DX425 bulletin issue nr. 385

S DX@WW $425WW385A
425 DX News #385 [1/5]
 19 September 1998                 No 385                   BID: $425WW385A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

4S     - Mario, HB9BRM will be active as 4S7BRG from Sri Lanka (AS-003) for a
         couple of months starting on 5 October. QSL via HB9BRM either direct
         (please use the 1998 CBA) or through the bureu. [TNX HB9BRM]
5W     - The call 5W0GD has been issued  to PA3AXU [425DXN 379], who will  be
         active  from  Western  Samoa  (OC-097)  between  28  October  and  8
         November. Look  for  him  on  CW,  RRTY and  SSB  on  the  usual  DX
         frequencies, WARC included. QSL via PA3AXU (G.A.M.C. Dijkers, Dokter
         P.A. Cornethof 3, 6669AZ Dodewaard, The Netherlands). [TNX PA3AXU]
         DL7VLA, DL7VRO,  ON4CHE  and YL  operators  DG0OBN,  DL7IQ,  DL7VYL,
         DL1SYL will  be active  as  8Q7IO (OMs)  and  8Q7IQ (YLs)  from  the
         Maldives (AS-013)  between  19 October  and  4 November.  They  will
         operate on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY with several stations  and
         will participate in the CQ WW  SSB Contest. The DXpedition Web  site
         is at http://www.qsl.net/8q7io, where log  search will be  available
         during  the   operation.   They  will   have   an   e-mail   address
         (8q7io@qsl.net) where  to post  comments,  desiderata etc.  QSL  via
         DL7VRO,  who  will  accept  e-mail  request  for  bureau  cards   at
         dl7vro@ibm.net [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
9H     - Twenty-four operators from Dutch Amateur Radio Society V.R.Z.A. will
         be active (with five stations on  CW and SSB) as 9H3/home call  from
         Qawra, Malta (EU-023) between  3 and 18  October. They will  operate
         also with the special club station call 9H0VRZ (QSL via PA0JR: Andre
         van den Bos, Korianderweg 25, 9731  HW Groningen, The  Netherlands).
         Further information  is available  at  http://www.vrza.org/malta.htm
         [TNX PA0JR]
BY/UA  - The South China Sea DX Team  in co-operation with the newly  founded
         Beijing DX Club  (BY1A) will  operate special  event stations  BT2HC
         (QSL via KU9C) and UE0LEZ (QSL via UAOMF) respectively from  Hunchun
         City (China)  and  the  Posyet  Zarubini  Ports  (Russia)  on  19-20
         September (and possibly until 22 September).  The Tumen River  delta
         region is  defined as  a Special  Economic Zone  including areas  in
         Russia, China and DPR Korea. The purpose of this activation,  during
         an International  Investment Seminar,  will  be to  present  Amateur
         Radio as a valuable tool  for the further  promotion of the  region.
         Look for  the two  stations   (operated by  BA1DU, KK1W,  OH2BH  and
         UA0MF)to be active on CW (7005, 14025 and 21025 kHz) and SSB  (14195
         and 21295 kHz). [TNX N4GN]
DL     - Peter, DL4FCH will be active (on 10, 15, 20, 40 nd 80 metres  mainly
         CW) as DL4FCH/p from Pellworm Island  (EU-042, DIA N-23) between  10
         and  16  October.  QSL  via  DL4FCH  either  direct  (Peter  Niksch,
         Saalburgstr.  4,  60385  Frankfurt/Main,  Germany)  or  through  the
         bureau. [TNX DL4FCH]
F      - Didier, F5BJW will be active as F5BJW/P from Oleron Island  (EU-032,
         DIFM AT-025) between 19 and 25 September. [TNX F5BJW]
FG     - Southern California DX  Club members N6RV,  K6RO, W6SR, N6ED,  W6KK,
         and N6RT will be active from  Guadeloupe (NA-102) between 17 and  27
         October.  They  will  participate  in  the  CQ  WW  SSB  DX  Contest
         (Multi-Single) as  FG5BG (QSL  via K6RO  for this  operation  only).
         Before and after the contest  they will operate  as FG/home call  on
         10-160 metres CW  and SSB. QSL  via home call.  A web  page and  log
         search will  be  available at  http://www.qsl.net/n6ed/fg.html  [TNX
FS     - Eddie, EA3NY will participate in  the CQ WW  RTTY DX Contest  (26-27
         September) as guest operator from FS5PL. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
FS     - Ken, K7ZUM (ex KA7ZUM) and  Craig, N7KG will  be active as  FS/K7ZUM
         and FS/N7KG  (on  160  metres) from  St.  Martin  (NA-105)  in  late
         October. They will participate in  the CQ WW  SSB DX Contest  (24-25
         October). QSL via home  calls either direct  or through the  bureau.
         [TNX K7ZUM]
FW     - Marcel, ON4QM is now  active as FW5XX  from Futuna (OC-118)  [425DXN
         384] for two months. Jean-Michel, F6AJA  reports he has been on  the
         island since 10 September. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
G      - Shaun, M0BJL and  Darren, G0TSM  will be  active as  GB4SM from  St.
         Martin's Island, Isles of Scilly (EU-011)  between 2 and 5  October.
         They will operate on 10-80 metres, mainly SSB with some CW, at times
         with two  stations.  QSL via  G0TSM  either direct  or  through  the
         bureau.      Further      information      is      available      at
         http://www.qsl.net/g0tsm/ [TNX G0TSM]
HC8    - W6OTC, K6AW and N5KO will be active as HC8N from Galapagos  (SA-004)
         between 25 and 27 September. They will participate in the CW WW RTTY
         DX Contest. QSL via AA5BT. [TNX The Daily DX]
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 19 September 1998                 No 385                   BID: $425WW385B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

         be active (on  10-160 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY)  as HI3/ON4ANT  from
         Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic (NA-096) between 20 and 27 October.
         QSL via ON4ANT either direct or through the bureau. [TNX ON4ANT]
JW     - Carlos, LA9PJA  will be  active again  as JW9PJA  from  Longyearbyen
         (EU-026), Svalbard from around  22.00 UTC on  18 September to  09.00
         UTC on 21 September. He plans to concentrate on RTTY/PACTOR and SSTV
         with some CW and SSB on  6-160 metres and some satellite (RS-12)  if
         he has  the time.  QSL via  LA9PJA either  direct (Carlos  Ferreira,
         Johan  Bjerknes  Vei   5  B,  NO-3039   Drammen,  Norway).   Further
         information     on     this     trip     can     be     found     at
         http://home.sol.no/~la9pja/jw98.htm [TNX LA9PJA]
KH4    - The Midway-Kure  DX Foundation  20-24 September  K4M operation  from
         Midway [425DXN 381] has been postponed. [TNX The Daily DX]
KH8    - Bill, W4WX  will join  Don, N5OLS  in Pago  Pago (OC-045),  American
         Samoa as a multi-single entry in  the CQ WW  RTTY DX Contest  (26-27
         September). He might  be active as  W4WX/KH8 a few  days before  the
         contest. QSL via W4WX. [TNX W4WX].
KH0    - Kazu, JA3ART  and  Hide,  JM1LJS will  be  active  as  KH0/N3JJ  and
         KH0/JM1LJS from Saipan (OC-086), Northern Mariana between 16 and  19
         October. QSL KH0/N3JJ via JA3ART either direct (Kazuo Ebihara,  P.O.
         Box 62, Sakyo,  Kyoto 606-8691, Japan)  or through  the bureau;  QSL
         KH0/JM1LJS via  JM1LJS either  direct  (Hideyuki Kai,  915,  Takata,
         Kohoku, Yokohama  223-0063,  Japan)  or  through  the  bureau.  [TNX
LU     - Dion, LU8XPD is active on SSTV  (14.230, 14.235 and 21.340 MHz)  and
         RTTY (14.086 and 21.086 MHz) during  the weekends between 12 and  20
         UTC. QSL via  LU8XPD either  direct (Dionisio  Andrade, P.O.Box  81,
         9410 Ushuaia, Isla de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). [TNX LU8XPD]
OX     - Joergen, OZ8AE will be visiting Kim, OX3FV between 11 November and 2
         December. He will be active (on  10-160 metres CW) as OX/OZ8AE  from
         Groennedal in southwest Greenland (NA-018)  and he will  participate
         in  the  CQ  WW  CW  DX  Contest  (SOAB).  QSL  via  OZ8AE  (Joergen
         Christensen, Soendervej 79, DK-2830 Virum, Denmark). [TNX OZ8AE]
P4     - Eddie, G0AZT along with Ray, WF1B will participate in the CW WW RTTY
         DX Contest  as  P40RY from  Aruba.  QSL direct  to  P.O.  Box  5194,
         Richmond, CA 94805, USA. [TNX W6/G0AZT]
PY0_spr- Pergentino L. de Andrade  (PT7AA), Karl M.  Leite (PS7KM), Randy  G.
         Hollier (WX5L) and a fourth operator to be announced will be  active
         from St. Peter  and St. Paul  Rocks (SA-014) in  January 1999  (they
         expect to leave Natal the second week of January 1999 and reach  the
         island after a 4-day voyage). They will be signing ZY0SP (on SSB and
         RTTY, QSL via PS7KM) and ZY0SZ (on  CW, QSL via PT7AA) on all  bands
         for 12-14 days, 24 hours a day. Emphasis will be given to RTTY, 80 &
         160 metres and 6  metres. Please go  to ST. PETER  & ST. PAUL  ROCKS
         1999 below for further information. [TNX PS7KM]
SV     - Bill, ON5JE and Luk, ON4BB will  be /SV8 from Samos Island  (EU-049)
         between 22 and 29 September. They  plan to operate  on all bands  CW
         and SSB. QSL via home calls.
SV     - Lars, SM3CVM will be active (10-40 metres mainly CW) as SV8/SM3CVM/P
         from Poros Island (EU-075) between 25  September and 7 October.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX SM3CVM]
T32    - K0MP, N0KV, W0NF and AE7C will be active (on 10-160 metres, SSB,  CW
         and RTTY) from Christmas Island (OC-024),  East Kiribati between  22
         and 27 October. They will participate  in the CQ  WW SSB DX  Contest
         (multi-single) as T32MP. The calls to  be used before and after  the
         contest will be T32MP (QSL  via K0MP), T32KV  (QSL via N0KV),  T32PL
         (QSL via W0NF), T32PS (QSL via AE7C).
TT     - John, AB4ET will be working in Mondou, Chad until 2 October and will
         be active as TT8JW in his spare time. QSL via AB4ET. [TNX The  Daily
UA     - UA0AGI, RA0AM,RV0AR, RU0AB and RU0AT will  participate in the CQ  WW
         RTTY DX Contest  (26-27 September) as  RW0A (Multi-Multi) from  Zone
         18. [TNX I5FLN and The VK2SG RTTY DX Notes]
VE     - Isle-aux Grues (NA-128), a  new island for  CISA, will be  activated
         between 12.30 and 21.30 UTC on 20 September. Richard, VE2KG will  be
         operating as VE2MA/P on CW, while  Frank, VE2FCQ and Conrad,  VE2ICM
         will be working SSB. QSL via VE2ICM/VE2MA. [TNX VE2ICM/VE2MA]
VE     - Joe, WB8YTZ  will be  active (10-80  metres SSB  and RTTY,  CW  upon
         request) as  either  VO2/WB8YTZ or  VO2WL  from  Labrador  (Zone  2)
         between 24 and 28 September. He  plans to participate  in the CQ  WW
         RTTY DX Contest. QSL via WB8YTZ. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP8_fal- Carl, G4VFU expects to be again  on the air (80  and 160 metres)  as
         VP8CJZ from  the Falklands  (SA-002) between  20 and  23  September.
         Please note  that when  he signs  VP8/G4VFU/mm he  is *not*  on  the
         mainland (for further information  it is possible  to reach Carl  at
         CTFW18@hotmail.com). QSL via the  operator's instructions, as  G0HXL
         cannot handle the QSL chores for Carl any longer. [TNX KE1Y and  The
         Daily DX]
W      - Wade, AA8LL  will be  active (19-40  metres SSB  on the  usual  IOTA
         frequencies)  as  AA8LL/4  from  Chincoteague  Island  (NA-083,  USI
         VA002S) between 19 and 21  September. If time  permits, he might  be
         active also as AA8LL/3 from Assateague Island (NA-139, USI  MD001S).
         QSL via AA8LL either direct or through the bureau. [TNX AA8LL]
W      - The Greater  Norwalk Amatuer  Radio Club  will be  active (on  10-80
         metres SSB  and CW,  possibly with  three  stations) as  W1NLK  from
         Sheffield Island (NA-136, USI CT008s) on 8 October from 13 UTC  till
         the local sunset. [TNX N1OLO]
XV     - Special event station XV300S  is expected to  be active through  the
         end of  1998 to  celebrate  the 300th  anniversary  of the  city  of
         Saigon, Vietnam. QSL via K2WE. [TNX The Daily DX]
YI     - Special event station  YI98BIF will be  active between 22  September
         and 1 October to celebrate 10th Babylon International Festival. [TNX
YN     - Cardon Island  (NA-???)  has  been  confirmed  to  qualify  for  the
         currently unnumbered  Nicaraguan  Pacific  Ocean  Coast  group.  The
         island is expected to be activated with the call H76C between 6  and
         11 October [425DXN 384]. QSL via HR1RMG. [TNX G3KMA]
Z3     - Z31GX, Z31GB, Z31JA, Z32PT and Z32XX  will participate in the CQ  WW
         RTTY DX Contest (26-27 September) as Z30M (Multi-Single low  power).
         QSL via NN6C. [TNX I5FLN and The VK2SG RTTY DX Notes]
ZS     - Larry, F5PYI will be active as ZS1/F5PYI from South Africa until  30
         September. He plans to operate on all bands in his spare time.  [TNX
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425 DX News #385 [3/5]
 19 September 1998                 No 385                   BID: $425WW385C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

DXCC ---> Those who want to be included in the ARRL DXCC Yearbook must submit
their cards to the ARRL DXCC Desk by 30 September. Please note that QSL cards
for the three new DXCC entities (Temotu, Austral and Marquesas) should not be
sent as they will be accepted for credit as of 1 October.

HS1D --->  The Daily  DX  reports this  newly  licenced amateur  is  Princess
Sirindhorn, third in line to the  Thai throne after the  King, HS1A, and  the
Crown Prince.

NEWS FROM IRAQ ---> Pierre, HB9AMO  has recently spent three months in  Iraq.
He visited the Radio Club of Baghdad (YI1RS) and met the President, Mr.  Anan
M. Aswad, YI1DX. There are some  30 licenced amateurs in  Iraq, but they  are
permitted to  operate (with  their own  call) only  from  the Radio  Club  in
Baghdad, usually on Fridays around 12-14  UTC. The club has an old  equipment
with a small 3 band beam and a 40m  dipole. WARC bands are permitted, but  80
and 160 metres  are not allowed.  Operators from  the Radio  Club cannot  use
their Yaesu FT-101E  any more because  of a  broken pair  of final  amplifier
tubes: if anyone has a pair of  6JS5C tubes or equivalent (6KD6, 6LB6,  6LR6)
that could  be sent  to the  Radio Club  of Baghdad,  the address  is:  Iraqi
Association for Radio Amateurs, P.O. Box 55027, Baghdad, Iraq. [TNX HB9AMO]

RSGB CONVENTION --->  The annual RSGB  HF & IOTA  Convention will take  place
between 9 and 11 October. The very broad programme includes presentations  on
9M0C, 3B7RF, H40AA, H75A (NA-209), KL7/K6ST (NA-210) and KL7/W6IXP  (NA-150).
Full details  of the  programme, residential  packages and  booking form  are
available       at        http://www.pagnell.demon.co.uk/conv/convention.html
(alternatively  email  Fay  Huxley  at  RSGB  HQ  for  further   information:
fay.huxley@rsgb.org.uk). [TNX G3NUG]

QRT ---> The following stations have gone QRT:
- FT5ZI: after leaving Amsterdam [425DXN 377], Bernard is on Reunion and will
  return to France soon. QSL via F5PFP. [TNX The Daily DX]
- HS0ZCW: Charlie, K4VUD [425DXN 384] is  now back in the US after  operating
  from Nepal as 9N1UD and from Thailand. QSL via home call. [TNX K4VUD]
- V73C: Ken [425DXN 384] went QRT  on 25 August and  has moved to  Washington
  state. QSL via AC4G. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

QSL MANAGERS --->  Manfred Meier, DF6EX  edits the QSL  Manager list for  the
Callbook CD (Flying Horse). The deadline for updates for the 1999 edition  is
around  the  end  of  September.  QSL  managers  are  invited  to  check  the
information   listed   for   them:   just   send   an   e-mail   message   to
DF6EX@tir.baynet.de with  the  message "list  (your  call)",  which  will  be
followed  by  an  automatically  generated  response  including  the  current
information. Manfred's Home Page is at http://www.qrz.com/df6ex [TNX DF6EX]

QSL 9M0C ---> All direct cards to date  have been replied to and posted.  All
e-mail requests  to date  have been  responded to  via the  RSGB bureau.  All
bureau cards received  to date have  been processed  and passed  to the  RSGB
bureau. If anyone  requesting a direct  card has not  received a  card by  24
September they  should  re-apply to  G3SWH  (Phil Whitchurch,  21  Dickensons
Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5HQ, England, UK). [TNX G3XTT]

QSL II6FII ---> Cards for contacts  made with ARI Jesi special event  station
II6FII (to be active on all bands and all modes between 19 and 27  September)
[425DXN 375] can  be sent through  the bureau or  direct to  the QSL  manager
IK6LLE (P.O.Box  256,  60035  Jesi  -  AN,  Italy).  Further  information  is
available  at  http://space.tin.it/internet/fpallucc/arijesi/ii6fii/index.htm

QSL L4D  ---> Phil,  G3SWH still  has the  logs and  cards for  the SSB  only
operation on  14 and  21 MHz  by L4D  from Blanca  Island (SA-065)  on  20-21
November 1993. He will only respond  to cards received, either direct or  via
the RSGB bureau.  Please note that  he is unable  to help with  QSLs for  any
other operations by L4D from any other  location or on any other dates.  [TNX

QSL MM/K5MK/P  ---> Larry  McKay, K5MK  reports he  has  replied to  all  the
requests for MM/K5MK/P cards (EU-112, May 1998) received through 1 September.
The delay  was due  to a  computer program  failure,  followed by  a  printer
malfunction. [TNX K5MK and Islands On The Web]

QSL TL5A --->  PA3DHM (Delta Hotel  Mike) complaints of  receiving cards  for
TL5A - please note that the correct QSL manager is and has always been PA3DMH
(Delta Mike Hotel) and that cards sent  to the wrong person will be  returned
or destroyed.  Alex,  PA3DMH reports  he  has replied  to  all  the  requests
received up to 8 August. Cards can be sent to PA3DMH either direct (Alex  van
Hengel, Schoener  85, 2991JK  Barendrecht, The  Netherlands) or  through  the
bureau. [TNX PA3DMH]

QSL YC0AZ ---> The QSL manager for Wisnu  is W7TSQ (not W7TSK as reported  in
425DXN 384). We apologize for any inconvenience the typo may have caused  our
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                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

QSL VIA DJ9HX  ---> Uwe,  DJ9HX  reports  the  cards  for  his  recent  9M6HX
activities from Sabah (OC-088), Layang Layang  (AS-051) and Sipadan  (OC-133)
[425DXN 377] have been ordered, but not  printed as yet. Please note that  he
prefers the bureau and that his  logs for the following operations are  still
open: ZK1HX, ZK2XH and A35HX  (1993); VK9XI and  VK9CJ (1195); V63CO  (1996).
Requests for bureau cards are welcome at either uwe.jaeger@fh-heilbronn.de or
dr.uwe.jaeger@t-online.de [TNX DJ9HX]

QSL VIA HP2CWB  ---> Jose Ng  Lee, HP2CWB reports  he is going  to close  his
maildrop box in the US (Miami, Florida). Cards should be addressed to his CBA
(P.O. Box 728, Colon, Panama).

ST. PETER & ST. PAUL ROCKS 1999  ---> This DXpedition, which is organized  by
the Natal DX Group (ndxg@qsl.net), is  likely to be the  last chance to  work
this DXCC entity and IOTA group for many years to come, as the Brazilian Navy
and the Brazilian  Institute for the  Environment are going  to restrict  the
access to the  islands. The total  budget for  the DXpedition  is around  US$
11,000: contributions from the  DX community will  be highly appreciated  and
can be sent to either WX5L Randy or PS7KM. [TNX EA5KW and PS7KM]

TOPLIST ---> Following the addition of  three new entities to the DXCC  list,
the "Toplist", managed by I2EOW, will accept scores including Temotu, Austral
and Marquesas beginning October 1, 1998. The "current" entities are now  331.
Entries for  the "Toplist"  should be  sent to  Erminio Pandocchi,  I2EOW  at

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

HOME PAGE:     Peter, V63PD invites the readers to vist his new Home Page  at
               http://www.qsl.net/v63pd/ [TNX VK4AAR]
INDEX:         The AC6V Index  to DX and  Ham Radio, featuring  86 pages  and
               2,500 links, is at http://www.ac6v.com/pageas.html
LICENCES:      Licencing information  for more  than 220  countries has  been
               collected   by   Veikko   "Veke"   Komppa,   OH2MCN    (e-mail
               Veikko.Komppa@vtt.fi)      and      is      available       at
SPACE A DXG:   The web page for the Space A DXpedition Group [425DXN 383  and
               352] can be found at http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/9646

QSL received via direct:  3A2HB, 3B7RF, 3C1GS, 3D2CB, 3D2CB/R, 3D2KT,  3D2TN,
3D2WC, 3D2WC/R, 3V8BB,  3XA8DX, 4J9RI,  4JA9RI, 5A1A,  5N0MVE, 5W0LZ,  5W0SZ,
5W0VV, 5Z4RL, 6W1QV/p  (AF-045), 6W6JX, 7Q7EH,  7X2RO, 9A8P (EU-090),  9M2AX,
9M0C, 9N1AT, 9Q5TR,  A35FT, A35NQ,  A61AQ, AP2TJ,  BA1DU, BD4DW,  C56/JA1OEM,
131, MA-016, 045, 062,  067, 102), FG/DJ6SI,  FO5JR, FR5DX, FW2EH,  GI/EI7NET
(EU-122), H44RY,  H40AA, H75A  (NA-209), HB0/HB9LEY,  HB0/HB9QQ, HC8A,  HC8N,
DL8UD/HI8, HR2JGG, HU1X,  IB0/IK3GES (IIA LT-037),  IB0/IZ0BFK (IIA  LT-018),
IB0/IZ0CKY (IIA LT-???),  IB0/IZ0IIA (IIA LT-036),  ID8/IZ8BAD (IIA  VV-006),
IF9/I1SNW (IIA TP-005), IG9/I1SNW (IIA AG-003), IJ7/IK7DXP (IIA LE-011, 042),
IJ7/IK7JWX (IIA LE-002, 042, 047), IJ7/IK7VJX  (IIA LE-046), IL3/IK3BPN  (IIA
VE-041,  066,  067),  IL3/IV3WMI  (IIA  GO-???),  IL6/IK6QRH  (IIA   AN-006),
IL7/IK6CAC (IIA LE-039),  IL7/IK7EZP (IIA LE-036),  IL7/IK7FPX (IIA  LE-007),
IL7/IK7JWX (IIA BA-003; LE-037, 038), IL7/IK7VJX (IIA LE-023, 032, 033,  035,
039, 040, 049), IL7/IK7XIV (IIA LE-050),  IM0/IK2MRZ (IIA SS-013, 017,  148),
IM0/IS0JMA (IIA SS-059), IM0/IS0LYN (IIA SS-063, 091), IV3JWR/p (IIA UD-???),
J45KLN,  JA5MAJ  (AS-076),  JQ1SUO/JD1,  JX7DFA,  KH2D,  N2NL/KH2,  K8XP/KH9,
N2OO/KH9, N2WB/KH9, N6MZ/KH9, KH0HE, LY5A, N6HR/7 (NA-065), NH4/NH6YK, OJ0VR,
OX3KV, OX3LG (NA-151), OY/LA7SI, P29BW, P40K, P49V, P4/I2UIY, PZ5HP,  S79MAD,
S92AT, T32ZB, T88AN, TA/DJ8QP/P (AS-099),  TG9GJG, TK/F6AUS, TL5A,  (EU-164),
TY1IF, TZ6DX,  TZ6SI, V31VT,  V63AJ, V63AO,  V63KU, VE7FGY  (NA-091),  XV7SW,

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S DX@WW $425WW385E
425 DX News #385 [5/5]
 19 September 1998                 No 385                   BID: $425WW385E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  23/09      8Q7LI, 8Q7US, 8Q7CC, 8Q7HA, 8Q7BB: Maldives * by JAs   383
till  15/11      9V8: Singapore * special prefix                        369
till  25/09      A2/ZS5UZ: Botswana * by 3DA0CA                         384
till  ??         CE3/NE4Z: Chile and Chilean IOTA islands               380
till  21/09      DK0EME: Hallig Oland (EU-042) * by DL1AAA and DL3ABP   384
till  31/12      EU200A, EV200M & EW200M: special event stations        378
till  30/09      ET3AA: Ethiopia * by G3VMW & G4ZVJ                     383
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  27/09      IY1EY: special event station                           383
till  26/09      J43DIG: Greece                                         383
till  ??         LU1ZI: Teniente Jubany Base, So. Shetlands (AN-010)    382
till  20/09      PS1A & PS1S: Grande Isl (SA-029) * by PY1SL & PU1KDR   384
till  20/09      SV2ASP/A: Mount Athos * guest operated by DL5EBE       384
till  26/09      SV3/HA4XG/P and SV1/HA4XG/P: Greece                    383
till  22/09      SV8/IK3GES: EU-049, 052, 060, 072, 075, 113, 158       382
till  December   TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN             373
till  02/10      TT8JW: Chad * by AB4ET                                 385
till  ??         TZ6DX: Mali * by K4RB                                  382
till  21/09      V63: Micronesia * by JH1BLP, JP1WDM, 7L1PBB            383
till  21/09      WF1N and W1DIG: Isles of Shoals (NA-148)               383
till  29/10      YM75TA: special event station                          377
till  20/09      ZF2RC & ZF2WP: Cayman Is (NA-016) * by PA3ERC & PA3EWP 375
till  30/09      ZP50P: special event station                           384
18/09-21/09      JW9PJA: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA9PJA                  385
19/09-21/09      AA8LL/4: Chincoteague Isl (NA-083, USI VA002S)         385
19/09-20/09      BT2HC: special event station from Hunchun              385
19/09-30/09      ET3XA (ET3AA): Ethiopia * by G3XAQ                     383
19/09-25/09      F5BJW/P: Oleron Island (EU-032, DIFM AT-025)           385
19/09            GB100AR: special event station                         383
19/09-27/09      II6FII: special event station                          375
19/09-20/09      UE0LEZ: special event station from Posjet              385
19/09-20/09      W8G: special event station * by Cambridge ARA          383
19/09-20/09      Scandinavian CW Activity                               ***
20/09-24/09      3D2DX/p: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji Is * by EA4DX        371
20/09            VE2MA/P: Isle-aux Grues * by VE2KG, VE2FCQ, VE2ICM     385
20/09-23/09      VP8CJZ: Falkland Is (SA-002) * by G4VFU                385
21/09-02/10      IG9/IZ0AEH: Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001)             383
21/09-01/10      VR2 (Homg Kong) and XX (Macau) * by WB8YJF & K8PYD     383
21/09-22/09      W5BOS/7: Tillamook Rock (NA-???)                       384
22/09-29/09      SV8/ON5JE and SV8/ON4BB: Samos Island (EU-049)         385
22/09-01/10      YI98BIF: special event station (Iraq)                  385
24/09-28/09      VO2/WB8YTZ or VO2WL: Zone 2 * by WB8YTZ                385
25/09-27/09      HC8N: Galapagos (SA-004) * by W6OTC, K6AW and N5KO     385
25/09-07/10      SV8/SM3CVM/P: Poros Island (EU-075)                    385
26/09-27/09      FS5PL * guest operated by EA3NY                        385
26/09-27/09      W4WX/KH8: Pago Pago (OC-045), American Samoa           385
26/09-27/09      P40RY: Aruba (SA-036) * by G0AZT and WF1B              385
26/09-27/09      RW0A: Zone 18 * by UAs                                 385
26/09-27/09      Z30M: Mecedonia * by Z3s                               385
26/09-27/09      CQWW DX RTTY Contest                                   ***
26/09-27/09      Scandinavian SSB Activity                              ***
26/09-27/09      Bologna: HF DX Meeting                                 ***
Sep-Nov          FW5XX: Futuna (OC-118) * by ON4QM                      385
September        IK2WXQ/1: Isole Borromee (Verbania province)           381
September        IJ9: Ognina (SR-008) & Guicciarda (AG-006) * by IT9s   383
September        IL3: IIA islands in Rovigo province * by I0KHY         381
September        IY2ARI: A.R.I. special event station                   381
from  Sep        PT8ZCB * by DJ8UG (ex CP4BT)                           375
September        XR40TC: special event station (Chile) * by Temuco RC   383
September        ZG2: special prefix from Gibraltar                     382
02/10-05/10      GB4SM: Isles of Scilly (EU-011) * by M0BJL and G0TSM   385
02/10-04/10      VII Hamfest-India (Bangalore)                          383
02/10-04/10      VIII W5 DX Bash                                        384
03/10-18/10      9H0VRZ & 9H3/PA h.c.: Malta (EU-023) * by PAs          385
03/10            European Autumn SSB Contest                            356
03/10-04/10      VK/ZL SSB Contest                                      ***
03/10-04/10      Ibero American SSB Contest                             ***
05/10-??/12      4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 385
06/10-11/10      H76C: Cardon Island (NA-???) * by HR1RMG & YN1RFV/YN6  384
07/10-18/10      FO0SUC: Tahaa (OC-067) * by F5JJW                      381
07/10-18/10      FO0SUC: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Is * by F5JJW         381
08/10            W1NLK: Sheffield Isl (NA-136) * by Greater Norwalk ARC 385
09/10-11/10      RSGB HF & IOTA Convention                              385
09/10-11/10      4th Russian IOTA/DX HF Hamvention (Lipetsk)            365
10/10-16/10      DL4FCH/p: Pellworm Island (EU-042, DIA N-23)           385
10/10            European Autumn CW Contest                             356
10/10-11/10      VK/ZL CW Contest                                       ***
14/10-27/10      C5: The Gambia * by DF4RD,DL5NAM,DL9NDS,OE2VEL,OE9MON  383
14/10-31/10      HG5P: Hungary * special event call                     356
16/10-19/10      KH0/N3JJ, KH0/JM1LJS: Saipan (OC-086)*by JA3ART,JM1LJS 385
17/10-27/10      FG/N6RV,K6RO,W6SR,N6ED,W6KK,N6RT + FG5BG: Guadeloupe   385
17/10            Oklahoma DX Association DX Banquet                     384
19/10-04/11      8Q7IO & 8Q7IQ: Maldives (AS-013) * by DL7VRO & others  385
19/10-27/10      WP2Z & KP2/...: Virgin Is * by W4WX and others         382
20/10-26/10      FM/EA3AOK/P & FM/EA3BT/P: Martinique (NA-107)          383
24/10-25/10      CQWW DX SSB Contest                                    ***