DX425 bulletin issue nr. 380

S DX@WW $425WW380A
425 DX News #380 [1/4]
  15 August 1998                   No 380                   BID: $425WW380A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425 DX News Reflector                              !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3V     - Mome, Z32ZM reports that the  callsign to be  used from Qerqenah  Is
         (AF-073) [425DXN 379]  might be 3V8BB/4  or TS4QI.  QSL via  HB9DNE.
         Donations can be sent to HB9DNE either to Dragan  Kostevski,  Hugsam
         Str. 3,  CH-8833  Samstagern, Switzerland  or  to his  bank  account
         (Sparcassa-Richterswiel, account no. 162.200.689.03). The  operation
         is planned to take place between 11 and 18 September. [TNX Z32ZM]
4U     - IV3TMV and IV3NVN will be active from 4U1ITU, Geneva between 16  and
         26 August. [TNX IV3TMV]
5W     - Hans-Juergen, DL1SDV and  Rainer, DL2BFH  will be  active (CW,  SSB,
         RTTY and  Pactor) as  5W0HP and  5W0BF from  Western Samoa  (OC-097)
         between 20 August  and 11 September.  QSL via home  calls. [Tnx  The
         Daily DX]
BY     - The BI7W operation from Weizhou Island (AS-???) [425DXN 378] is  now
         scheduled to take place between 21  and 24 August. Emphasis will  be
         given on 40 and  80 metres: look  for them on  3.525 (CW) and  3.800
         (LSB) MHz, 7.025 (CW) and 7.055 (LSB) MHz (above 7.125 MHz for  US).
         QSL via BD7JA (P.O.Box 1713, Guangzhou 510600, People's Republic  of
         China). [TNX BD7JA]
CE     - According to the OPDX Bulletin Steve,  CE3/NE4Z, who is active  from
         Santiago, is planning to operate from some Chilean IOTA islands. QSL
         via AJ4Y (Paul Womble, P.O. Box 1207, Highland City, FL  33846-1207,
EK     - Special station EK88L will be active  from Armenia until the end  of
         August and again for one week in December to commemorate the victims
         of  the  earthquake  that  ten  years  ago  destroyed  the  town  of
         Leininakan (nowadays Gyumri). QSL via IK2DUW (Box 22, 20051 Limbiate
         - MI, Italy). [TNX IK2DUW]
EM_ant - Dima, UT5RP reports that Oleg, EM1LV has promised to be QRV on  RTTY
         every day on 14.081 MHz from 19  UTC until the band closes. Oleg  is
         active from the Ukrainan Antarctic base "Akademik Vernadsky" located
         on Galindez Island (AN-006), Antarctica.
FT5X   - Helios, F6IHY/FT5XN has been reported to be leaving Kerguelen on  28
         August. QSL via F6PEN  either direct (Gerard  Ribes, 16 rue  Viollet
         Leduc, Toulouse, 31100 France) or through the bureau. [TNX IK2IQD]
H44    - Norried, H44NC is currently working on New Georgia Island  (OC-149),
         Solomon Islands until 2001. He is active with 50 watts and a  dipole
         on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80  metres. QSL to Norried Chaisson, P.O.  Box
         168, New Georgia Island, Munda,  Western Province, Solomon  Islands.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
I      - Bruno, IK2PZG and Tony, IK8UHA will be IC8/ from several IIA islands
         in Napoli province until 31 August. They plan to be active also from
         Isola delle  Sirene (IIA  SA-002, not  IOTA)  and Il  Coniglio  (IIA
         SA-004, not IOTA). [TNX Crazy DX Group]
I      - Calabria DX Team  members IK8YFU  and IZ8BAD  plan to  be ID8/  from
         Scoglio Arena (IIA VV-005, not  IOTA) on 16  August. QSL via  IK8YFU
         either  direct  (Alessandro  Pochi',  Casella  Postale  s.n.,  22100
         Camerlata - CO) or through the bureau. [TNX Crazy DX Group]
I      - Paolo, IK3QAR and  Oreste, IK3VIA  plan to  be active  from the  the
         following islands in Venice lagoon: Madonna  del Monte (EU-131,  IIA
         VE-007), San  Francesco del  Deserto  (EU-131, IIA  VE-016),  Crevan
         (EU-131, IIA VE-037), Sant'Ariano (EU-131, IIA VE-039), San Giuliano
         (IIA VE-047, not  IOTA). Look for  them on 23-24  and 30-31  August.
         Some activity might take place between  between 17 and 22 August  as
         well. [TNX IK3QAR]
JD1    - Eiji, JQ1SUO will  be active (mainly  on 20,  17 and  12 metres)  as
         JQ1SUO/JD1 from Ogasawara (AS-031) between 14  and 16 August in  the
         morning. QSL via home call. [TNX JA1ELY]
S DX@WW $425WW380B
425 DX News #380 [2/4]
  15 August 1998                   No 380                   BID: $425WW380B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

KL     - Frank, KL7FH/KL1SLE and  Tim, NO7F/KL7 [425DXN  379] are working  on
         getting on the air from Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island (NA-059)  this
         month. They plan to have two  rigs on the air covering 15-40  metres
         and running 100 watt and 1KW stations.  NO7F/KL7 will be active from
         the island as a resident this  winter. For updated information  look
         at http://www.customcpu.com/personal/kl7fh/thisweek.htm [TNX KL7FH &
         Islands On The Web]
LU     - Special event station  L59L will be  active on 15-17  August on  all
         bands CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via bureau. [TNX LU9AY]
LU     - Claudio, LU7DW  advises that  he will  be  active from  SA-055  this
         weekend (primarily in the SARTG RTTY Contest). Weather permitting he
         might operate from SA-057 for four or five hours on 16 August.  [TNX
         W4DKS and Islands On The Web]
T30    - Jack, VK2GJH will be active (with an emphasis on WARC bands) in  his
         spare time as T30JH from West Kiribati between 18 and 25 August. QSL
         direct only to VK2GJH (Jack Haden, P.O. Box 99, Ryde, N.S.W.,  1680,
         Australia). [TNX The Daily DX]
V5     - Klaus, DK6AO  plans to  be active  as V5/DK6AO/p  from Seal  Island,
         Penguin Is (AF-070) on 22-23 August. Look  for him on 10, 15 and  20
         metres or, alternatively, on 17 and  12 metres. He prefers SSB.  QSL
         via DK6AO either direct or through  the bureau (bureau cards can  be
         requested at DK6AO@QSL.NET or klaro@t-online.de). [TNX DK6AO]
VE     - Jim, K9PPY will be active as VE3/K9PPY from several Canadian islands
         between 15 and 21 August. He  plans to start  operating on each  day
         around 18 UTC.  QSL via K9PPY.  For further  information on  C.IS.A.
         (the      Canadian      Islands       Award)      please       visit
         http://www.tir.com/~wd8mgq/ [TNX WD8MGQ & Islands On The Web]
YB     - A group of ORARI members will  be active as  YE1ZI from Ujung  Kulon
         National  Park  on  West  Java  (OC-021),  to  celebrate  the   53rd
         anniversary of the independence of Indonesia.  They plan to  operate
         on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW/SSB between 00.00 UTC on  15
         August and 05.00 UTC on 17  August. QSL via YB0TK either direct  (M.
         Maruto, P.O. Box  6763 JKSRB, Jakarta  12067, Indonesia) or  through
         the bureau.  A special  certificate is  available at  US$ 10.00  for
         contacting YE1ZI  on  three  bands  (SSB  and/or  CW).  For  further
         information please contact dxuk@hotmail.com [TNX YC0TBU]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

- The K1WY DX Association Web Site is at http://home.att.net/~k1wy/
- Log search for the OK DX  Foundation's 1998 Pacific DXpeditio is  available
  at http://www.sica.cz/ok2paa/okdxf/search.html -  logs included are  3D2CB,
  3D2KT, 3D2TN, 3D2WC (Fiji); 3D2CB/R, 3D2WC/R (Rotuma); 5W0SZ, 5W0VD,  5W0VV
  (Western  Samoa);  FO0/OK1TN,   FO0/OK1VD,  FO0/OK1KT,  FO0/OK5DX   (French
  Polynesia); AH8K, KH8/WP2AIH, KH8/KF4MIW  (American Samoa); ZK1KTT,  ZK1TNN
  (South Cook).
- The Daily DX  (editor Bernie McClenny,  W3UR) home page  is now located  at

QSL A45XL ---> If anyone still needs to send a card for A45XL  (AS-014),"they
can do so via myself and I will send it free of charge to Chris", Bob,  G4LVQ
(IOTA Internet Liason) reports. Address is Bob Williams, 25 Upper Carr  Lane,
Calverley, Nr. Pudsey, West Yorkshire, LS28 5PL, England (please put A45XL in
a corner of the envelope). [TNX G4LVQ and Islands On The Web]

REAL TIME LOGGING --->  For the first  time ever, real  time logging from  an
amateur radio DXpedition  will be available  on a  web site.  The Prairie  DX
Group will be  active as  FP/N9PD from  Miquelon Island  (NA-032) between  26
August and 2 September [425DXN 373]: as contacts are made with stations  from
around the  world, this  activity will  be reflected  within minutes  on  the
group's web page at http://www.prairiedx.com (the web site will include  also
updated photographs  and sound  files from  the  DXpedition). QSL  via  N9PD.
Please  direct   questions  and   comments  to   Fred  Levinson,   KF9YL   at
efl@interaccess.com [TNX KF9YL]

SEANET CONTEST ---> David Rankin, 9V8RH  has brought to our attention a  date
error for the 1998 SEAnet SSB Contest. The dates given in the 425DXN Calendar
are 15-16 August, but  the contest will  take place between  00.01 UTC on  22
August and 23.59 UTC on 23  August. We apologize  for any inconvenience  this
may have caused our readers.

US/VE ISLAND CONTEST ---> The 4th annual W/VE Island Contest will take  place
on    15-16     August.    Further     information    is     available     at
http://www.eng.mu.edu/~usi/ [TNX KQ4YI]

ZA1MH ---> Someone signing ZA1MH has been active during the week. However the
genuine ZA1MH (i.e.  Mike, K5KWG) is  currently in Texas  until October.  The
Daily DX reports he will be moving  to Kazakhstan (UN) in December. He  might
be active also from Tajikistan (EY) and possibly from Afghanistan (YA).
S DX@WW $425WW380C
425 DX News #380 [3/4]
  15 August 1998                   No 380                   BID: $425WW380C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [1/2] *****
                          Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM
                <TNX IK1HSR, IK1UGX, IK7AFM, The Daily DX>
CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER
1A0KM       IK0FVC         GT6YB       G3SWH          OZ/AA0ZL/P  DL5XAT 
3D2DA       DL6DK          GU0MEU      ON4ON          P29BW       N5FTR  
3D2PY       7N2PYF         GU8D        G3LZQ          P43A        P43ARC 
3D2WD       DL6DK          GW5LP/P     G5LP           PA/HA1AG    HA1UF  
3Z0AIR      SP3LZD         GW7K        GW0ANA         PJ9I        ON4CFD 
3Z0DSO      SP7LZD         GW8K        GW0ANA         PU5U        PP5LL  
4K7J        4K9RI          HA/W0YR     AA9DX          PW5L        PP5LL  
4N4AE       K4DTI          HB0/DL0HUN  DL0HUN         R1DIG       OH5JRT 
4S7SW       ON6TZ          HB5NE       HB9WW          RA0ZN/P     RA0ZN  
4U1UN       W6TER          HH2/KC0ARG  F6DJB          RA1QQ/1     RA1QQ  
4U1WB       KK4HD          HI3/DL1GKG  DL3GA          RA2FBC      DF4BV  
4Z1GY       NF4W           HJ6PQI      HK6RVS         RV7AA       NT2X   
5B4/AC6WE   AC6WE          HL50LTC     HL1LTC         RZ0ZWA/P    RZ0ZWA 
5H3DD       W0RA           HL50WA      HL2WA          S21YG       DL3NEO 
5H3RB       LA4DM          HP1XVH      N0JT           SO1DX       DL2SD  
5T5WW       ON5NT          HS0ZBS      HB9AMZ         SO1VAF      DL7VAF 
5W0BF       DL2BFH         IA1/IK2DUW  IK2DUW         SO7TN       OK1TN  
5W0HP       DL1SDV         IA1/IK2GPQ  IK2GPQ         SO7TN/1     OK1TN  
5W0XU       PA3AXU         IA5/I1BUP   I1BUP          SP8RHP      PA0FHG 
5X1LH       GM4DMA         IA5/IK1JJB  IK1JJB         SV5/IK2WZD  IK2WZD 
5X1T        ON5NT          IA5/IK4RUX  IK4RUX         SV7/UY0MF   UY0MF  
5Z4RL       N2AU           IA5/IK4WLU  IK4WLU         SV8/SV2CLJ  SV2CLJ 
6M0HZ       HL1IWD         IA5/IK5YZV  IK5YZV         SV8BRL/P    SV8AQY 
6M5DX       HL5CL          IB0/I0YKN   I0YKN          SV9/DH9MK   DH9MK  
6Y5DA       VE4JK          IB0/IK3GES  IK3GES         SV9/I4UFH   I4UFH  
7Q7DX       EA4CEN         IB0/IZ0CKJ  IK0AGU         SV9/IK2QEI  IK2QEI 
8P6QA       KU9C           IC8/IK8GCP  IZ8CKY         SV9/IK2WZD  IK2WZD 
8P9IF       G3PJT          IC8/IK8TWX  IZ8CKY         T20YK       JA2ECL 
8Q7JD       G0EZU          IC8/IK8YWK  IZ8CKY         T32O        WC5P   
8R25Z       8R1Z           IC8/IK8YWL  IZ8CKY         T77V        IS0QDV 
9A8P        9A1AKL         IC8/IW8EHA  IZ8CKY         T88LJ       JM1LJS 
9H0A        LA2TO          ID8/IK8YFU  IK8YFU         T93Y        W6MD   
9K2RR       KU9C           ID8/IW8PQ   IK8YFU         T94EU       W6MD   
9K2ZZ       W8CNL          ID8/IW8PZA  IK8YFU         TA1ZL       RW9WA  
9K7POW      9K2RA          ID8/IZ8BAD  IK8YFU         TF/DL2YSH   DL2YSH 
9M2PS       HB9AAP         ID9/I2IAU   I2IAU          TF7GX       K1WY   
9M6HX       DJ9HX          IG9/AC6WE   AC6WE          TF8GX       K1WY   
9N1FP       RU6FP          IG9/IK4HLQ  IK4HLQ         TG9NX       N4FKZ  
9V8BG       JL1MWI         IH9/IK1ZNM  IK1ZNM         TK/S53R     S53R   
9V8OK       9V1OK          II6M        IK6WQU         TL5A        PA3DMH 
9V8WW       9V1WW          IJ7/IK7JWY  IK7JWY         TL8CK       F6EWM  
A35NQ       JL2ONQ         IJ8/IK8WEJ  IK8WEJ         TM5T        ON4GO  
A35XU       PA3AXU         IJ8/IZ8BRI  IK8WEJ         TU/K4ZW     K4ZW   
A35YH       JA2JW          IJ8/IZ8CCW  IK8WEJ         TY1IJ       DK8ZD  
A61AN       WA2JUN         IJ9/IT9WDY  IT9WDY         UA0DC       K1WY   
A92FZ       W3HC           IL3/IK2PZG  IK2PZG         UA0ZY/P     RZ0ZWA 
AH4/WA6FGV  WA6FGV         IL3/IK3ABY  IK3ABY         UA9FAR      W7YS   
BI5P        W3HC           IL3/IK3BPN  IK3BPN         UE0ZZZ      RZ0ZWA 
BI7W        BD7JA          IL3/IK3QAR  IK3QAR         UE1TTT      RZ1TWW 
BO0K        BV2KI          IL3/IV3WMI  IV3WMI         UE6AEK      RA6AAW 
BV2YA/1     BV2KI          IL3/IZ2ABN  IZ2ABN         UN7QF       W8JY   
BV3/DJ3KR   DH3MG          IL3/IZ3ALM  IZ3ALM         UP0L        UN9LW  
BY1QH       K9FD           IL3/IZ3ALS  IZ3ALS         UR4WWT      WR3L   
BZ4DHI      I1YRL          IL7/IK6CAC  IK6CAC         V5/DK6AO    DK6AO  
C6A25FV     C6AFV          IL7/IK7FPX  IK7FPX         V63PD       VK4AAR 
C6AJR       W8GEX          IL7/IK7JWX  IK7JWX         V73AT       K2CL   
C6IOTA      WA8LOW         IL7/IK7VJX  IK7VJX         V73GT       WF5T   
CE3/NE4Z    AJ4Y           IM0/I2CMA   I2CMA          V73RF/MM    N3RF   
CK3MP       VE3CPC         IM0/IK2GAO  IK2GAO         V73UX       V73AX  
CQ2P        CT1EEN         IM0/IS0JLJ  IS0JLJ         V73ZO       JA3FGA 
CT1FMX      W3HNK          IM0/IS0JMA  IS0JMA         VK9CE       JE5WJM 
CT98DVV     CT1DVV         IQ1L        I1IOF          VP2ECR      CX3CE  
CY9AA       K7BV           IS0/F6BUM   F6BUM          VP5/CX3AN   CX3CE  
D98TOK      HL5CL          IV3JWR/P    IV3JWR         VP5/CX4CR   CX3CE  
DA0ND       DL5BAC         IZ2CEI      IK2DUW         VP6YL       K6RPF  
DS50AKP     DS4AKP         J28FA       F5MXS          VP9/W9AEB   W9AEB  
EA3/EC5AHM  EC5AHM         J48CT       ON5CT          VQ9DH       WR5W   
EA8BYR      WA1ECA         J48ISL      SV2AEL         VQ9GB       K7GB   
ED1SFP      EA1ATT         J48KEF      SV8AQY         VQ9VK       N1TO   
ED2IZA      EA2URV         JU60MTZ     JT1CJ          VU2JPT      VU2FWW 
ED2IZA/P    EA2URV         JW/DJ3KR    DH3MG          W2/GM4FDM   GM4FDM 
ED9CEF      EA9CE          JW5NM       LA5NM          WH2M        JA7WFR 
EG1ISC      EA1EPB         JW7QIA      LA7QIA         WH4/K6SHJ   K6SHJ  
EG1ISG      EA1EPB         JX7DFA      LA7DFA         WP2Z        KU9C   
EK4JJ       EK4GK          JY9QJ       DL5MBY         XE2MX       K6VNX  
EN8IL       UT8IO          K1WY        K1WY           XO1CWI      VE2CWI 
EP2MKO      UA6HCW         KH0/WD7CLP  JH6VLF         XR1X        CE1IDM 
EP3HR       I2MQP          KL7/ON4BAM  ON4BAM         YB1XUR      W6MD   
ET3BT       K1WY           KP2/EI6EW   EI6EW          YB2BRW      W6MD   
EU200A      EU4AA          KP2/EI7CC   EI7CC          YC9WZJ      W6MD   
EU5R        EU1FC          KP2/EI8CE   EI8CE          YE1ZI       YB0TK  
EV200AM     EW4WW          LX/MU0BKA   K4ZLE          YI1HK       KK3S   
EW200M      EW4MM          MJ0AWR      K2WR           YM75TA      TA3YJ  
EW5O        EW8WA          MU/DF2SS    DL2MDZ         YR2TRS      YO2KJW 
EX8F        DL8FCU         MU0ASP      F5OIU          Z30M        NN6C   
EY8MM       K1BV           MW/ON4CGB   ON4CGB         Z31GB       NN6C   
EZ0AB       UA4FAO         MW6Z        G5LP           Z32GW       NN6C   
FK8GM       WB2RAJ         MW7Z        G5LP           Z32XX       NN6C   
FM5GU       WA4JTK         MW8Z        G5LP           Z350GBC     NN6C   
FM5JV       F5LNV          N1L         K1RV           Z37FCA      NN6C   
FO5BI       F6HSI          NH4/NH6YK   NH6YK          ZC4ATC      5B4YX  
FP5KE       F5TJP          OD5/9K2MU   WA4JTK         ZD7JP       N5FTR  
FT5ZI       F5PFP          OD5/F5LMG   F5LMG          ZD9BV       W4FRU  
FY5YE       W5SVZ          OD5PN       LX1NO          ZF2JM       KD3YK  
GB0ON       ON4ON          OH0TA       OH2TA          ZK1SCQ      DL6DK  
GB5FI       GW0ANA         OJ0AU       DL6LAU         ZK1SCR      DL6DK  
GB98RH      G0GDU          OK6L        OK1HRR         ZL1MFW      ZS1FJ  
GD3IZD/P    G3IZD          ON50RAT     ON6DP          ZP50P       ZP1AB  
GI6YM       K1WY           OY3QN       OZ1ACB         ZP6T        ZP5MAL 
S DX@WW $425WW380D
425 DX News #380 [4/4]
  15 August 1998                   No 380                   BID: $425WW380D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***** QSL INFO  [2/2] *****
7N2PYF  Shozo Kokawa, 1173-62 Azuma-Tyo, Yaita City Tochigi, 329-2136, Japan
9K2HN   Hamad J.Al-Nusif, P.O.Box 29174, 13152 Safat, Kuwait
9V8RH   David H.Rankin, P.O.Box 14, Pasir Panjang, 911121 Singapore
AJ4Y    Paul Womble, P.O.Box 1207, Highland City, FL 33846-1207, U.S.A.
BD4SE   Chen Yu Ming, 8 Taoyuan Road, Jinxi, Kunshan, Jiangsu 215324, China
BP0RIW  Ken'ichi Hoshino, P.O.Box 26-64, Taipei, Taiwan
BV4KR   Tasi Chung-Ming, P.O.Box 11-12, Miaoli 366, Taiwan
BV4YE   Miaoli Group Station, P.O.Box 35, Toufen, Miaoli, Taiwan
CN8YR   Agayr Mohamed, P.O.Box 1762, Casablanca, Morocco
DD3MG   Martin Gloger, Am Feldhofe 4, D-37170 Uslar, Germany
DL4FCH  Peter Niksch, Saalburgstr. 4, 60385 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
DU1/K7DTS John Gibson, Barrio Salong, Calaca, Batangas, Philippines
EA2URV  URV-ABRA, P.O.Box 323, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
EK4JJ   Serge K.Mnatsakanyan, P.O.Box 9A/33, Yerevan 375062, Armenia
EP2MKN  Majid Kiani Nejad, P.O.Box 91375-1175, Mashhad, Iran
ER1LW   Lysy Wiacheslav, P.O.Box 112, Chisinau, MD-2012, Moldova, C.I.S.
EU4AA   Pavel Anatsky, P.O.Box 67, Lida 231300, Byelorussia
EU1AA   Valentin Benzar, P.O.Box 41, Minsk 220050, Byelorussia
EU2R    Igor, P.O.Box 57, Minsk 220036, Byelorussia
EU4AA   Pavel Anatsky, P.O.Box 67, Lida 231300, Byelorussia
EW4EW   Nikolaj Boltach, P.O.Box 99, Lida 231300, Byelorussia
EW4MM   Kazimir Kopachel, P.O.Box 88, Lida 231300, Byelorussia
EW8WA   Gomel Radio Club, P.O.Box 105, Gomel 246050, Byelorussia
F6HKA   Bertrand Banlier, 45 Rue de l'Alma, F-87100 Limoges, France
FK8VHN  Didier Lavisse, Caserme Normandie, P.O.Box 12, F-98842 Noumen Cedex,
        New Caledonia
G5LP    Lionel Parker, 128 Northampton Road, Wellingborough, Northants
        NN8 3PJ, England
H44NC   Norried Chaisson, P.O.Box 168, New Georgia Island, Munda,
        Western Province, Solomon Islands
HL1SSG  Hyoung Bok Min, Yeoksam-Lucky APT #110-1101, Kangnam-ku, Dokok-dong
        963, Seoul 135-271, Korea
IK8YFU  Alessandro Pochi', P.O.Box S.N., I-22100 Camerlata (CO), Italy
IZ8CKY  Stefano Montone, Via Nunziale S.Antonio n.76, I-81038 Trentola
        Ducenta (CE), Italy
JG2MWA  Masatoshi Yoshino, P.O.Box 59, Hamamatsu-Kita 433, Japan
JH1BSE  Masao Yamamura, 10-6 Arai 2-chome, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 165, Japan
JH6VLF  Masanori Matsuyama, 303-JyunesuSuzuki, 1330-Hiregasaki, Nagareyama,
        Chiba, 270-0161, Japan
K7BV    Dennis Motschenbacher, 4357 Appollonio Way, Carson City, NV-89704,
KL7/NO7F Tim Tilleman, P.O.Box 921194, Dutch Harbor, AK-99692, U.S.A.
LU8XW   P.O.Box 58, 9410 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
RA0ZN   Alexander Novikov, P.O.Box 51, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 683049,Russia
RK0FWL  FEIDXC, Far East Islands DX Club, P.O.Box 79, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-10,
        693010, Russia
RZ0ZWA  Kamchatka DX group, P.O.Box 12, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683000,
SU1SK   P.O.Box 62, Hobra Alma 13411, Cairo, Egypt
UA0ZY   Alex Goldenberg, P.O.Box 1, Wilyutchinsk-3,Kamchatka, 684090, Russia
UX2MM   Vady, P.O.Box 59, Lisichansk 349900, Ukraine
V51ER   Robbie, P.O.Box 602, Tsumeb, Namibia
WH2U    John Van der Pyl, P.O.Box 2679, Agana, GU-96932, U.S.A.
XX9ER   Freeman Cheong, P.O.Box 6018, Macau
YI1ZN   Dr.Ahmed A.Razaq, P.O.Box 916, 12112 Baghdad, Iraq
YN9/TI9SU Ben, P.O.Box 9, Pital 4437, Costarica
ZP5BMR  Nene Barboza, Av. San Martin 1799, 1767 Asuncion, Paraguay
ZP7CLA  Carlos Alberto Lohse Kiese, C.C.36, 5000 Villarica, Paraguay
ZP7CWA  Lorgio Roberto Aguilera, P.O.Box 001, Caaguazu, Paraguay
ZP9CN   Antero Gustavo Carlson N., P.O.Box 145, 6000 Encarnacion, Paraguay

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