S DX@WW $425WW378A 425 DX News #378 [1/5] 1 August 1998 No 378 BID: $425WW378A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425 DX News Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ <<< 425DXN COMPETITION >>> ========================== Every 10,000th visitor to our web pages wins one of the prizes offered by our three sponsors: 500 QSL cards offered by W4MPY (http://www.mindspring.com/~w4mpy/), personalized pins offered by IT9JPK (http://www.generalnetwork.com/it9jpk), Callbook CD-ROMs offered by KC3NE (http://www.logplus.com/kc3ne.htm). For further information please visit the Competition Page at http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/win/ and good luck! <TNX I1-21171> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7X - Mark, ON4WW will be in Algeria again from 3 August and hopes to be active (CW) possibly as 7X0WW. He might also operate from Mauritania (5T) and Western Sahara (as S07WW). QSL via ON5NT. <TNX DX News Sheet> 9K - KARS (Kuwait Amateur Radio Society) radio club will be active as 9K7POW between 12 UTC on 1 August and 12 UTC on 3 August. Special QSL via the bureau. <TNX 9K2HN> BY - Yang, BD7JA and a group of Chinese operators (BD7IA, BG7IB, BD7IX, BD7JG, BD7JK, BD7KW, BG7NI, BG7NQ, BG7SU) will be active (on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) as BI7W from Weizhou Island (Guangxi Province group, AS-???) between 20 and 23 August. QSL via BD7JA (P.O.Box 1713, Guangzhou 510600, People's Republic of China). The cards for this IOTA operation are sponsored by Pepe, EA5KB. <TNX BD7JA> EU - Belarus special event stations EU200A, EV200M and EW200M will be activated by EU4AA, EW4EW and EW4MM respectively between 1 August and 31 December to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Adam Mitskewich's birth. QSL via the respective home calls. <TNX EW4EW> F - Phil, F5PHW will spend his holidays in August on Re Island (EU-032, DIFM AT-022), from where he plans to be active as F5PHW/p mostly on CW with some SSB and RTTY. QSL via F5PHW either direct (Phil Berger, 19 rue de L'Embellie, 56100 Lorient, France) or through the bureau. <TNX OPDX Bulletin> F - Alvaro, EA2BUF will be active as F/EA2BUF/p from French IOTA groups EU-058, EU-070, EU-095 in August. QSL via F8REF (bureau) or direct to EA2BUF. <TNX EA2BUF> F - F5OCL, F5PAC and possibly F5SNY will be active from a new DIFI (Diplome des Iles Francaises de l'Interieur, not IOTA) island in the river Rhine on 1 August. <TNX F5OCL> GD - Amateurs from the Isle of Man ARS will be active as GT3FLH from The Calf of Man (EU-116) on 7 and 8 August. <TNX The Daily DX> HL - Radio amateurs from South Korea are allowed to replace their current call area indicator with 50 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Korean government. Look for HL50 and DS50 prefixes between 1 and 31 August. Please note that some stations will use the special prefix + /their call area (for example DS4xxx can sign DS50xxx/4). <TNX HL1SSG> HL - The Hanyang University Wave Research Club operation from Tokchok Is (AS-090) [425DXN 377] will take place between 12 UTC on 1 August and 24 UTC on 4 August as either HL50C/2 and/or HL0C/2. Please note that the address for QSL is Hanyang University Wave Research Club, CPO Box 4397, 100-643 Seoul, Korea. <TNX HL1UVH> /EX S DX@WW $425WW378B 425 DX News #378 [2/5] 1 August 1998 No 378 BID: $425WW378B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== HL - Some twenty amateurs from the Korea University Amatuer Radio Club (HL0T) will be active (on 40, 15 and 20 metres with beams and dipoles) from Yong-hung Island (AS-105) between 6-7 and 10 August. QSL via HL0T either direct (1, 5-Ka, Anam-Dong, Sungbuk-Ku, Korea University Amatuer Radio Club, Seoul, 136-701, South Korea) or through the bureau. <TNX HL0T> HL - The HL0K IOTA expedition to Baek-ryung (actually Paengnyong-do, AS-122) [425DXN 377] has been cancelled due to an unexpected local problem. The group will now operate (15, 20 and 40 metres CW and SSB) from Ho-do (AS-080) between 13 and 17 August. QSL via HL0K either direct (Hankuk Aviation University Amateur Radio Club, 200-1 Hwajun-dong, Dukyang-gu, Koyang, Kyonggi 411-791, Korea) or through the bureau. <TNX HL0K> I - Nino, I2IAU will be active as ID9/I2IAU from Eolie Islands (EU-017) between 29 July and 31 August. <TNX I2IAU> I - Nuccio (I0YKN), Alessio (IZ0CKJ), Gabriele (IK3GES) and Diego (IW0FTB) plan to be IB0/ from Ponziano Archipelago (EU-045) on 1-2 August. QSL via home calls. <TNX Crazy DX Group> I - IK1JJB and I1BUP will be IA5/ (on 20 and 40 metres) from a few IIA islands in Livorno province between 7 and 10 August. QSL via home calls. <TNX IK1JJB> JT - Special event station JU60MTZ has been active since 11 July and will be active until 31 August to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Mongolian Railway Board. QSL via JT1CJ (Sh.Gankhuyag, P.O. Box 100, Ulaanbaatar 44, Mongolia). <TNX JT1CD> KH4 - Ron, WA6FGV and Frans, K6SHJ will be active as AH4/WA6FGV and WH4/K6SHJ (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres CW and SSB) from Midway (OC-030) between 3 and 6 August. <TNX W6KNB> KL - After a long struggle against fog and rough seas, Tom (W6IXP) and Barry (K6ST) managed to get to Little Diomede Island (NA-150) and started their operation as KL7/W6IXP around 2 UTC on 31 July. They hope to stay on the island for at least 48 hours or possibly up to one week, depending on the weather. QSL via N6AWD (Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93309-1429, USA). SP - Ric, DL2SD will be active (on 80, 40, 30 and 2 metres CW mostly after 20.00 UTC) as SO1DX from Poland between 1 and 9 August and plans to operate as SO1DX/p from Wolin Island (EU-132) for a couple of days. QSL via DL2SD either direct or through the bureau. <TNX DL2SD> SV - Peter, HB9BMY will be active as SV8/HB9BMY/p (CW and SSB) from Spetsai Island (EU-075) between 31 July and 12 August. QSL via home call. <TNX DX News Sheet> TZ - Larry, TZ6VV and his wife Trish, TZ6YL will be active again from Segou, Mali in August. <TNX DX News Sheet> UA - UA0IAS/0 has been active on CW from Spafar'yeva Island (AS-059). The QSL route, as reported by OH2BF/OH2BBF, is Box 11, 686110 Palatka, Russia. <TNX Islands On The Web> UA - Dima, RA3DEJ and his team had to cancel their RU0C expedition to Malminskiye Is (AS-???) [425DXN 377] due to transportation problems. <TNX RA3AUU> ZF - Jim, KD3YK will be active (on 40 and 20 metres CW QRP with some SSB on 20 metres) as ZF2JM from Grand Cayman Island (NA-016) between 5 and 14 August. QSL via KD3YK. <TNX ARRL DX Bulletin> ZL - Jim Smith, VK9NS reports that Barry Fletcher, ZS1FJ is active as ZL1MFW from Great Barrier Island (OC-201) for a few days. QSL via ZS1FJ. <TNX The Daily DX and Islands On The Web> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************** =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH AS-129 ---> Yang, BD7JA was active as BD7JA/7 from AS-129 during the IOTA Contest and worked some 700 stations in eight hours. QSL via home call (P.O.Box 1713, Guangzhou 510600, People's Republic of China). A VOTE OF THANKS ---> The DX Reflector, run by Lyndon (VE7TCP), was shut down on 20 July. It was one of the major mailing lists in the amateur radio field, and provided a most helpful service to hundreds of subscribers worldwide. The editor and the staff of 425 DX News express their heartfelt thanks to Lyndon for his work and commitment over the years. CAMPBELL 1999 ---> Five Pilot Stations have been appointed for the Kermadec DX Association DXpedition to Campbell Island (OC-037) in January 1999 [425DXN 363]: Ron Lago, AC7DX (West Coast USA); Don Greenbaum, N1DG (East Coast USA); Rob Cummings, GI0KOW (Europe); Joe Aoki, JJ3PRT (Japan) and Bob Sutton, ZL1RS (Oceania). The ten-operator team will depart New Zealand on 1 January 1999 and arrive to Campbell on the 9th. ZLCI will remain QRV until 25 January. Contributions can be sent to either The Kermadec DX Association, P.O. Box 56099, Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand or The Kermadec DX Association (Europe), 167 St. James's Road, Greenhills, Dublin 12, Ireland. All donations will be receipted and in the event of the DXpedition not proceeding be returned. <TNX EI6FR> IRCs ---> Mal Johnson, VK6LC reports that the Australian postal department does not honour IRCs that have not been "officially validated" (ie. stamped and dated) from the source of purchase. LOGS ON LINE: 1A0KM ---> Logs for the current and past (1194, 1995 and 1996) operations from SMOM can be found at http://www.qsl.net/ik0hbn - 1A0KM [425DXN 376] will be active until 3 August, QSL via IK0FVC. <TNX I0JBL> /EX S DX@WW $425WW378C 425 DX News #378 [3/5] 1 August 1998 No 378 BID: $425WW378C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== LOGS ON LINE: KL7/K6ST ---> Logs for KL7/K6ST (NA-210/Prov) are now available on the Islands On The Web site at http://islandchaser.com (thanks Chris, N1HRW). Bob, K6ST and Tom, W6IXP were active as KL7/K6ST from Sledge Island in the Norton Sound Coast North group for about 24 hours between 24 and 25 July [425DXN 377]. "A 24 hour trip was all we could afford since staying on Sledge Island longer would eliminate any chance to make Diomede", Barry and Tom report. The aurora had a big impact on their operation, with signals bouncing between S9 and completely inaudible within a few syllables. KL7/K6ST logged 552 QSOs on 20 SSB (300 with North America, 180 with Europe). QSL via N6AWD (Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93309-1429, USA). <TNX G3ZAY and Islands On The Web> LOGS ON LINE: TL5A ---> Logs for Alex, TL5A (PA3DZN) [425DXN 373] can be found at http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/ (QSL via PA3DMH). RTTY ON WARC ---> Paddy O'Reilly, GW4MAD (Paddy.OReilly@ctxi.com) invites RTTY enthusiasts to meet on 10.140-10.145, 18.100-18.105 and 24.920-24.925 MHz during a WARC Band RTTY Activity Day between 12 UTC and 24 UTC on 9 August - this is NOT a contest, just a friendly activity day "to get those WARC bands chirping". <TNX GW4MAD> QSL 7Q7DX ---> Cards for Elmer Ribeyro, 7Q7DX are now handled by EA4CEN (direct only). <TNX 7Q7DX> QSL AC6WE ---> Active contester Andy Melanyin, UA3DPX frequently uses AC6WE for his overseas operations. Most frequent operations have been 5B4/AC6WE and IG9/AC6WE. QSL to Box 9, 141400 Himki 7, Russia (Andy is unable to retrieve cards sent to the AC6WE address in Oregon or the W6 bureau). <TNX K7FL> QSL BI3H ---> The BI3H IOTA Contest operation from AS-134 [425DXN 363] was cancelled due to bad weather. QSL manager W3HC reports that the cards for the April 1998 operation have been ordered and will be ready within 7-8 weeks. QSL CY9AA ---> Effective immediately, K7BV (Dennis Motschenbacher, 4357 Appollonio Way, Carson City, NV 89704, USA) has assumed responsibility for the CY9AA (28 June-3 July 1997 DXpedition to St. Paul Island) QSL chores. If you have already sent your cards to either Mike, VE9AA or the VE9 QSL Bureau, do not send dupes to K7BV. Please note that it will take several weeks to clear the entire backlog of cards received. <TNX K7BV> QSL AJ2U/VP9 ---> Bob, WB2YQH reports he is no longer the QSL manager for AJ2U/VP9 for 1998 because he does not have any logs and QSL cards. QSL requests should be sent to AJ2U now. <TNX OPDX Bulletin> QSL VE3ZZ/VE2 ---> QSLs for contact made with Gregg, VE3ZZ/VE from NA-128 during the IOTA Contest should go to VE3ZZ either direct (Gregg A. Calkin, P.O. Box 1345, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R4, Canada) or through the bureau. The QSL route given in the special bulletin issued on 24 July (VE*2*ZZ) was a typo - we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our readers. QSL VIA W6MD ---> Steve Busono, W6MD is the *new* QSL manager (direct only) for YB1XUR and YC9WZJ, but *not* for YB2PBX. He is also the QSL manager for YB2BRW, T93Y, T93Y/5B4 and T94EU (direct and bureau: please note that bureau cards are sent out once a year). <TNX W6MD and The GOLIST> /EX S DX@WW $425WW378D 425 DX News #378 [4/5] 1 August 1998 No 378 BID: $425WW378D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [1/2] ***** =========================== Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM <TNX IK1HSR, IK1UGX, IK7AFM, The Daily DX> ========================================================================= CALL MANAGER CALL CALL CALL CALL ========================================================================= 3C1GS EA5BYP EU4AA RW9QA R1/K0RX K0RX 3D2CB OKDXF EV200M EW4EW R1DIG OH5JRT 3D2KT OKDXF EW/K4NAN K4NAN R1FJV UA3AGS 3D2ME 7N1RTO EW200M EW4MM RK1B/1 RV1AC 3D2QB SM3CER EW3LB W3HNK RV6AB RK3AWL 3E1DX N0JT EW5O EW8WA RW9QA/1 RW9QA 3W4EZD XW2A EP2AC RV6AB RZ0LWA RW0MM 3W7TK OK1HWB ER7A ER1DA RZ3Q N2UCK 3Z0AIR SP7LZD ES0K ES8AF S07WW ON5NT 4K80ADR 4J9RI ET3BT K1WY S21B W4FRU 4KA5CW 4J9RI EU200A EU4AA S21YG DL3NEO 4L0CR IK7JTF EX8MLE IK2QPR SK7DX SM7DXQ 4L4CC RV1CC EX8QB IK2QPR SN0WK SP4KIE 4L8A OZ1HPS EY8MM K1BV SN6F/1 SP6ECA 4M5E YV5NWG EZ0AB UA4FAO SV1BRL/8 SV8AQY 4S7SW ON6TZ F/EA2BUF/P F8REF (Bur) SV5/G4OBK G4OBK 4S7YSG JA2BDR F/EA2BUF/P EA2BUF (Dir) SV5/IK5ZTW IK5ZTW 4U1UN W6TER FBC5BMK F5BMK SV9/G4ZFE G4ZFE 4X6UO WB3CQN FBC5USV F5USV SV9/I4UFH I4UFH 4Z1GY NF4W FG/DJ6SI DJ6SI SV9/IK2QEI IK2QEI 5B4/RA3CQ YL2KL FG/I4ALU I4ALU T20YK JA2ECL 5B4/RA3CW YL2KL FG5FC F6DZU T32Z N7YL 5B4/RZ3BY YL2KL FJ/K2IBW W2AY T77CD I0MWI 5B4/RZ4HF YL2KL FK/JH1ROJ JH1ROJ T88AJ 7N3AWE 5B4/T93Y W6MD FM/I4ALU I4ALU T88LJ JM1LJS 5B4/T97M K2PF FO5QG XE1L T88ND JA4DND 5B4/YL2UB YL2KL FP/W8MV W8MV T93Y W6MD 5B4/YL3CW YL2KL FT5XN F6PEN T94EU W6MD 5H3DD W0RA FT5ZI F5PFP T98P 9A4SP 5N0/OK1AUT OK1AUT G/F5VCR/P F5VCR TF7/DL3KUD DL3KUD 5N9CEN IV3VBM G4MGR G0VAX TF7GX K1WY 5R8EE FR5EL G8Q G0SAH TF8GX K1WY 5R8FK NY3N GB0ON ON4ON TJ1HP F6FNU 5V7FA F6FNU GD3IZD/P G3IZD TL5A PA3DMH 5W0VD OKDXF GI6YM K1WY TL8MS DL6NW 5W0VV OKDXF GM0GAV/P GM0GAV TM0BB FB1AZH 5W1SA JH7OHF GM3TTC/M G3TTC TM0DX F5LEJ 5X1T ON5NT GM3USL/P GMOKVI TM3X F5KFL 6M0HZ HL1IWD GS0AYR/P GM0JHF TM5PF FA1BON 7Q7DC WA6IJZ GS3ZBI G3OCA TM5T ON4GO 7S5BE SK5BE GT6YB G3SWH TT8JWM N4RXL 7X2RO OM3CGN GU8D G3SJJ TT8ZB IK3ERN 7Z1IS SM0OFG GW0RLU/P ON5FP TU/K4ZW K4ZW 8P0V K7BV H22A YL3AF TU2XZ W3HC (W3HCW) 8P6CV KU9C H44XX JA5DQH TU5GD N5FTR 8P6QA KU9C HB0/DL0HUN DL0HUN TU5GY IK1GPG 8P9FX G3RFX HB0/HB9LEY JH1BSE TX8B FK8HC 8P9JJ K7BV HB0/MU0BKA K4ZLE TY1IJ DK8ZD 9A/S55A/P S55A HB0/PI4TUE PI4TUE TZ6JA JA3EMU 9A8P 9A1AKL HC8A WV7Y UA0AZ W3HNK 9G1BJ G4XTA HD2RG HC2RG UA0DC K1WY 9G5ZM G3ZEM HF0POL SP3BGD UA0ZBK K1WY 9H0A LA2TO HI3HN DH2JD UAOZBK/0 K1WY 9H1EL LA2TO HP3XUG KG6UH UE0ZZZ RZ0ZWA 9H3DN LA2TO HR6/N7QXQ W7TSQ UE1CIG RZ1AWD 9J2BO W6ORD HS1RU JG3AVS UK8GK RW6HS 9J2TF JA2BOV IB0/IZ0IIA IZ0IIA UK8OM IK2QPR 9K2/SQ5DAK SP5KQS IH9/IK1ZNM IK1ZNM UN7FK W3HNK 9K2SS KB2MS IH9/IT9BLB IT9BLB UP0L UN8LW 9K2ZZ W8CNL IM0/I2CMA I2CMA US0HZ W3HNK 9M2RY N4JR IM0/IK0XBX IK0XBX V2/GM0NAI GM0NAI 9M6AG JA9AG IM0/IS0JMA IS0JMA V2/GM0UKZ GM0UKZ 9N1CW UA0FDX IM0/IS0VBH IS0VBH V2/GM3COB GM3COB 9N1FP RU6FP IS0/F6BUM F6BUM V2/GM3UTQ GM3UTQ 9N1UD K4VUD IS0/IK0XBX IK0XBX V2/GM4FDM GM4FDM 9V1ZB JL3WSL IS0/IK2OCP IK2OCP V26E AB2E 9V8BG JL1MWI J48CT ON5CT V26GG W5AO 9V8RH 9V1RH J48ISL SV2AEL V26TT K5TT 9V8WW 9V1WW J48KEF SV1BRL V26VG GM3UTQ 9Y4VU W3EVW JH1UUT/7 JH1UUT V29PE G3DLH A35RK W7TSQ JI6KVR/6 EA5KB V31KR K5KR A61AP IK7JTF JM1PXG/1 JM1PXG V31MP W5ZPA A61AQ N1DG JU7ARDF JT1KAA V31YK W5JYK A92GD K1SE JW/DJ3KR DH3MG V5/SM7DZZ SM7DZZ AA1AC/P AA1AC JW5NM LA5NM V63KU JA6NL AH8A AC7DX JY5SK W9XY V73UB K1ZUT AP2KSD IK7JTF JY9QJ DL5MBY VE1AO VE1VOX BA1DU W3HC (W3HCW) K1USN W1QWT VE2/F6ELE F6ELE BI3H W3HC (W3HCW) K1WY RU0C VE2/F6HKA F6HKA BI4C W3HC (W3HCW) K4EP K4EP VE2/VE3ZZ VE3ZZ BI4Q BY4RSA K5A K5PXP VE8/NU2L G3ZAY BI5Z W3HC (W3HCW) KG4GC W4WX VK9CE JE5WJM BO0K BV2KI KG4OX W4OX VK9NO JJ8DEN BV4KR BV4ME KG4TO N4TO VP5/N2GA N2GA BV5BG IK7JTF KH0/7M1WBP 7M1WBP VP5GA N2GA BY1QH K9FD KH4/NH6YK NH6YK VP6TC K6RPF C40M 5B4AFM KH8/N5OLS N5JA VP9/AJ2U AJ2U C6A25FV C6AFV KL7/K6ST N6AWD VQ9VK N1TO C6IOTA WA8LOW KL7/W6IXP N6AWD VR2/K8PYD K8PYD CE6TBN CE6TC KL7Y N2AU VU2JPS VK9NS CO0XE XE1CI KP2/AG8L NN6C VX3NX VE3NX CO4BM CT1ESO KP2AD OK1AJY VY1JA KB5IPQ CQ2P CT1EEN KP4IX WP4MIM W3SE W3SE CS98KG CT4KG LA/DL2HEB DL2HEB W4MT WB4PVT CT98EHI CT1EHI LG5LG SM0DJZ W7I N7FL CT98EXPO CT1REP LU7DW/P LU7DW WB8YJF WB8YJF CU9L CU3EJ LU8XW LU8XW WP2Z KU9C CW5R CX5BW LV4V LU4VZ WP3A W4DN CY9AOE VE1AOE LX/MU0BKA K4ZLE WP4Q KP4CKY CZ1SSB VO1GK LX6T LX1KC XE2MX K6VNX D2BB W3HNK LY10XJ LY3BA XJ3EJ VE3EJ DL/RW9QA RW9QA M/PA3GIO PA3GIO XJ3SJL VE3SJL DL6MHW/P DL6MHW M8F G3PMR XK3NJ VA3NJ DL8OBC/P DL8OBC M8J G1FYC XK4VV VE4VV DS50CYI/2 DS2CYI M8N G3WOI XL1GO VO1GO DU2/AA3LB AA3LB MM/PA3GIO PA3GIO XO1CWI VE2CWI DU8ARK I2YDX MM8Y M0ARK YB1XUR W6MD DX2B VE7DP MS0BPG/P G7DKX YB2BRW W6MD DX3F VE7DP MU0ASP F5SHQ YC9WZJ W6MD DX6P VE7DP MW/ON4CGB ON4CGB YE2B YC0FTD E21CJN W3PP MW8Z G5LP YI1HK KK3S EA5AOR/3 EA5KB N2OO/P N2OO YI1SEA WA3HUP EA8/CT3FN HB9CRV N3OC/P N3OC YJ8PU KF4VPU EA8BYR WA1ECA OD5/9K2MU WA4JTK YM75TA TA3YJ EC1BXI/P EC1BXI OD5PN LX1NO YN9/TI4SU TI4SU ED1MC EA1MC OH0BH OH2BH YV30T W4SO ED2IZA EA2URV OH0MDR/1 OH1MDR YW5LB W4SO ED5SMM EA5GSA OH0TA OH2TA YZ4ED YZ7ED ED7IFF EA7DBP OJ0AU DL6LAU Z32XX NN6C ED7SPI EA7PY OJ0VR OH1VR ZA1B HB9BGN ED9DDC EA9CE OL8HQ OK1MD ZF1RD G4RWD ED9DVC EA9JS ON50YLC ON4AMM ZF2AH W6VNR EG0URE EA1MC OZ/DL5ME DL5ME ZF2DR K5RQ EI2IM/P W4ZYT OZ/DL6DH DL6DH ZF2NT N2AU EI4VVF/P W0GLG OZ8AE/A OZ8AE ZK1SCQ DL6DK EJ7NET EI2GX P29BW N5FTR ZK1SCR DL6DK EK6GC W3HNK P29VR W7LFA ZK2CK HB9BCK EL2AB IK0PHY P49V AI6V ZL8RS ZL1RS EL2DT IK0PHY PA/HA1AG HA1UF ZP0Z W3HNK EM1LV UR8LV PJ9I ON4CFD ZP6CW ZP6CU ER1DA RM9RX PY0FA PY4KL ZS6IR DL4EBA ES8AF RM9RX/9 PZ5JR K3BYV ZS80NRM ZS6Y /EX S DX@WW $425WW378E 425 DX News #378 [5/5] 1 August 1998 No 378 BID: $425WW378E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [2/2] ***** =========================== 7Z1IS Ibrahim Saud, P.O.Box 3361, Al khobar 31952, Saudi Arabia BD7YA H.M.Li, C/oL.Jingman, Electo Mechanical Dept., Railway College, Changsha, Hunan, 410075, China BP0RIW Ken'ichi Hoshino, P.O.Box 26-64, Taipei, Taiwan BV4HB Shyh-Ching Lin, P.O.Box 2006, Taichung, Taiwan CE1LDS Osvaldo A.Diaz Cobian, P.O.Box 644, Antofagasta, Chile DL6LAU Carsten Esch, Kreuzweg 22, D-21376 Salzhausen, Germany DS2CYI Kwon, Dae-Geun, P.O.Box 67,Suwon, Kyonggi,440-600, Korea DS2MEB Michael Min, Naminchon P.O.Box 353, Inchon, Korea DS2MTB Jeewon Hwang, Naminchon P.O.Box 353, Inchon, Korea DS5DBW Kyu-Seon Jeong, 302-601 Dae-Woo-Marina APT 994, Woo-dong, Haeundae-ku, Pusan 612-021, Korea DS5DNL Kyu-Eun Jeong, 302-601 Dae-Woo-Marina APT 994, Woo-dong, Haeundae-ku, Pusan 612-021, Korea DU3NHK Noboru Kobayakawa, 650 Pinatubo St., Clarkview, Angeles City 2009, Philippines EP2MKN Majid Kiani Nejad, P.O.Box 91375-1175, Mashhad, Iran F5USV Castelain Francis, 04 Rue du Chateau, Aigufonde, F-81200 Mazamet, France FO5JR Albert, P.O.Box 10127, 98711 Paea, Tahiti, French Polynesia FR5HR Rene Allegre, 56 Rue Leconte de Lisle B d N, F-97411 La Plaine Saint Paul, Reunion Island FK8HC Franck Petitjean, P.O.Box 7636, Ducos, F-98801 New Caledonia HL0BLA Korea Marin University, 1 Dongsamdong, Youngdogu, Pusan 606-791, South Korea HL0C Hanyang University Wave Research Club, 17 Haingdangdong, Sungdonggu, Seoul, Korea HL0Z Gyeongsang National University Marine Science College Amateur Radio Station, 445 Inpung Dong, Tong Yung, South Korea HL2XIK Hwang Jeahong, Kyuhang-ri 182-2, Jumoonjinup Kangnungsi, Kangwondo, Korea HL0Z Gyeongsang National University Marine Science College Amateur Radio Station, 445 Inpung Dong, Tong Yung, South Korea HL3ERJ Choi Se Hoon, 9-12, Young Sung-Dong, Chunan 330-050, Korea HL3EWI Park Yun Sug, 9-12, Young Sung-Dong, Chunan 330-050, Korea HL4INC Park Yong-Young, 312-504 Daeyudaelim-APT. 113-7 Ildo 2 Dong, Cheju 690-012, Korea HL4SNC Lee Soon-Sun, 312-504 Daeyudaelim-APT. 113-7 Ildo 2 Dong, Cheju 690-012, Korea HL5UOG Seong-Hwan Jeong, 302-601 Dae-Woo-Marina APT 994, Woo-dong, Haeundae-ku, Pusan 612-021, Korea DS4CNB Lee Dae Leong, P.O.Box 111, Kwangsan Kwangju 506-050, Korea IK0FVC Valsecchi Francesco, Via Bitossi 21, I-00136 Roma (RM), Italy IZ2CEI Passarella Marcello, P.O.Box 22, I-20051 Limbiate (MI), Italy IZ7ATN Gagaleta Simon, P.O.Box 178, I-70056 Molfetta (BA), Italy JL3WSL A.Naito, 31-500-5 Hikita, Nara City, 631-0843 Japan JW6RHA Unni Gran, Mellomasvn. 128, N-1414 Trollasen, Norway JW9PJA Carlos Ferreira, Philip Pedersens V.5 A, 1324 Lysaker, Norway K1WY Bill Yoreo, P.O.Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644, U.S.A. OH2BH Martti J.Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland OKDXF OKDXF Foundation, P.O.Box 73, Bradlec 293 06, Mlada Boleslav, Czech ON4CFD Ernest Lichtert, Wolvenstraat 101, 1070 Brussels, Belgium P43HOT Jacobo Oduber, P.O.Box 685, Oranjestad, Aruba P43P Jacobo Oduber, P.O.Box 685, Oranjestad, Aruba PJ9I Ernest Lichtert, P.O.Box 155, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles SV1EEN Manourpopulos Alexios, 31 Z. Pigis St., GR-162 33 Athens, Greece RV9CBF Yuri A.Lobatshev, P.O.Box 44, Pevesk 686610, Magadanskaya, Russia RW9QA Vlad Kondratenko, P.O.Box 1, Kurgan-38, 640038, Russia TU2KC Radio Club 43 BIMa, B.P.54, Abidjan 12, Ivory Coast UA0KCL Yuri Lobachev, Ul.Obrucheva 2-b, kv.41, Pevek, 686610, Magadanskaya, Russia UA9KA Alex P.Zajcev, Ul.Zvereva 29-1 18, 626711 Nadym, Russia Asiatic UN6P Yuri Loparev, Temirtau, pr.Metallurgov, 7/4-B-71, 472300 Kazakhstan XO1CWI West Island ARC, P.O.Box 884, Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9R 4Z6 XX9ER Freeman Cheong, P.O.Box 6018, Macau XW2A Hiroo Yonezuma, P.O.Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos YB3ZES Club Station ORARI Lokal Surabaya Timur, P.O.Box 4025, Surabaya 60401, Indonesia YC0AZ Andreas Wisnu Widjaja, Jalan Budi #19 RT 003 RW 05, Cawang III, Jakarta 13630, Indonesia YC3DX S.Faisal, Argopuro 88, Tulungagung 66261, Indonesia YC6DEM Dr.Eddy, D.M., P.O.Box 6, Langsa 24400, Indonesia YC9BAS Nyoman Dodi Irianto, Spd., Jl. Gajah Mada, Peguyangan 6 I/7, Singaraja, Bali 81112, Indonesia YC9LQA L.C.Salean, Jl. Niaga No. 71, Larantuka, Flores Timur, NTT 86216, Indonesia YC9XOI Frans Renwarin, P.O.Box 175, Fak Fak, Irian Jaya 98611, Indonesia YD3BMB Adi, P.O.Box 4025, Surabaya 60401, Indonesia ZD7BG Gilbert, P.O.Box 157, St.Helena Island ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe, please send a message to Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN (for the English version) at ik0zsn@amsat.org Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (for the Italian version) at i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? 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