S DX@WW $425WW377A 425 DX News #377 [1/6] 25 July 1998 No 377 BID: $425WW377A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425 DX News Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 9M6 - Uwe, DJ9HX will be active from Sabah, East Malaysia (OC-088) between 6 and 29 August. He will operate from Layan Layang, Spratly Islands (AS-051) on 11-19 August and from Sipadan (OC-133) on 20-25 August. He plans to be active on 10-40 metres, with special attention to 10 and 12 metres. QSL via DJ9HX preferably through the bureau. <TNX DJ9HX> BV - The 20th Asia-Pacific Jamboree station BV20APJ will be active (10-80 metres, CW and SSB) from Pingtung, Taiwan (AS-020) between 2 and 9 August. QSL via bureau. <TNX JA1ELY> DL - Michael, DL6MHW has been forced to cancell his planned activity from Fehmarn Island (EU-128) during the IOTA Contest [425DXN 376]. <TNX DL6MHW> EA - The 24-29 July operation from Izaro Island (EU-134) [425DXN 376] will use the call ED2IZA. QSL either via bureau to EA2URV or direct to U.R.V.-A.B.R.A., ED2IZA, Apartado 323, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain. <TNX EA2URV> F - David, F/ON4BDS/p made just 53 QSOs from Batz (EU-105) [425DXN 374] when his power supply died. He is back home now and it is most unlikely he will be able to operate from Cezambre (EU-157) [425DXN 374]. <TNX ON4BDS> F - F6FKQ, F1UQM, FA1BCG and FA1CDU plan to be active from Ile aux Chevaux (EU-048, DIFM AT-109) on 1-2 August. <TNX F-10255> F - Jean-Francois, F8CIO will be active (20 and 40 metres SSB) from Houat island (EU-048) between 1 and 8 August. <TNX F6AJA> F - Jean-Claude, F5LEJ will be active as TM0DX from Oleron Island (EU-032) between 1 and 15 August. <TNX F6AJA> FG - Carlo, I4ALU will be active as FG/I4ALU from (10-80 metres, especially on WARC, CW only) Guadeloupe (NA-102) between 19 and 27 August. QSL via I4ALU. <TNX IK4CIE> FK - Eric (FK8GM), Franck (FK8HC) and a third operator will be active (with at least two stations) from Belep Is (IOTA OC-079) between 28 August and 2 September. They have applied for the call TX8B. QSL direct to FK8HC (Franck Petitjean, P.O. Box 7636, Ducos, F-98801 New Caledonia). <TNX F6AJA> FM - Carlo, I4ALU will be active (10-80 metres, especially on WARC, CW only) as FM/I4ALU from Martinique (NA-107) between 6 and 17 August. QSL via I4ALU. <TNX IK4CIE> FT5Z - Bernard, FT5ZI is active in his spare time from Amsterdam Island (AF-002) with 100 watts and a dipole. QSL via F5PFP. <TNX F5NOD> G - Bert, PA3GIO plans to be active as M/PA3GIO from IOTA groups EU-109 and EU-120 between 8 and 22 August. QSL via home call. <TNX PA3GIO> GM - Bert, PA3GIO will be active as MM/PA3GIO from the Outer Hebrides (EU-010) between 25 July and 8 August. QSL via home call. <TNX PA3GIO> GW - Marc, ON5FP and Wim, ON4CGB expect to be active from several Welsh islands between 22 July and 5 August. The first stop will be at EU-106 (St. Tudwal's Is), from where Marc is confirmed to participate in the IOTA Contest as GW0RLU/P [425DXN 355], while Wim will operate as MW/ON4CGB/P on the WARC bands. They plan to be active from EU-124 after the contest. <TNX ON4CGB> HB0 - John Slough, K4ZLE will be active (mostly on CW and RTTY) from Liechtenstein between 24 and 26 July. He is most likely to use his UK call under CEPT provisions (HB0/MU0BKA/p). QSL via K4ZLE. <TNX K4ZLE> HL - Members of the Hanyang University Wave Research Club (HL0C) plan to be active /2 (on 15, 20, 40 and possibly 10 metres) from Tokchok Is (AS-090) between 1 and 5 August. QSL via HL0C (Hanyang University Wave Research Club, 17 Haingdangdong, Sungdonggu, Seoul, Korea). <TNX DS1DBX> HL - It has been reported that the station HL0K should be active (15-40 metres, SSB and CW) from Baek-ryung Island (claimed as AS-122 but currently NO-REF) between 13 and 17 August. I - IZ8ANA and IC8OZM plan to be IC8/ from Scoglio San Martino (IIA NA-014, not IOTA) on either 30 or 31 July. QSL via home calls. <TNX IZ8ANA> I - Venice Island Team members I3BQC, IK3ABY, IK3BPN and IK3PQH have been granted permission to operate from Ottagono degli Alberoni (EU-131, IIA VE-041). They will be active on 25 July. QSL via home calls. <TNX IK3ABY> /EX S DX@WW $425WW377B 425 DX News #377 [2/6] 25 July 1998 No 377 BID: $425WW377B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== IS0 - Riccardo, IK2OCP will be active as IS0/IK2OCP from Orosei, Sardinia (EU-024) between 2 and 28 August. QSL via IK2OCP. <TNX IK2OCP> IS0 - Jack, F6BUM will be active as IS0/F6BUM from Sardinia (EU-024) between 27 July to 13 August. He plans to operate from San Pietro Island (EU-165) on 7-8 August. <TNX F6AJA> JA - Jamboree station 8J7BSJ will be active from Moriyoshi, Akita prefecture between 3 and 7 August. QSL via bureau. <TNX JA1ELY> KH4 - Ted, NH6YK is expected to be active again as KH4/NH6YK from Midway (OC-030) between 30 July and 12 August. He plans to operate in his spare time, preferably on 6, 10, 15, 17 and 20 meters SSB. QSL via home call. <TNX The Daily DX> KL - The KL7/W6IXP expedition to Little Diomede Island (NA-150) has been delayed due to weather. The operators now hope to be able to reach the island on 25 July. In the meantime, quite unexpectedly, they were active as KL7/K6ST from Sledge Island in the unnumbered Norton Sound Coast North group. A new provisional Reference Number (NA-210/Prov) has been issued following this improvised activity, which was planned from around 6 UTC on 24 July for approximately 24 hours on 20 meters only. QSL via N6AWD. LX - John Slough, K4ZLE will be active (mostly on CW and RTTY) from Luxembourg between 31 July and 2 August. He is most likely to use his UK call under CEPT provisions (LX/MU0BKA/p). QSL via K4ZLE. <TNX K4ZLE> OJ0 - DJ6TN, DK3DM, DK7YY, DL6LAU and DL8OBQ have been active as OJ0AU from Market Reef (EU-053) since 21 July. They operate with two stations on all bands, 2 and 6 metres included, on CW, SSB and some RTTY. They will participate in the IOTA Contest and leave the island on either 27 or 28 July. QSL via DL6LAU either direct (Carsten Esch, Kreuzweg 22, 21376 Salzhausen, Germany) or through the bureau. <TNX DL3LAR> SM - Tony, G3LAA will be signing G3LAA/MM while sailing off the coast of Denmark and Sweden between 27 July and 25 August. He is expected to operate from the islands of Goteborg (EU-043), Samsoe (EU-029), Anholt (EU-088) and Laesoe (EU-088) during this time frame. QSL via G3LAA. <TNX DX News Sheet> SV5 - Gabriele, IK5ZTW will be active as SV5/IK5ZTW from Ios Island, Dodecanese (EU-001) between 10 and 18 August. QSL to IK5ZTW via the bureau. <TNX IK5ZTW> SV9 - I4UFH and IK2QEI will be active (on 6-160 metres SSB and CW) as SV9/I4UFH and SV9/IK2QEI from SV9ANJ's QTH on Crete (EU-015) between 3 and 17 August. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. <TNX I4UFH> T2 - Yoshi, JA2ECL is expected to be active (SSB and RTTY) as T20YK from Tuvalu (OC-015) between 26 July and 6 August. He will have a 2-element for 15 metres and a dipole for 40 metres. QSL via JA2ECL. <TNX JA1ELY> T8 - Hide, JM1LJS will be active as T88LJ from Belau (OC-009) between 26 July and 2 August. He plans to concentrate on 40 and 30 metres CW (7.008 and 10.104 MHz) and 80 metres SSB (3.840 MHz). QSL via JM1LJS. <TNX DX News Sheet> TA - Special event station YM75TA will be active from 24 July through 29 October to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. Nilay, TA3YJ and Berkin, TA3J, will operate this station on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB. QSL via TA3YJ. <TNX The Daily DX> TF - Gulli, TF7GX will be active (on 10-80 metres) from Westman Is (EU- 071) between 24 and 26 July. QSL via K1WY. <TNX K1WY> TU - Ken, K4ZW plans to be active (on the low bands, if antennas are available) as TU/K4ZW from a club station in Abidjan, Ivory Coast between 25 July and 9 August. QSL via K4ZW. <TNX The Daily DX> TT - Jim, WA4KKY is again active (on SSB and some RTTY mostly on 15, 17 and 20 metres) as TT8JWM from Chad possibly for the last time. He should be leaving around 7-8 August. QSL via N4RXL. <TNX The Daily DX> UA - The 21 July-2 August RU0C operation from Malminskiye Is (AS-???) [425DXN 376] has been postponed as the ship that was to transport the operators has cancelled the next two weekly trips. Further information is awaited. <TNX RA3AUU> V2 - Darrell, AB2E will be active as V26E from Antigua (NA-100) between 6 and 11 August. He will participate (SOAB) in the WAE DX CW Contest (8-10 August) and will concentrate on WARC and 160 metres CW before and after the contest. QSL via AB2E either direct or through the bureau. <TNX AB2E> V3 - Stan, W5JYK (V31YK); Wondy, K5KR (V31KR) and Mike, W5ZPA (V31MP) will be active (10-80 metres, CW, SSB and RTTY) from Ambergris Caye (NA-073), Belize between 26 and 30 August. QSL via their respective home calls. <TNX W5ZPA> VE - Martin, G3ZAY will be in Attawapiskat, Ontario, from 15 to 17 August inclusive and Moosonee on the 18th. He will try to reach Akimiski Island (NA-207) by boat from Attawapiskat on either 16 and/or 17 August and operate as NU2L/VE8. If the weather is too bad for boat travel to Akimiski he will investigate alternative island counters for NA-207 or air travel to Akimiski for a brief operation. <TNX G3ZAY> VK9_coc- Hiro, JE5WJM will be active as VK9CE from Cocos (Keeling) Island (OC-003) for one week starting on 8 August. QSL via JE5WJM. <TNX The Daily DX> W - Wes, W3SE has received the official permission from the National Park Service to operate from Santa Cruz Island (NA-144) [425DXN 376]. Originally he intended to be active between 24 and 27 July, but the operating site is located 2 miles from the camp site via foot only. Therefore his operation will be limited to the IOTA contest, since camping at the operating site is not allowed. QSL via W3SE (Wesley Printz, P.O. Box 4895, Downey, CA 90241-1895, USA). <TNX W3SE and Islands On The Web> /EX S DX@WW $425WW377C 425 DX News #377 [3/6] 25 July 1998 No 377 BID: $425WW377C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== <<< 1998 IOTA CONTEST (25-26 JULY) >>> The following amateurs have announced their participation in this year's event [see also 425DXN 355, 358, 361, 363, 365, 367, 369, 371, 373, 374, 375, 376]: AS-066 - RW0LBK, RW0LKA, RW0MM, UA0LCZ and UA0LHT as RZ0LWA from Russkiy Island. They plan to be active (on 10-80 metres CW and SSB) between 23 and 27 July. QSL via RW0MM (P.O.Box 73, Vladivostok, 690090 Russia). <TNX RW0MM> EU-005 - M8J from his home QTH. QSL via G1FYC. EU-015 - Rich, G4ZFE as SV9/G4ZFE from Crete. QSL via G4ZFE. <TNX DX News Sheet> EU-038 - HA0HW, HA1AG and HA4GDO as PA/HA1AG from Ameland Island. QSL via bureau to HA1UF. <TNX HA1AG> EU-049 - SV2AEL , SV2CLJ , SV2CWY , SV2CCA and YZ7AA as J48ISL (CW and SSB) from Amouliani Island. QSL via SV2AEL. Further information is available at http://hypernet.hyper.gr/~sv2clj/j48isl.htm <TNX SV2CLJ> EU-052 - Kiki, SV1BRL as J48KEF from Kefallinia Island (12-hour SSB). She will be on the island between 22 and 27 July. QSL via SV1BRL. <TNX SV1BSX> EU-114 - G3SJJ, G4DRS, G4JQL, G4TSH, G0OPB and F5SHQ as GU8D from Sark Island. QSL via G3SJJ. <TNX DX News Sheet> EU-120 - Newbury Radio Club members GOKPE, GOORH, G3KLH, G3NVO, G4RUW, G3RVM and G3ZGC as M8N from the Isle of Wight. QSL via G3WOI. <TNX DX News Sheet> EU-121 - The East Cork Group as EJ7M from Bere Island. <TNX DX News Sheet> EU-133 - RA1ACJ, RU1AS, UA1ANA and UA1AQC as RK1B/1 (QSL via RV1AC) from Berezovyy Island. They will be active between 22 and 28 July. Outside the contest they will operate as home call/1 (QSL via home call). EU-138 - The Southwest Scania Radio Amateurs as SK7DX from Hano Island. QSL via SM7DXQ. <TNX DX News Sheet> NA-021 - Stephen, 8P6CV from his home on Barbados. He will enter the Single Operator 12 Hour SSB category. QSL via KU9C. <TNX 8P6CV and Islands On The Web> OC-042 DU1SAN as DX1DX. QSL via DU1SAN. SA-006 - Ernest, ON4CFD as PJ9I (single operator SSB) from Curacao. QSL via via PJ9I direct only (Ernest Lichtert, P.O. Box 155, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles) until 31 March 1999 or via ON4CFD either direct (Ernest Lichtert, Wolvenstraat 101, 1070 Brussels, Belgium) or through the bureau. <TNX ON4CFD/PJ9I> SA-029 - PY1NEZ, PY1LVF, PY1NEW and PY1MGM from Grande Island. The activity is due to start on 24 July as home call/p, contest call not announced. QSL via PY1NEZ. <TNX PY1NEZ> SA-055 - Claudio, LU7DW as LU7DW/p from Martin Garcia Island. QSL via home call (Claudio Fernandez, C.C. 30, Sucursal 20B (1420), Cap. Fed., Argentina) <TNX LU7DW> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH AMSTERDAM 1998 ---> Gil Gautier, F5NOD (f5nod@easynet.fr), co-ordinator for the 27 November-23 December all-band all-mode FT5ZH DXpedition to Amsterdam Island [425DXN 359] reports the team is still looking for a 3 element beam for WARC bands. Donations are welcome and can be sent to the Lyon DX Group Treasurer, F5PXT (Eric Blanchard, 2 rue Bichat, Bat 32, 69002 Lyon, France). The DXpedition's web site is at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ FREQUENCY CHANGE ---> Alan, VK4AAR reports that the Down Under County Hunters net has moved to 14.336 MHz (it still starts at 03.30 UTC and continues until the band folds up)- "the announcement is directed at USA stations as it is them that we want to work in order to confirm their counties". LOGS ON LINE ---> Links to the logs of over 150 DX stations are available from Eugene's (RA0FF) page at http://www.qsl.net/ra0ff/dx.html <TNX RA0FF> NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DX FOUNDATION ---> At its Board of Directors meeting on 21 July the NCDXF elected the following officers and directors: Len Geraldi, K6ANP (President); Al Burnham, K6RIM (Vice-President); Tom McShane, NW6P (Secretary); Bruce Butler; W6OSP (Treasurer); Lou Beaudet, K6TMB; Rusty Epps, W6OAT; Bob Fabry, N6EK; Chuck Ternes, N6OJ; Steve Thomas, N6ST; Bob Vallio, W6RGG and Glenn Vinson, W6OTC (Directors). Further information on the NCDXF is available at www.ncdxf.org <TNX K6RIM> POSTAGE FROM INDONESIA ---> Tony, YB2PBX reports a huge rise in postal rates from Indonesia as of 1 July 1998. Take it into consideration when sending a direct QSL to a YB station. /EX S DX@WW $425WW377D 425 DX News #377 [4/6] 25 July 1998 No 377 BID: $425WW377D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== RSGB IOTA CONTEST ---> Bill, NG3K (wfeidt@cpcug.org) has compiled a list of announced operations for the IOTA Contest. It is available at http://www.cpcug.org/user/wfeidt/Misc/iota98.html <TNX NG3K> QSL 9M0C ---> All cards received to date which do not have a query of some sort (over 17,000 QSOs confirmed) have been answered. QSL manager G3SWH has started working on the queries: "There are several hundred items of mail in the queries box", he reports, "and they will obviously take several weeks (if not months) to work through and clear". <TNX G3XTT> QSL IR2A ---> QSL manager IK2HTW reports that all contacts made by this station (active in late March) for which a direct request has not been received have been confirmed through the bureau at Friedrichshafen. QSL JW/DJ3KR ---> DH3MG is the QSL manager for JW/DJ3KR. Cards can be requested either direct (Martin Gloger, AM Feldhofe 4, 37170 Uslar, Germany) or throiugh the bureau. <TNX DL4OCM> QSL XV7SW ---> Rolf, SM5MX is back in Sweden and will be moving to the Swedish Embassy in Tokyo in September. The grand total of the QSOs made as XV7SW while in Hanoi is 25,675 (25,616 on CW and 59 on SSB). QSL direct or via bureau to either SM5MX himself (Rolf T. Salme, Korpstigen 5 B, SE - 135 53 Tyreso, Sweden) or his QSL manager (SM3CXS). <TNX SM5MX> QSL VIA K1WY ---> Bill Yoreo, K1WY (P.O. Box 2644, Hartford, CT 06146-2644, USA) is the QSL manager for ET3BT, GI6YM, TF8GX, TF7GX, UA0DC, UA0ZBK and UAOZBK/0. <TNX K1WY> SAN DIEGO DX CLUB ---> The San Diego DX Club announces the election of officers for the period 1 July 1998 to 30 June 1999: Bud Semon, N7CW (President); Ed Andress, W6KUT (Vice President); Harry Hodges, WA6YOO (Secretary/Treasurer); Bruce Clark, K0YW, Cliff Smith, K6TWU, Sam Johnson, W6BS and Harvey Hiller, KD6QK (Directors); Rick Craig N6ND (Ladder). <TNX WA6YOO> UKRAINIAN ISLANDS AWARD (UIA) ---> For further information on this award, available to licenced amateurs and SWLs, please contact UY5XE (George Chlijanc, P.O. Box 19, Lviv, 290000, Ukraine) at either uy5xe@qsl.net or uy5xe@ut1wpr.ampr.org <TNX UY5XE> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3B7RF, 3B8CF, 3DA0NX, 3W6EZD, 4H8TI (OC-225), 5A2A, 5W1VD, JJ3SRU/6Y5, 9M0C, 9X0A, A61AJ, A92GD, C9LCK/p (AF-066), CE0/W9FW, CW5R (SA-039), CY0DX, E22AAD, ES1QD/0, F5KDC/P (EU-159), FG5FY, FO0FI (OC-050), FO0FR, FO5QG, FO0MIZ, FO0SUC (OC-152), FP/W8MV, FW2EH, H40AA, DL7DF/HI3, IB0/I0YKN (IIA LT-014, 018), II1ARI, IJ7/IK7JWX (IIA LE-017), IK3TTY/p (IIA VE-064), IL3/IK2GPQ (IIA PD-003, VE-001, 024, IL3/IK2PZG (IIA VE-033), IL3/IK3ABY (IIA VE-008, 017, 021, 028, 034, 063), IL7/IK7JWX (IIA BR-012; LE-037, 038), JY9QJ, WA4FFW/KH1, N4DAZ/KH3, KA4IST/KH5, WA4FFW/NH1, S08R, SV2ASP/A, T30RW, T31BB, TF3IRA, TJ1HP, TT8KM, V47CA, VP2VDX, VP8/G4VFU, VR6YL, XV7SW, YJ0AWP, YS1X, ZD7MY, ZK2CK, ZL7DK. QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service: 3DA5A, 3DA0CA, 3DA0JA, 4F2DX (OC-042), 4F2DX (OC-128), 5A1A, C6AJR, CY9SS, FK8GM, HS0ZAR, KH2JU, N2NL/KH2, N4BQW/KH5, N4BQW/KH6 (OC-055), KL7/W6IXP (NA-157), PJ2MI, PJ8/ND5S, TA2DS/0 (AS-099), TT8DX, V47KP, VE8B (NA-173), VR97SAR, VS97SAR, W4/XE1L (NA-034), XJ9GM (NA-014), XUF2B, YN6WW, ZD7CTO, ZD8V, ZW2E (SA-028), ZZ1ZZ (DIB 26), ZZ0Z (SA-047). ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe, please send a message to Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN (for the English version) at ik0zsn@amsat.org Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (for the Italian version) at i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? Please go to: http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW377E 425 DX News #377 [5/6] 25 July 1998 No 377 BID: $425WW377E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 25/07 5H3DD operated by W0RA 376 till August 5X1DK: Uganda * by KD4UDU 372 till 15/11 9V8: Singapore * special prefix 369 till 27/07 BO0K and BO2YA: Kinmen Island (AS-102) * by BVs 376 till 02/08 C6AFP: Abaco (NA-080) * by N4JQQ 373 till 31/07 CK3MP: Canada * special event station 369 till 31/07 F5MIW: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) 375 tlll 29/07 F/ON4LCW: Chausey Is (EU-039) * by ON4LCW 365 till 28/07 FK8VHN: Lifou Island (OC-033) 375 till Jan 99 FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK 369 till ?? FT5ZI: Amsterdam Island (AF-002) 377 till 05/08 GW0RLU/P, MW/ON4CGB/P: EU-106 & 124 * by ON5FP, ON4CGB 377 till 26/07 HC1MD: Ecuador (incl. SA-056) * by NE8Z 373 till 11/08 HS0ZBS: Thailand * by HB9AMZ 375 till 30/07 IA5/IZ5BTC/p: Elba Island (EU-028) 375 till 03/08 IM0/I2CMA: Santo Stefano Island (EU-041, IIA SS-013) 375 till 27/07 J48KEF: Kefallinia Isl (EU-052) * by SV1BRL 377 till 26/07 LY10XJ: special event station 376 till 02/08 MM0/DJ6AU: North Mainland Island (EU-012) 375 till 27/07 OJ0AU: Market Reef (EU-053) * by DLs 377 till 28/07 OZ/DL6DH: Bornholm Island (EU-030) 374 till 28/07 RA1ACJ,RU1AS,UA1ANA,UA1AQC/1 & RK1B/1: EU-133 377 till 28/07 RK0FWL/p: Moneron Island (AS-018) * by UA0Fs 375 till ?? SP6CZ/1 & SP6YCI/1: Wolin Island (EU-132) * by SP6CZ 376 till 04/08 SV5/G4OBK: Rhodes (EU-001) 375 till 26/07 SV8/ON5CT/p & J48CT: Samos (EU-049) 375 till 29/07 TF7/DL3KUD: Vestmannaeyjar Is (EU-071) * by DL3KUD 375 till 07/08 TT8JWM: Chad * by WA4KKY 377 till 29/07 TK/F6AUS: EU-014, EU-164, EU-100 373 till December TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN 373 till 02/08 UE0ZZZ & RZ0ZWA: Starichkov Isl (AS-095) * by UA0s 375 till 30/07 V2/GM0NAI,GM0UKZ,GM3COB,GM3UTQ,GM4FDM: Antigua 376 till 27/07 VP5/CX3AN and VP5/CX4CR: NA-002 * by CXs 373 till 29/07 WP2Z & KP2/EI2CA,EI7CC,EI6EW,EI4FBB,EI8CE,EI7CD,EI5FYB 375 till 28/07 XO1CWI: Fogo Island (NA-198) * by WIARC 371 till 29/10 YM75TA: special event station 377 till 06/08 Z21/W0YG: Zimbabwe 375 till 30/07 ZS80NRM * by ZS6Y 372 20/07-15/08 9A3PA,9A3ZA,9A3SK,9A4VV + 9A2U/p: Korcula Isl (EU-016) 376 20/07-30/07 KF8TM/4: Cudjoe Key (NA-062) 373 21/07-05/08 5B4/G3VMW and 5B4/G3ZEM: Cyprus (AS-004) 375 23/07-02/08 9A8P: Palagruza (EU-090) * by 9A1AKL 376 23/07-26/07 9A/S5Xxx/p + 9A/S55A/p: Krk Island (EU-136) 376 24/07-12/08 BV3/DJ3KR: Taiwan (AS-020) 375 24/07-27/07 CT1xxx/p & CQ2P: Pessegueiro Island (EU-167) * by CTs 367 24/07-03/08 DL8OBC/p: Helgoland Island (EU-127) 376 24/07-29/07 ED2IZA: Izaro Island (EU-134) 377 24/07-13/08 FO5JR: Rimatara (OC-050), Austral Is 371 24/07-27/07 GD3IZD/P: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by G3IZD 373 24/07-27/07 GU0MEU and GB0ON: Guernsey (EU-114) * by ONs 376 24/07-02/08 HB0/DL0HUN: Liechtenstein * by DLs 376 24/07-26/07 HB0/MU0BKA/p: Liechtenstein * by K4ZLE 377 24/07-30/07 HH2/KC0ARG: Haiti * by F/KC0ARG 375 24/07-09/08 KL7/ON4BAM: Alaska 376 24/07-26/07 TF7GX: Westman Is (EU-071) 377 24/07-28/07 WH2M: Guam (OC-026) * by JE7RJZ 376 25/07-03/08 1A0KM: SMOM * by IK0FVC and others 376 25/07-26/07 8P6CV: Barbados (NA-021) 377 25/07-26/07 AA1AC/P: Aquidneck Island (NA-031) * by AA1AC 371 25/07-26/07 BI3H: Shijiutuo Island (AS-134) * by BYs 363 25/07-26/07 C6IOTA (?): Bimini (NA-048) * by W8GEX, WA8LOW et al 375 25/07-26/07 CO4BM: La Juventud Island (NA-056) 373 25/07-26/07 CO0XE: Cuba (NA-015) * by COs and XEs 374 25/07-26/07 DF5WBA & DJ3XG: Ummanz Island (EU-057) 367 25/07-26/07 DL6MHW/p: Fehmarn Island (EU-128) 376 25/07-26/07 EA5AOR/3: Buda Island (EU-154) 375 25/07-26/07 EC1BXI/p: Arousa Island (EU-088) 374 25/07-26/07 ED1MC & EG1MC: Salvora Island (EU-077) * by EAs 373 25/07-26/07 ED7SPI: Sancti Petri Island (EU-143) 375 25/07-26/07 EJ2HY & EJ2IB: Blasket Is (EU-007) * by EI2HY & EI2IB 373 25/07-26/07 EJ7M: Bere Island (EU-121) * by East Cork Group 377 25/07-26/07 G8Q: EU-005 * by Mimram Contest Group 376 25/07-26/07 G/F5VCR/p: Lindisfarne Island (EU-120) 371 25/07-26/07 G4MGR: Hilbre Island (EU-120) * by Gs 373 25/07-26/07 GM0GAV/p: Isle of Lewis (EU-010) 376 25/07-26/07 GM3TTC/M: Isle of Mull (EU-008) * by G3TTC 375 25/07-26/07 GM3USL/P: Great Cumbrae Isl (EU-123) 367 25/07-26/07 GT6YB/p or GD6YB/p: Isle of Man (EU-116) 376 25/07-26/07 GU8D: Sark Isl (EU-114) * by Gs and F5SHQ 377 25/07-26/07 IH9/IT9BLB: Pantelleria (AF-018) 373 25/07 IL3/I3BQC,IK3ABY,IK3BPN,IK3PQH: Ott. Alberoni (EU-131) 377 25/07-26/07 J48ISL: Amouliani Isl (EU-049) * by SV2s and YZ7AA 377 25/07-26/07 JH1UUT/7: Oshima (AS-117) 374 25/07-26/07 JI6KVR/6: Uji Islands (AS-067) * by JI6KVR 371 25/07-26/07 JM1PXG/1: Hachijo Island (AS-043) * by JM1PXG 371 25/07-29/07 KL7/W6IXP: Little Diomede Isl (NA-150) * by K6ST,W6IXP 377 25/07-26/07 LU8XW: Tierra del Fuego (SA-008) 375 25/07-26/07 K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard 369 25/07-26/07 K4EP: Bogue's Bank (NA-112) * by K4EP and KF4NLM 376 25/07-26/07 LU7DW/p: Martin Garcia Isl (SA-055) 377 25/07-26/07 M8F: England (EU-005) * by G3PMR 375 25/07-26/07 M8N: Isle of Wight (EU-120) * by Newbury RC 377 25/07-26/07 MM8Y: Bute Isl (EU-123) * by Otley Amateur Radio Club 367 25/07-08/08 MM/PA3GIO: Outer Hebrides (EU-010) 377 25/07-26/07 MW8Z: Anglesey Island (EU-124) * by Gs 355 25/07-26/07 N2OO/p: Long Beach Island (NA-111) * by N2OO and N2LD 373 25/07-26/07 N5VL: Amelia Island (NA-138) 373 25/07-26/07 OH0MDR/1: Sandstrom Reef (EU-096) * by OH1s 374 25/07-01/08 OZ/DL5ME: Bornholm Island (EU-030) 376 25/07-26/07 PA/HA1AG: Ameland Isl (EU-038) * by HA0HW,HA1AG,HA4GDO 377 25/07-26/07 PJ9I: Curacao (SA-006) * by ON4CFD 377 25/07-26/07 PY1NEZ, PY1LVF, PY1NEW, PY1MGM: Grande Isl (SA-029) 377 25/07-26/07 RA1QQ/p, RW1ZZ/p, R1OTA: EU-160 375 25/07-26/07 SK7DX: Hano Island (EU-138) * by Southwest Scania RA 377 25/07-26/07 SN6F/1: Wolin Island (EU-132) * by SPs and DJ0IF 376 25/07-26/07 SV9/G4ZFE: Crete (EU-015) 377 25/07-26/07 TM5T: Chausey Is (EU-039) * by ONs 361 25/07-09/08 TU/K4ZW: Ivory Coast 377 25/07-26/07 V26VG: Antigua (NA-100) * by GM4FDM and others 376 25/07-26/07 VE1AO: Pictou Island (NA-154) * by Truro ARC 376 25/07-26/07 VE3ZZ/VE2: Isle-aux-Coudres (NA-128) 375 25/07-26/07 VE7SBO: NA-075 376 25/07-26/07 VE9MY: NA-014 375 25/07-26/07 W: Assateague Island (NA-139) * by N3OC, WV3B and NV3V 375 25/07-26/07 W: Dry Tortugas (NA-079) * by XE1L and Ws 371 25/07-26/07 W6: Santa Cruz Island (NA-144) * by W3SE 377 25/07-26/07 W7I: Lopez Island (NA-065) * by N7FL 371 25/07-01/08 WB8YJF: Ocracoke Island (NA-067) 373 25/07-26/07 IOTA Contest *** 25/07-26/07 Russian RTTY WW Contest *** 25/07-26/07 YV DX CW Contest *** /EX S DX@WW $425WW377F 425 DX News #377 [6/6] 25 July 1998 No 377 BID: $425WW377F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== 26/07-08/08 EI/EA4ECF: Ireland (EU-115) 375 26/07-06/08 T20YK: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by JA2ECL 377 26/07-02/08 T88LJ: Belau (OC-009) * by JM1LJS 377 26/07-17/08 TK/S53R: Corsica (EU-014) 375 27/07-13/08 IS0/ & IM0/F6BUM: EU-024 and EU-165 377 27/07-25/08 EU-043 (SM), EU-029 (OZ), EU-088 (OZ) * by G3LAA 377 27/07 ZL: Stewart Island (OC-203) * by ZS1FJ/G4MFW 375 29/07-05/08 CE8EIO on 160 metres 376 30/07-02/08 IA5/IK4WLU and IA5/IK4RUX: Elba Island (EU-028) 375 30/07 IC8/IZ8ANA and IC8/IC8OZM: San Martino (IIA NA-014) 377 30/07-12/08 KH4/NH6YK: Midway (OC-030) 377 31/07-02/08 LX/MU0BKA/p: Luxembourg * by K4ZLE 377 July C6A25: special prefixes from Bahamas 374 late July 6M5DX and D98TOK: Tok Island (AS-045) * by HLs 373 July ID8 islands by Calabria DX Team 373 July-August TY1IJ: Benin * by DJ4IJ 376 Jul-Dec VK9WG: Willis (OC-007) * by VK5GW 373 July VK0TS: Davis Base, Antarctica (AN-016) 371 01/08-02/08 F: aux Chevaux (EU-048) * by F6FKQ,F1UQM,FA1BCG,FA1CDU 377 01/08-08/08 F: Houat Island (EU-048) * by F8CIO 377 01-08-05/08 HL0C/2: Tokchok Is (AS-090) * by Hanyang Univ. WRC 377 01/08-15/08 TM0DX: Oleron Island (EU-032) * by F5LEJ 377 01/08-02/08 YO Contest *** 02/08-09/08 BV20APJ: 20th Asia-Pacific Jamboree station 377 02/08-28/08 IS0/IK2OCP: Sardinia (EU-024) 377 03/08-07/08 8J7BSJ: Jamboree station 377 03/08-17/08 SV9/I4UFH and SV9/IK2QEI: Crete (EU-015) 377 03/08-10/08 VP2ECR: Anguilla (NA-022) * by CX4CR 373 07/08-22/08 A22/W0YG: Botswana 375 08/08-10/08 WAE DX CW Contest *** 09/08-14/08 ZK1SCQ & ZK1SCR: OC-013, So.Cook * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ 367 14/08-31/08 HG5P: Hungary * special event call 356 14/08-15/08 7th New Orleans International DX Convention 369 15/08-16/08 SARTG WW RTTY Contest *** 15/08-16/08 Seanet SSB Contest *** 16/08-17/08 XM3PBX: "Northlander" & "Bear Express" trains * by VEs 375 16/08-21/08 ZK1SCQ & ZK1SCR: OC-082, No.Cook * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ 367 18/08-21/08 CH3HBC: special event station 375 18/08-21/08 CI3XXV: CISA islands 375 18/08-21/08 VE8x: Charlton Island (NA-173) * by VE3VGI & VE3IMR 375 22/08-23/08 XM3PBX: "Northlander" & "Bear Express" trains * by VEs 375 22/08-03/09 IH9/IK1ZNM: Pantelleria (AF-018) 375 24/08-26/08 ZK1SCQ & ZK1SCR: OC-159, So.Cook * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ 367 06/08-29/08 9M6: Sabah, East Malaysia (OC-088) * by DJ9HX 377 06/08-17/08 FM/I4ALU: Martinique (NA-107) 377 06/08-11/08 V26E: Antigua (NA-100) * by AB2E 377 08/08-22/08 M/PA3GIO: IOTA EU-109 and EU-120 377 08/08-14/08 VK9CE: Cocos (Keeling) Isl (OC-003) * by JE5WJM 377 11/08-19/08 9M0: Layang Layang, Spratly Is (AS-051) * by DJ9HX 377 10/08-18/08 SV5/IK5ZTW: Ios Isl, Dodecanese (EU-001) 377 13/08-17/08 HL0K: Baek-ryung Island (NO-REF) 377 16/08-17/08 NU2L/VE8: Akimiski Island (NA-207) * by G3ZAY 377 19/08-27/08 FG/I4ALU: Guadeloupe (NA-102) 377 20/08-25/08 9M6: Sipadan (OC-133), East Malaysia * by DJ9HX 377 mid Aug F/ON4BDS/p: Tombelaine Isl (EU-156) * by ON4BDS 374 mid August IJ7/ & IL7/IK1NAO: IIA activities with SDXT 375 August OX3LG: East Coast group (NA-134) 371 August RU0C: Malminskiye (AS-???) & Iony (AS-069) Is 377 26/09-27/09 Bologna: HF DX Meeting *** /EX