DX425 bulletin issue nr. 367

S DX@WW $425WW367A
425 DX News #367 [1/6]
 16 May 1998                      No 367                   BID: $425WW367A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                     <<< 425 DX NEWS - MAILING LIST >>>

Thanks to Massimo Mucci, I8NHJ, the  mailing list (for those who receive  the
English version of 425 DX News) is now run on  a new server. You have NOT  to
subscribe again, but  if you  want to  *unsubscribe*, please  send an  e-mail
message to Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN at ik0zsn@amsat.org - thank you!

3D2    - Wolf, DL2SCQ and his wife Ann,  DL1SCQ will be active from  Mamanuca
         (OC-121) between  29  August and  1  September  and  Yasawa  Islands
         (OC-156) between  4 and  7 September.  Callsigns will  be  announced
         later.  QSL via DL6DK either direct (Peter X. Voits, Uhlandstr.  28,
         D-59192 Bergkamen, Germany)  or through the  bureau. Please  contact
         Wolf at sirwolf@supra-net.net if you have any question. <TNX DL2SCQ>
5X     - Laurence, GM4DMA will  be active  on all  bands as  5X1LH from  near
         Kampala, Uganda throughout June. <TNX DX News Sheet>
4X     - Israeli amateurs can add a  /50 to their  usual callsigns until  the
         end of the year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Israel.
6W     - Jerry, UT4UZ will be active as N2WCQ/6W1 from Goree Island  (AF-045)
         on 22 and 23 May. QSL via PA3BUD. <TNX DX Nes Sheet>
6W     - 6W1RE and 6W1QV  plan to be  active (CW  and SSB  on 10,  15 and  20
         metres) from  Goree  Island (AF-045)  between  29 May  and  1  June.
         Starting on  5  June they  plan  to operate  from  Madeleine  Island
         (AF-045). <TNX F5OGL/6W1RE>
9N     - Charlie, K4VUD will be active again as 9N1UD between early July  (he
         will arrive on the 7th) and mid-November.  He plans to be on the air
         at his local  sunset and local  sunrise every day  possible for  the
         whole visit.  His main frequencies will be 14.023, 14.195 and 14.215
         MHz, but he will  also try 21.023,  21.295, 7.023, 7.065  (listening
         7.2##), 3.799 MHz and the 160 metres DX window. If 9N1AA and Charlie
         can get  RTTY  gear assembled,  they  will try  RTTY  on  the  usual
         frequencies, while in case of openings  on 10 metres, he will be  on
         28.490 MHz.  Donations  towards the  planned  Father  Moran  (9N1MM)
         Memorial station [425DXN 363] are welcome  - please contact  Charlie
         at either harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu or Charles H. Harpole, 3100  N.
         Hwy. 426, Geneva, FL 32732-9761, USA. <TNX K4VUD>
CE     - Alex, CE8ABF will go to Tierra del Fuego (SA-008) from 21 to 24 May.
         He will be active on 160  metres on 1842 kHz  between 01.00 UTC  and
         04.00 UTC, and on 17 and 12 metres. <TNX CE8ABF>
CE0_sf - John, CE0ZAM informed Nick, XQ1IDM that  his XQ0X activity from  San
         Ambrosio (SA-013), originally planned in April-May [425DXN 343], has
         been postponed  to September  due to  transportation problems.  <TNX
CT     - Special event station CT98ARL will be  active on 22 and 23 May  from
         Castle Or Leira. QSL via CT1EWA. <TNX DX News Sheet>
CT     - CT1CJJ,  CT1EEB,  CT1EEN,  CT1END,  CT1ENQ,  CT1ETZ  and  other  two
         operators will be active from Pessegueiro Island (EU-167) between 24
         and 27 July. They will operate  as home call/p  (QSL via home  call)
         and will participate in the IOTA  Contest as CQ2P (QSL via  CT1EEN).
         The operators  will have  two stations  with amplifiers,  beams  and
         special antennas for 40 and 80 metres and will concentrate on  North
         America, Asia  and Oceania,  where EU-167  is a  most wanted.  Jose,
         CT1EEB reports it is extremely difficult to be granted permission to
         land and to  spend the night  on Pessegueiro,  so do  not miss  this
         chance to work EU-167! <TNX CT1EEB>
CX     - Special event station  CX0DMC will be  activated (on  all bands  and
         modes) between 11  UTC on 16  May and 22  UTC on 17  May during  the
         Convention organized by the Montevideo Radio Amateurs Centre [425DXN
         365]. For more  information please  go to  http://www.qsl.Net/cx1ccc
         <TNX CX3ABJ>
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CY9    - The CQWW  WPX CW  Contest expedition  to  St. Paul  Island  (NA-094)
         [425DXN 365] is  now scheduled to  take place between  28 May and  2
         June. The call to be used during the contest (Multi-Multi) is  CY9RF
         (QSL via  K8RF:  Daniel Flaig,  2101  Ronaldson Ave,  Cincinati,  OH
         45230-1510,  USA).  A  serious  effort  will  be  put  into  Topband
         operation, as well as 80 and 40 metres. One of the operators  (W0CG)
         has been  forced to  drop out  due to  work  conflicts. If  you  are
         interested to  join the  team, please  contact  Dan Flaig,  K8RF  at
         either k8rf@fuse.net or (513) 232-2182. <TNX K8RF>
CY9    - Brian, ND3F and Mike, N7MB  will be joining  Mike, VE9AA during  the
         June-July CY9AA operation from St. Paul Island [425DXN 364]. Mike is
         still looking for one or two operators, please get in touch with him
         at either ve9aa@hotmail.com or ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca <TNX VE9AA>
EA     - The World Telecommunications Day (17 May) will be celebrated by  the
         following stations from Spain [425DXN 365]: EG1ITU (QSL via  EA1EG),
         EG1ITD (QSL  via EA1GA),  EG1UIT (QSL  via EA1QF),  EG2ITU (QSL  via
         EA2ATV), EG2UIT (QSL  via EA2URV),  EG3ITU (QSL  via EA3MM),  EG3ITD
         (QSL via EA3AIZ), EG4ITD (QSL via EA4RCU), EG4ITU (QSL via  EA4ENK),
         EG5ITD (QSL  via EA5AR),  EG5TID (QSL  via EA5XX),  EG5ITU (QSL  via
         EA5OL), EG5UIT (QSL  via EA5GRC),  EG5TDI (QSL  via EA5GMB),  EG8DIT
         (QSL via EA8URT), EG9ITU (QSL via EA9JS). <TNX EA5OL>
EA8    - Fernando, EA3KU will be /EA8 from Canary Islands (AF-004) between 28
         May  and  2  June.  He  will  operate  from  EA8ZS's  QTH  and  will
         participate int he CQWW WPX CW Contest as EA8ZS. <TNX EA3KU>
ER     - Special event station ER9V will be active until 17 May to  celebrate
         Victory Day.  QSL  via  ER1DA  (P.O.  Box  9537,  Kishinev,  MD-2071
F      - F5HA, F6ANA, F5OCP, F5RRW, F1SDQ, F5IQC, F5LOW, F5SZA and F5SZB will
         be active  (on 10,  20 and  40 metres)  as  TM0AIX from  Aix  Island
         (EU-032, DIFM AT-23) between 21 and 24 May. <TNX F5UJK>
F      - Frederic, F5NBX and Patrice, F5RBB  will be active  (SSB and CW)  as
         TM1IF from Chateau d'If (EU-095, DIFM ME-028, DCF CF 13001)  between
         22 and 24 May. QSL via F5RBB. <TNX F5RBB>.
FK     - Franck, FK8HC will participate in  the CQWW WPX  CW Contest as  TX8A
         (all bands,  single  operator). QSL  via  FK8HC  (Franck  Petitjean,
         P.O.Box 7636 Ducos, 98801 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia). <TNX FK8HC>
G      - Special event station  GB2PPE is active  until 28 May  in memory  of
         Peter Pendleton Eckersley (G2OO), founder member of the BBC. <TNX DX
         News Sheet>
GD     - Barry, N0KV will be active (SSB  and CW on  6-80 metres) as  MD/N0KV
         from Mike's (GD4WBY) QTH on the Isle of Man (EU-116) between 15  and
         17 May. QSL via N0KV (Barry Mitchell, 12200 Boothill Drive,  Parker,
         CO 80138, USA). TNX The Daily DX>
GM     - GM3LWM/P, GM3VLB/P, GM4CXH/P and GMOPNS will  be active (80, 40  and
         20 metres SSB) from the Isle of Pabay (EU-008, IOSA NH11) between 26
         and 29 May. Pabay is allowed to issue its own stamps. Those who wish
         to receive QSLs direct with the  special GM3VLB/P stamp should  send
         their request to G3LWM. <TNX G3LWM>
HI     - Fred,  DF1IC  will  be  active  (10-80  metres)  as  DF1IC/HI8  from
         Dominican republic (NA-096) between 27 May and 3 June. QSL via DF1IC
         (Fred Reddig, Bunsenstr.  11, D-74915 Waibstadt,  Germany). <TNX  DX
         News Sheet>
I      - The expedition to Isola Grande (EU-091), previously planned to  take
         place on  16-17  May [425DXN  365],  has been  cancelled.  The  area
         concerned has been a sanctuary since  February 1998 and  permissions
         to land are not granted any more. <TNX IK7JWY>
I      - Marco, IK0HWI will  be IA5/ from  Elba Island  (EU-028, IIA  LI-001)
         between 17 and 24 May. He  might operate from  other IIA islands  in
         that area as well. <TNX Crazy DX Group>
I      - Weather permitting,  Piero,  IK7VJX  will  be  active  from  Scoglio
         Fontanelle (IIA LE-047) on 17 May. <TNX Crazy DX Group>
I      - IT9NGN, IT9HLN, IT9TZZ,  IT9UHF, IW9ENY  and IW9GGC  will be  active
         (SSB and  CW) as  ID9/home call  from Filicudi  Island (EU-017,  IIA
         ME-003) between 28 and 31 May. <TNX Crazy DX Group>
JT     - The Hungarian Pannon DX Club operators( HA0HW, HA1AG, HA4GDO, HA4XG,
         HA6NL, HA7SK and HA7VK) will now be active from Mongolia between  18
         May and 2 June [425DXN 353] as JU1HA. They plan to keep two or three
         stations simultaneously on the air 24 hours a day. Look for them  on
         160 (1821, 1824.5, 1841 kHz), 80  (3507, 3799 kHz), 40 (7007,  7026,
         7042, 7047,  7052, 7057  kHz), 30  (10103  kHz), 20  (14011,  14026,
         14081, 14191, 14247 kHz), 17 (18071,  18141 kHz), 15 (21011,  21026,
         21081, 21291  kHZ), 12  (24891, 24941  kHZ)  and 10  metres  (28011,
         28026,  28081,  28491   kHZ).  Steve,  HA0DU   will  be  the   pilot
         (ju1ha@dunanet.hu), while logs  will be available  either during  or
         after   the   operation   on   the   expedition's   Web   page    at
         http://www.dunanet.hu/pannondxc/    QSL  via  HA0HW  either   direct
         (Laszlo Szabo, P.O. Box 24, H-4151 Puspokladany, Hungary) or through
         the bureau. <TNX HA1AG>
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         LU5FF, LU6KK and others will participate in the CQWW WPX CW  Contest
         (30-31 May) from  the station of  Rosario Radio  Club (LU4FM).  They
         will use the  call AZ4F.  QSL via  LU3FP (ex  LU3FSP): Hernan  Baez,
         Gorriti 462, 2000 Rosario, Argentina. <TNX LU3FP>
PY     - Two calls will be used from  Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 24) between  28
         and 31 May [425DXN 365]: PR5L on  SSB and PQ5L on CW. The  operators
         will be PP5AP, PP5AVM, PP5LL, PP5YZ, PY2HN, PY5GB, PY5BF and  PY5ZT.
         QSL via  PP5LL  (Jaime  Lira, Cx.  Postal    08,  Florianopolis,  SC
         88010-970, Brazil). <TNX PP5LL>
SM     - Norby,  LX1NO  and  Manu,  LX2LX  are  expected  to  be  active   as
         SM1/LX9EG/p from Faron Island (EU-020) until 17 May in the  morning.
         QSL via LX1NO. <TNX LX1NO>
SM     - Sea  conditions  permitting,  David,  ON4BDS  will  be  active  from
         Hinderson Island (EU-139)  [425DXN 363] for  four days  in the  last
         week of  May.  QSL  via home  call  either  direct  (David  Steeman,
         Kapelweg 11, B9200 Dendermonde, Belgium) or through the bureau. <TNX
SV9    - Harry, GM0UTD  will be  active (QRP  CW  only) from  Crete  (EU-015)
         between 19 May and 2 June. QSL via home call. <TNX DX News Sheet>
TA     - W0YR and N9NC  plan to participate  in the  CQWW WPX  CW Contest  as
         N9NC/TA3 from the  Asian side  of Turkey.  QSL via  OM2SA. <TNX  The
         Daily DX>
TK     - Bert, PA3GIO will  be active  from Corsica  (EU-014) as  TK/PA3GIO/m
         between 16 and 30 May. He  will also try  to operate as  TK/PA3GIO/p
         from Lavezzzi Island (EU-164). QSL via bureau to PA3GIO.
VE     - Louis, VE2BQB  will be  active /SSB  and CW)  as VE8TA  from  Baffin
         Island (NA-047,  Zone  2) from  the  end of  May  until the  end  of
         November. Louis says  he will  be "open  to skeds  and to  frequency
         changes for giving  folks Zone  2 on  other bands".  QSL via  VE2BQB
         (Louis Paquet, 1368  Rang 4, Lac  au Saumon, P.Q.  G0J 1M0,  Canada.
         <TNX VE2BQB>
VP2V   - K6CT, N6CW and K9VV will be active as VP2VDX from the British Virgin
         Islands (NA-023) between 27 May and 2 June. They will participate in
         the CQWW WPX CW Contest (Multi-Single) and outside the Contest  they
         plan to  concentrate on  the WARC  bands. QSL  via K6CT.  <TNX  OPDX
VP9    - Francesco Valsecchi, IK0FVC was active as VP9/IK0FVC on  3 May.  QSL
         via home call. 
YO     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA will be active as YO/F6AJA between 17 and 24 May.
         He plans to operate from either  YO8FZ or YO8KGA in his spare  time.
         QSL via F6AJA. <TNX F6AJA>
ZK1_nc - Wolf, DL2SCQ and his wife Ann, DL1SCQ will be active respectively as
         ZK1SCQ and ZK1SCR from Penrhyn Atoll  (OC-082) in the Northern  Cook
         Islands between 16 and 21 August. QSL via DL6DK either direct (Peter
         X. Voits, Uhlandstr. 28, D-59192 Bergkamen, Germany) or through  the
         bureau. <TNX DL2SCQ>
ZK1_sc - Wolf, DL2SCQ and his wife Ann, DL1SCQ will be active respectively as
         ZK1SCQ and  ZK1SCR  from the  islands  of  Rarotonga  (OC-013,  9-14
         August) and Mangaia  (OC-159, 24-26  August). QSL  via DL6DK  either
         direct (Peter X. Voits, Uhlandstr.  28, D-59192 Bergkamen,  Germany)
         or through the bureau. <TNX DL2SCQ>

                   <<< 1998 IOTA CONTEST (25-26 JULY) >>>

The following  amateurs have  announced their  participation in  this  year's
event [see also 425DXN 355, 361, 363, 365]:
AS-134 - A group of BY operators as BI3H from Shijiutuo Island [425DXN  363].
         QSL via W3HC. <TNX BA1DU>
EU-057 - DF5WBA and  DJ3XG  from Ummanz  Island  (DIA O-006).  <TNX  DJ3XG  &
EU-071 - DL3KUD  possibly  as  TF7/DL3KUD  from  the  Vestmannaeyjar/Westmans
         [425DXN 365]. QSL via bureau to DL3KUD. <TNX DL3KUD>
EU-123 - The Otley Amateur Radio Club [425DXN 361] as MM8Y from Bute  Island.
         QSL via MOARK. <TNX DX News Sheet>
EU-123 - The Cunninghame & District Amateur Radio Club as GM3USL/P from Great
         Cumbrae Island. QSL via GMOKVI. <TNX DX News Sheet>
EU-167 - Eight CT operators as CQ2P [425DXN 367] from Pessegueiro Island. QSL
         via CT1EEN. <TNX CT1EEB>
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

1998 IOTA HONOUR ROLL ---> The 1998 IOTA Honour Roll, Annual Listing and  SWL
Listing   can   be   found   on   the  425 DX News   Web   pages   at   http:

BHUTAN 1999 --->  During the International  DX Convention at  Visalia it  was
announced that an  invitation has been  extended to  Yasuo "Zorro"  Miyazawa,
JH1AJT by the  Kingdom of Bhutan  to conduct  a return  DXpedition from  that
country.  Zorro, who operated from  Bhutan in February 1995, has assembled  a
team of operators representing six countries  from Asia, Europe, USA and  New
Zealand. The DXpedition is expected to  occur in early 1999 with  propagation
being the main factor in timing. <TNX AH0W/OH2LVG>

CWJF --->  The  home  page  of  the Grupo  Juizforano  de  CW  (CWJF)  is  at
http://www.powerline.com.br/cwjf <TNX PY4CEL>

FO0FI & FO0FR ---> Bob, W6RJ  and Rob, W6KR logged  22,691 QSOs during  their
FO0FI operation from the Australs (13-20  April), while 24,011 contacts  were
made as FO0FR the Marquesas (21-28 April). For detailed information on band &
mode breakdowns check the Ham Radio  Outlet homepage at  http://hamradio.com/
QSL cards should be available in 30 days. QSL via K6SLO (Richard Whisler, 716
Hill Ave, South  San Francisco, CA  94080-4242, USA).  Their operations  were
part of a project started by Kan, JA1BK  (who was active as FO0MIZ from  both
the Marquesas and the Australs  with 2,801 and  3,523 QSOs respectively)  and
Jim, VK9NS (who logged 15,760 QSOs from Temotu).

FO0MIZ LOGS ---> Logs of Kan's (JA1BK) operations from Marquesas and  Austral
are now available at http://www.iijnet.or.jp/JA1BK/ <TNX JA1BK>

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 1998 ---> Hamradio 1998 will take place between 25 (Thursday)
and 27 (Saturday) June. For further information on the meetings (DX, Contest,
IOTA) and forums please visit the Web page of the Bavarian Contest Club (BCC)
at http://www.uni-erlangen.de/~unrz45/BCC <TNX DF4RD>

H40AA  LOGS   --->   The  H40AA   (Temotu)   logs  are   now   available   at

QSL IU8S ---> QSL manager IK8FLW  reports he has sent out  all the cards  for
the 17-21 October 1997 operation by IU8S.

QSL UK9AA &  UK8AXA ---> Karl,  K4YT/DL4YT reports he  is no  longer the  QSL
route for UK9AA and UK8AXA. All QSLs  should go direct to Fedor Petrov,  P.O.
Box 58, Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan. <TNX K4YT/DL4YT>

QSL VI0ANARE ---> Please note  that there two  different routes [425DXN  347]
for this station (active between 1  July and 23  October 1997). Direct  cards
are handled by  VK4AAR (Alan  Roocroft, c/o  Post Office,  Dalveen QLD  4374,
Australia), while bureau are via VK4ARB.

QSL VK8AN ---> Alan, VK4AAR is the  new QSL manager for Dan Holloway,  VK8AN.
Alan has access to all Dan's earlier logs, so that he can also confirm  "old"
contacts (Dan  was  active  as  VK8AN/6 from  OC-154).  QSL  direct  to  Alan
Roocroft, c/o Post Office, Dalveen QLD 4374, Australia. <TNX VK4AAR>
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QSL VIA IK6FHG ---> IK6FHG (Germano Gabucci, Via Toscanini 10, 61100 Pesaro -
PS, Italy) is the QSL manager for  TY1DX, TY2FG, ET3FB and HV0HH (the  latter
does not count for DXCC credit). <TNX IK6FHG>

RODRIGUEZ 1998 ---> During the International  DX Convention at Visalia  Frank
Smith, AH0W/OH2LVG announced that a multi-national group will be active  from
Rodriguez Island (AF-017) in autumn.

SEANET CONVENTION 1998 ---> The 26th South East Asia Net (SEAnet)  Convention
will be held in Singapore from  13 to 15  November 1998. Further  information
can be found at http//www.topend.com.au/~seanet

TOP BAND ---> French amateurs are  now permitted to operate between 1810  and
1850 kHz (1810-1830 on a secondary basis). <TNX F6AJA>

WF5E DX-QSL SERVICE ---> The new rates have changed to 5 QSLs for US$ 1 or  2
IRCs. "I held the old rates for five years", Les (WF5E) states, "now with the
costs of forwarding QSLs, foreign rates and cost of supplies all increasing I
needed to  make  this change".  The  address is  WF5E  DX-QSL  Service,  3400
Bedford, Midland, TX 79703, USA.

WRTC 2000 ---> The Organizing Committee from SCC (Slovenia Contest Club)  are
at work. Fifty-one 2-member teams will be allocated as follows: 25 to Europe,
15 to North America (12 to USA), 6 to Asia, 3 to South America, 1 to  Africa,
1 to Oceania. In addition, there will be one Defending Champion team and  one
SCC team. The organizers encourage contesters  interested in the  competition
to submit  a  preliminary application  (the  e-mail address  is  scc@bit.si).
Please give your  home call,  name, address,  e-mail, country  and list  your
official scores (as well as the category and the call used) in the  following
contests between 1995 and 1999: CQWW CW & SSB (last one to count WW CW 1998),
CQWW WPX CW & SSB  (last one to  count WPX SSB  1999), IARU HF  CHAMPIONSHIPS
(last one to count IARU 1999); EU  HF CHAMPIONSHIP 1998 & 1999 (for  European
stations only). WRTC  2000 will take  place during the  IARU HF  Championship
2000. <TNX S50A & The Daily DX>

QSL received via direct:  3C1GS, 3D2IO, 3E1DX, 3W5FM, 3W5RS, 3W6EZD,  3XA8DX,
4K9W, 4S7DA,  5A2A, 5A28,  5B4/T97M, 5W1KT,  6V1C, 6Y5/DF5WA,  7Q7EH,  8Q7AA,
8Q7BE, 9H4CM,  9M0C,  9V1RH, 9V1ZB,  9Y4H,  A35RK, A45XR/SJ,  AK1L  (NA-055),
FO0GUI,  DU8ARK  (OC-119),   FH5CB,  FJ/F6BUM,   FJ/I4ALU,  FR5ZQ/T,   FT5XN,
FT5X/FR5HR,  FT5ZG,   H44IO,   HB0/HB9LEY,  K4ERO/HC1,   HF0POL,   HK3JJH/0M,
IJ7/IK7JWX (IIA LE-048), IL3/IK2PZG (IIA EU-131; IIA VE-060, 061), IT9/IT9GNG
(EU-025; IIA  TP-028),  IT9YRE/9  (EU-025;  IIA  AG-005),  J3/K4LTA,  JD1AMA,
PY0TI, S92AF, SO5OE/1  (EU-132), SV2ASP/A, T32O,  T92A, TI4CF, TJ1GD,  TJ1HP,
TM5CRO (EU-070), TT8FC, TT8JE, TU2XZ, UA2FF, UA0KCL (AS-038), V73UX,  VK8AN/6
ZS26BI (AF-079), Z24S.

QSL received via  WF5E DX  QSL Service:   9Y4NZ,  CV0Z (SA-030),  PY0F/PP1CZ,

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


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S DX@WW $425WW367F
425 DX News #367 [6/6]
 16 May 1998                      No 367                   BID: $425WW367F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  17/05      3B7FR: St. Brandon (AF-015) * by HB9s                  366
till  18/05      8Q7JJ: Maldives (AS-013) * by GOWBO                    365
till  27/05      9H3UT: Comino Island (EU-023) * by DL9GDB              365
till  22/05      9M8CC (OC-088) * by PB0ALB                             347
till  late July  FG/F2HE: NA-102 & NA-114 * by F2HE                     362
till  July       FM5JY: Martinique (NA-107) * by F5JYD                  359
till  July       FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            359
till  28/05      GB2PPE: special event station                          367
till  31/12      GI6YM: Belfast, special event station * by GIs         364
till  17/05      J47LAF: special event station                          365
till  17/05      MD/N0KV: Isle of Man (EU-116) * by N0KV                367
14/05-27/05      CT3/DK4KL: Madeira (AF-014) * by DK4KL                 366
14/05-28/05      W4/G0UIH/m: NA-052, 069, 034, 076, 085, 142            365
15/05-17/05      WF1N & W1DIG: Pot Island (NA-136, USI CT017S)          366
16/05-17/05      CX0DMC: special event station                          367
16/05-30/05      TK/PA3GIO: EU-014 and EU-164 * by PA3GIO               367
16/05-17/05      Baltic Contest                                         ***
16/05            European Spring CW Contest                             356
17/05            AX#ITU: special event stations                         365
17/05            EG#: World Telecommunications Day stations from Spain  367
17/05-24/05      IA5/IK0HWI: Elba Island (EU-028, IIA LI-001)           367
17/05            IK7VJX: Scoglio Fontanelle (IIA LE-047)                367
17/05-19/05      ITU Contest                                            ***
19/05-02/06      SV9: Crete (EU-1015) * by GM0UTD                       367
18/05-02/06      JU1HA: Mongolia * by Pannon DX Club                    367
21/05-24/05      CE8ABF: Tierra del Fuego (SA-008)                      367
21/05-24/05      DL2RNS/p, DL2RTK/p, DG1RNO/p and DL2VFR/p: EU-057      365
21/05-24/05      TM0AIX: Aix Island (EU-032) * by Fs                    367
22/05-23/05      N2WCQ/6W1: Goree Island (AF-045) * by UT4UZ            367
22/05-23/05      CT98ARL: special event station                         367
22/05-24/05      H75A or AD5A,AB5EB,N5FTR & N5UR/YN4: Venado I.(NA-???) 366
22/05-24/05      TM1IF: Chateau d'If (EU-095) * by F5NBX and F5RBB      367
23/05-24/05      VE7ARS & VE7FYO: Trutch Island (NA-181)                353
23/05-31/05      VK9LX: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by VK2ICV           365
24/05-31/05      V63VV,V63**,V63**: OC-010 * by N6VV, NG7S,W7DR         360
26/05-29/05      GM3LWM/P, GM3VLB/P, GM4CXH/P & GMOPNS: Pabay (EU-008)  367
26/05-02/06      V26TT & V26GG: Antigua (NA-100) * by K5TT & W5AO       357
27/05-03/06      DF1IC/HI8: Dominican Republic (NA-096) * by DF1IC      367
27/05-02/06      VP2VDX: Brit. Virg. Is (NA-023) * by K6CT, N6CW & K9VV 367
28/05-02/06      CY9RF: St. Paul Isl (NA-094) * by K8RF and others      367
28/05-02/06      EA3KU/EA8: Canary Islands (AF-004)                     367
28/05-31/05      ID9/IT9NGN, IT9HLN, IT9TZZ, IT9UHF: Filicudi (EU-017)  367
28/05-31/05      PR5L and PQ5L: Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 24) * by PYs    367
29/05-01/06      6W1RE and 6W1QV: Goree Island (AF-045)                 367
29/05-02/06      DL6CGC/p, DF5WBA/p and DJ3XG/p: Baltrum Isl (EU-047)   365
30/05-31/05      AZ4F * by LUs                                          367
30/05-31/05      N9NC/TA3 * by W0YR and N9NC                            367
30/05-31/05      TX8A: New Caledonia (OC-032) * by FK8HC                367
30/05-31/05      CQWW WPX CW Contest                                    ***
May              A35VI: Tonga * by K8VIR                                349
May              BI7Y: Xisha Archipelago (AS-???) * by BD7JA and BYs    366
May              F/EA2BUF/p: Oiseaux Island (DIFM AT-029) * by EA2BUF   366
May              IQ3AC: special event station * by ARI Treviso          365
late May         SM2/ON4BDS/p: Hinderson Island (EU-139) * by ON4BDS    367
late May-Nov     VE8TA: Baffin Island (NA-047, Zone 2) * by VE2BQB      367
01/06-07/06      V63VV,V63**,V63**/p: OC-??? * by N6VV, NG7S, W7DR      360
05/06-??         6W1RE and 6W1QV: Madeleine Island (AF-045)             367
06/06-13/06      KL7USI: Alexander Archipelago (NA-041)                 365
10/06-15/06      CE1LDS/2: Damas Isl (NO-REF) * by CE7ZK and CE1LDS     363
10/06-12/07      TM#CMF: special event stations                         365
13/06-14/06      Contest ARI                                            ***
13/06-14/06      ANARTS RTTY Contest                                    ***
15/06-21/06      TF: Iceland * by DL7DF, DL7BO, DL7BY and DL7UFR        365
20/06-21/06      All Asian CW Contest                                   ***
25/06-29/06      EJ7NET: Great Saltee Isl (EU-103)*by WestNet DX Group  365
25/06-27/06      Hamradio 1998 (Friedrichshafen)                        367
June-July        CY9AA: St. Paul Island (NA-094) * by VE9AA and others  367
June             F/ON4BDS/p: Tombelaine Isl (EU-156) * by ON4BDS        365