S DX@WW $425WW376A 425 DX News #376 [1/6] 18 July 1998 No 376 BID: $425WW376A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425 DX News Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 1A0 - IK0FVC, I0JBL, IK0PRG, IK0MBB, IK0HBN, I0CUT and I0HCJ will be active (160-2 metres, all modes) as 1A0KM from the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) between 25 July and 3 August. QSL via IK0FVC (Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma - RM, Italy). <TNX IK0FVC> 9A - Radio Club Split operation from Palagruza Island (EU-090) [425DXN 371] will take place between 23 July and 2 August, IOTA Contest included. 9A3NU, 9A3LO, 9A4NA, 9A4SP,9A5IQ and possibly 9A3A will be active as 9A8P with two stations. QSL via 9A1AKL (P.O. Box 439, HR-21000 Split, Croatia). <TNX 9A4SP> 5H - Ted, W0RA, will operate from the QTH of Dale, 5H3DD between 20 and 25 July. He plans to be active around 13.30 UTC on 14.010 MHz, 17.00 UTC on 21.010 MHz, 18.30 UTC on 21.295 MHz and 19.30 UTC on 28.480 MHz, always listening up. For Pactor look before and after the CW times on 14.072 and 21.072 MHz. Some activity on WARC bands, mainly 17 metres, is also possible. QSL via W0RA. <TNX OPDX Bulletin> BY - Carl, W3HC reports that a group of Chinese operators plans to be active as BI4M from Chang Dao, Miaodao Archipelago (Shandong Province North East group, AS-???) on either 21-23 September or 28-30 September. QSL via W3HC. CE - Luis, CE8EIO will be working on 160 metres (1.847 MHz) between 15 and 22 July and again between 29 July and 5 August. His address is Luis Fierro Andrade, P.O. Box 1512, Punta Arenas, Chile. <TNX CE8EIO> DL - Felix, DL8OBC will be active as DL8OBC/p from Helgoland Island (EU-127, N-014 for the German islands award) approximately between 24 July and 3 August. He will participate in the IOTA Contest (CW). It will be possible to arrange skeds while Felix is on the island (please send a message to dl8obc@qsl.net). QSL via DL8OBC either direct (Felix J. Riess, P.O. Box 1253, D-30984 Gehrden, Germany) or through the bureau. Further details are available at http://www.afthd.tu-darmstadt.de/~dl8obc/ <TNX DL8OBC> EP - Ali, EP2MKO is reported to be planning an operation in August or September from one of the four unnumbered Iranian IOTA groups. <TNX EU7SA> GU - Volkmar, DF2SS will be active (on 10-160 metres) from Guernsey (EU-114) between 19 July and 6 August. QSL via DL2MDZ. <TNX DX News Letter> GU - The Belgian team (including ON5SY, ON4AVA, ON4CHS, ON4ON, ON6HH, ON7PQ and ON9CGB) will now be active as either MU/home call/p and/or GU0MEU during their late July operation from Guersney (EU-114) [425DXN 374]. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as GB0ON. QSL via ON4ON. <TNX ON9CGB> I - Stefano, IK3ABY and Patrizia, IK3BPN will be IL3/ from Cason Lanzoni (IIA VE-???) on 18 July. <TNX IK3ABY> KH2 - Naoki, JE7RJZ will be active as WH2M from Guam (OC-026) between 24 and 28 July. He will concentrate on satellite (AO-10) and 6 metres, but HF bands will be activated as well. QSL via JA7FWR. <TNX JA1ELY> KL - Tom, W6IXP and Barry, K6ST will be signing KL7/ during their operation from Little Diomede Island (NA-150) [425DXN 375]. Assuming the weather and travel plans cooperates, they will be active between 22 July (starting around 21 UTC) and 29 July. They plan to participate in the IOTA Contest. They will operate mostly SSB (14260, 21260, 7090 Khz) the first five days, then CW (14040, 21040, 7040 Khz) and RTTY (14080, 21090, 7038 Khz). QSL via N6AWD either direct (Fred K Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93309-1429, USA) or through the bureau. The logs will be available at http://www.netcom.com/~barryb/na150.html (the online web log search is being provided courtesy of Islands on the Web). For updates visit the web site or contact the DXpedition's Pilot (John, WD8MGQ) at wd8mgq@tir.com <TNX K6ST and WD8MGQ> KL - Maurice, ON4BAM will be active as KL7/ON4BAM between 24 July and 9 August while touring Alaska from Anchorage to Fairbanks, Valdez, Homer and Seward. QSL via home call. <TNX ON4BAM> LX - Members of club station DL0HUN will be active (on 10-160 metres) as HB0/DL0HUN from Malbun (2,000 metres above sea level), Liechtenstein between 24 July and 2 August. QSL via DL0HUN. <TNX DX News Letter> /EX S DX@WW $425WW376B 425 DX News #376 [2/6] 18 July 1998 No 376 BID: $425WW376B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== LY - Birzai RC members will be active as LY10XJ between 20 and 26 July to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Radio Club. QSL via bureau or to the operator's call. Further information is available at http://www.naftotiekis.lt/val/BRC-D-EN.htm OZ - Virum Christensen, OZ8AE will be active as OZ8AE/A from Bornholm Island (EU-030) between 19 and 31 July. He will participate in the IOTA Contest. Outside the contest look for him on 3565, 7019, 10118, 14041, 18086, 21041, 24900 and 28041 Khz. <TNX OZ8AE> SP - Zbig, SP6CZ will be active as SP6CZ/1 and SP6YCI/1 from Wolin Island (EU-132) starting on 19 July. He may operate from other islands in that area counting for the Polish Islands Award. QSL via SP6CZ. He will participate in the IOTA Contest (see EU-132 below). <TNX SP6ECA> TA - TA3YJ and TA3J will be active (10-80 metres SSB) as TA0/TA3YJ/p and TA0/TA3J/p from Alibey Island (AS-099) on 18 and 19 July. QSL both calls via TA3YJ. <TNX ARRL DX Bulletin> TY - Sigi, DJ4IJ is active (CW and SSB) as TY1IJ from Benin. He is expected to be there during July and August. QSL via DK8ZD.<TNX DX News Letter> UA - The RU0C operation from Malminskiye Is (AS-???) [425DXN 373] is expected to take place between 21-22 July and 2 August, IOTA Contest included. Team members RA3DEJ, RZ3FW, UA0ZBK/0 and UA0DC *might* be active from Iony Island (AS-069) as well, but their main target is the new one. QSL via RA3DEJ (Dmitry Ognistyj, P.O. Box 2, Zarya, 143992, Moscow obl, Russia). <TNX RA3AUU> V2 - The Windy Yett Contest Group operation [425DXN 373] from Antigua (NA-100) will take place between 23 and 30 July. GM0NAI, GM0UKZ, GM3COB, GM3UTQ and GM4FDM will be signing V2/home call with an emphasis on WARC bands after the IOTA Contest, in which they will participate as V26VG (QSL via GM3UTQ). QSLs for contacts made before and after the contest go to the operator's home call. <TNX GM4FDM> W - Will, WC6DX will be active from Santa Rosa Island (NA-144) between 19 UTC on 17 July and 12 UTC on 19 July. Look for him on 14.260, 14.040, 7.260 and 7.040 MHz. Due to Channel Islands National Park campground restrictions, he will operate with only 100 watts from a battery. He plans to be mainly on SSB for the Americas and on CW for Europe (the campground has "quiet hours" from 05.00 UTC to 13.00 UTC and he will try CW for Europe during that window if there is propagation). QSL via WC6DX either direct or through the bureau. <TNX WC6DX and Islands On The Web> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<< 1998 IOTA CONTEST (25-26 JULY) >>> The following amateurs have announced their participation in this year's event [see also 425DXN 355, 358, 361, 363, 365, 367, 369, 371, 373, 374, 375]: AS-102 - BV2KI, BV2KS, BO2AB and BV4FH as BO0K from Kinmen Island. They will be active between 24 and 27 July and will operate as BO2YA outside the contest. QSL via BV2KI. <TNX JI6KVR> EU-005 - Mimram Contest Group as G8Q on CW and SSB. QSL via G0SAH. <TNX G0SAH> EU-010 - Gavin Taylor, GM0GAV as GM0GAV/p (single operator 24-hour CW) from the Isle of Lewis in the outer Hebrides. QSL via GM0GAV. <TNX GM0GAV> EU-016 - 9A3PA, 9A3ZA, 9A3SK and 9A4VV as 9A2U/p from Korcula Island. They will be active between 20 July and 15 August. <TNX The Daily DX> EU-030 - Mario, DL5ME as OZ/DL5ME (12-hour SSB) from Bornholm Island. He will be active sporadically until 1 August on SSB and CW. QSL via bureau to DL5ME. Log checking will be available at http://wwwiti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~hoeding/hamradio/ <TNX DL5ME and DL6MHW> EU-116 - Members of the Bristol Contest Group as either GT6YB/p or GD6YB/p from The Isle of Man. QSL via G3SWH either direct (Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5HQ, England, UK) or through the bureau. <TNX G3SWH> EU-128 - Michael, DL6MHW as DL6MHW/p from Fehmarn Island. The operation has not been confirmed as yet due to some transportation problems. QSL via DL6MHW (his *new* address is Michael Hoeding, Ginsterweg 51, 39326 Wolmirstedt, Germany). <TNX DL6MHW> EU-132 - The team from Wolin Island [425DXN 373] now includes SP6AZT, SP6CZ, SP6ECA and DJ0IF. They will operate as SN6F/1. QSL via SP6ECA. <TNX DL8AAM and SP6ECA> EU-134 - EA2BFM, EA2CRG, EA2AP, EA2BP, EA2CLU, EA2ANG and possibly others probably as ED2IZO from Izaro Island. They plan to be active (CW and SSB) with two stations between 24 and 29 July. QSL via bureau to EA2URV or direct to P.O. Box 323, 48080 Vizcaya, Bilbao, Spain. <TNX EA2ANG> EU-136 - Members of the Slovenia Contest Club as 9A/S55A/p from Krk Island. They will be active between 23 and 26 July. QSL via S55A either direct or through the bureau (QSL for contacts made outside the contest with 9A/home call should go via home call). <TNX S53EO> NA-075 - Bill, VE7SBO has announced his intention to be active during the contest. <TNZ VE7SBO> NA-112 - K4EP and KF4NLM as K4EP from Bogue's Bank with two stations on 10-20 metres, possibly on 40 and 80 metres as well. QSL via K4EP. <TNX K4EP> NA-144 - Wes, W3SE from Santa Cruz Island on 10-80 metres CW/SSB. Plans are to arrive on 24 July and depart on the 27th. QSL via W3SE (Wesley Printz, P.O. Box 4895, Downey, CA 90241-1895, USA). <TNX W3SE and Islands On The Web> NA-154 - The Truro Amateur Radio Club as VE1AO from Pictou Island. QSL via VE1VOX. <TNX VE1VOX> /EX S DX@WW $425WW376C 425 DX News #376 [3/6] 18 July 1998 No 376 BID: $425WW376C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [1/3] ***** =========================== Edited by IK1GPG & IK1QFM <TNX IK1HSR, IK1UGX, IK7AFM, The Daily DX> ======================================================================= CALL MANAGER ! CALL MANAGER ! CALL MANAGER ! ======================================================================= 3C1GS EA5BYP ! CV1F CX6FP ! LY98TZ LY2TZ ! 3C5DX EA5BYP ! CW166N CX6FP ! LY98ZZ LY2ZZ ! 3D2CW DK7PE ! CX/LU2CP CX6FP ! M6A G4ZFE ! 3D2QB SM3CER ! CY0NR VE1NR ! MS0BPG/P G7DKX ! 3D2WP JA1WPX ! D2BB W3HNK ! MU/DL7ET DL7ET ! 3DA0CW DK7PE ! D2CW DK7PE ! MU0ASP F5SHQ ! 3W7TK OK1HWB ! DB2PVA DF0FU ! OD5PN LX1NO ! 3Z0AIR SP7LZD ! DL0ABT DL7VRO ! OH0MD OH1MA ! 3Z0EMC SP6ECA ! DN1FC DL3ZBA ! OJ0VR OH1VR ! 3Z0MM SP4KIE ! DX1DX DU1SAN ! ON9CPE DK7PE ! 4J0IO TA2IO ! E21CJN W3PP ! P29VCW DK7PE ! 4K80ADR 4J9RI ! EA6/ON4CEL ON4CEL ! P29VR W7LFA ! 4K8F UA9AB ! EA6AEI EA3DUF ! P3A W3HNK ! 4K9W DL6KVA ! EA8/CT3FN HB9CRV ! P3P 5B4LP ! 4KA5CW 4J9RI ! EA8/DJ9HD DJ9HD ! P43R P43ARC ! 4L/ON4CFI ON4CFI ! ED1INO EA1GA ! PJ8/K4LMY K4LMY ! 4L0CR IK7JTF ! ED2TSS EA2PK ! PT8ZCB DL9OT ! 4L5O TA7A ! ED3TCC EA3GHQ ! PY0FA PY4KL ! 4U1WB KK4HD ! ED4IIM EA4RCV ! R1FJV UA3AGS ! 5B/G3VMW G3VMW ! ED5DX EA5GRC ! RX1OX/FJL DL6YET ! 5B/G3ZEM G3ZEM ! ED5MCA EA5URR ! S01HA EA2JG ! 5B4/RA3CQ YL2KL ! ED7IFF EA7DBP ! S21ZC DK7PE ! 5B4/RA3CW YL2KL ! ED9DDC EA9CE ! S79CW DK7PE ! 5B4/RA3LQ YL2KL ! EF1TFB EA1EC ! S79MX KB9MX ! 5B4/RA4HTX YL2KL ! EG2UIT EA2URV ! SM7PKK SM6CAS ! 5B4/YL2UB YL2KL ! EI4VPW DK7PE ! SN0SZ SP1AMU ! 5B4ADA 9A2AJ ! EI4VVF/P W0GLG ! SN0SZ/P SP1RWK ! 5H3PW N2CD ! EJ7NET EA2GX ! SN0ZDH SP5ZDH ! 5H3RB LA4DM ! EK6LF IK2QPR ! SN2TMT SP2PMK ! 5N0/OK1AUT OK1AUT ! EK8WB IK2QPR ! SU1AH N6TJ ! 5N1SYT IK0PHY ! EL2AB IK0PHY ! SV5/I2YYO IK2MYX ! 5N3BHF OE6LAG ! EL2DT IK0PHY ! SV5/I3BQC I3BQC ! 5N9CEN IV3VBM ! EL2VO EA5GIY ! SW8LTI SV1ATV ! 5R8FK NY3N ! EM5HQ UY5ZZ ! T32Z N7YL ! 5R8FU SM0DJZ ! EP2AC RV6AB ! T88AD JR1MLU ! 5R8KH WB8LFO ! ER2A ER2AA ! T88AJ 7N3AWE ! 5V7FA F6FNU ! ER7A ER1DA ! T88HG JA1HGY ! 5W0XX DK7PE ! ES0K ES8AF ! T88LJ JM1LJS ! 5W1PC WH6XY ! ES2RW/2 ES2RIQ ! T88ND JA4DND ! 5W1SA JH7OHF ! ES2RW/3 ES2RIQ ! T88RK JA1BRK ! 5X1DK KD4UDU ! ET3IV IZ3AHY ! T95A K2PF ! 5X1T ON5NT ! ET4A DK7PE ! TA2DS WA3HUP ! 5X4DEL WB3DNA ! EW3LB W3HNK ! TA2FE KK3S ! 5Z4SQ DK7PE ! EX8QB IK2QPR ! TA2ZW OK1TN ! 5Z4TZ CT1TDI ! FBC2YT F2YT ! TF3IRA TF3GB ! 6K0T DS4CNB ! FBC5EMP F5IIH ! TJ1HP F6FNU ! 6K985BF HL5AP ! FBC5IQA F5IQA ! TK/FBC6AUS F6AUS ! 6M0HZ HL1XP ! FBC5KKL FF6KKL ! TL5A PA3DMH ! 6Y5/PA3ERC PA3ERC ! FBC5MFU F5MFU ! TM3X F5KFL ! 6Y5/PA3EWP PA3ERC ! FBC5NRX F5NRX ! TM5PF FA1BON ! 6Y5/WH6X JE3MAS ! FBC5NYZ F5NYZ ! TM5RED F6KQC ! 6Y5MC WA4WTG ! FBC5OHH F5OHH ! TM5RHC F6KVD ! 6Y5XX JE3MAS ! FBC5PZQ F5PZQ ! TM5YEU F4BIQ ! 6Y6A JE3MAS ! FBC5XL F5XL ! TN0CW DK7PE ! 7J1AZL OK1FWQ ! FBC6CNE F6CNE ! TT8FC EA4AHK ! 7P8CW DK7PE ! FBC8ABB F8ABB ! TU5GD N5FTR ! 7Q7CW DK7PE ! FBC8BGV F8BGV ! TY1IJ DK8ZD ! 7Q7DC WA6IJZ ! FG/DJ6SI DJ6SI ! UA0AZ W3HNK ! 7Q7EH AA9HD ! FM5GU WA4JTK ! UA0DC K1WY ! 7Q7RM G0IAS ! FM5UH F5UHE ! UA0KCL RA3DEJ ! 7S5BE SK5BE ! FO0FI K6SLO ! UE1QAA RZ1QZZ ! 7Z1IS SM0OFG ! FO5QG XE1L ! UE6MAA RA6LW ! 8P0V K7BV ! FP/G4MFW G4MFW ! UK8GBS RW6HS ! 8P6DA KU9C ! FP5BZ F5TJP ! UN7LG KU9C ! 8P9JJ K7BV ! FS/K7ZUM K7ZUM ! UR4WWT WR3L ! 8P9P W5AJ ! FS5PL/P N0JT ! US8U UT5UUF ! 8Q7WQ W9QA ! FT5ZI F5PFP ! V21FC HB9AQH ! /EX S DX@WW $425WW376D 425 DX News #376 [4/6] 18 July 1998 No 376 BID: $425WW376D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [2/3] ***** =========================== 9A/ON5JE ON5JE ! G4MGR G0VAX ! V26A WB3DNA ! 9A7C KA9WON ! GB0BTC GI0VAB ! V44KAI K2SB ! 9A8P 9A1AKL ! GB2MRI GI3FFF ! V51CM WA2JUN ! 9F2CW DK7PE ! GM0KJW/M G0KJW ! V73PU N6PU ! 9G0ARS DL1IAL ! GS0AYR/P GM0JHF ! V73RF/MM N3RF ! 9G1AA PA2FAS ! GS3EEO/P G3OCA ! VB3K/50 VE3XN ! 9G1MR IK3HHX ! GS3ZBI/P G3OCA ! VD3NJ VA3NJ ! 9G1OO PA2FAS ! H20A 5B4SA ! VE2/F6ELE F6ELE ! 9G5VJ G4ZVJ ! H22H 5B4MF ! VE2/F6HKA F6HKA ! 9G5ZM G3ZEM ! HB0/PI4TUE PI4TUE ! VE2/VE3ZZ VE3ZZ ! 9H0A LA2TO ! HB9AON DJ2YE ! VE8TA VE2BQB ! 9H1ZE IZ3AHY ! HC1MD K8LJG ! VI50G VK3ATL ! 9H3AY G3SDG ! HC4/HC1MD K8LJG ! VK2FRG DK7PE ! 9H3DN LA2TO ! HC5/HC1MD K8LJG ! VK8AN VK4AAR ! 9H3HF DK7PE ! HC6/HC1MD K8LJG ! VK8AN/6 VK4AAR ! 9H3IN HB9DLE ! HC6CR NE8Z ! VK9WG VK5GW ! 9H3XF IZ3AHY ! HC7/HC1MD K8LJG ! VP2EY HB9SL ! 9J2BO W6ORD ! HC8/N5KO AA5BT ! VP8/G4VFU G0HXL ! 9J2TF JA2BOV ! HH2LQ NN6C ! VP8CZJ G0HXL ! 9K2KU JH2OJS ! HP3XUG KG6UH ! VQ9VK N1TO ! 9M2TD JA4DPL ! HR2/KD2IX KD2IX ! VR2/K8PYD K8PYD ! 9M6PO OH2BH ! HS0/VK3DXI DL4DBR ! VR2MM JR2JFZ ! 9N1FP RU6FP ! HS1NIV W1ZS ! VR98LC VR2LC ! 9N1UD K4VUD ! HS1RU JG3AVS ! VU2NTA N2AU ! 9V1YC AA5BT ! HS5AC W1ZS ! W7A W7WK ! 9Y4SF WA4JTK ! HZ1AB K8PYD ! W9S K9FA ! A35CW DK7PE ! IF9/I1SNW I1SNW ! XE1SLE WB3DNA ! A35RK W7TSQ ! II0N IZ0AEH ! XT2CW DK7PE ! A61AQ N1DG ! IM0/IS0JMA IS0JMA ! XUF2B N4JR ! A92GD K1SE ! IQ0A IK0XBX ! XX9CW DK7PE ! AH2U W9QA ! IQ1GDC IK1PCB ! YB2BRW W6MD ! BA1CO W3HC ! J28FA F5MXH ! YE3C YB3OSE ! BA1DU W3HC ! J45KLN SM0CMH ! YI1FLY KK3S ! BI4C W3HC ! J49IL DJ5IL ! YI1SEA WA3HUP ! BI5Z W3HC ! J52AHV IK0PHY ! YJ0AWP JA1WPX ! BV3/DJ3KR DJ3KR ! J52APM IK0PHY ! YJ0AXX DK7PE ! BV4HR BV4ME ! J79KV W6JKV ! YJ8PU KF4VPU ! C40M 5B4AFM ! JT1JA VK4MZ ! YR2TRS YO2KJW ! C4A 9A2AJ ! JT1KAJ JA1YAR ! YS1SRC YS1EJ ! C6A25FV C6AFV ! JT1X HA0HW ! YV1DIG YV1AVO ! C6A25GR C6AGR ! JU1HA HA0HW ! YV4FZM N3FZM ! C6AHR N8PR ! JW/F5BU F5BU ! YW1A YV1AVO ! C6AKA DL7VOG ! JW7EHA LA7EHA ! YW5LB W4SO ! C9RAA DK7PE ! JY9QJ DL5MBY ! Z31PK DJ0LZ ! CE3/SM3SGP SM3EVR ! KC6KW W9QA ! Z32UC DL8EBW ! CH3EJ VE3EJ ! KG4OX W4OX ! ZA/EA5KY EA5URE ! CN2BA DK7PE ! KG4TO N4TO ! ZA1MH Z32KV ! CO2WF VE2EH ! KH0/AF4FL JQ6NVE ! ZD7HI WA2JUN ! CO8JY CM8KY ! KH2/N2NL W2YC ! ZD7OK WA2JUN ! CO8ZZ HI3JH ! KH2/WH6ASW VK4FW ! ZD8T AC4IV ! CP4BT DL9OT ! KH2D K8NA ! ZD9IL ZS5BBO ! CQ5B CE1EDG ! KH4/NH6YK NH6YK ! ZF2AH W6VNR ! CQ98FJ CT3FJ ! KH6/IK0PHY IK0PHY ! ZF2DR K5RQ ! CS98KG CT4KG ! KHO/AF4IN JA6AGA ! ZF2LC W2SM ! CS98UW CT4UW ! LA/SM3CVM SM3CVM ! ZF2NT N2AU ! CT98AOZ CT1AOZ ! LG5LG SM0DJZ ! ZF2RC PA3ERC ! CT98BOH W3HNK ! LX1PS IZ3AHY ! ZF2WP PA3ERC ! CT98CAD CT1CAD ! LY98BA LY3BA ! ZL8RS ZL1RS ! CT98EEN CT1EEN ! LY98BLQ LY2BLQ ! ZP/N3BNA WB3DNA ! CT98ETT CT1ETT ! LY98BY LY3BY ! ZS6HSC DK7PE ! CT98EXPO CT1REP ! LY98DR LY1DR ! ZS80NRM ZS6Y ! CU9L CU3EJ ! LY98DS LY1DS ! ZY2FG PY3FG ! /EX S DX@WW $425WW376E 425 DX News #376 [5/6] 18 July 1998 No 376 BID: $425WW376E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ***** QSL INFO [3/3] ***** =========================== 3W4EZD Hiroo Yonezuma, P.O.Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos 4F3GDX Gudo Castillo, 97 Paseo Congreso, 3000 Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines 4J3M Yuri Frolov, P.O.Box 1, 374311 Mingechevir, Azerbaijan 4J9RI Rashad, P.O.Box 116, Ktoprak 81031, Istanbul, Turkey 4KA9C Boris G.Gorobec, P.O.Box 214, Baku 370000, Azerbaijan 5B4/EU1AA Valentin K.Benzar, P.O.Box 1091, 6309 Larnaka, Cyprus 5W1TBR Berkley Ruiz, Vaiola College, P.O.Box 5014, Salelologa, Savai'i, Western Samoa 6W1RD Bilal Youssef, B.P.4265, Dakar, Senegal 6Y5WJ Josh Walker, Walker James Associates, Frost Building, Dudley Road West, Tividale, Warley, West Midlands B69 2PJ, England 9A1AKL P.O.Box 439, HR-21000, Split, Croatia 9K2UB Mohammed Al-Mutairi, P.O.Box 7158, Fahaheel 64002, Kuwait 9M2KU Makoto Yonemitsu, A3-3 Stulang View Condominium, JLN Kuning, Taman Pelangi, 81300 Johor Bahru, Malaysia A45XO Joseph Paulsson, P.O.Box 6, Araqi 515, Oman A45ZN Tony, P.O.Box 981, Muscat 113, Oman A71BY Jabor, P.O.Box 432, Doha, Qatar BV4YC Taichung Amateur Radio Club, P.O.Box 922, Taichung, Taiwan CT1EEN Samuel Dinis Santos Pimenta, Ave 25 Abril 157, Massama, P-2745, Queluz, Portugal CX3CE Gustavo Sanchez, P.O.Box 244, Montevideo, Uruguay CX6FP Miguel A.Slamovits, Gral.Artigas 1515, Nueva Palmira 70101, Colonia, Uruguay DK7PE Rudolf Klos, Ludwig Schwamb Strasse 32, D-55126 Wackernheim, Germany DL1MHM Michael Wendt, AM Gerbnlanger 54, D-83512 Wasserburg/Inn, Germany DL9OT Hans Kriegl, Schubertstrasse 38, D-76275 Ettlingen, Germany DS3ACV Yang Hae Cheon, Karam APT 3-501, Samchun-dong, Seo-gu, Taejon, 302-222, Korea DS3BIS Wang Jong Ran, Karam APT 3-501, Samchun-dong, Seo-gu, Taejon, 302-222, Korea DU1SAN Serafin A Nepomuceno, Box 3000 QCCPO, 1170 Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines DS5IPL Young-Hak Lee, 214-1104 Ssangyong Ajin APT, 381-1 Sang An-Dong, Bukku, Ulsan 683-480, Korea DU1/JA1HBC Akihiro Tsubokawa, PSDI, National Computer Center, Carlos P. Garcia Ave, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines DX1DX "Boysan", P.O.Box 3000 QCCPO, 1170 Quezon City, Metro Manila, Phipillines EK8YC A.Manvelian, P.O.Box 47, Guymri 377500, Armenia F4BIQ P.O.Box 281, F-85305 Challans, France FG5FU Rony Serin, Saint Robert, F-97123 Baillif, Guadeloupe, F.W.I. H44NC Norried, P.O.Box 168, Munda, Western Provence, Solomon Islands HC4NAR Raul Armas, P.O.Box 13-01-326, Portoviejo, Manabi, Ecuador HL2LMW Bok Gwi Moon, 1007-104 Jukong APT, 550 Eunhaeng-2 dong, Jungwon-ku, Seongnam 462-152, Korea HL2WA Dong Kyu Lee, 1007-104 Jukong APT, 550 Eunhaeng-2 dong, Jungwon-ku, Seongnam 462-152, Korea HL2BM Kim Hong Jong, P.O.Box 1, Hoengge, Kangwon 232-950, Korea HL2DJW Choi Kyu Bum, Bongyang 1-Ri, Jeongseon-eup,Kangwon 233-800, Korea HL2DKL Park Dong Suk,Bongyang 1-Ri, Jeongseon-eup,Kangwon 233-800, Korea HR1HCP Herman Cueva, P.O.Box 1523, Tegucigalpa 111 01, Honduras IZ0IIA Fabrizio Filosi, Via Ermellino 79, I-00042 Anzio (RM), Italy JD1YBJ Marcus Loran Ham Club, 2-14-10, Kasuga, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, 260-0033, Japan JH2OJS Makato Yonemitsu, A3-3 Stulang View Condo,Jalan Kuming, Taman Pelangi, 81300 Johor Bahou, Johor, Malaysia JL1KFR Marcus Loran Ham Club, Ryoichi Tojo, 2-14-10 Kasuga, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, 260-0033 Japan K1SE Bill DeLage, P.O.Box 685, Manassas Park, VA 20113-0685, U.S.A. K8OU EIDX Network (Trustee K8YSE), 4910 Royalton Rd., North Royalton, OH 44133-4049, U.S.A. KQ7K Bob, P.O.Box 221, Black Eagle, MT 59414-0221, U.S.A. LY1DR Saulius Zalnerauskas, P.O.Box 922, Kaunas, 3005, Lithuania ON4CEL Beuselinck Franky, Oostmolenstraat 97, 9880 Aalter, Belgium P29CC Marvin Crockett, New Tribes Mission, P.O.Box 1079, Goroka EHP 441, Papua New Guinea PA2FAS W.P.J. Faasen, Weesinderdijk 81, NL-3314 CM Dordrecht, Netherlands PA3DMH Alex Van Hengel, Schoener 85, NL-2991 JK Barendrecht, Netherlands R0MIR F5KAM QSL Manager de "R0MIR", Carrefour Internacional de la Radio, 22 Rue Bansac, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France RA1QQ Nick A.Smerdov, P.O.Box 24, Cherepovets, 162627, Russia RV6AB Victor Babenko, P.O.Box 33, Armavir 352900, Russia S21J Mamtaz Shahid, 10/13 Free School Street (2nd Floor), Kathal Bagan, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh SV0LM Charles/Lesley Lewis, P.O.Box 1001, GR-67100 Xanthi, Greece SV1EDY Apostolos Bourousis, 1 Anaximandrou Str., GR-116 33 Athens, Greece SV1ENI Kostas Sarmas, 38 Deligianni Str., GR-144 52 Metamorfosi, Athens, Greece T40IA Isla Atsinala DX Club Cubanos, P.O.Box 7388, Elbasania, Cuba TA3DD Ferudun Fazil Kalfa, P.O.Box 8, TR-16105 G. Osman, Bursa, Turkey TA7A Sedat Melek, P.O.Box 71, TR-61000 Trabzon, Turkey TG9GKG P.O.Box 24, Guatemala City, Guatemala UA0FDX Victor Komzuk, P.O.Box 55, Uglegorsk, Sakhalin Island, 694900 Russia UA0QMU P.O.Box 252, Almetevsk, 423400 Russia UK8IWW Irina, P.O.Box 10, Samarkand 703048, Uzbekistan UR7LD Vladimir Shvedovsky, P.O.Box 9909, 310070 Kharkov, Ukraine V44NEF P.O.Box 565, Charlestown, Nevis Island V63BR Atson Nakayama, P.O.Box 305, Chuuk, 94942, Micronesia V63AO Nishi Nishimura, P.O.Box 607, Kosrae, 96944, Micronesia VE7ARS Scott Sheppard, 32484 McRae Avenue, Mission, BC V2V 2L7, Canada VK4AAR Alan Roocroft, c/o Post Office, Dalveen QLD 4374, Australia VK5GW Graham Whiteside, 33 Maud Street, Unley 5061, Australia VU2EVT E.V.Thomas, Edavamvelil Mala, Eraviperoor, Kerala 689 542, India VU2NTA Nataraj V., #878,1E Main Rd., Girinagar 2nd Phase, Bangalore 560085, India VU3DJQ C.K.Raman, G-167/S-2, Dilshad Colony, Delhi, 110095 India W7WK Steve Victor, 421 16th Street SW, Great Falls, MT 59404-2725, U.S.A. YB7UE D.A.Farianto, P.O.Box 6731 JKUKP, Jakarta 14250B, Indonesia YC0GKY Mulyani Retno, P.O.Box 6731 JKUKP, Jakarta 14250B, Indonesia YC0LBK Suryadi Umar, Jl.Kalibata No. 12 Rt. 06/01, Jakarta 12750, Indonesia YC4SJB Ir.Budi Santosa, P.O.Box 1, Pringsewu, Lampung 35373, Indonesia YC8NLF Johana, P.O.Box 1068, Palu, Sulteng 95001, Indonesia ZL1RS R.Sutton, 109 Wright Road, RD 2, Katikati, New Zealand ZL3CW Jacky Calvo, 14 Hooper Ave, Pukekohe 1800, New Zealand ZP9DZA Helmut Paster, C.C.412, 7000 Ciudad del Este, Paraguay ZP9TVA Euclides Toledo, C.C.533, 7000 Ciudad del Este, Paraguay ZS5BBO Edwin Musto, P.O.Box 211032, Bluff 4036, Republic of South Africa /EX S DX@WW $425WW376F 425 DX News #376 [6/6] 18 July 1998 No 376 BID: $425WW376F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH 2 METRE TRANSATLANTIC ATTEMPT ---> Members of the Halifax ARC of Nova Scotia and the West Island ARC of Montreal will attempt to complete a 2-metre QSO across the Atlantic Ocean during the planned 22-28 July DXpedition to Fogo Island (47.9N-54.2W, grid GN29), Newfoundland [425DXN 371]. They will transmit a CW CQ at 15 w.p.m. for the first 30 seconds of each minute, and listen during the remaining 30 seconds. The callsign will be VO1NO. One hundred fifty watts will be fed to a 15-element long-boom yagi using horizontal polarization on 144.280 MHz. The group will be monitoring the European beacons just above 144.400 MHz, and may also transmit on the European calling frequency of 144.300 MHz. Those able to copy the CQ but unable to raise a response should contact the group by telephone at 1-514-953-6808. Reception reports may be forwarded by electronic (bowser.elliott@ns.sympatico.ca) or regular mail (Al Penney, VO1NO, 39 Lakehigh Crescent, Timberlea, Nova Scotia, Canada B3T 1N1). <TNX VE2SEI> MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND ---> This event, which is scheduled on 18-19 July, is sponsored by the USS Salem Radio Club. For further information check http://www.uss-salem.org <TNX OPDX Bulletin> QSL LU8XPD ---> Cards for Dion, LU8XPD (the only station active on SSTV from Tierra del Fuego: look for him during the weekends on 21.340 MHz around 13 UTC and 20 UTC) should be addressed to P.O.Box 81, 9410 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. <TNX LU8XPD> QSL NP3F & NP3G ---> Terry Burkholder, NP3G (ex W5XJ) and Karen Whall, NP3F (ex N4YGP) have moved permanently to Puerto Rico. Cards for them should go either via CBA or to the KP4 bureau, as QSLs sent to N4YGP and NP3G will not be answered. <TNX NP3G> QSL ZD9IL ---> QSL Manager Edwin Musto, ZS5BBO (P.O. Box 211032, Bluff, 4036 South Africa) reports that Ian, ZD9IL is at this moment on board a ship making his way to Cape Town for a holiday. Once on the mainland he will send his logs covering the contacts made from 5 December 1997 to about 4 July 1998. "When I receive the log sheets I will get to work immediately and send out all QSL cards for cards received to this date", Musto states. Edwin's appeal for a beam to be donated to ZD9IL [425DXN 373] has been successful and an antenna has been shipped to Cape Town for forwarding to the island. <TNX ZS5BBO> QSL VIA VK4AAR ---> Please note that cards for VK8AN and VK8AN/6 (OC-154) should be sent to VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, c/o Post Office, Dalveen QLD 4374, Australia) and *not* to VK4AAQ [425DXN 374]. We apologize for any inconvenience the typo may have caused our readers. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe, please send a message to Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN (for the English version) at ik0zsn@amsat.org Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (for the Italian version) at i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? Please go to: http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button ***************************************************************************** /EX