DX425 bulletin issue nr. 371

S DX@WW $425WW371A
425 DX News #371 [1/6]
 12 June 1998                      No 371                   BID: $425WW371A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2    - Roberto, EA4DX will be active (mostly on the low bands and on  RTTY)
         as 3D2DX/p from Viti Levu (OC-016),  Fiji Islands between 20 and  24
         September. QSL  via  EA4DX (Roberto  Diaz,  P.O.  Box  50546,  28080
         Madrid, Spain). <TNX EA4DX>
3D2_rot- Roberto, EA4DX will  be active (SSB  and RTTY on  10-160 metres)  as
         3D2DX  from  Rotuma  Island  (OC-060)  between  29  August  and   19
         September. QSL EA4DX  (Roberto Diaz, P.O.  Box 50546, 28080  Madrid,
         Spain).   The    Web    page    for    this    operation    is    at
         http://www.qsl.net/ea4dx/index.html <TNX EA4DX>
7Q     - Ron, 7Q7RM, who left Malawi on 2 April, will be active again from 14
         June. QSL via G0IAS. <TNX DX News Sheet>
8P     - Dennis, K7BV  plans  to  operate  the  8P9Z  station  from  Barbados
         (NA-021) between 7  and 14 July.  An 8P call  will be assigned  upon
         arrival. He will  operate CW extensively  on all HF  bands and  RS12
         prior to the IARU HF  World Championship (11-12  July), where he  is
         expected to enter the SOABHP CW category.  Dennis will make  special
         effort to catch  as many Asian  band openings as  possible. QSL  via
         K7BV (Dennis Motschenbacher,  4357 Appollonio Way,  Carson City,  NV
         89704, USA) <TNX K7BV>
9N     - Charles, K4VUD now plans to be  active from Nepal [425DXN 367]  from
         10 July until about 5 December (if his visa clearances go well).  He
         will be looking especially for stateside contacts - try to copy  his
         predictably weak signal  at Nepal's sunrise  and sunset times  daily
         first on 14.195, then 14.023, and then 21.295 and 21.023 MHz. He has
         a daily sked with southeast Asians  on 14.215 at  0100 UTC. QSL  via
         K4VUD (Charles H. Harpole, 3100 N. Hwy. 426, Geneva, FL  32732-9761,
         USA). <TNX K4VUD>
BY     - The Jiangsu DX Club operation from Ping Island (NO-REF) [425DXN 370]
         is now scheduled to take place between 19 and 21 June. Look for BI4Q
         to be active with two stations on CW (3.504, 7.004, 10.104,  14.040,
         18.074, 21.040,  24.894,  28.040 and  50.110  MHz) and  SSB  (7.050,
         14.260, 18.135, 21.260,  24.945, 28.460 and  50.110). QSL via  9A2AJ
         (Tomislav Polak, PP 7, HR-34551 Lipik, Croatia). <TNX BA4TB>
EA     - Special event station ED1SCR  is active until  14 June to  celebrate
         the 125th anniversary of the Spanish Red Cross in Salamanca. QSL via
         the bureau to EA1EAU. <TNX EA1ATL>
EA8    - Tony, EA8AKN will be active (mostly on 20 and 15 metres) as EA8AKN/p
         from the  following  lighthouses  on  the  island  of  Fuerteventura
         (AF-004, DIE S-006): Muelle Gran Tarajal (D-2796, from 10 to 13  UTC
         on 20 June), La Entallada (D-2795,  from 15 to 18  UTC on 20  June),
         Roque La Mar  (S-254, from 6  to 12 UTC  on 21 June  during the  DIE
         Contest), Muelle Morro Jable (D-2797, from 14 to 16 UTC on 21 June).
         <TNX EA8AKN>
F      - Patrick, DL4VBP will  be active from  the islands of  Re and  Oleron
         (both counts for EU-032) until 20 June. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
F      - F5NPL and F5NPS will be /p from two DIFI islands (they do not  count
         for IOTA) on 13 June: at 9 UTC they will be active from Bois  Gerard
         island (55001L) and at 11.30 UTC they will operate fron Verte Island
         (55002L). <TNX F5NPS>
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FO     - Bill, W8JGU/FO0MAC and John, K8YSE/FO0PAP [425DXN 370] are  expected
         to go QRT from  the Australs (OC-050)  on 12 June.  They plan to  be
         active from the Marquesas (OC-027) between 14 and 18 June. The  main
         focus will be again on RTTY and  at times there may be two  stations
         on the air with one on RTTY and the other on CW or SSB. QSL for both
         FO0PAP and FO0MAC via K8OU. <TNX K8YSE>
FO     - Albert, FO5JR  will be  leaving Tahiti  on 20  July. He  expects  to
         arrive to  Rimatara (OC-050),  Austral Islands  on the  22th and  to
         start his activity (CW only, around 14.010 and 21.010 MHZ) on either
         the 24th or the 25th. He  will stay there until  13 August. QSL  via
         home call. Please note that Albert does not like pile ups and  wants
         name and QTH on each QSO. <TNX F6AJA & F6CYV>
FP     - Mel, W8MV plans to be active as FP/W8MV from St. Pierre and Miquelon
         (NA-032) between 8 and 15 July.  QSL via W8MV. <TNX The Daily DX>
G      - G0IFM and G0URI will be active (6-80 metres, CW and SSB) from  Lundy
         Island (EU-120) between 13 and 20 June. QSL via the bureau or direct
         to P.O. Box 49, Leicester, England. <TNX The Daily DX>
GU     - Tom, DL4SZ and Arno, DL1CW will be active as MU/DL4SZ/p (SSB and CW)
         and MU/DL1CW/p (CW) from Guernsey (EU-114)  between 10 and 13  June.
         <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
HB0    - HB9LEY (ex JA1LZR)  will be  HB0/ from  Liechtenstein on  13 and  14
         June. He will be working on 40, 30,  20, 17, 15 and possibly 12  and
         10 metres on CW and SSB. QSL via JH1BSE (Masa Yamamura, 2-10-6 Arai,
         Nakanoku,  Tokyo  165,  Japan).   A  web  page   can  be  found   at
         http://www.jona.or.jp/~ja1qgt/hb9ley.html <TNX JA1QGT>
HB0    - DF6VI, DL1FDH and DL4OCM will be HB0/ from Liechtenstein between  22
         and 26 June. They will operate on 6-160 metres, possibly with  three
         stations. QSL via home calls through the bureau. <TNX DF6VI>
HK     - Special event callsigns 5K1WC and 5K3WC are active from Colombia  to
         celebrate the  World Football  (Soccer) Cup.  QSL via  HK3SGP  (Siso
         Hennessey, P.O. Box  170030, Bogota D.C.  Colombia). <TNX The  Daily
I      - II0N is the contest call used by Piero, IK0AEH. QSL via home call.
I      - Pino, I2MWZ and Ivan, IK2OWK will be active (with two stations on 20
         and 40 metres) as IA5/home call from Scoglio d'Affrica (EU-028,  IIA
         LI-011) on 13  June. It is  the first operation  from this rare  and
         remote rock. QSL via home calls. <TNX I2MWZ>
I      - Ennio, IK3LYP (ex IK1LYP) will be active (CW and SSB) as  IG9/IK3LYP
         from Lampedusa Island (AF-019, IIA AG-001)  between 11 and 25  July.
         QSL via  home call  (Ennio Pistillo,  P.O. Box  300, 36100  Vicenza,
J7     - Jim, W6JKV will be active (mainly on 6 metres, but possibly on other
         bands) as J79KV from Dominica (NA-101)  between 26 June and 6  July.
         QSL via W6JKV. <TNX DX News Sheet>
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR plans to be active as JI6KVR/6 from Amakusa Is (AS-012)
         on 27 and  28 June. QSL  via EA5KB (Japanese  stations via  JJ6LXX).
         <TNX JI6KVR>
OD     - Jean-Pierre, F6FLV is active as OD5RAK  from Lebanon until 30  June.
         <TNX DX News Sheet>
OH     - Ron,  DK4UN  (SSB)  and  Matthias,  DK4WD   (CW)  will  be   touring
         Scandinavia in  June-July  and  might  be  active  as  OH/DK4UN  and
         OH/DK4WD from IOTA group EU-126 indicatively  between 1 and 3  July.
         Ron's web page  is at http://www.qsl.net/dk4un  QSL via home  calls,
         either direct or through the bureau. <TNX DK4UN>
OX     - It has  been  reported that  Michael,  OX3LG has  been  active  from
         Greenland's West Coast IOTA group (NA-134)  for the last two  weeks.
         He is expected to leave on 12 June.  He plans to be active from  the
         East Coast group (NA-134) for a  couple of weeks in August. QSL  via
         OZ2ELA. <TNX The Daily DX>
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LA     - Ron, DK4UN  (SSB) and  Matthias, DK4WD  (CW) plan  to be  active  as
         LA/DK4UN and  LA/DK4WD  from the  following  Norwegian  IOTA  groups
         (please note that  the dates are  subject to  changes): EU-141  (3-5
         July), EU-044 (7-10  July), EU-046 (10-12  July), EU-033 and  EU-076
         (13-17 July), EU-062 (18-19 July), EU-079 (21-22 July). QSL via home
         calls, either direct or through the bureau. <TNX DK4UN>
SM     - Ron, DK4UN  (SSB)  and  Matthias, DK4WD  (CW)  might  be  active  as
         SM/DK4UN  and   SM/DK4WD  from   IOTA  groups   EU-135  and   EU-139
         indicatively between  27 and  29 June.  QSL via  home calls,  either
         direct or through the bureau. <TNX DK4UN>
SP     - The Amateur  Radio Scout  Club "Spider",  SP5ZDH will  be active  as
         either SP5ZDH/5 or SP5ZDH/P from the castle of Czersk in the central
         Poland on 13-14 June. QSL  via SP5ZDH either  direct (HKL "Pajak"  -
         SP5ZDH, ul. Poniatowskiego 10, 05-400 Otwock, Poland) or through the
         bureau. <TNX SQ5HAR>
KH0    - Northern Kyushu DX Club  members JA6CNL, JQ6NVE  and JA6AGA will  be
         active from Saipan, Mariana Is  (OC-086) between 11  UTC on 19  June
         and 17 UTC  on 22 June.  They will  operate as  KH0N, KH0/AF4IN  and
         KH0/AF4FL respectively. Look  for them on  CW (1.910, 3.502,  3.525,
         7.002,  7.025,  10.102,  14.002,  14.025,  18.070,  21.002,  21.025,
         24.892, 28.002  and  28.025 MHz)  and  SSB  (3.799,  7.070,  14.195,
         18.135, 21.295, 24.945 and 28.495 MHz). QSL via home calls. <TNX  DX
         News Sheet>
S0     - Mark, ON4WW [425DXN 361] has got the licence to operate from Western
         Sahara as S07WW. He will go to  Bir Lehlu around 15 June and  return
         to Tindouf, Algeria on 20 June. QSL via ON5NT. <TNX EA5XX>
TF     - The German operators who  will be active  from Iceland (15-21  June)
         [425DXN 365] now  include Sigi  (DL7DF), Tom  (DL7BO), Ben  (DL7BY),
         Frank (DL7UFR) and Wolfgang (DL2NWK). They  will concentrate on  the
         low bands and on CW, but SSB  and RTTY are also possible. They  will
         be active  on all  bands, 6  metres included.  QSL via  DL7DF.  <TNX
VE     - Look for Ernest, VE3NSZ and Dennis, VE5AEE to be active from several
         C.IS.A islands (in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British
         Columbia and Yukon) between 9 June and 8 July. The Canadian  Islands
         Award (C.IS.A.) site is at http://www.tir.com/~wd8mgq/ <TNX VE3NSZ &
VE     - Laurie, VO1XC  and Barry,  VO1BAR will  operate from  Puffin  Island
         (NA-198, C.IS.A. NF032) starting  around 18.00 UTC  on 15 May.  They
         will be on the island at least one night and look for openings to JA
         and VK/ZL at  appropriate times.  On the  way back  Laurie plans  to
         operate for  a bit  from Greenspond  (NA-198, NF041,  Ship  (NA-198,
         NF040) and Batterton (NA-198, NF???) islands. <TNX VO1XC & IOTW>
VE     - Amateurs in Cambridge, Ontario are allowed to replace their  VE3/VA3
         prefixes with VF3/VG3 between 22  June and 5  July to celebrate  the
         25th anniversary of the formation of the City of Cambridge. <TNX  DX
         News Sheet>
VE     - Special event station CZ1SSB will be  active from Port aux  Basques,
         Newfoundland (NA-027) between 24 June and  24 July to celebrate  the
         100th anniversary of the Gulf Ferry Service between Newfoundland and
         Nova Scotia. <TNX DX News Sheet>
VK0_ant- Tom Stokes, VK5TS/VK0TS will not go back to Macquarie Island due  to
         a recent policy change with  Australian National Antarctic  Research
         Expedition, which does not allow consecutive  assignments to any  of
         the ANARE bases.  Tom will leave for Davis Base, Antarctica (AN-016)
         in July and will operate from there as VK0TS. <TNX The Daily DX>
VP5    - Bill, K5YG will be active as VP5/K5YG from Providenciales  (NA-002),
         Caicos Islands between 14 and 20  June. Look for him working  mainly
         CW during his evenings and nights. QSL via K5YG. <TNX K5YG>
W      - N1WON, W4WHN  and KE4GWH  plan to  be active  from from  Howell  Key
         (NO-REF, USI new) on either 13  or 20 June  starting around 14  UTC.
         <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
W      - Special event station W7A will be active (SSB and CW, possibly RTTY,
         on 10-80 metres) from Great Falls, Montana to commemorate the  Grand
         Opening of the  Lewis & Clark  Interpretive Center between  1 and  5
         July. QSL via KQ7K (P.O. Box 221, Black Eagle, MT 59414-0221,  USA).
         Further information  is  available  at  http://www.qsl.net/w7a  <TNX
YV     - Amateurs from the  Association of Radioamateurs  of Venezuela  (ARV)
         and the Grupo DX Caracas will  be active (on all  bands CW, SSB  and
         RTTY) as YW5LB from La Blanquilla Island (SA-037) between 16 and  19
         July. QSL via W4SO. <TNX The Daily DX>
ZL8    - Bob Sutton, ZL1RS will be on Raoul Island in the Kermadecs  (OC-039)
         between 28 June  and 17 July.  Work has priority,  so amateur  radio
         activity will be sporadic.  Look for ZL8RS on all bands from 160  to
         6 metres, mainly on SSB with some CW on 160 and 30 metres. Bob might
         be active on RTTY also. QSL via ZL1RS (Robert Sutton, 109 Wright Rd,
         RD2 Katikati, New Zealand). <TNX ZL1RS>
S DX@WW $425WW371D
425 DX News #371 [4/6]
 12 June 1998                      No 371                   BID: $425WW371D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

                   <<< 1998 IOTA CONTEST (25-26 JULY) >>>

The following  amateurs have  announced their  participation in  this  year's
event [see also 425DXN 355, 358, 361, 363, 365, 367]:

AS-043 - Toshi, JM1PXG as JM1PXG/1 from Hachijo  Island. He will  concentrate
         on Europe and North America. QSL via JM1PXG either direct (Toshiyuki
         Saito, 12-2-402,  Okusawa 2,  Setagaya,  Tokyo 158-0083,  Japan)  or
         through the bureau. <TNX JM1PXG>
AS-067 - Yuki, JI6KVR as JI6KVR/6 from Uji  Islands. QSL via EA5KB  (Japanese
         stations only via JJ6LXX). <TNX JI6KVR>
EU-090 - Radio Club Split operators  as 9A8P from  Palagruza. QSL via  9A1AKL
         either direct or through the bureau. <TNX 9A4SP & 9A4NA>
EU-120 - G/F5VCR/p from the island of Lindisfarne. <TNX F-10255>
NA-031 - Mark, AA1AC as AA1AC/P from Aquidneck Island. <TNX The Daily DX>
NA-065 - Debbie, N7FL as W7I from Lopez  Island. QSL via  N7FL. <TNX DX  News
NA-079 - Eight operators (AA4XR, AI4K, KC2KU, KJ9N, KR4GN, WK9Z, WT4T,  XE1L)
         from the Florida West Coast DX Ring from Dry Tortugas. <TNX XE1L>
NA-198 - A group of operators from WIARC (West Island Amateur Radio Club)  as
         XO1CWI from Fogo Island. They will be active between 22 and 28 July.
         QSL via VE2CWI. <TNX Fred Archibald>

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

3W6KA LOG  SEARCH --->  Log serach  for the  Kasati  Ham Radio  Club  Station
(3W6KA)  has  been   set  up   by  the   North  Jersey   DX  Association   at

9X0A LOG  SEARCH --->  Craig Gullickson,  N6ED has  just completed  a DX  Log
Search for Andy, 9X0A. It contains  logs for 9X/RW3AH, 9X0A, and 9U/9X0A  and
it can be found at http://www.qsl.net/n6ed/9x0a.html (a complete list of  all
DX   Log   Searches   on   Craig's   WWW   DX   page   can   be   found    at
http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/8651/) <TNX N6ED>

DAYTON 1998 --->  The Dayton 98  Photo Gallery  is now  up at  the "K8CX  Ham
Gallery" at http://paradox2010.com/ham/ <TNX K8CX>

IY4M ----> The beacon (28.195 MHz) currently does not work. It is most likely
to have suffered some damage during the latest thunderstorm. <TNX IK4SDY>

QSL 6A1A ---> QSL  manager IK3ZAW reports  that the QSL  cards for the  April
activity [425DXN 364] are expected to be printed in about thirty days.

QSL 9M0C ---> QSL manager G3SWH reports  that he has received 5,735 items  of
mail, and is dealing with them strictly in their order of arrival. So far, he
has opened 4,115 of them and 9,037 QSOs have been confirmed. Please note that
many replies to Australia,  New Zealand and  the Far East  have been sent  by
surface mail due to insufficient  return postage (while  an IRC covers  basic
rate postage to all destinations, from  the UK this is only  for items up  to
10g. The double-side card, along with inserts which he is obliged to  include
on behalf of various sponsors, takes  the weight over this, especially  where
the return envelope is heavy of  itself). Please do not send second  requests
at this stage. <TNX G3XTT>

QSL VK8AN & VK8AN/P (OC-154) --->  Please note [as  published in 425DXN  368]
that Dan's  *new* QSL  manager is  VK4AAR (Alan  Roocroft, c/o  Post  Office,
Dalveen, QLD  4374, Australia).  Alan  is also  the  QSL manager  for  V63PD,
VI0ANARE, VK8MI,  YJ8AA, ZK2JJ  and ZK2PJ  (he does  *not* handle  cards  for
either VK9WM or VK9WY).
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QSL YS1X (JAN-FEB  OPERATION BY OHs)  ---> QSL manager  OH2BU (Jari  Jussila,
Pilvijarvi, FIN-02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland) has  received 2,525 envelopes  so
far (covering some 11,000 QSOs out  of 26,396). All the direct cards  (except
50-70 QSLs, which  have to checked  against the original  logs) have  already
been or will  be mailed in  a couple  of weeks'  time. Bureau  cards will  be
handled   as    of    early   July.    Log    search    is    available    at
http://www.qsl.net/gdxf/gdxflogsearh.html - if  you do not  find your QSO  or
find  any  mistake  please  send   Jari  a  note   (his  e-mail  address   is
Jari.Jussila@oh2bu.pp.fi). <TNX OH2BU>

RTTY AT FRIEDRICHSHAFEN ---> RTTY and  digital modes enthusiasts are  invited
to participate in  the first RTTY  DX Meeting to  be held at  Ham Radio  1998
(Friedrichshafen, 25-27 June). The meeting is  scheduled at 16.00 local  time
on Friday 26 June (Saal B). <TNX 4X6UO>

SP-CW-C ---> "Everybody can talk but CW is an art" is the motto of the  SP-CW
Club, which is sponsored by PZK (the Polish Amateur Radio Union) and open  to
both licensed  amateurs and  SWLs  with a  special  interest in  CW.  Further
details  at  http://www.wlkp.top.pl/~pzk/kluby/spcwc/spcwc.htm#english   <TNX

THAILAND ON  WARC --->  Mirek, HS0/VK3DXI  reports  that, according  to  Thai
amateur  radio  magazine  "100   Watts",  after  ten   years  of  hard   work
radioamateurs in Thailand will get a  new Band Plan, allowing access to  WARC
and all modes of transmission for the first time. No exact date was given for
the new Band Plan coming into action.

VP8CTR LOG SEARCH ---> Log Search  for VP8CTR (operated  by Roman, EM1KA)  is
now available at http://www.qsl.net/gdxf <TNX DL1XX>

WRTC 2000  ---> The  World Radiosport  Team  Championship. organized  by  the
Slovenia Contest  Club [425DXN  367], will  be held  on  12-18 July  2000.  A
website has been set up and can be found at http://wrtc2000.bit.si/ <TNX  The
Daily DX>

WWSA CONTEST ---> Paulo Hernandes, PT2NP reports that an effort is being made
to keep the WWSA Contest alive [425DXN  369]. The 1998 Contest, which is  now
sponsored by LABRE, will take place between 12 UTC  on 13 June and 18 UTC  on
14 June. The  complete rules  are available  at http://www.qsl.net/cwsp  <TNX

QSL received via direct:   3D2KZ, 3W5FM, 4L1DX,  4S7EA, 5A1PA, 5H3RB,  5Z4FZ,
6V6U, 6W6/K3IPK, 8Q7KZ, 9H1DL, 9J2DR, 9M6PO, A61AJ, OH2PM/BY1QH, C21BH, C40M,
FO0FI,  FT5WG,  FT5XN,  FT5X/FR5HR,  FW2EH,  H40AB  (OC-065),  H44IO,  HC8ML,
HK0/KB5GL, HK3JJH/0M, HL5KY, HL5XF,  HZ1HZ,  IJ7/IK7JWX  (LE-009, 047,  048),
IL7/IK7JWX (IIA LE-008),  IR2A, J69DS, JT1Y,  JX7DFA, JY9QJ, K7K,  N4DAZ/KH3,
R1FJZ, T31BB,  T32BE,  T32BI, TA2DS,  TA2II,  TF3IRA, TK2YT,  TP10CE,  TT37Y,
TT8JE, TU2XP, TZ6TT, UA0KCL/0 (AS-038), V2/AI5P, VP8/G4FVU, VQ9KK,  K4AU/WH1,

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


                            425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR
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       If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe,  please send a message to
     Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN (for the English version) at ik0zsn@amsat.org
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (for the Italian version)  at i1jqj@amsat.org


                             425 DX NEWS SEARCH
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S DX@WW $425WW371F
425 DX News #371 [6/6]
 12 June 1998                      No 371                   BID: $425WW371F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ

till  July       5K1WC and 5K3WC: Colombia (special event calls)        371
till  14/06      9M2: Langkawi Isl (AS-058), West Malaysia * by G3LIV   369
till  17/06      C6AKA: Bahamas (NA-048, NA-113, NA-001) * by DL7VOG    369
till  15/06      CE1LDS/2: Damas Isl (SA-086) * by CE7ZK and CE1LDS     363
till  31/07      CK3MP: Canada * special event station                  369
till  12/07      FBC#: France * special prefixes                        369
till  late July  FG/F2HE: NA-102 & NA-114 * by F2HE                     362
till  July       FM5JY: Martinique (NA-107) * by F5JYD                  359
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  July       FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            359
till  13/06      MU/DL4SZ/p & MU/DL1CW/p: Guernsey (EU-114)             371
till  30/06      OD5RAK * by F6FLV                                      371
till  20/06      PA6EVA: special event station                          369
till  14/06      SP6ZDA, SP6NIC, SP6STB, SQ6ELP/1 * EU-129 & EU-132     369
till  17/06      SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Island (EU-067) * by G3SWH          369
till  15/06      SV9/OH9MM/P: Crete (EU-015) * by OH9MM                 370
till  12/07      TM#CMF: special event stations                         365
till  08/07      VE3NSZ and VE5AEE: C.IS.A islands                      371
till  15/07      XK2-3, VX1-9, XL1-2, XN1-2: special pfx from Canada    370
till  13/07      ZF2NT: Cayman Is (NA-016) by N6NT                      370
11/06-17/06      A25/ZS6PDX: Botswana * by ZS6RVG and ZS6CAL            369
11/06-13/06      HS: Koh Samet (AS-107) * by 7L1MFS                     369
12/06-25/06      EI2IM: Ireland (EU-115 ) and EU-006 (?) * by W4ZYT     369
12/06-14/06      F: Fort Enet (EU-032) * by F5MRP and ON4ZD             369
12/06-14/06      TM5B: Fort Brescou (EU-148) * by Fs                    369
13/06            F5NPL/p & F5NPS/p: DIFI 55001L and 55002L              371
13/06-20/06      G0IFM and G0URI: Lundy Island (EU-120)                 371
13/06-14/06      HB0/HB9LEY: Liechtenstein                              371
13/06-14/06      I1WXY & IK1NEG: Scoglio della Galeazza (IIA IM-001)    370
13/06            IA5/I2MWZ & IA5/IK2OWK: Scoglio d'Affrica (IIA LI-011) 371
13/06-14/06      IJ9/IT9AXZ, IT9HLR, IT9WDY, IT9YRE: IIA SR-004         369
13/06-14/06      IT9: Scoglio Due Fratelli (EU-025, SR-014) * by IT9s   369
13/06-14/06      SP5ZDH/5 or SP5ZDH/P: castle of Czersk                 371
13/06-14/06      Contest ARI                                            ***
13/06-14/06      ANARTS RTTY Contest                                    ***
13/06-14/06      WWSA CW Contest                                        371
14/06-18/06      FO0PAP & FO0MAC: Marquesas (OC-027) * by K8YSE & W8JGU 371
14/06-20/06      VP5/K5YG: Caicos Is (NA-002)                           371
15/06-20/06      S07WW: Western Sahara * by ON4WW                       371
15/06-21/06      TF: Iceland * by DL7DF, DL7BO, DL7BY, DL7UFR, DL2NWK   371
15/06-16/06      VO1XC and VO1BAR: Puffin Island (NA-198)               371
16/06-12/07      SV5/I3BQC: Astypalea (EU-001)                          370
19/06-21/06      BI4Q: Ping Island (NO-REF) * by BY4s                   371
19/06-22/06      KH0N, KH0/AF4IN & KH0/AF4FL: Marianas (OC-086)*by JAs  371
20/06-21/06      EA8AKN/p: Lighthouses on Fuerteventura (AF-004)        371
20/06            IC8: IIA NA-035, 036, 037, 038 * by IK2s & IK8s        369
20/06-21/06      All Asian CW Contest                                   ***
21/06            IM0/IK0MHR: Porco Islet (EU-041, IIA SS-010)           370
22/06-26/06      HB0/DF6VI, HB0/DL1FDH & HB0/DL4OCM: Liechtenstein      371
22/06-05/07      VF3 & VG3: special prefixes from Ontario, Canada       371
23/06-30/06      IM0/IK2MRZ: Maddalena (EU-041, IIA SS-001)             370
24/06-24/07      CZ1SSB: special event station (NA-027)                 371
25/06-29/06      EJ7NET: Great Saltee Isl (EU-103)*by WestNet DX Group  365
25/06-27/06      Hamradio 1998 (Friedrichshafen)                        367
26/06-06/07      J79KV: Dominica (NA-101) * by W6JKV                    371
27/06-28/06      JI6KVR/6: Amakusa Is (AS-012) * by JI6KVR              371
27/06-29/06      SM/DK4UN and SM/DK4WD: EU-135 and EU-139               371
27/06-18/07      TK/IK1VCA & TK/IZ1BWC: EU-014 & EU-164                 370
27/06-28/06      Marconi Memorial HF CW Contest                         ***
June             7O/HA5PP or 7O8DX/CW: Yemen * by HA5PP                 369
June-July        CY9AA: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by VE9AA and others  367
June             F/ON4BDS/p: Tombelaine Isl (EU-156) * by ON4BDS        365
June             ZM1A: New Zealand                                      370
01/07-14/07      HB0/PI4TUE: Liechtenstein * by Eindhoven Student RAC   365
01/07-03/07      OH/DK4UN and OH/DK4WD: EU-126                          371
01/07-05/07      W7A: special event station from Montana                371
03/07-22/07      LA/DK4UN & LA/DK4WD: EU-141, 044, 046, 033, 076        371
05/07-19/07      IF9/I1SNW: Egadi (EU-054), IG9/I1SNW: Pelagie (AF-019) 370
05/07            DIE Contest                                            ***
05/07            YV DX SSB Contest                                      ***
07/07-14/07      8P: Barbados (NA-021) * by K7BV                        371
10/07-05/12      9N1UD: Nepal * by K4VUD                                371
08/07-29/07      F/ON4LCW: Chausey Is (EU-039) * by ON4LCW              365
08/07-24/07      F6ELE/VE2 & F6HKA/VE2: (NA-077, 084, 125, 176, 177)    365
08/07-15/07      FP/W8MV: St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) * by W8MV      371
11/07-25/07      IG9/IK3LYP: Lampedusa (AF-019, IIA AG-001)             371
11/07-12/07      IARU HF Championship Contest                           ***
15/07-15/11      9V8: Singapore * special prefix                        369
16/07-19/07      YW5LB: La Blanquilla Island (SA-037) * by YVs          371
17/07-19/07      1998 Northwest DX Convention (Tukwila, WA)             369
18/07-19/07      Seanet CW Contest                                      ***
19/07            Colombian Indipendence Contest                         ***
25/07-26/07      IOTA Contest                                           ***
25/07-26/07      Russian RTTY WW Contest                                ***
25/07-26/07      YV DX CW Contest                                       ***
July             F/ON4BDS/p: EU-105, EU-107, EU-157 * by ON4BDS         365
July             VK0TS: Davis Base, Antarctica (AN-016)                 371