S DX@WW $425WW386A 425 DX News #386 [1/4] 26 September 1998 No 386 BID: $425WW386A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3DA - Jon, 3DAOCA plans to be active (with a new antenna) daily on 160 metres (+/- 1830 kHz) between 18 and 20 UTC from late September. QSL via W4DR. [TNX DX News Sheet] 3V - Albert, F2KN will be again in Tunisia between 1 and 15 October. He hopes to operate from 3V8BB in his spare time. QSL for contacts made with Albert is via F2KN. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] 7P - Barry, ZS1FJ will be active hopefully as 7P8FJ from Lesotho between 30 September and 3 October. QSL via ZS1FJ. [TNX The Daily DX] 9N - David, G4ERW is active as 9N7RW from the town of Patan in the Kathmandu valley until 7 November. QSL via G4ERW. [TNX The Daily DX] A3 - Klaus, DJ4SO and Manfred, DJ7RJ will be active (on all bands CW, SSB and RTTY) as A35SO and A35xx (to be issued) from Fafa Island (OC-049), Tonga between 1 and 19 October. QSL via home calls. [TNX DX News Sheet] BV9 - A couple of days ago Gary, W8VI talked with Taya, BV5BG who "seemed very optimistic about a Pratas operation in October" [425DXN 381]. KYFC. [TNX W8VI] BY - Operators from Shanghai plan to be active as BI5X from Xiao Yangshan Island, Zhoushan Archipelago (AS-137) between 1 and 3 October. QSL via BY4BHP (P.O. Box 085-299, Shanghai 200085, People's Republic of China). For further information please go to http://bi5x.yeah.net [TNX BD4EG] C9 - Reinhard, DL6DQW, will be active as C91RF from Mozambique until 6 October. QSL via DL6DQW. [TNX The Daily DX] E3 - Jacky, ZL3CW/F2CW [425DXN 382] received a letter from the Ministry of Transport & Communications stating that Amateur Radio is officially open in Eritrea as of 21 September 1998. He paid the licence fee (which has currently been set at $500!) and became active as E31AA on 22 September around 17 UTC (SSB only as his rig did not have CW capability). Jacky left Eritrea for Djibouti (from where he should operate as J28CE in his spare time) on 23 September. He expects to return to Asmara around 30 September and plans to be active also on CW. QSL via ZL3CW. [TNX N6RT] F - Special event station TM5FKW was active on 19-20 September and will be active again on 26-27 September and 3-4 October. QSL to F5KBB via the bureau. [TNX F5JGM] FO - Christian, F6IFC will be active as FO0RIC from French Polynesia as follows: from Moorea (OC-046, DIFO FO-010) between 29 September and 7 October; from Bora Bora (OC-067, DIFO FO-003) between 7 and 12 October; from Huahine (1OC-067, FO-004) between 12 and 15 October. [TNX F5NOD and OZ8RO] GM - Ian, GM3UTQ will be active as GM3UTQ/P from Sanda Island (EU-123, IOSA CL-08) between 26 September and 3 October. He will participate in the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest, then he will operate on 10-80 metres SSB. [TNX GM3UTQ] HK - Gerard, F2JD will be working in Colombia for one or two years starting at the end of September and hopes to renew his previous licence (HK/G0SHN). QSL via F6AJA. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] I - Operators from Locarno Radio Club (HB5RL) will be active on 27 September during the celebrations of the old Formula 1 course at Campione d'Italia. QSL via HB9CXZ. [TNX HB9FBO] J6 - Fabrizio, IN3ZNR will be active (on SSB with an emphasis on the low bands) from St.Lucia (NA-108) between 3 and 10 October. QSL via IN3ZNR. KH2 - The following Mariana Islands DX Association [425DXN 373] members are expected to be active from Guam (OC-026) during the VK/ZL Oceania DX SSB (3-4 October) and CW (10-11 October) Contests: KH2D, N2NL/KH2, NH6D/KH2, K4SXT/KH2, WH2U, KH2JU, N4UQM/KH2 and NH2E. Further information on the MIDXA (including QSL routes) is available at http://www.guam.net/pub/midxa/ KH8 - Bill, W4WX reports he will not be able to participate in the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest from Pago Pago, American Samoa [425DXN 385] due to transportation problems. [TNX W4WX] KH0 - The following Mariana Islands DX Association [425DXN 373] members are expected to be active from Saipan (OC-086) during the VK/ZL Oceania DX SSB (3-4 October) and CW (10-11 October) Contests: WH0AAV, KH0CE, AH0D, NH0F, NH0D and NH0E. Further information on the MIDXA (including QSL routes) is available at http://www.guam.net/pub/midxa/ VK9_lh - Hitoshi Abe, JM1KNQ is currently active as VK9LNQ from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) until 28 September. QSL via JM1KNQ. [TNX The Daily DX] W - An operation (call not mentioned) has been reported to be planned to take place from St. George Reef Lighthouse (NO-REF) on 3 October for 24 hours. The island is claimed as counting for the California State North IOTA group (NA-184). YV - YV7AJ will be active from Margarita Island (SA-012) during the weekend on the occasion of the IARU Region II meeting. [TNX The Daily DX] ZD9 - Bud, ZS1B is reported to be currently heading for Gough Island (AF-030) [425DXN 384], where he hopes to arrive on 28 September and be active for 2-3 days. QSL via ZS1B. [TNX G0UIH and Islands On The Web] /EX S DX@WW $425WW386B 425 DX News #386 [2/4] 26 September 1998 No 386 BID: $425WW386B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Rob, PA3ERC and Ronald, PA3EWP [425DXN 375] logged 10494 QSOs (2868 SSB, 6998 CW, 628 RTTY) from Jamaica (NA-097) and 14137 QSOs (5924 SSB, 7523 CW, 690 RTTY) from Cayman Brac (NA-016). QSL 6Y5/PA3ERC, 6Y5/PA3EWP, ZF2RC/ZF9 and ZF2WP/ZF9 via PA3ERC either direct (Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands) or through the bureeau. Full logs, pictures etc are now available at http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/tour98.html [TNX PA3ERC] ED1IDC ---> This station was active on 19 September from Cortegada Island. IOTA enthusiasts should note that this island DOES NOT COUNT for EU-080 as it fails to meet the qualification criteria (see RSGB IOTA Directory & Yearbook 1998/99, paragraph E.7.3). [TNX G3ZAY] IBEROAMERICAN CONTEST ---> It will take place between 20 UTC on 10 October and 20 UTC on 11 October (not on 3-4 October as mentioned in the Calendar: we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our readers). POSTAGE FROM FK ---> Didier, FK8VHN reports that "1 IRC is OK for return postage from New Caledonia to all continents, French stamps are not valid, US$1 is not enough by 30% for North America, South America & Asia and not enough by 50% for Europe". [TNX W8WFN] QSL MANAGERS ---> The "GOLIST, QSL Manager List" is continuously updating its records. If you have added or deleted any DX stations or have had an e-mail or postal address change, please send the updated information to John, K1XN at golist@usa.net for inclusion in the Monthly GOLIST programme. [TNX K1XN] QSL 5N4B ---> Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW reports that the station 5N4B from Bonny Island (AF-076) was a pirate. This station was active in April 1998 and gave QSL via I2EOW. Erminio has received some 50 direct cards which he will return to sender. IRCs and green stamps will be returned as well. QSL C6A25FV ---> Delano, C6AFV reports he has already sent out about 2000 cards for the contacts he made as C6A25FV. He replies the same day he receives the requests. QSL ZD7DP ---> W1ZT is the new QSL manager for Desdmond Peters, ZD7DP. He has logs for all QSOs so will accept QSL requests for all contacts including those prior to this date. The address is George Johnson, 30 Washington St., Beverly, MA 01915, USA [TNX W1ZT and The Golist] QSL VIA DL5EBE ---> Dominik, DL5EBE (dweiel@t-online.de) reports that all direct cards for VP8CTR have been answered (bureau cards are being sent out). He has the logs for both LU/UX1KA (Peterman Island, Antarctica) and R1ANF (1997-98 only), whose cards he expectes to have printed soon - do not send second requests. Please note DL5EBE's new address: Dominik Weiel, Eschenbruchstr. 6, D-51069 Koeln, Germany. [TNX DL5EBE] QSL VIA IZ8CKY ---> Stefano, IZ8CKY reports he is not the QSL manager for IC8/IK8GCP and IC8/IK8TWX any longer. However he still handles the cards for IC8/IK8YWL, IC8/IK8YWK, IC8/IW8EHA. QSL either direct (Stefano Montone, Via Nunziale S. Antonio 76, Trentola Ducenta - CE, Italy) or through the bureau. Please note that Stefano has already confirmed automatically through the bureau all the contacs he made as IB0/IZ8CKY from Il Fungo (IIA LT-???). QSL VIA VK4FW ---> Bill Horner, VK4FW is the new QSL manager for YB1KOR, YC0IEM, YC9MKF, YC9NBR, YC1LGP and YC8VIP. QSL to P.O. Box 929, Gympie, Queensland 4570, Australia. [TNX VK4FW] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** NEWS FROM THE WEB **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH LOGS: The logs for 3D2DX (Rotuma) and 3D2DX/P (Fiji) operations by Roberto, EA4DX [425DXN 371] are now available at http://www.qsl.net/ea4dx/3D2DXlog1.htm WEB SITE: Don Milner, ZS6AQS, Public Relation Officer for the Pretoria Amateur Radio Club, invites the readers to visit the club web site at http://www.icon.co.za/~teldon /EX S DX@WW $425WW386C 425 DX News #386 [3/4] 26 September 1998 No 386 BID: $425WW386C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [1/2] ***** =========================== Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM <TNX IK1UGX, IK7AFM, W1ZT, The Daily DX> ========================================================================= CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ========================================================================= 3D2AO DL7VRO ED1OSM EA1APL RR3YPP RA3YA 3D2DX EA4CP ED1SDC EA1AUM RW0A UA0AGI 3D2IO DL7VRO ED2SSE EA2ASJ RW9RF W3HNK 3D2QB SM3CER ED5MIA EA5URR S07WW ON5NT 3D2XO DL7VRO ED7NFC EA7AJM S21J K1WY 3DA0CA W4DR ED8CMT DL7VRO S21YG DL3NEO 3DA5A JH7FQK EF2SSE EA2ASJ S92AT NJ2D 3W6EZD 7L1MFS EK4JJ EK4GK SN0DXC SP5ZGO 3W7TK OK1HWB EK8WB IK2QPR SN5PW DL3KDC 3XY7A VE3WFN EL2AB IK0PHY SO1HH DL7VRO 4G50N DU9RG EM1LV UR8LV SO5OE/1 DL7VRO 4L0CR IK7JTF EM220IM UX8IX SU1CS 9K2CS 4L4CC RV1CC EP3HR I2MQP SV0LR HB9LDR 4N4AE K4DTI EP3LAH RV6LAH SV8/HA9AX/P HA9PP 4S7CF 9V1JY ER5GB W3HNK SV9/DF3IS DF3IS 4S7YSG JA2BDR ET3AA G3VMW T21XO DL7VRO 4U1WB KK4HD EU200A EU4AA T25AO DL7VRO 4Z1GY NF4W EU3FT W3HC T28IO DL7VRO 4Z5BZ RW6HS FK8FB F6FNU T32KV N0KV 5B4ADA 9A2AJ FK8VHT F6AJA T32MP K0MP 5N0/OK1AUT OK1AUT FM5FJ KU9C T32PL W0NF 5N3BHF OE6LAG FO0SUC F5JJW T32PS AE7C 5R8FK NY3N FP5EJ K2RW T88ME 7N1RTO 5R8FL F5TBA FR5VZ F5VZ T95A K2PF 5R8FU SM0GJZ FS/K7ZUM K7ZUM T95MZZ T97M 5T5WW ON5NT FS/N7KG N7KG TF2/LX1NO LX1NO 5V7FA F6FNU FS5PL N0JT TF3/LX1NO LX1NO 5V7HR DL7VRO FW/Y31XO DL7VRO TG9NX N4FKZ 5W0GD PA3AXU FW/Y58IO DL7VRO TK/DJ5MX DJ5MX 5W1SA JH7OHF FW5XX ON4QM TL5A PA3DMH 5X1T ON5NT GB4SM G0TSM TM2OO F5KQN 5X1Z SM6CAS GJ/PA3DSR PA3DSR TM5FKW F5KBB 5Z4RL N2AU H2T 5B4XF TM6J F5ECJ 6K0ZW HL5FPL H44IO DL7VRO TN2M DL7VRO 6K98WCX HL5FOP H44IQ DL7VRO TN4U DL7VRO 6W4RK F5NPS H44XO DL7VRO TT8JW AB4ET 7Q7DC WA6IJZ H73C HR1RMG TU2ML K4YW 7Q7EH AA9HD HB0/HB9LEY JH1BSE TY1IJ DK8ZD 7Q7RM G0IAS HB0/KC4KBF DF8AN TZ6DX K4DX 7X2RO OM3CGN HC6CR NE8Z TZ6JA JA3EMU 7Z1AB KN4F HC8N AA5BT UA0AZ W3HNK 7Z1IS SM0OFG HF0POL SP3BGD UA0LEC W3HNK 8P6DA KU9C HH2LQ NN6C UA9SOR UA9SC 8P6SH KU9C HI3/ON4ANT ON4ANT UE0LEZ UA0MF 8Q7BB JR2KDN HL5KY W3HNK UE0LLL RW0MM 8Q7CC JR2CDN HP3XBH W4WX UE1ANK UA1JC 8Q7HA JR2KDN HS0/JA6GIJ JA6LCJ UE2EA UA2FZ 8Q7IO DL7VRO HS0ZAA KM1R UE9ARK RA9APZ 8Q7IQ DL7VRO HS0ZCM KV5V UK8GK RW6HS 8Q7US JR2KDN HS0ZCW K4VUD UK8OM IK2QPR 9A3FT F6FNU HS1RU JG3AVS UN8LA W3HNK 9A7C KA9WON HS6YW/1 HS1CHB UT2IWL N5VL 9G1BJ G4XTA HS98AG HS1CKC V31KR K5KR 9G1MR IK3HHX HZ1AB K8PYD V31MP W5ZPA 9H3ZQ DF7JP ID8/IZ8BRI IK8WEJ V31YK W5JYK 9I2A DL7VRO ID8/IZ8CCW IK8WEJ V63CO DJ9HX 9I2M DL7VRO ID9/I4WCK I4WCK V63CP JH1BLP 9I2Z DL7VRO II1VE I1BWI V63KA JH8BKL 9J2A JA0JHA II6FII IK6LLE VK9CJ DJ9HX 9J2BO W6ORD IL7/IK6CAC IK6CAC VK9XI DJ9HX 9J2TF JE2RMH IL7/IK7TIM IK7TIM VO2/WB8YTZ WB8YTZ 9K2/SP3PBE SP3PBE IM0/IK2DUW IK2DUW VO2WL WB8YTZ 9K2AI IK7JTF IZ7AAA IK7AFM VP8/G4VFU G4VFU 9K2GS W6YJ J28DB F4AAQ VP8CJZ G4VFU 9K2RR KU9C J43DIG DJ8OT VQ9GB K7GB 9M2RY N4JR J45KLN SM0CMH VQ9QM W4QM 9M6HX DJ9HX JD1/JA1RFU JA1RFU VR2/K8PYD K8PYD 9N1AA JM2HBO-JA only JT1FBX JG5PJJ VR2/WB8YJF WB8YJF 9N1AA N4AA-World JT7A RA0AA VR2KF JH1OGX 9V8BG JL1MWI JU60MTZ JT1CJ VR2MM JR3JFZ 9V8OK 9V1OK JW4KQ LA4KQ VR98LC VR2LC 9V8SEA 9V1UV JW5NM LA5NM VR98UD JN1DNG 9V8WW 9V1WW JW9OI LA9OI VU3MCX ON7LX 9V8ZB JL3WSL JW9PJA LA9PJA W5BOS/7 W5BOS A2/ZS5UZ W4DR JX7DFA LA7DFA W8G W8VP A35HX DJ9HX JY9QJ DL5MBY XE2MX K6VNX A61AJ W3UR KC4AAA NC6J XR40TC CE6TC A61AP IK7JTF KH0/JH1UUT JH1UUT XU7AA JA1OEM A61AQ N1DG KH0/JM1LJS JM1LJS XU7AAE 7N3RQU AH2R JI3ERV KH0/N3JJ JA3ART XU7AAK JA1OEM AP2TJ W3HNK KH0AC K7ZA XV300S K2WE BA1DU W3HC KH0S JA1OGX YB5QZ W3HNK BM0S BV4QW KH0U JA1QNV YC0AZ W7TSQ BT2HC KU9C KH2/N1BJ JG3RPL YC0LOW N2AU C21JH VK2GJH KH2/N2NL W2YC YC8VIP W6MD C4A 9A2AJ KH2/NH6D N6FF YC9MKF VK4FW C56/DL7UBA DL7VRO KH2/WH6ASW VK4FW YC9WZJ W6MD C6A/DJ3TZ DJ3TZ KH2D K8NA YI1AKS IK2DUW C6A/DL8OBF DL8OBF KH3/KH6HE KH6HE YJ0AAU 7M3VAL C6AKM DL5OBZ KH8/W4WX W4WX YJ0AIO DL7VRO C6AKQ N4BP M0BYF OH6YF YJ0AIQ DL7VRO C91RF DL6DQW NH0F KH0FO YM75TR TA1FA CE3/NE4Z AJ4Y NH2C JI3ERV YU21SRJ YU1ASB CO4SM CO4QA OD5MM HB9CYH Z30M NN6C CO8TW W3HNK OD5NQ RV6AB Z31GX DJ0LZ CO8ZZ HI3JH OD5PN LX1NO Z32XA NN6C CQ98BM CT3BM OE3XAS OE3HAU ZA0B HB9BGN CS98UW CT4UW OH0MYF OH6YF ZA0Z HB9BGN /EX S DX@WW $425WW386D 425 DX News #386 [4/4] 26 September 1998 No 386 BID: $425WW386D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [2/2] ***** =========================== CT3/DK1RP DK1RP ON50NMR ON4RU ZC4/G3VHE G3VHE CT3/DL7UBA DL7VRO OX/OZ8AE OZ8AE ZD7DP W1ZT CT3/DL7UTM DL7VRO P29VR W7LFA ZD7WRG WA2JUN CT6ARL CT1EWA P39P 5B4ES ZD9IL ZS5BBO CT98EXPO CT1REP P40RY W6/G0AZT ZG2FX G3RFX CT98FRN CT1FRN P43P P43ARC ZK1HX DJ9HX CX3HF CX2ABC PA3GSU PE1HXD ZK2XH DJ9HX CY9/WV2B WV2B PJ2MI W2CQ ZP50P ZP1AB D2BB W3HNK PS1A PY1SL ZP5SNA JA1SNA D98WCX HL5FOP PS1S PY1SL ZP5Z W3HNK DU1ODX NH0E PW5L PP5LL ZS1/F5PYI F5PYI DX1HB JA1KJK R1ANL UA6AH ZW2F PY2ORF E22AAA HS1CHB R3RRC/6 UA6MF ZW40SD PY5AWB EA1/ED4TTG EC4DJY RA2FBC DF4BV ZW5B PY5EG EA8/DL7AU DL7VRO RI3OTA RW3GW ZY0SP PS7KM EA8/DL7IO DL7VRO RK3AWL W3HNK ZY0SZ PT7AA ========================================================================= 3W6LI Hau, P.O.Box 76, Saigon, Vietnam 9N1AC Navin, P.O.Box 10091, Kathmandu, Nepal A45XR Chris Dabrowsky, P.O.Box 2038, CPO 111, Oman A71EA Khalid, P.O.Box 20606, Doha, Qatar CT1FRN Claudio Cepinha, P.O.Box 247, 2871 Montijo, Portugal DL4DBR Thaddaeus Barczyk, Pappelstr.34, D-58099 Hagen, Germany DN1MA Bavarian DX Group, P.O.Box 1241, D-85581 Poing, Germany DS1CIT Kim Sang Jin, P.O.Box 99, Yangchun, Seoul 158-600, South Korea EA8ASJ Manuel Perez Sarmiento, P.O.Box 26, 35110 Santa Lucia Vecindario, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands ER1LW Lysy Wiacheslav, P.O.Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012, Moldova, C.I.S. HL5FOP P.O.Box 97, Kyongju, 780-600, South Korea IV3WDH Diego Marocco, Via R.Gregori 5, I-34073 Grado (GO), Italy IV3WMI Gianluca Recchia, Via Riva S.Andrea 21, I-34073 Grado (GO), Italy JE2RMH Tatsuya Fujita, 1-22-4-202 Yabuta-Nishi, Gifu, 500-8386 Japan JA6LCJ Yukihisa Yamashita, 1-27-12-408 Honcyo, Shibuya,Tokyo, 151-0071 Japan JL3WSL A.Naito, 31-500-5 Hikita, Nara City, 631-0843 Japan K1EFI Fred Lucas, 3421 Buttonwood Court, Reisterstown, MD 21136-4401, USA KH0/N3JJ Kazuo Ebihara, P.O.Box 62, Sakyo Kyoto 606-8691, Japan KH0/JM1LJS Hideyuki Kai, 915 Takata, Kohoku Yokohama 223-0063 Japan LU7DW Claudio Fernandez, C.C. 30, Sucursal 20B (1420), Argentina LU7EC "LUC" Mariano Elichagaray, C.P.2703, Carabelas, B.A., Argentina LU8XPD Dionisio Andrade, P.O.Box 81, 9410 Ushuaia, Isla de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina OH6YF Harri M.Mantila, P.O.Box 30, FIN-64701, Teuva, Finland OZ8AE Joergen Christensen, Soendervej 79, DK-2830 Virum, Denmark PA3AXU G.A.M.C. Dijkers, Dokter P.A. Cornethof 3, 6669AZ Dodewaard, The Netherlands PA3DMH Alex Van Hengel, Schoener 85, 2991JK Barendrecht, The Netherlands PY5AWB Aristide Brodeschi, P.O.Box 6025, Curitiba, Parana, 80011-970 Brazil SU3YM Yasser Mahdy, P.O.Box 545, Port Said, Egypt SV0LK Helmut Muschalle, P.O.Box 9, GR-70014 Hersonissou, Crete, Greece SV2ASP/A Monk Apollo, Dochiariou Monastery, GR-63087 Mount Athos, Greece UA1OMS Serg Demidov, P.O.Box 116, Koryazhma 165651, Russia W1ZT George Johnson, 30 Washington Street, Beverly, MA-01915, U.S.A. W5BOS Lanny Phillips, 8381 FM 2101, Quinlan, TX 75474-4836, U.S.A. XQ0YAF Henry, P.O.Box 4, Easter Island, Chile YI1RS Radio Club of Baghdad, P.O.Box 55027, Baghdad, Iraq YK1AH Fadel Shebab, P.O.Box 9597, Damascus, Syria ZA1K Arben Goxhaj, P.O.Box 1, Westbrook, MN-56183, U.S.A. ZF1PM Peter H.Massie, P.O.Box 314, Savannah, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands ZS5HAM The Highway Amateur Radio Club, P.O.Box 779, New Germany, 3620, Republic of South Africa ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe, please send a message to Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171 (for the English version) at i121171@amsat.org Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (for the Italian version) at i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? Please go to: http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button ***************************************************************************** /EX