DX425 bulletin issue nr. 369

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                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

CQWW WPX CW 1998 ---> A  list of announced DX  operations during this  year's
event is available  at http://www.cpcug.org/user/wfeidt/Misc/wpxcw98.html  or
http://www.his.com/~wfeidt/Misc/wpxcw98.html  (please   send  additions   and
corrections to wfeidt@cpcug.org). <TNX NG3K>

3D2    - Wolf, DL2SCQ and his wife Ann, DL1SCQ will be active respectively as
         3D2WD and  3D2DA  during their  August-September  trip  to  Mamanuca
         (OC-121) and Yasawa  (OC-156) islands  [425DXN 367].  QSL via  DL6DK
         either direct  (Peter X.  Voits, Uhlandstr.  28, D-59192  Bergkamen,
         Germany) or through the bureau. <TNX DL2SCQ>
3V     - Hrane, YT1AD is active from 3V8BB during the weekend. QSL via YT1AD.
         <TNX The Daily DX>
5B     - RA9JX, UA9MZ, RZ9UA,  RU3AA, RV3AJ,  RZ3TX, UA3TT,  UA3TR and  RW3TJ
         will participate in  the CQWW WPX  CW Contest  (Multi-Multi) as  P3A
         from Cyprus. <TNX The Daily DX>
5B     - The following  amateurs  plan to  participate  in the  CQWW  WPX  CW
         Contest: 5B4WN as C4W (on all  bands, QSL via home call), 5B4ADA  as
         C46A (on all bands, QSL via  9A2AJ), 5B4LP as  H24LP (on 40  metres,
         QSL via home call). <TNX The Daily DX>
7O     - Zoli, HA5PP is going again to  Yemen, this time with the support  of
         K4TKM and the  NCDXF. He will  stay in  Sana'a for  about one  month
         starting on 1 June and he hopes  to be active as either 7O/HA5PP  or
         7O8DX/CW. QSL via  HA5YPP (P.O. Box  1157, Budapest 1245,  Hungary).
         <TNX HA5PP>
9K     - Weather permitting,  Hamad, 9K2HN  will be  active as  9K2HN/p  from
         Kubbar Island (AS-118) on 6 June between  15 UTC and 1 UTC. QSL  via
         9K2HN either direct (Hamad J. Al-Nusif, P.O.Box 29174, 13152  Safat,
         Kuwait) or through the bureau.  <TNX 9K2HN>
9M2    - Johnny, G3LIV plans to be  active (mainly on  CW, SSB if  requested)
         from Langkawi Island (AS-058), West Malaysia between 5 and 14  June.
         QSL via home call. <TNX DX News Sheet>
9M6    - UA9CI, UA9CLB,  UA9CDV  and UA9CDC  are  active  from  the  Hillview
         Gardens Resort at Keningau, Sabah (OC-088)  as 9M6AAT until 6  June.
         They will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (Multi-Single). QSL
         via UA9CI. <TNX UA9CDC>
9V     - The 26th South  East Asia Net  (SEAnet) Convention will  be held  in
         Singapore (AS-019) from 13 to 15 November. To celebrate and  promote
         the event local  amateurs have been  authorized to  use the  special
         prefix 9V8 between 15 July and 15 November. <TNX 9V1RH>
A2     - Dave, ZS6RVG and Dick, ZS6CAL will be active (mostly RTTY and  SSTV,
         but also CW and SSB) as  A25/ZS6PDX from Botswana between 11 and  17
         June. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
A6     - Don, N1DG plans to be active in his spare time from A61AD between  1
         and 7  June. He  will concentrate  on RTTY  (14.090 MHz  +/ -  QRM).
         Thirty metres  and  RS12 operations  are  also planned,  but  no  LF
         activity. Don hopes to meet A61AQ and get the logs from him. QSL via
         N1DG. <TNX N1DG>
BY     - Martti, OH2BH and Pete, OH2PM  will participate in  the CQWW WPX  CW
         Contest from the Chinese Club station BY1QH. <TNX The Daily DX>
C6     - DL7VOG will be  active (6-80 metres,  mainly CW and  RTTY) as  C6AKA
         from the  Bimini  (NA-048),  Crooked  (NA-113)  and  New  Providence
         (NA-001) islands between 30 May and 17 June. He plans to participate
         in the CQWW WPX CW Contest. QSL via DL7VOG. <TNX ARRL DX Bulletin>
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CP     - Matias, LU9AUY will  be signing CP6/LU9AUY  from Bolivia between  27
         May and 3 June. He will  participate in the CQWW  WPX CW Contest  as
         CP6AA. <TNX LU9AUY>
CX     - Jorge, CX6VM will  participate in the  CQWW WPX CW  Contest as  CX5X
         (QSL via W3HNK). Look also for  Oscar, CX5DN (QSL via bureau).  <TNX
         The Daily DX and CX5DN>
EI     - Don, W4ZYT will be active  (10-40 metres, mainly  CW) as EI2IM  from
         Ireland (EU-115) between 12 and  25 June. He  might also operate  as
         EJ/EI2IM/P from  Aran Islands  (EU-006) during  his trip.  <TNX  The
         Daily DX>
EN     - EN5J is the call the Central Crimean Crazy Contest Club (CCCCC) will
         be using in this year's major contests. QSL via LY1DS. <TNX UU2JQ>
F      - Special event station TM6ACO will be  active on 6-7 June during  the
         24 hours of Le Mans. QSL via F6KFI. <TNX The Daily DX>
F      - F5MRP and  ON4ZD  will be  active  (mostly on  CW)  from  Fort  Enet
         (EU-032) between 12  UTC on  12 June  and 12  UTC on  14 June.  <TNX
F      - F5BJW, F5XX, F5RDI, F5UOE and F1CLO plan to be active (SSB and CW on
         10, 15, 20,  40 and 80  metres) as TM5B  from Fort Brescou  (EU-148,
         DIFM ME-001) between 12 and 14 June. It has been requested the  call
         TM5B. QSL via F5XX. <TNX F6AJA & F6CYV>
FO     - Pierre, F5GSK is active as FO5QE from Tahiti (OC-046) until  January
         1999. QSL to  Pierre Boutheon, SP  91628, 00200  Armees, Postes  Aux
         Armees, Paris, France. <TNX The Daily DX>
GM     - Chris, G4FAM will participate in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (20 metres)
         as GS2MP  from the  North of  Scotland  Contest Group  club  station
         (GM2MP). QSL via the bureau to GM2MP. <TNX The Daily DX>
HS     - Yoh, 7L1MFS will be active (on  10, 15, 20 and  40 metres) from  Koh
         Samet (AS-107) between 11 and 13 June. QSL via 7L1MFS (Yoh  Yoshida,
         Shinko Bldg., 4-1 Arakawa 4-chome, Arakawa 116, Japan). <TNX DX News 
HZ     - Mike, K3UOC  will participate  in the  CQWW WPX  CW Contest  on  all
         bands. This will be Mike's final  activity from Saudi Arabia, as  he
         will go QRT (after over 112,000 QSOs) and return to the US in  early
         June.  QSL via N2AU. <TNX N2AU>
I      - Weather permitting, Mediterraneo DX Team members IK8WEJ, IZ8BGY  and
         IZ8AZV will be IJ8/ from  Scoglio Cervaro (IIA  CS-005, it does  not
         count for IOTA) on 6 June. <TNX IZ8BGY>
I      - IK1QBT (Tony Gallo, Via Capo S.Spirito  1/16, 17052 Borghetto  Santo
         Spirito -  SV, Italy),  IK1ZOZ (Nino  Mallamaci, reg.  Fenarina  15,
         17021 Alassio - SV,  Italy) and IK1OXF  (Alex Minetto, Via  Carducci
         9/3, 17036 Leca di Albenga - SV, Italy) will be active (all bands CW
         and SSB) as IA1/home call from Gallinara Island (EU-083, IIA SV-001)
         on 6-7 and 13-14 June. QSL via either direct or through the  bureau.
         <TNX IK1QBT>
I      - A group of operators from the  Egadi DX Group plan  to be active  as
         IT9WKH and IT9WLK from Isola Lunga  (EU-166, IIA TP-021) on 6 and  7
         June. QSL via IT9FXY. <TNX IT9ECQ>
I      - Weather permitting, Aretusa DX Team  members IT9AXZ, IT9HLR,  IT9WDY
         and IT9YRE  will be  IJ9/ from  Scoglio  Due Fratelli  (EU-025,  IIA
         SR-004) on  13 and  14 June.  QSL via  home calls  either direct  or
         through the bureau. <TNX IT9AXZ>
I      - II0C is  the call  IK0ZME will  be using  during this  year's  major
         contests. QSL via IK0ZME either direct (Gianfranco Fabroni, Box  22,
         03036 Isola  del Liri  -  FR, Italy)  or  through the  bureau.  <TNX
I      - Bruno, IK2PZG plans to operate as IL3/IK2PZG from several islands in
         the Venice lagoon  between 5 and  7 June. He  should be active  from
         Pellestrina (EU-131,  IIA  VE-033), Motta  di  Bombae  (EU-131,  IIA
         VE-057), Ottagono  di Caroman  (EU-131, IIA  VE-044), Motta  Val  in
         Pozzo (EU-131, IIA VE-058), and Motta  Val Grande (EU-131,  VE-059).
         QSL via IK2PZG (Bruno Boccia, Casella  Postale 27, 20051 Limbiate  -
         MI, Italy). <TNX IK2PZG>
I      - IK2GPQ, IK2PZG and  Top Radio Team  members IK8DDN, IK8JUZ,  IK8MRA,
         IK8UHA, IK8VRH and IK8VRS plan to be active from several  Neapolitan
         islands on 20  June. The expect  to operate from  La Nave di  Ischia
         (EU-031, IIA NA-035), Scoglio Camerato  (IIA NA-036), Scoglio  Lorio
         (EU-031, IIA NA-037) and Scoglio Sant'Anna (EU-031, IIA NA-038). QSL
         via IK2PZG (Bruno Boccia, Casella Postale  27, 20051 Limbiate -  MI,
         Italy). <TNX IK2PZG>
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JD1_mt - Ryo, JL1KFR  is active as JL1KFR/JD1 from Minami Torishima  (OC-073)
         QSL via  JL1KFR.
JT     - The Hungarian Pannon DX Club members, who started their operation as
         JU1HA [425DXN 367], are now active  as JT1X until  2 June. They  are
         reported to be fighting  against QRN and  poor propagation. QSL  via
         HA0HW either direct (Laszlo Szabo, P.O. Box 24, H-4151 Puspokladany,
         Hungary) or through the bureau. <TNX HA0DU>
JW     - Carlos JW9PJA/LA9PJA  and  Odd JW1ZDA/LA1ZDA  will  be  active  from
         Longyearbyen, Svalbard  (EU-026) between  31 May  and 3  June.  More
         details are  available at  http://home.sol.no/~la9pja/jw98.htm  <TNX
KH2    - CQWW WPX CW Contest activities from Guam (OC-026) are expected  from
         Dave, N2NL (as  either N2NL/NH2 or  N2NL/WH2); Jim,  KH2D and  Gary,
         K9AW/KH2. <TNX The Daily DX>
LU     - Radio Club Ushuaia  (Tierra del Fuego,  SA-008) will participate  in
         the CQWW WPX CW Contest (40 metres) as LU8XW.  QSL via Box 58,  9410
         Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
OH0    - OH2TA, OH2BCI, OH5BW and OH2KW will  participate in the CQWW WPX  CW
         Contest as OH0W  from Aland Islands  (EU-002). QSL  via OH2IW.  <TNX
PA     - Special event station PA6EVA will be  active on all bands between  5
         and 20 June to celebrate  the 20th anniversary  of EVA (Radio  VERON
         Club Alkmaar). QSL via bureau. <TNX PA3CVY>
SP     - Scouts Radio Club SP6ZDA will be active from Wolin (EU-132),  Usedom
         (EU-129) and other Polish islands between 8 and 14 June. The special
         call 3Z0I will  be used as  well as SP6NIC/1  SP6STB/1 SQ6ELP/1  and
         others. QSL via  SP6ZDA either direct  (Scouts Radio  Club, Box  41,
         51-673 Wroclaw, Poland) or through the bureau. <TNX SP6MLZ>
SV     - Phil, G3SWH  will be  active (10-80  metres  CW) as  SV8/G3SWH  from
         Mykonos Island (EU-067) between 10 and  17 June. QSL via home  call.
         <TNX DX News Sheet>
TF     - DL2DQW will  be  active (CW  and  SSB) as  TF3/DL2DQW  from  Iceland
         (EU-021) between 29 May and 4  June. He might operate as  TF7/DL2DQW
         from the Westmans (EU-071) on 5 and 6 June. QSL via DL2DQW. <TNX The
         Daily DX>
UA     - RV1AC, RU1AS, RV1CC, RZ1AZ, UA1ANA  and RA1ACJ will  be /P (QSL  via
         home calls) from Bolshoj Berezovyj Island  (EU-133) between 5 and  7
         June. They plan to participate in the IARU FD Contest as RK1B/p (QSL
         via RV1AC). <TNX RV1CC>
UT     - Jerry, UT4UZ will participate in  the CQWW WPX  CW Contest as  EM4U.
         QSL via UT4UZ (P.O.Box 128, Kiev-58, 252058, Ukraine). <TNX UT4UZ>
VE     - Special event station CK3MP will be  active (on 10-80 metres CW  and
         SSB) between 1 June and 31  July to celebrate the 125th  anniversary
         of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  QSL via VE3CPC either  direct
         or through the bureau. <TNX VE3XL>
VP9    - Fred, K1EFI  will  be  active  (mainly  on  CW)  as  K1EFI/VP9  from
         Southampton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005) between 1  and 8 June. QSL  via
         home call. <TNX DX News Sheet>
W      - Howie, K1VSJ is  active from Martha's  Vineyard (NA-046)  throughout
         the summer, IOTA Contest included. <TNX The Daily DX>
XX9    - Motoi, JK2PNY is active as XX9TSS from Taipa Island (AS-075),  Macau
         until 1 June. QSL via JK2PNY. <TNX The Daily DX>
YS     - YS1RR is the new call of Raymundo (aka YS1X), who has been active as
         YS1RRD since 1963. <TNX YS1RR>
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

1998 WORLD FOOTBALL CUP AWARD ---> It will be available to amateurs and  SWLs
for contacts/heard  made between  10 June  and 12  July with  the ten  TM#CMF
special event stations [see 425DXN 365 for the full list] and French amateurs
usign the FBC  (FootBall Cup) special  prefix. The First  Class Award is  for
working 5 different  TMs + 20  different FBCs,  The Excellence  Award is  for
working the 10  TMs + 50  different FBCs. Send  a GCR (General  Certification
Rule) list  with 60FF  or 12  IRC or  12 US$  to  the Award  Manager,  FB1NAN
(Patrick Roche,  33 Rue  de Terre  Blanche,  F-63118 Cebazat,  France).  <TNX

3A/IK1QBT &  3A/IK1CJO --->  Tony and  Mauro logged  1250  CW and  RTTY  QSOs
between 12.45 UTC on 25 April and 06.00 UTC on 27 April. Just a few  contacts
were made with North American  stations, due to  the unfortunate location  of
the Principality. QSL via IK1QBT (Tony Gallo, Via Capo S. Spirito 1/16, 17052
Borghetto S. Spirito  - SV, Italy)  and IK1CJO  (Mauro Ferrua,  P.O. Box  41,
17031 Albenga - SV, Italy) either direct or through the bureau. <TNX IK1QBT>

FATHER MORAN MEMORIAL STATION   ---> Amateurs world-wide  may make US  dollar
donations to the 9N1MM Father Moran  Memorial Station in Kathmandu, Nepal  by
sending check or  money order to  American Savings Bank,  Kahului Branch,  73
Puunene Avenue, Kahului, HI 96732, USA.  Mark donations 9N1MM for deposit  to
account #21-471089, The Tsurphu Foundation (our US readers should be informed
that The  Tsurphu Foundation  is a  registered 501  C  3 IRS  tax  deductable
account: if needed,  certification can be  had from jms@maui.net,  Accountant
Jane Scheid).  "We will  ask for  Father Moran's  old  call (9N1MM)  for  the
station and our plans are  to locate it,  sooner or later,  in a space  which
will allow easy visitor operations  and good training  for more native  Nepal
hams", Charles  Harpole,  K4VUD says.  Charlie  can be  contacted  at  either
harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu or Charles H. Harpole, 3100  N. Hwy. 426,  Geneva,
FL 32732-9761, USA. <TNX K4VUD>

H75A ---> The H75A operation concluded at 15.15 UTC on 24 May, after 63 hours
of operation and 6,914 QSOs  from Isla De  Venado (NA-209/P), Nicaragua.  The
team had planned to stay on the air until 12.00 UTC on 25 May, but  monsoonal
rains forced the early departure from the island. The logs will be entered in
a logging program over the next couple of weeks (once entered, the logs  will
be posted on the IOTW web page at http://islandchaser.com). Contributions are
welcome and can be routed through the QSL manager, N5FTR (William  Loeschman,
717 Milton, Angelton, TX 77515, USA). <TNX AD5A and WD8MGQ>

HR3/F2JD ---> Gerard, F2JD was active from Cayos Cochinos (NA-160) between 16
and 19 May. He started his activity  as HR6/F2JD (NA-057) by mistake (he  had
not his IOTA Directory with him), but  *all* the QSOs were made from  NA-160.

IRC #CQDX CHAT ROOM ---> It can be found on the Undernet IRC network and Doug
Brandon,   N6RT    (dab@home.com)    has   put    up    a   web    page    at
members.home.com/dab/dxchat.html which describes  how it can  help DXers  and
how to get there. <TNX N6RT>

LOGS EU-091 --->  The logs of  the 23 May  operation from Sant'Andrea  Island
(EU-091, IIA LE-001, QSL via IK7ETE either direct or through the bureau)  are
now available  at http://www.freeweb.aspide.it/freeweb/IK7JWY/index.htm  <TNX

NEW ORLEANS 1998 ---> The 7th Annual New Orleans International DX  Convention
will be held on Friday and Saturday, 14-15 August, at the Royal Sonesta Hotel
in  the  French  Quarter  of  New  Orleans.  The  agenda  includes  technical
presentations, reports on ARRL DX Desk and DX Advisory Committee news by Bill
Kennamer, K5FUV (Director of ARRL Membership services), QSL checking and  the
following DXpedition presentations:  K7K Kure  Island 1997  (by Frank  Smith,
AH0W), HK0/KB5GL Providencia Island 1998 (by  Silvano Amenta, KB5GL),  TT8JFC
Chad 1997 (by John Cantrell, WB4MBU),  Temotu Islands 1998 (by Bruce  Butler,
W6OSP), KH5/KH5K Palmyra, Kingman 1998 (by Chuck Brady, N4BQW), ZK1XXP  North
Cook Islands 1997 (by Tom Harrell, K8XP), 5A28 Libya 1997 (by Recep  Guersoy,
OE2GRP), XW30 Laos 1998 (by Frank Smith, AH0W). The activities culminate with
a gala banquet on Saturday evening,  with the presentation of NOIDXC DXer  of
the Year award to Frank Smith, AH0W/OH2LVG. Further information, including an
Advance Registration Form,  is available from  the Delta  DX association  web
site at http://www.gnofn.org/~w5ru/DX_Cnex.htm <TNX W5FKX>

NORTHWEST DX CONVENTION ---> The 1998 Northwest DX Convention is sponsored by
the Western Washington DX Club and will be  held on 17-19 July at the  Double
Tree Inn in Tukwila, Washington. For  further information please contact  Joe
Gregory, W7QN, by  phone at  (206)-784-1089, by  writing to  WWDXC, Box  395,
Mercer    Island,    WA    98040    or    visiting    their    webpage     at
http://www.eskimo.com/~oolon/wwdxc/ <TNX The Daily DX>
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PESSEGUEIRO 1998  --->  The Pessegueiro  Island  (EU-167)  July  DXpedition's
[425DXN 367]  team  is now  complete  and includes  CT1AHU,  CT1CJJ,  CT1EEB,
CT1EEN, CT1END, CT1ENQ, CT1ETZ and  ON5NT. The expedition's  home page is  at
http://www.terravista.pt/meco/1597 - please let them know if you need EU-167!

QSL 5X1Z --->  Mats, SM7PKK/5X1Z reports  to be  in Sweden  "packing down  my
whole house and moving most everything to Uganda. While being here I am  also
getting the QSL cards organised and they will be sent out shortly. I am  also
taking care  of the  old  cards for  previous  operations". Mats  expects  to
appoint a QSL manager soon, but to those who have already sent their QSLs  he
says "please do not worry.  I am quite  sure I have  received your cards  and
they   are   being   processed".   The   SM7PKK   DXpedition   site   is   at
http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-17565 <TNX SM7PKK/5X1Z>

QSL VIA IW8EHA --> Cards for  past IIA activities by IC8/IK8GCP (IIA  NA-004,
NA-022, NA-014),  IC8/IK8YWK (IIA  NA-005, NA-004),  IC8/IK8YWL (IIA  NA-004,
NA-022, NA-014, NA-005), IC8/IK8TWX (IIA NA-004), IC8/IW8EAG (IIA NA-005) and
IC8/IW8EHA (IIA  NA-004, NA-005,  NA-026) should  be sent  via IW8EHA  either
direct (Stefano Montone, Via Nunziale S.Antonio 76, 81038 Trentola Ducenta  -
CE, Italy) or through the bureau. <TNX IW8EHA>

QSL VIA K1WY  ---> K1WY (ex  K1TRS: P.O. Box  2644, Hartford, CT  06146-2644,
USA) is the QSL manager for  GI6YM (75th anniverary  station City of  Belfast
YMCA), TF8GX (Gulli in Keflavik) and  UA0ZBK (Igor in Kamchatka City, CQ  19,
ITU 35). <TNX K1WY>

QSL VIA UT4UZ  ---> Cards  for contacts  made with  Jerry, UT4UZ/N2WCQ  while
operating as 6W1/N2WCQ  (AF-045), 9N1UZ, EM4U,  EO5U and US9D  should now  be
routed via UT4UZ (Yuri N.  Onipko, P.O. Box  128, Kiev-58, 252058,  Ukraine).

QSL VIA  ZS5BBO  ---> Edwin  (the  QSL manager  for  Ian, ZD9IL)  offers  his
services to any radio amateur who  may be looking for  a QSL manager.  Please
contact him at either his postal  (Edwin Musto, P.O. Box 211032, Bluff,  4036
South Africa) or e-mail address (musto@icon.co.za). 

W9DXCC CONVENTION ---> The 46th Annual W9DXCC Convention and Banquet will  be
held on 12  September at the  Holiday Inn in  Rolling Meadows, Illinois.  For
further information please contact Bill Smith, W9VA, by phone  (874)-945-1564
or E-mail to w9va@aol.com or visit  http://www.qth.com/w9dxcc <TNX The  Daily

WWSA --->  After the  death  of, Gilberto  Affonso  Penna (PY1AFA)  the  WWSA
Contest (CW) has come  to an end.  The Contest had  been organized by  PY1AFA
since 1981. <TNX PY4CEL>

QSL received via direct:  3DA0CA,  3E1DX (NA-072), 4L4MM, 4M5E, 4S7DA,  5A1A,
5A21PA, 5R8ES, 7X2RO, 7Z1IS, 8Q7AA, 9J2AA, 9K2MU, 9K2RR, 9M0C, A41LZ,  A45XR,
(SA-040), HK3JJH/HK0M,  HK0/KB5GL,  II3OTA (IIA  VE-065),  II7A  EU-091;  IIA
LE-004), IJ7/IK7TAJ (IIA  LE-009, 048), IL3/IK2PZG  (IIA VE-065),  IL3/IK3GES
(IIA VE-062), IT9YRE/9 (IIA AG-005), IT9/IT9FXY (IIA TP-028), IT9/IT9GNG (IIA
TP-028), J79UGF,  JD1BIY, JW5HE,  JX3EX, JX7DFA,  KG4GC, N2NL/KH2,  N9KX/KH4,
T31BB, T32BI,  TG9NX, TJ1GD,  TJ1HP, TM5CRO  (EU-070), TR8MZ,  TR8SS,  TR8XX,

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S DX@WW $425WW369F
425 DX News #369 [6/6]
 30 May 1998                      No 369                   BID: $425WW369F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  03/06      5B * by T97M & T93Y                                    368
till  early Jun   7Z5OO: Saudi Arabia * by K3UOC                        369
till  06/06      9M6AAT: Sabah (OC-088) * by UAs                        369
till  03/06      CP6/LU9AUY & CP6AA: Bolivia * by LU9AUY                369
till  02/06      DL6CGC/p, DF5WBA/p and DJ3XG/p: Baltrum Isl (EU-047)   365
till  late July  FG/F2HE: NA-102 & NA-114 * by F2HE                     362
till  July       FM5JY: Martinique (NA-107) * by F5JYD                  359
till  Jan 99     FO5QE: Tahiti (OC-046) * by F5GSK                      369
till  July       FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            359
till  03/06      DF1IC/HI8: Dominican Republic (NA-096) * by DF1IC      367
till  31/05      ID9/IT9NGN, IT9HLN, IT9TZZ, IT9UHF: Filicudi (EU-017)  367
till  02/06      JT1X: Mongolia * by Pannon DX Club                     369
till  02/06      SV9: Crete (EU-1015) * by GM0UTD                       367
till  03/06      V26TT & V26GG * by K5TT & W5AO                         368
till  03/06      VK8AN/p: Troughton Isl. (OC-154)                       368
till  02/06      VP2VDX: Brit. Virg. Is (NA-023) * by K6CT, N6CW & K9VV 367
till  01/06      XX9TSS: Taipa Island (AS-075), Macau * by JK2PNY       369
25/05-14/06      SV8/SM7DAY: Angistri Isl. (EU-075)                     368
28/05-02/06      CY9RF: St. Paul Isl (NA-094) * by K8RF and others      367
28/05-31/05      PR5L and PQ5L: Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 24) * by PYs    367
29/05-02/06      6W1QV/p: Goree & Sarpent Is (AF-045) * by 6W1QV, 6W1RE 368
29/05-06/06      TF3/DL2DQW (EU-021) & TF7/DL2DQW (EU-071) * by DL2DQW  369
30/05-31/05      AZ4F * by LUs                                          367
30/05-31/05      BY1QH: China * by OH2BH and OH2PM                      369
30/05-31/05      C4W: Cyprus (AS-004) * by 5B4WN                        369
30/05-31/05      C46A: Cyprus (AS-004) * by 5B4ADA                      369
30/05-17/06      C6AKA: Bahamas (NA-048, NA-113, NA-001) * by DL7VOG    369
30/05-31/05      CX5X: Uruguay * by CX6VM                               369
30/05-31/05      EM4U: Ukraine * by UT4UZ                               369
30/05-31/05      GS2MP: Scotland * by G4FAM                             369
30/05-31/05      H24LP: Cyprus (AS-004) * by 5B4LP                      369
30/05-31/05      LU8XW: Tierra del Fuego (SA-008)                       369
30/05-31/05      OH0W: Aland Is (EU-002)* by OHs                        369
30/05-31/05      P3A: Cyprus (AS-004) * by UAs                          369
30/05-31/05      N9NC/TA3 * by W0YR and N9NC                            367
30/05-31/05      TX8A: New Caledonia (OC-032) * by FK8HC                367
30/05-31/05      CQWW WPX CW Contest                                    ***
31/05-02/06      JW9PJA & JW1ZDA: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA9PJA,LA1ZDA  369
May              BI7Y: Xisha Archipelago (AS-???) * by BD7JA and BYs    366
May              JL1KFR/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) * by JL1KFR      369
late May-Nov     VE8TA: Baffin Island (NA-047, Zone 2) * by VE2BQB      367
01/06-07/06      A61AD * by N1DG                                        369
01/06-31/07      CK3MP: Canada * special event station                  369
01/06-08/06      K1EFI/VP9: Southampton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005)        369
05/06-??         6W1RE and 6W1QV: Madeleine Island (AF-045)             367
05/06-14/06      9M2: Langkawi Isl (AS-058), West Malaysia * by G3LIV   369
05/06-07/06      IL3/IK2PZG: IIA VE-033, 057, 044, 058, 059             369
05/06-20/06      PA6EVA: special event station                          369
05/06-07/06      RV1AC,RU1AS,RV1CC,RZ1AZ,UA1ANA,RA1ACJ,RK1B/p: EU-133   369
06/06            9K2HN/p: Kubbar Island (AS-118) * by 9K2HN             369
06/06            IJ8/IK8WEJ, IZ8BGY, IZ8AZV: IIA CS-005                 369
06/06/07/06      IA1/IK1QBT, IK1ZOZ, IK1OXF, I1FX: Gallinara (EU-083)   369
06/06-07/06      IT9WKH & IT9WLK: Isola Lunga (EU-166,TP-021)           369
06/06/07/06      TM6ACO: France * special event station                 369
06/06-13/06      KL7USI: Alexander Archipelago (NA-041)                 365
08/06-14/06      SP6ZDA, SP6NIC, SP6STB, SQ6ELP/1 * EU-129 & EU-132     369
10/06-15/06      CE1LDS/2: Damas Isl (NO-REF) * by CE7ZK and CE1LDS     363
10/06-17/06      SV8/G3SWH: Mykonos Island (EU-067) * by G3SWH          369
10/06-12/07      TM#CMF: special event stations                         365
11/06-17/06      A25/ZS6PDX: Botswana * by ZS6RVG and ZS6CAL            369
11/06-13/06      HS: Koh Samet (AS-107) * by 7L1MFS                     369
10/06-12/07      FBC#: France * special prefixes                        369
12/06-25/06      EI2IM: Ireland (EU-115 ) and EU-006 (?) * by W4ZYT     369
12/06-14/06      F: Fort Enet (EU-032) * by F5MRP and ON4ZD             369
12/06-14/06      TM5B: Fort Brescou (EU-148) * by Fs                    369
13/06-14/06      IJ9/IT9AXZ, IT9HLR, IT9WDY, IT9YRE: IIA SR-004         369
13/06-14/06      IT9: Scoglio Due Fratelli (EU-025, SR-014) * by IT9s   369
13/06-14/06      Contest ARI                                            ***
13/06-14/06      ANARTS RTTY Contest                                    ***
15/06-21/06      TF: Iceland * by DL7DF, DL7BO, DL7BY and DL7UFR        365
20/06            IC8: IIA NA-035, 036, 037, 038 * by IK2s & IK8s        369
20/06-21/06      All Asian CW Contest                                   ***
25/06-29/06      EJ7NET: Great Saltee Isl (EU-103)*by WestNet DX Group  365
25/06-27/06      Hamradio 1998 (Friedrichshafen)                        367
27/06-28/06      Marconi Memorial HF CW Contest                         ***
June             7O/HA5PP or 7O8DX/CW: Yemen * by HA5PP                 369
June-July        CY9AA: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by VE9AA and others  367
June             F/ON4BDS/p: Tombelaine Isl (EU-156) * by ON4BDS        365