S DX@WW $425WW373A 425 DX News #373 [1/6] 27 June 1998 No 373 BID: $425WW373A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425 DX News Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3A - Mike, G4IUF reports he was *not* active as 3A0FC [425DXN 372]. He says that "the guy giving this information has been pirating his callsign since 1991. Mike has never been to Monaco at any time and he is certainly not the QSL Manager for 3A0FC". <TNX BRS 25429> 3C - Elmo, EA5BYP and Vic, EA5YN will be active (10-80 metres, CW and SSB) as 3C5DX from Bioko Island (AF-010) between 30 June and 7 July. QSL via EA5BYP. <TNX EA5GRC> 5H - Dave, K8MN will be active (CW and SSB with some RTTY) from Tanzania for three years from late August. QSL via WA8JOC. <TNX I5FLN> 7O - Zoli, HA5PP [425DXN 369] reports the Deputy Ministre of Telecommunications in Sana'a saying that "they really want to start/establish ham radio in Yemen". Zoli has offered his help and support to set up four complete stations (in Sana'a, Taiz and Aden) and train local operators between 1 September and 1 December 1998. He has also applied for three callsigns (7O8DX & 7O8CW for the stations located in Sana'a and 7O1A to be used from Aden). The Deputy Ministre "asked me to collect information on all the hams of he world who want to help and operate from Yemen", Zoly says - those interetsed are invited to get in touch with Zoli at navus@mail.matav.hu <TNX The Daily DX> 8P - Dennis, K7BV has added a 6 metres gear for his 8P DXpedition [425DXN 371], so he will be running in a semi-beacon mode nearly the entire time on Barbados. He will be active between 7 and 14 July with an 8P call to be assigned upon arrival. QSL via K7BV. <TNX K7BV> BY - Beijing DX Club members will be active (10, 15 and 20 metres) as BI4C from Changxing Island (AS-???, 31.4N-121.7E) on 13 and 14 July. QSL via W3HC (please see W3HC QSL FUND below). <TNX W3HC and The Daily DX> BY - Beijing DX Club members will be active (10, 15 and 20 metres) as BI5Z from Zhoushan Island (AS-???, 30.1N-122.2E) on 16 and 17 July. QSL via W3HC. <TNX W3HC and The Daily DX> C6 - Amateurs in Bahamas are allowed to replace their current prefix with 6A25 during July to celebrate the 25th anniversary of indipendence. C6 - Steve, N4JQQ will be active as C6AFP from Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas between 10 July and 2 August. QSL via N4JQQ (Steve Rutledge, 199 S. Grove Park Road, Memphis, TN 38117, USA). <TNX OPDX Bulletin> CE - Gus, SM3SGP will be active from Chile as CE3/SM3SGP and CE5/SM3SGP between 1 July and 31 August. QSL via SM3EVR. <TNX The Daily DX> CY9 - The DX News Sheet reports the June-July CY9AA expedition to St. Paul Island (NA-094) [425DXN 364] has been cancelled. EI - Tom, W0GLG will be active as EI4VVF, and EI4VVF/p from Inishman Island (EU-006), during his Irish holiday in July. QSL via W0GLG. <TNX DX News Sheet>. EI - Dundalk Amateur Radio Society (EI7DAR) members will be active as EI1OOM between 3 and 5 July to commemorate Marconi's experiments on Rathlin Island in 1898. Please note that the operation will take place from Clogherhead, Ireland (EU-115), not from Rathlin (EU-122). <TNX EI-1333> ET - Steve (G3VMW), Alan (G3XAQ) and Andy (G4ZVJ) will be active as ET3AA from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia between 18 and 27 September. Activity from ET3AA, the club station of the Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society, will be on 10-160 metres with emphasis on the LF and WARC bands. The operation will be mainly CW (1.829, 3.508, 7.008, 10.108, 14.026, 18.076, 21.026, 24.896 and 28.026 MHz listening up between 1 kHz and 5 kHz), but with some SSB and RTTY if there is sufficient demand. QSL via G3VMW (Steve Wilson, 3 Crag Gardens, Bramham, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 6RP, England). More details are available at http://www.bramham.demon.co.uk and there will be an on-line log search utility immediately after the operation. <TNX G3VMW> F - Mathieu, F5SHQ will be active (mainly on CW) as MJ0ASP from Jersey (EU-013) starting on 1 July. QSL via F5OIU (Jacky Gargot, 21 allee Cabernet, F-33140 Cadaujac, France). <TNX F5OIU> FP - The Prairie DX Group (N9PD) will be active (on 10-80 metres, CW, SSB and RTTY) as FP/N9PD from Miquelon Island (NA-032) between 26 August and 1 September. QSL via N9PD either direct or through the bureau. Further information is available at http://www.prairiedx.com or and comments can be sent to Fred, KF9YL at efl@interaccess.com <TNX KF9YL> GM - F5VCR and G3OCA plan to be active from three Scottish islands (NH07, NH13, NH26) between 10 and 17 July. <TNX F-10255> GM - MM0BCR plans to be /P from IOSA islands OR07, OR12, OR13 and OR14 in the Orkneys (EU-009) between 11 and 18 July (an activity from SC02 and SC01 might take place on 18 July). <TNX F-10255> /EX S DX@WW $425WW373B 425 DX News #373 [2/6] 27 June 1998 No 373 BID: $425WW373B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== GM - The North of Scotland Contest Group will participate in the IARU HF World Championship (11-12 July) as GB5HQ. This will be the first time the RSGB Headquarters station will be operated from Scotland. <TNX The Daily DX> HC - Rick, NE8Z will be active (mostly on WARC bands CW and 20 metres RTTY) from Ecuador between 5 and 26 July as follows: as HC1MD from Amaguana, HC1MD/HC4 from Atacames, HC1MD/HC5 from Cuenca, HC1MD/HC6 from Cotopaxi Volcano and HC1MD/HC7 from the Amazon Jungle. Rick plans also to operate as HC1MD/HC4 from La Isla (SA-056) for 8 hours (15-23 UTC) on either 22, 23 or 24 July - island chasers shall look for him on 21.260 and 14.260 MHz *only*. QSL via K8LJG (John Kroll, 3528 Craig Drive, Flint, MI 48506, USA). A short story and photographs will be posted after the trip on the new SEMDXA (Southeast Michigan DX Association) web page at www.semdxa.org <TNX NE8Z> HL - Several members of the Pusan branch of the KARL plan to be active as 6M5DX and D98TOK on HF and VHF from Tok Island (AS-045) in late July-early August. <TNX OM3JW> HS - Mirek, HS0/VK3DXI has been granted permission to operate from Phuket Island (AS-053) between 27 June and 1 July. He will be active mainly on 15-40 metres CW on the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via DL4DBR. <TNX HS0/VK3DXI> I - Mediterraneo DX Team members IK8WEJ, IZ8AZV and IZ8BGY plan to be active from Scogli Isca (IIA CS-005, not IOTA) on 4-5 July. <TNX IZ8BGY> I - Calabria DX-Team members IK8YFU, IK8IRK, IZ8BAD, IW8PZA and IW8PQ will be ID8/ from Scoglio Galera (IIA VV-005) on 5 July. They plan to be active from Scoglio Utonu (IIA VV-006) and Scoglio Godano (VV-003) the following Sundays. These three islands do not count for IOTA. <TNX Crazy DX Group> I - I1FX, I1VRO, I1WXY and IK1NEG will be active as either IA1X or IP1/home call from Bergeggi Island (EU-083, IIA SV-003) on 11 and 12 July. They will not be allowed to stay during the night. QSL via home calls. <TNX I1WXY> I - Boris, IK4RSR is planning to be active from a few IIA (not IOTA) islands in Rovigo province (RO) around mid July. <TNX IK4RSR> IS0 - IK2MRZ, IK0MHR and IS0JMA will be IM0/ from an island in Sassari (SS) province during the weekend. <TNX IS0JMA> IS0 - Gianni, IS0IGV and other ARI Cagliari operators will be IM0/ on HF and VHF from Tuaredda Island (EU-024, IIA CA-016) on 4-5 July. <TNX IS0JMA> KG4 - KG4AU/WV3N (QSL via W4WX), KG4GC/W4WX (QSL via home call), KG4TO/N4TO (QSL via home call) and KG4OX/W4OX (QSL via home call) from Florida Contest Club will be active on all bands and modes from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) from 8 July for one week. They will participate in the IARU HF World Chanpionship as KG4OX (QSL via W4OX: Doug McDuff, 10380 S.W. 112th Street, Miami, FL 33176, USA). <TNX KG4OX/W4OX> KH6 - Marco, IK0PHY will be active as KH6/ from Hawaii (OC-019) between 13 and 23 July. QSL via home call. <TNX IK0PHY> LY - Amateurs from Lithuania are allowed to use the spewcial prefic LY98 between 22 June and 6 July to celebrate the National Olympic Games, World Lithuanian sports Games and National Folk festival. <TNX LY3BA> SP - SP1BNS, SP1DPA, SP1RWK and SP1EOM plan to be active (on all bands CW and SSB) as SN0SZ from Chelminek Island ((SP Island Award SZ-18, it does not count for IOTA) between 26 and 28 June. <TNX SP6ECA> TF - TF3IRA will be active during the IARU HF World Championship. QSL via TF3GB. <TNX OPDX Bulletin> TK - Serge, F6AUS will be active as TK/F6AUS from Corsica (EU-014) between 2 and 29 July. Look for him to operate also from Lavezzi (EU-164) and Cerbicales (EU-100). He might participate in the IOTA Contest from EU-164. <TNX F6AJA> TL - Alex, PA3DZN is active as TL5A from the Central African Republic until the end of the year. QSL via PA3DMH. <TNX The Daily DX> UA - RA3DEJ, RW3FS, RZ3FW, UA0DC and UA0ZBK/0 are planning an IOTA DXpedition to Malminskiye Is (AS-???) and Iony Island (AS-069) between 20 July and 2 August. They might operate as RU0C. QSL via RA3DEJ (P.O. Box 2, Zarya, Moscow region, 143992, Russia). VE - Didier, F6ELE and Bertrand, F6HKA now plan to be VE2/ [425DXN 365] as follows: from NA-125 on 9-11 July, from NA-176 (and possibily from NA-077 as well) on 12-14 July, from NA-084 on 17-18 July, from NA-177 on 21-23 July. QSL via home calls. <TNX F6AJA> VK9_wil- Graeme, VK5GW will be active as VK9WG from Willis (OC-007) from the end of June for six months. QSL via VK5GW. <TNX DX News Sheet> VP2E - CX4CR will be active (on all bands with emphasis on 40 and 80 metres) as VP2ECR from Anguilla (NA-022) between 3 and 10 August. QSL via CX3CE (Box 244, Montevideo, Uruguay). <TNX CX8DX> VP5 - George, N2GA and Diane, K2DO will be active as VP5/N2GA and VP5/K2DO from Providenciales (NA-002) between 8 and 14 July. They will participate in the IARU HF World Championship as VP5GA on both CW and SSB. QSL via home calls. <TNX The Daily DX> VP5 - Operators from the Uruguay DX Group and the Centro Radioaficionados Montevideo will be active (on all bands with emphasis on 40 and 80 metres) as VP5/CX3AN and VP5/CX4CR from Providenciales, Caicos Is (NA-002) between 18 and 27 July. QSL via CX3CE (Box 244, Montevideo, Uruguay). <TNX CX8DX> /EX S DX@WW $425WW373C 425 DX News #373 [3/6] 27 June 1998 No 373 BID: $425WW373C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== W - Norm, N6JV will try to be active (on battery power to a vertical) as N6JV/p from White Rock (NA-187) on either 3 or 4 July. Tide, surf and fog conditions will determine days/time of operation, but around 18.00 UTC will probably be good target times. Look for him on 14.260, 14.040, 7.260 and 7.040 MHz. QSL via N6JV. <TNX N6JV> W - Randy, KD8JN will be active on all bands as KD8JN/4 from Hatteras Island (NA-067) between 4 and 11 July. QSL via KD8JN. <TNX KD8JN> XE - Operators from the Uruguay DX Group and the Centro Radioaficionados Montevideo will be active (on all bands with emphasis on 40 and 80 metres) as XF3/CX3AN from Cozumel Island (NA-090) between 9 and 13 July. QSL via CX3CE (Box 244, Montevideo, Uruguay). <TNX CX8DX> YO - A team of amateurs from Romania and Moldova (including YO8CT, YO8CGH, ER1AN, ER1BF and ER1AU) will be active as YO8KVS/p from Toaca rock (KN36AX) between 27 June and 7 July on HF bands as well as on 50, 144, 430 and 1296 MHz. Further information is avalable at http://members.xoom.com/kc2cjb/yo&er.html <TNX KC2CJB> ZA - Luis, EA5KY will be active as ZA/EA5KY from Albania between 3 and 18 July. He will be working at a Franciscan mission and will operate in his spare time on 10-80 metres (SSB, CW and RTTY on 20 metres), WARC bands included. QSL via EA4URE. <TNX EA5KY> ZL8 - Bob Sutton, ZL1RS is leaving for Raoul Island in the Kermadecs (OC-039), from where he now plans to be active as ZL8RS [425DXN 371] from about 29 June to 15 July (but do not expect much activity for a few days as he will be "full on" with urgent work). He will operate mostly SSB, with "a little lousy and slow CW on 160 and 30 metres" and some RTTY. His basic intentions, which may change due to work and other factors, are as follows: on 160 metres he will call CQ on 1.828 MHz (rx up 2) 05.05 UTC (ZL8 sunset) and 18.45 UTC (ZL8 sunrise) for 10 minutes when he is able to; on 80-10 metres he will be on or near the usual DX frequencies (on 30 metres he will be calling on 10.120 MHz), around 07.00 UTC-11.00 UTC initially, other times as work allows, particularly at the end of the trip and on any days off that he manages to have. Please note that the generator power supply is supposed to be off from 11.00 UTC to 19.00 UTC, so that any operation between these hours will be battery powered and QRP. QSL via ZL1RS (Robert Sutton, 109 Wright Rd, RD2 Katikati, New Zealand). <TNX ZL1RS> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<< 1998 IOTA CONTEST (25-26 JULY) >>> The following amateurs have announced their participation in this year's event [see also 425DXN 355, 358, 361, 363, 365, 367, 369, 371]: AF-018 - Giuseppe, IT9BLB from Pantelleria Island (IH9). QSL via IT9BLB. <TNX IT9BLB> EU-007 - Anthony, EI2HY and Mike, EI2IB as EJ2HY and EJ2IB from Blasket Islands. QSL via home calls. <TNX DX News Sheet> EU-077 - Batea RDXJ and URE-Rias Baixas operators from Salvora Island as ED1MC and EG1MC. QSL via EA1MC. <TNX EA1MC> EU-116 - Ivan, G3IZD as GD3IZD/P (CW) from the Isle of Man. He will be active between 24 and 27 July and outside the contest he will work CW mainly on WARC. QSL via G3IZD. <TNX DX News Sheet> EU-120 - The Wirral & District ARC as G4MGR from Hilbre Island. QSL via G0VAX. <TNX DX News Sheet> EU-132 - SP1BNS, SP1DPA, SP1RWK and SP1EOM as SN0SZ from Wolin Island. <TNX SP6ECA> NA-056 - Crescencio, CO4BM from La Juventud Island. QSL via CT1ESO. <TNX DX News Sheet> NA-062 - David, KF8TM as KF8TM/4 (CW) from Cudjoe Key. He will be on the island between 20 and 30 July. <TNX KF8T> NA-067 - Jon, WB8YJF from Ocracoke Island (USI NC-001S). Jon will be active between 25 July and 1 August, mainly on CW and RTTY with some SSB. QSL via WB8YJF (Jon Severt, 5586 Babbitt Rd., New Albany, OH 43054, USA). <TNX WB8YJF> NA-100 - GM4FDM and the Windy Yett Contest Group as V26VG from Antigua [425DXN 355]. The *new* QSL manager for this operation is GM3UTQ either direct or via the buro. QSL for contacts made before and after the contest go to the operator's home call. <TNX GM4FDM> NA-111 - Bob, N2OO and John, N2LD as N2OO/p from Long Beach Island (USI NJ001S). QSL via N2OO (P.O. Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087-0345, USA). <TNX N2OO> NA-138 - Vance, N5VL from Amelia Island on 10-80 metres CW/SSB. QSL via W5IJU or N5VL. <TNX Island/DX News) /EX S DX@WW $425WW373D 425 DX News #373 [4/6] 27 June 1998 No 373 BID: $425WW373D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH DX STATION WANTED ---> Burt Eldridge, W1ZS is interested in becoming the QSL manager for a reasonably active DX station. "I am now the manager of the W1 QSL Bureau so I have the experience and facilities to do it", he states. Please gewt in touch with him at w1zs@amsat.org <TNX W1ZS> EU-083 ---> IA1/IK1QBT (Tony Gallo, Via Capo S.Spirito 1/16, 17052 Borghetto S.Spirito - SV, Italy) and IA1/IK1ZOZ (Nino Mallamaci, reg. Fenarina 15, 17021 Alassio - SV, Italy) logged around 1,300 QSOs on all bands (80 and 30 metres excluded) from Gallinara Island (EU-083, IIA SV-001) during their 14-hour operation on 3-4 June [425DXN 369]. The rough sea prevented them from returning on 13 and 14 June as planned. QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. The log search for Tony's activities will be available soon at http//www.aspide.it/freeweb/ik1wvq/IK1QBT <TNX IK1QBT> FLORIDA DXPEDITION GROUP ---> The newly founded Florida DXpedition Group is an association of persons commonly interested in amateur radio, specifically in DXpeditions, DXing and contesting. Individuals having a current FCC Amateur Radio License of General Class or higher are eligible for membership. If interested and want additional information please send am e-mail message to dxpg@ac4et.ampr.org (Attn: Secretary). <TNX W4WX> HELP NEEDED: ZD9IL ---> Ian, ZD9IL is regularly active from Tristan da Cunha (AF-029) between 9 UTC and 16 UTC. He operates on 10, 15, 20, 12 and 17 metres SSB with a dipole and about 200 Watts. QSL manager Edwin Musto, ZS5BBO reports that Ian "is desperately looking for a beam antenna for 10, 15 & 20 metres and for 12 & 17 metres. Further to the requirements is a linear amplifier, but at the top of the list is the need for a beam antenna". If you can assist Ian with either donations or equipment please contact Edwin at musto@icon.co.za <TNX ZS5BBO> JT1X ---> The Hungarian Pannon DX Club JU1HA/JT1X operation [425DXN 369] logged 23.143 QSOs (2351 in WPX CW) in ten days. The team had lots of problems with QRN and the propagation was quite poor. QSL via HA0HW either direct (Laszlo Szabo, P.O. Box 24, H-4151 Puspokladany, Hungary) or through the bureau. <TNX HA1AG> MALPELO 1999 ---> Roberto Rey Canales, of the Malpelo DXpedition Committee, reports that plans for the HK0TU DXpedition are now well underway. The DXpedition, supported by LCRA (Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados), is scheduled to take place between September and November 1999. MARIANA ISLANDS DX ASSOCIATION ---> Jim Kehler, KH2D reports there are a few amateurs in KH2 and KH0 land, "but unfortunately most of them carry their shack on their belt" and now there are only three active HF operators: N2NL/KH2 and KH2D from Guam (OC-026) and WH0AAV from Saipan (OC-086). In autumn 1997 the Mariana Islands DX Association (MIDXA) was founded in order to unite the hams in Guam and Saipan and promote HF operating. The MIDXA welcomes supporting members - "we are a very real, very small club on a very small island and we are trying to keep ham radio alive out here so that people back there can get a 'new one' and a multiplier now and then", Kehler states. More information on the Mariana Islands DX Association can be found at http://www.guam.net/pub/midxa <TNX KH2D> POSTAGE FROM ARGENTINA ---> Alberto U. Silva, LU1DZ reports a rise in postal rates from Argentina as of 23 June 1998 (US$1 to "neighbouring countries", US$1.25 to "other American destinations", US$1.50 to "other parts of the world"). QRT ---> The following stations have already gone or will be going QRT soon <TNX The Daily DX, KH2D, N6ED, VR2/K8PYD>: - WH6X/6Y5: Shigeaki, JG3KIV will leave Jamaica, from where he was also active as 6Y6A and 6Y5XX, on 23 July. QSL via JG3KIV (Shigeaki Furukawa, 949-1, Handa, Kawanishi-cho, Shiki-gun, Nara 636-0206, Japan. - 7Z5OO: Mike, K3UOC went QRT from Saudi Arabia on 31 May (QSL via N2AU). A log search is now available for either 7Z5OO and PJ5AA (operated by K3UOC) at http://www.qsl.net/n6ed/7z5oo.html thanks to Craig, N6ED. - J52IM: Dave, KC9IM has left Guinea Bissau and his next assignment will be Beograd, Yugoslavia. QSL via KB9XN. - K9AW/KH2: Gary (aka NH2G, KH2L, NY6M/KH2), the most active HF operator on Guam, will be leaving the island in few weeks and retiring to the Philippines. - VR2/K8PYD: Leo is currently active on RTTY, CW and some SSB. He is expected to be in Hong Kong until 1 July, unless he must stay longer to complete company business. QSL via home call. - XUF2B: Harv is expected to leave Cambodia at the end of July. QSL via N4JR. /EX S DX@WW $425WW373E 425 DX News #373 [5/6] 27 June 1998 No 373 BID: $425WW373E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== QSL INFO SERVER ---> Send e-mail to qsl-info@datasync.com with DX callsigns in the message body (include only callsigns for best performance). Additions and corrections should go to the database maintainer (Lothar, DL1SBF at k9pes_ms@siiks.a1.bosch.de) while other comments should go to Ray, WQ5L (rocker@datasync.com). For USA/Canada callbook addresses visit http://www.qrz.com/cgi-bin/webcall QSL TM#CMF ---> The ten TM#CMF special event stations (see 425DXN 365 for the full list) will be active until 15 July. QSL cards can be requested through the bureau as follows: TM1CMF via F6KRD, TM2CMF via F6ITD, TM3CMF via F2VX, TM4CMF via REF Bureau 34, TM5CMF via F5PYI, TM6CMF via F5ITL, TM7CMF via F6IGF, TM8CMF via F5NBA, TM9CMF via F5PIQ, TM0CMF via F5KKD. The QSL manager for direct cards (which will be sent in "special envelopes" for collection) is F6OYU (Luc Hedoin, La Poste, F-69620 Le Bois d'Oingt, France). <TNX F6OYU> QSL ZD9IL ---> QSL manager ZS5BBO reports that the next logbook from Ian (with the contacts made from 27 November 1997) is expected to arrive in the first week of August. QSL via ZS5BBO (P.O. Box 211032, Bluff 4036, South Africa). QSL VIA IK1EDC ---> Cards for contacts made with IK1EDC/LU in March 1996 (including IOTA SA-022) and IK1EDC/OA in October 1994 (including IOTA SA-073, SA-074, SA-075 and SA-076) can still be requested from the operator (Pier Luigi Rovero, Via Provenzale 10, 14100 Asti - AT, Italy). QSL VIA IK2DUW ---> Antonello, IK2DUW reports that cards for IIA UD-004 and UD-005 operations by IL3/IK2DUW, IL3/IK8PGM, IL3/IZ2BKW and IL3/IW2MVC have all been sent out. QSL VIA IK0PHY ---> IK0PHY is the QSL manager for 5N1SYT, 9Q5TR, 9X5GC, EL2AB, EL2DT, HS0ZAZ, J52AHV, J52APM, KC6SZ and TJ1FT. <TNX IK0PHY> QSL VIA K3ZO ---> Fred, K3ZO, is no longer the QSL manager for 5H3TW, 5H0T, D68TW, J20TW, 5H1TW, K3TW/4S7 and VU2TJW. Tom Warren, K3TW (who is currently active as DL8TWA from Germnay) is the only one who can confirm these contacts. <TNX The Daily DX> W3HC QSL FUND ---> Mac, W3HC is the founder and coordinator of the W3HC QSL Fund and will be the QSL manager for BI4C (Changxing Island, AS-???) and BI5Z (Zhoushan Island, AS-???) The Fund needs four sponsors for each DXpedition for printing and postage of the QSL cards which will include a color photo on the front and credit for the sponsors on the back ("if I can't get the funds for a photo card, I will go the other route and print standard cards", Mac states). If you are interested in sponsoring the cards, please contact Mac, W3HC, via e-mail (w3hcmac@csrlink.net) or via the callbook address. Further information on the W3HC QSL Fund can be found at http://www.qsl.net/w3hc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3W5FM, 5W1VD, 5Z4FI, 9K/KA5TQF, 9M0C, 9U5T, 9X0A, A45XR, A61AN, A92GD, BV5BG, C21/VK2BEX, C37UA, EJ4GK/P (EU-103), FO0FI (OC-050), FT5WG, FT5XN, FW2EH, H40AB, (OC-065), IJ9/IT9HLR (IIA SR-013, 016), IL7/IK7FPX (IIA BR-012), IR2A, JT1Y, K4M, K7K, KA3UNQ/P (USI:DE-02S, DE-07S, NJ-033S, NJ-012S), KA4IST/KH5, OH0JWL, S79MX, T88TT, TF3IRA, V73GT, VR6YL, YB0ARA/9, YC9MKF (OC-148), YJ0AIO, YK1AH, ZD8Z, ZL7DK. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe, please send a message to Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN (for the English version) at ik0zsn@amsat.org Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (for the Italian version) at i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? Please go to: http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW373F 425 DX News #373 [6/6] 27 June 1998 No 373 BID: $425WW373F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till July 5K1WC and 5K3WC: Colombia (special event calls) 371 till August 5X1DK: Uganda * by KD4UDU 372 till 31/07 CK3MP: Canada * special event station 369 till 29/06 EJ7NET: Great Saltee Isl (EU-103) by WestNet DX Group 365 till 12/07 FBC#: France * special prefixes 369 till late July FG/F2HE: NA-102 & NA-114 * by F2HE 362 till Jan 99 FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK 369 till 30/06 IM0/IK2MRZ: Maddalena (EU-041, IIA SS-001) 370 till 06/07 LY98: special prefixes from Lithuania 373 till 30/06 OD5RAK * by F6FLV 371 till 27/06 SM3TLG/6: Orust Island (EU-043) 372 till 28/06 SN0SZ: Chelminek Isl (SPIA SZ-18) * by SPs 373 till 12/07 SV5/I3BQC: Astypalea (EU-001) 370 till December TL5A: Central African Republic * by PA3DZN 373 till 15/07 TM#CMF: special event stations 373 till 08/07 VE3NSZ and VE5AEE: C.IS.A islands 371 till 05/07 VF3 & VG3: special prefixes from Ontario, Canada 371 till ?? VP8/G4VFU/MM and VP8CZJ (Falklands) * by G4VFU 372 till 15/07 XK2-3, VX1-9, XL1-2, XN1-2: special pfx from Canada 370 till 13/07 ZF2NT: Cayman Is (NA-016) by N6NT 370 till 30/07 ZS80NRM * by ZS6Y 372 24/06-24/07 CZ1SSB: special event station (NA-027) 371 26/06-06/07 J79KV: Dominica (NA-101) * by W6JKV 371 27/06-01/07 HS0/VK3DXI: Phuket Island (AS-053) 373 27/06 IK1YEK and I1WNB: I Pagliai (IIA SV-003) 372 27/06-28/06 IM0/IK2MRZ, IK0MHR & IS0JMA: IIA 373 27/06-28/06 JI6KVR/6: Amakusa Is (AS-012) * by JI6KVR 371 27/06-29/06 SM/DK4UN and SM/DK4WD: EU-135 and EU-139 371 27/06-18/07 TK/IK1VCA & TK/IZ1BWC: EU-014 & EU-164 370 27/06-07/07 YO8KVS/p: Toaca rock * by YOs and ERs 373 27/06-28/06 Marconi Memorial HF CW Contest *** 29/06-06/06 4N7ZR: Yugoslavia * by VE3EXY 372 30/06-07/07 3C5DX: Bioko Island (AF-010) * by EA5BYP and EA5YN 373 June 7O/HA5PP or 7O8DX/CW: Yemen * by HA5PP ??? 369 June CE0: Easter Island (SA-001) * by K8VIR 372 June F/ON4BDS/p: Tombelaine Isl (EU-156) * by ON4BDS 365 June ZM1A: New Zealand 370 01/07-31/08 CE3/SM3SGP & CE5/SM3SGP 373 01/07-14/07 HB0/PI4TUE: Liechtenstein * by Eindhoven Student RAC 365 01/07-?? MJ0ASP: Jersey (EU-013) * by F5SHQ 373 01/07-03/07 OH/DK4UN and OH/DK4WD: EU-126 371 01/07-05/07 W7A: special event station from Montana 371 02/07-29/07 TK/F6AUS: EU-014, EU-164, EU-100 373 03/07-05/07 EI1OOM: special event station * by EI7DAR 373 03/07-22/07 LA/DK4UN & LA/DK4WD: EU-141, 044, 046, 033, 076 371 03/07-04/07 N6JV/p: White Rock (NA-187) 373 03/07-18/07 ZA/EA5KY: Albania 373 04/07-05/07 IC8/IK8WEJ, IZ8AZV, IZ8BGY: Scogli Isca (IIA CS-005) 373 04/07-05/07 IM0/IS0IGV and others: Tuaredda (EU-024, IIA CA-016) 373 04/07-11/07 KD8JN/4: Hatteras Island (NA-067) 373 05/07-26/07 HC1MD/HC: Ecuador (incl. SA-056) * by NE8Z 373 05/07-19/07 IF9/I1SNW: Egadi (EU-054), IG9/I1SNW: Pelagie (AF-019) 370 05/07 YV DX SSB Contest *** 07/07-14/07 8P: Barbados (NA-021) * by K7BV 373 08/07-29/07 F/ON4LCW: Chausey Is (EU-039) * by ON4LCW 365 08/07-15/07 FP/W8MV: St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) * by W8MV 371 08/07-14/07 KG4AU, KG4GC, KG4TO, KG4OX: Guantanamo (NA-015) 373 08/07-24/07 F6ELE/VE2 & F6HKA/VE2: (NA-077, 084, 125, 176, 177) 373 08/07-14/07 VP5/N2GA & VP5/K2DO, VP5GA: Providenciales (NA-002) 373 09/07-13/07 XF3/CX3AN: Cozumel Island (NA-090) * by CXs 373 10/07-05/12 9N1UD: Nepal * by K4VUD 371 10/07-02/08 C6AFP: Abaco (NA-080) * by N4JQQ 373 10/07-17/07 GM islands * by F5VCR and G3OCA 373 11/07-18/07 GM islands * by MM0BCR/P 373 11/07-12/07 GB5HQ * by North of Scotland Contest Group 373 11/07-12/07 IA1X or IP1/I1FX, I1VRO, I1WXY, IK1NEG: EU-083 373 11/07-25/07 IG9/IK3LYP: Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001) 371 11/07-12/07 IARU HF Championship Contest *** 13/07-14/07 BI4C: Changxing Island (AS-???) * by Beijing DX Club 373 13/07-23/07 KH6/IK0PHY: Hawaii (OC-019) 373 15/07-15/11 9V8: Singapore * special prefix 369 16/07-17/07 BI5Z: Zhoushan Island (AS-???) * by Beijing DX Club 373 16/07-19/07 YW5LB: La Blanquilla Island (SA-037) * by YVs 371 17/07-19/07 1998 Northwest DX Convention (Tukwila, WA) 369 18/07-27/07 VP5/CX3AN and VP5/CX4CR: NA-002 * by CXs 373 18/07-19/07 Seanet CW Contest *** 19/07 Colombian Indipendence Contest *** 20/07-30/07 KF8TM/4: Cudjoe Key (NA-062) 373 20/07-02/08 RU0C: Malminskiye (AS-???) & Iony (AS-069) Is 373 20/07-29/07 TF7/DL3KUD: Vestmannaeyjar Is (EU-071) * by DL3KUD 365 22/07-28/07 XO1CWI: Fogo Island (NA-198) * by WIARC 371 24/07-27/07 CT1xxx/p & CQ2P: Pessegueiro Island (EU-167) * by CTs 367 24/07-13/08 FO5JR: Rimatara (OC-050), Austral Is 371 24/07-27/07 GD3IZD/P: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by G3IZD 373 25/07-26/07 IOTA Contest *** July 6A25: special prefixes from Bahamas 373 July EI4VVF & EI4VVF/p (EU-006) * by W0GLG 373 July F/ON4BDS/p: EU-105, EU-107, EU-157 * by ON4BDS 365 July ID8 islands by Calabria DX Team 373 mid July IL3/IK4RSR: IIA islands in Rovigo province 373 Jul-Dec VK9WG: Willis (OC-007) * by VK5GW 373 July VK0TS: Davis Base, Antarctica (AN-016) 371 /EX