S DX@WW $425WW381A 425 DX News #381 [1/6] 22 August 1998 No 381 BID: $425WW381A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425 DX News Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ >>> H40, NEW DXCC ENTITY <<< DXCC NEWS RELEASE ---> The ARRL Awards Committee has accepted a recommendation of the ARRL DX Advisory Committee to add the Temotu Province of the Solomon Islands to the DXCC List. The addition will be effective with contacts made beginning 23:59 UTC on 31 March, 1998 and after. The DXCC Desk will accept QSL cards for Temotu Province (H40) beginning October 1, 1998. QSL cards received before that time will be returned without action. Temotu Province includes the Santa Cruz, Reef, Duff and Vanikolo Island groups. They are located more than 356 kilometers from the main grouping of the Solomon Islands. [TNX The Daily DX] 3W - JA3ART/N3JJ will be active (on all bands CW and SSB, maybe on RTTY) as 3W6JJ from Vietnam between 22 and 27 August. QSL via JA3ART (P.O. Box 62, Sakyo Kyoto 606-8691, Japan). [TNX The Daily DX] 3W - JA3UB, JA3ART, JA4HCK and JA2BWH will be active respectively as 3W6UB, 3W6AR, 3W6HCK and 3W6JJ from Hanoi, Vietnam between 23 and 26 August. They will concentrate on SSTV and plan to participate in the Japanese SSTV Association Contest as 3W6TV. [TNX The Daily DX] 3W - Mirek, HS0/VK3DXI will be going QRT from Thailand on 24 August. He has been issued the call 3W6DXI to be used during his staying in Ho Chi Min (Saigon) between 28 August and 3 September (+/- one day). He prefers CW. QSL via DL4DBR either direct or through the bureau. [TNX HS0/VK3DXI] 5T - Mark, ON4WW [425DXN 378] might be active as 5T5WW from Mauritania on 26 August. It will be a daytime operation. QSL via ON5NT. [TNX ON5NT] 9M2 - Tex, 9M2TO will be active (mainly on 10, 15 and 20 metres CW) as 9M2TO/p from Perhentian Island (AS-073) between 28 and 31 August. QSL bureau to JA0DMV. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 9V - Mirek's (HS0/VK3DXI) next assignment will be in Singapore, starting in early October. He hopes to reactivate his old call, 9V1XE, for the next few years, but not before January 1999. [TNX HS0/VK3DXI] BY - The BI4M DXpedition to Miaodao Archipelago (AS-???) [425DXN 376] appears to be scheduled on this weekend. QSL manager W3HC (Carl F. Mcdaniel, 2116 Reed Street, Williamsport, PA 17701-3904, USA) reports that four sponsors are still neeeded for the cards (see QSL CHINESE ISLANDS below). C2 - Jack, VK2GJH will be active (with an emphasis on WARC bands) in his spare time as C21JH from Nauru between 26 August and 5 September. QSL direct only to VK2GJH (Jack Haden, P.O. Box 99, Ryde, N.S.W., 1680, Australia). [TNX The Daily DX] CT - Atlantico DX Group operators will be active as CQ4M from Montedor Lighthouse in northern Portugal during the Lighthouse and Lightship Activity Weekend [425DXN 379] on 22-23 August. [TNX CT1DTE] DL - DL1NZA and others will be active as DF0WLG from Ruden Island (EU-057) during the Lighthouse and Lightship Activity Weekend on 22-23 August. [TNX DL1NZA] DL - Michael, DF2OK will be active (CW QRP on 10-80 metres) from Foehr Island (EU-042) between 24 August and 1 September. QSL via home call. [TNX DX News Sheet] ER - Special event station ER27A will be active between 22 and 31 August to celebrate the Independence Day of Moldova. QSL via ER1DA (Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 9537, Kishinev MD-2071, Moldova). [TNX ER1AA] F - TM7I has been active from EU-048 will be aired from other IOTA and/or DIFM French islands until 23 August. QSL via either F5SSM or F5JYD. [TNX F5IDJ] FH - Bruno, TK5PB will be active (on 40, 20, 15, 17 and 10 metres) as FH/TK5PB from Mayotte (AF-027) between 12 and 25 November. He will operate from four different DIFO islands: Grande Terre (FH-001), Petite Terre (FH-002), Bandrele (FH-013) and Bambo (FH-014). QSL direct to TK5PB (Bruno Le Magenta 1, 20169 Bonifacio, Corsica, France). [TNX TK5PB] FO - Joel, F5JJW will be active as FO0SUC from Tubuai (OC-152, DIFO FO-126), Austral Islands between 7 and 18 October and from Tahaa (OC-067, DIFO FO-013) between 19 and 22 October. QSL via F5JJW (Joel Suc, La Grange, 69440 Taluyers, France).[TNX F5NOD & F5JJW] /EX S DX@WW $425WW381B 425 DX News #381 [2/6] 22 August 1998 No 381 BID: $425WW381B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== G - Steve, G0UIH/p and Roger, G3XFA/p plan to be active throughout the night of 24 August and to concentrate on "Outside EU" with two stations during their Holy Island (EU-120) operation (24-27 August) [425DXN 379]. Look for the first station to be active on 3.770 and 7.070 MHz (+/- QRM) and for the second station on 14.260/21.260/18.158 MHz. QSL via G0UIH. [TNX G0UIH and Islands On The Web] HR - Mike, K3UOC (ex 7Z5OO) he will not be taking the job in Honduras [425DXN 375] and will be staying in the US for the next year. [TNX The Daily DX] I - Special event station IY2ARI will be active on SSB and CW between 1 and 30 September to celebrate the 50th anniversary of "Radio Rivista", the monthly journal of ARI (Associazione Radioamatori Italiani). QSL via bureau only to I2MQP. [TNX IK2NCJ] I - Weather and sea conditions permitting, Project DX Team/ARI Lomazzo members I2OGV (Giovanni), I2RFJ (Ivano), IK2JYT (Giovanni), IK2XDE (Andrea), IK2XDF (Giampaolo) and IK2XNW (Luca) plan to be IL4/ (and IL3/ from Bacucco) as follows: from Bacucco (IIA RO-004, not IOTA) on 25 August (6.00-16.00 UTC), from Scanno di Piallazza (EU-155, IIA FE-001) between 6 UTC on 26 August and 16 UTC on 27 August, from Baron Island (EU-155, IIA FE-003) between 6 UTC on 28 August and 16 UTC on 29 August, from Scannone di Goro (IIA FE-005, not IOTA) on 30 August (6-10 UTC). They will operate on SSB and CW (possibly with some RTTY) on 80, 40, 15 and 20 (possibly with some WARC activity as well). QSL via IK2XDE either direct (P.O. Box 3, 22072 Cermenate - CO, Italy) or through the bureau for all the operators. [TNX IK2XDE] I - Alessio, IB0/IZ0CKJ expects to be active for the first time from some IIA islands around Ponza (EU-045) within the end of the month. QSL via IK0AGU. [TNX IK2HTW] I - Antonello, IK7TAJ and Michele, IK7FPX plan to be IL7/ from Scoglio dell'Eremita (IIA BA-003, not IOTA) on 22 August. [TNX Crazy DX Group] I - Eolian DX Team members IK8PGM (Roberto), IT9HLN (Maurizio), IT9NGN (Tino) and IT9FCC (Nino) will be IJ9/ on 23 August. Weather permitting, they should be active from Pietra di Patti (EU-166, IIA ME-030), Le Pietre Nere (EU-025, IIA ME-031) and Scoglio San Biagio (EU-025, IIA ME-032). [TNX Crazy DX Group] I - Vincenzo, IK8TWX and Stefano, IZ0CKY will be /IB0 from Scoglio Fungo (IIA LT-???), on Saturday 22. QSL for IB0/IK8TWX via home call and for IB0/IZ0CKY via IW8EHA. I - IK2PZG, IK2WXW and IK8UHA will be /ID8 from Isola dei Serpenti (IIA CS-007, not IOTA) on 22 August. QSL via IK2PZG. I - Claudio, I0KHY plans to be active from several IIA islands in Rovigo province (not IOTA) between 29 August and 12 September. [TNX I0KHY] I - Riccardino, IK0YUJ will be active (mainly on CW) as IA5/IK0YUJ from Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002) between 30 August and 7 September. QSL via home call. [TNX IK0REH] I - Steve, OM3JW amd his son Mike, OM2DX will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) as ID9/OM3JW/p and ID9/OM2DX/p from Vulcano Island (EU-017, IIA ME-018) between 4 and 11 September. [TNX OM3JW] I - Alex, IK2WXQ and others plan to be active as IK2WXQ/1 from Pescatori, Madre and Bella Islands (the so-called Isole Borromee - they do not count for either IOTA or IIA) in Maggiore Lake, in the rare Verbania province (WAIP VB), on the first or second weekend of September. QSL via home call. [TNX IK2HTW] KH4 - Members of the Midway-Kure DX Foundation will be active as K4M from Midway (OC-030) between 20 and 25 September. They plan to install additional amateur radio equipment on the island for use by future visiting DXpeditioners. [TNX The Daily DX] OH - OH8TA will be active (CW, SB and RTTY) from Hailuoto Island (EU-126) on 21-23 August. QSL via bureau. ON - Club station ON50HRT/p will be active (all bands, all modes) on 29 August from the "Italian Day-Euro Happening" in Olen, Belgium. The operators will be looking especially for Italian stations, which does not mean that other stations can not give them a call. QSL via ON4HRT. The station will also participate in the Region 1 HF SSB Field Day on 5-6 september. [TNX ON5AI] PY - PY4SM, PY4TF, PY4ART and PY4ACL will operate (SSB and CW) special event station ZW4SM on 4-6 September to celebrate the 176th anniversary of Brazilian indipendence. QSL via PY4SM (P.O. Box 120, Belo Horizonte-MG, 30.123-970 Brasil). [TNX PS7AB] S0 - Mark, ON4WW [425DXN 378] will be active again as S07WW from Western Sahara between 25 August and 1 September. It will be a business trip and he plans to operate mainly during his local evenings and nights. QSL via ON5NT. [TNX ON5NT] UA - RA3DEJ, RA3DKG, RA3DPP, RV3DKQ and UA3DPB plan to be active (on all HF bands, CW and SSB) as RK3DZJ/1 from EU-147 (RR-02-09 for the Russian islands award) around 22-28 August. QSL via RA3DEJ. [TNX RA3AUM] V6 - JH8BKL and his wife JF8IYR will be active (SSB and CW) as V63KA and V63MC respectively from Kosrae Island (OC-059) between 4 and 7 September. QSL via JH8BKL. [TNX JA1ELY] VK - Paul, VK3AJJ and Norman, VK3PGR plan to be active from Gabo Island (OC-196) from 29 August through 1 September. [TNX VK3AJJ] /EX S DX@WW $425WW381C 425 DX News #381 [3/6] 22 August 1998 No 381 BID: $425WW381C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== VP8 - Carl, G4VFU expects to be active as VP8CZJ [425DXN 372] from the mainland of Falkland Is (SA-002) between 25 and 29 August. QSL via G0HXL. [TNX DX News Sheet] VP8 - Jan, K4QD (k4qd@palmnet.net) will be active as VP8CRB from the Falkland Islands (SA-002) for three weeks between 26 December 1998 and 16 January 1999. Jan will be assisted in the Falklands by Bob, VP8BFH and Tim, VP8CKN. Operation will be on all bands and modes (the special call VP8TTY will be used on RTTY, including the January ARRL RTTY Roundup), with emphasis on geographical areas, bands and modes that are most needed by DXers. This DXpedition is being personally funded any donations for cost and shipping of antennas and equipment which will be left in the Falklands and QSL cards is welcome. QSL via K4QD (Jan Heise, 614 Dundee Circle, West Melbourne, Florida 32904, USA). [TNX K4QD] W - Members of the Great South Bay ARC and Islip ARES will be active (CW and SSB) as W2GSB/Lighthouse from Fire Island, NY between 14 and 22 UTC during the Lighthouse and Lightship Activity Weekend on 22-23 August [425DXN 379]. A QSL certificate will be available from AC2P (Rich Tygar, 5 Chelmsford Dr., Wheatley Heights, NY 11798, USA). Further information can be found at http://www.gsbarc.org [TNX KA2D] W - W7VR/P will be used from Fort Casey Lighthouse on IOTA NA-065 during the Lighthouse and Lightship Activity Weekend on 22-23 August. One major station will be active on 20 metres while other two mobile stations will be on 15 and 10 metres. CW and SSB operations are expected for daylight hours only due to park restrictions. [TNX N7UX] W - Brad, W1RQ will active (on 10, 15, 17 and 20 metres SSB) from IOTA NA-046 between 28 August and 3 September. [TNX W1RQ] W - Gregg, VE3ZZ will be active as VE3ZZ/W4 from Hilton Head Island (NA-110, USI SC-002S) between 29 August and 12 September. He will be looking particularly for Europe. QSL via VE3ZZ either direct (Gregg A. Calkin, P.O. Box 1345, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R4, Canada) or through the bureau. [TNX VE3ZZ] XU - After leaving Vietnam (see 3W above), Mirek, HS0/VK3DXI will go to Phnom Penh, Cambodia from where he plans to be active as either XU2DXI or (if the licence is not issued in time) XU2A or XU2C. He will participate in the All Asia Contest and will be leaving Cambodia on 9 September. QSL via DL4DBR either direct or through the bureau. [TNX HS0/VK3DXI] ZK1_sc - Wolf, DL2SCQ and his wife Ann, DL1SCQ have confirmed their operation as ZK1SCQ and ZK1SCR from Mangaia Island (OC-159) [425DXN 367]. They will leave on 24 August and be on the island until the 27th (four days). QSL via DL6DK either direct (Peter X. Voits, Uhlandstr. 28, D-59192 Bergkamen, Germany) or through the bureau. [TNX K7SO and Islands On The Web] ZS - The DX News Magazine reports that the station ZS1ACH will participate in the Lighthouse and Lightship Activity Weekend on 22-23 August [425DXN 379] from Robben Island (AF-064). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH AMSTERDAM 1998 ---> Gil Gautier, F5NOD (f5nod@easynet.fr) will be the pilot station for the FT5ZH DXpedition to Amsterdam Island in late November/December [425DXN 377]. F5PFP and F5SIH plan to operate (CW, SSB and RTTY) two stations with amplifiers, a monobander for 20 metres, a tribander for 10, 15 and 20 metres and a Titanex for 40, 80 and 160 metres. They are still looking for a beam for 12, 17 and 30 metres. If you want to help, please contact F5NOD or send your donation to the Lyon DX Group Treasurer, F5PXT (Eric Blanchard, 2 rue Bichat, Bat 32, 69002 Lyon, France). The DXpedition's web site is at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ DIFO ---> Joel, F5JJW is the Award Manager for the Diplome des Iles Francaises d'Outremer (DIFO). Further information on this award is available at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ ILLEGAL OPERATION ---> Don "Mac" McGrath, KZ1A reports there is someone operating illegally with his callsign on 18 MHz SSB. He uses the name George and his QTH is Revere, Massachusetts. Mac is receiving QSL cards via the bureau for contacts made (mostly with European amateurs) by this pirate. PRATAS ISLAND 1998 (KYFC) ---> During the New Orleans International DX Convention Randy, WX5L was told by Paul, BV4FH (a member of the last trip to Pratas Island, BV9P) that "they are very close to getting the OK to return between 30 and 60 days from now". A 10-operator team might operate from Pratas as soon as October. Paul now needs input from the DX community to accompany his final push in a few weeks. He is requesting e-mail's to be sent with a short message indicating your desire and needs (i.e. for an all time new one, for 5BDXCC etc) for Pratas Island to be activated. Paul will make a hardcopy of every message received and submit it as a package to show evidence of the need and desires of the DX community to the governing authority. Paul's e-mail address is bv4fh@ms2.hinet.net [TNX WX5L] /EX S DX@WW $425WW381D 425 DX News #381 [4/6] 22 August 1998 No 381 BID: $425WW381D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== QSL 7Q7DX ---> QSL manager EA4CEN reports the CBA is wrong. Cards should be sent to Jose A. Rodriguez Fernandez, General Castejon 1-6 A, 28924 Alcorcon, Madrid, Spain. QSL AP2TJ ---> QSL manager W3HNK reports it is necessary to use #10 Business size or 6 1/2 x 4 3/4 European size envelopes when requesting a QSL, because AP2TJ's card is HUGE! [TNX K1XN & The Golist] QSL EL2PP ---> Massimo Mucci, I8NHJ (i8nhj@pagus.it) reports he can confirm contacts made with EL2PP when he operated (CW only) as guest operator in *November 1993* only. QSLs for SSB contacts should be sent to N2CYL. QSL FO0FI & FO0FR ---> The new address for K6SLO (ex WA6SLO), the QSL manager for the recent FO0FI (Austral) and FO0FR (Marquesas) DXpeditions, is: Richard Whisler 734 Hill Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080-4242, USA. [TNX The Daily DX] QSL SV8/IK5ZTW ---> Gabriele, IK5ZTW was recently active from Ios Island in the Cyclades (EU-067), not in Dodecanese (EU-001) [425DXN 377]. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our readers. Cards should be sent to IK5ZTW either direct (Gabriele Tasselli, P.O.Box 7027, 59100 Prato - PO, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IK5ZTW] QSL RA1QQ ---> Nick, RA1QQ logged some 3,000 QSOs (1,040 in the IOTA Contest) during his recent operations from IOTA EU-082 (16 July), EU-160 (25-27 July) and EU-161 (30 July). QSL to Nick A. Smerdov, P.O.Box 24, Cherepovets 162627, Russia (please note that Eugene, RA0FF advises to use IRCs rather than green stamps when sending direct QSLs to Russia). [TNX RA1QHJ] QSL CHINESE ISLANDS ---> Mac, W3HC reports the cards for the following operations have all found their sponsors (between brackets): BI3H, AS-134 (K5AB, AD4LX, N1XME, AA8GQ); BI4C, AS-136 (N5UR, KD1CT, W8IET, N4GYX); BI5Z, AS-137 (AD4LX, KD1CT, AA8GQ, JA9IFF); BI5P, AS-138 (WB6EEQ, N0ISL, K6BU). Those who wish to sponsor the cards for BI4M (see BY above) should get in touch with Mac at w3hcmac@csrlink.net - further information on the W3HC QSL Fund can be found at http://www.qsl.net/w3hc RTTY ON WARC ---> Paddy O'Reilly, GW4MAD (Paddy.OReilly@ctxi.com) reports that the WARC Band RTTY Activity Day on 9 August [425DXN 378] has been a success and invites RTTY enthusiasts to meet again on 10.140-10.145, 18.100-18.105 and 24.920-24.925 MHz on 1 November and then every three months. NEWS FROM THE WEB - Ciprian, YO3FWC reports that the YO Callbook On Line is available at http://www.qsl.net/yo3kaa/ - Bob Sutton's (ZL1RS) web site (http://www.qsl.net/zl1rs/) includes photographas from his recent ZL8RS Kermadec operation. - A list of stations that are expected to participate in the Lighthouse and Lightship Activity Weekend on 22-23 August is available at http://www.qsl.net/gm3zdh/lighthouse.htm - The Clipperton DX Club 1998 Convention will be held in Brive, France on 19-20 September. Further information on CDXC and this year's event is available at http://www.mygale.org/04/cdxc/index.html [TNX DX News Sheet] - The 46th annual W9DXCC Convention will be held at the Holiday Inn, Rolling Meadows, IL, USA on 12 September. Further information is available at http://www.qth. com/w9dxcc [TNX DX News Sheet] - Radio Club Zeleznicar, YU1GTU (P.O. Box 5, YU-14224 Lajkovac, Yugoslavia) sponsors the Lajkovac Award, available to both licenced amateurs and SWLs. For further information please visit http://solair.eunet.yu/~yu1ab [TNX YU1AB] - Links to on-line logs, E-mail QSL Service, Most Wanted DXCC by mode and band and Where Do You Need? (submit your needed modes and bands for future DXpeditions) can all be found at Eric's (F5CCO) web site at http://www.es-conseil.fr/f5cco/ [TNX F5CCO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3A/IK1QBT, 3B7RF, 3DA5A, 5B4AGC, N2WCQ/6W1, 7Q7DC, 9G5VJ, 9M0C, A35RK, A61AQ, AH2R, CY9AOE, CY9SS, DS5RNM, DL5ZAH/DU1, E31FAO, EA8AKN/p (D-2795, D-2796), GD3FXN, GU3EJL, H40AA, H44DX, H44NC, H75C, HC8A, HP1XVH, HS0/G4UAV, IB0/I0YKN (LT-004, 014, 022, 037), IB0/IZ0BFK (IIA LT-018), ID8/IK8WEJ (IIA CS-006), ID8/IZ8BAD (IIA VV-006), IJ9/IT9WDY (IIA SR-015), IJ9/IT9YRE (IIA SR-015), IM0/IK2MRZ (IIA SS-013, 017, 148), JD1YBJ, JL1KFR/JD1, JW5NM, JT1CO, JT1FBB, KG4TO, KG4OX, KG4PK, KH0AC, KH8/G4ZVJ, KP2/AG8L, LU1ZC, OH0EA, SU1SK, SV2ASP/A, T32RT, TA2BK, TK/IK1VCA, TS5I, V73YB, VK9NS, VP2VDX, VP5Z, VP8CXV, VR2KF, XX9AU, YB3OSE, YN1KDM/YN4, ZK2FT, QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service: 9M6HIL, 9M6OO, KP2/N2OO, NN50CIA, VK2IOM (OC-223), VS97UW, ZK1XXP. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe, please send a message to Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN (for the English version) at ik0zsn@amsat.org Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (for the Italian version) at i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? Please go to: http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW381E 425 DX News #381 [5/6] 22 August 1998 No 381 BID: $425WW381E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 11/09 5W0HP & 5W0BF: Western Samoa * by DL1SDV & DL2BFH 380 till August 5X1DK: Uganda * by KD4UDU 372 till 07/09 7Q7CE: Malawi * by IN3VZE 379 till 25/08 9M6HX: Sipadan (OC-133), East Malaysia * by DJ9HX 377 till 15/11 9V8: Singapore * special prefix 369 till 24/08 BI7W: Weizhou Island (AS-139) * by BD7JA and others 380 till ?? CE3/NE4Z: Chile and Chilean IOTA islands 380 till 31/08 EK88L: commemorative station from Armenia 380 till 25/08 EN8IL: Ljapino Island (Ukraine) * by UR8IDX and others 379 till 31/12 EU200A, EV200M & EW200M: special event stations 378 till 25/08 EV200AM: special event station (Belarus) 379 till 27/08 FG/I4ALU: Guadeloupe (NA-102) 377 till Jan 99 FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK 369 till ?? FT5ZI: Amsterdam Island (AF-002) 377 till 28/08 FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY 380 till 23/08 HA: special activity (European Athletics Championship) 379 till 31/08 HL50 and DS50: special prefixes from Korea 378 till 31/08 IA5/IK5YZV: Capraia Island (EU-028) 379 till 31/08 ID9/I2IAU: from Eolie Islands (EU-017) 378 till 31/08 IL3: Venice lagoon islands * by IK3QAR and IK3VIA 380 till 28/08 IS0/IK2OCP: Sardinia (EU-024) 377 till 31/08 JU60MTZ: special event station (Mongolia) 378 till 24/08 JW0YL: Svalbard (EU-026) 379 till 25/08 EU-043 (SM), EU-029 (OZ), EU-088 (OZ) * by G3LAA 377 till 23/08 OH8TA: Hailuoto Island (EU-126) 381 till 22/09 SV8/IK3GES: EU-049, 052, 060, 072, 075, 113, 158 379 till 25/08 T30JH: West Kiribati * by VK2GJH 380 till December TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN 373 till 23/08 TM7I: IOTA and DIFM islands (France) 381 till August TY1IJ: Benin * by DJ4IJ 376 till 29/10 YM75TA: special event station 377 22/08-27/08 3W6JJ: Vietnam * by JA3ART 381 22/08-23/08 CQ4M: Montedor Lighthouse * by Atlantico DX Group 381 22/08-23/08 DF0WLG: Ruden Island (EU-057) * by DLs 381 22/08-31/08 ER27A: special event station (Moldova) 381 22/08 IB0: Scoglio Fungo (IIA LT-???) * by IK8TWX & IZ0CKY 381 22/08 ID8: Is. Serpenti (IIA CS-007) by IK2PZG,IK2WXW,IK8UHA 381 22/08-03/09 IH9/IK1ZNM: Pantelleria (AF-018) 375 22/08 IL7/IK7FPX: Scoglio Eremita (IIA BA-003) 381 22/08-23/08 IQ1L: "La Lanterna" Lighthouse * by ARI Genova 379 22/08-23/08 JW6RH: maritime light locations on Svalbard 379 22/08-23/08 PA6LH: Egmont on Sea Lighthouse * by PAs 379 22/08-23/08 N1L: Boston Light * by K1RV and others 379 22/08-23/08 OZ7DAL: Lightship "Fyrskib XXI" 379 22/08-28/08 RK3DZJ/1: EU-147 (RR-02-09) * by RA3DEJ and others 381 22/08-23/08 SK7DD: Lighthouse Kullen 379 22/08-23/08 V5/DK6AO/p: Penguin Is (AF-070) 380 22/08-23/08 W2GSB/Lighthouse: Fire Island, NY * by Ws 381 22/08-23/08 W7VR/P: Fort Casey Lighthouse (NA-065) 381 22/08-23/08 XM3PBX: "Northlander" & "Bear Express" trains * by VEs 375 22/08-23/08 ZL4AA: Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse 379 22/08-23/08 ZS1ACH: Robben Island (AF-064) 381 22/08-23/08 Lighthouse and Lightship Activity Weekend 379 22/08-23/08 SEAnet SSB Contest *** 23/08-26/08 3W6UB, 3W6AR, 3W6HCK, 3W6JJ & 3W6TV: Vietnam * by JAs 381 23/08 IJ9/IK8PGM,IT9HLN,NGN,FCC: IIA islands (EU-166 & 025) 381 23/08-30/08 VE3XZ/W4: Ocracoke Island (NA-067) 379 24/08 C6: Berry Is (NA-054), Bahamas * by KS4SO 379 24/08-01/09 DF2OK: Foehr Island (EU-042) 381 24/08-27/08 G0UIH/m: Holy Island (EU-120) * by G0UIH and G3XFA 381 24/08-28/08 ZK1SCQ & ZK1SCR: OC-159, So.Cook * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ 381 25/08 IL3: Bacucco (IIA RO-004) * by I2s & IK2s 381 25/08-29/08 VP8CZJ: Falkland Is (SA-002) * by G4VFU 381 25/08-01/09 S07WW: Western Sahara * by ON4WW 381 26/08 5T5WW: Mauritania * by ON4WW 381 26/08-05/09 C21JH: Nauru (OC-031) * by VK2GJH 381 26/08-02/09 FP/N9PD: Miquelon (NA-032) * by Prairie DX Group 380 26/08-27/08 IL4: Scanno Piallazza (EU-155, IIA FE-001)*by I2s&IK2s 381 26/08-30/08 V31YK, V31KR, V31MP: Ambergris Caye (NA-073) * by W5s 377 27/08-08/09 6Y5/PA3ERC and 6Y5/PA3EWP: Jamaica (NA-097) 375 28/08-03/09 3W6DXI: Vietnam * by HS0/VK3DXI 381 28/08-31/08 9M2TO/p: Perhentian Island (AS-073) 381 28/08-02/09 GB5FI: Flatholm Island (EU-124) * by BARS 379 28/08-29/08 IL4: Baron Island (EU-155, IIA FE-003) * by I2s & IK2s 381 28/08-09/09 SV9/IK2WZD: Crete (EU-015) 379 28/08-02/09 TX8B: Belep Is (OC-079) * by FK8G and FK8HC 377 28/08-03/09 W1RQ: IOTA NA-046 381 29/08-19/09 3D2DX: Rotuma Island (OC-060) * by EA4DX 371 29/08-01/09 3D2WD & 3D2DA: Mamanuca (OC-121) * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ 369 29/08-12/09 IL3: IIA islands in Rovigo province * by I0KHY 381 29/08 ON50HRT/p: Italian Day-Euro Happening 381 29/08-12/09 VE3ZZ/W4: Hilton Head Island (NA-110, USI SC-002S) 381 29/08-01/09 VK: Gabo Island (OC-196) * by VK3AJJ and VK3PGR 381 30/08-07/09 IA5/IK0YUJ: Giglio Island (EU-028, IIA GR-002) 381 30/08 IL4: Scannone di Goro (IIA FE-005) * by I2s & IK2s 381 August 8Q7JD: Maldives (AS-013) * by G0EZU 379 August F5TGR/p: DIFM MA-129, MA-071, MA-070 and MA-??? 379 August HG5P: Hungary * special event call 356 August IJ7/ & IL7/IK1NAO: IIA activities with SDXT 375 August IB0/IZ0CKJ: IIA islands (EU-045) 381 August IM0/IS0LYN: IIA activities (EU-165 and EU-024) 379 August KL7FH and NO7F/KL7: Unalaska Island (NA-059) 380 August NO7F/KL7: Fox Islands (NA-059) 379 August SV8/SV2CLJ: Zakynthos (EU-052) 379 /EX S DX@WW $425WW381F 425 DX News #381 [6/6] 22 August 1998 No 381 BID: $425WW381F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== 01/09-30/09 IY2ARI: A.R.I. special event station 381 04/09-07/09 3D2WD & 3D2DA: Yasawa (OC-156) * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ 369 04/09-11/09 ID9/OM3JW/p & ID9/OM2DX/p: Vulcano Isl (EU-017) 381 04/09-07/09 V63KA & V63MC: Kosrae (OC-059) * by JH8BKL & JF8IYR 381 04/09-09/09 XU2DXI: Cambodia * by HS0/VK3DXI] 381 04/09-06/09 ZW4SM: special event station 381 05/09-06/09 All Asian SSB Contest *** 05/09-06/09 LZ DX CW Contest *** 08/09-20/09 ZF2RC & ZF2WP: Cayman Is (NA-016) * by PA3ERC & PA3EWP 375 10/09-14/09 PU5U & PW5L: Sao Francisco Isl (SA-027) * by PY5s 379 11/09-18/09 3V8BB/4 or TS4QI: AF-073 * by Z32ZM,Z32AU,YT1AD & 3V8s 380 12/09-25/09 SV5/IK2WZD: Lipsoi Island (EU-001) 379 12/09 46th W9DXCC Convention (Rolling Meadows, IL) 369 12/09-13/09 WAE DX SSB Contest *** 18/09-27/09 ET3AA: Ethiopia * by G3VMW, G3XAQ and G4ZVJ 373 19/09-27/09 II6FII: special event station 375 19/09-20/09 Scandinavian CW Activity *** 20/09-24/09 3D2DX/p: Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji Is * by EA4DX 371 20/09-25/09 K4M: Midway (OC-030) * by MKDXF 381 26/09-27/09 CQWW DX RTTY Contest *** 26/09-27/09 Scandinavian SSB Activity *** 26/09-27/09 Bologna: HF DX Meeting *** September BI4M: Miaodao Archipelago (AS-???) 376 September IK2WXQ/1: Isole Borromee (Verbania province) 381 from Sep PT8ZCB * by DJ8UG (ex CP4BT) 375 03/10 European Autumn SSB Contest 356 03/10-04/10 VK/ZL SSB Contest *** 03/10-04/10 Ibero Americain SSB Contest *** 07/10-18/10 FO0SUC: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Is * by F5JJW 381 07/10-18/10 FO0SUC: Tahaa (OC-067) * by F5JJW 381 09/10-11/10 4th Russian IOTA/DX HF Hamvention (Lipetsk) 365 10/10 European Autumn CW Contest 356 10/10-11/10 VK/ZL CW Contest *** 14/10-31/10 HG5P: Hungary * special event call 356 21/10-28/10 A35XU (?): Tonga * by PA3AXU 379 24/10-25/10 CQWW DX SSB Contest *** 28/10-08/11 5W0XU (?): Western Samoa (OC-097) * by PA3AXU 379 31/10-01/11 BARTG RTTY Sprint (Autumn) *** 07/11-08/11 Ukrainian DX Contest *** 12/11-25/11 FH/TK5PB: Mayotte (AF-027 & DIFO islands) 381 13/11-15/11 26th SEAnet Convention (Singapore) 367 14/11-15/11 Japan CW Contest *** 14/11-15/11 OK DX Contest *** 14/11-15/11 WAEDC RTTY Contest *** 27/11-23/12 FT5ZH: Amsterdam Isl (AF-002) * by F5PFP & F5SIH 359 28/11-29/11 CQWW DX CW Contest *** Nov-Dec N1V: Navassa (NA-098) * by K8RF and others 365 late November VK9LX: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by VK2ICV 370 04/12-06/12 ARRL 160 meters CW Contest *** 04/12-05/12 EA DX CW Contest *** 08/12-17/12 T88II: Belau * by KJ9I, NF9V & NZ9Z 355 12/12-13/12 ARRL 10 Meters Contest *** 12/12-13/12 Italian Contest (40 & 80 meters) *** 26/12-16/01/99 VP8CRB: Falkland Is (SA-002) * by K4QD 381 09/01-25/01/99 ZL9CI: Campbell Island (OC-037) * by KDXA 378 20/09-26/09/99 VK9: Rowley Shoals (OC-???) * by VK6LC and others 379 /EX