th from Pricly Pear, on the 24th from Anegada. [TNX IK1EDC]
VP2V   - Cinco Nueve DX Group members N7MQ, WJ7R, K7AR, W7YAQ, N7NU and  K9JF
         will be active (mainly on 40,  80 and 160 metres) as home  call/VP2V
         from the British Virgin Islands (NA-023) between 20 and 27  October.
         They plan to participate in the CQ WW SSB DX Contest  (Multi-Single)
         as K7AR/VP2V. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP5    - North Florida  DX Association  (NFDXA) members  N4KE, NU4Y,  KC4FWS,
         AB4UF, W1LR, WA4DRU, W4WSZ, AA4US and  W3KT will participate in  the
         CQ WW  SSB DX  Contest as  VP5DX (Multi-Single)  from Middle  Caicos
         (NA-002). QSL via K4UTE.  Outside  the contest they will be  signing
         VP5/home call (QSL via home calls). [TNX W3KT]
VP9    - Igor, US1IDX  will be  active as  US1IDX/VP9 from  Bermuda  (NA-005)
         between 17 and 24 October. He  will be staying  at the Palmetto  Bay
         Hotel  located  in  Smith  parish,  but  he  plans  to  operate   as
         US1IDX/VP9/m from  other parishes  as well  (namely St.  George  and
         Hamilton) starting on  the very day  of his arrival  from around  20
         UTC. QSL via N5FG (Floyd Gerald,  17 Green Hollow Road, Wiggins,  MS
         39577, USA). [TNX US1IDX]
VP9    - Gene, W2FXA will be active (on  10-80 metres, WARC included, CW  and
         SSB) as W2FXA/VP9 from Devonshire  parish, Bermuda (NA-005)  between
         25 October and 2 November. QSL via W2FXA. [TNX W2FXA]
W      - Special  event  station  W98ITU  will  be  active  in  October  from
         Minneapolis for the ITU meeting with  delegates from 184  countries.
         [TNX DX News Sheet]
W      - It is Lev,  N6VV who was  planning to operate  from St. George  Reef
         Lighthouse (NA-184) [425DXN 386]. Bad weather conditions have forced
         him to cancel the trip. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - The Morris-Sussex  Council of  the Boy  Scouts  of America  will  be
         hosting the Jersey  Jamboree on 10  and 11 October  and the  special
         event station K2BSA/2 will be on the air mainly on 40 and 20 metres.
         QSL via KF2TI. [TNX KF2TI]
XV     - Larry, K6SGD will be operate as XV1Z from Vietnam between 20 October
         and 14 November. He plans to be  active on RTTY. [TNX W2JGR and  The
         VK2SG RTTY DX Notes]
ZD7    - Johnny, ZD7WRG and  many other  ZD7 stations  will be  active on  11
         October to celebrate St. Helena Day. [TNX DX News Sheet]
ZK3    - Ron Wright, ZL1AMO  plans to  leave New  Zealand on  17 October  for
         Tokelau (OC-048), from  where he is  expected to be  active for  3-4
         weeks probably as ZK3RW as he did  in 1995. QSL via home call.  [TNX
         The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW387D
425 DX News #387 [4/6]
 3 October 1998                   No 387                   BID: $425WW387D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

5V7FA ---> Both Marc, F5PCU [425DXN 375] and Cris, G4FAM [425DXN 383] hold  a
5V7FA licence, which seems to have  been issued twice  by the Togo  licencing
authorities. Efforts are being made to solve the problem. For the time  being
please note  that Marc  F5PCU/5V7FA (QSL  via F6FNU)  works SSB,  while  Cris
G4FAM/5V7FA (QSL via G4FAM) will be working CW in November as a member of the
Voodoo Contest Group team.

A22/ & Z2/W0YG  ---> Charlie, W0YG  reports he worked  "a bunch  from Z2  but
never got the chance to  operate on 80/160  metres as a  DX mobile signal  on
those bands is equivalent  to a dummy  load. An unforeseen  bout in the  bush
with malaria  cut short  my operation  from Z2  and stopped  me from  further
operating from A2 when I  went there. I  will again try  for licensing on  my
next trip  and attempt  to do  a  better job  of  it then".  Charlie  visited
Botswana and  Zimbabwe  in July/August  1998  [425DXN 375].  QSL  to  Charlie
Summers, 6746 North Yucca Trail, Parker, CO 80138-6110, USA.

DX AWARDS ---> The K1BV DX  Awards Directory is a  250-page book listing  the
rules for  2640 awards  from 117  countries. For  further information  please
contact Ted Melinosky, K1BV, 65 Glebe Road, Spofford, NH 03462-4411, USA.

ITALIAN LAKE ISLANDS AWARD ---> It is availabe to both licenced and SWLs  who
have worked/heard  stations  (from 1  January  1998) operating  from  Italian
islands located in lakes (not IOTA). The award (I.L.I.A.) is sponsored by the
Crazy DX  Group  (P.O. Box  11,  04011 Aprilia  -  LT,  Italy).  For  further
information  visit  http://www.grisnet.it/crazy  or  http://www.qsl.net/crazy

HIGHWAY ARC AWARD ---> It is available to both licenced amateurs and SWLs who
have worked/heard 23 stations (from 1 July 1996 onwards) whose last letter of
the call sign makes up the words "Highway Amateur Radio Club". Send a copy of
the log (certified by two other radio amateurs from your radio club) with US$
6 or 12 IRCs to  The Awards Manager,  P.O. Box 779,  New Germany, 3620  South
Africa. [TNX ZS5BBO]

QSL HP3XUG  & HO3A  ---> Louis,  KG6UH/HP3XUG/HO3A reports  that his  current
address (PSC 61 Box  324, FPO AA  34061) [425DXN 384]  will cease to  forward
after February 1999. The new address  is: Capt. Louis N. Anciaux, USN  (RET),
PSC 1 Box 57, APO AA 34001-0057, USA. His local Panama address (Apartado 417,
David, Chiriqui, Republica  de Panama) remains  valid, although  it is  quite
slow at times.

QSL KH9  ---> Do  not resubmit  cards for  K8XP/KH9, N2OO/KH9,  N6MZ/KH9  and
N2WB/KH9   (the   Dateline   DX   Association's   DXpedition   to   Wake   in
February-March). Tom, N4XP reports that cards are being processed and  mailed
daily, but there are two factors  that slow down the process: many  operators
put cards for QSOs with all four stations  in a single SASE while others  put
QSO labels from one or more QSOs with  more than one of the DXpedition  calls
on a single QSL.

QSL UA9LP ---> Serge, UA9LP (ua9lp@yahoo.com) is active daily on 10-80 metres
RTTY from Zone 17. QSL direct to his new address: Serge S. Abyshev, Box  698,
Tyumen 625000, Russia. [TNX UA9LP]

QSL YC8VIP ---> Ovy, YC8VIP (OC-070) reports that VK4FW is *not* his new  QSL
manager [425DXN 386]. QSL cards should be sent to W6MD (Steve Busono,  1700E,
13th No. 14 OE, Cleveland, OH 44114, USA). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

QSL VIA NE8Z ---> Rick, NE8Z is the QSL  manager for HC1HC and HD1HC and  can
confirm all past, present and future  QSOs. His address is Rick Dorsch,  P.O.
Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139-0616, USA. [TNX NE8Z]

RODRIGUEZ 1999 ---> The DXpedition to Rodriguez Island will not take place in
early January 1999 [425DXN 383] due to the concurrent DXpedition  to Campbell
[425DXN 383].  However Frank, AH0W is reported to be still planning  the  3B9
operation on a later date. [TNX The Daily DX]
S DX@WW $425WW387E
425 DX News #387 [5/6]
 3 October 1998                   No 387                   BID: $425WW387E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

DXTELNET:     Fabrizio Sartoni,  IK4VYX (rac2610@racine.ra.it)  reports  that
              the new  version of  DXTelnet (4.4)  is now  available at  both
              http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/wd4ngb/telnet.htm           and
IIA:          The  latest  IIA  (Italian  Islands  Award)/IOTA  list  is  now
              available at http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html
LOGS:         Logs  for  Libor,  OK7DX  (ex  OK2PHH)  are  now  available  at
              http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/9663/ok2kli/logsearch/, where
              there is also a QSL request form. [TNX OK7DX]
SOFTWARE:     Jukka, OH2GI reports that the new  release of OH2GI-Ham  System
              V6.3d is available at http://www.sci.fi/~ejuhola/oh2gi/
SSTV:         SSTV enthusiasts are invited to visit the website of Danny  Van
              Tricht, ON4VT at http://www.ping.be/on4vt/ where to find  dates
              and rules  for  all the  SSTV  contests,  information  on  SSTV
              awards, the  Picture  DX Bulletin  with  the "Pictures  of  the

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S DX@WW $425WW387F
425 DX News #387 [6/6]
 3 October 1998                   No 387                   BID: $425WW387F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  05/10      9A98JP: special event station (Croatia)                387
till  07/11      9N7RW: Nepal * by G4ERW                                386
till  15/11      9V8: Singapore * special prefix                        369
till  19/10      A35SO & A35xx: Fafa (OC-049), Tonga * by DJ4SO & DJ7RJ 386
till  03/10      BI5X: Zhoushan Archipelago (AS-137) * by BYs           386
till  06/10      C91RF: Mozambique * by DL6DQW                          386
till  ??         CE3/NE4Z: Chile and Chilean IOTA islands               380
till  ??         E31AA: Eritrea * by ZL3CW/F2CW                         387
till  31/12      EU200A, EV200M & EW200M: special event stations        378
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  November   FW5XX: Futuna (OC-118) * by ON4QM                      385
till  ??         LU1ZI: Teniente Jubany Base, So. Shetlands (AN-010)    382
till  07/10      SV8/SM3CVM/P: Poros Island (EU-075)                    385
till  December   TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN             373
till  ??         TZ6DX: Mali * by K4RB                                  382
till  29/10      YM75TA: special event station                          377
29/09-07/10      FO0RIC: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia * by F6IFC   386
01/10-15/10      3V8BB: Tunisia * by F2KN                               386
02/10-05/10      GB4SM: Isles of Scilly (EU-011) * by M0BJL and G0TSM   385
02/10-04/10      VII Hamfest-India (Bangalore)                          383
02/10-04/10      VIII W5 DX Bash                                        384
03/10-18/10      9H0VRZ & 9H3xx: Malta (EU-023) * by PAs                387
03/10-10/10      J6: St. Lucia (NA-108) * by IN3ZNR                     386
03/10-04/10      TM5FKW: France * special event station                 386
03/10            VE2MA/P: C.IS.A. islands * by VE2ICM, VE2FCQ, VA2SR    387
03/10            European Autumn SSB Contest                            356
03/10-04/10      VK/ZL SSB Contest                                      ***
05/10-??/12      4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 385
06/10-30/10      FR5ZU/G: Glorioso (AF-011)                             387
06/10-11/10      H76C: Cardon Island (NA-???) * by HR1RMG & YN1RFV/YN6  384
07/10-12/10      FO0RIC: Bora Bora (OC-067),French Polynesia * by F6IFC 386
07/10-18/10      FO0SUC: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Is * by F5JJW         381
08/10-11/10      9M6AAC: Sabah, East Malaysia * by K8EP                 387
08/10            W1NLK: Sheffield Isl (NA-136) * by Greater Norwalk ARC 385
09/10-12/10      KH0/KD7CLP: Rota (OC-086), Mariana Is * by JH6VLF      387
09/10-30/10      KP3: Puerto Rico (NA-099) * by IK1EDC                  387
09/10-11/10      RSGB HF & IOTA Convention                              385
09/10-11/10      4th Russian IOTA/DX HF Hamvention (Lipetsk)            365
10/10-16/10      DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Island (EU-042, DIA N-23)           385
10/10-30/10      FO0PT: Moorea (OC-046), French Polynesia * by DJ0FX    387
10/10-11/10      K2BSA/2: special event (scout) station                 387
10/10            European Autumn CW Contest                             356
10/10-11/10      Ibero American SSB Contest                             ***
10/10-11/10      VK/ZL CW Contest                                       ***
11/10            St. Helena Day                                         387
12/10-15/10      FO0RIC: Huahine (OC-067), French Polynesia * by F6IFC  386
14/10-27/10      C5: The Gambia * by DF4RD,DL5NAM,DL9NDS,OE2VEL,OE9MON  383
14/10-31/10      HG5P: Hungary * special event call                     356
14/10-18/10      KP2: Virgin Islands (NA-106) * by IK1EDC               387
14/10-24/10      US1IDX/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005)                           387
15/10-20/10      3V8BB: Tunisia * guest operated by W6/G0AZT            387
15/10-31/10      9Y/DK6WL, DL4MCF, DL4MDO, DL4MEH: Tobago (SA-009)      387
16/10-19/10      KH0/N3JJ, KH0/JM1LJS: Saipan (OC-086)*by JA3ART,JM1LJS 385
17/10-27/10      FG/N6RV,K6RO,W6SR,N6ED,W6KK,N6RT + FG5BG: Guadeloupe   385
17/10-18/10      II0S, II0C, II1O, II2U, II2T, II3J: 41st JOTA          387
17/10-18/10      II4O, II5T ,II7A, II8X, II8L, II9I: 41st JOTA          387
17/10            Oklahoma DX Association DX Banquet                     384
19/10-04/11      8Q7IO & 8Q7IQ: Maldives (AS-013) * by DL7VRO & others  385
19/10-22/10      FO0SUC: Tahaa (OC-067) * by F5JJW                      381
19/10-27/10      WP2Z & KP2/...: Virgin Is * by W4WX and others         382
20/10-25/10      CN8WW: Morocco * by DL6FBL                             387
20/10-26/10      FM/EA3AOK/P & FM/EA3BT/P: Martinique (NA-107)          383
20/10-27/10      HI3/ON4ANT: Dominican Republic (NA-096) * by ONs       385
20/10-30/10      V26B & V26xx: Antigua (NA-100) * by Frankford RC       387
20/10-27/10      N7MQ,WJ7R,K7AR,W7YAQ,N7NU,K9JF/VP2V: British Virgin Is 387
20/10-14/11      XV1Z: Vietnam * by K6SGD                               387
21/10-28/10      A35XU: Tonga * by PA3AXU                               379
21/10-26/10      V31MX: Belize * by K0BCN                               383
22/10-26/10      HL5/JI6KVR: Ullung Island (AS-045)                     383
22/10-26/10      PV2E: Santo Amaro Island (SA-071, DIB 10) * by PYs     387
22/10-27/10      T32MP,KV,PL,PS: Christmas Isl (OC-024), East Kiribati  385
22/10-24/10      VP2V: British virgin Islands (NA-023) * by IK1EDC      387
23/10-26/10      7K4STV/1 and JQ1USM/1: Hachijo Island (AS-043)         383
24/10-25/10      FS/K7ZUM and FS/N7KG: St. Martin (NA-105)              385
24/10-25/10      PJ7/W4WR: Sint Maarten (NA-105)                        387
24/10-25/10      PJ9Q: Bonaire (SA-006) * by W9QQ and W4JVN             383
24/10-25/10      VP5DX: Middle Caicos (NA-002) * by North Florida DXA   387
24/10-25/10      CQWW DX SSB Contest                                    ***
25/10-02/11      W2FXA/VP9: Bermuda (NA-005)                            387
26/10-07/11      S92YV & S92YN: Sao Tome (AF-023) * by HB9CYV & HB9CYN  387
October          3E1DX & HP/DL5RBW, DL1RBR & DL9RCF: NA-072             387
October          3V8BB/4 or TS4QI: AF-073 * by Z32ZM,Z32AU,YT1AD & 3V8s 384
October          BV9: Pratas Island                                     386
October          W98ITU: special event station (Minneapolis)            387
late October     ZK3RW: Tokelau (OC-048) * by ZL1AMO                    387