DX425 bulletin issue nr. 360

S DX@WW $425WW360A
425 DX News #360 [1/6]
 28 March 1998                     No 360                   BID: $425WW360A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                                <<< JT1Y >>>

Log checking for  the 7-14 April  JT1Y operation from  Mongolia [425DXN  359]
will   be    available    on    the   425    DX    News    web    pages    at
http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/jt1y/  The team plans to upload the logs  to
the Web on  a daily basis,  in order  to let  amateurs check  them while  the
activity is  taking  place.  At  all events,  log  checking  will  be  surely
available after the operation is over.

5V     - Marc, F5PCU will be active  as 5V7BM from  Togo, starting next  week
         until the end of 1999. <TNX The Daily DX>
8P     - David, VE3VET will be active as  8P9IJ (SSB and RTTY) from  Barbados
         (NA-021) between 26 March and  3 April. He  plans to participate  in
         the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via VE3VET. <TNX DX News Sheet>
A4     - The  Royal  Omani  Amateur  Radio  Society  (ROARS)  DXpedition   to
         Daymaniyat Island (AS-112) [425DXN 359] is  confirmed to take  place
         from around 16 UTC on  25 March to  around 12 UTC  on 29 March.  The
         call A43DI will be aired by two stations on CW and SSB on all  bands
         (30 metres excluded). QSL  via A47RS (ROARS,  P.O. Box 981,  Muscat,
         Code 113, Sultanate of Oman). <TNX Tom Frazee>
CX     - Roberto, CX8DX will  participate in  the CQ  WW WPX  SSB Contest  as
         CV1A. QSL via F1NGP or CBA 1997. <TNX CX8DX>
EA     - EA4ENT/P will be active from Isla  Palomilla de Abajo (DIEI  TO-024)
         on 29 March. QSL via EA4ENT. <TNX EA4CWN>
EM     - Jerry, UT4UZ will be active  as EM4U in  both the CQ  WW SSB and  CW
         Contests. QSl via  UT4UZ. <TNX UT4UZ>
EM     - UU5J Contest Club team will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest
         as EN5J. QSL via UU2JZ. <TNX UU4JDX>
EY     - Alex, EY8CQ will participate in the  CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as  EY2Q.
         He will pay special attention to US stations on 40 metres (TX  7075,
         RX 7100 up). QSL via  his new QSL  manager, DJ1SKO (Sergej  Kowalev,
         Hauptstr. 50, 84513 Toging, Germany). <TNX NI6T>
FK     - TXK8DX [425DXN 355] will *not* be  active during the  CQ WW WPX  SSB
         Contest [425DXN 355] due to a number of problems. <TNX FK8GM>
H44    - The call sign for the all-band effort  from Temotu in the CQ WW  WPX
         SSB Contest [425DXN 358] will  be H44RY.   This operation will  take
         place from the H40AA DXpedition site (see below), but it will  count
         for Solomon Islands DXCC credit (IOTA  OC-100) because it will  take
         place prior to the new DXCC rules becoming effective at 23.59 UTC on
         31 March. QSL via OH1RY. <TNX N4GN>
H44    - The call H44DX has been assigned  for use from Honiara (the  Solomon
         Islands' capital) as the H40AA DXpedition operators pass through  on
         their way to  and from Temotu.   Because of  the operators'  varying
         travel schedules, the  H44DX call may  be heard on  the air  before,
         after, and  even during  the H40AA  operation. Contacts  with  H44DX
         count for Solomon Islands DXCC credit (IOTA OC-047). QSL via  OH2BN.
         <TNX N4GN>
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H40    - The H40AA DXpedition is confirmed to take place from Temotu  Islands
         starting at 23.59 UTC on 31  March [425DXN 358]. Contacts made  with
         H40AA will count for Temotu (H40)  DXCC credit, pending approval  of
         the  new  DXCC  entity  application.  The  Solomon  Islands'  Temotu
         Province includes the Santa Cruz Islands, the Reef Islands, the Duff
         Islands, Tikopia Island, Anuta Island and Fatutaka Island. The H40AA
         operation will take place from the  small village of Lata, on  Nendo
         Island (OC-100). The primary goal of  this operation is to  maximize
         the total number of individual DXers who make at least one QSO  with
         H40AA. Every effort will be made to exploit the critical openings to
         Europe, which will be the  most difficult target  area to work.  QSL
         via OH2BN either direct (Jarmo J. Jaakola, Kiilletie 5C30,  Helsinki
         00710, Finland) or through the OH  bureau. The H40AA DXpedition  Web
         Site is  now  available at  http://www.iglou.com/n4gn/h40aa/  (under
         construction). See "H40AA Co-ordinators" and "H40AA TX  frequencies"
         below. <TNX N4GN>
HB9    - The Locarno Radio Club is active (on all bands, CW and SSB) until 31
         December as  HB5RL  to celebrate  the  200 years  of  Canton  Ticino
         indipendence. Special QSL via bureau. <TNX HB9BYU>
HK0    - Nel, HK0HEU  is  active (SSB)  from  San Andres  (NA-033).  QSL  via
         HK0FBF. <TNX DX News Sheet>
I      - Gianni, IT9PKO will be active during  the CQ WW  WPX SSB Contest  as
         II9ZZ. QSL via IT9PKO. <TNX IT9JPK>
JA     - Hiro, JH4FBV will be /4 from Innoshima (AS-117) between 07.00 UTC on
         28 March  to 02.00  UTC on  29 March.  Look for  him on  CW and  SSB
         (7.010,  7.025,  7,060,  10,110,  14.010,  14.260,  18.077,  21.010,
         21.260KHZ, 28.010  MHz  +/-  QRM).  QSL  via  JH4FBV  either  direct
         (Hironori Funahashi, 1-11-38  Hamanochaya, Kurashiki-city,  Okayama,
         710-0061 Japan) or through the bureau. <TNX JH4FBV>
JX     - JX7DFA [425DXN 352] and JX3EX [425DXN  335] will be active from  the
         west side (where they expect to have a better path to the US) of Jan
         Mayen (EU-022) starting on 27 March around 17.00 UTC. Look for  them
         on CW (14.005, 18.089, 21.005, 24.901  and 28.005 MHz), SSB  (14.205
         MHz) and RTTY (14.085). <TNX The Daily DX>
T8     - Michael, DF8AN is now active from Belau [425DXN 357] as T88AN  until
         the end of March. QSL via  DF8AN either direct (Michael  Noertemann,
         Neustadt 18, D-37154 Northeim, Germany) or through the bureau.  <TNX
         The Daily DX>
JW     - Rag, OZ8RO will be  active (mostly on  12, 17 and  30 metres CW)  as
         JW5HE from Svalbard between 3 and  9 April. QSL via OZ8RO. <TNX  The
         Daily DX>
PJ8    - George, W3EH will be  active as PJ8/W3EH  from St. Maarten  (NA-105)
         between 27 March and 1 April.  He plans to participate in the CQ  WW
         WPX SSB Contest. <TNX DX News Sheet>
SU     - SU8LXR's activity from Luxor [425DXN 359] will take place between 29
         March and 4 April.  Team members SU1ER,  SU1AH, SU1SK, SU1SA,  SU1HB
         and SU1HM will be also  signing SU0ERA/8 as  well as their  personal
         callsigns /8. <TNX SU1HM>
SV     - Dimitris, SV1CIB and others will  participate in the  CQ WW WPX  SSB
         Contest as J43PTR. QSL via SV3AQN. <TNX SV1CIB>
T32    - T32RT is  active  from Kiritimati/Christmas  Island  (OC-024),  East
         Kiribati. QSL via W6UC. <TNX DX News Sheet>
TI     - Jim, N9IUO will be active (on all bands, WARC included, CW and  SSB)
         as TI2IDX from  Costa Rica between  28 March  and 5  April. QSL  via
         WA9BXB. <TNX DX News Sheet>
EM     - UU5J Contest Club team will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest
         as EN5J. QSL via UU2JZ. <TNX UU4JDX>
V6     - Lew (N6VV), Mike  (NG7S) and  Dan (W7DR)  will be  active as  V63VV,
         V63** and V63** from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia between 24 and  31
         May. They will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest as V63VV. QSL
         via their respective home calls. <TNX N6VV>
V6     - Lew (N6VV), Mike  (NG7S) and  Dan (W7DR)  will be  active from  from
         Mwokil/Mokil Atoll (OC-???), Micronesia between 1  and 7 June.  They
         will operate as V63VV/p, V63**/p and V63**/p with an amplifier and a
         wide range of antennas.  QSL via their  respective home calls.  <TNX
VP5    - Ken, K6HNZ, will be active as VP5/K6HNZ from Providenciales,  Caicos
         (NA-002) between 26 and 31 March.  He will participate in the CQ  WW
         SSB Contest as VP5E. QSL via K6HNZ. <TNX DX News Sheet>
W      - Jim, AA3ID is active from Hatteras  Island (NA-067) until 28  March.
         <TNX DX News Sheet>
YB     - A group of Indonesian amateurs will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB
         Contest as YE2B  (Multi Single) from  Baturaden, Java (OC-021).  QSL
         via YC0FTD either direct (Andreas Wisnu Widjaja, P.O. Bx 6193  Jath,
         Jakarta 13061, Indonesia). <TNX YC0FTD>
ZK2    - Frank, DL7FT [425DXN 359] now plans  to be active (on SSB) as  ZK2FT
         from Niue  (OC-040) for  about three  weeks.  QSL via  DL7FT  (Frank
         Turek, P.O. Box 1421, 14004 Berlin, Germany). <TNX The Daily DX>
ZL7    - Ed, K8VIR eventually  operated from Chatham  [425DXN 359] as  ZL7IR.
         He was expected to be there until 26 March. QSL via K8VIR (Ed Hartz,
         P.O. Box 9, Te Anau, New Zealand). <TNX The Daily DX>
ZP     - Tom, ZP5AZL will participate in the  CQ WW WPX  SSB Contest as  ZP0Z
         (20 metres). QSL via W3HNK. <TNX The Daily DX>
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

425 DX NEWS: THE ARCHIVE ---> All the previuos issues of 425 DX News are  now
available in zipped files (each of them contains 50 issues). Download them at

H40AA CO-ORDINATORS ---> In order  to help the  operators maximize the  short
openings on the most critical paths  from Temotu, particularly Europe,  three
regional co-ordinators (G3ZAY, K6GNX and K4MQG) have been appointed. They can
be reached via  e-mail for any  questions and/or comments  related to  H40AA:
eupilot@dial.pipex.com (Martin,  G3ZAY); k6gnx@telemetry.com  (Bill,  K6GNX);
gdixon@infoave.net (Gary, K4MQG). <TNX N4GN>

H40AA TX  FREQUENCIES  ---> Look  for  H40AA on  the  following  frequencies:
1.824.5, 3.504, 7.004,  10.104, 14.024,  18.074, 21.024,  24.894, 28.024  and
50.104 MHz CW; 1.824.5, 3.775, 7.045, 14.195, 18.135, 21.295, 24.945,  28.395
and 50.104 MHz SSB; 14.083 and 21.083 MHz RTTY. <TNX N4GN>

QSL A45XL  --->  Bob,  G4LVQ  reports that  Chris,  the  operator  of  A45XL,
apologises for the  delays in  sending QSL  cards due  to unforseen  personal
difficulties. Chris has however promised  he will send  cards out within  the
next six/eight  weeks. If  anyone wishes  to send  a QSL  card or  perhaps  a
duplicate, there are two alternatives: the first is to send to G4VUO via  the
RSGB bureau, the second is direct to A45XL care of G4LVQ (Robert Williams, 25
Upper Carr Lane, Calverley, Nr.Pudsey, West Yorkshire, LS28 5PL, UK) - please
note that G4LVQ is *not* the QSL manager for Chris, he will just forward  the
envelopes to Chris unopened. <TNX G4LVQ>

QSL GI/EI7NET (EU-122) ---> QSL Manager Declan, EI6FR reports that all direct
QSLs received  for the  WestNet DX  Group 1997  operation as  GI/EI7NET  from
Rathlin Island (EU-122) have been answered. The cards for every other station
appearing in the log have been sent to the bureau. <TNX EI6FR>

QSL L4D (SA-065) ---> Phil, G3SWH reports he still has the logs and cards for
the November 1993  SSB only operation  on 14 and  21 MHz by  L4D from  Blanca
Island (SA-065),  November 1993.  This is  one of  the operations  where  the
original operators  failed  to  sendout QSL  cards  and  the  IOTA  Committee
obtained copies of the logs, funded the  cost of the QSL cards and  appointed
Phil as  QSL  manager. QSL  via  G3SWH either  direct  (Phil  Whitchurch,  21
Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5HQ, United Kingdom) or  through
the bureau. <TNX G3SWH>

QSL T99DX ---> Marcus, DL3NCI has finally received the cards for his activity
as T99DX from Bosnia (1997 CQ  WW CW Contest). QSL  via DL3NCI either  direct
(Marcus Grampp,  Kirchenweg  4, 90419  Nuernberg,  Germany)  or  through  the
bureau. <TNX DL3NCI>
S DX@WW $425WW360D
425 DX News #360 [4/6]
 28 March 1998                     No 360                   BID: $425WW360D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/2] *

CALL       MGR    ! CALL       MGR    ! CALL       MGR    ! CALL       MGR   
3A/IK1QBT  IK1QBT ! AY6D       LU6DK  ! J8/W2LU    W2LU   ! TM5FRA     F5FLO 
3B8/DL6UAA DL6UAA ! AZ1FAC     LU4FSH ! J80R       EA2BP  ! TP4CE      F6FQK 
3C1GS      EA5BYP ! BA1CO      W3HC   ! J83ZB      JH1NBN ! TR8SS      DK8ZD 
3D2BG      SM4DHF ! BA4CH      BY4AOM ! J87GU      DL7VOG ! TT8JE      F6FNU 
3D2CB      OKDXF  ! BA4TB      9A2AJ  ! JT1FCO     VK4MZ  ! TT8JWM     N4RXL 
3D2KT      OKDXF  ! BV4FH      KA6SPQ ! JT1JA      VK4MZ  ! TT8SA      IV3VBM
3D2QB      SM3CER ! BV5BG      IK7JTF ! JT1M       JT1BG  ! TU2XP      F6AXP 
3D2WC      OKDXF  ! CE3CDV     F6FNU  ! JW7EHA     LA7EHA ! TU2XZ      W3HC  
3W5FM      UA0FM  ! CL8VP      HI3JH  ! JW8NHA     LA8NHA ! TY1DX      IK2ILK
3W6WE      K2WE   ! CN37MC     CN8SS  ! JX7DFA     LA7DFA ! TZ6FIC     F6KEQ 
3W7TK      OK1HWB ! CO2WF      VE2EH  ! JY9RU      F6ARU  ! TZ6JA      JA3EMU
3XY7A      VE6DYS ! CO3ET      WD4OIN ! JY9RU      F6ARU  ! UA0ACG     DL3JSW
4F3CV      HB9CXZ ! CO6LP      CT1ESO ! K7K        NT7H   ! UA0AZ      W3HNK 
4JA3M      4J3M   ! CO7KR      DL5DCA ! KC4AAA     NC6J   ! UA0FZ      W3HNK 
4K80ADR    4K7DWZ ! CP4BT      DL9OT  ! KC6AJT     JH1AJT ! UA0LCZ     DL3JSW
4K9W       DL6KVA ! CQ98FF     CT3FF  ! KG4AU      WV3N   ! UA9XK      RA9XBL
4KA5CW     4K9C   ! CS98MS     CT4MS  ! KG4OX      W4OX   ! UE1QQQ     RA1QQ 
4KA9C      4K9C   ! CS98NQ     CT4NQ  ! KG4WW      KX4WW  ! UK8GK      RW6HS 
4L/ON4CFI  ON4CFI ! CT3BX      HB9CRV ! KG4WX      W4WX   ! UK8IZ      IK2QPR
4L1BR      SP7MTL ! CT98AAM    CT1AAM ! KG6SL      JH1AJT ! UM8OM      IK2QPR
4L1DX      OZ1HPS ! CT98CBI    CT1CBI ! KH3/N4DAZ  WA4FFW ! UN3F       UN7FJ 
4L1UN      IK7JTF ! CT98ETT    CT1ETT ! KH6T       N2AU   ! UN7JX      IK2QPR
4S7/DK3FW  DK3FW  ! CV1S       CX1SI  ! KH6X       N2AU   ! UN7LG      KU9C  
4S7BRG     HB9BRM ! CX/LU2CP   CX6FP  ! KH7/W0YR   AA9DX  ! UP0L       UN8LW 
4S7IJG     DK8ZD  ! CX8CT      CX4ACR ! KH8/KF4MIW OKDXF  ! V26NR      W1USN 
4U1WB      KK4HD  ! CY9SS      VY2SS  ! KH8/N5LOS  N5JA   ! V26PL      AA1M  
4X50AA/SK  4Z1GY  ! D2AI       CT1EGH ! KH8/WP2AIH OKDXF  ! V26XX      GM0GAV
4X50BT/SK  4X1OM  ! DA0GF      DL3OCH ! KP3/K7BV   K7BV   ! V27X       GM0GAV
4X50DH/SK  4Z5AD  ! DS4AKP     EA2AKP ! KP3P       K7BV   ! V29Y       JR0AMD
4X50DS/SK  4Z5AD  ! DS4BBL     EA2AKP ! KP4SQ      KD8IW  ! V44KJ      WB2TSL
4X50IH/SK  4X1OZ  ! DU100RG    DU9RG  ! L50DT      LU6DSR ! V47VTK     WB8VTK
4X50JK/SK  4Z5JE  ! DU100SAN   DU1SAN ! L50NET     LU9DHL ! V51HK      DL6OBS
4X50KJ/SK  4X6RA  ! DU8ARK     I2YDX  ! LU5DOF     LU9EV  ! V63AJ      DF8AN 
4X50NY/SK  4Z5GV  ! E21CJN     K3WUW  ! LW8EXF     LU7DW  ! V63KU      JA6NL 
4X50OX/SK  4Z5DW  ! E21EJC     HS1GOS ! LY3JY      F6EYB  ! V73GT      WF5T  
4X50SF/SK  4X1VF  ! E21IZC     E21EIC ! LY4AA      ZS1FJ  ! V73NN      N3OA  
4X50ZB/SK  4X6PZ  ! EA5PS/P    EA5EQ  ! LZ0A       LZ1KDP ! VI4WIA     VK4XA 
5B4/UA9LAC UA9LAC ! EA5URX     EA5BDW ! LZ0B       LZ1KCP ! VK1FF      WB2FFY
5B4ADA     9A2AJ  ! EA7GGP/P   EA7URS ! LZ0L       LZ1KCP ! VK4CSP/P   HB9CQK
5H/G0IXC   G0IXC  ! EA8/DL7AU  DL7VRO ! LZ5Z       LZ1KDP ! VK4SK      DL1FDV
5H3CA      K0OB   ! EA9LZ      EA7JB  ! LZ8A       LZ1KDP ! VK8DX      N3AHA 
5H3RB      LA4DM  ! ED2TSS     EA2ASJ ! MJ0AWR     K2WR   ! VK9LZ      N0AH  
5N3CPR     SP5CPR ! ED5WPX     EA5XX  ! N1YCW/4    KG9DC  ! VP2V/W0NB  W0NB  
5N4BAV     IK0SHF ! ED8CMT     DL7VRO ! N5VL       W5IJU  ! VP2VI      AB1U  
5N4GG      I2EOW  ! EF5SSC     EA5DDK ! NP3G       W5XJ   ! VP2VI/50   AB1U  
5R8EE      FR5EL  ! EK1X       RV6LAH ! NP4U       NP4JK  ! VP5/KB4IRS KB4IRS
5R8FK      NY3N   ! EK6CC      N8BGD  ! OD5/SP3DPR SP3NYM ! VP5/KN4UG  KN4UG 
5R8FU      SM0DJZ ! EL2AB      IK0PHY ! OD5NJ      EA5BYP ! VP5/W4MDA  W4MDA 
5T5TY      N5FTR  ! EM1HO      I2PJA  ! OD5PN      LX1NO  ! VP5NC      AA4NC 
5W0SZ      OKDXF  ! EM1LV      UR8LV  ! OG5F       OH1VR  ! VP8CXV     G0TQJ 
5W0VD      OKDXF  ! EM5DIG     UY5AA  ! OH0KMG     OK2KMG ! VP9/AJ2U   WB2YQH
5W0VV      OKDXF  ! EP2MKO     UA6HCW ! OH0W       OH2IW  ! VP9ANV     WB2YQH
5Z4EO      DL0MAR ! ES80J      ES1AX  ! OL4Z       OK2ZU  ! VP9ID      K1EFI 
6V1C       6W1QV  ! ES80L      ES6PL  ! OL8M       OK1DRQ ! VQ9AI      WB0BNR
6W1RE      6W1AE  ! ES80M      ES1QD  ! ON50HRT    ON4HRT ! VQ9JC      WB9IHH
6W8/PA3AOA PA3AOA ! ES80Q      ES5MC  ! OT3M       ON6DP  ! VQ9KK      KB0QKK
6Y5DA      VE4JK  ! ES80R      ES7RE  ! OX3LG      OZ2ELA ! VQ9PH      W2JDK 
7P8EN      ZS4TX  ! EW35WB     EW3WB  ! P29PL      VK9NS  ! VQ9RU      KH2RU 
7Q7AE      F6FNU  ! EX8F       UM8MY  ! P3A        W3HNK  ! VQ9ZZ      NS1L  
7Q7EH      AA9HD  ! EX8MLE     IK2QPR ! P40J       WX4G   ! VR2MM      JR3JFZ
7Q7JL      G0IAS  ! EY8CQ      DJ1SKO ! P43P       P43ARC ! VR6YL      K6RPF 
7Q7RM      G0IAS  ! FG5FR      F6FNU  ! P49M       VE3MR  ! VR89LC     VR2LC 
7X2RO      OM3CGN ! FG5HR      F6BUM  ! PJ8DM      KF4KRZ ! VU2ABE     JA4DOB
8P6DA      KU9C   ! FH/DL1DA   DL1DA  ! PJ9JT      W1AX   ! VU2HLX     VU2VIT
8P9IF      G3PJT  ! FJ/K1YJK   K1YJK  ! PP8/PY1PL  PS7ZZ  ! VU2JPS     VK9NS 
8P9P       WJ5DX  ! FK0P       F6AUS  ! PU5EPL     PY5BF  ! VU2TS      I1YRL 
8Q7BV      HB9DIF ! FK8HC      VK4FW  ! PY1PL      PS7ZZ  ! VU3HKQ     VU2OUT
8Q7CX      DL4TP  ! FM/YT6A    YU1FW  ! PY1TCJ     PS7ZZ  ! VU7SF      W2XP  
8Q7VB      OH2VB  ! FM5JY      F5JYD  ! PY6WL      PS7ZZ  ! W2T        K2SMA 
8S3BG      SM3CER ! FR5HA      F6FNU  ! R0DAT      UA3DAT ! WP3A       W4DN  
9A1CAL     9A2FJ  ! FS/K1YJK   K1YJK  ! R1ANZ      UW1ZC  ! XE1L       WA3HUP
9G1BJ      G4XTA  ! FT5XN      F6PEN  ! R1FJV      UA3AGS ! XT2DP      WB2YQH
9G1YR      G4XTA  ! GH0STH/P   G4DIY  ! R3CA/0     UA9OBA ! XT2OW      F5RLE 
9G5SW      G3VMW  ! H44RY      OH1RY  ! RM9RX      RW9QA  ! XU3FLT     JN3FLT
9G5ZM      G3ZEM  ! HB0/HB9LEY JH1BSE ! RM9RX/9    RW9QA  ! XUXO       7L1MFS
9H3ZV      G4ZVJ  ! HB0LEY     JH1BSE ! RU1POL/0   UA0KCL ! XV7TH      SK7AX 
9J2FR      IK2RZQ ! HB5RL      HB9CXZ ! RZ0KWT     UA0KCL ! YB0ARA/9   N2AU  
9J2TF      JA2BOV ! HD2RG      HC2RG  ! S0/KC0PA   KC0PA  ! YB9/OH2KI  OH2KI 
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 28 March 1998                     No 360                   BID: $425WW360E
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                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/2] *

9K2/SP5UAM SP5ELA ! HF0POL     SP3BGD ! S08R       EA2JG  ! YB9QV      OH2KI 
9K2AI      IK7JTF ! HI3HN      DH2JD  ! S0RASD     EA2JG  ! YC8DEZ     YB1XUR
9K2JH      KE4JG  ! HK0HEU     HK0FBF ! S21YG      DL3NEO ! YI0EB      KK3S  
9K2MU      WA4JTK ! HK3JJH/1   HK3JJH ! S91FC      CT1EAT ! YI1AK      KC5HWR
9K2ZZ      W8CNL  ! HP3XUG     KG6UH  ! S92FC      CT1EAT ! YI1ALW     WB3CQN
9M0C       G3SWH  ! HR3KLB     K4ZLE  ! S97A       CT1EAT ! YI1FLY     KK3S  
9M2EU      JA2EJI ! HR6/WP3A   W4DN   ! SO6NEK     DL3NEK ! YM7PA      PA0TLX
9M2TO      JA0DMV ! HS0/JR3XMG JG3AVS ! SP0XL      SP2PI  ! YT4G       YU1FW 
9M6AG      JA9AG  ! HS0/VK3DXI DL4DBR ! SU3AM      DL1FCM ! Z38/NN6C   NN6C  
9M6BG      VR2BG  ! HZ1AB      K8PYD  ! T32RT      W6UC   ! Z38/NO6X   NO6X  
9N1FP      RW6FP  ! HZ1HZ      N7RO   ! T48RAC     VE3ESE ! ZC6MPT     JA1UT 
9N1RHM     G3OPL  ! II4T       IK4MHB ! T88AN      DF8AN  ! ZD7HI      WA2JUN
9N1UD      K4VUD  ! II9ZZ      IT9PKO ! T94DO      DL1FDV ! ZD7OK      WA2JUN
9Q5TR      4Z5DP  ! IQ7RT      IK7XNF ! T98PGT     F5PGT  ! ZD8SA      G0WSA 
9V1YC      AA5BT  ! IR1A       IK1GPG ! TA2DS      WA3HUP ! ZD9BV      W4FRU 
9V1ZW      JA9IFF ! IS0/YO3RA  YO3RA  ! TA3ZJ      DL3FDU ! ZF1RD      G4RWD 
9Y4/VE3OGZ VE3OGZ ! J28BU      F5OYM  ! TA3ZK      DL4VBP ! ZF1WD      G4RWD 
A2/ZS5UZ   W4DR   ! J28DB      F4AAQ  ! TF8GX      PA3GIO ! ZF2MR      W6MR  
A43DI      A47RS  ! J3/K1DFT   W1KMV  ! TG9NX      N4FKZ  ! ZK1JC      ZL1CT 
A45ZN      G4KLF  ! J3/N1FVR   OE3GRU ! TJ1GD      SP9CLQ ! ZK1MVI     JA3MVI
A61AO      N1DG   ! J3/NK4N    N4LZL  ! TJ1HP      F6FNU  ! ZK1TKK     OK1TN 
A61AS      YO3FRI ! J41DKL     SV1DNW ! TK/F6HMQ   F6HMQ  ! ZK1TNN     OK1TN 
A92FZ      W3HC   ! J41TEN     SV1DNW ! TL8CD      F5THR  ! ZL4/K8VIR  K8VIR 
AH8A       AC7DX  ! J52AHV     IK0PHY ! TL8CK      F6EWM  ! ZL7IR      K8VIR 
AH8K       OKDXF  ! J68BW      KF8OY  ! TM2P       F5LPY  ! ZY6WL      PS7ZZ 

5N0RMS  M.P.Simonet, P.O.Box 2873, GPO Marina, Lagos, Nigeria
9K2SS   Ali M.Belal, P.O.Box 12388, Shamiea 71654, Kuwait
9N1HA   Sures, P.O.Box 4292, Katmandu, Nepal
BD4DW   David Y.J.Zhou, P.O.Box 040-088, Shanghai, China
DL1FDV  Mario Lovric, Hagebuttenweg 4, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany
DS2CYI  Kwon, Dae-Geun, P.O.Box 67, Suwon, Kyonggi, Seoul, 440-600, Korea
DS2RDG  Myung Gu Eo, 380-2 Jumun Ri, Jumunjin Eup, Kang Nung City,
        Kang Won, South Korea
DU1SAN  Boysan, P.O.Box 3000 QCCPO, 1170 Quezon City, M.M., Philippines
DU9HKD  Renoir A.Abrea, 9023 Naawan, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
E21EIC  Champ, P.O.Box 1090 Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand
EA2BP   Juanjo Ormaetxe, Apartado 530, E-20080, Donostia,San Sebastian, Spain
EA2JG   Arseli, Barrena 6, E-01408 Luyando Alava, Spain
ER1LW   P.O.Box 112 , Chisinau , MD-2012 , Moldova , C.I.S.
FR5EL   Michel Hoarau, P.O.Box 87, F-97832 Tampon, Reunion Island
HB9DLZ  Daniel Lamon, En Chaffeiroz, CH-1553 Chatonnaye, Switzerland
J39JS   John, P.O.Box 999, Grenville, Grenada
LU6DK   Club Station, P.O.Box 25, Lomas de Zamora,1832 Buenos Aires,Argentina
KN4UG   Don Namm, 103 Birkhaven Drive, Cary, NC-27511, U.S.A.
OH2IW   Pasi Luoma-aho, Vallikuja 10 A 8, FIN-02600 Espoo, Finland
OH2VB   Veikko Nurminen, Ollaksentie 3 C, FIN-02940 Espoo, Finland
PS7ZZ   Francisco Edvaldo Pereira de Freitas, Rua Maceio 22, Conjunto Jiqui,
        Bairro Neopolis II, 59086-280  Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
PY2HA   Lis Claudio Campos, Rua Joao Rosa 75, Guaruja-SP, 11431-360, Brasil
RU0SL   Victor A.Bochkarev, P.O.Box 1475, Bratsk City, 665726, Russia
RW0SQ   Igor P.Yakimov, P.O.Box 2544, Bratsk City, 665714, Russia
S21J    Mamtaz Shahid, G.P.O. Box 3512, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
SP9CLQ  Andrzej Klaja, Ul.Aleksandry 9/25, 30-837 Krakow, Poland
SV1DNW  Elias Bakopoylos, P.O.Box 21669, Athens 10035, Hellas, Greece
SV2CQB  Elias Tasos, 6 Koroxenis, GR-502 00 Ptolemais, Greece
T77WI   Giancarlo Montico, P.O.Box 3, San Marino City, San Marino
TF8GX   Gudlaugur "Gulli" Jonsson, Solvollum-Bergi, IS-230, Keflavik, Iceland
TF3AOT  Arsaell "Seli" Oskarsson, Gnodarvogi 20, IS-104 Reykjavik, Iceland
UA0SJ   Yuri A.Maltsev, P.O.Box 2304, Bratsk City, 665700, Russia
UA0SE   Serge Y.Karpov, P.O.Box 2547, Bratsk City, 665714, Russia
UA0SBQ  Victor Andrushenko, P.O.Box 2304, Bratsk City, 665700, Russia
UA0SDQ  Alexsandr Krajnov, P.O.Box 2301, Bratsk City, 665700, Russia
UA0YAY  Pavel F.Ustinov, P.O.Box 40, UD-1, Kyzyl-11, 667011, Russia
V44KMC  McKoy, P.O.Box 505, Nevis Island, West Indies
V5/DL7UFS Frank Steinhauser, P.O.Box 441, Swakopmund, Namibia
VK5ACY  W.J.Pickering, P.O.Box 90, Parndana, South Australia 5220, Australia
VK6ANC  Northern Corridor Radio Group, Inc, P.O.Box 244, North Beach,
        WA-6920, Australia
VU2KBJ  Kaustubh Joshi, 20 Prashant Nagar, Navi Peth, Pune 411 030, India
VU2XO   M.R.Patel, 501,Giriraj Apt, Race Course Circle, Baroda 390 007,India
W5KNE   Bob Win, 2731 N.Colfax Circle, Plano, TX-75075, U.S.A.
ZP1ES   Erwin Siemens, C.C.1153, Neuland, Paraguay
ZP5YAL  Ana Lia Zambon, Av.Republica Argentina 2886, Asuncion, Paraguay
ZP9DZA  Helmut Paster, Minga Guazu, Alto Parana, Paraguay
S DX@WW $425WW360F
425 DX News #360 [6/6]
 28 March 1998                     No 360                   BID: $425WW360F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                            Italian Islands Award

                           -- IIA TROPHY - 1998 --
                (Rules for NOT ITALIAN participants only)

This Trophy is issued by the Crazy DX Group.
All OMs and SWLs (world-wide) can participate.
The aim is to contact/hear/activate the largest number of different
Italian islands.
Only islands with references from the official IIA list will be valid. 
References released after the Trophy's start date are also valid.
Participation is free of charge.
Good hunting !

From June 1st  to  September 30th   1998.

Every qso/listening/activity on every amateur radio band will be valid.

Each different Italian island contacted/heard/activated will count 1 

There are 5 categories: OMs (outside of Italy), SWLs (outside of Italy),
DX-PEDITIONERS, italian OMs, italian SWLs.
You may participate in more than 1 category. Points for different
categories cannot be mixed.
In the DX-PEDITIONERS category, the participant must be the holder of
the callsign used in every activity.
A plaque will be awarded to the top scoring participant in each category,
and a certificate to the second and third.
If you want to receive the booklet with the results by post, please send a
SASE together with your log.

Complete logs with data of every qso/heard (callsign, date, UTC time,
band, mode, IIA reference, correspondent callsign for SWL category) 
should be sent to the following address by November 30th 1998.
or by email:  crazy@grisnet.it
web-site  http://www.grisnet.it/crazy

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
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425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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