DX425 bulletin issue nr. 375

S DX@WW $425WW375A
425 DX News #375 [1/6]
 11 July 1998                      No 375                   BID: $425WW375A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425 DX News Reflector                              !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages                       !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3B7    - Taher, 3B8DB  is  currently active  as  3B8DB/3B7 from  St.  Brandon
         (AF-015) for approximately  two weeks while  on work assignment.  He
         operates in his spare time using a barefoot rig sent to him by  Don,
         N5XG and a borrowed vertical. QSL direct to Taher Baccus, 412 Modern
         Square, Vacoas, Mauritius Island. <TNX N5XG>
5B     - Steve, G3VMW  and  Bob,  G3ZEM  will  be  active  as  5B4/G3VMW  and
         5B4/G3ZEM from Cyprus (AS-004) between 21 July and 5 August. QSL via
         home calls. <TNX DX News Sheet>
5V     - Marc, F5PCU (ex 5V7BM) is active  as 5V7FA from Togo until at  least
         July 1999. QSL via F6FNU. <TNX The Daily DX>
5W     - 5W1SA is reported  to be active  (also on WARC  bands) from  Western
         Samoa (OC-097) for three years. QSL via JH7OHF/1. <TNX I0KNQ>
6Y     - Rob, PA3ERC and Ronald, PA3EWP will be active (with two stations  on
         160-10 meters CW,  SSB and RTTY,  with an emphasis  on WARC and  low
         bands) as  6Y5/PA3ERC  and  6Y5/PA3EWP  from  Montego  Bay,  Jamaica
         (NA-097) between 27 August and 8  September.  QSL via PA3ERC  either
         direct (Rob Snieder,  Van Leeuwenstraat 137,  2273 VS Voorburg,  The
         Netherlands) or through the bureau. A  web page has  been set up  at
         http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/tour98.html <TNX PA3ERC>
9V     - Victor, 9V1BH (RA0AX) and James, 9V1YC will participate in the  IARU
         HF World Championship  as 9V1YC (MS)  from Singapore (AS-019).  <TNX
         The Daily DX>
A2     - Charlie, W0YG plans to be active (particularly on the low bands with
         a special effort on 160 metres) as A22/W0YG from Botswana between 18
         and 23 July and again between 7 and 22 August. QSL via W0YG (Charlie
         Summers, 6746 North Yucca Trail, Parker,  CO 80138-6110, USA).  <TNX
BV     - Jurgen, DJ3KR  will  be active  as  BV3/DJ3KR from  Taiwan  (AS-020)
         between 24 July and 12 August. QSL via DJ3KR. <TNX DX News Sheet>
CP     - Claus Braun, DJ8UG has gone  QRT from Bolivia,  where he was  active
         for six years as CP4BT, and will  be moving to Brazil. Look for  him
         signing PT8ZCB mostly on CW starting around September. QSL for  both
         CP4BT and PT8ZCB via DL9OT either direct (Hans Kriegl,  Schubertstr.
         38, D-76275 Ettlingen, Germany) or, preferably, through the  bureau.
         <TNX DK9IP>
CY9    - Ken, VY2RU  and Don  VE1AOE  will be  on  St. Paul  Island  (NA-094)
         between 17  and 21  July to  provide  communications for  forty  boy
         scouts, several leaders and two scientists. On 18-20 July they  plan
         to operate  on  the HF  bands,  6 and  2  metres,  RS-12  and  AO-10
         satellites as much as possible between  their required duties.  They
         have applied for the call CY9AOE. QSL via VE1AOE. <TNX VY2RU>
EI     - Jose Antonio,  EA4ECF  will be  active  as  EI/EA4ECF  from  Ireland
         between 26 July and 8 August. QSL via EA4ECF. <TNX EA4ECF>
ER     - The Moldova national society will  be active from  their HQ as  ER7A
         between 10 and 13 July, IARU HF World Championship included. QSL via
         ER1DA (Valery  Metaxa, P.O.  Box 9537,  Kishinev MD-2071,  Moldova).
         <TNX ER1DA>
ES     - ES8AF and ES8LBH are active as ES0K from Kihnu Island (EU-034) until
         12 July. <TNX ES8LBH>
EU     - Brian, K4NAN will be active as EW/K4NAN from Belarus between 21  and
         27 July. QSL via K4NAN. <TNX DX News Sheet>
F      - Amateur radio operators from Tourcoing, France  will be active  from
         the special event  station TM0BB  between 13  and 23  July. QSL  via
         FB1AZH. <The Daily DX>
F      - Joel, F5MIW will  be active  from Noirmoutier  Island (EU-064,  DIFM
         AT-020) between  19 and  31 July.  Look for  him on  the usual  IOTA
         frequencies daily around 12 UTC. He  might also operate for one  day
         from Le Pilier Island (EU-064, DIFM AT-030). <TNX F5MIW>
FK     - Didier, FK8VHN plans to be active from Lifou Island (OC-033) between
         22 and 28  July. He will  participate in  the IOTA  Contest. QSL  to
         Didier Lavisse, Caserne Normandie, P.O.Box 12, F-98842 Noumea Cedex,
         New Caledonia. <TNX F-10255>
FP     - Barry, ZS1FJ/G4MFW will be  active as FP/G4MFW  from St. Pierre  and
         Miquelon (NA-032) for a few days starting on 13 July. <TNX The Daily
GM     - Hans, DJ6AU plans  to be  active (mainly  on CW)  as MM0/DJ6AU  from
         North Mainland Island (EU-012) until 2  August. QSL via DJ6AU.  <TNX
         DX News Sheet>
GM     - F5VCR and  G3OCA  will  be active  from  Soay  (IOSA  NH-26),  Inner
         Hebrides (EU-008) on 10 July. They might not operate from the  other
         islands [425DXN 373] due to some local problems. <TNX F-10255>
GM     - Dieter, DL2QBD will be active from  Skye Island (EU-008) between  13
         and 29 July while on holiday. <TNX DX News Sheet>
GM     - The Ayr Amateur Radio Group will  be active on all bands with  three
         stations as GS0AYR/p  from the  lighthouse on  Ailsa Craig  (EU-123,
         IOSA CL-5) between 9 and 18.30 UTC on 18 July. QSL via GM0JHF.  <TNX
         OPDX Bulletin>
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425 DX News #375 [2/6]
 11 July 1998                      No 375                   BID: $425WW375B
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

HH     - Phil, F/KC0ARG will be active as HH2/KC0ARG (but he might be able to
         get his own HH2 call) from HH2NH's QTH between 24 and 30 July. Plans
         are to operate on 10 and 20 metres SSB. QSL via F6DJB (Claude Bonne,
         Monlezun, 32230 Marciac, France). <TNX KC0ARG>
HR     - Mike, K3UOC  (ex 7Z5OO)  is expected  to move  soon to  Tegucigalpa,
         Honduras to  take up  a  new work  assignment  as Principal  of  the
         American School. <TNX DX News Sheet>
HR     - Frank, KD2IX will  be active (CW  and SSB on  15 and  20 metres)  as
         HR2/KD2IX from San Pedro Sula, Honduras between 14 and 27 July.  QSL
         via KD2IX. <TNX DX News Sheet>
HS     - Kurt, HB9AMZ will be active (CW,  SSB and Amtor on all bands  except
         80 metres and WARC) as HS0ZBS  from Thailand between 14 July and  11
         August. QSL via  HB9AMZ either direct  or through  the bureau.  <TNX
I      - IK7BRX and IZ7ATN plan to  be active as  IL7/IK7BRX from Scoglio  di
         Portonuovo (IIA FG-009, not IOTA) and Scoglio Paradiso (IIA  FG-???,
         not IOTA) on 11-12 July. QSL via IK7BRX.
I      - Massimo, IZ5BTC  will be  active as  IA5/IZ5BTC/p from  Elba  Island
         (EU-028, IIA LI-001) between 12 and 30 July. QSL via IZ5BTC (Massimo
         Simi, Sorbano del Vescovo 45/b, 55100 Lucca- LU, Italy). <TNX  Crazy
         DX Group>
I      - Andy, IK4WLU (mainly CW) and Vanni,  IK4RUX (SSB) will be IA5/  from
         Elba Island (EU-028,  IIA LI-001) between  30 July  and 2-3  August.
         They plan to be active from other IIA islands in that area. QSL  via
         home calls.
I      - Rossano, IK1NAO and Salento DX Team  members plan to be active  from
         several IJ7 and IL7 IIA islands in mid-August.
I      - Special event station II6FII will be active from Jesi between 19 and
         27 September during the proceedings a congress on propagation.  <TNX
IH9    - Mauro, IK1ZNM  will be  active  (on 6-20  metres  SSB and  RTTY)  as
         IH9/IK1ZNM  from  Pantelleria  (AF-018)  between  22  August  and  3
         September. QSL via home call. <TNX IK1ZNM>
IS0    - ARI Olbia "IM0 On The  Air" team members  IS0JMA, IS0SEB and  IS0JLJ
         plan to  be  active as  IM0/IS0JMA  from the  island  of  Ziu  Paulu
         (EU-024, IIA SS-094) on either 12 or 19 July. QSL via QSL via IS0JMA
         (Roberto Alaimo, P.O. Box 41, 07026  Olbia - SS, Italy). <TNX  Crazy
         DX Group>
IS0    - Marco, I2CMA will be active (on  HF and 6 metres) as IM0/I2CMA  from
         Santo Stefano Island  (EU-041, IIA SS-013)  betweeen 15  July and  3
         August. He  might  also operate  from  Isolotto  Roma  (EU-041,  IIA
         SS-017). <TNX I2CMA>
IS0    - Francesco,  IK0XBX  will  be  active  as  IS0/IK0XBX  from  Sardinia
         (EU-024) between 19 July and  1 August. He  plans to participate  in
         the IOTA  Contest  (SO limited)  from  either EU-024  or  EU-041  as
         IM0/IK0XBX. QSL via  IK0XBX either direct  (Francesco Fucelli,  Str.
         S.Lucia 38, 06125 Perugia - PG, Italy). <TNX IK0XBX>
KH2    - JR1MLU, 7N3AWE, JA1HGY, JA4DND and JA1BRK will be active (on  10-160
         metres CW,  SSB and  RTTY with  two stations  and emphasis  on  WARC
         bands) as home call/KH2 from Guam, Mariana Is (OC-026) between 7 UTC
         on 19 July and 2 UTC on 21 July. QSL via home calls. <TNX JA1ELY>
KL     - Barry, K6ST and  Tom, W6IXP plan  to be active  from Little  Diomede
         Island (NA-150, the Number  One most wanted  IOTA in North  America)
         between 22 and 29 July. QSL via N6AWD, either direct or through  the
         bureau.  Further  information  and  updates  will  be  available  at
         http://www.netcom.com/~barryb/na150.html <TNX K6ST>
KP2    - The EJ1D team (EI2CA, EI7CC, EI6EW, EI4FBB, EI8CE, EI7CD and EI5FYB)
         will be active as WP2Z and  KP2/home call from St. Croix, US  Virgin
         Islands (NA-106) between 20  and 29 July.  They will participate  in
         the   IOTA   Contest.   Further   information   is   available    at
         http://Jump.to/ej1d <TNX EI4FBBand Islands On The Web> 
LA     - Ulli, DL2HEB  he will  be active  (on CW  QRP) as  LA/DL2HEB/p  from
         Norway and some Norwegian islands between  19 July and 3 August.  He
         plans to  participate in  the IOTA  Contest from  EU-079. <TNX  OPDX
LY     - The  Lithuanian  Amateur  Radio  Society  (Lietuvos  Radijo   Megeju
         Draugija) IARU Member  HQ Station  LY60RMD will  participate in  the
         IARU HF World  Championship signing  LY60RMD to  celebrate its  60th
         anniversary. QSL via  the LY  QSL Bureau  (P. O.  Box 1000,  LT-2001
         Vilnius,   Lithuania).   Bureau   cards   can   be   requested    at
         levikuto@omnitel.net <TNX LY2IJ>
OH0    - OH2BVE, OH6LI  and  OH6XA will  participate  in the  IARU  HF  World
         Championship as OH0AA from Aland Is (EU-002). They will be active on
         10-160 metres SSB and CW.
OH0    - OH1RY, OH1MA,  OH2TA  and  OH2BH  will  operate  from  OH0AM,  Aland
         Islands, during the IARU HF World  Championship. Martti, OH2BH  will
         be active as OH0BH outside the Contest until 15 July. <TNX The Daily
SV     - Dirk, ON5CT  will  be active  as  SV8/ON5CT/p  from  Samos  (EU-049)
         between 14 and 26 July. He  will participate in the IOTA Contest  as
         J48CT. <TNX ON5CT>
T8     - T88AD/JR1MLU,   T88AJ/7N3AWE,    T88HG/JA1HGY,   T88ND/JA4DND    and
         T88RK/JA1BRK will be active (on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY  with
         two stations and emphasis on WARC bands) from Belau (OC-009) between
         11 UTC on 16 July and  23 UTC on 18 July. QSL  via home calls.  <TNX
TF     - Matt, DL3KUD confirms  he will operate  as TF7/DL3KUD from  Heimaey,
         Vestmannaeyjar Islands (EU-071) between 20 and 29 July, IOTA Contest
         included [425DXN 365].  Look for him  on 160-6 metres  CW, RTTY  and
         Satellite (RS-12). QSL via bureau to DL3KUD. <TNX DL3KUD>
TK     - Robert, S53R will be active as TK/S53R from Corsica (EU-014) between
         26 July and 17 August. He plans to operate SSB/CW on all bands, WARC
         included, with some RS-12/13 satellite activity.  All the QSOs  will
         be confirmed automatically through the bureau. <TNX S53R>
UA     - RA1QQ and RW1ZZ (they might be joined by SP6TPM) are confirmed to be
         active from Kambal'nitskiye  Koshki Islands  (EU-160) [425DXN  358].
         They plan to operate as RA1QQ/1,  RW1ZZ/P and possibly as R1OTA  for
         3-7 days, IOTA Contest included. Their voyage is scheduled to  start
         on 17 July.  QSL via RA1QQ (Nick A. Smerdov, P.O.Box 24, Cherepovets
         162627, Russia). <TNX RA1QHJ>
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 11 July 1998                      No 375                   BID: $425WW375C
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                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****

UA     - RA0ZD, UA0ZC, UA0ZX, UA0ZY, UA0ZAM and UA0ZAZ plan to be active  (on
         all bands  CW,  SSB  and RTTY)  as  UE0ZZZ  from  Starichkov  Island
         (AS-095) between around 22 July and 2 August. They will  participate
         in the  IOTA  Contest  as  RZ0ZWA. QSL  via  RZ0ZWA  (P.O.  Box  12,
         Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683000, Russia). <TNX RA0ZD>
V5     - Ken, SM7DZZ will be active as V5/SM7DZZ from Namibia for one year as
         of 15 July. He plans to operate mostrly CW on the low bands. QSL via
         home call. <TNX DX News Sheet>
VE     - Joe, VE2CY plans to be active  from NA-128 between  13 and 23  July.
         <TNX VE2CY>
VE     - A  group  of  Canadian  amateurs  (including  VE3IMR/VA3AG,  VE3VGI,
         will be active as XM3PBX while  travelling from Toronto to  Moosenee
         on the Ontario Northland Railways  "Northlander" and "Bear  Express"
         trains on 16-17  August and again  on their way  back home on  22-23
         August. Between 18  and 21  August the  Polar Bear  Express 98  crew
         members will  operate from  the Moose  Factory Museum  as CH3HBC  to
         celebrate the 325th anniversary  of the founding  of the Hudson  Bay
         Co. Trading Post and from  several Canadian islands  in the area  as
         CI3XXV. Weather permitting,  John (VE3VGI)  and Aldo  (VE3IMR/VA3AG)
         plan to activate Charlton Island (NA-173)  with a VE8 call.  Further
         information     and     updates     will     be     available     at
         http://webhome.idirect.com/~galati <TNX VE3IMR/VA3AG>
Z2     - Charlie, W0YG plans to be active (particularly on the low bands with
         a special effort on 160 metres) as Z21/W0YG from Zimbabwe between 23
         July and 6 August. QSL via  W0YG (Charlie Summers, 6746 North  Yucca
         Trail, Parker, CO 80138-6110, USA). <TNX W0YG>
ZF     - Rob, PA3ERC and Ronald, PA3EWP will be active (with two stations  on
         160-10 meters CW,  SSB and RTTY,  with an emphasis  on WARC and  low
         bands) as ZF2RC and ZF2WP from Leeward, Cayman Brac (NA-016) between
         8 and 20 September. QSL via  PA3ERC either direct (Rob Snieder,  Van
         Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands) or through the
         bureau.    A     web     page     has     been     set     up     at
         http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/tour98.html <TNX PA3ERC>
ZL     - Barry, ZS1FJ/G4MFW  should be  active from  Stewart Island  (OC-203)
         around 27 July. <TNX The Daily DX>
ZS     - Edwin, ZS5BBO will participate in the IARU HF World Championship  on
         10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres. <TNX ZS5BBO>

                   <<< 1998 IOTA CONTEST (25-26 JULY) >>>
The following  amateurs have  announced their  participation in  this  year's
event [see also 425DXN 355, 358, 361, 363, 365, 367, 369, 371, 373, 374]:

AS-018 - Far East  Islands DX  Club members  RA0FF, RA0FU,  RA0FY, RW0FO  and
         UA0FZ possibly  as RK0FWL/p  from Moneron  Island. They  plan to  be
         active from 22 to 28 July. <TNX RA0FF>
EU-001 - Phil, G4OBK as SV5/G4OBK from Rhodes. He plans to operate mainly  on
         CW between 23 July and 4 August. QSL via G4OBK. <TNX DX News Sheet>
EU-005 - Alan, G3PMR as M8F from his home QTH in England. <TNX G3PMR>
EU-008 - Keith, G3TTC as GM3TTC/M from the Isle of Mull. QSL via G3TTC.  <TNX
         DX News Sheet>
EU-143 - ED7SPI from Sancti Petri Island. QSL via EA7PY. <TNX EA5KB>
EU-154 - EA5AOR/3 from Buda Island. QSL via EA5KB. <TNX EA5KB>
NA-014 - Len, VE9MY from either Whitehead (CISA  NB-010) or Wood (CISA  new).
         QSL via home call either direct or through the bureau. <TNX VE9MY>
NA-048 - W8GEX, WA8LOW and others possibly as C6IOTA from Bimini Island.  QSL
         via WA8LOW. <TNX DX News Sheet>
NA-128 - Gregg, VE3ZZ as VE3ZZ/VE2 from  Isle-aux-Coudres (CISA PQ-009).  QSL
         via VE3ZZ either direct (Gregg  A. Calkin, P.  O. Box 1345,  Ottawa,
         Ontario K1P 5R4, Canada) or through the bureau. <TNX VE2ZZ>
NA-139 - Brian, N3OC from Assateague Island. He will be joined by Jeff,  WV3B
         and Jim, NV3V. QSL via N3OC. <TNX The Daily DX>
SA-008 - LU8XW (Radio Club Ushuaia) from  Tierra del Fuego.  QSL to P.O.  Box
         58, 9410 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. <TNX LU6XQG>
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425 DX News #375 [4/6]
 11 July 1998                      No 375                   BID: $425WW375D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH     

PC/DX Search es un libro electronico que contiene una recoplicacion de  todos
los boletines  425 DX  News en  Espanol, asi  como INFO  QSL, QSL  Routes  de
Concursos, etc. Incluye dos tipos de  busquedas con lo  que esperamos le  sea
muy util  para  efectuar rapidas  consultas.  Ademas  requiere  poca  maquina
(80386). Se actualiza cada tres meses. A primeros de Julio saldra la  edicion
de este primer semestre. Si desea mas informacion puede visitar la  siguiente
direccion  WEB:  http://www.radioaficion.com/pcdx  <TNX  Antonio  M.  Pernas,
EA1CSI, e-mail EA1CSI@radioaficion.com>

DXTELNET ---> The latest  release (4.1) of  DXTelnet, the telnet  application
for DXers developed by Fabrizio,  IK4VYX is now  availabe for downloading  at
http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/wd4ngb/telnet.htm   -    Fabrizio    welcomes
comments at rac2610@racine.ra.it <TNX IK4VYX>

IIA ACTIVITIES ---> On  4-5 July Gerry,  IC8/IZ8ANA and Virgilio,  IC8/IC8OZM
were active as follows: from  Lo Schiavone di  Procida (IIA NA-027),  Scoglio
Cannone (IIA NA-023)  and Procida (IIA  NA-002) on 4  July, from Vivara  (IIA
NA-005) on 5 July. All these  islands count for IOTA  EU-031. QSL via  IZ8ANA
(Gerardo Santucci,  P.O. Box  71,  81054 S.Prisco  -  CE, Italy)  and  IC8OZM
(Virgilio Sabetta, Via Cavour 47, 80079 Procida - NA, Italy). <TNX IZ8ANA>

IIA SOFTWARE  ---> Thanks  Marco, IK0QOB  the latest  realease (2.3)  of  the
Italian Islands Award Software is now available for downloading at the  Crazy
DX Group's web site (http://www.grisnet.it/crazy). The  software can also  be
requested from Crazy DX Group, P.O. Box 11, 04011 Aprilia - LT, Italy (please
send a formatted blank disc + return postage in a padded SAE). <TNX Crazy  DX

LOGS ON LINE ---> The logs for Northern Portugal DX Group's (NPDXG) past IOTA
operations from  EU-145, EU-150  and EU-167  are now  available on  the  1998
Pessegueiro  Island  homepage   at  http://www.terravista.pt/meco/1597   <TNX

LOGS ON LINE ---> The logs for the OK DX Foundation's (OKDXF) operations from
South Pacific (3D2CB,  3D2CB/R, 3D2KT, 3D2TN,  3D2WC, 3D2WC/R, 5W0SZ,  5W0VD,
5W0VV,  AH8K,   FO0/OK1TN,  FO0/OK1VD,   FO0/OK1KT,  FO0/OK5DX,   KH8/WP2AIH,
KH8/KF4MIW,    ZK1KTT     and     ZK1TNN)    are     now     available     at
http://www.sica.cz/ok2paa/okdxf/search.html <TNX The Daily DX>

QSL CN8MC ---> George, WB2AQC is not  the QSL manager for CN8MC. He  operated
this station in  September 1995 and  can confirm only  the contacts he  made.

QSL EJ7NET ---> Please note that the QSL manager for the recent [425DXN  365]
WestNet DX  Group  and Saltee  Dog  DX Group  operation  from  Saltee  Island
(EU-103, June  1998) is  EI2GX. Declan,  EI6FR is  the  QSL manager  for  the
*other* EJ7NET operations (Blasket, Rathlin, Aran etc). <TNX EI6FR>

QSL LU1ZC ---> The first  batch of 600  cards for the  Grupo Argentino de  CW
December 1997-February  1998 LU1ZC  operation  from Deception  Island,  South
Shetlands (AN-010) has been mailed. QSL  to GACW, Box  9, 1875 Wilde,  Buenos
Aires, Argentina. <TNX LU1DZ>

QSL VU2NTA ---> "N2AU is again my  QSL manager", Nat, VU2NTA reports. At  all
events, Nat's  address is:  Nataraj V.,  #878, 1E  Main Road,  Girinagar  2nd
Phase, Bangalore 560085, India. <TNX VU2NTA>

QSL  VIA  PA3ERC  --->  Logs  are  still  open  for  9Y4/PA3BBP,  9Y4/PA3ERC,
(1996), J79BP, J79QA,  J79RC, J79WP,  TO5C (1996),  VP5C (1995),  VP5/PA3BBP,
+VP5/PA3ERC,  VP5/PA3EWP,  VP5/PA3FQA.  QSL  via  PA3ERC  either  direct  (Rob
Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands) or through
the bureau. <TNX PA3ERC>

SOUTH SHETLANDS  1999  ---> It  has  been reported  that  Carl,  G4VFU/VP8CZJ
[425DXN 372] is planning a 2-week operation from South Shetlands "not  before
January/February 1999". <TNX The Daily DX>

VK1 AWARD ---> Alex "Tex" Ihasz, VK1TX is  the new Award Manager for the  VK1
Award, issued by the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) Division to  licenced
amateurs and SWLs. QSL cards are not required. For further information please
contact VK1TX at either vk1tx@bigpond.com or  The Award Manager (VK1TX),  WIA
VK1 Division, GPO Box 600, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. <TNX VK1TX>

QSL received via direct:  3A2MD, 3B8CF, 3D2KT, 3D2RW, 4H8TI (OC-225), 4S7BRG,
5W0VV, 9Q5YT, 9X0A, A45XR, A61AB, A92GD, AP2JZB, BY1QH, CW5R, E21EJC,  EX8MZ,
F5KDC/P (EU-159),  FH/DJ1RL, FM5BH,  FO0FI  (OC-050), FO0FR,  FO0MIZ,  FW2EH,
H22A, H40AA,  H40AB,  HF0POL, OE5EBO/HI8,  JD1YBJ,  JT1Y, K4M,  K7K,  KC4AAA,
S21J, SU8LXR, T77C, T88T, TF3IRA, TG9NX,  V26GG, V26TT, V8JA, VK9LZ,  VP8CTR,

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
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S DX@WW $425WW375E
425 DX News #375 [5/6]
 11 July 1998                      No 375                   BID: $425WW375E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******
                               Edited by I1JQJ 

PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  end July   3B8DB/3B7: St. Brandon (AF-015) * by 3B8DB             375
till  15/07      5B4/RA9JX,RZ9UA,RZ3TX,UA3DPX,UA9NN,UA9ND and P3A       374
till  July       5K1WC and 5K3WC: Colombia (special event calls)        371
till  August     5X1DK: Uganda * by KD4UDU                              372
till  Jul 99     5V7FA: Togo * by F5PCU                                 375
till  14/07      8P9JJ: Barbados (NA-021) * by K7BV                     373
till  02/08      C6AFP: Abaco (NA-080) * by N4JQQ                       373
till  31/07      CK3MP: Canada * special event station                  369
till  12/07      ES0K: Kihnu Island (EU-034) * by ES8AF and ES8LBH      375
tlll  29/07      F/ON4LCW: Chausey Is (EU-039) * by ON4LCW              365
till  12/07      FBC#: France * special prefixes                        369
till  late July  FG/F2HE: NA-102 & NA-114 * by F2HE                     362
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  15/07      FP/W8MV: St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) * by W8MV      371
till  12/07      GS7UEG/p: Orkney Islands (EU-009) * by Gs              374
till  14/07      HB0/PI4TUE: Liechtenstein * by Eindhoven Student RAC   365
till  26/07      HC1MD: Ecuador (incl. SA-056) * by NE8Z                373 
till  19/07      IF9/I1SNW: Egadi (EU-054), IG9/I1SNW: Pelagie (AF-019) 370
till  14/07      KG4AU, KG4GC, KG4TO, KG4OX: Guantanamo (NA-015)        373
till  22/07      LA/DK4UN & LA/DK4WD: EU-141, 044, 046, 033, 076        371
till  11/07      LA/SM3JBE: Soroyane (EU-079)                           374
till  02/08      MM0/DJ6AU: North Mainland Island (EU-012)              375
till  12/07      OJ0VR: Market Reef (EU-053) * by OH1VR and OH2KI       374
till  12/07      SV5/I3BQC: Astypalea (EU-001)                          370
till  29/07      TK/F6AUS: EU-014, EU-164, EU-100                       373 
till  18/07      TK/IK1VCA & TK/IZ1BWC: EU-014 & EU-164                 370 
till  December   TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN             373
till  15/07      TM#CMF: special event stations                         373
till  24/07      F6ELE/VE2 & F6HKA/VE2: (NA-077, 084, 125, 176, 177)    373  
till  14/07      VP5/N2GA & VP5/K2DO, VP5GA: Providenciales (NA-002)    373  
till  15/07      XK2-3, VX1-9, XL1-2, XN1-2: special pfx from Canada    370
till  12/07      YW5LB: La Blanquilla Island (SA-037) * by YVs          374
till  13/07      ZF2NT: Cayman Is (NA-016) by N6NT                      370
till  15/07      ZL8RS: Kermadec Is (OC-039) * by ZL1RS                 373
till  30/07      ZS80NRM * by ZS6Y                                      372
09/07-13/07      XF3/CX3AN: Cozumel Island (NA-090) * by CXs            373
10/07-05/12      9N1UD: Nepal * by K4VUD                                371
10/07-13/07      ER7A * Moldova national society HQ                     375       
10/07-17/07      GM islands * by F5VCR and G3OCA                        375
11/07-18/07      GM islands * by MM0BCR/P                               373
11/07-12/07      GB5HQ * by North of Scotland Contest Group             373
11/07-12/07      IA1X or IP1/I1FX, I1VRO, I1WXY, IK1NEG: EU-083         373
11/07-25/07      IG9/IK3LYP: Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001)             371
11/07-12/07      IL7/IK7BRX: IIA FG-009 and FG-??? * by IK7BRX & IZ7ATN 375 
11/07-13/07      JJ1LIB and JQ1ALQ: Izu Is (AS-008)                     374 
11/07-12/07      LY60RMD: Lithuanian ARS HQ                             375
11/07-12/07      OH0AA: Aland Is (EU-002) * by OH2BVE, OH6LI, OH6XA     375
11/07-12/07      OH0AM: Aland Is (EU-002) * by OH1RY,OH1MA,OH2TA,OH2BH  375
11/07-12/07      P43R: Aruba IARU Member HQ Station                     374
11/07-12/07      TF3IRA: Icelandic Radio Amateurs HQ                    373
11/07-12/07      IARU HF Championship Contest                           ***
12/07            IM0/IS0JMA: Ziu Paulu (EU-024, IIA SS-094) * by IS0s   375
12/07-30/07      IA5/IZ5BTC/p: Elba Island (EU-028)                     375
13/07-14/07      BI4C: Changxing Island (AS-???) * by Beijing DX Club   373
13/07-??         FP/G4MFW: St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) * by ZS1FJ    375
13/07-29/07      GM: Skye Island (EU-008) * by DL2QBD                   375
13/07-23/07      KH6/IK0PHY: Hawaii (OC-019)                            373
13/07-23/07      TM0BB: special event station (France)                  375
13/07-23/07      VE2CY: NA-128                                          375
14/07-27/07      HR2/KD2IX: Honduras                                    375
14/07-11/08      HS0ZBS: Thailand * by HB9AMZ                           375
14/07-26/07      SV8/ON5CT/p & J48CT: Samos (EU-049)                    375  
15/07-15/11      9V8: Singapore * special prefix                        369
15/07-03/08      IM0/I2CMA: Santo Stefano Island (EU-041, IIA SS-013)   375
16/07-17/07      BI5Z: Zhoushan Island (AS-???) * by Beijing DX Club    373
16/07-18/07      T88AD,T88AJ,T88HG,T88ND,T88RK: Belau (OC-009) * by JAs 375
17/07-19/07      1998 Northwest DX Convention (Tukwila, WA)             369
18/07-23/07      A22/W0YG: Botswana                                     375
18/07-20/07      CY9AOE: St. Paul Isl (NA-094) * by VY2RU and VE1AOE    375
18/07            GS0AYR/p: Ailsa Craig (EU-123) * by Ayr ARG            375
18/07-27/07      VP5/CX3AN and VP5/CX4CR: NA-002 * by CXs               373
18/07-19/07      Seanet CW Contest                                      ***
19/07-31/07      F5MIW: Noirmoutier Island (EU-064)                     375
19/07-01/08      IS0 [IM0]/IK0XBX: EU-024 [EU-041]                      375
19/07-21/07      JR1MLU,7N3AWE,JA1HGY,JA4DND,JA1BRK/KH2: Guam (OC-026)  375
19/07-03/08      LA/DL2HEB/p: Norway and LA islands                     375
19/07            Colombian Indipendence Contest                         ***
20/07-23/07      F/ON4BDS/p: Batz Island (EU-105)                       374
20/07-30/07      KF8TM/4: Cudjoe Key (NA-062)                           373
20/07-02/08      RU0C: Malminskiye (AS-???) & Iony (AS-069) Is          373
20/07-29/07      TF7/DL3KUD: Vestmannaeyjar Is (EU-071) * by DL3KUD     375
20/07-29/07      WP2Z & KP2/EI2CA,EI7CC,EI6EW,EI4FBB,EI8CE,EI7CD,EI5FYB 375
S DX@WW $425WW375F
425 DX News #375 [6/6]
 11 July 1998                      No 375                   BID: $425WW375F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *******   CALENDAR  *******

21/07-05/08      5B4/G3VMW and 5B4/G3ZEM: Cyprus (AS-004)               375
21/07-27/07      EW/K4NAN: Belarus                                      375
21/07-28/07      OZ/DL6DH: Bornholm Island (EU-030)                     374
22/07-28/07      FK8VHN: Lifou Island (OC-033)                          375
22/07-29/07      KL: Little Diomede Isl (NA-150) * by K6ST & W6IXP      375 
22/07-28/07      RK0FWL/p: Moneron Island (AS-018) * by UA0Fs           375
22/07-02/08      UE0ZZZ & RZ0ZWA: Starichkov Isl (AS-095) * by UA0s     375
22/07-28/07      XO1CWI: Fogo Island (NA-198) * by WIARC                371
23/07-27/07      F/ON4BDS/p: Cezembre Island (EU-157)                   374  
23/07-04/08      SV5/G4OBK: Rhodes (EU-001)                             375
23/07-06/08      Z21/W0YG: Zimbabwe                                     375
24/07-12/08      BV3/DJ3KR: Taiwan (AS-020)                             375
24/07-27/07      CT1xxx/p & CQ2P: Pessegueiro Island (EU-167) * by CTs  367
24/07-13/08      FO5JR: Rimatara (OC-050), Austral Is                   371
24/07-27/07      GD3IZD/P: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by G3IZD              373
24/07-27/07      GU0MEU and GB0ON: Guernsey (EU-114) * by ONs           374
24/07-30/07      HH2/KC0ARG: Haiti * by F/KC0ARG                        375
25/07-26/07      9A8P: Palagruza (EU-090) * by 9A1AKL                   371
25/07-26/07      AA1AC/P: Aquidneck Island (NA-031) * by AA1AC          371
25/07-26/07      BI3H: Shijiutuo Island (AS-134) * by BYs               363
25/07-26/07      C6IOTA (?): Bimini (NA-048) * by W8GEX, WA8LOW et al   375
25/07-26/07      CO4BM: La Juventud Island (NA-056)                     373  
25/07-26/07      CO0XE: Cuba (NA-015) * by COs and XEs                  374
25/07-26/07      DF5WBA & DJ3XG: Ummanz Island (EU-057)                 367 
25/07-26/07      EA5AOR/3: Buda Island (EU-154)                         375
25/07-26/07      EC1BXI/p: Arousa Island (EU-088)                       374
25/07-26/07      ED1MC & EG1MC: Salvora Island (EU-077) * by EAs        373  
25/07-26/07      ED7SPI: Sancti Petri Island (EU-143)                   375
25/07-26/07      EJ2HY & EJ2IB: Blasket Is (EU-007) * by EI2HY & EI2IB  373
25/07-26/07      G/F5VCR/p: Lindisfarne Island (EU-120)                 371
25/07-26/07      G4MGR: Hilbre Island (EU-120) * by Gs                  373
25/07-26/07      GM3TTC/M: Isle of Mull (EU-008) * by G3TTC             375
25/07-26/07      GM3USL/P: Great Cumbrae Isl (EU-123)                   367
25/07-26/07      GW0RLU/P: St Tudwal's Islands (EU-106) * by ON5FP      355  
25/07-26/07      IH9/IT9BLB: Pantelleria (AF-018)                       373
25/07-26/07      JH1UUT/7: Oshima (AS-117)                              374
25/07-26/07      JI6KVR/6: Uji Islands (AS-067) * by JI6KVR             371
25/07-26/07      JM1PXG/1: Hachijo Island (AS-043) * by JM1PXG          371
25/07-26/07      LU8XW: Tierra del Fuego (SA-008)                       375
25/07-26/07      K1VSJ: Martha's Vineyard                               369  
25/07-26/07      M8F: England (EU-005) * by G3PMR                       375   
25/07-26/07      MM8Y: Bute Isl (EU-123) * by Otley Amateur Radio Club  367
25/07-26/07      MW8Z: Anglesey Island (EU-124) * by Gs                 355
25/07-26/07      N2OO/p: Long Beach Island (NA-111) * by N2OO and N2LD  373
25/07-26/07      N5VL: Amelia Island (NA-138)                           373
25/07-26/07      OH0MDR/1: Sandstrom Reef (EU-096) * by OH1s            374
25/07-26/07      RA1QQ/p, RW1ZZ/p, R1OTA: EU-160                        375
25/07-26/07      SN0SZ: Wolin Island (EU-132) * by SPs                  373
25/07-26/07      TM5T: Chausey Is (EU-039) * by ONs                     361
25/07-26/07      V26VG: Antigua (NA-100) * by GM4FDM and others         373
25/07-26/07      VE3ZZ/VE2: Isle-aux-Coudres (NA-128)                   375
25/07-26/07      VE9MY: NA-014                                          375
25/07-26/07      W: Assateague Island (NA-139) * by N3OC, WV3B and NV3V 375
25/07-26/07      W: Dry Tortugas (NA-079) * by XE1L and Ws              371
25/07-26/07      W7I: Lopez Island (NA-065) * by N7FL                   371
25/07-01/08      WB8YJF: Ocracoke Island (NA-067)                       373
25/07-26/07      IOTA Contest                                           ***
25/07-26/07      Russian RTTY WW Contest                                ***
25/07-26/07      YV DX CW Contest                                       ***
26/07-08/08      EI/EA4ECF: Ireland (EU-115)                            375
26/07-17/08      TK/S53R: Corsica (EU-014)                              375
27/07            ZL: Stewart Island (OC-203) * by ZS1FJ/G4MFW           375
July             C6A25: special prefixes from Bahamas                   374
late  July       6M5DX and D98TOK: Tok Island (AS-045) * by HLs         373
July             EI4VVF & EI4VVF/p (EU-006) * by W0GLG                  373
July             ID8 islands by Calabria DX Team                        373
mid July         IL3/IK4RSR: IIA islands in Rovigo province             373
Jul-Dec          VK9WG: Willis (OC-007) * by VK5GW                      373
July             VK0TS: Davis Base, Antarctica (AN-016)                 371
01/08-02/08      YO Contest                                             ***
03/08-10/08      VP2ECR: Anguilla (NA-022) * by CX4CR                   373
07/08-22/08      A22/W0YG: Botswana                                     375
08/08-10/08      WAE DX CW Contest                                      ***
09/08-14/08      ZK1SCQ & ZK1SCR: OC-013, So.Cook * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ  367
14/08-31/08      HG5P: Hungary * special event call                     356
14/08-15/08      7th New Orleans International DX Convention            369
15/08-16/08      SARTG WW RTTY Contest                                  ***
15/08-16/08      Seanet SSB Contest                                     ***
16/08-17/08      XM3PBX: "Northlander" & "Bear Express" trains * by VEs 375
16/08-21/08      ZK1SCQ & ZK1SCR: OC-082, No.Cook * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ  367
18/08-21/08      CH3HBC: special event station                          375
18/08-21/08      CI3XXV: CISA islands                                   375
18/08-21/08      VE8x: Charlton Island (NA-173) * by VE3VGI & VE3IMR    375
22/08-23/08      XM3PBX: "Northlander" & "Bear Express" trains * by VEs 375
22/08-03/09      IH9/IK1ZNM: Pantelleria (AF-018)                       375
24/08-26/08      ZK1SCQ & ZK1SCR: OC-159, So.Cook * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ  367
26/08-01/09      FP/N9PD: Miquelon (NA-032) * by Prairie DX Group       373
27/08-08/09      6Y5/PA3ERC and 6Y5/PA3EWP: Jamaica (NA-097)            375
29/08-19/09      3D2DX: Rotuma Island (OC-060) * by EA4DX               371
29/08-01/09      3D2WD & 3D2DA: Mamanuca (OC-121) * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ  369
30/07-02/08      IA5/IK4WLU and IA5/IK4RUX: Elba Island (EU-028)        375
mid Aug          F/ON4BDS/p: Tombelaine Isl (EU-156) * by ON4BDS        374  
mid August       IJ7/ & IL7/IK1NAO: IIA activities with SDXT            375  
August           OX3LG: East Coast group (NA-134)                       371
04/09-07/09      3D2WD & 3D2DA: Yasawa (OC-156) * by DL2SCQ & DL1SCQ    369
26/09-27/09      Bologna: HF DX Meeting                                 ***