DX425 bulletin issue nr. 363

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425 DX News #363 [1/6]
 17 April 1998                     No 363                   BID: $425WW363A
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                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - Tony, IK1QBT  and Mauro,  IK1CJO have  scheduled their  activity  as
         3A/IK1QBT (only CW) and 3A/IK1CJO (only RTTY) [425DXN 358] for 25-27
         April. Look  for them  on all  bands (WARC  included) on  CW and  on
         21.082, 14.082 and  7.037 MHz RTTY.  QSL via  their respective  home
         calls, either direct (IK1QBT: Tony Gallo,  Via Capo S.Spirito  1/16,
         17052 Borghetto Santo  Spirito -  SV, Italy;  IK1CJO: Mauro  Ferrua, 
         Casella Postale  41,  17031 Albenga  -  SV, Italy)  or  through  the
         bureau. <TNX IK1QBT>
3B7    - Further information on the USKA DXpedition  to Cargados Island,  St.
         Brandon Archipelago (AF-015, 6-17 May) [425DXN 353] can be found  at
         http://www.3b7-brandon.ch/ (where  log  checking will  be  available
         about 24 hours after a QSO has been made). Suggested frequencies for
         this  operation  are   as  follows:  (CW/SSB/RTTY):   1826.5/1842/-,
         3507/3799/-,  7007/7065/7035,  10104/-/-,  14024/14195/14080, 18074/
         18145/18105,  21024/21295/21080,  24894/24945/-,   28024/28475/28080
         kHz. QSL via HB9RF (Postfach 37, 6319 Allenwinden, Switzerland).
3D2    - Tada, JA1WPX will be active (on 10-80 metres CW, SSB and RTTY)  from
         Fiji on 24-28 April (as 3D2WP from OC-121) and again on 5-6 May  (as
         3D2WP/P from OC-016). QSL via JA1WPX. <TNX The Daily Dx>
3D2    - JA1JQY, JA1KJW, JA3MCA  and JA8VE will  now operate respectively  as
         3D2SH/p, 3D2HI/p, 3D2TK/p and 3D2KZ/p from  Malolo Lai Lai  (OC-121)
         during their 2-3 May operation from Fiji [425DXN 359]. Look for them
         on CW (1807, 3507, 7007, 10107,  14007, 18077, 21007, 24897,  28007)
         and SSB (3798,  7080, 14197, 18147,  21271, 24937,  28497). QSL  via
         home calls.QSL via home calls. <TNX JA1ELY & JI6KVR>
6W     - It was reported  [425DXN 361] that  F8PX is active  from Senegal  as
         6W1RE: this is not correct, since the call 6W1RE has been issued  to
         Didier Senmartin, F5OGL. The QSL route is DAT, P.O. Box 3024, Dakar,
         Senegal. We apologize  for any  inconvenience this  may have  caused
         Didier and our readers. <TNX F5OGL/6W1RE>
8P     - Baerbel, DL7UTO and Bernd, DJ1TO will be active (10-80 metres mainly
         CW) respectively as 8P9IU and 8P9IR  from Barbados (NA-021)  between
         22 April and 5 May. <TNX The Daily DX>
9M2    - Keith, GM4YXI will be active (on  40, 20, 15 and possibly 10  metres
         SSB and CW) as 9M2/GM4YXI from Besar Island (AS-097), West  Malaysia
         between 16 (05.00  UTC) and  19 April  (05.00 UTC).  QSL via  GM4YXI
         either direct  (Dr. Keith  Kerr, East  Loanhead, Auchnagatt,  Ellon,
         Scotland, UK) or through the bureau. <TNX GM3WOJ>
A3     - Frank, DL7FT was expected to go  QRT from Niue (ZK2FT) on 16  April.
         He now plans  to be active  (10-80 metres, SSB  only) as A35FT  from
         Tonga [425DXN 361] starting between 18 and 20 April for 10-11  days.
         QSL via DL7FT (Frank Turek, P.O.  Box 1421, 14004 Berlin,  Germany).
         <TNX The Daily DX>
BY     - A group  of  amateurs from  Beijing  (including team  leader  BA1DU,
         BG1CL, BG1ET, BD1EO, BD1MT, BA1HAM, BA1KA and BA1MK) will be  active
         (SSB and CW  with two stations  with amplifiers and  beams) as  BI3H
         (with the BI prefix being  used for the  first time) from  Shijiutuo
         Island (AS-???) between 12 UTC on 24 April to 02.00 UTC on 26  April
         and again on 25-26 July during  the IOTA Contest.  QSL via W3HC  (ex
         W3HCW). Please see W3HC QSL FUND below. <TNX BA1DU & WD8MGQ>
BY     - Six Chinese operators  (including team leader  BD7JA, BD7IA,  BD7IX,
         BD7KW, BG7NQ and  BD7YA) plan to  be active (on  10, 15,  20 and  40
         metres CW, SSB  and RTTY) as  BI7Y from  Xisha Archipelago  (Paracel
         Islands) (AS-???).  Due to  transportation problems  the exact  date
         cannot be confirmed as yet, but  they believe it  should be for  3-5
         days "sometime between 27 April  and 10 May".  QSL via BD7JA  (Yang,
         P.O. Box 1713, Guangzhou 510600, People's  Republic of China).  <TNX
         F6EPN & WD8MGQ>
CE     - Percy, CE7ZK and Osvaldo, CE1LDS are planning an IOTA expedition  to
         Damas Island  (NO-REF)  between 10-15  June.   They  expect   to  be
         active  as CE1LDS/2 on 15 and 20 metres. <TNX VE1BVD>
DL     - DJ3XG plans to be  active as DJ3XG/p  from Pellworm Island  (EU-042,
         DIA N-023) between 17 and 24 April. <TNX DJ3XG & DL8AAM>
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DU     - DU8ARK (Dan), DU8BDL (Mike) and DU8JA (James) plan to leave Jolo for
         Turtle  Islands  (OC-???)  on  23  April  if  transportation  is  on
         schedule. They expect to be active as 4H8TI from the local parish on
         Taganak Island from the 25 April for 2-3 days using TS140 and a 2 el
         Quad on 15 and on 20  metres. They will look  for Europe from  09.00
         UTC to 16.00 UTC  on 21.260 and  14.260 MHz, and  for USA at  12.00,
         12.30, 13.00, 13.30 on 14.260 MHZ and from 13 UTC on 21.260 MHz. QSL
         via I2YDX (Giuseppe  de Gasperin, Via  Trento, 21020  Brebbia -  VA,
         Italy). <TNX I2YDX>
EA     - Oscar, EA4BBH  and  others will  be  active from  Castillo  de  Pioz
         (Castles of Spain Award CGU-009) on  25-26 April. QSL via bureau  to
         the operators' calls or direct to EA4BBH (Oscar del Nogal, P.O.  Box
         101, 28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain). <TNX EA1CSI>
EA     - A group of EAs plan to be active as ED1IP from Isla de Puenteledesma
         (DIEI PO-021) on 1-3 May. QSL via EA1BLX. <TNX EB1BAL>
EA6    - Yuki, JI6KVR  will  be  active as  EA6FB  from  Ibiza,  Balearic  Is
         (EU-004) between 28 and 29 April  on his way to the IOTA  Convention
         (1-3 May). QSL via EA5KB (JAs only via JJ6LXX). <TNX JI6KVR>
FO_aus - The Ferreros  (W6RJ and  W6KR) are  now  signing FO0FI  from  Rurutu
         (OC-050) in the Austral islands [425DXN 362] until 20 April in their
         morning. QSL  via  K6SLO. Kan's  (JA1BK)  last day  of  activity  as
         FO0MIZ, he too from Rurutu [425DXN 362], was expected to be 17 April
         (FO time). QSL via VE3HO. <TNX JH1ORA and The Daily DX>
GM     - GM4FDM, GM3UTQ, GM3NIG, GM4YMA and GM0UKZ will be active as  GM5VG/P
         from Islay (EU-008) between 17 and 19 April. QSL via GM3UTQ. <TNX DX
         News Sheet>
GM     - GMOAXY, and others plan to be  active between 18  and 20 April  from
         May Island (IOSA  FF-1), a new  island for the  Islands of  Scotland
         Award. <TNX DX News Sheet>
H44    - The call H44YC has been used  by James, 9V1YC  from the Solomons  on
         his route back home after  leaving Temotu. QSL  via AA5BT. <TNX  The
         Daily DX>
HR     - Gerard, F2JD/HP1XBI is now expected to move to Honduras [425DXN 357]
         around mid April. He will be  active as HR5/F2JD for one month.  QSL
         via F6AJA. <TNX F6AJA>
HV     - Special station  HV5PUL  is expected  to  be active  (mainly  on  20
         metres) from the  Pontificia Universita'  Lateranense, Vatican  City
         between 6 and 18 UTC on 23  April. The web site of this  prestigious
         institution is at http://www.pul.it <TNX Luca Della Giovampaola>
I      - Weather permitting IT9GAI/9 and IT9YRE/9 will be active from  Pietra
         Patella (EU-025,  IIA AG-005)  and Scoglio  Guicciarda (EU-025,  IIA
         AG-006) on 18 and 19 April. QSL via home calls. <TNX I1-21171>
I      - Egadi Team Group (ARI Marsala) members  will be active from  Scoglio
         di Torre Sibiliana  (EU-025, IIA TP-???)  on either  18-19 April  or
         25-26 April. <TNX IW9GAQ>
I      - IN3HDE (Tiziano), IN3FXP  (Renato) and  IN3VOZ (Otello)  plan to  be
         active from either Boccasette (IIA RO-014) or Ca' Venier (IIA RO-11)
         on 19 April. QSL via IN3AUD. <TNX Crazy DX Group>
I      - ARI Pozzuoli members  IZ8AMX, IK8YTF and  IK8JCX will  be joined  by
         IZ8AMY during their  forthcoming IIA  activities, which  are due  to
         start on 19  April. They plan  to operate SSB  and CW as  IC8/IZ8AMY
         from one of the following: Scoglio Vervece (EU-031, IIA NA-010),  La
         Rotonda (EU-031, IIA NA-016), Scoglio Sant'Anna di Procida  (EU-031,
         IIA NA-031),  Scoglio Camerata  (IIA NA-???),  Scoglio Pietre  Rosse
         (IIA NA-???). QSL via IK8GYS. <TNX IK8YTF & IK8ZRC>
I      - Weather permitting IV3JWR and  other members of  the Laguna DX  Team
         will be IL3/ from either  Orbi (EU-130, IIA  GO-007) or Gran  Chiusa
         Ovest (IIA GO-???, it does not count for IOTA) on 25-26 April.  <TNX
I      - IT9AXZ and other members of the  Aretusa DX Team  plan to be  active
         (weather permitting) from Scoglio Castelluccio (EU-025, IIA  SR-016)
         on 25 and 26 April. <TNX IT9AXZ>
JA     - JN1XLV, JO1OYZ, JF0KYK and  JR0BAQ will be  /0 (10-160 metres)  from
         Sado Island (AS-117) on 3 and 4 May. <TNX JR0BAQ>
JX     - Per, JX7DFA [425DXN 360] is expected to be active on 160 metres from
         Jan Mayen starting on 20 April  with a new amplifier.  "It is a  bit
         late in the  season", LA6WEA reports,  but "there is  still time  to
         work him before he goes into the 24 hour dayligt on 14 May". Per  is
         also waiting  for the  new parts  of the  tribander (10,  15 and  20
         metres) to replace the damaged ones. <TNX LA6WEA>
KH4    - Hans, DK9KX is currently active from Midway (OC-030)as N9KX/KH4. QSL
         via DK9KX (Hans Walter Hannappel, Eschenbruchstr. 1,  D-51069 Koeln,
         Germany). <TNX DL3DV>
KH6    - Jim, K9PPY will be active  as K9PPY/KH6 from  Maui (16-20 and  27-28
         April), Hawaii (21-23  April) and Kauai  (24-26 April), Hawaiian  Is
         (OC-019). QSL via K9PPY. <TNX K9PPY>
PY     - PP5LL and others plan to be active as PR5L from Sao Francisco Island
         (SA-027, DIB 08) between 1 and 5 May. QSL via PP5LL (Jaime Lira, Cx.
         Postal 08, Florianopolis/SC, 88010-970 Brazil). <TNX PP5LL>.
SM     - David, ON4BDS  is now  expected to  be active  as SM2/ON4BDS/p  from
         Holmon  Island (EU-135) [425DXN 362] between 17 and 18 April (he has
         to leave the island on 15.45  local time on Saturday). QSL via  home
         call either direct (David Steeman,  Kapelweg 11, B9200  Dendermonde,
         Belgium) or through the bureau. David, who will be leaving Sweden on
         1  June,  is  also  planning  an  operation  from  Hinderson  Island
         (EU-139). <TNX ON4BDS>
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T2     - JA1JQY, JA1KJW, JA3MCA and JA8VE will be active from Tuvalu (OC-015)
         between 25  April and  1 May  [425DXN  359] respectively  as  T22JY,
         T22KJ, T22KT  and T22VE.  Look for  them on  CW (1807,  3507,  7007,
         10107, 14007,  18077,  21007, 24897,  28007)  and SSB  (3798,  7080,
         14197, 18147, 21271, 24937, 28497). QSL via home calls. <TNX  JA1ELY
         & JI6KVR>
T8     - Mamoru, 7N1RTO (ex JG2EBN) was expected  to be active as T88ME  from
         Belau between 15  and 17 April  while on  a business  trip. QSL  via
         7N1RTO either direct (Mamoru Endo, 102-82-2 Kizuki-Omachi, Kawasaki,
         211-0031 Japan) or through the bureau. <TNX JA1ELY>
TJ     - John, TT8JFC has applied for a TJ licence. He will start working  in
         Cameroon in about three weeks and he expects to stay in TJ land  for
         two months per shift. <TNX WX5L>
VP8_fal- Carl, G4VFU is active  (look for him  on 1.843 MHz  between 1 and  5
         UTC) as VP8/G4VFU  from the Falklands (SA-002). He is expected to be
         there for a coupleof weeks. <TNX The Daily DX>
W      - Special  Event  station  W2RC/IMD  will  participate  in  the   11th
         International Marconi Day  from the original  Marconi radio  "shack"
         site at Rocky  Point, Long Island  (NA-026), NY.  Three HF  stations
         will operate on  10-160 metres  between 00.00  and 24.00  UTC on  25
         April. QSL  via N2IME.  Please see  also INTERNATIONAL  MARCONI  DAY
         below. <TNX WO2N>
W      - The Mobile Amateur Radio Club operation from Dauphin Island (NA-142)
         did  not  take place  on  4  April  [425DXN 361]  but  it  has  been
         rescheduled for 25 April (1.00-20.00 UTC).  Look for  the club  call
         W4IAX on 14.260 MHz +/-  QRM. <TNX KF4MH>
XU     - Korea Telecom Radio Club members HL2AQN,  HL3APP, HL2ACI and  HL1OXR
         are expected to  be active  (10, 15  and 20  metres CW  and SSB)  as
         either XU3MTM or  XU7MTM between 22  and 24 April.  QSL via  HL2AQN.
         <TNX HL1SSG>
YJ     - Tada, JA1WPX will be active (on  10-80 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY)  as
         YJ0AWP from Vanuatu  between 28 April  and 5 May.   QSL via  JA1WPX.
         <TNX The Daily Dx>
YU     - Robert, YU7BW and Tibi, 4N7ZZ will be active (CW and SSB) from Sveti
         Nikola Island  (EU-163) between  18 and  25 April.    QSL via  YU7BW
         (Robert  Homolya,  24352 Tornyos,  Toldi  Miklos  34,  P. O. Box  1,
         Yugoslavia). <TNX  The Daily DX>
ZB     - Martyn, G3RFX will be active (10-80 metres CW and SSB, with emphasis
         on 12 metres) from Gibraltar as  ZB2FX between 15  April and 8  May.
         QSL via G3RFX. <TNX DX News Sheet>
ZL     - Ed, K8VIR will now be active as ZL7IR/4 from Stewart Island (OC-203)
         until the end of April. He will operate in his spare time (look  for
         him on 14.260 and 21.300 MHz). QSL via K8VIR. <TNX The Daily DX>.

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

ARRL DXCC MANAGER  ---> Bill Moore,  NC1L will replace  Bill Kennamer,  K5FUV
(who has been  appointed Membership Services  Manager) [425DXN  359] as  DXCC
Manager, effective 20 April 

CAMPBELL 1999 ---> The Kermadec DX Association DXpedition to Campbell  Island
in January 1999  [425DXN 359] represents  possibly the last  chance for  many
years for a  QSO with  this DXCC  entity and  IOTA island  (OC-037). The  New
Zealand Department  of  Conservation is  restricting  access  to  the  island
greatly and its only with represention  at the highest  level of New  Zealand
government and continued  hard work by  team leader Ken  Holdum (ZL2HU)  that
permission to visit the island  has been secured.  The international team  of
operators include Ken Holdom (ZL2HU), Declan Craig (EI6FR), Andrew Williamson
(GI0NWG) Jun Tanaka (JH4RHF), Al Hernandez (K3VN), Michael Mraz (N6MZ), Brian
Biggings (VE3XA), Lee  Jennings (ZL2AL),  Chris Hannagan  (ZL2DX), Ron  Wills
(ZL2TT), Jason Christensen  (ZL2URN, New Zealand  Department of  Conservation
staff member). They will be active as ZL9CI all bands and modes between 9 and
25 January 1999. The DX community will be able to rely on five pilot stations
and a Campbell Island reflector which will be online about 60 days before the
operation starts. The total budget for  the ZL9CI DXpedition  will be in  the
region of $85,000 of which the members of the team have contributed  $33,000.
So far donations of about $11,000  have been received  from DXers and  clubs,
but almost $38,000 are still needed  to meet the  expected costs of  mounting
this DXpedition.  Contributions  can  be  sent  to  either  The  Kermadec  DX
Association, PO Box 56099, Tawa, Wellington,  New Zealand or The Kermadec  DX
Association (Europe), 167 St. James's Road,  Greenhills, Dublin 12,  Ireland.
All donations  will be  receipted and  in the  event  of the  DXpedition  not
proceeding be returned. <TNX EI6FR>
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FT5*/FR5HR ---> Gil, F5NOD reports that  Rene, FR5HR does not have a  license
to operate from any of the  French sub-antarctic islands (FT5X, FT5W,  FT5Z).
The French licensing authorities,  F5NOD states, are  do not issue  FT5*/home
call licenses. With  reference to FR5HR's  announced activity from  Amsterdam
[425DXN 362], Gil says that  the French authorities  have confirmed that  the
last two calls they have issued are FT5ZG and FT5ZH (the latter will be  used
by F5PFP and  F5SIH between 27  November and 23  December, 425DXN 359).  <TNX

H40AA ---> The multinational H40AA expedition to Temotu Islands was  expected
to close down  9 a.m. local  time on 13  April (18.00 UTC  on 12 April).  The
65,000 QSO mark  was reached on  the morning of  12 April and  the number  of
different stations logged is expected to  reach a record high. There were  no
more than five operators on the island  at any given time because of  limited
facilities. Crew  rotation  was  effected  in  such  a  smooth  fashion  that
continuity  and   overall   operating  strategy   were   maintained   without
interruption. One complete station with a  triband beam antenna will be  left
behind for permanent operations by the Solomon Islands Radio Society  (SIRS).
QSL cards will be ready within the next two weeks (QSL via OH2BN, but  please
see QSL  H40AA, SPECIAL  EDITION below).  It is  planned that  a website  log
checking   facility    will   be    available   at    the   H40AA    homepage
(http://www.iglou.com/n4gn/h40aa) as soon as the multitude of logs are  fully
integrated. <TNX OH2BN>

QSL 6W1AE ---> F5THR is not the QSL manager for 6W1AE. He operated from there
between 1991 and 1993, but 6W1AE is  a military club station whose QSL  route
is either direct to P.O. Box 1303,  Dakar, Senegal or through the 6W  bureau.

FATHER MORAN  MEMORIAL STATION  ---> Satish  Kharel  (9N1AA) and  Charles  H.
Harpole (K4VUD/9N1UD)  have begun  to establish  a memorial  club station  in
Father Moran's (9N1MM)  memory and  for the  furthering of  amateur radio  in
Nepal. "We will ask for his  old call for  the station and  our plans are  to
locate it,  sooner  or later,  in  a space  which  will  allow  easy  visitor
operations and good training for  more native Nepal  hams", Harpole says.  He
now calls on all DXers world wide to send him advice on getting this  project
developed, prepare to support  the establishment of  club 9N1MM with  funding
and  gifts  of  radios  and  antennas,  and  advise  how  to  get  ham  radio
manufacturers interested  in  donations. Please  contact  Charlie  at  either
harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu or Charles H. Harpole, 3100  N. Hwy. 426,  Geneva,
FL 32732-9761, USA. <TNX K4VUD>

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI  DAY  --->  The  following  stations  are  reported  to
participate in  the  11th Marconi  Day,  which takes  place  on 25  April  to
celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi (list updated to 12 April): 
CT1TGM (Coimbra)                          GB0IMD (Alum Bay, Isle of Wight)
DA0IMD (Borkum Island)                    GB0MAR (Puckpool, Isle of Wight)
ED7IMD (Cadiz)                            GB0MBS (Marconi Beacon Site Dorset)
EI2IMD (Crookhaven)                       GX0MWT (Chelmsfold) 
EI3MFT (Letterfrack to be confirmed)      IY1MR (Rapallo) 
EI4IMD (Clifden Galway)                   IY1TTM (Sestri Levante)
EI4JAM (Dublin)                           IY4FGM (Pontecchio) 
EI5IMD (Crookhaven Site)                  IY4IMD (Casalecchio di Reno) 
EI6YXQ (Ballybunnion)                     IY0ORP (Rocca di Papa Rome) 
GB1IMD (Leicester)                        IY0TC (Civitavecchia)
GB2GM (Poldhu Cove)                       K1VV/IMD (Cape Cod, Massachusetts)
GB2IMD (Mid-Glamorgan)                    NW2P (Somerville, New Jersey) 
GB2MD (RSGB HQ)                           OE1M (Vienna) 
GB2MDI (Pepperbox Hill)                   PA6IMD (to be confirmed)
GB2MID (Sandbanks Poole)                  TM0IMD (Stirling Wendel)
GB2OWM (Orkney Museum)                    VE1IMD (Glace Bay, Nova Scotia)
GB2PK (Porthcurno Cornwall)               VK2IMD (Wahroonga, New South Wales)
GB2SFL (South Foreland Lighthouse)        VO1IMD (St Johns, Newfoundland)
GB4IMD (Truro Cornwall CRAC Site)         W1AA/IMD (Cape Cod, Massachusetts)
GB4JAM (Isle of Wight)                    W2RC/IMD (Long Island, New York)
GB4MD (Old Carnafon Station Wales)        WB6TMY/IMD (Marshall, California)
GB4MDI (Lavernock Point)                  WJ2DX/IMD (Somerville, New Jersey)
GB4MPC (Cullercoates)                     ZS6IMD (Johannesburg)
GB5MD (Flatholm/Lavernock)                
GB6MD (Brean Down Site)
The event is organised by the Cornish Amateur Radio Club and a special  award
certificate  is  offered  to  those  who  work  IMD  stations  (please  check
http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~straff/Awardinfo.htm      for       further
information on the award).

QSL CY9AA --->  Dennis, K7BV  reports that  the "CY9AA  (June-July 1997)  QSL
challenge with our printer has been  solved" and that  the QSL manager  "will
immediately begin to tackle the thousands of cards he has received". QSL  via
VE9AA (Michael  Smith, 271  Smith Rd,  Waterville, Sunbury  Co, NB,  E2V  3V6
Canada). <TNX K7BV>

QSL EW2CR ---> To those who worked EW2CR on RTTY and had the card returned by
the QSL  manager  are invited  to  resubmit their  cards  to Dick,  NF2K:  "I
recently received  the logs  for  EW2CR RTTY  contacts  dating back  to  last
November", Dick reports. "Sorry for the confusion". <TNX NF2K>
S DX@WW $425WW363E
425 DX News #363 [5/6]
 17 April 1998                     No 363                   BID: $425WW363E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL H40AA, SPECIAL EDITION ---> Dr. Ashley Wilson belongs to the New  Zealand
Volunteer Service Abroad and leaves at  Lata, the main village in the  Temotu
province  from  where  the  H40AA  operation  took  place.  From  his  Temotu
Development Authority office  Dr. Wilson  works hard  to help  the locals  to
ultimately achieve  a  high literacy  rate,  healthy  surroundings  and  good
prospects of  creating  and supporting  their  own success  on  their  lonely
island.  Dr.  Wilson  has   many  prospects  and   there  are  thousands   of
opportunities for achieving progress, but the  resources are rather  limited.
The H40AA team has decided to support Dr. Wilson's efforts through a  limited
issued to those  who contribute  USD 25  or more  (these funds  will be  used
solely for specifically  selected projects).  The Special  Edition QSL  Cards
will be  signed  by Dr  Ashley  Wilson, stamped  by  the  Temotu  Development
Authority and  mailed from  the Lata  Post  Office using  selected,  relevant
Solomon Islands postage stamps which depict the overall island group and  the
person who once  discovered the islands  (Don Alvaro  de Mendana  y Neyra,  a
Peruvian Spanish  explorer who  sighted these  islands on  7 February  1568).
Please send your contribution & QSO data direct to W6OSP: Temotu  Development
Fund, Bruce Buttler, 4220 Chardonnay Ct,  Napa, CA 94558,  USA (you may  also
notify W6OSP of your contribution through email: w6osp@aol.com). The deadline
for these Special Edition QSL Cards is 10 May 1998. <TNX OH2BN>

QSL   VIA   JT1BV   --->    JT1BV   (jt1bv@qsl.net   or    jt1bv@hotmail.com;
http://www.qslnet/JT1BV/) is the QSL manager  for the following:  JT1BV/UA0S,
JU750BV, JT1V, JT1KAI, JU1DX,  JU1HC. His address  is T. Naranbaatar,  G.P.O.
Box 820, Ulaanbaatar 13, 210613 Mongolia, Asia.

QSL ST0YD ---> Logs  are still open  - ST0YD was  active from Southern  Sudan
(now deleted DXCC Country) on 30-31 August 1990, 20-22 September, 2  February
1992 and 8 May 1992. QSL via F6AJA (Jean-Michel Duthilleul, 515 rue du  petit
Hem, F-59870 Bouvignies, France). <TNX F6AJA>

QSL WAKE 1998 ---> Those who have sent their N2OO/KH9, K8XP/KH9, N6MZ/KH9 and
N2WB/KH9 cards to  the operators need  not resend, as  they will forward  the
QSLs to the correct manage as soon as the card are printed - but please  note
the correct route for these four  calls is via WA4YBV  (Robert Pond, 9  River
Cove, Portsmouth, VA 23703, USA). <TNX N2OO>

QSL ZK1DI  ---> QSL  manager Hans,  DK1RV reports  that Guenther,  DF4DI  has
logged almost 20,000 QSOs (11131 CW, 8481 SSB  and 253 FM) on 9 bands  during
his activity  (16  November  1997-31 March  1998)  as  ZK1DI  from  Rarotonga
(OC-013), South Cook Islands. All direct  cards received so far with SAE  and
sufficient return postage (please note that  3 DM, ie. 2  US$, are needed  to
airmail a letter outside Europe) are in the mail. QSL via DK1RV either direct
(Hans-Georg Goebel, Postfach 1114, D-57235 Netphen,  Germany) or through  the
bureau. <TNX DK1RV>

QSL MANAGER NEEDED ---> Igor Pyastolov, UA0ZBK (zone 19) is looking for a QSL
manager. He is a good QSLer, but mail often gets lost. Please contact Igor at
igorp@tva.khv.ru (http://www.tva.khv.ru/ua0zbk).

QSL VIA N2OO ---> Bob, N2OO reports he has caught up with the direct QSLs for
9M6OO, 9M6HIL and KP2/N2OO. Bureau cards  will be next but expect the  normal
delays on them.  9M6AAC QSLs have  been ordered from  the printer. That  will
take a couple of months. <TNX N2OO>

W3HC QSL FUND ---> Mac, W3HC is the  founder and coordinator of the W3HC  QSL
Fund and will  be the QSL  manager for BI3H  (Shijiutuo Island, AS-???).  The
Fund needs four or five sponsors  for printing and postage  of the QSL  cards
which will include a color photo on the front and credit for the sponsors  on
the back. If you are interested  in sponsoring the card, please contact  Mac,
W3HC, via e-mail (w3hcmac@csrlink.net) or via the callbook address.   Further
information on the  BI3H DXpedition and  the W3HC QSL  Fund can  be found  at

WINDOWS-QSL-MANAGER ---> Manfred Meier, DF6EX (e-mail DF6EX@tir.baynet.de) is
the author of "Windows-WSL-Manager". Now a freeware version (5,000 recent QSL
routes and  much more)  can be  downloaded at  http://www.qrz.com/df6ex  <TNX

QSL received  via  direct:    3A7G,  3D2UK,  4J8ADR,  5A1A,  5A2A,  5H1/G0IXC
(AF-032), 5V7A, 5X1P, 6W1RE, 7P8SR, 7Z5OO, 8Q7AA, 8Q7BE, 9G5SW, A35RK, A61AJ,
IIA GR-015), II3OTA (EU-131; IIA VE-057,  058, 059), J3/K4LTA, J52IM,  JY9QJ,
KL1SLE (NA-028),  L20XSI, OX3FV,  T31BB, T32BE,  T30JH, T48RAC,  TU3F,  V31VI

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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S DX@WW $425WW363F
425 DX News #363 [6/6]
 17 April 1998                     No 363                   BID: $425WW363A
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  May        4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 355
till  19/04      9M2/GM4YXI: Besar Island (AS-097) * by GM4YXI          363 
till  07/05      9M6CT: East Malaysia * by HS0/G4JMB                    361
till  22/05      9M8CC (OC-088) * by PB0ALB                             347
till  May        9N1FP * by RU6FP                                       350
till  24/04      VK4MZ/BY1QH * by VK4MZ                                 362  
till  26/04      CF9: special VE prefix                                 361
till  late July  FG/F2HE: NA-102 & NA-114 * by F2HE                     362  
till  July       FM5JY: Martinique (NA-107) * by F5JYD                  359
till  20/04      FO0FI: Rurutu (OC-050), Austral Is * by W6RJ & W6KR    363  
till  July       FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            359
till  late Apr   H40AB: Reef Is (DXCC Temotu, OC-065) * by VK9NS        361
till  31/12      HB5RL * by Locarno Radio Club                          360
till  31/10      JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA                 363
till  ??         N9KX/KH4: Midway (OC-030) * by DK9KX                   363
till  27/04      K9PPY/KH6: Hawaiian Is (OC-019)                        363 
till  20/04      S08R & S0RASD: Western Sahara * by Lynx DX Group       359 
till  Sep        ST1AP/ST0                                              361 
till  Jul-Aug    TJ1FT: Cameroon                                        352
till  late Apr   VP8/G4VFU: Falkland Is (SA-002) * by G4VFU             363 
till  May        VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by WB9IHH               355
till  May        VQ9PH: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W2JDK                355
till  June       XV7SV: Vietnam * by SM0ORV                             355
till  mid May    XV7SW: Vietnam * by SM5MX                              361
till  ??         YJ0ADJ: Vanuatu * by DJ2EH                             362
till  08/05      ZB2FX: Gibraltar * by G3RFX                            363
till  late Apr   ZL7IR/4: Stewart Island (OC-203) * by K8VIR            363
till  20/04      ZY5YZ: Ratones Island (SA-026, DIB 64) * by PYs        362
17/04-24/04      DJ3XG/p: Pellworm Island (EU-042, DIA N-023)           363
17/04-??         FT5Z: Amsterdam Island (AF-002) * by FR5HR             362
17/04-19/04      GM5VG/P: Islay (EU-008) * by GMs                       363
17/04-18/04      JG1SZE,JJ1SLI,JP1TBG,JQ1ALQ,JI3DST,JR9MAR,7K4FGQ AS-117359
17/04-18/04      SM2/ON4BDS/p: Holmon Island (EU-135) * by ON4BDS       363
17/04-21/04      SV8/HB9EBC/p: Paros Island (EU-067) * by HB9EBC        362
17/04-19/04      ZV3A & ZV3C: Marinheiros (DIB 49) * by PY3ACC & PY3CKO 361
18/04-28/04      A35FT: Tonga * by DL7FT                                363
18/04-20/04      GM: May Island (IOSA FF-1) * by GMOAXY and others      363
18/04-19/04      IT9: Sc. Torre Sibiliana (IIA TP-???) * by ARI Marsala 363
18/04-19/04      IT9GAI/9 & IT9YRE/9: IIA AG-005 & IIA AG-006 (EU-025)  363
18/04-19/04      MS0APF: Bute Island (EU-123) * by GM3YOR,GM0ICF,GM0NAI 361 
18/04-25/04      YU: Sveti Nikola Isl (EU-163) * by YU7BW and 4N7ZZ     363 
18/04            European Spring SSB Contest                            356
18/04-19/04      SARTG WW Amtor Contest                                 ***
18/04-19/04      YU DX Contest SSB/CW                                   ***
19/04            IC8/IZ8AMY: IIA Napoli Province is * by ARI Pozzuoli   363
19/04            IIA RO-014 or RO-11 * by IN3HDE, IN3FXP and IN3VOZ     363
21/04-28/04      FO0FR: Marquesas Islands (OC-027) * by W6RJ & W6KR     362 
21/04-24/04      JJ1LIB/6 & JN1EVG/6: Daito Is (AS-047)                 359
22/04-05/05      8P9IU & 8P9IR: Barbados (NA-021) * by DL7UTO & DJ1TO   363
22/04-24/04      XU3MTM or XU7MTM: Cambodia * by Korea Telecom RC       363  
23/04            HV5PUL: Vatican City                                   363 
24/04-28/04      3D2WP (OC-121) & 3D2WP/P (OC-016) * by JA1WPX          363  
25/04-27/04      3A/IK1QBT & 3A/IK1CJO: Monaco                          363  
25/04-28/04      4H8TI: Turtle Is (OC-???) * by DU8ARK, DU8BDL & DU8JA  363
25/07-26/07      BI3H: Shijiutuo Island (AS-???) * by BYs               363
25/04-26/04      EA: Castillo de Pioz (CGU-009) * by EA4BBH and others  363
25/04-02/05      GB0SM: Isles of Scilly (EU-011) * by TADARC            361
25/04-26/04      IL3: IIA GO-007 or GO-??? * by IV3JWR and others       363
25/04-26/04      I: Castelluccio (IIA SR-016) * by IT9AXZ and others    363
25/04-01/05      T22JY, T22KJ, T22KT & T22VE: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by JAs  363
25/04-30/04      VK9LZ: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by N0AH             359
25/04            W2RC/IMD: NA-026 (International Marconi Day)           363
25/04            W4IAX: Dauphin Island (NA-142) * by Mobile ARC         363
25/04-26/04      Helvetia Contest                                       ***
25/04-26/04      SP DX RTTY Contest                                     ***
28/04-29/04      EA6FB: Ibiza, Balearic Is (EU-004) * by JI6KVR         36
28/04-30/04      JA5UIM/4: Oki Archipelago (AS-041) * by JA5UIM         359
28/04-05/05      YJ0AWP: Vanuatu * by JA1WPX                            363
late April       9Q * by 5N0T & 5N0YL                                   355
April-Dec        5V7BM: Togo * by F5PCU                                 360
April-Sep        7X0WW (?): Algeria * by ON4WW                          361
April-May        A35VI: Tonga * by K8VIR                                349
April-May        BI7Y: Xisha Archipelago (AS-???) * by BD7JA and BYs    363
April            FO0MIZ: Marquesas, Austral, Fr. Polynesia * by JA1BK   362
April            FR, 3B8, 3B9 (?) * by F5MUX                            359
April-May        HR5/F2JD: Honduras * by F2JD                           363
till  Sep        ST1AP/ST0                                              361
April-May        XQ0X: San Ambrosio * by CE0ZAM                         343
01/05-03/05      ED1IP: Isla de Puenteledesma (DIEI PO-021) * by EAs    363       
01/05-03/05      3D2LJ/P & 3D2TS/P: Yasawa (OC-156)*by JM1LJS & JE1OYE  353
01/05            GB8FF: Staffa Isl (EU-008) * by GM0DEQ,GM0KVI,GM0SEI   361
01/05-05/05      PR5L: Sao Francisco Isl (SA-027) * by PP5LL and others 363
01/05-21/05      ZS, A22, 7P8, 3DA0, Z2 & C9 * by W3JLR                 357 
01/05-03/05      Canary Is. >>>  VIII I.O.T.A. Convention  <<<          357
01/05-03/05      International DX Convention, Visalia, CA               355
02/05-03/05      3D2SH/p, 3D2HI/p, 3D2TK/p & 3D2KZ/p: OC-121 * by JAs   363
02/05-08/05      8Q7DF: Maldives (AS-013) * by IK5MDF                   355
02/05            GB5TI: Treshnish Is (EU-108) * by GM0DEQ,GM0KVI,GM0SEI 361
02/05-03-05      ARI International DX Contest                           ***
03/05-07/05      3D2LJ & 3D2TS: Viti Levu (OC-016)*by JM1LJS and JE1OYE 353
03/05-04/05      JN1XLV/0, JO1OYZ/0, JF0KYK/0 & JR0BAQ/0: Sado (AS-117) 363 
06/05-17/05      3B7AZ: St. Brandon (AF-015) * by HB9JAI and others     363
09/05-10/05      CQ M DX Contest SSB/CW                                 ***
09/05-10/05      Volta RTTY Contest                                     ***