S DX@WW $425WW370A 425 DX News #370 [1/5] 6 June 1998 No 370 BID: $425WW370A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3D2 - After leaving West Kiribati [425DXN 368] Ron, ZL1AMO is now active (10-80 metres, CW, SSB and RTTY) as 3D2RW from Fiji for one week. QSL via ZL1AMO. <TNX The Daily DX> 3V - Hrane, YT1AD left Tunisia on 4 June after being active from 3V8BB [425DXN 369] for the week. QSL for this operation via YT1AD. 9K - Hamad, 9K2HN has been forced to postpone his operation from Kubbar Island (AS-118) [425DXN 369], previously planned for 6 June. <TNX 9K2HN> AP - Amir, AP2AGJ is a newly licensed amateur and is active from Karachi, Pakistan. QSL to Amir Gulistan Janjua, Governor House, Peshawar, Pakistan. <TNX ARRL DX Bulletin> BY - BA4TA, BA4TB, BD4RF, BD4RD, BD4SE and other operators from the Chinese province of Jiangsu plan to be active (on 6-80 metres, WARC bands included) as BI4Q from Ping Island (NO-REF) on either 13-14 or 20-21 June. <TNX BA4TB> ER - ER3R/p will be active during the IARU Region 1 Field Day HF Contest (5-7 June). QSL via ER1DA (P.O. Box 9537, Kishinev MD-2071, Moldova). <TNX ARRL DX Bulletin> EU - EU6DA, EU6GB, EW6BN, EW6CF, EW6CM, EW6DI and possibly others will be signing home call/p from islands located in the West Dvina river (they do not count for IOTA) during this summer's weekends. An award is issued for contacts made with four different islands. Further information is available from the Award Manager EW6BN (P.O.Box 61, Novopolotsk-6, 211440, Belarus). <TNX EU6TV> F - French amateurs from Normandy are allowed to use a few special prefixes (HX, HY, TM, TO, TQ, TV, TX) on 6-7 June to commemorate the D-Day. <TNX the Daily DX> FG - Hiroo, JA2EZD has been FG/ from 2 June and will be on Guadeloupe (NA-102) until 10 June. <TNX The Daily DX> FO - Kan, JA1BK reports that K8YSE and W8JGU will be active as FO0PAP and FO0MAC from Rurutu (OC-050, Austral Islands) on 8 June and from Nuku Hiva (OC-027, Marquesas Islands ) on 14 June. <TNX JH2PDS/1> J6 - After leaving Guadeloupe (see FG above), Hiroo, JA2EZD might go and operate as J6/JA2EZD from St. Lucia (NA-108) between 10 and 12 June. QSL via 7L1MFS. <TNX The Daily DX> I - Joe, I1WXY and Gabriele, IK1NEG plan to be active (40 metres CW and SSB) from Scoglio della Galeazza (IIA IM-001, it does not count for IOTA) on 13 and 14 June. QSL via home calls. <TNX I1WXY> I - Claudio, I1SNW will be active as IF9/I1SNW from Egadi Is (EU-054) for one week and as IG9/I1SNW from Pelagie Is (AF-019) for another week between 5 and 19 July. He also plans to operate from a few IIA islands in those areas. <TNX I1SNW> IS0 - Roberto, IK0MHR will be active (on 20 and 40 metres, SSB and CW) as IM0/IK0MHR from Porco Islet (EU-041, IIA SS-010) on 21 June. <TNX Crazy DX Group> IS0 - Roberto, IK2MRZ will be active as IK2MRZ/IM0 from Maddalena (EU-041, IIA SS-001) and possibly from other EU-041 islands between 23 and 30 June. QSL via IK2MRZ either direct (Roberto Pagano, P.O. Box 37, 20092 Cinisello Balsamo - MI, Italy) or through the bureau. <TNX IK2MRZ> JD1_mt - Ryo, JL1KFR [425DXN 369] is now active as JD1YBJ from Minami Torishima (OC-073). QSL via JL1KFR (Ryo Tojo, 1-102, 5-37 Taeu Miyazaki 2 Chome, Chuo-Ku, Chibia 260-0806, Japan) SV5 - Vito, I3BQC will be active as SV5/I3BQC from Astypalea in the Dodecanese (EU-001) between 16 June and 12 July. He might also be active from othewr Greek islands. QSL via I3BQC. <TNX I3BQC> SV9 - Juha, OH9MM will be active (10-40 metres, SSB, CW and RTTY) as SV9/OH9MM/P from Crete (EU-015) between 9 and 15 June. QSL via the bureau to OH3LQK. <TNX OH9MM> TK - Elio, IK1VCA and Roberto, IZ1BWC will be TK/ from Corsica (EU-014) between 27 June and 18 July. They will also try to operate from the island of San Cipriano (EU-164). QSL via IK1VCA either direct (IK1VCA, P.O. Box 250, 10100 Torino - TO, Italy: the CBA is wrong) or through the bureau. <TNX IK1VCA> UR - Special event station EO2500FBD is active until 10 June to celebrate the 2500th anniversary of Belgorod-Dnestrovsk. QSL to S. Bratinov, P.O. Box 85, B-Dnestrovsk 272300, Ukraine. <TNX ARRL DX Bulletin> /EX S DX@WW $425WW370B 425 DX News #370 [2/5] 6 June 1998 No 370 BID: $425WW370B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== V6 - Eventually Mike, NG7S was able to go to Mokil (OC-226/p) [425DXN 368] with his 100W rig and a vertical. He has been active on CW since 1 June and will be signing V63RL/P until 8 June. QSL via NG7S. V6 - Peter, V63PD is going to be active from Chuuk Is (OC-011). He is currently waiting for his antenna to arrive but he has carried his rig with him. QSL direct to VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, c/o Post Office, Dalveen QLD 4374, Australia). <TNX VK4AAR> VE - Until 15 July Canadian amateurs are allowed to replace their usual prefixes with the following special prefixes to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police: XK2 (VA2) and XK3 (VA3); VX1-VX9 (VE1-VE9); XL1 (VO1) and XL2 (VO2); XN1 (VY1) and XN2 (VY2). <TNX DX News Sheet> VK9L - Nick, VK2ICV/VK9LX is looking for 3-4 contest operators willing to operate as VK9LX from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) for ten days in November (CQWW DX CW Contest included). If you are interested please contact Nick at watchman@tig.com.au as soon as possible (the 1997 operation web site is at http://www.watch4you.com/vk9lx). <TNX VK2ICV> ZF - Bruce, N6NT is expected to be active (10-80 metres CW) from Cayman Is (NA-016) until 13 July. QSL via N2AU. <TNX DX News Sheet> ZK1_sc - Ed, K8VIR planned to be active as ZK1EHH from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands until 3 June. Then he was expected to go and operate from Atiu (OC-083) between 4 and 10 June. QSL via K8VIR. <TNX The Daily DX> ZL - ZM1A is the special call which has been issued to the Auckland Contest Club (recently founded by ZL3CW, ZL1AMO and ZL1BMW) for 30 days starting with the CQWW WPX CW Contest last weekend. QSL via ZL3CW. <TNX OPDX Bulletin> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************* **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... **************************** ************************* + SILENT KEY + Former US Senator Barry Goldwater died on 29 May at the age of 89. Our readers outside the US surely remember the sharp-tongued, uncompromising defender of conservatism, who lost the presidency in 1964 against Lyndon B. Johnson. However they may ignore that Sen. Goldwater was a noted radio amateur (first licensed in 1921, he would operate as K3UIG from his Senate office and as K7UGA when he was at home in Arizona) who did a lot for amateur radio. His bill to allow reciprocal operating agreements between the US and other countries was signed into law in 1964 and his legacy includes also the establishment of the volunteer examination programme (1982). CY9RF CANCELLED ---> Dan, K8RF reports that the CY9RF expedition to St. Paul Island (28 May - 2 June) [425DXN 367] was cancelled due to various factors, mainly last minute conflicts with one of the operators' schedule. "We did not have enough manpower to properly mount the operation", Dan says, "so I felt it was best to cancel other than do a poor job". <TNX K8RF> IOTA AT FRIEDRICHSHAFEN ---> RSGB IOTA Committee Chairman Martin Atherton, G3ZAY and IOTA Manager Roger Balister, G3KMA will attend Ham Radio 1998 at Friedrichshafen (25-26 June). An IOTA Forum will take place on 26 June at 14.00 (local time) in the Konferenz Raum and an IOTA Get-together has been organized on 26 June at 19.00 (local time) at "Beim Bene" (VFB Stadion Gaststaette, Teuringer Str. 2). IOTA Country Assistant for Germany and Checkpoint Hans-Georg Goebel, DK1RV will be at the Yaesu booth in hall 10. <TNX DK1RV> QSL CQWW WPX CW CONTEST 1998 ---> Pascual Guardiola, EA5EYJ has compiled a list of QSL routes for stations active in this year's event. Give a look to http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj/wpxcw98.htm (the latest update will be available around 8 June). <TNX EA5EYJ> QSL IL3/IK3QAR ---> Cards for IL3/IK3QAR operations from the islands of Campana (EU-131, IIA VE-029) and Poveglia (EU-131, IIA VE-030) on 23 May are handled by the operator himself, who has no QSL manager. <TNX IK3QAR> QSL P3A ---> Direct cards for P3A (Multi-Multi from Cyprus in CQWW WPX CW) should be sent to UA9YAB (Alex Vedernikov, Box 120, BIYSK Altajskij kraj, 659300 Russia). Alex requests 3 IRCs + SAE. <TNX UA9YAB> QSL VIA IK2MRZ ---> Direct cards for 1992 and 1993 operations by IL4/IK2MRZ from Scanno di Piallazza (IOTA EU-155, IIA FE-001) can be requested to Roberto Pagano, P.O. Box 37, 20092 Cinisello Balsamo - MI, Italy until September. After this date all QSOs for which Roberto, IK2MRZ has not received a QSL request will be automatically confirmed via bureau. Roberto still has logs and QSL cards for the 1991 S79HX operation by IK2BHX (QSL either direct or through the bureau). <TNX IK2MRZ> /EX S DX@WW $425WW370AC 425 DX News #370 [3/5] 6 June 1998 No 370 BID: $425WW370C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [1/3] * =========================== 3D2BA Dick, P.O.Box 916, Sigatoka, Fiji Islands 5B4LP Andreas Mavrides, 8A Salamis Avenue, Nicosia 135, Cyprus 5B4OG Edward D.Ross, P.O.Box 6307, Larnaca, Cyprus 7S6KY Kungsbacka Radioamatorer, P.O Box 10302, S-434 24 Kungsbacka, Sweden 8Q7AM Ali Mahir, Chandani Villa 19, Raa, Vaadhoo 0502, Maldive Islands 9H1SV Stephen Vella, "Alpinia", Censu Muscat St., Naxxar NXR 05, Malta 9M6HZ Herbert Koh, Locked Bag No.1, 88990 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia AH8LG Larry Gandy, P.O.Box 1618, Pago Pago, AS-96799, American Samoa AP2AGJ Amir Gulistan Janjua, Governor House, Peshawar, Pakistan BA1CO Pek Ching, P.O.Box 6111, Beijing, China BD4DC Ralph Chian, 573 Fu-Xing-Zhong-Lu, Shanghai 200025, China BV3BV Yo Ki Huang, P.O.Box 3-59, Yangmei 326, Taiwan BY1BYX YongXin Amateur Radio Station, P.O.Box 429, Beijing, China CE6TC Marco Quijada, P.O.Box 1234, Temuco, Chile CN8KD Mohamed Kharbouche, P.O.Box 6343, 10101 Rabat, Morocco CT1DTE Luis Valadas, Rua Aquilino Ribeiro,N1 3 ESQ, P-2780 Oeiras, Portugal DS1HAM Kim Jung Hee, Kae Hwa APT #107-305, Bang Hwa 3 dong, Kang So-Ku, Seoul 157-223, South Korea DS3ACV Yang Hae Cheon, Karam APT 3-501, Samchun-dong, Seo-gu, Taejon 302-222, Korea DS4BHW Pil-Ki Kim, P.O.Box 27, Suncheon 540-600, South Korea DS5EOV Lee Jae-Ku, 101-1906 Ku-Duk Kuk-Dong Apt., 173-16 Hak-Jang-Dong, Sa-Sang-Gu, Pusan 617-020, South South Korea DS5RNM Joonha Lee, Kyeungnam Town 9-1005, 113, Hwangkum-dong, Suseong-Ku, Taegu 706-040, South Korea DU7LA Peter Sils, P.O.Box 90, Dumaguete PH-6200, Philippines EK6AD Evgeni Kurgin, Ul-Tamanceneri 18-56, 375000 Erevan, Armenia FK8HC Franck Petitjean, P.O.Box 7636, Ducos, 98801 Noumea, New Caledonia HC1/K4ERO John O.Stanley, 8495 Highway 157, Rising Fawn, GA-30738, U.S.A. HC4NAR Raul Armas, P.O.Box 13-01-326, Portoviejo, Manabi, Ecuador HH2PK Patrick Cardozo, P.O.Box 1095, Port-au-Prince, Haiti HJ3YHY Jairo Hinestroza, A.A.151273, Santafe de Bogota, Colombia HL0K Hankuk Aviation University Amateur Radio Club, 200-1 Hwajun-dong, Dukyang-gu, Koyang, Kyonggi 411-791, South Korea HL0Z Gyeongsang National University Marine Science College Amateur Radio Station, 445 Inpung Dong, Tong Yung, South Korea HL1XP Jeon, 58-1 Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul 135-010, South Korea HL2BM Kim Hong Jong, P.O.Box 1, Hoengge, Kangwon 232-950, South Korea HL2DKL Park Dong Suk, Bongyang 1-Ri, Jeongseon-eup, Kangwon 233-800, Korea HL2LMW Bok Gwi Moon, 1007-104 Jukong APT, 550 Eunhaeng-2 dong, Jungwon-ku, Seongnam 462-152, South Korea HL2WA Dong Kyu Lee, 1007-104 Jukong APT, 550 Eunhaeng-2 dong, Jungwon-ku, Seongnam 462-152, South Korea HL5FBT Keum Cheol Kim, P.O.Box 34, Namdaegu 705-600, South Korea HP3XUG CAPT louis N.Anciaux, Apartado 417, David, Chiriqui, Panama HR1RGA Rene Garcia A., P.O.Box 15176, Tegucigalpa, Honduras HR2JGG Jorge Giacoman, P.O.Box 351, 23201 El Progreso, Yoro, Honduras HS1PDY Kanok Chantrasmi, P.O.Box 195, Samsennai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand J43PTR Radio Amateur Association of West Peloponese, P.O.Box 12, GR-260 03 Patra, Greece JA3MCA Kaoru Tachibana, 1-7-5-403 Tsukimino Yamato, Kanagawa 242, Japan JL1KFR Ryoichi Tojo, 2-5-37-1-102, Miyazaki, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, Chiba 260-0806, Japan JR4ISF Katsuyuki Ishi, 6-12-7-201, Kohshienguchi, Nishinomiya 663-8113,Japan K8RF Daniel Flaig, 2101 Ronaldson Ave, Cincinati, OH 45230-1510, U.S.A. LA9PJA Carlos Ferreira, Johan Bjerknes vei 5 B, N-3039 Drammen, Norway LU3FP Hernan Baez, Gorriti 462, 2000 Rosario, Argentina LU9FZI Radio Club Casilda, P.O.Box 167, 2170 Casilda (SF), Argentina LX1KC Christian Kieffer, 121, rue Klensch, L-3250 Bettembourg, Luxembourg N5FTR Buzz Loeschman, 717 Milton, Angleton, TX-77515, U.S.A. N7TX S.Thompson, 119 E.Jasmine St., Mesa, AZ-85201-1811, U.S.A. OA6AFS Edgardo M.Corrales Rodriguez, P.O.Box 109, Arequipa, Peru ON4BDS David Steeman, Kapelweg 11, B-9200 Dendermonde, Belgium RU1ZC Akademgorodok 2 kv. 1, Loparskaya 184340, Russia SM0CMH Goran Lundell, Algovagen 11, SE-13336 Saltsjobaden, Sweden SP6ZDA Scouts Radio Club, P.O.Box 41, 51-673 Wroclaw, Poland SV1AYC Kostas Monastiriakos, 10 Mesologiou St., GR-141 23 Likovrisis, SV1BRL Kiki, P.O.Box 87539, GR-185 07 Piraeus, Greece SV2COL Sismanidis Dimitris, Velvendo Kozanis, GR-504 00 Kozani, Greece /EX S DX@WW $425WW370AD 425 DX News #370 [4/5] 6 June 1998 No 370 BID: $425WW370D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [2/3] * =========================== TA Buro Telsiz Radyo Amatorleri Cemiyeti, P.O.Box 699, TR-80005 Karakoy, Istanbul, Turkey TA3BN Nuri Boylu, P.O.Box 976, Konak, TR-35252 Izmir, Turkey TI5FVV Fulton, P.O.Box 210, 4400 San Carlos, Costa Rica TK5PB Bruno Padey, Le Magenta No. 1, F-20169 Bonifacio, Corsica, France TF8GX Gudlaugur K.Jonsson, P.O.Box 345, IS-230 Keflavik, Iceland UR4LWC Alex Nuzhny, P.O.Box 10636, Kharkiv 310052, Ukraine US4IXQ Ed Repienko, P.O.Box 418, Makeevka-41, Donetsk 339041, Ukraine UU2JZ Ken Yernev, P.O.Box 96, Simferopol 38, 333038 Ukraine VE2BQB Louis Paquet, 1368 Rang 4, Lac au Saumon, P.Q., G0J 1M0, Canada VE7ARS Scott Osborne Sheppard, 32484 McRae Av., Mission, BC, V2V 2L7, Canada VE7TLL Terry Mitchell, P.O.Box 9, Tlell, BC, V0T1Y0, Canada VK2GJH Jack D. Haden, P.O. Box 299, Ryde, NSW, 2112, Australia VP8CXV Chris Vernon, 57 Parker Road, Wittering, Cambs PE8 6AN, England VU2SWS Sarla Sharma, 7 Gaurav Apt, Nahur, Mulund West,Mumbai 400 080,India W4DN David Novoa, 1994 SW 142nd Ave, Miami, FL-33175, U.S.A. XX9BB Leong Kam Po, P.O.Box 6018, Macau XX9EH John Leong, P.O.Box 6018, Macau YB0DX Ayung, P.O.Box 1004 JKB, Jakarta 11010, Indonesia YB0BEH Roselina, P.O.Box 1096, Jakarta 10010, Indonesia YB1GLB Liebra T., P.O.Box 1042, Bandung 40010, Indonesia YB7UE D.A.Farianto, P.O.Box 6731 JKUKP, Jakarta 14250B, Indonesia YB8BYS H.F.Sjamsuddin, Jln Gunung Kairo 12, Ujung Pandang 90114, Indonesia YC0IEM Hotang Siahaan, P.O.Box 7262, Jakarta 12072, Indonesia YC1VQD Ir.Jonathan H.Lemuel, P.O.Box 115, Tangerang 15001, Indonesia YC2JVQ Muarief, P.O.Box 1019, Brebes 52212, Indonesia YC7KE Husaini, P.O.Box 188, Banjarmasin 70001, Indonesia YS1RR Raymundo Ernesto Rodriguez Diaz, P.O.Box 32, San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America ZP5BMR Nene Barboza, Av.San Martin 1799, 1767 Asuncion, Paraguay ZP5FEL Felix Echeverria Insfran, C.C.1969, 1209 Asuncion, Paraguay ZP7CLA Carlos Alberto Lohse Kiese, C.C.36, 5000 Villarica, Paraguay ZP7CWA Lorgio Roberto Aguilera, P.O.Box 001, Caaguazu, Paraguay ZP9CN Antero Gustavo Carlson N., P.O.Box 145, 6000 Encarnacion, Paraguay ZP9DZA Helmut Paster, C.C.412, 7000 Ciudad del Este, Paraguay ZP9TVA Euclides Toledo, C.C.533, 7000 Ciudad del Este, Paraguay ============================================================================ CALL MANAGER ! CALL MANAGER ! CALL MANAGER ! ============================================================================ 1X5AA W3HNK ! DU1/KG6UH HP3XUG ! OL1C OK1AN ! 3A/W8MV W8MV ! DU100SAN DU1SAN ! OL2A OK2RAB ! 3C1GS EA5BYP ! E21CJN W3PP ! OT7E ON4ARC ! 3D2RW ZL1AMO ! EA8/DK7ZH DK7ZH ! OT7T ON4UN ! 3D2TK JA3MCA ! EA8ZS EA3KU ! P29VR W7LFA ! 3V8BB I5JHW 1-3/5/98! ED1HS EA1HS ! P38M YL2KL ! 3V8BB JF2EZA 4-5/5/98! EM1LV UR8LV ! P43P P43ARC ! 3Z0AU SP6CZ ! EM4U UT4UZ ! PA6HQ PA3CAL ! 3Z0I SP6ZDA ! EN5J UU2JZ ! PA6PA PA3BHY ! 4F3CV HB9CXZ ! EO5ISM UR4IZM ! PA6W PA0JR ! 4K53CW 4J9RI ! EO5QB US4QWX ! PI4RDM PA3FRN ! 4K80ADR 4J9RI ! EO5WL UT1WA ! R1ANZ RU1ZC ! 4K8F UA9AB ! EP3HR I2MQP ! RA2FBT DJ1OJ ! 4K9W DL6KVA ! ER9V ER1DA ! RA3GS IK3PQG ! 4L0CR IK7JTF ! ES5Q ES5RY ! RF2FWA DK4UW ! 4L4MM ON4CFI ! EU3FT W3HC ! RN0A UA0AGI ! 4S7BRG HB9BRM ! EW3LB W3HNK ! RP3QWK N2UCK ! 4S7DA W3HNK ! EX8MLE IK2QPR ! RP9JTF RK9JWZ ! 4S7SW ON6TZ ! F5KDC/P F6AXP ! RS0F W3HNK ! 4S7TWG N6TW ! FBC2GM F2GM ! S07QF EA4URE ! 4X50AA/SK NF4W ! FBC2YT F2YT ! S21YE G4VLV ! 4Z1GY/50 NF4W ! FBC5CCO F5CCO ! SN5N SP5KP ! 5A21PA ON4APS ! FBC5NZO F5NZO ! SN5W SP5YFC ! 5B4/DL1CW DL1CW ! FBC5SIH F5SIH ! SN6Y SP6YEN ! 5B4/RA3CW YL2KL ! FBC6JJX F6JJX ! SN7L SP7HB ! 5B4/RZ3BY YL2KL ! FG/F2HE F2HE ! SO3IF DJ0IF ! 5B4/T93Y W6MD ! FG5EY F6EYB ! SO4AII HB9AII ! 5B4/T97M K2PF ! FG5FC F6DZU ! T30RW ZL1AMO ! 5B4ADA 9A2AJ ! FK8FU NA5U ! T32RT W6UC ! 5H3ES DF9SU ! FM5JY F5JYD ! T88KH JM1LJS ! 5H3RB LA4DM ! FO5QG XE1L ! TA2DS WA3HUP ! 5W1SA JH7OHF ! FS5PL N0JT ! TA2IJ DJ9ZB ! 5X1P G3MRC ! FT5XN F6PEN ! TA3/N9NC OM2SA ! 5X1T ON5NT ! GB0NLW G4YRZ ! TA3ZM DL5ABL ! 5Z4RL N2AU ! GB0ON ON4ON ! TJ1HP F6FNU ! 6Y5/N8QDB JR4ISF ! GJ0MEU ON7PQ ! TK/PA3GIO PA3GIO ! 7X0AD EA4URE ! GM6F GM3ZRC ! TL8CK F6EWM ! 7X2RO F6FNU ! GS2MP GM2MP ! TL8JL K4UTE ! 7Z1AB KN4F ! H24LP 5B4LP ! TM0AIX F5HA ! 7Z5OO N2AU ! H40AB VK9NS ! TM0UN F5HWB ! 8P9IY KF8OY ! H75A N5FTR ! TM1IF F5RBB ! 8P9JG W2SC ! HB0/DA1WA DJ0UC ! TM2CMF F5KSE ! 8Q7JJ G0OLT ! HB0/HB9LEY JH1BSE ! TM7M F5SKJ ! 8S3FRO SM3CVM ! HC6CR NE8Z ! TM9SRA/MM F6GPE ! 9A7C KA9WON ! HF0POL SP3SUN ! TO5G FG5BG ! /EX /EX S DX@WW $425WW370E 425 DX News #370 [5/5] 6 June 1998 No 370 BID: $425WW370E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [3/3] * =========================== 9A800OS 9A5I ! HI8/DF1IC DF1IC ! TR8CA F6CBC ! 9A90CBD 9A3UF ! HL5KY W3HNK ! TR8KPJ F6CDK ! 9G1MR IK3HHX ! HL9UH HP3XUG ! TT8FC EA4AHK ! 9H1EL LA2TO ! HO3A HP3XUG ! TT8JWM N4RXL ! 9H3UG DJ4UP ! HP1XVH N0JT ! TT8SA IV3VBM ! 9H3UT DL9GDB ! HP3/KG6UH HP3XUG ! TU0D TU2CI ! 9H3XJ DL7JF ! HR3/F2JD F6AJA ! TU2XP F6AXP ! 9J2BO W6ORD ! HR6/F2JD F6AJA ! TX8A FK8HC ! 9K2/SP5UAM SP5PBE ! HR6/N7QXQ W7TSQ ! UA9OS W3HNK ! 9K2AI IK7JTF ! HS1RU JG3AVS ! UK8OM IK2QPR ! 9K2MU WA4JTK ! HS6CMT JA7FYF ! UN7LG KU9C ! 9L1ZW JA9IFF ! HV4NAC IK0FVC ! UT7L UR4LWC ! 9M2EU JA2EJI ! ID9/IT9HLN IT9HLN ! V26GG OKDX ! 9M2TD JR4PDP ! ID9/IT9HLN IT9HLN ! V26TT K5TT ! 9M2TO JA0DMV ! ID9/IT9NGN IT9NGN ! V31KR K5KR ! 9M6AAT UA9CI ! ID9/IT9NGN IT9NGN ! V31YK W5JYK ! 9M8CC PB0ALB ! ID9/IT9TZZ IT9TZZ ! V51LK DJ4LK ! 9N1FP RU6FP ! ID9/IT9UHF IT9NGN ! V51Z ZS6EZ ! 9Q5TR 4Z5DP ! ID9/IT9UHF IT9NGN ! V63DC N6VV ! 9U5DX F2VX ! IG8R I8RIZ ! V63RL NG7S ! 9U5T F2VX ! IG9/I2VXJ I2EOW ! VE7QCR/P VE7TLL ! 9V1BG HJL1MWI ! II1ARI I1JQJ ! VE7TLL/P VE7TLL ! 9V1XX 7K3CKK ! IM0/IS0JMA IS0JMA ! VI75RAAF VK4LV ! 9V1ZB JL3WSL ! IQ2W IK2DUW ! VK8AN VK4FW ! A61AN WA2JUN ! IQ6T IK6SNQ ! VK8AN/6 VK4FW ! A61AO N1DG ! IR2P IK2DUW ! VK9LX VK2ICV ! A92FZ W3HC ! IR2Y IK2QEI ! VK9LZ N0AH ! AH0T JA6BSM ! IU6F IK6BOB ! VM4AA VK3FX ! AH8LG KS6DV ! J28DB F4AAQ ! VP2VDX K6CT ! AP2MIZ AP2SP ! J38G W8KKF ! VP9ANV WB2YQH ! AX2ITU VK2PS ! J45KLN SM0CMH ! VP9LR K1EFI ! AX3ITU VK3ER ! J45RDS SV5AZP ! VQ9GB K7GB ! AX4ITU VK4XA ! J47LAF SV7CO ! VQ9KK KB0QKK ! AZ4F LU3FP ! J68BW KF8OY ! VQ9ZZ NS1L ! BN0A JH3DPB ! JD1/JL1KFR JL1KFR ! VU2ABE JA4DOB ! BV5BG IK7JTF ! JT1X HA0HW ! W6P K6BZ ! BX0YL BV4YB ! JU1HA HA0HW ! W7A KQ7K ! C31SD CT1AMK ! JY8YB DL5MBY ! W7I N7FL ! C40M 5B4AFM ! JY9QJ DL5MBY ! XE1RCS XE1KK ! C46A 9A2AJ ! KG4OX W4OX ! XE1RGL N2AU ! C4CQ YL2KL ! KG4WD W4WX ! XK3NJ VA3NJ ! C4W 5B4WN ! KG4WW KX4WW ! XM7P VE7ARS ! C6AKA DL7VOG ! KG6UH HP3XUG ! XU6BND JA6BND ! C91W W8GIO ! KH2/N2NL W2YC ! XUF2B N4JR ! CE3JHB F6FNU ! KH7A JA5DQH ! XX9TSS JK2PNY ! CE6TBN CE6TC ! KP2AD OK1AJY ! YB52RI YB0BEH ! CO8HF CT1ESO ! KP3EE WP4U ! YE0T YB0PR ! CP4CR IK2UVU ! KP4IX WP4MIM ! YM2ZM OK1DTP ! CP6/LU9AUY LU9AUY ! LU7FOT LU9FZI ! YM3DL DL4VBP ! CQ4S CT1DTE ! LX4A LX1KC ! YS9/KS4Q KS4Q ! CQ98BM CT3BM ! LX4B LX1TI ! YZ4ED YZ7ED ! CS98MS CT4MS ! LX9UN LX1KC ! Z31JA NO6X ! CT3/DK4KL DK4KL ! M0ARC G3LZQ ! Z32GW NN6C ! CT3/DL3KWR DL3KWR ! M6T G3XTT ! ZA1MH Z32KV ! CT98AIF CT1AIF ! M7D G3LZQ ! ZC4JJ G0CXX ! CT98ARL CT1EWA ! MD/N0KV N0KV ! ZD7WRG WA2JUN ! CT98BOH W3HNK ! MM/K5MK/P K5MK ! ZD8T AC4IV ! CT98EXPO CT1REP ! NP4A W3HNK ! ZD9IL ZS5BBO ! CU3DX CU3AN ! OD5PN LX1NO ! ZF2DE N4BP ! CX5X W3HNK ! OH0AAQ OH2NRV ! ZF2DN W4DN ! D2AI CT1EGH ! OH0CW OH2KMF ! ZF2JS WD4JNS ! D2BB W3HNK ! OH0EA OH2KMG ! ZF2PU W4OVU ! D3SAA CT1BZJ ! OH0W OH2IW ! ZK1EHH K8VIR ! D68YN HB9CYN ! OH2KW OH2IW ! ZS2BBG DF1OC ! D68YV HB9CYV ! OH5BQ OH2IW ! ZS8IR ZS6EZ ! DU1/DL5ZAH DL5ZAH ! OK5W OK1AEZ ! 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