S DX@WW $425WW361A 425 DX News #361 [1/6] 4 April 1998 No 361 BID: $425WW361A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ <<< JT1Y >>> Just a reminder - I0SNY, I1JQJ, I8NHJ, I0TIC, EA8AFJ/IK5, IK0SHF, IV3FEW, IV3FSG, IV3ZAC and IZ0AZQ (unfortunately IZ0AEH has had to withdraw from the operation) will be active as JT1Y from the club station of the Mongolian Radio Sports Federation in Ulan-Bator between 7 and 14 April. Comments are welcome at the pilot station's (Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171) address (jt1y@amsat.org). Log checking will be available at http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/jt1y/ QSL via I0SNY (Nicola Sanna, Str. Gualtarella 8/M, 06132 S.Sisto - PG, Italy). Reports from the US (TNX NT5C and others) indicate that Mongolia is a most wanted on 40 metres SSB - look for JT1Y on 7.042, 7.047 or 7.052 MHz around 11.30-12.30 UTC. 3D2_rot- OK DX Foundation team members 3D2CB and 3D2WC will eventually operate from Rotuma (OC-060) [425DXN 358] starting around 6 UTC on 4 April for one week. They will be active as 3D2CB/R and 3D2WC/R on 10-80 metres (mostly CW). QSL via OKDXF. <TNX OM3JW> 5R - Ake, SM7CIP (ex YA1AR and T5AR) has been active since 5 February as 5R8FU from Madagascar (AF-013). He is likely to stay in Madagascar for a long time and is planning to have better antennas and a linear. QSL via SM0DJZ either direct (Jan Hallenberg, Siriusgatan 106, SE-195 55 Mersta, Sweden) or through the bureau. <TNX SM0DJZ> 6W - Paul, F8PX is currently active (on 12, 17 and 20 metres SSB and CW) as 6W1RE from Senegal (length of stay not known). <TNX DX News Sheet> 7X - Mark, ON4WW is leaving for Algeria, where he will be working for six months. He hopes to get a licence (possibly 7X0WW) upon arrival. He might also be active from Western Sahara (possibly as S04WW). If he succeeds in getting the licence(s), he will work mostly CW and on the low bands. QSL via ON5NT. <TNX ON4WW> 9M6 - Phil, VR2CT (HS0/G4JMB) is now active on SSB as 9M6CT [425DXN 359] from Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia until 7 May. He plans to be on 10/12/15/17 metres between 00.30 UTC and 03.00 UTC and on 20 metres between 14.00 UTC and 17.00 UTC. QSL to Phil Weaver, P.O. Box 7, Bangkok 10506, Thailand. <TNX The Daily DX> 9M6 - Hans, DF5UG is currently active as 9M6QQ. QSL via homecall. A3 - Frank, DL7FT/ZK2FT [425DXN 359 and 360] will be active as A35FT from Tonga from about 12 April for about twoo weeks. QSL via DL7FT (Frank Turek, P.O. Box 1421, 14004 Berlin, Germany). <TNX The Daily DX> EA - The station EF1IAT will be active (SSB and CW) from Isla de la Toja between 6 and 12 April. QSL via EC1BXI (P.O. Box 54, O Grove 36980, Pontevedra, Spain). <TNX EA1CSI> EA8 - Ron, G4DIY will be active (on 20, 17 and 10 metres CW) as EA8/G4DIY from Canary Is (AF-004) between 5 and 11 April. QSL via G4DIY. <TNX DX News Sheet> FT5X - Rene, FR5HR is now active as FT5X/FR5HR from Kerguelen Is (AF-048). He will be visiting the French sub-antarctic zone until 6 May [425DXN 357]. QSL via FR5HR (Rene Allegre, 56 Leconte de Lisle, Bois de Nefles, 97411 Saint-Paul, France). <TNX The Daily DX> /EX S DX@WW $425WW361B 425 DX News #361 [2/6] 4 April 1998 No 361 BID: $425WW361B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== FW - Dick, DJ2EH is currently active as FW2EH from Wallis Island (OC-054). He plans to be active on 10-160 metres (CW, SSB and RTTY). QSL via DJ2EH. <TNX The Daily DX> G - Four operators of the Taunton & District ARC (TADARC) will be active (10-160 metres, SSB and CW) as GB0SM from the Isles of Scilly (EU-011) between 25 April and 2 May. QSL via G3WNI either direct (Bill Lindsay-Smith, Way Close, Hemyock, Cullompton EX15 3QY, England, UK) or through the bureau (bureau cards can be requested at tom@tctaylor.demon.co.uk). <TNX DX News Sheet> GM - GM3YOR, GM0ICF and GM0NAI will be active (mainly on CW, 160-2 metres) as MS0APF from the Isle of Bute (EU-123, IOSA CL2) on 18-19 April during the Scottish Activity Weekend. <TNX DX News Sheet> GM - GM0DEQ (Bob), GM0KVI (Eddie) and GM0SEI (Robbie) will be active (SSB and CW) as GB8FF from Staffa Island (EU-008) on 1 May. QSL via GM0KVI. <TNX GM0DEQ> GM - GM0DEQ (Bob), GM0KVI (Eddie) and GM0SEI (Robbie) will be active (SSB and CW) as GB5TI from Treshnish Islands (EU-108) on 2 May. QSL via GM0KVI. <TNX GM0DEQ> H40 - H40AA was aired as scheduled on 31 March at 23.59 UTC on 21.295 MHz and will continue being active from Nendo Island (OC-100) through the early hours (UTC) of 13 April. Contacts made with H40AA will count for Temotu, pending approval of the new DXCC entity application. Normally, three stations will be in service at any given time. For the first several days, two stations will run almost exclusively SSB, primarily on 20 and 15 metres (the idea is to use 15 metres initially for working down the JA pileup, while 20 will be used to work the rest of the world). During this time, the third station will concentrate on CW, emphasizing 40 metres at night and 17 metres during the day. Beginning on 6 April, the emphasis will change to CW operation, and paying more attention to the other bands. Throughout the operation, particular attention will be paid to working Europe whenever and wherever possible. RTTY operation will begin on 8 April, and will be limited to 15 and 20 metres. QSL via OH2BN. <TNX N4GN> H40 - Jim, VK9NS signed H44/VK9NS from Pigeon Island, Reef Is (OC-065, DXCC Solomon Islands). Since 1 April he has operated (and will be operating for two or three weeks, 10-40 metres CW and SSB) as H40AB and contacts made with him will count for Temotu Islands, pending approval of the new DXCC entity application. He is reported to have some power supply problems as he has been using solar cells during the day and a battery at other times. QSL via VK9NS (J.B. Smith, P.O. Box 90, Norfolk Island, Australia 2899). <TNX JH1ORA & The Daily DX> HK0_mal- Pedro, HK3JJH reports he has been granted permission to operate from Malpelo (SA-007). He expects to be active (on 14.260 MHz only) as HK3JJH/0M starting around 17 UTC on 4 April for three or four days. QSL via HK3JJH. <TNX EA1CSI & EA8AKN> I - IK2DUW (Antonello), IK8PGM (Roberto), IV3VER (Renzo), IZ2BKW (Angelo) and IW2MVC (Roberto) plan to be active IL3/ from the islands of Martignano (EU-130, IIA UD-005) and Marinetta (EU-130, IIA UD-004) on 4 and 5 April. <TNX IK2DUW> I - Bruno IK2PZG plans to be active as IL3/IK2PZG from three EU-131 islands - Motta del Cornio Vecchio (IIA VE-060), Motta del Cornio Nuovo (IIA VE-061) and Ottagono di Caroman (IIA VE-044) - on 11 April. QSL via IK2PZG. PY - PY3ACC and PY3CKO will be active (on 20 and 40 metres, SSB and CW) as ZV3A and ZV3C respectively from Marinheiros Island (DIB 49, it does not count for IOTA) between 17 and 19 April. QSL via home calls. <TNX PP5SZ and PS7AB> PY - PY1OB, PY1KB, PY1KS and PY1MF will be active respectively as ZW1B, ZZ1B, ZW1S and ZZ1M from Sape Island (NO-REF) between 24 and 26 April. <TNX The Daily DX> SP - Special events station SN0JG will be active from Gdansk between 3 April and 30 June. QSL via SP2BIK. <TNX SP2BIK> ST - Claus, ST1AP will be active in his spare time as ST0AP from Southern Sudan between April and September. He should be found on the MAR Net daily at 07.45 UTC on 14.332 MHz. QSL via DJ6SI. <TNX DX News Sheet> UA - The Daily DX reports that Yuri, UA0KCL plans to be active from the East Siberian Sea Coast IOTA group (AS-038) sometime in April. /EX /EX S DX@WW $425WW361C 425 DX News #361 [3/6] 4 April 1998 No 361 BID: $425WW361C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== V3 - Sigi, DJ4IJ and Conny, DL1DA will be active from Belize between 10 and 13 April. <TNX DX News Sheet> VE - Amateurs in Fredricton, New Brunswick (Canada) are allowed to use the CF9 prefix between 12 and 26 April to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the town. <TNX DX News Sheet> W - Mobile Amateur Club members will be active from Dauphin Island (NA-142) on 4 April between 14.00 UTC to 21.00 UTC. <TNX The Daily DX> XU - The new IOTA Reference Number AS-133 has been issued, as a result of the February operation by XUXO [425DXN 356], to Cambodia's Gulf of Thailand group. Hiroo, JA2EZD/XU2A is now active again as XUXO from Koh Poah (AS-133). He is expected to be there until 00.00 UTC on 5 April. QSL via 7L1MFS (Yoh Yoshida, Shinko Bldg, 4-4-1 Arakawa 116-0002, Japan). <TNX JA2EZD and JI6KVR> XV - Rolf, SM5MX is again in Hanoi, Vietnam. He will be active as XV7SW until mid May. He will operate (mostly on CW) from Torsten's (XV7TH) QTH on the following fixed frequencies: 3.506, 7.007, 14.016, 14.021, 21.016, 21.019, 28.016 and 28.019 MHz CW and 7.086, 14.243, 14.249, 21.421, 21.427 and 28.661 MHz SSB. QSL via SM5MX either direct (Rolf T. Salme, Korpstigen 5 B, SE - 135 53 Tyreso, Sweden) or through the bureau. He will handle all incoming cards upon his return to Sweden in May. <TNX XV7SW/SM5MX> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<< 1998 IOTA CONTEST (25-26 JULY) >>> The following amateurs have announced their participation in this year's event [see also 425DXN 355]: EU-039 - Belgian DX Pedition Committee members ON4LAM (Mike), ON4LCW (Maxime), ON5PV (Phil), ON5OO (Jack), ON6QR (Fred), ON7LX (Carine), ON7PC (Pierre), ON7RN (Eric) and ON7TK (Claude) from Chausey Islands as TM5T (CW and SSB). QSL via ON4GO. <TNX ON4LCW, ON7ZV> EU-123 - Otley Amateur Radio Club members G0SNV, G0NIG, G0WNT, M0ARK, M0AMA, G8HDN and G7RDJ from Bute Island (Scotland). A special contest call sign has been applied for. <TNX G4LVQ> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> IOTA REFERENCE NUMBERS ISSUED IN MARCH 1998 <<< AF-079/Prov ZS CAPE PROVINCE - INDIAN OCEAN COAST group (South African islands, letter "c"), following the operation by ZS26BI from Bird Island. AS-133 XU GULF OF THAILAND group (Cambodian islands, letter "a"), following the operation (February 1998) by XUXO from Koh >>> IOTA REFERENCE NUMBERS ISSUED IN MARCH 1998 <<< AF-079/Prov ZS CAPE PROVINCE - INDIAN OCEAN COAST group (South African islands, letter "c"), following the operation by ZS26BI from Bird Island. AS-133 XU GULF OF THAILAND group (Cambodian islands, letter "a"), following the operation (February 1998) by XUXO from Koh Poah. /EX S DX@WW $425WW361D 425 DX News #361 [4/6] 4 April 1998 No 361 BID: $425WW361D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== <<< 425DXN COMPETITION >>> =========================== Congratulations to PA3HBI, the 150,000th visitor to our web pages, on winning the prize (500 QSL cards) offered by our sponsor, W4MPY (http://www.mindspring.com/~w4mpy/). The 155,000th visitor will win a 425DXN personalized pin offered by IT9JPK (http://www.generalnetwork.com/it9jpk). For further information please visit the Competition Page at http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/win/ <TNX I1-21171> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* DXCC NEW ENTITIES? ---> On 1 April 1998 a petition has been filed by Paul Granger, F6EXV on behalf of the Clipperton DX Club for the addition of two new entities to the DXCC list, namely the Marquesas Islands and the Austral Islands. "Under the new definitions of what constitutes a 'political entity', namely IARU membership", F6EXV states, "French Polynesia is clearly a 'point 1 country'. Furthermore, any island of the Marquesas group is situated more than 350 km away from any other island of the parent country. Any island of the Australs is situated more than 350 km away from any other island of the parent country, and more than 800 km away from any island of the Marquesas". The submission asks for addition to the list as of 2 June 1983, date when the CORA, representing French Polynesia, joined the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). <TNX CE3/F6EXV> EU-139 ---> David, ON4BDS will be in Sweden for two more months and he might be active from EU-139 if this group is needed by a sufficient number of island chasers: please let David know if you lack EU-139 and send him a message to on4bds@dma.be <TNX ON4BDS> PITCAIRN, VP6 ---> Terry, VR6TY, reports that VR6 stations will change to the VP6 prefix on 1 May. QSL 3A/N9NC ---> Thomas, HA/N9NC made about 2,300 QSOs (including roughly 400 each on 80 and 160 metres and 200 on RTTY) during his 13-15 February operation as 3A/N9NC. Cards are expected from the printer by 10 April. QSL via OM2SA (Juraj Sipos, 930 13 Trhova Hradska 550, okr. Dunajska Streda, Republic of Slovakia). <TNX HA/N9NC> QSL 5A2A ---> Felix, DL8OBC reports that all the direct requests received so far have been replied. The last batch was mailed on 1 April. QSL manager DL3KDV (Dieter Voss, Friedrichsthal 21, D-51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany) has now started working on the first batch of bureau cards. The expedition's web pages, which have been recently updated, can be found at http://www.afthd.tu-darmstadt.de/5a1a/ <TNX DL8OBC> QSL 9M6AAC ---> The QSL manager is N2OO. Bob handles also the cards for contacts made by 9M6AAC operated by Pekka, OH2YY during the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest [425DXN 359]. <TNX The Daily DX> QSL CT7O ---> Cards for contacts made with CT7O during the WPX Contest should be sent to CT1ERK either direct (Antonio Rocha Graca, P.O.Box 4403, 4007 Porto, Portugal) or through the bureau. <TNX CT1ETE> QSL CQ WW WPX SSB CONTEST 1998 ---> Pascual, EA5EYJ has compiled a list of QSL routes for stations active in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. It is available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj/wpxssb98.htm QSL D68YN & D68YV ---> The cards for the recent (26 January-7 February) operations by D68YN (QSL via HB9CYN) and D68YV (QSL via HB9CYV) from Comoro Is (AF-007) will be ready and sent out in April. Plase visit Martin's (HB9CYN) web page at http://ab5eh-lin.tamucc.edu/~hb9cyn to check the logs and ask for your bureau card. <TNX HB9CYN> QSL II3OTA ---> IK2PZG (Bruno Boccia, P.O. Box 27, 20051 Limbiate - MI) reports that all the direct cards for his past operations from IIA islands as II3OTA have been sent out. QSL IQ9A ---> Cards for contacts made with IQ9A during the 1998 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest should be sent to IT9AJP either direct (Michele Vitale, Via Aldo Moro 163, 93100 Caltanissetta - CL, Italy) or through the bureau. <TNX IT9AJP> QSL OZ5HCA ---> The special event station OZ5HCA was planned to be active from Odense, Fyn Island (EU-029) on 2 April to celebrate the birth of Hans Christian Andersen (2 April 1805). QSL via OZ3FYN. QSL TM5CW ---> Cards for contacts made with TM5CW [425DXN 335] between 22 November and 1 December 1997, CQ WW CW Contest included, should be sent to Dominique, F5SJB. <TNX F5SJB> /EX S DX@WW $425WW361E 425 DX News #361 [5/6] 4 April 1998 No 361 BID: $425WW361E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL V26DX ---> QSL cards for contacts made with V26DX *after* 3 March 1997 go to KU9C. Cards for QSOs made *before* 3 March 1997 go to KK3S. <TNX The Daily DX> QSL YI1HK ---> As of 1 March 1998 the *new* QSL manager for YI1HK is KK3S, who has requested the old logs be sent to him. The old QSL manager was SM3DBU. <TNX The Daily DX> QSL VIA SM0DJZ ---> John, SM0DJZ is the QSL manager for 5R8FU, SJ9WL/LG5LG, YA1AR, T5AR, JW/SM0DJZ and OD5LX (SK). QSL direct (Jan Hallenberg, Siriusgatan 106, SE-195 55 Mersta, Sweden) or through the bureau. <TNX SM0DJZ> QSL VIA W3HC ---> W3HC (ex W3HCW) is the QSL manager (*direct only*) for the following stations: 3A50LZ AA4HU/D2 EP2HSA KM4P/HS0 T94GB UU3JO 3C1/TU4EI BV4OQ EP2MA PT7WX TA4A UU3JQ 5N0ASW BV5DR EP2MRD R9C TR8JH UU7JK 5N0SKO C53HG EU3FT R9WB TU2XZ UX0BB 5N2CFA CE3MCC EW1DM RA0AL TU4EI V5/WA1JBB 6T2MG CO2AL EW1MM RB5JK TU5EV V51GC 7X5VRK CO2CL EW1SM RP9XUK UA4NC VI6VY 9A1CHP CO6AP HC2FN RU0LAX UA9XAB VK6AJW 9A2OP CO6FA HL9AX RU9WB UA9XS VK6VS 9A6DCR CO6RQ HL9OO RV73WB UE50XB W3HCW/LLB 9K2MA EA6ABN HS0AIT RV9W UE50XS XQ3MCC 9L/TU5EV ED0BOD HS0ZCJ RV9WB UE9WAB XT/TU4EI 9L3GB EP2ASZ HS1BV RX9TX UE9WAC XT2JB A92FZ EP2DL J73JT RZ6HAV UT5URW Z31VJ BA1DU BA1BA BA1CO ZS5ACW 4K1A 4K1QAV Please send your cards plus return postage (no SAE is requested) to Carl F. Mcdaniel, 2116 Reed Street, Williamsport, PA 17701-3904, USA. <TNX W3HC> SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTOR ---> Nino Molaro, IK8ENH (Via R. Raiola 61, 80053 Castellamare di Stabia - NA, Italy; e-mail ik8enh@netgroup.it) is the distributor for Italy and Spain of N6TR's contest and WF1B's RTTY programmes. Nino's home page is at http://www.netgroup.it/radio <TNX IK8ENH> SPDX CONTEST ---> Logs for the International SPDX Contest (4-5 April) can be e-mailed to spdxc-logs@writeme.com Further information on the contest can be found at http://www.sp5pbe.waw.pl/SPDXC/SPDXC_Rules.html <TNX SP6ECA> + SILENT KEY + The DX News Sheet reports the passing of Peter Watson, ZL3GQ who became a silent key on 27 March at his home. He suffered a stroke in early December but appeared to be recovering well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3A/DJ7RJ, 3B8/F6HMJ, 3C1GS, YN1GSR/3C1, 3XA8DX, 5B4ADA, 7P8/ZS6RVG, 7X2RO, 8Q7AA, 9G1UW, 9Q5HX, 9U5DX, 9V1ZB, 9Y4/PA3EWP, A22EW, A35RK, A61AF, D68SE, DS4AKP, EL2JR, FH/F6HWU, FP/KG8CO, FP/N1RL, FP/N8CC, HH2AW, IA5/I5GWO (EU-028; IIA GR-015), II3OTA (EU-131; IIA VE-058, 059), J6/PA3ERC, J6/PA3EWP, JQ8NQJ/JD1, JT1FBB, JY8RP, OX/DL6QK, RK1B/1, S79MX, S92AF, SV8ZC, T30JH, T95A, TJ1HP, TM1MA (EU-095), TT37Y, TT8KM, V31NX, V31TR, VI0ANARE, VK9XY, VP2V/W8JAY, VP8CKN, VR2KF, XT2DP, YK1AH, YK1AO, Z21CS, ZK1XXP. QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service: 3B9/3B8DL, 3C1DX, 4O4D, 4U1UN, 6W1QV, 8P9HT, 8P9Z, 8Q7LT, 8Q97FTG, DJ6SI/9L, 9M6OO, 9M8DB, 9V1YC, A41LZ, A92GD, C21BH, C21RK, C6AJR (NA-113), CV0Z (SA-030), EM1HO, FR4DD, FT5WF, HI3/KB2UCO, HS50A (AS-125), J45T, J52DW, JQ1SUO/JD1 (AS-031), JY8XY, K2OLG/m (NA-034, NA-141, NA-069), KC4AAA, KH2D, KH5/N4BQW, KH8/N5OLS, KL7AK/p (NA-161), KP2/K4MA, N6VV (NA-066), OA4QV, P40E, P40GH, P40W, PJ2MI, PJ9B, R1ANT, R1MVI, T32BI, TI1C, TI9CF, TT8DX, TT8JFC, TZ6VV, V44NEF, V63BR, V63KU N6VV/VE7 (NA-051), AA4VK/VP5, VP5/K5YG, WL7MA/p (NA-042), XE3/K4MQG (NA-90), XF4CA (NA-115), XJ9GM (NA-14), YI1FLY, YN6WW, YS1RRD, ZP6CW. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> Please send a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it Write in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> Where <address> is the subscriber's e-mail address Example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? Please go to: http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW361F 425 DX News #361 [6/6] 4 April 1998 No 361 BID: $425WW361F ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till May 4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM 355 till ?? 5R8FU: Madagascar (AF-013) * by SM7CIP 361 till ?? 6W1RE: Senegal * by F8PX 361 till 07/05 9M6CT: East Malaysia * by HS0/G4JMB 361 till ?? 9M6QQ * by DF5UG 361 till May 9N1FP * by RU6FP 350 till April 9U5/9X0A: Burundi * by 9X0A/RW3AH 358 till 06/04 ED8CTM: Canary Is (AF-004) * by DL7VRO & C. 359 till 12/04 EJ/G3PFS: Cape Clear Isl (EU-121) * by G3PFS 359 till July FM5JY: Martinique (NA-107) * by F5JYD 359 till July FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY 359 till ?? FT5X/FR5HR: Kerguelen Is (AF-048) * by FR5HR 361 till ?? FW2EH: Wallis Island (OC-054) * by DJ2EH 361 till 13/04 H40AA: Temotu (DXCC new, OC-100) * by SCSDXT & SIRS 361 till late Apr H40AB: Reef Is (DXCC Temotu, OC-065) * by VK9NS 361 till 31/12 HB5RL * by Locarno Radio Club 360 till ?? JF1LGD/JD1: Iwo Jima (AS-030) 357 till ?? JX3EX: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA3EX 360 till 31/10 JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA 360 till 16/04 K6T: Santa Catalina Isl (NA-066) * by KI6T 353 till ?? KG6SL: Saipan (OC-086) * by JH1AJT 359 till ?? KH8/KF4MIW & KH8/WP2AIH: American Samoa * by OKDXF 358 till 05/04 TI2IDX: Costa Rica * by N9IUO 360 till Jul-Aug TJ1FT: Cameroon 352 till 05/04 VI6EWT: special event call * by NCRG 357 till May VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by WB9IHH 355 till May VQ9PH: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W2JDK 355 till 04/04 XUXO: Koh Poah (AS-133), Cambodia * by JA2EZD/XU2A 361 till June XV7SV: Vietnam * by SM0ORV 355 till mid May XV7SW: Vietnam * by SM5MX 361 till 16/04 ZK2CK: Niue (OC-040) * by HB9BCK 357 till 12/04 ZK2FT: Niue (OC-040) * by DL7FT 360 24/03-20/04 S08R & S0RASD: Western Sahara * by Lynx DX Group 359 03/04-09/04 JW5HE: Svalbard * by OZ8RO 360 03/04-30/06 SN0JG: special event station from Gdansk, Poland 361 04/04-11/04 3D2CB/R & 3D2WC/R: Rotuma (OC-060) * by OKDXF 361 04/04-05/04 DS4CNB/4: AS-060 * by DS4CNB 356 04/04-07/04 HK3JJH/0M: Malpelo (SA-007) * by HK3JJH 361 04/04-05/04 IL3/IK2DUW, IK8PGM, IV3VER, IZ2BKW, IW2MVC: EU-130 361 04/04 K: Dauphin Island (NA-142) * by Mobile Amateur Club 361 04/04-05/04 EA RTTY Contest *** 04/04-05/04 SP DX Contest 359 04/04-05/04 YLRC Marconi Contest *** 05/04-11/04 EA8/G4DIY: Canary Is (AF-004) * by G4DIY 361 06/04-12/04 EF1IAT: Isla de la Toja 361 07/04-14/04 JT1Y * by I0SNY, I1JQJ, IV3FSG, I8NHJ, I0TIC, IK0SHF 361 10/04-22/05 9M8CC (OC-088) * by PB0ALB 347 10/04-13/04 V3: Belize * by DJ4IJ and DL1DA 361 10/04-12/04 Japan DX CW High Bands Contest *** 11/04-12/04 King of Spain Contest *** 11/04-17/04 GU/F5SGI: Guernsey (EU-114) * by F5SGI 353 12/04-03/05 A35FT: Tonga * by DL7FT 361 12/04 IL3/IK2PZG: EU-131 (IIA VE-060, VE-061, VE-044) 361 17/04-18/04 JG1SZE,JJ1SLI,JP1TBG,JQ1ALQ,JI3DST,JR9MAR,7K4FGQ AS-117359 17/04-19/04 ZV3A & ZV3C: Marinheiros (DIB 49) * by PY3ACC & PY3CKO 361 18/04 European Spring SSB Contest 356 18/04-19/04 SARTG WW Amtor Contest *** 18/04-19/04 YU DX Contest SSB/CW *** 12/04-26/04 CF9: special VE prefix 361 18/04-19/04 MS0APF: Bute Island (EU-123) * by GM3YOR,GM0ICF,GM0NAI 361 21/04-24/04 JJ1LIB/6 & JN1EVG/6: Daito Is (AS-047) 359 24/04-26/04 ZW1B, ZZ1B, ZW1S & ZZ1M: Sape Island (NO-REF) 361 25/04-02/05 GB0SM: Isles of Scilly (EU-011) * by TADARC 361 25/04-01/05 T2: Tuvalu (OC-015) * by JA1JQY, JA1KJW, JA3MCA, JA8VE 359 25/04-30/04 VK9LZ: Lord Howe Island (OC-004) * by N0AH 359 25/04-26/04 Helvetia Contest *** 25/04-26/04 SP DX RTTY Contest *** 28/04-30/04 JA5UIM/4: Oki Archipelago (AS-041) * by JA5UIM 359 late April 9Q * by 5N0T & 5N0YL 355 April 3A/IK1QBT & 3A/IK1CJO: Monaco 358 April-Dec 5V7BM: Togo * by F5PCU 360 April-Sep 7X0WW (?): Algeria * by ON4WW 361 April-May A35VI: Tonga * by K8VIR 349 April FR, 3B8, 3B9 (?) * by F5MUX 359 April HR5/F2JD: Honduras * by F2JD 357 April-Sep ST0AP * by ST1AP 361 April UA: East Siberian Sea Coast group (AS-038) * by UA0KCL 361 April-May XQ0X: San Ambrosio * by CE0ZAM 343 /EX