DX425 bulletin issue nr. 383

S DX@WW $425WW383A
425 DX News #383 [1/6]
  5 September 1998                 No 383                   BID: $425WW383A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5V     - Eleven operators from  the Voodoo Contest  Group will  be active  as
         5V7A from Togo with seven one-kilowatt  stations and 17 antennas  in
         November. This will be the third consecutive 5V7A entry to the CQ WW
         CW Contest (28-29 November). A few days before and after the contest
         the operators  will be  active (including  WARC bands  and  possibly
         RTTY) with  personal callsigns  as follows:  G3SXW =  5V7A, G3VMW  =
         5V7VM, G3ZEM = 5V7ZM, G4BWP =  5V7??, G4FAM = 5V7FA, G4ZVJ =  5V7VJ,
         GM3YTS = 5V7RF, K5VT  = 5V7VT, K7GE  = 5V7JL, KC7V  = 5V7MF, KY7M  =
         5V7?? (QSL via  home call). QSL  for 5V7A via  GM4FDM either  direct
         (Tom Wylie,  3 King's  Crescent, Elderslie,  Renfrewshire, PA5  9AD,
         Scotland, UK)  or through  the bureau  (e-mail requests  for  bureau
         cards are welcome  at 5v7a@voodudes.com).  Please see  "5V7A ON  THE
         WEB" below. [TNX G3SXW]
8Q     - A group of Japanese operators will be active (on 160-6 metres,  SSB,
         CW and RTTY with three stations  and via satellite AO-10 on  145.890
         MHz +/-) from Lohifushi Island, Maldives (AS-013) between 15 and  23
         September. They  have applied  for the  following calls  (home  call
         between brackets): 8Q7LI  (Zhen, KB3CCC, YL),  8Q7US (Yuu,  JR2KDN),
         8Q7CC (Yasu,  JI1NJC), 8Q7HA  (Hiro, JJ1AEB),  8Q7BB (Nob,  JF2MBF).
         They will put an emphasis on  10 metres (28.022 and 28.480 MHz)  for
         West Coast US stations either long and short path (for any  question
         please contact Nob Ichino, JF2MBF at vr6jj@dxers.net). All QSL cards
         via JR2KDN  either direct  (Yuu Yoshida,  4th Floor  Kato Bldg,  529
         Rokugaike, Kita-ku, Nagoya, 462-0002 Japan)  or through the  bureau.
         [TNX JF2MBF]
9G     - The operators from the  Voodoo Contest Group  who will operate  from
         Togo (see 5V above) in November  might be active also from Ghana  as
         follows: G3SXW = 9G5SX, G3VMW = 9G5SW, G3ZEM = 9G5ZM, G4BWP = 9G5??,
         G4FAM = 9G5CH, G4ZVJ = 9G5VJ, GM3YTS  = 9G5RF, K5VT = 9G5VT, K7GE  =
         9G5JL, KC7V = 9G5MF, KY7M = 9G5??. [TNX G3SXW]
A6     - Daniel, F6ARU  (ex VU2DRU  and JY9RU)  [425DXN 359]  is now  in  the
         United Arab Emirates for one year. [TNX F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX]
BY     - Alan, BA1DU reported to QSL manage W3HC that the BI4M operation from
         Changdao Island, Miaodao Archipelago (AS-???), originally  scheduled
         for  either  21-23  or  28-30  September  [425DXN  376],  has   been
         postponed, but no date has been mentioned. Alan knows nothing of the
         BI4M station that was active on 22 August [425DXN 381].
C5     - DF4RD, DL5NAM, DL9NDS, OE2VEL and OE9MON  plan to be active (on  all
         bands CW  and  SSB)  from  The Gambia  between  14  and  27  October
         8callsign to be announced). They will  participate in the CQ WW  SSB
         Contest. This operation  is organized by  the Bavarian Contest  Club
         (http://www.uni-erlangen.de/~unrz45/BCC). [TNX DF4RD]
CE     - Special event station XR40TC will be active throughout September  to
         celebrate the 40th anniversary of Temuco  Radio Club. QSL via  CE6TC
         either direct (Box 1234, Temuco, Chile) or through the bureau.  [TNX
CY9    - Weather permitting, Duane, WV2B will be active as CY9/WV2B from  St.
         Paul Island (NA-094) between 9 and 14 September. QSL direct to WV2B.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
DL     - DJ3XG plan to be active as  DJ3XG/p from Hallig Groede (EU-042,  DIA
         N-021) between 8 and 15 September. He will also try to operate  from
         Hallig  Habel  (EU-042,  DIA  N-031)  if  he  can  get  the   needed
         permissions. [TNX DJ3XG & DL8AAM]
E3     - A DXpedition to Eritrea, sponsored by the Space A DX Group, is being
         organized by  Bruce Richards,  WD4NGB. Operators  at this  time  are
         WD4NGB, W4WX, W6RJ, W6KR, JH1AJT, XE1CI,  K5VT, KO4RR and N5VL,  but
         three other operators are still needed.  The candidates should  have
         prior DXpedition experience,  at least 300  countries confirmed  and
         preferably low band experience. Preference will be given to European
         operators. If you wish to  fill one of  the remaining spots,  please
         contact Bruce at wd4ngb@m2.sprynet.com The DXpedition will be active
         with three stations, 24 hours a day, on all bands CW, SSB and  RTTY.
         The call (E31DX) and the dates (3-18 November) shall be confirmed in
         due course. Donations  for "Non operator"  expenses can  be sent  to
         WD4NGB. [TNX WD4NGB]
EA     - EA5MB/P will be  active from  the castle  of Petris  (CVV-34) on  20
         September. [TNX IK1GPG]
EA     - ED4RAX will be  active from the  castle of  Villafranca (CM-007)  on
         24-27 September. [TNX IK1GPG]
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  5 September 1998                 No 383                   BID: $425WW383B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

ET     - Steve  (G3VMW)  and  Andy  (G4ZVJ)  will  now  be  active  on  16-30
         September, while Alan (G3XAQ)  will be QRV  on 19-30 September  from
         club station ET3AA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia [425DXN 373]. They might
         operate with their own calls ET3MW,  ET3VJ and ET3XA. QSL via  G3VMW
         (Steve Wilson, 3  Crag Gardens, Bramham,  Wetherby, West  Yorkshire,
         LS23  6RP,   England).   Further   information   is   available   at
         http://www.bramham.demon.co.uk where  log search  will be  available
         after the operation. [TNX DX News Sheet]
F      - Andre, F6CBL will  be active (on  40, 20  and 17  metres) from  Batz
         Island (EU-105)  between 9  and 13  September. QSL  via F6CBL.  [TNX
FK     - Philippe, F5PFO (ex  J28FO) has been  in New  Caledonia since  April
         [425DXN 359]. He has now got the FK8VHT call and plans to be on  the
         air soon. QSL via F6AJA. [TNX F6AJA & The Nouvelles DX]
FM     - Nuria (EA3AOK) and Josep  (EA3BT) will be  active (on 10-80  metres,
         WARC included, mainly SSB and RTTY with some CW) as FM/EA3AOK/P  and
         FM/EA3BT/P from Martinique (NA-107) between 20 and 26 October.  They
         will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest as TO8B. QSL via EA3BT for
         all  the  three   callsigns.  Log  search   will  be  available   at
         http://www.redestb.es/personal/j_gibert [TNX EA3BT]
G      - Special event  station  GB100AR will  be  operated  from  the  Radio
         Society of Great Britain's HQ on 19 September to celebrate 100 years
         of amateur radio  and the first  two-way transoceanic amateur  radio
         contact made  in  1923  between  French  station  8AD  and  American
         stations 1XAM and 1MO. [TNX RadCom]
GJ     - Martin, PA3DSR will be active from Jersey (EU-013) between 11 and 15
         September. He  will participate  in the  WAE  SSB Contest.  QSL  via
         PA3DSR. [TNX DX News Sheet]
HL     - Yuki, JI6KVR will be active a HL5/JI6KVR from Ullung Island (AS-045)
         between 22 and 26 October.  QSL via either  EA5KB and (for  Japanese
         amateurs only) JJ6LXX. [TNX JI6KVR]
I      - Francesco, I5RFD  will  be IA5/  from  Giglio  Island  (EU-028,  IIA
         GR-002) until 6 September. QSL via  I5RFD (Francesco Ricciardi,  Via
         B. Latini 15, 50133 Firenze - FI, Italy). [TNX Crazy DX Group]
I      - IT9YRE and his team plan to be IJ9/ from Scoglio Ognina (EU-025, IIA
         SR-008) and Scoglio  Guicciarda (EU-025, IIA  AG-006) in  September.
         [TNX Crazy DX Group]
I      - IK6CAC, IK6TIM and IK6TOR plan to be IL7/ from a few islands in  the
         Tremiti Archipelago (EU-050) between 4 and 6 September. [TNX IK6CAC]
I      - Francesco, I5RFD will  be ID9/ from  Eolie Is  (EU-017) as  follows:
         from Salina  (IIA  ME-015) on  8-10  September,  from  Vulcano  (IIA
         ME-018) on  11-13  Septembr,  from  Lipari  (IIA  ME-001)  on  14-16
         September. QSL via  I5RFD (Francesco  Ricciardi, Via  B. Latini  15,
         50133 Firenze - FI, Italy). [TNX Crazy DX Group]
I      - Special event  station  IY1EY will  be  active (CW,  SSB  and  RTTY)
         between 19  and 27  September for  the Loano  Elettra  International
         Award to  celebrate Guglielmo  Marconi's experiments  from the  ship
         "Elettra" in 1916-1936.  A special QSL  card will  be available  via
         IK1QBT either direct  (Tony Gallo,  Via Capo  S.Spirito 1/16,  17053
         Borghetto Santo Spirito - SV,  Italy)  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
I      - Piero, IZ0AEH will be IG9/ (on 10-80 metres CW, with some SSB)  from
         Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001) between 21  September and 2  October.
         QSL via bureau to IZ0AEH. [TNX IZ0AEH]
JA     - Yuki, JA6LCJ and Shige, JA6JPS will  be /6 from Amakusa  Archipelago
         (AS-012) on 12-13 September. They will  be active on  SSB and CW  on
         40, 20  and  15 metres.  QSL  via home  calls.  Log search  will  be
         available at http://www.nttl-net.ne.jp/ja6lcj/ [TNX JA6LCJ]
JA     - JA5AUC and JA5QJD will be /6 from Amami Archipelago (AS-023) between
         12 and 16 September. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA     - 7K4STV and JQ1USM will  be /1 from  Hachijo Island (AS-043)  between
         02.00 UTC on 23 October and 00.00  UTC on 26 October. Look for  them
         on 40-12 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
JW     - Leif, LA2PA  will  be active  as  JW2PA from  Spitzbergen  (EU-026),
         Svalbard on  11-13 September.  Propagation permitting,  he plans  to
         give priority to  15, 12 and  10 metres.  QSL via  LA2PA. [TNX  OPDX
KH2    - Ramon, WH6ASW/KH2 is a resident on Guam and has been very active. He
         likes 17 and 20 metres. He is a teacher at a High School and gets on
         the bands after work. QSL to VK4FW. [TNX KH7RS]
KH2    - Guam Contest Club operators JG3RPL and JI3ERV will be active (on all
         bands SSB, CW and  RTTY with an  emphasis on 160  and 80 metres)  as
         either AH2R or NH2C from Guam  between 4 and 8 September. They  will
         participate in the All Asian Contest. QSL via JI3ERV.
KH0    - Yuki, JH1UUT  will  be  KH0/  from  Rota  Island,  Northern  Mariana
         (OC-086) between 3 and 7 September.  He plans to participate in  the
         All Asian SSB Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
KL     - KL7ZZ, KL7XX, AL7R and AL7O are active during their spare time  from
         the emergency communications  module at  the ARCO  Alaska base  camp
         from the Arctic North coast of  Alaska. They plan to concentrate  on
         80 and 160  metres during the  autumn and winter:  look for them  at
         03.00-06.00 UTC, 14.00-17.00 UTC and  (for Europe) 19.00-21.00  UTC.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
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  5 September 1998                 No 383                   BID: $425WW383C
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

PJ     - Tim, W9QQ and Dave, W4JVN will participate (Multi-Single) in the  CQ
         WW SSB  Contest  (24-25 October)  as  PJ9Q  from  Bonaire  (SA-006).
         Starting on 20 October they will operate on 160-10 metres (no  WARC)
         on CW,  SSB, RTTY,  with emphasis  on low  Bands, RTTY,  CW and  the
         sunset path to Asia. QSL PJ9Q and PJ9/W4JVN via W4JVN (either direct
         or through the bureau). [TNX W4JVN]
PY     - Brazilian  YL  operators  PP5ASN   (Alda),  PY5OA  (Arilda),   PT2TF
         (Teresa), PY5LO (Lourdes) and  PY5NT (Adri) will  be active (on  10,
         15, 20, 40 and 80 metres) as PR2YL (SSB) and PS2S (CW) from Comprida
         Island (SA-024) between  29 October and  2 November.  QSL via  PP5LL
         (Jay Lira,  P.O.Box 8,  88.010-970 Florianopolis-SC,  Brazil).  [TNX
SV     - The Diploma Interests Group (DIG) club station J43DIG will be active
         from Greece on 9-26  September.  QSL  via DJ8OT (Eberhard  Warnecke,
         Box 101244, D-42512 Velbert, Germany). [TNX The Daily DX]
SV     - Geza, HA4XG  will be  active from  Greece  as SV3/HA4XG/P  on  12-19
         September and as SV1/HA4XG/P on 19-26 September. [TNX HA4XG]
V3     - Jay, K0BCN plans to be active (10, 15 and 20 metres CW/SSB) as V31MX
         from Belize between 21 and 26  October.  He will participate in  the
         CQ WW SSB Contest. QSL via K0BCN. [TNX K0BCN]
V6     - JH1BLP, JP1WDM and 7L1PBB will be  active (on all bands CW and  SSB)
         as V63LP,  V63CV  and  V63DI  from  Micronesia  between  14  and  21
         September. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
VR2    - Jon Severt, WB8YJF and Leo Fry, K8PYD will be in Hong Kong and Macau
         (see XX below)  between 21  September and  1 October.  They will  be
         active (mostly on RTTY and CW  with some SSB) from Hong Kong  before
         and after the CQWW DX RTTY Contest as VR2/WB8YJF and VR2/K8PYD.  QSL
         via home calls. [TNX K8PYD]
VU     - The call VU3AGX has been issued to Gerard, F6EGX, who will be active
         soon. [TNX F6AJA & The Nouvelles DX]
W      - Members of the Great South Bay ARC  will be active as W4Z from  "The
         International Jewish Arts Festival  of Long Island"  in New York  on
         6-7 September.  QSL direct  to AC2P  (Rich Tygar,  5 Chelmsford  Dr,
         Wheatley Heights, NY 11798, USA). [TNX KA2D]
W      - The OH-KY-IN DX Group plans to be active as K8SCH from Avalon Island
         (NA-111) between 8 and 11 September. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - Tony, WF1N and  Lou, W1DIG  (ex KA1DIG)  will be  active (SSB)  from
         Appledore, Isles  of Shoals  (NA-148) between  around 19  UTC on  18
         September and 15  UTC on 21  September. QSL via  home calls,  either
         direct or through the bureau. [TNX WF1N]
W      - Special event station W8G will be  activated (on 80, 40, 20, 15  and
         10 metres SSB and CW) by the Cambridge Amateur Radio Association  on
         19-20 September  to celebrate  the 200th  anniversary of  the  first
         pioneer settlement in Guernsey County, Ohio. QSL via W8VP (Box 1804,
         Cambridge, Ohio 43725, USA). [TNX K8AL]
ZP     - The ZP0 prefixes  have been  withdrawn by  the Paraguayan  licencing
         authorities. Tom, ZP5AZL (aka ZP0R and  ZP0Z) plans to be active  as
         ZP5Z during the  All Asian SSB  (5-6 September) and  the WAE DX  SSB
         (12-13 September) Contests. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX ZP5AZL]
XX     - Jon, WB8YJF  and  Leo,  K8PYD (see  VR2  above)  will  be  operating
         (hopefully as XX9YD) from Macau for the CQWW DX RTTY Contest  (26-27
         September). CW and perhaps SSB  will be used  prior to contest.  QSL
         via K8PYD. [TNX K8PYD]
ZS     - The Highway Amateur Radio Club will be active on all bands as ZS5HAM
         during the SARL  HF Field Day  Contest (5-6 September).  QSL to  The
         Highway Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box  779, New Germany, 3620,  South
         Africa. [TNX ZS5BBO]
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

5V7A ON THE  WEB ---> This  year the Voodoo  Contest Group offers  a new  and
exciting Internet  Web-Page (http://voodudes.com).  In  addition to  all  the
detailed facts  and  figures about  this  major expedition  along  with  many
photographs, maps,  charts and  specimen QSL  cards you  will find  a  simple
electronic form to be used for QSL requests via the bureau, or to see if  you
are in the  5V7A log. Many  important areas of  the site may  be accessed  in
English or Spanish,  along with several  sections also  available in  French,
German, English, Spanish and Finnish. Latest news of expedition progress will
be posted to the  'Update' section in  all five languages.  Do not forget  to
give a  look to  the Propagation  area -  just click  over  your QTH  on  the
world-map for a listing of openings to Togo from your region, by hour and  by
band. [TNX G3SXW]

CAMPBELL 1999 ---> Well known CW operator 9V1YC, James Brooks has joined  the
Kermadec DX  Association  DXpedition to  Campbell  Island [425DXN  378].  The
11-member team  will depart  New Zealand  on 1  January  1999 and  arrive  to
Campbell on the 9th. ZL9CI  will remain QRV  until 25 January.  Contributions
can be sent  to either The  Kermadec DX  Association, P.O.  Box 56099,  Tawa,
Wellington, New  Zealand or  The Kermadec  DX Association  (Europe), 167  St.
James's Road, Greenhills, Dublin 12, Ireland. All donations will be receipted
and in the event of the DXpedition not proceeding be returned. [TNX EI6FR]

HAMFEST-INDIA ----> The  7th annual Hamfest-India,  the largest gathering  of 
Indian amateurs,  will be  held  in Bangalore  on  2-4 October.  For  further
information  please   visit   http://www.angelfire.com/in/hamfestindia98   or
contact VU2RCR, R. Ramachandra, P.O. Box 3404, Bangalore 560 034, India. [TNX
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  5 September 1998                 No 383                   BID: $425WW383D
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                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****

HJ4F --->  HJ4F (Hamming  Just  for Fun)  is  a monthly  electronic  magazine
available for the asking. It is totally ham-related, and is usually short  in
lenght (two-three articles per month, one of them usually being technical  in
nature and often dedicated to home brew). If you would like to be included on
the mailing  list, please  send a  short message  with your  name and  e-mail
address to Bill A. Hartzell (KB3COP) at illbill@juno.com and he will  forward
it to the editor. [TNX KB3COP]

OLDEST YL HAM? ---> Iris Hayes, ZS2AA  is the Honorary Life President of  the
Border Radio Club in East London, South Africa.  She will be 95 years old  in
October this year and she is still active  on the air. "We believe that  Iris
may be the oldest YL ham  in the world and we would  like to publicise  this,
but would first  like to be  certain of this  fact", Colin Robertson  (ZS2CR)
says. If you know of another YL ham (active  or not) who is older than  Iris,
please send a message to ZS2CR at rroberts@dolphin.ru.ac.za [TNX ZS4BS]

POSTAGE FROM ARGENTINA ---> Raul M. Diaz, LU6EF, QSL manager for GACW  (Grupo
Argentino de  CW), reports  a recent  rise in  postal rates  from  Argentina.
Postage to  "neighbouring  countries"  now  is  US$  1,  to  "other  American
countries" is US$ 1.25, to "other continents" is US$ 1.50. [TNX LU6EF]

QSL 9J2DR ---> Richard, 9J2DR is expected to go back to France in  September.
He can confirm  contacts made with  9J2DR, YS1DRF, PT2ZDR  and TR8DR. QSL  to
Richard Dandine, 10 rue de Chuignes, Faucaucourt-en-Santerre, 80340 Bray  sur
Somme, France. [TNX F6AJA & The Nouvelles DX]

QSL  AP2WAP  --->  QSL  manager  IK4ZGY   reports  that  cards  for   Sergio,
AP2WAP/AP50WAP can be sent to William  Debbi at either Via Nuova 13/a,  41040
Montebaranzone - MO,  Italy or  P.O. Box  5, 41040  Corlo -  MO, Italy.  [TNX

QSL HS98AG  --->  The  QSL  manager  is  HS1CKC  (Winit  Kongprasert,  49/203
Jangwattana Rd., Prakkret Nontaburi, 11120, Thailand)  and cards can be  sent
also throu the bureau. The "HS6URO"  mentioned in 425DXN 382  was a typo  (it
should have been "HS BURO"). We apologize for any inconvenience this may have
caused our readers. [TNX HS0GBI and HS2JFW]

QSL VK3AJJ/P ---> 6,200 QSOs  were made in  three and a  half days from  Gabo
Island (OC-196) [425DXN 381]. QSL direct  to VK3AJJ (Paul Richards,  Bilyarra
200 Ryans  Road, Lysterfield,  Victoria 3156,  Australia). Please  note  that
KB5IPQ (USA manager for VK3AJJ) *cannot* confirm contacts made with  VK3AJJ/P
from Gabo. [TNX VK3AJJ]

QSL YI9CW ---> Tom, SP5AUC/YI9CW is reported to be very busy and not to  have
much time to spend on QSLling. Copies of  his logs have been sent to  SP5JTF,
who can confirm contacts made with YI9CW (direct only). Please note that  Tom
has never been active on 80 and 160 metres. [TNX SP5EWY]

QSL ZD9IL  ---> Ian,  ZD9IL should  be again  active  from Tristan  da  Cunha
(AF-029) by 4-5 September after being on  holiday is South Africa.  Look  for
him on 10, 15, 20, 12, 17 and 40 metres between 9 UTC and 16 UTC. Ian  forgot
to take his logs to his  QSL manager (ZS5BBO: Edwin  Musto, P.O. Box  211032,
Bluff, 4036, South Africa) and will not  be able to ship them until  October.

QSL VIA I2EOW ---> Erminio, I2EOW (and not IV3TAN, as reported in 425DXN 382)
is the  QSL manager  for  the 1998  operations  by IG9/I2VXJ  from  Lampedusa
Island. I2EOW is also the QSL manager for IQ9L (same location). We  apologize
for any inconvenience this may have caused our readers. [TNX I2EOW]

QSL VIA K1WY --->  S21J (YL operator  Mamtaz) is now  managed by K1WY.  Other
stations managed by  The K1WY  DX Association  (P.O. Box  2644, Hartford,  CT
06146-2644, USA) are:  5R8ET, ET3BT, GI6YM,  P29CC, TF7GX,  TF8GX, UA0DC  and
UA0ZMK. The Association has a Web  site at:  http://home.att.net/~k1wy/  [TNX

RODRIGUEZ 1999 ---> It has been  reported that the multi-national  DXpedition
to Rodriguez Island  (AF-017), originally  scheduled for  this coming  autumn
[425DXN 367], might now take place in January 1999. [TNX The Daily DX]

ROWLEY SHOALS 1999 (VK9-99) ---> Mal,  VK6LC reports that the September  1999
IOTA DXpedition to to Imperieuse Reef  in the Rowley Shoals (OC-???)  [425DXN
379] will gather  4 operators to  be active for  3-4 days  with two  500-watt
stations. Contributions can be sent to either 
- Diamond DX Club c/o Gianni Varetto  (I1HYW), P.O. Box 1, 10060  Pancalieri-
  TO, Italy                or
- Malcolm  K.  Johnson  (VK6LC),  9  Abinger  Road,  Lynwood  6147,   Western
  Australia, Australia     or
- to special bank account VK9-99 (Malcolm  K. Johnson), Commonwealth Bank  of
  Australia, Riverton.  Western  Australia, 187  High  Road,  Riverton  6148,
  Australia, Account No. 76 6164 5005591.
If the operation does not take place, all donations will be returned.
S DX@WW $425WW383E
425 DX News #383 [5/6]
  5 September 1998                 No 383                   BID: $425WW383E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***   
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

CALLBOOKS:    Visit  http://www.pc.mdlink.de/70223102/RR_CALL.HTM  and   find
              on-line callbooks for 4J, 4L, 9A,  EK, ES, ER, EU, EX, EY,  EZ,
              HA, JT, LY, LZ, OK, OM, RA, S5, T9, UK, UR, YL, YO, YU, Z3, ZA.
              [TNX The Daily DX]
ERITREA 98:   Three Web pages have been set-up for the November DXpedition to
              Eritrea (see E3 above):
NEW PAGE      The Magnolia DX Association (which manages the ARRL Incoming W5
              QSL  Bureau)   invites   to  visit   its   new  web   page   at
              http://www.datasync.com/~w5ue/mdxa [TNX N5FG]
QSL ROUTES:   A list of QSL routes for the 1998 IOTA Contest is available  at
              http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj [TNX EA5EYJ]
QSL SERVICE:  Detailed information on the WF5E DX-QSL Service [425DXN 367] is
              available at http://www.qsl.net/wf5e/
RULES:        The rules  for  the  Iberoamerican  Contest  can  be  found  at
              http://www.videostudi.com/urvo/ [TNX EA3UJ]

QSL received  via direct:   3B7RF,  3D2WC,  3D2CB/R, 3D2WC/R,  3W6WE,  4S7SW,
H44DX, H75A  (NA-209),  HL2KV,  HU4X,  IB0/I0YKN  (LT-004,  014,  022,  037),
IB0/IK3GES (IIA LT-037),  IB0/IZ0BFK (IIA LT-018),  IB0/IZ0IIA (IIA  LT-036),
ID8/IK8WEJ (IIA  CS-006), ID8/IZ8BAD  (IIA VV-006),  IJ7/IK7DXP (IIA  LE-011,
042), IJ7/IK7VJX  (IIA  LE-046), IJ9/IT9WDY  (IIA  SR-015),  IJ9/IT9YRE  (IIA
SR-015), IL3/IK3BPBN (IIA VE-041, 066),  IL3/IV3WMI (IIA GO-???),  IL6/IK6QRH
(IIA AN-006), IL7/IK6CAC  (IIA LE-039), IL7/IK7EZP  (IIA LE-036),  IL7/IK7VJX
(IIA LE-023,  032,  033,  035,  039,  040,  049),  IL7/IK7XIV  (IIA  LE-050),
IM0/IK2MRZ (IIA SS-013,  017, 148),  IM0/IS0JLJ (IIA  SS-058, 060), IV3JWR/p,
(IIA UD-???),,  JD1YBJ,  JL1KFR/JD1, JW5NM,  JT1CO,  OD/9K2MU,  OH0BH,  OX3LG
(NA-134), OX3LG (NA-151),  P40K, P49V, P4/I2UIY,  SU1SK, T88AN, TI4CF,  TL5A,

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


                            425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR
                            <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>>

       If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe,  please send a message to
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171 (for the English version) at i121171@amsat.org
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (for the Italian version)  at i1jqj@amsat.org


                             425 DX NEWS SEARCH
   Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN?
        Please go to:    http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html
                         and try the "Search" button

S DX@WW $425WW383F
425 DX News #383 [6/6]
  5 September 1998                 No 383                   BID: $425WW383F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  19/09      3D2DX: Rotuma Island (OC-060) * by EA4DX               371
till  07/09      3D2WD & 3D2DA: Yasawa (OC-156) * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ    369
till  11/09      5W0HP & 5W0BF: Western Samoa * by DL1SDV & DL2BFH      380
till  08/09      6Y5/PA3ERC and 6Y5/PA3EWP: Jamaica (NA-097)            375
till  07/09      7Q7CE: Malawi * by IN3VZE                              379
till  15/11      9V8: Singapore * special prefix                        369
till  05/09      C21JH: Nauru (OC-031) * by VK2GJH                      381
till  ??         CE3/NE4Z: Chile and Chilean IOTA islands               380
till  31/12      EU200A, EV200M & EW200M: special event stations        378
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  ??         FT5ZI: Amsterdam Island (AF-002)                       377
till  06/09      IA5/I5RFD: Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002)          383
till  06/09      IL7/IK6CAC, IK6TIM and IK6TOR: Tremiti Is (EU-050)     383
till  06/09      JW4KQ and JW9OI: Svalbard * by LA4KQ and LA9OI         382
till  ??         LU1ZI: Teniente Jubany Base, So. Shetlands (AN-010)    382
till  22/09      SV8/IK3GES: EU-049, 052, 060, 072, 075, 113, 158       382
till  December   TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN             373
till  ??         TZ6DX: Mali * by K4RB                                  382
till  07/09      V63KA & V63MC: Kosrae (OC-059) * by JH8BKL & JF8IYR    381
till  12/09      VE3ZZ/W4: Hilton Head Island (NA-110, USI SC-002S)     381
till  29/10      YM75TA: special event station                          377
till  15/09      ZA0IS: Sazan Island (EU-169) * by Radio Club Partizani 382
28/08-09/09      SV9/IK2WZD: Crete (EU-015)                             379
30/08-07/09      IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002)         381
03/09-07/09      KH0/JH1UUT: Rota Island, Northern Mariana (OC-086)     383
04/09-08/09      AH2R, NH2C: Guam (OC-026) * by JG3RPL and JI3ERV       383
04/09-11/09      ID9/OM3JW/p & ID9/OM2DX/p: Vulcano Isl (EU-017)        381
04/09-09/09      XU2DXI: Cambodia * by HS0/VK3DXI]                      381
04/09-06/09      ZW4SM: special event station                           381
05/09-06/09      ZP5Z: Paraguay * by ZP5AZL                             383
05/09-06/09      ZS5HAM * by Highway ARC                                383
05/09-06/09      All Asian SSB Contest                                  ***
05/09-06/09      LZ DX CW Contest                                       ***
06/09-07/09      W4Z: special event station                             383
08/09-15/09      DJ3XG/p: Hallig Groede & Hallig Habel Is (EU-042)      383
08/09-16/09      ID9/I5RFD: Eolie Is (EU-017, IIA ME-015, 018, 001)     383
08/09-11/09      K8SCH: Avalon Island (NA-111) * by OH-KY-IN DX Group   383
08/09-20/09      ZF2RC & ZF2WP: Cayman Is (NA-016) * by PA3ERC & PA3EWP 375
09/09-13/09      F6CBL: Batz Island (EU-105)                            383
09/09-14/09      CY9/WV2B: St. Paul Island (NA-094)                     383
09/09-26/09      J43DIG: Greece                                         383
10/09-14/09      PU5U & PW5L: Sao Francisco Isl (SA-027) * by PY5s      379
11/09-18/09      3V8BB/4 or TS4QI: AF-073 * by Z32ZM,Z32AU,YT1AD & 3V8s 380
11/09-15/09      GJ: Jersey (EU-013) * by PA3DSR                        383
11/09-13/09      JW2PA: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA2PA                    383
12/09-16/09      JA5AUC/6 and JA5QJD/6: Amami Archipelago (AS-023)      383
12/09-13/09      JA6LCJ/6 & JA6JPS/6: Amakusa Archipelago (AS-012)      383
12/09-26/09      SV3/HA4XG/P and SV1/HA4XG/P: Greece                    383
12/09-25/09      SV5/IK2WZD: Lipsoi Island (EU-001)                     379
12/09-13/09      ZP5Z: Paraguay * by ZP5AZL                             383
12/09            46th W9DXCC Convention (Rolling Meadows, IL)           369
12/09-13/09      WAE DX SSB Contest                                     ***
14/09-21/09      V63LP,V63CV,V63DI: Micronesia*by JH1BLP,JP1WDM,7L1PBB  383
15/09-23/09      8Q7LI, 8Q7US, 8Q7CC, 8Q7HA, 8Q7BB: Maldives * by JAs   383
16/09-30/09      ET3MW & ET3VJ (ET3AA): Ethiopia * by G3VMW & G4ZVJ     383
18/09-21/09      WF1N and W1DIG: Isles of Shoals (NA-148)               383
19/09-30/09      ET3XA (ET3AA): Ethiopia * by G3XAQ                     383
19/09            GB100AR: special event station                         383
19/09-27/09      II6FII: special event station                          375
19/09-27/09      IY1EY: special event station                           383
19/09-20/09      W8G: special event station * by Cambridge ARA          383
19/09-20/09      Scandinavian CW Activity                               ***
20/09-24/09      3D2DX/p: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji Is * by EA4DX        371
20/09-25/09      K4M: Midway (OC-030) * by MKDXF                        381
21/09-02/10      IG9/IZ0AEH: Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001)             383
21/09-01/10      VR2 (Homg Kong) and XX (Macau) * by WB8YJF & K8PYD     383
26/09-27/09      CQWW DX RTTY Contest                                   ***
26/09-27/09      Scandinavian SSB Activity                              ***
26/09-27/09      Bologna: HF DX Meeting                                 ***
September        IK2WXQ/1: Isole Borromee (Verbania province)           381
September        IJ9: Ognina (SR-008) & Guicciarda (AG-006) * by IT9s   383
September        IL3: IIA islands in Rovigo province * by I0KHY         381
September        IY2ARI: A.R.I. special event station                   381
from  Sep        PT8ZCB * by DJ8UG (ex CP4BT)                           375
September        XR40TC: special event station (Chile) * by Temuco RC   383
September        ZG2: special prefix from Gibraltar                     382
