DX425 bulletin issue nr. 365

S DX@WW $425WW365A
425 DX News #365 [1/5]
  2 May 1998                       No 365                   BID: $425WW365A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2    - JM1LJS, JE1OYE [425DXN 353] and JJ1DWB  [425DXN 364] now plan to  be
         active from Viti Levu (OC-016),  Fiji Islands between  4 and 7  May.
         Look for 3D2LJ (QSL via  JM1LJS), 3D2TS (QSL  via JM1LJS) and  3D2MT
         (QSL via JJ1DWB) on all bands SSb and CW. <TNX DX News Sheet>
8Q     - Lorenzo, IK5MDF  will  now be  active  as 8Q7DF  [425DXN  355]  from
         Maldives (AS-013)  between 2  and 10  May. QSL  via IK5MDF  (Lorenzo
         Tabaracci, P.O. Box 142, 54033 Carrara - MS, Italy).
8Q     - Jim, GOWBO will be active (on 10-20 metres, WARC included) possibily
         as 8Q7JJ from the Maldives (AS-013)  between 4 and  18 May. <TNX  DX
         News Sheet>
9H     - Dieter, DL9GDB will  be active (on  10-40 metres CW)  as 9H3UT  from
         Comino Island (EU-023)  between 13  and 27  May. QSL  via bureau  to
         DL9GDB. <TNX DL9GDB>
CY9    - K8RF (Dan), W0CG (Geoff), WA9S (Ken) and possibly W9EFL (Noel)  will
         be active as home call/CY9 from St. Paul Island (NA-094) starting on
         28 May. They  will participate in  the CQ WW  WPX CW Contest  (30-31
         May) as CY9/K8RF (Multi-Multi) and plan to concentrate on  160/80/40
         and WARC bands  before and after  the Contest. QSL  via home  calls.
         <TNX K8RF>
DL     - DL2RNS, DL2RTK, DG1RNO and DL2VFR plan  to be active (on all  bands,
         mostly  on  CW)  from  Ruden  (EU-057,   DIA  O-011)  and,   weather
         permitting, Greifswalder Oie (EU-057, DIA O-012) islands between  21
         and 24 May. QSL via home calls. <TNX DL2VFR & DL8AAM>
DL     - DL6CGC, DF5WBA  and DJ3XG  plan to  be  active from  Baltrum  Island
         (EU-047, DIA N-006) between 29 May and 2 June. <TNX DJ3XG & DL8AM>
EA     - Special stations EG#UIT, EG#IUT, EG#ITD and EG#TID will be active on
         17 May to celebrate the World Telecomunications Day. QSL via bureau.
EA8    - Special event station EG8OTA will be active from Las Palmas,  Canary
         Is (AF-004) during the IOTA Convention (1-3 May).
EI     - The WestNet DX Group and  the Saltee Dog  DX Group from  Switzerland
         will be active (on all bands  CW, SSB and RTTY)  as EJ7NET from  the
         Great Saltee Island (EU-103) between 25  and 29 June. QSL via  EI2GX
         (all stations worked will get their  QSLs automatically through  the
         bureau). <TNX EI6FR>
EO     - Special Event station EO5JM will be  active between 6 and 10 May  to
         celebrate the 53rd Anniversary of the Victory of the Great Patriotic
         War. QSL via UU2JQ. <TNX DX News Sheet>
EU     - Special event stations EV2DP, EV3DP, EV6DP,  EV6ZK and EV5W will  be
         active from  Belarus  between  1  and  10  May  to  commemorate  the
         liberation of Byelorussia in 1944. Contacts with thse stations count
         10 points for  the "Belarus  1944" awards:  for further  information
         please contact the  AGB Manager, EU1EU  (Igor Getmann, P.O.Box  143,
         Minsk-5,      220005,       Republic      of       Belarus)       at
         getmann@axis.belpak.minsk.by <TNX EU1EU>
F      - Jack, F6BUM  will be  active as  F6BUM/P  from Yeu  Island  (EU-064)
         between 2 and 9 May. QSL via bureau. <TNX F6BUM>
F      - The Council of  Europe club station  will be active  (17, 12 and  10
         metres SSB and  CW) as TP4CE  between 6 and  20 UTC on  5 May.  <TNX
F      - F6AXP, F8BGV, FB1NAN and F1SVF plan  to be active  (CW and SSB  with
         two stations) as F5KDC/P from Banc  d'Arguin (EU-159, DIFM AT-033  )
         between the evening of 8 May and 14 UTC on 10 May. Special  emphasis
         will be given  to Asia, Oceania,  North and South  America. QSL  via
         bureau or direct to F6AXP (Max Pomel, P.O. Box 73, F-63370  Lempdes,
         France). <TNX F6AXP>
F      - Several TM#CMF (Coupe du Monde de  Football) special event  stations
         will be active from France between  10 June and  12 July during  the
         Football  (Soccer)  World  Championships.   Look  for  TM1CMF   from
         Marseille,   TM2CMF    (Toulouse),   TM3CMF    (Bordeaux),    TM4CMF
         (Montpellier), TM5CMF (St Etienne), TM6CMF (Nantes), TM7CMF  (Lens),
         TM8CMF (Lyon), TM9CMF (Paris), TM0CMF (St Denis). <TNX F6AJA>
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425 DX News #365 [2/5]
  2 May 1998                       No 365                   BID: $425WW365B
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F      - David, ON4BDS plans to be active  from Batz (EU-105), Les Sept  Iles
         (EU-107)  and   Cezembre  (EU-157)   during  his   summer   holidays
         (indicativeley "in the first part of July"). He is also planning  an
         operation from  Tombelaine  (EU-156) at  the  end of  June.  Special
         emphasis will be given to North America, especially from EU-157  and
         EU-156. Further information will follow. <TNX ON4BDS>
F      - Maxime, ON4LCW will be active (on 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB with some
         QRS CW) from Chausey Is (EU-039) between 8 and 29 July. He plans  to
         operate from  DIFM MA-004,  031,  108 and  109.  QSL via  bureau  to
         ON4LCW. Maxime will  also join the  TM5T team [425DXN  361] for  the
         IOTA Contest. <TNX ON4LCW>
G      - Special event station GB4OWR will be  active on 5-6 and 8-10 May  to
         celebrate the  40th  anniversary  of  WACRAL  (World  Amateur  Radio
         Christian Association). QSL via G4YRH. <TNX DX News Sheet>
HB0    - A group  of members  of the  Eindhoven  Student Radio  Amateur  Club
         (PA3EZL, PA3FXW,  PA3GFE, PA3HCW,  PE1NVK, PE1OGF,  PE1PRG) will  be
         active as  HB0/PI4TUE from  Malbun (2010  metres above  sea  level),
         Liechtenstein between 1 and 14 July. They will operate on HF (10-160
         metres with two stations, SSB, CW  and RTTY), VHF and UHF. Skeds  on
         any band or mode can be  arranged in advance by contacting the  Club
         station    PI4TUE/PI5EHV    at    esrac@ele.tue.nl    (also    check
         http://www.esrac.ele.tue.nl). <TNX PA3EZL>
I      - ARI Treviso members will be  active with the  special call IQ3AC  in
         May. QSL via IK3GES. <TNX IK3GES>
I      - Gabriele, IK3GES plans to start his 1998 IIA activities on 8-9  May.
         He plans to be IL3/ from islands located in Rovigo province (they do
         not count for IOTA). QSL via IK3GES. <TNX IK3GES>
I      - IK7JWY, IK7YZE, IK7YTQ,  IK7ETE and possibly  others will be  active
         from Isola Grande (EU-091, IIA LE-002) on 16-17 May. QSL via  IK7ETE
         either direct (Bruno Meli, P.O. Box 1, 73058 Tuglie - LE, Italy)  or
         through  the  bureau.  Further  information  will  be  available  at
         http://www.aspide.it/freeweb/IK7JWY/index.htm <TNX IK7JWY>
I      - Odoardo, I0TIC and others will participate in the ARI  International
         DX Contest (2-3 May) as IO0A (India Oscar Zero Alpha). <TNX IK0XBX>
I      - Giovanni, IT9PKO  will  participate  in  the  ARI  International  DX
         Contest (2-3 May) as II9ZZ. QSL  via IT9PKO either direct  (Giovanni
         Casiraro, Casella Postale  10, 97015 Modica  Bassa -  RG, Italy)  or
         through the bureau. <TNX IT9PKO>
JA     - JJ1LIB is  expected to  be  active (SSB  and  CW) as  JJ1LIB/6  from
         Yaeyama Is (AS-024) between 28 April and 6 May. QSL via JJ1LIB. <TNX
JA     - Weather permitting Hiro, JH4FBV will be  active (CW and SSB with  50
         watts) as JH4FBV/6  from Kuchinoshima,  Tokara Archipelago  (AS-049)
         between 03.00 UTC on 2 May  and 06.00 UTC on 4  May. QSL via  JH4FBV
         either   direct    (Hironori   Funahashi,    1-11-38    Hamanochaya,
         Kurashiki-city, Okayama, 710-0061 Japan) or through the bureau. <TNX
JA     - Eiji,  JQ1SUO  will  be  active  as  JQ1SUO/1  from  Kozushima,  Izu
         Archipelago (AS-008)  on  3 and  4  May. QSL  via  home  call  (Eiji
         Shinoda, 3-3-17 Tomisato, Kashiragi 277-0081  Japan). <TNX JA1ELY  &
JA     - JM1PXG will be active (on 12-40  metres, 20 metres excluded,  mainly
         CW) as JM1PXG/6 from Daito Is (AS-047) between 3 and 5 May. QSL  via
         JM1PXG either direct (Toshiyuki Saito, 12-2-402 Okusawa 2, Setagaya,
         Tokyo 158-0083, Japan) or through the bureau. <TNX JM1PXG>
KL     - John Pendrey,  AL7RB  expects  to  be on  St.  Paul  Island  in  the
         Pribilofs (NA-028)  between 11  and 14  May. He  should be  able  to
         operate (20 metres SSB and CW, 40 metres CW) from 20.00 UTC  through
         05.00 between on 12-14 May. <TNX AL7RB>
KL     - The     USI     Awards      Program     club     station      KL7USI
         (http://www.eng.mu.edu/~usi)   will   be   active   from   Alexander
         Archipelago (NA-041) between 6 and 13 June. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
KP1    - K8RF, WA4DAN,  AA4NC, AA4VK,  WA9S, W9EFL  and  two or  three  other
         operators plan to be  active possibly as  N1V from Navassa  (NA-098)
         later this year (it could  be between 22  November-5 December or  27
         December-9 January). They intend being active  on 160-6 metres  (CW,
         SSB and RTTY) for ten days. Navassa was activated for the last  time
         in   1993.   Further   details   will    be   soon   available    at
PY     - Fredy, PY3FG will be  active as ZY3FG  from Marinheiros Island  (DIB
         49, it does not count for IOTA) between 1 and 20 May. QSL via PY3FG.
         <TNX PY3ACC & PP5SZ>
PY     - The station PQ5L  will be active  from Mel Island  (SA-047, DIB  24)
         between 28 and 31 May. QSL  via PP5LL. (Jaime  Lira, Cx. Postal  08,
         Florianopolis, SC 88010-970, Brazil). <TNX PP5LL>
SV     - Peter, DK1RP will be active (on 10-80 metres CW) as SV8/DK1RP/p from
         Skiathos Island (EU-072) between 4 and 12 May. QSL via DK1RP  (every
         QSO will be confirmed automatically through the bureau). <TNX  DK1RP
         & F-10255>
SV     - Special event station J47LAF will be  active from 4  to 17 May.  QSL
         via SV7CO. <TNX The Daily DX>
TF     - DL7DF, DL7BO, DL7BY and DL7UFR will  be active from Iceland  between
         15 and 21 June. They plan to concentrate on the low bands and on  CW
         with two stations. QSL via DL7DF. <TNX The Daily DX>
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TF     - Matt, DL3KUD  will  be  active  on all  bands  (CW  and  RTTY)  from
         Vestmannaeyjar Islands, TF7 (EU-071) between 20 and 29 July. He will
         participate in  the IOTA  Contest. QSL  via bureau  to DL3KUD.  <TNX
VE     - Didier, F6ELE and Bertrand, F6HKA will be /VE2 from several Canadian
         islands between 8 and 24 July.  The plan to operate for 24-48  hours
         from Anticosti (NA-077), Harrington (NA-084), Seven (NA-125), Mingan
         (NA-176) and Bonaventure (NA-177) Islands. <TNX DX News Sheet>
VK     - Special stations AX#ITU will be active  from Australia on 17 May  to
         celebrate the World Telecomunications Day. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
VK9_lh - Nick, VK2ICV will  be active again  as VK9LX from  Lord Howe  Island
         (OC-004) between 23 and 31 May. This time his Topband priority would
         be:  Europe long and short path (especially west and south  Europe),
         Africa and South  America, Japan  and US  east coast.  He will  also
         participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. QSL via VK2ICV (Nick Hacko,
         P.O. Box 730, Parramatta 2124, NSW, Australia). <TNX VK2ICV>
VP8_fal- Carl, G4VFU, who was active from the Falklands as VP8/G4VFU  [425DXN
         363], left the islands on 26  April. The Daily  DX reports that  "he
         will be travelling around the area for sometime now". QSL via G0HXL.
VU     - Marc, ON4AVO/5N0MVE has moved to India  and plans to be active  soon
         as VU3MCV. This licence allows him  to operate on CW only, but  Marc
         hopes to get  a permission also  for SSB.  QSL via  ON7LX. <TNX  The
         Daily DX>
W      - The Amateur Radio  Transmitting Society, Inc.  (W4CN) will have  its
         annual Special Event commemorating the 124th  Kentucky Derby on  1-3
         May. Operations will be on 3.850,  7.250, 14.250 and 28.400 MHz  (CW
         on request, RTTY on 14.085 MHZ).  QSL via K4WW (Shelby  Summerville,
         6506 Lantana Court, Louisville, KY 40229-1544, USA).
W      - Steve, G0UIH  might  be  active  as  W4/G0UIH/m  from  some  of  the
         following IOTA  island  groups -  NA-052,  NA-069,  NA-034,  NA-076,
         NA-085, NA-142 - between 14 and 28 May. QSL via G0UIH. <TNX G0UIH>
ZD8    - ZD8V (QSL via KF4OOX) and ZD8T (QSL via AC4IV) are again active from
         Ascension Island (AF-003)  from the new  USAF base hamshack  [425DXN
         350]. The  OPDX Bulletin  reports they  are  currently using  a  car
         battery to power their radios  with a long  extension cord to  power
         their chargers.

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************


AS-134/Prov   BY3   HEBEI/TIANJIN PROVINCE  group  (Chinese  islands,  letter
                    "f"), following  the  operation by  BI3H  from  Shijiutuo
                    Island [425DXN 363]. QSL via W3HC.
OC-225/Prov   DU8   TURTLE  IS   (Philippines,  letter   "f"), following  the
                    operation by 4H8TI from Taganak Island [425DXN 363].  QSL
                    via I2YDX.

AEI ON LINE  ---> Check the  Web pages of  the Brasilian Island  Expiditioner
Association (Associacao de Expedicionarios Ilheus, AEI) for information about
the following award programmes: DIB (Brasilian Islands Award), DFB (Brasilian
Lighthouses Award) and DFH (Brasilian Historical Fortifications). The URL  is
http://www.Geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/6377 <TNX PP5SZ>

CRAM --->  The Montevideo  Radio Amateurs  Centre (Centro  Radio  Aficionados
Montevideo, CRAM) organizes a Convention on 16-17 May to celebrate the  World
Telecomunications Day.  For full  details please  contact Roberto  Larranaga,
CX8DX at cx8dx@adinet.com.uy

DELTA DX ASSOCIATION  ---> The Delta  DX Association now  has a  web page  at
http://www.gnofn.org/~w5ru/ (check it out for information, as well as news of
the coming  7th Annual  New Orleans  International DX  Convention in  August,
1998). <TNX W5FKX>
S DX@WW $425WW365D
425 DX News #365 [4/5]
  2 May 1998                       No 365                   BID: $425WW365D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

DELTA MIKE DX GROUP --->  The 1998 officers  of the Delta  Mike DX Group  are
Furio Macchi,IK2EKY  (President);  Guido  Stella,  IK2IKT  (Vice  President);
Alberto Longone,  IK2YQX  (Secretary); Antonio  Alfinito,  I2TZK  and  Walter
Pezzoni, IK2FEO (Directors).

FO0MIZ ---> Kan  Mizoguchi, JA1BK operated  as FO0MIZ [425DXN  363] from  the
Marquesas (OC-027) between 01.03 UTC on  10 April and 09.25  UTC on 12  April
(2801 QSOs made on 80, 40,  20, 17 and  12 metres CW/SSB).  He then moved  to
OC-050 in the  Australs, from where  he was active  between 03.14  UTC on  14
April and 23.50 UTC on 17 April (3523 QSOs made on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12
and 10 metres CW/SSB). QSL via VE3HO. <TNX JH1ORA>

FT5WG ---> Jean-Paul,  F5BU is now  back in  France after  being active  from
Possession Island, Crozet Is (AF-008) as  FT5WG.  The QSL cards are  expected
to be ready in June. QSL via F6APU (Andre Jungbluth, 4 rue des Tulipes, 67380
Lingolsheim, France). <TNX F6AJA>

H40AB ---> Jim Smith, VK9NS is back on  Norfolk Island after his trip to  the
Reef Islands (OC-065), Temotu, where he  logged almost 16,000 QSOs. QSLs  are
expected to go  out in a  couple of weeks.  QSL to  Jim Smith,  P.O. Box  90,
Norfolk Island, Australia 2899. <TNX The Daily DX>

KH2 QSL  BUREAU --->  The KH2  QSL bureau  is now  being run  by the  Mariana
Islands DX Association, Box  445, Agana, Guam  96932. Further information  is
available at http://www.guam.net/pub/midxa/ <TNX OPDX Bulletin>

QSL 5A2A ---> The last batch of 5A2A QSL cards was mailed on 1 April  [425DXN
361], but now it seems that about 1000 cards  sent to the US have been  lost.
If you have not received your card and want to have it replaced, please  send
an e-mail message to the QSL manager, DL3KDV (Dieter Voss, Friedrichsthal 21,
D-51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany) at dvoss@t-online.de <TNX K7LAY>

QSL 8Q7AA --->  QSL manager N7TX  reports that "cards  for the January  8Q7AA
Maldives operation continue  to be  processed at  a steady  rate. At  present
between 6,000  and  7,000  QSOs  have  been  confirmed  and  mailed,  out  of
approximately 18,000 contacts in the log.  We should catch up on the  several
thousand remaining requests in the next  four to eight  weeks". QSL via  N7TX
(Steve Thompson, 119 E. Jasmine St., Mesa, AZ 85201-1811, USA). Bureau  cards
can be requested at 8q7aa@cadxa.org <TNX N7TX>

QSL 9M0C ---> Phil, G3SWH has received from the printer 30,000 cards for  the
February 1998 operation  by 9M0C  from the  Spratly Islands.  He has  already
started to answer the 5000 or so direct requests received so far.  As far  as
possible, he intends to answer cards in the order in which they have arrived.
E-mail and bureau requests will be dealt with when all the direct cards  have
been despatched.  SWL cards  will be  dealt with  on the  same basis  by  Bob
Treacher, BRS 32525. <TNX G3SWH>

QSL H40AA, SPECIAL EDITION ---> A sample of the limited special edition  QSL,
available only from W6OSP (Bruce Buttler, 4220 Chardonnay Ct, Napa, CA 94558,
USA) in return for a contribution of USD 25 or more (the deadline is 10 May),
is now available for viewing at either the Northern California DX  Foundation
website    (http://www.ncdxf.org)     and    at     the    H40AA     homepage
(http://www.iglou.com/n4gn/h40aa/). Proceeds from such contributions will  be
forwarded to Dr Ashley Wilson to  Temotu to help  with his local  development
efforts (please see 425DXN 363 for full details). 

QSL VIA NO6X ---> NO6X (Mike Nash, 1357 S. Pike, Porterville, CA 93257,  USA)
is the QSL manager for Z38/NO6X, Z38X, Z38C, Z37GBC and Z31JA. <TNX NO6X>

RUSSIAN IOTA/DX HAMVENTION ---> The Fourth  Russian IOTA/DX HF Hamvention  is
organized by the Russian Robinson Club and will take place in Lipetsk, Russia
on 9-11 October 1998. For further information please contact Valery  Sushkov,
RW3GW at panoramatour@lipetsk.ru

QSL received via direct:   3A7G, 3A/DJ7RJ,  3W6EZD, 4L1DX, 4U1UN,  5B4/UA9MA,
5H3RB, 5X1P, 7Q7EH, 8Q7AA, 9G1UW, 9K2HR,  9M6CT, A35RK, A61AJ, A92GE,  AP2AP,
AZ9W, BX0YL, C6AIC  (NA-001) CQ98BM,  CY0DX, D44BS,  DU8ARK (OC-119),  FK8GM,
FT5XN,  HK0/KB5GL,  HP1/DL5RBW  (NA-071),  J3/N1FVR,  J52IM,  J69EE,  J79GMV,
J79UGF, JH3QFL/6 (AS-047),  JU2DX, JX3EX, JY9QJ,  KG4DZ, KH2/K9AW,  KP2/W0BV,
LQ0N, OA4SS, OX3LG, PJ9G, PQ8MM (SA-045), S21YG, S92AF, T31BB, T48RAC, TF8GX,
ZK1SSB, ZK1XXP, ZS26BI (AF-079).

QSL received via WF5E DX QSL  Service:  9M8DB, CV0Z (SA-030), V63KU,  WL7MA/p

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


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S DX@WW $425WW365E
425 DX News #365 [1/5]
  2 May 1998                       No 365                   BID: $425WW365E
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  May        4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 355
till  31/12      7S5BE: Sweden, special call                            364
till  05/05      8P9IU & 8P9IR: Barbados (NA-021) * by DL7UTO & DJ1TO   363
till  02/05      8Q7QQ: Maldives (AS-013) * by HB9QQ                    364
till  07/05      9M6CT: East Malaysia * by HS0/G4JMB                    361
till  22/05      9M8CC (OC-088) * by PB0ALB                             347
till  May        9N1FP * by RU6FP                                       350
till  late July  FG/F2HE: NA-102 & NA-114 * by F2HE                     362
till  July       FM5JY: Martinique (NA-107) * by F5JYD                  359
till  July       FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            359
till  02/05      GB0SM: Isles of Scilly (EU-011) * by TADARC            361
till  31/12      GI6YM: Belfast, special event station * by GIs         364
till  31/12      HB5RL * by Locarno Radio Club                          360
till  31/10      JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA                 364
till  Sep        ST1AP/ST0                                              361
till  Jul-Aug    TJ1FT: Cameroon                                        352
till  May        VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by WB9IHH               355
till  May        VQ9PH: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W2JDK                355
till  June       XV7SV: Vietnam * by SM0ORV                             355
till  mid May    XV7SW: Vietnam * by SM5MX                              361
till  08/05      ZB2FX: Gibraltar * by G3RFX                            363
23/04-23/05      HR5/F2JD: Honduras * by F2JD                           364
28/04-06/05      JJ1LIB/6: Yaeyama Is (AS-024) * by JJ1LIB              365
28/04-05/05      YJ0AWP: Vanuatu * by JA1WPX                            363
29/04-03/05      K2VUI/VP9: Hamilton Parish, Bermuda (NA-005)*by K2VUI  364
30/04-04/05      6W1QV/p: N'gor Isl (AF-045) * by 6W1RE,6W1QV,6W1/F5AEP 364
01/05-03/05      3D2MT/p, 3D2LJ/p & 3D2TS/p: Yasawa (OC-156) * by JAs   364
01/05-03/05      ED1IP: Isla de Puenteledesma (DIEI PO-021) * by EAs    363
01/05-03/05      EG8OTA (AF-004): special event station                 365
01/05-10/05      EV: special event stations from Belarus                365
01/05-03/05      HB0/N7OV: Liechtenstein * by IK3VIA                    364
01/05-05/05      PR5L: Sao Francisco Isl (SA-027) * by PP5LL and others 363
01/05-03/05      W1ACT: NA-046 * by Fall River Massachusetts ARC        364
01/05-03/05      W4CN: special event activity by ARTS                   365
01/05-21/05      ZS, A22, 7P8, 3DA0, Z2 & C9 * by W3JLR                 357
01/05-20/05      ZY3FG: Marinheiros Island (DIB 49) * by PY3FG          365
01/05-03/05      Canary Is. >>>  VIII I.O.T.A. Convention  <<<          357
01/05-03/05      International DX Convention, Visalia, CA               355
02/05-03/05      3D2SH/p, 3D2HI/p, 3D2TK/p & 3D2KZ/p: OC-121 * by JAs   363
02/05-10/05      8Q7DF: Maldives (AS-013) * by IK5MDF                   365
02/05-09/05      F6BUM/p: Yeu Island (EU-064) * by F6BUM                365
02/05            GB5TI: Treshnish Is (EU-108) * by GM0DEQ,GM0KVI,GM0SEI 361
02/05-03/05      II9ZZ * by IT9PKO                                      365
02/05-03/05      IO0A * by I0TIC and others                             365
02/05-04/05      JH4FBV/6: Tokara Archipelago (AS-049) * by JH4FBV      365
02/05-03-05      ARI International DX Contest                           ***
03/05-05/05      JM1PXG/6: Daito Is (AS-047) * by JM1PXG                365
03/05-04/05      JN1XLV/0, JO1OYZ/0, JF0KYK/0 & JR0BAQ/0: Sado (AS-117) 363
03/05-04/05      JQ1SUO/1: Izu Archipelago (AS-008) * by JQ1SUO         365
04/05-07/05      3D2LJ, 3D2TS & 3D2MT: Viti Levu (OC-016) * by JAs      365
04/05-18/05      8Q7JJ: Maldives (AS-013) * by GOWBO                    365
04/05-17/05      J47LAF: special event station                          365
04/05-12/05      SV8/DK1RP/p: Skiathos Island (EU-072) * by DK1RP       365
05/05-06/05      GB4OWR: special event station                          365
05/05            TP4CE: Council of Europe club station                  365
06/05-17/05      3B7AZ: St. Brandon (AF-015) * by HB9JAI and others     363
06/05-10/05      EO5JM: special event station                           365
08/05-10/05      F5KDC/p: Banc d'Arguin (EU-159) * by F6AXP and Fs      365
08/05-10/05      GB4OWR: special event station                          365
08/05-09/05      IL3/IK3GES: IIA activity                               365
09/05-16/05      CN/F5LMK: Morocco * by F5LMK                           353
09/05-10/05      CQ M DX Contest SSB/CW                                 ***
09/05-10/05      Volta RTTY Contest                                     ***
09/05-16/05      CN/F5LMK: Morocco * by F5LMK                           353
12/05-14/05      AL7RB: Pribilof Is (NA-028)                            365
13/05-27/05      9H3UT: Comino Island (EU-023) * by DL9GDB              365
14/05-28/05      W4/G0UIH/m: NA-052, 069, 034, 076, 085, 142            365
16/05-17/05      IK7JWY, IK7YZE, IK7YTQ, IK7ETE: EU-091, IIA LE-002     365
16/05-17/05      Baltic Contest                                         ***
16/05            European Spring CW Contest                             356
17/05            AX#ITU: special event stations                         365
17/05            EG#UIT,EG#IUT,EG#ITD & EG#TID: special event stations  365
17/05-02/06      JT: Mongolia * by HAs                                  357
17/05-19/05      ITU Contest                                            ***
21/05-24/05      DL2RNS/p, DL2RTK/p, DG1RNO/p and DL2VFR/p: EU-057      365
23/05-24/05      VE7ARS & VE7FYO: Trutch Island (NA-181)                353
23/05-31/05      VK9LX: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by VK2ICV           365
24/05-31/05      V63VV,V63**,V63**: OC-010 * by N6VV, NG7S,W7DR         360
26/05-02/06      V26TT & V26GG: Antigua (NA-100) * by K5TT & W5AO       357
28/05-May        K8RF/CY9, W0CG/CY9, WA9S/CY9: St. Paul Isl (NA-094)    365
28/05-31/05      PQ5L: Mel Island (SA-047, DIB 24) * by PYs             365
29/05-02/06      DL6CGC/p, DF5WBA/p and DJ3XG/p: Baltrum Isl (EU-047)   365
30/05-31/05      CQWW WPX CW Contest                                    ***
May              A35VI: Tonga * by K8VIR                                349
May              BI7Y: Xisha Archipelago (AS-???) * by BD7JA and BYs    363
May              IQ3AC: special event station * by ARI Treviso          365
May              XQ0X: San Ambrosio * by CE0ZAM                    ???  343