DX425 bulletin issue nr. 382

S DX@WW $425WW382A
425 DX News #382 [1/5]
  29 August 1998                   No 382                   BID: $425WW382A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                     <<< 425 DX NEWS - MAILING LIST >>>

Thanks to Massimo Mucci, I8NHJ's kind co-operation the  mailing list has been
runnig  on a  new server since May  1998. We are  grateful to  Mirko Caserta,
IK0ZSN, who  has handled  subscription/unsubscription  requests  so far.  Due
to business commitments, he cannot continue any longer and  has been replaced
by  Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171.  Subscription/Unsubscription request should
therefore be sent to i122171@amsat.org - thak you!

5X     - Jacky, F2CW/ZL3CW  hopes  to be  active  (possibly  as  5X2CW)  from
         Kampala, Uganda for the next few weeks. QSL via ZL3CW (Jacky  Calvo,
         P.O. Box  593, Pukekohe  1800, New  Zealand). He  will also  try  to
         operate from Kenya and Eritrea during his 4-month mission in Africa.
         [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
FK     - Eric, FK8GM reports the 28 August-2 September TX8B operation [425DXN
         377] from Belep Is (OC-079) has been cancelled.
HP     - HP2ECP was expected to be active on 26-28 August as H96C from Cebaco 
         Island (NA-071) and H86G from Gobernadora  Island (NA-071). QSL  via 
         HP2ECP (Manuel Joannou, P.O. Box 1250, Colon, Panama). [TNX HP2CWB]
I      - ARI Cesena members  are expected  to operate  special event  station
         IQ4LYR during the weekend. QSL via  I4YTY either direct (Club  Amici
         101mo Gruppo  di Lugo,  P.O. Box  11, 48022  Lugo  - RA,  Italy)  or
         through the bureau.
I      - Aretusa DX Team member Enrico, IT9AXZ  will be active (10-80  metres
         CW) as ID9/IT9AXZ  from Salina Island  (EU-017, IIA  ME-015) on  3-5
         September. [TNX IT9HLR]
JD1_oga- Bill Kennamer,  K5FUV has  been active  from Chichi-Jima,  Ogasawara
         (AS-031) as 7J2ADX/JD1. He was expected to be there until 28 August.
         QSL via K1NO. [TNX The Daily DX]
JW     - Borge, LA4KQ and  Olav, LA9OI  will be  active (mostly  on CW)  from
         Svalbard as JW4KQ and JW9OI between 4 and 6 September. QSL via  home
         calls. [TNX LA9OI]
KP2    - N2WB, W4WX, W4CJK, VE3FU and W5OXA  need a sixth amateur willing  to
         operate from St. Croix, Virgin Islands (NA-106) on 19-27 October, CQ
         WW SSB Contest as WP2Z included.  Person selected would be asked  to
         bring a modern radio and external HF tuner, rest of the equipment is
         in place or being provided  by the other  team members. For  further
         information please  contact Bill,  W4WX at  w4wx@bellsouth.net  [TNX
LU_ssh - Operator Ricardo  is  active from  LU1ZI  (Antarctic  Base  Teniente
         Jubany on Isla 25 de Mayo, South Shetlands, AN-010) on Sundays. Look
         for him  from around  02.30 UTC  on 3.630  MHz. QSL  direct to  Base
         Cientifica Jubany, Correo Argentino El  Palomar, Via Base  Marambio,
         9411 Antartida Argentina. [TNX LU7DSY]
S0     - Mark, S07WW [425DXN 381] will be QRV for North America on 160 metres
         (his TX frequency  is 1827.5) at  00.00 UTC and  at his sunrise.  He
         reports an overheating  problem with his  rig which  enables him  to
         operate on  160, 80,  40 and  30 metres  only. QSL  via ON5NT.  [TNX
SV     - Gabriele, SV8/IK3GES/P [425DXN 379] expects  to operate from  EU-113
         during the  weekend.  He is  likely  to be  on  from EU-158  on  5-6
         September and later on from EU-052. QSL via IK3GES. [TNX SV8/IK3GES]
TZ     - Bob, K4RB is now active as TZ6DX from Bamako, Mali. He will be there
         for a multi-year assignment and will be active on most modes.  He is
         an avid CW contester. QSL via K4DX (ex WA4FVT): Willis C. Strickland
         Jr, 355 Segrest Circle Athens, GA 30605, USA. [TNX K4DX]
VK     - VK4NDW is an  Australian novice operator  and transmits from  Fraser
         Island (OC-142). He has been active on 10 metres SSB. [TNX W4DKS and
         Islands On The Web]
VK     - Paul, VK3AJJ  reports  the  Gabo  Island  (OC-196)  IOTA  DXpedition
         [425DXN 381] is on schedule. They  hope to start operating (SSB  and
         CW on the usual IOTA frequencies) around 00.00 UTC on 29 August  and
         shut down around  20.00 UTC on  2 September. QSL  direct to  VK3AJJ.
         [TNX VK3AJJ]
VP9    - Rush, W4QA (ex NR4M, WD4AEI) will be active as W4QA/VP9 from Bermuda
         (NA-005) between 1 and 3 September. Look  for him on 20, 15, and  10
         metres CW in his eraly morning and late evening hours. [TNX W4QA]
VQ9    - Dale, W4QM  will  be active  again  (on all  bands  CW,  160  metres
         included) as VQ9QM from Chagos (AF-006) in September. QSL via  W4QM.
         [TNX DX News Sheet]
ZA     - ARI HF  Manager  and  ZA1A team member  Mario Ambrosi, I2MQP reports
         that a  four or  five operators from Radio  Club Partizani expect to
         be  active as ZA0IS  (on CW  and SSB,  with a  vertical antenna  and
         possibly an amplifier) from Sazan  Island  (EU-169)  for a few  days
         between  2  and 15 September. They are  trying to get  a licence for
         Mario himself  to join  them.  QSL via ZA1K  (Arben  Goxhaj,  Box 1,
         Westbrook, MN  56183, USA). [TNX I2MQP]
ZB     - ZB2 stations  are allowed  to use  the prefix  ZG2 in  September  to
         celebrate Gibraltar National Day on 10 September. Martyn, G3RFX will
         be active as ZG2FX between 2 and 4 September. QSL via G3RFX. [TNX DX
         News Sheet]
S DX@WW $425WW382B
425 DX News #382 [2/5]
  29 August 1998                   No 382                   BID: $425WW382B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

DX REFLECTOR --->  The newly revived  DX Reflector is  now run  by the  North
Jersey DX  Association  (http://www.njdxa.org). DX-NEWS  is  a  mailing  list
(reflector) devoted to the discussion of DX. If  you want to  subscribe, send
a message to listserv@jerseycape.net and place subscribe dx-news in  the body
of  your message.  If you  have  any questions or problems  send a message to
Steve Adell, KF2TI (KF2TI@planet.net)

QSL 3D2DX  ---> QSL  cards  for the  upcoming  activities by  Roberto,  EA4DX
[425DXN 371] should be sent via  Jose Diaz, EA4CP at  either Doce de  Octubre
#4, 28009 Madrid, Spain or P.O. Box 50.546, 28080 Madrid, Spain (bureau cards
can be requested at  3d2dx@earthling.net). Roberto is  expected to be  active
(on 10-160 metres,  SSB and RTTY)  as 3D2DX from  Rotuma (OC-060) between  29
August and 19 September and as 3D2DX/p from Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji  Islands
between  20  and   24  September.   Further  information   is  available   at
http://www.qsl.net/ea4dx/index.html [TNX EA4DX]

QSL H40AA  & H44DX  ---> Tim  Totten, N4GN  reports that  all the  first-pass
replies are expected to be  in the mail  by 7 September.  The balance of  the
requests (those  with QSOs  not  initially found  in  the database)  will  be
researched further  and released  during the  remainder of  September.   This
second-pass research will  include a  review of  the original  paper logs  or
computer files and,  for those  pileups that  were recorded,  the video  tape
archive. DXers are asked not to send second requests before the completion of
this second-pass research.  Bureau cards  will be processed after the  direct

QSL HS0/G4JMB ---> "I have decided that as I spend more time in Bangkok, then
that should  be  the  QSL  information for  all  my  calls",  Philip  Weaver,
HS0/G4JMB (also 9M6CT, VR2CT and G4JMB) reports. His UK and USA (Oxnard,  CA)
are no longer  valid and  cards should  be sent  to P.O.Box  7, Patpong  Post
Office, Bangkok 10506, Thailand. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]

QSL KH9  & ZK1XXP  ---> Tom,  N4XP  reports the  cards  for the  Dateline  DX
Association's  Wake  Island  February  1998  operation  (N6MZ/KH9,  N2OO/KH9,
N2WB/KH9, K8XP/KH9) are  expected to  arrive from  the printer  within a  few
days. He  will start  working  them immediately,  please  do not  resend  KH9
requests. Tom also reports he  has just completed  all directly received  QSL
requests for ZK1XXP (DDXA September 1997 operation from Penrhyn Atoll,  North
Cook) and has started working on  bureau cards: "if you  have not received  a
card from an earlier request contact  me directly (n4xp@juno.com) and do  not
resend until I  advise you to".  The following  addresses are  OK for  either
operation: DDXA-N4XP, 2011 New High Shoals Road, Watkinsville, GA 30677,  USA
or DDXA-WA4YBV, 9 River Cove, Portsmouth, VA 23703, USA. [TNX KF2TI]

QSL XV7SW ---> Rolf, SM5MX/XV7SW is moving to Japan. His new address will  be
Rolf T. Salme, Embassy of Sweden, 1-10-3-100 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo  106,
Japan, but if you need a card for a QSO  with XV7SW he recommends to QSL  via
his manager, SM3CXS, either direct or through the bureau. [TNX SM5MX]

QSL YC8DYZ  --->  John, YB5NOF/0  can  confirm contacts  made  with    YC8DYZ
(Halmahera, OC-145) in 1992-1993. Please send your request to John E. Daluas,
P.O. Box 194/CPA, Ciputat 15401, Jakarta, Indonesia. [TNX YB5QZ]

                          *** NEWS FROM THE WEB ***

DX SPOTS:     Courtesy of  DX Summit,  the Internet  Relay Chat  (IRC)  #CQDX
              channel on Undernet now has a direct live feed of all DX  spots
              from     DX     Summit.     For     more     details,     visit
              http://members.home.com/dab/dxchat.html [TNX N6RT]
IARU SOCIETY: The  UBA  (Union  Belge  des  Amateurs-emetteurs/Unie  van   de
              Belgische Amateurzenders) website is at http://www.uba.be
LOG SEARCH:   Log  search  for  TL5A  (QSL  via   PA3DMH)  is  available   at
              http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/logs/log_search.html (if you use
              Netscape and have problems in getting the data, please  contact
              Alex, PA3DMH at pa3dmh@igr.nl)
LOG SEARCH:   Log  search  for  the  upcoming  operations  by  6Y5/PA3ERC   &
              6Y5/PA3EWP (QSL via PA3ERC) [425DXN 375] and ZF2RC & ZF2WP (QSL
              via   PA3ERC)    [425DXN   375]    will   be    available    at
LOG SEARCH:   Log search for IIA and IOTA  (EU-131) operations by IK3QAR  and
              IK3VIA is available at http://space.tin.it/io/rzennar/
LOG SEARCH:   Log search  for  8Q7DF  (operator  by  IK5MDF,  May  1998)  and
              SV9/G4ZFE   (IOTA   Contest   1998)   is   now   available   at
              http://www.qsl.net/ra0ff/dx.html [TNX RA0FF]
NEW URL:      The Pessegueiro  Island homepage  [425DXN 375]  has a  new  URL
              (http://www.qsl.net/cq2p). Log  search for  the 1998  operation
              from EU-167  and for  all the  NPDXG past  IOTA DXpeditions  is
              available at http://www.qsl.net/cq2p/Online.htm [TNX CT1EEB]
RULES:        The rules for the SCC RTTY  Championship (29-30 August) can  be
              found at  http://www.sk3bg.se/contest [TNX  The VK2SG  RTTY  DX
RULES:        The rules  for  the  Iberoamerican  Contest  can  be  found  at
              http://www.videostudi.com/urvo/ [TNX EA3UJ]
UTILITY:      To those who  do not know  whether a single  US Green Stamp  is
              sufficient to cover  return postage when  sending direct  QSLs,
              Dick Wolf, N6FF (ex  KL7H) suggests to  check out the  currency
              exchange rate at http://www.dna.lth.se/cgi-bin/kurt/rates/

S DX@WW $425WW382C
425 DX News #382 [3/5]
  29 August 1998                   No 382                   BID: $425WW382C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [1/3] *****
                          Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM
                <TNX IK1HSR, IK1UGX, IK7AFM, The Daily DX>

3W6EA     Peter, P.O.Box 121, Ho Chi Minn City, Vietnam
4S7BRG    Mario Primavesi, 327/3 Main Street, Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka
4S7EA     Ernest Amarasinghe, 275/14, Colombo Road, Divulpitiya,
          Boralesgamuwa 10290, Sri Lanka
4S7TZ     Trevor Abeyesundere, 38/15, Gower Street, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka
4X/K4YT   Karl J.Renz, 26 Hate'ena Street, 43577 Ra'ananna, Israel
5B4/UN7FK Willy Martemyanov, P.O.Box 2100, Pavlodar 637000, Kazakhstan
5B4OG     Edward D.Ross, P.O.Box 6307, Larnaca CY, Cyprus
8P6FH     Rodney O'Neale, Upper Carlton #2, St.James, Barbados
9K2OK     Waleed A.Abul, P.O.Box 17292, 72453 Khaldiya, Kuwait
9K2SQ     Abdullah Ali Al-Sayegh, P.O.Box 38899, Abdullah Al-Salem 72259,
A45XL     Bob Williams, 25 Upper Carr Ln., Calverley, Nr.Pudsey, W.Yorkshire,
          LS28 5PL, England
CW80Z     P.O.Box 512, Minas, Uruguay
DL6DK     Peter Voits, Uhlandstrasse 28, D-59192 Bergkamen, Germany
DS0EZ     Sarang Nanugi Net, P.O.Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea
DS1CIT    Kim Sang Jin, P.O.Box 99, Yangchun, Seoul 158-600, South Korea
DS1GNS    Yu Myung Ock, P.O.Box 99, Yangchun, Seoul 158-600, South Korea
DS1ILV    Kim, P.O.Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea
DS2AGH    Kang, 938-24, Kesan 1-dong, Inchon 407-051, South Korea
DS2AXU    Yun Sang Yong, P.O.Box 80, Pyong Taek City, 450-600, South Korea
DS2CFQ    Hyeon Ok Nam, Hyundai APT 102-1110, Yonghyun-dong, Uijongbu,
          Kyungkido 480-050, South Korea
DS3CQU    Young Kuu Park, P.O.Box 17, Chon An 330-6, South Korea
DS5RDA    Sang Un Lee, P.O.Box 23, Taegu 700-600, South Korea
DS5ROJ    Jeongsoon Kang, 105-501, Daeyoung APT, Yongju 750-053, South Korea
DS5SYF    Tai Sik-Choi, 1-15 Dae Do Dong, Pohang 790-140, South Korea
E21EJC    Krissada Futrakul, P. O. Box 20, Bangkok 10163, Thailand
EA4CEN    Jose A.Rodriguez Fernandez, General Castejon 1-6 A, E-28924
          Alcorcon, Madrid, Spain
ER1AN     Sergei Pyatygin, Str.Roz 31/2 ap.5, MD-2038 Kishinev, Moldova
ER1DA     Valery Metaxa, P.O.Box 9537, MD-2071 Kishinev, Moldova
EX0V      Valery V.Andreev, P.O.Box 2, Maily-Sai 715420, Kirghizistan
EX2A      Ivan I.Udovin, P.O.Box 745, Bishkek 720017, Kirghizistan
EX2T      Vlad I.Udovin, P.O.Box 745, Bishkek 720017, Kirghizistan
EX8MA     Victor T.Usov, P.O.Box 792, Bishkek 720049, Kirghizistan
FK8GM     Eric Esposito, P.O.Box 4480, F-98847 Noumea, New Caledonia
FM5DX     Pierre Traversierderriere, L'enclosroute du Stade, 97222 Case
          Pilote, Martinique
HL1OYF    Kim Dug Nam, P.O.Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea
HL1SYB    Kim Yoo Sung, P.O.Box 54, Dongjak, Seoul 156-600, South Korea
HL2DRY    Kim Sungjun, P.O.Box 12, Youngwol 230-800, South Korea
HL2VNA    Dong Duk Seo, Hyundai APT 102-1110, Yonghyun-dong, Uijongbu,
          Kyungkido 480-050, South Korea
HL3ENE    Shin Hyun Kyun, Donga APT 3-1303, Kyohyun-Dong, Chongju,
          Chungbuk 380-060, South Korea
HL3QVZ    Young Kuu Park, P.O.Box 17, Chon An 330-6, South Korea
HL5CL     Y.J.Shin, P.O.Box 322, Pusan 600-603, South Korea
HL5NLQ    Kang Young Tae, Green APT 219-301, Jigok-dong, Pohang 790-390,
          South Korea
HL5YAW    Euljae Lee, 105-501, Daeyoung APT, Yongju 750-053, South Korea
HL5YDP    Jung Weon Sik, 611-20, Chang Po-Dong, Buk-Gu, Pohang, Kyungbuk
          791-250, South Korea
HR5MAG    Miguel Gomez, "Los Gauchos",Barrio El Centro,Copan Ruinas,Honduras
IK8WTM    Fabio, P.O.Box 340, I-80133 Napoli (NA), Italy
J39JX     Floyd C.Dowden, Mt.Moritz, St.George's, Grenada Island
JR0BQD    Satoshi Honda, 1435 Oishi, Horinouchi, Kitauonuma, Niigata,
          949-7411, Japan
JW8AV     Egil Skudsvik, Brottet 120, 3029 Drammen, Norway
K6SLO     Richard Whisler, 734 Hill Avenue, South San Francisco,
          CA 94080-4242, U.S.A.
LU7EE     Arnoldo Corda, P.O.Box 41, 1897 Gonnet, Buenos Aires, Argentina
LY3BE     Eugene Vaisman, P.O.Box 70, Klaipeda, LT-5800, Lithuania
LX1SP     Schartz Louis, 3 Rue du Nord, L-4469 Soleuvre, Luxembourg
LX1TI     Trezzi Carlo, P.O.Box 117, L-4901 Bascharage, Luxembourg
N2OO      Bob Schenck, P.O.Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ-08087, U.S.A.
P43T      Anthony Thiel, P.O.Box 614, Oranjestad, Aruba
P43W      Randy Geerman, P.O.Box 5160, Oranjestad, Aruba
RA1ACJ    Slava Osipov P.O.Box 1 St.Petersburg, 198261, Russia
RW4HO     V.V.Stepnov, P.O.Box 6830, Samara-10, 443010, Russia
SV5AZ     Padelis Vassiliadis, P.O.Box 329, GR-85100 Rhodos, Greece 
TG9GJG    Julio, P.O.Box 24, Guatemala City, Guatemala
TK5PB     Bruno Le Magenta 1, F-20169 Bonifacio, Corsica
UA0IAS/0  Vladimir Kolodkin, P.O.Box 11, Palatka, 686110 Magadanskya, Russia
UA1ANA    Sergey Permut P.O.Box 415 St.Petersburg, 190000, Russia
UR7GG     Victor Tkachenko, P.O.Box 73, Kherson, 325000, Ukraine
VK2GJH    Jack Harden, P.O.Box 99, Ryde, NSW 1680, Australia
VK2PS     Stephen Pall, P.O.Box 93, Dural, NSW 2158, Australia
WH2U      John van der Pyl, P.O.Box 2679, Agana, GU-96932, U.S.A.
XQ1IDM    Nicolas Herrera G., P.O.Box 345, Antofagasta, Chile
XV7SW     Rolf T.Salme, Embassy of Sweden, 1-10-3-100 Roppongi, Minato-ku,
          Tokyo 106, Japan
YB0AI     Ir.Taufan Prioutomo, P.O.Box 7004 JKSKL, Jakarta 12070, Indonesia
YB2ERL    Bambang Suryo Widodo, JL Permata Gading J-161A, Semarang 50176,
YB9CCB    Andi Chandra, P.O.Box 2051, Kuta 80361, Indonesia
YC0HXH    N.Erwin Hanafiah, P.O.Box 7022 JATPB, Jakarta 13070, Indonesia
YC2JVQ    Muarief, P.O.Box 1019, Brebes 52212, Indonesia
YC7JEK    Hatirudin, P.O.Box 3, Banjarmasin 70001, Indonesia
YC9MKF    Ferdy Konay, P.O.Box 1021, Kupang 85000, Indonesia
YK1AH     Fadel Shehab, P.O.Box 9597, Damascus, Syria
ZA1K      Arben Goxhaj, P.O.Box 1, Westbrook, MN-56183, U.S.A.
ZF1PM     Peter H.Massie, P.O.Box 314, Savannah, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
ZL3CW     Jacky Calvo, P.O.Box 593, Pukekohe 1800, New Zealand
ZP5DAV    Gustavo D.Paiva A., 14 de Junio #176 C/Gral. Santos, Asuncion,
S DX@WW $425WW382D
425 DX News #382 [4/5]
  29 August 1998                   No 382                   BID: $425WW382D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [2/3] *****

CALL       MANAGER       CALL       MANAGER       CALL       MANAGER       
3D2IJ      JM1LJS        FO0YAM     JK1FNN        PV2P       PT2NP         
3D2KY      JA3MVI        FP/N9PD    N9PD          PW2N       PY2NY         
3D2QB      SM3CER        FR/JH1BMT  JH1BMT        PW2P       PT2NP         
3E1DX      KU9C          FT5ZI      F5PFP         PX0A       PY2OJD        
3G1X       XQ1IDM        FY5YE      W5SVZ         R1ANL      UA6AH         
3V8BB      SP4LVG (0898) GB2LAY     GM0JHF        R1ASP      RA3AD         
3W6AR      JA3ART        GB2LBN     GM4UYZ        R3/W0YR    AA9DX         
3W6DXI     DL4DBR        GB2LL      GI0OUM        RA1ACJ/1   RA1ACJ        
3W6HCK     JA4HCK        GB350BOP   G0KMU         RA2FBC     DF4BV         
3W6JJ      JA3ART        GB98RH     G0GDU         RA2FZ      W3HNK         
3W6LK      W2LK          GD0TOP/P   G0TOU         RK1B/1     RV1AC         
3W6WE      K2WE          GD0TOU/P   G0TOU         RK3DZJ/1   RA3DEJ        
3XY7A      VE3WFM        GU0ASP     F5OIU         RL9MM      UR7GG         
3Z0PWS     SP8BJH        GU8D       G3LZQ         RN3F       RU3DX         
4F3CV      HB9CXZ        HB0/DF2VWR DF2VWR        RN9CWV/9   RV9CEK        
4L4MM      ON4CFI        HB0/HB9LEY JH1BSE        RV0YF      UR7GG         
4M1X       YV5EED        HC1HC      NE8Z          S07CRS     JA1UT         
4S7YSG     JA2BDR        HG4I       HA5WN         S07WW      ON5NT         
4U1ITU     IV3TMV (0898) HG8SDS     HA8PH         S92AT      NJ2D          
4U1WB      KK4HD         HI3/DL1GKG DL3GA         SN5PW      DL3KDC        
4Z1GY      NF4W          HL50AP     HL5AP         SN9JP      SP9PKZ        
5B4ABP     OE2GEN        HL50C/2    HL0C          SO1DX/P    DL2SD         
5N0/OK1AUT OK1AUT        HL50CG     HL1CG         SP0RP      SP4KGD        
5N0T       F2YT          HL50IWD    HL1IWD        SV1/IK3GES IK3GES        
5N3BHF     OE6LAG        HL50KV     HL2KV         SV5/IZ2AEQ IK2RPJ        
5N7YZC     WA1ECA        HL50LPT    HL1LPT        SV5RDS     SV5AZ         
5N9CEN     IV3VBM        HL50WA     HL2WA         SV8/IK3GES IK3GES        
5N9EAM     IK7JTF        HP1XVH     N0JT          SV9/OH3MEO OH3MEO        
5R8FU      SM0DJZ        HS0/JA6GIJ JA6LCJ        T30RW      ZL1AMO        
5T5TY      N5FTR         HS0/JR3XMG JG3AVS        T88KK      JL7CHC        
5T5WW      ON5NT         HS0/VK3DXI DL4DBR        T98PDV     PA3EAD        
5V7FA      F6FNU         HS0ZBS     HB9AMZ        TA1ZL      RW9WA         
5W0BF      DL2BFH        HS1NIV     W1ZS          TA2DS      WA3HUP        
5W0HP      DL1SDV        HS1RU      JG3AVS        TA2IJ      DJ9ZB         
5X1T       ON5NT         HS5AC      W1ZS          TF/DL2LCE  DL2LCE        
5Z4RL      N2AU          HS98AG     HS6URO        TG9NX      N4FKZ         
6M0HZ      DS2AGH        IB0/IK8TWX IK8TWX        TI5KD      TI2KD         
6M6DX      HL5CL         IB0/IZ0CKJ IZ0CKJ Bureau TJ1HP      F6FNU         
7Q7CE      IN3VZE        IB0/IZ0CKJ IK0AGU Direct TJ1PD      N5DRV         
8P6QA      KU9C          IB0/IZ8CKY IW8EHA        TL8GR      F5XX          
8P9IF      G3PJT         IC8/I8RCM  I8RCM         TM1FAR     F9CH          
8Q7JD      G0EZU         IC8/IK2PZG IK2PZG        TM2S       F5PED         
8R1K       OH0XX         IC8/IK8GCP IZ8CKY        TM2WLH     F5JYO         
9A/DL3DRN  DL3DRN        IC8/IK8TWX IZ8CKY        TM5B       F5XX          
9A/I3QAI   I3QAI         IC8/IK8UHA IK2PZG        TM7I       F5SSM         
9A11ELS    9A2AA         IC8/IK8YWK IZ8CKY        TO8B       EA3BT         
9A7C       KA9WON        IC8/IK8YWL IZ8CKY        TU2KC      F5LBL  01>02/94
9G1MR      IK3HHX        IC8/IW8EHA IZ8CKY        TU5GD      N5FTR         
9H1EL      LA2TO         ID8/IK2WXW IK2PZG        TY1IJ      DK8ZD         
9H3AJ      OE3GEA        ID9/I2IAU  I2IAU         TZ6DX      K4DX  Ex WA4FVT
9H3II      DL4VCR        ID9/IK8WTM IK8WTM        TZ6JA      JA3EMU        
9H3TI      DL2AAZ        ID9/OM2DX  OM2DX         UA0KK      UR7GG         
9J2BO      W6ORD         ID9/OM3JW  OM3JW         UA0ZZ      UR7GG         
9K2/SP5UAM SP3PBE        IG9/AC6WE  IV3TAN        UA1ANA/1   UA1ANA        
S DX@WW $425WW382E
425 DX News #382 [5/5]
  29 August 1998                   No 382                   BID: $425WW382E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [3/3] *****
9K2GS      W6YJ          IG9/I2VXJ  IV3TAN        UE3LAB     RV3LZ         
9K2QQ      KB2MS         IG9/IK2QEI IV3TAN        UE4HAK     RW4HO         
9K7POW     9K2RA         IG9/IT9EQO IV3TAN        UE4HIF     RW4HO         
9M2PS      HB9AAP        IG9/IT9GSF IV3TAN        UE6AEK     RA6AAW        
9M6AAC     N2OO          II3X       I3JTE         UE9UWF     RZ9UZV        
9M6AAT     UA9CI         IJ7/I0DJV  I0DJV         UJ8XA      UR7GG         
9M6HX      DJ9HX         IJ7/IK6CAC IK6CAC        UK8CK      RW6HS         
9M8BT      N5FTR         IJ7/IK7VJX IK7VJX        UK8GK      RW6HS         
9M8FH      N5FTR         IJ8/IK8WEJ IK8WEJ        UK8OM      IK2QPR        
9M8YL      N5FTR         IJ9/IK8PGM IK8PGM        UN7QF      W8JY          
9N1UD      K4VUD         IL3/IK3BPN IK3BPN        US6L       UR4LUG        
9Q5YT      K4YT          IL4/I2OGV  IK2XDE        UT5IM      N5VL          
9U5CW      EA1FFC        IL4/I2RFJ  IK2XDE        V26E       AB2E          
9V8BG      JL1MWI        IL4/IK2JYT IK2XDE        V31BR      N5FTR         
9V8OK      9V1OK         IL4/IK2XDE IK2XDE        V31CX      KA1VLP        
9V8RH      AA5BT         IL4/IK2XDF IK2XDE        V31ML      N5FTR         
9V8WW      9V1WW         IL4/IK2XNW IK2XDE        V31MP      W5ZPA         
9V8YC      AA5BT         IL8/IK2PZG IK2PZG        V5/DK6AO   DK6AO         
9V8ZB      JL3WSL        IL8/IK8UHA IK2PZG        V63KA      JH8BKL        
A35KY      JA3MVI        IO2L       I2OKW         V63MC      JH8BKL        
A35NQ      JL2ONQ        IQ1L       IK1QHU        V63PD      VK4AAR        
A35PC      JA2DPC        IQ3AC      IK3GES        V73UB      K1ZUT         
A35RK      W7TSQ         IQ4LYR     I4YTY         VE3/K9PPY  K9PPY         
A35YH      JA2JW         IR7S       IK7RWE        VE8/NU2L   G3ZAY         
A41KJ      N5FTR         IS/I0ER    I0ER          VE8C       VE3INB        
A61AQ      N1DG          IT9/IK1GPG IK1GPG        VI150SYD   VK2PS         
AH4/WA6FGV WA6FGV        IZ9R       I2VXJ         VI2AUS     VK2PS         
AX2ITU     VK2PS         J3A        WA8LOW        VI2PS      VK2PS         
AX2PS      VK2PS         J45KLN     SM0CMH        VI88NSW    VK2PS         
BD4RE      BY4RSA        J47LHA     SV7CO         VK2RSY     VK2PS         
BI7W       BD7JA         J54RDS     SV5AZ         VK2WI      VK2PS         
BV2YA/1    BV2KI         J79KV      W6JKV         VK9CE      JE5WJM        
BV4FH      KA6SPQ        J79MY      K6MYC         VO500JC    VO1AA         
BY1QH      K9FD          J80R       EA2BP         VP8CGM     GM6PLG        
C21JH      VK2GJH        J87CQ      N5FTR         VP8CRB     K4QD          
C56/DL6AMI DL6AMI        JA6LCJ     JA6LCJ        VP8CZJ     G0HXL         
C91J       N5FTR         JQ6QUM     JA6LCJ        VP8TTY     K4QD          
C9RJJ      N5FTR         JT1FBB     W9JOE         VQ9GB      K7GB          
CE3/NE4Z   AJ4Y          JU60MTZ    JT1CJ         VY2/K1ZZ   K1ZZ          
CE3/W9FW   W3HC          JW/DJ2SL   DJ2SL         W4/VE3XZ   VE3CUI        
CH3HBC     VE3INB        JW0YL      LA6RHA        W4T        WA3HUP        
CT1FMX     W3HNK         JW5NM      LA5NM         WH4/K6SHJ  K6SHJ         
CU4F       CU4AH         K2A        KB2UDT        WP3A       W4DN          
CU9A       CU5AC         KG4CM      N5FTR         XM3PBX     VE3INB        
CW2CP      CX2FP         KG4DD      N5FTR         XR1X       XQ1IDM        
CX/LU2CP   CX6FP         KH0/KD7CLP JH6VLF        XV7SW      SM3CXS        
CX3CCC     CX2ABC        KH0AA      JA5DQH        XX9YD      K8PYD         
CY9/WV2B   WV2B          KL7/NO7F   K8NA          YC8VIP     W6MD          
D68BW      DJ2BW         L59L       LU4AA         YC9MKF     VK4FW         
D98TOK     HL5CL         LM2T       LA2T          YE8SUN     YC8TXW        
DF0WLG     DL1NZA        LX/MU0BKA  K4ZLE         YJ8PU      KF4VPU        
DL/UT8AL   DJ9YE         LX8A       DL7MAE        YS1RR      W3HNK         
DL0EM      DL1BJB        MD/DL8WAA  DL8WAA        Z21BA      N5FTR         
DS50AKP/4  DS4AKP        MM0BPP/P   GM3VLB        Z30SVP     Z32KV         
DS50AXU/2  DS2AXU        NH4/NH6YK  NH6YK         ZA0IS      ZA1K          
DX1DX      DU1SAN        OA4/DL9GMM DL9GMM        ZA1MH      Z32KV         
E21CJN     W3PP          OA4DHW     N5FTR         ZB2LGT     ZB2IB         
EA8BH      OH2BH         OD5/F5LMG  F5LMG         ZC4DG      A92FV         
ED1LET     EA1ATT        OD5SK      KB5RA         ZC4EPI     A92FV         
ED1NFA     EA1ATT        OE2S       OE2GEN        ZD7CTO     KB2MS         
ED7DEE     EA9JS         OF5M       OH5NQ         ZD7JP      N5FTR         
EK88L      IK2DUW        OH0BH      OH2BH         ZD8T       AC4IV         
EK8WB      IK2QPR        OH0CW      OH2KMF        ZD9BV      W4FRU         
EL2AB      IK0PHY        OH0EA      OH2KMG        ZF1DG      VE7KB         
EN8IL      UT8IO         OI2E       OH2IW         ZF2MR      W6MR          
ER27A      ER1DA         OI5N       OH5AE         ZF2NT      N2AU          
ET3BT      K1WY          OI7T       OH7AAC        ZF2TV      N2TV          
EU200A     EU4AA         OL5IFK     OK1KCY        ZK1MVI     JA3MVI        
EV200AM    EW4WW         ON50HRT    ON4HRT        ZK1SCQ     DL6DK         
EV200M     EW4EW         OT7P       ON7RN         ZK1SCR     DL6DK         
EW3LB      W3HNK         OX3LG      OZ2ELA        ZK2KY      JA3MVI        
EX7MM      DF8WS         P29BT      N5FTR         ZL1MFW     ZS1FJ         
EX8MA      DL1GAB        P29BW      N5FTR         ZP50P      ZP1AB         
EX8VK      UR7GG         P38M       YL2KL         ZP5DAM     ZP5FAF        
EY8MM      K1BV          PI4GN      PA0GIN        ZP6CW      ZP6CU         
EZ8CW      F5RUQ         PJ0/KB5DZP N5FTR         ZV2WZV     PY2RKM        
F2CW       ZL3CW         PR2P       PT2NP         ZW2L       PU2RUX        
FH/TK5PB   TK5PB         PR5YL      PP5LL   SSB   ZW4SM      PY4SM         
FM/EA3AOK  EA3BT         PS2P       PT2NP         ZX2P       PT2NP         
FM/EA3BT   EA3BT         PS2S       PP5LL   CW    ZZ2Z       PY2YP         

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