DX425 bulletin issue nr. 359

S DX@WW $425WW359A
425 DX News #359 [1/6]
 21 March 1998                     No 359                   BID: $425WW359A
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                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                                <<< JT1Y >>>
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171  will be the  pilot station for  the 7-14  April
JT1Y operation  from Mongolia  [425DXN 358].  Please  send your  comments  to
jt1y@amsat.org (TNX Paul Williamson, KB5MU) and  Maurizio will summarize  and
forward  them  to  the team i n Ulan-Bator.  Visit  the   JT1Y   website   at

3D2    - Yamato Amateur Radio Club members JA1JQY,  JA1KJW, JA3MCA and  JA8VE
         will be active  from Fiji respectively  as 3D2SH,  3D2HI, 3D2TK  and
         3D2KZ on 2 and 3 May. QSL via home calls.  <TNX JA1ELY>
3V     - Giovanni, I5JHW will be active from  3V8BB between 25 and 31  March.
         He,  I5SNR  (Sergio),  I5OYY  (Danio),  IK5JAN  (Marcello),   IK5ZTW
         (Gabriele) and IK5FTQ (Roberto)  will participate in  the CQ WW  WPX
         SSB Contest (Multi-Single) possibly  as 3V5I.   QSL via I5JHW.  <TNX
5B     - RA9JX, RA9JR,  UA9MA, UA9YAB,  RA0AM,  RV0AR, UA3TT,  RZ3TX,  RZ9UA,
         UN7FZ and others will participate in  thw CQ WW  WPX SSB Contest  as
         P3A (Multi-Multi) from Cyprus. QSL via W3HNK. <TNX UN7FZ>
9M6    - Pekka, OH2YY  will now  participate in  the CQ  WW WPX  SSB  Contest
         [425DXN 357]  as 9M6AAC  from East  Malaysia. QSL  via OH2YY  (Pekka
         Ahlqvist, Vapaalanpolku 8 B, 01650 Vantaa, Finland). <TNX The  Daily
9M6    - Phil, VR2CT (aka HS0/G4JMB) will be active again as 9M6CT from  East
         Malaysia between 29 March and 3  May. He plans to concentrate on  80
         and 40 metres. QSL to Phil  Weaver, Box 7, Bangkok 10506,  Thailand.
         <TNX The Daily DX>
9N     - During his recent staying in Nepal [425DXN 351] Charlie, K4VUD/9N1UD
         visited Satish,  9N1AA  and saw  his  new home  under  construction.
         Satish should move in and have all band and all mode capacity by the
         end of  the  summer. He  also  has room  and  permission for  a  160
         antenna. <TNX K4VUD>
A4     - An operation  organized by  the Royal  Omani Amateur  Radio  Society
         (ROARS) is expected to take place from Daymaniyat Island (AS-112) in
         the last week of March probably with the call A43DI. QSL via  A47RS.
         <TNX The Daily DX>
A6     - Ali, A61AJ will be very active from 21 March through 1 April on  all
         bands with emphasis to 40, 80  and 160 metres (20-21 UTC for  Europe
         and Japan, 00.00-02.30 for North America). He will also  participate
         in the CQ WW WPX SSB  Contest. QSL via  W3UR (Bernie McClenny,  3025
         Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD 21738, USA). <TNX The Daily DX>
CT3    - Bert, PA3GIO  will be  active (20,  17, 15,  12  and 10  metres)  as
         CT3/PA3GIO/m from Madeira (AF-014) between 26 March and 2 April. QSL
         via PA3GIO. <TNX PA3GIO>
CX     - Al, CX8AT will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest as CV8D. QSL via
         bureau to CX8AT. <TNX CX8AT>
DU     - Robin, DU9RG will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as 4H9RG.
         QSL via  DU9RG  (Robin  U. Go,  818  Acacia  Avenue,  Ayala  Alabang
         Village, 1780 Muntinlupa City, Philippines). <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
EA8    - DL7AU, DL7URB, DL7UBA, DF8XC and DL7VRO are active (on all bands CW,
         SSB and RTTY) as ED8CTM from Canary Islands (AF-004) until 6  April.
         They will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. QSL via  DL7VRO.
         <TNX The Daily DX>
EI     - Dick, G3PFS  will  be  active  (on  10-20  metres  SSB,  WARC  bands
         included) as EJ/G3PFS  from Cape  Clear Island  (EU-121) between  28
         March and 12 April. QSL via G3PFS. <TNX DX News Sheet>
EM_ant - Oleg, UR8LV is active as EM1LV [425DXN 346] from Akademic  Vernadsky
         Base (WABA UR-01) on Galindez Island  (AN-006), Antarctica. QSL  via
         UR8LV (Oleg Satyrev, P.O.Box 9909, 310070 Kharkov, Ukraine).
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F      - The Council of Europe Amateur Radio Club will participate in the  CQ
         WW WPX SSB Contest as TP4CE. QSL via F6FQK. <TNX DX News Sheet>
FK     - Philippe, F5PFO (ex J28FO) will be active (on all bands CW and  SSB)
         from New Caledonia for two years  starting on 1 April. His  callsign
         is not known so far. QSL via F6AJA. <TNX F6AJA>
FM     - Bruno, F5JYD will be active (on  10-160 metres, with emphasis to  12
         and 17 metres)  as FM5JY from  Martinique (NA-107)  for four  months
         starting on 25 March. QSL via F5JYD. <TNX F6AJA>
FR     - Laurent, F5MUX should be active sometime after 1 April from  Reunion
         Island (FR)  and Mauritius  (3B8). He  might  also stop  briefly  on
         Rodriguez Island (3B9). <TNX The Daily DX>
FT5X   - Helios, F6IHY  is  active  as  FT5XN  [425DXN  352]  from  Kerguelen
         (AF-048) through July. He operates amateur radio in his spare  time,
         which depends on his work schedule, and reports the following  times
         for stations  looking  to  work  him:  02.00-05.00  UTC  20  metres,
         02.00-03.00 UTC 40  metres, 02.00-04.00 UTC  30 metres,  12.00-15.00
         UTC 20 metres,  17.00-19.00 UTC  40 metres.   QSL  via F6PEN  either
         direct (Gerard Ribes, 16 rue Viollet Leduc, Toulouse, 31100  France)
         or through the bureau. <TNX The Daily DX>
FT5Z   - Lyon DX Gang members Mehdi, F5PFP and Eric, F5SIH are now  scheduled
         to arrive on Amsterdam Island on 25 November. They should be  active
         as FT5ZH  (10-160 metres  CW, SSB  and RTTY)  [425DXN 357]  from  27
         November to 23 December. QSL via  F6KDF. The DXpedition web site  is
         at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ft5z.html <TNX F5NOD>
I      - Franco, IK8WEJ will be active in  the main contest as IR8J. QSL  via
         IK8WEJ. <TNX IK8WEJ>
I      - Operators from the Salento DX Team  will be IJ7/ from Scoglio  Torre
         Ovo (IIA TA-003) and Scoglio Fanciulla (IIA LE-009) respectively  in
         the morning and the afternoon of 22 March. QSL via home calls.  <TNX
         Crazy DX Group>
I      - Special event station  IR2A will participate  in the CQ  WW WPX  SSB
         Contest  from  C.C.R. (Centro  Comunita'  delle Ricerche)  at  Ispra
         (Varese). It will count as  "wild card"  for WASA.  QSL  via IK2HTW.
         <TNX IK2HTW>
JA     - JG1SZE/0,  JJ1SLI/0,  JP1TBG/0,  JQ1ALQ/0,  JI3DST/0,  JR9MAR/0  and
         7K4FGQ/0 will be active from Awashima  (AS-117) on 17 and 18  April.
         They plan to operate on 10-40 metres SSB and CW with three stations.
         QSL via home calls. <TNX JA1ELY>
JA     - JJ1LIB/6 and JN1EVG/6  will be active  on SSB and  CW from Daito  Is
         (AS-047) between 21 and 24 April. <TNX JI6KVR>
JA     - JA5UIM/4 will be active (CW and  SSB on the usual IOTA  frequencies)
         from Oki  Archipelago (AS-041)  between 28  and  30 April.  QSL  via
         JA5UIM. <TNX JI6KVR>
JW     - Raymond, LA7EHA and Trond, LA8NHA will  be active (on 10-80  metres,
         as JW7EHA  and  JW8NHA  respectively)  from  Longyearbyen,  Svalbard
         (EU-026) between 23 and 25 March. QSL via home calls. <TNX The Daily
JY     - Daniel, F6ARU/JY9RU will leave  Jordan on 31  March. QSL via  F6ARU.
         <TNX DXNL>
KH2    - Guam Contest Club members JG3RPL/N1BJ, JI3ERV/NH2C, JK3GAD/AL7NC and
         JH7QXJ will  participate  in the  CQ  WW WPX  SSB  Contest  as  AH2R
         (Multi-Single) from  Guam (OC-026).  QSL  via JI3ERV.  Questions  or
         comments are welcome at gcc@seo.amagasaki.hyogo.jp <TNX Guam Contest
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KH4    - Ted, NH6YK now  hopes to be  active on  HF bands  as NH4/NH6YK  from
         Midway [425DXN 353] during his spare  time between 23 and 31  March.
         He might also participate  in the CQ  WW WPX SSB  Contest (15 or  20
         metres). QSL via NH6YK. <TNX The Daily DX>
KH6    - Dave, KB6JOX will be active (10-40 metres, WARC bands included) from
         Hawaii (OC-019) between 24 March and 2 April. He will participate in
         the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. <YNX The Daily DX>
KH0    - Zorro, JH1AJT is  active as KG6SL  from Saipan  (OC-086), length  of
         stay not known.  QSL via JH1AJT. <TNX DX News Sheet>
KH0    - JA3AA, JA3UB, JA3TXZ,  JR3MVF and JJ1CAS  will be  active (on  10-80
         metres CW and SSB) from Saipan,  Northern Mariana Is (OC-086) on  21
         and 22 March. All QSLs are via JJ1CAS. <TNX JA1ELY>
P4     - Martin, VE3MR [425DXN 343] is active (mostly on 12 and 17 metres) as
         P49M from Aruba  (SA-036) until 22  April. QSL via  VE3MR. <TNX  The
         Daily DX>
PY     - PP5LL will now be active as  PR5L from Ratones Island ((SA-026,  DIB
         64) on 26-30  March [425DXN  357]. QSL  via PP5LL  (Jaime Lira,  Cx.
         Postal 08, Florianopolis, SC 88010-970, Brazil). <TNX PP5SZ>
S0     - The Lynx DX Group will be active as S0RASD and S08R between 24 March
         and 20  April  to celebrate  the  self-determination  referendum  in
         Western Sahara. Emphasis will be given to 40, 80 and 160 metres. QSL
         via EA2JG  (Arseli  Echeguren  Bardeci,  6  Barrena  Kalea,  E-01408
         Luyando  Alava,  Spain).   Further  information   is  available   at
         http://web.jet.es/rasd/ <TNX QTC Magazine>
SU     - An Egyptian team will be active from Luxor as SU8LXR starting on  29
         March. <TNX IK3ZAW>
SV     - Elias, SV1DNW  will participate  in the  CQ WW  WPX SSB  Contest  as
         J41TEN (10 metres). QSL via SV1DNW.  <TNX DX News Sheet>
T2     - Yamato Amateur Radio Club members JA1JQY,  JA1KJW, JA3MCA and  JA8VE
         will be active from Tuvalu (OC-015) between 25 April and 1 May. They
         plan to be active on 10-160  metres SSB and  CW with three  stations
         (callsigns to  be issued  upon arrival).  QSL via  home calls.  <TNX
V6     - Michael, DF8AN is now active from  Micronesia [425DXN 357] as  V63AJ
         until 22 March.  QSL via  DF8AN either  direct (Michael  Noertemann,
         Neustadt 18, D-37154 Northeim, Germany) or through the bureau.
VK9_lh - Paul, N0AH (ex AB0BX) will be active (SSB and CW) as VK9LZ from Lord
         Howe Island (OC-004)  between 25 and  30 April. He  will operate  on
         10-40 metres and concentrate on  the WARC bands.  QSL to N0AH.  <TNX
W      - Mark, AA1AC will be /P from  Aquidneck Island (NA-031, USI  RI-006S)
         during this coming  weekend on 20  metres SSB/CW and  40 metres  CW.
         <TNX AA1AC>
ZK2    - Frank, DL7FT  should  be active  after  21 March  from  Niue  (ZK2),
         Tokelau (ZK3),  Tonga (A3)  and Rotuma  Island (3D2)  possibly  with
         ***FT callsigns.  Suggested frequencies  are 3.790,  7.090,  14.190,
         14.260, 18.140,  21.260,  21.290, 24.940  and  28.490 MHz.  QSL  via
         DL7FT. <TNX DX News Sheet>
ZL     - Ed, K8VIR is active as K8VIR/ZL4 from Stewart Island (OC-203). It is
         not known whether  this operation  replaces the  announced one  from
         Chatham [425DXN 349].  QSL to Ed  Hartz, P.O.  Box 9,  Te Anau,  New
ZL9    - The Kermadec  DX Association  announces that  plans  are now  at  an
         advanced stage for the 1999 DXpedition to Campbell Island  (OC-037).
         The neccessary permissions  have been  obtained, transport  arranged
         and the  logistics needed  to put  together an  operation from  this
         remote island are well in hand.  An international team of  operators
         (from New Zealand, Japan, Canada, USA and Ireland) will be active on
         all bands and modes between 9 and 25 January 1999. Financial support
         is needed to meet the costs (US$65,000) and donations can be sent to
         either  the  team  leader,  ZL2HU  (Ken  Holdum,  The  Kermadec   DX
         Association, P O Box 56099, Tawa,  Wellington, New Zealand) or  team
         member EI6FR (Declan Craig, 167 St. James's Road, Greenhills, Dublin
         12, Ireland.). All donations will be acknowledged on receipt and  in
         the event  of  the  DXpedition  not  proceeding  will  be  returned.
         European DXers  are  invited to  send  their  comments  about  their
         band/mode needs etc EI6FR at westnet@iol.ie <TNX EI6FR>
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

ABRA-DX ---> ABRA-DX  (Associacao Brasileira de  Radioexpedicionarios) has  a
website at http://www.pt2dx.org.br - an English  version is planned, but  for
the time being you can enjoy several DXpedition pictures. <TNX PT2NP>

Kennamer, K5FUV, will replace Chuck  Hutchinson, K8CH, as Membership Services
Manager at ARRL Headquarters, effective April 20. Hutchinson is stepping down
and into a part-time role for medical reasons.

DX STATION WANTED ---> Michael, NF4W would like to become a manager for a  DX
station and says to have "plenty  of time to take  care of business".  Please
contact Michael W. Taylor, 115 Crompton Drive, Pelzer, SC 29669, USA  (e-mail
nf4w@mci2000.com). <TNX NF4W>

JAN MAYEN ---> Ken, LA6WEA reports the QSL routes for the following  amateurs
who were  active  from Jan  Mayen  (EU-022): JX1UG  (1990)  via  LA1UG  (Ivar
Svendsen, N-8050 Tverrlandet, Norway), JX2FL (1992) via LA2FL (Magne Oeverboe
Brakke H-2, N-4030  Hinna, Norway), JX3EX  (1996) via LA3EX  (Terje J.  Berg,
Kleiva, N-8533 Bogen i Ofoten, Norway),  JX4CJA (1996) QSL via LA4CJA  (Marit
Gridseth, Durudveien 14c, N-1346 Gjettum, Norway),  JX6RHA (1997) via  LA6RHA
(Unni Gran, Mellomaasv  128, N-1414  Trollaasen, Norway),  JX7DFA (1997)  via
LA7DFA (Per-Einar Dahlen,  P.O.Box 105, N-6520  Frei, Norway), JX9CAA  (1992)
via LA9CAA (Odd-Are Olsen Graabroedregt 25, N-3110 Toensberg, Norway), JX9EHA
(1992) via LA2T  (Trondhemsgr av NRRL,  Box 929,  N-7001 Trondheim,  Norway),
JX9ZP (1996) via LA9ZP (Astor Ernstsen, Aasveien 3, N-8011 Bodoe, Norway).

JOHNSTON ---> N4DAZ & C. were actually active from Johnston [425DXN 358] from
about 22.00 UTC  on 15  March through  08.00 on  the 16th.  They operated  as
N4DAZ/KH3 with two stations. QSL via WA4FFW.

LU4XS ---> The  LU4XS beacon  (28.220 MHz)  will be  out of  work during  the
winter season in the south emisphere.  A new beacon will be installed  before
the 1998 ARRL DX 10 Meters Contest (12-13 December). <TNX LU1DZ>

LU6AM ---> LU6AM is the new call of LU6AUM  (Nestor Osvaldo Marcolin, P.O.Box
25, 1417 Buenos Aires, CF, Argentina).

NOTICIAS DEL  MUNDO  DE DX  --->  "News from  the  DX World"  in  Spanish  is
available at http://www.ure.es/ea5xx03.html <TNX EA5XX>

QSL VIA  K3SX --->  Sid, K3SX  (ex K3SME)  is going  to  close his  logs  for
G0/K3SME  and  7J1AJN/3.    Bureau  cards  can  be  requested  by  e-mail  at
k3sx@pipeline.com <TNX The Daily DX>

QSL VIA K7BV ---> Cards for contacts made with KP3P (on 8-9 March),  KP3/K7BV
and FS/K7BV are handled  by K7BV either  direct (Dennis Motschenbacher,  4357
Appollonio Way, Carson City, NV 89704, USA) or through the bureau. <K7BV>

QSL KA4IST/KH5 ---> "The following guidelines  for QSLing direct will  really
help on this end if they  are followed", Ron, AC7DX  reports: Cards that  are
sent direct but with no return funding  or return envelope will be QSLed  via
the bureau (except USA cards); a self addressed envelope should be  provided;
applications from the USA should have at least a First class stamp affixed or
include one IRC; applications from non-USA countries should include at  least
$1 or 1 IRC or $us airmail stamp; ONE CALL PER ENVELOPE; no foreign currency.
QSL to Ron Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, Oregon 97402, USA (please note  that
Ron handles the cards for KA4IST/KH5-Palmyra *only*). <TNX AC7DX>
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QSL VIA I2EOW  ---> Erminio, I2EOW  can confirm contacts  made with P40K  and
P4/I2UIY. He also has the logs  for P49V (19-20  February 1998 *only*).  <TNX

QSL VIA IK0RNR ---> Massimo, IK0RNR  is *not* the QSL  manager for 9K2AI.  He
reports that all the cards for  II0FR (1997) have been  sent out through  the
bureau or direct.

SPDX CONTEST ---> The International SPDX  Contest (CW and  SSB) will be  held
between 15 UTC on  4 April and  15.00 UTC on  5 April. Logs  must be sent  no
later than 30 April to Polski Zwinzek Kretkofalowcew, SPDX Contest Committee,
P.O. Box 320, 00-950 Warszawa, Poland. <TNX SP6ECA>

THE DAILY DX ---> Congratulations to Bernie McClenny, W3UR (3025 Hobbs  Road,
Glenwood, Maryland 21738-9728, USA) who celebrated  the first anniversary  of
his "The Daily DX" on 17 March. For further information on this first rate DX
bulletin please  check out  its homepage  (http://www.wdn.com/thedailydx)  or
call 301-854-5650 (fax 301-854-5105).

VISALIA 1998 --->  The programme for  the 1998  International DX  Convention,
sponsored by the Southern California DX  Club ant to be  held at the  Visalia
Holiday Inn,  CA  on 1-3  May,  is now  available  on the  SCDXC  webpage  at
http://www.primenet.com/~scdxc/ <TNX K6EXO>

ZL7DK --->  The ZL7DK  Chatham team  (DK7YY, DL3DXX,  DL7UFN, DK1BT,  DL2OAP,
YB1AQS) logged 31,335 QSOs between 08.52 UTC on 23 February and 17.34 UTC  on
8 March. Dupes excluded, they made 25648 QSOs on CW, 1629 on RTTY and 1635 on
SSB as follows: 614/0/1  (160 metres), 1747/0/21  (80 metres), 4759/0/63  (40
metres),  4262/0/0  (30  metres),  5068/994/683  (20  metres),  3317/0/4  (17
metres), 2804/493/791  (15 metres),  1776/0/10 (12  metres), 1301/142/63  (10
metres). 130 Countries were worked on CW, 54 on  SSb and 62 on RTTY. QSL  via
DK7YY either  direct (Falk  D. Weinhold,  P.O.Box  700 343,  D-10323  Berlin,
Germany)    or    through    the    bureau.    Logs    are    available    at
http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/cgi-bin/zl7dk <TNX YB1AQS>

QSL received  via  direct:   3A2MD,  3B8/F6HMJ, YN1GSR/3C1,  3W5KVR,  3W5MNB,
3XA8DX, 5A28,  5B4AGC, 5H3HG,  5R8EE,  5V7A, 7P8/ZS6CAL,  7P8/ZS6RVG,  7X0AD,
8Q7AJ, 9G5SW, 9V1ZB, 9Y4/PA3EWP, A22EW,  A61AJ, AP2JZB, AA88LL/C6A  (NA-113),
CE1LDS/p (SA-085), CV5A  (SA-030), CX/LU7DW (SA-057),  DS5RNM, DU4DX,  ET3AA,
DL1HCM/HI8, IA5/I5GWO (EU-028; IIA GR-015), IC8/IK8UHA (EU-031; IIA  NA-044),
J38AH (NA-147), J6/PA3ERC, J6/PA3EWP, JT1FBB, JU2DX, JY9QJ, K4M, K7K,  L20XSI
(SA-049), OX3SA, PJ2MI,  PJ8/W8EB, S02R,  S21YR, S92AF,  TF3GC, TJ1GB,  TU3F,
YN4/WK6O, Z31JA, ZF1A, ZK1DI, 

QSL  received via  WF5E DX QSL  Service:  3B9/3B8DL,  3C1DX, 4U1UN, DJ6SI/9L,
9M6OO, C21RK,  C6AJR  (NA-113),  FR4DD,  FT5WF,  HS50A  (AS-125),  JQ1SUO/JD1
(AS-031),  K2OLG/m  (NA-034,  NA-141,   NA-069),  KC4AAA,  KH2D,   KH5/N4BQW,
KH8/N5OLS, KL7AK/p  (NA-161), KP2/K4MA,  N6VV (NA-066),  P40W, R1ANT,  T32BI,
TI4CF, TI9CF,  TT8DX, V44NEF,  V63BR, N6VV/VE7  (NA-051), XE3/K4MQG  (NA-90),
XF4CA (NA-115), XJ9GM (NA-14), YI1FLY, YN6WW, YS1RRD, ZP6CW.

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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425 DX News #359 [6/6]
 21 March 1998                      No 359                   BID: $425WW359F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/03      4G50N: Naga City * special event callsign              347
till  May        4S7BRG: Sri Lanka (AS-003) * by HB9BRM                 355
till  29/03      5H3/G0IXC & 5H1/G0IXC (AF-032)* by G0IXC               357
till  23/03      5W0: Western Samoa * by OKDX Foundation                358
till  31/03      8J0WPG: special event station                          355
till  May        9N1FP * by RU6FP                                       350
till  April      9U5/9X0A: Burundi * by 9X0A/RW3AH                      358
till  06/04      ED8CTM: Canary Is (AF-004) * by DL7VRO & C.            359
till  late Mar   EM1HO: Galindez Isl (AN-006), Antarctica               355
till  ??         EM1LV: Galindez Island (AN-006, WABA UR-01)            359
till  28/03      FJ/K1YJK: St. Martin (NA-146) * by K1YJK               357
till  July       FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            359
till  31/03      HG5P: Hungary * special event call                     356
till  ??         JF1LGD/JD1: Iwo Jima (AS-030)                          357
till  Mar        JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  31/10      JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA                 352
till  31/03      JY9RU: Jordan * by  F6ARU                              359
till  26/03      K2ZR: Key West (NA-062)                                355
till  16/04      K6T: Santa Catalina Isl (NA-066) * by KI6T             353
till  ??         KG6SL: Saipan (OC-086) * by JH1AJT                     359
till  Mar        KH2D & KH2/KF2XN: Guam * by KF2XN                      346
till  ??         KH8/KF4MIW & KH8/WP2AIH: American Samoa * by OKDXF     358
till  Jul-Aug    TJ1FT: Cameroon                                        352
till  22/03      V63AJ: Micronesia * by DF8AN                           359
till  24/03      VP5: Caicos Is (NA-002) * by KN4UG                     357
till  May        VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by WB9IHH               355
till  May        VQ9PH: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W2JDK                355
till  June       XV7SV: Vietnam * by SM0ORV                             355
10/03-10/04      KH3: Johnston Atoll (OC-023) * by KK5ZX           ???  355
till  ??         K8VIR/ZL4: Stewart Isl (OC-203) * by K8VIR             359
20/03-30/03      YB9BV or YB9/OH2KI                                     358
20/03-01/04      Z38/NO6X, Z38/NN6C & Z38C: Macedonia * by NO6X & NN6C  357
21/03-22/03      AA1AC/P: Aquidneck Isl (NA-031) * by AA1AC             359
21/03-31/03      H44: Temotu Is (OC-100) * by SCSDXT & SIRS             358
21/03-01/04      J8/EA2BP & J80R: St. Vincent (NA-109) * by EA2s        357
21/03-22/03      JH3QFL/6: Daito Is (AS-047)                            357
21/03-22/03      JI6KVR/6: Amakusa Archipelago (AS-012)                 357
21/03-22/03      KH0: Saipan * by JA3AA, JA3UB, JA3TXZ, JR3MVF, JJ1CAS  359
21/03-05/04      VI6EWT: special event call * by NCRG                   357
21/03-22/03      Russian DX Contest                                     ***
21/03-23/03      BARTG Spring RTTY Contest                              ***
22/03            IJ7/home calls: IIA TA-003 & IIA LE-009 * by SDXT      359
22/03-28/03      T8: Koror (OC-009) * by DF8AN                          357
23/03-06/05      FT * by FR5HR                                          357
23/03-25/03      JW7EHA & JW8NHA: Svalbard (EU-026)* by LA7EHA & LA8NHA 359
23/03-31/03      NH4/NH6YK: Midway (OC-030) * by NH6YK                  359
23/03-31/03      OH0/DK6QW,DL3QQ,DF8QJ,DG1YHV,DL6YFB/p: Aland (EU-002)  357
24/03-01/04      3D2KT & 3D2TN: Fiji (OC-016) * by OKDX Foundation      358
24/03-02/04      KH6: Hawaii (OC-019) * by KB6JOX                       359
24/03-20/04      S08R & S0RASD: Western Sahara * by Lynx DX Group       359
25/03-31/03      3V8BB & 3V5I (?): Tunisia * by I5JHW's team            359
25/03-31/03      3W6WE & 3W6LK: Vietnam * by K2WE & W2LK                357
25/03-July       FM5JY: Martinique (NA-107) * by F5JYD                  359
25/03-31/03      V8JA (V85HG): Brunei (OC-088) * by JO1BMV & JH7PKU     353
26/03-02/04      CT3/PA3GIO/m: Madeira (AF-014) * by PA3GIO             359
26/03-30/03      PR5L: Ratones Isl (SA-026, DIB 64) * by PP5LL          359
27/03-30/03      F/G3RTE/P & F/G3SWH/P: Sein Island (EU-068)            357
28/03-29/03      4H9RG * by DU9RG                                       359
28/03-29/03      4U1ITU * by EA3AFW, EA3FQV, EA3ATM                     353
28/03-29/03      9M6AAC: East Malaysia * by OH2YY/BY                    359
28/03-29/03      AH2R: Guam (OC-026) * by Guam Contest Club             359
28/03-29/03      CV8D: Uruguay * by CX8AT                               359
28/03-29/03      ED5WPX (CQWW WPX SSB)                                  357
28/03-12/04      EJ/G3PFS: Cape Clear Isl (EU-121) * by G3PFS           359
28/03-29/03      IR2A: special event station * wild card for WASA       359
28/03-29/03      J41TEN * by SV1DNW                                     359
28/03-29/03      OH0W from Aland Is (EU-002)*by OH1EH,OH2TA,OH2XX,OH6EI 357
28/03-29/03      P3A: Cyprus * by UAs                                   359
28/03-29/03      TM4CQ * by French CQ Gang                              357
28/03-29/03      TP4CE (Council of Europe Amateur Radio Club)           359
28/03-29/03      TXK8DX * by FK8GM, FK8HC & FK8FI                       355
28/03-29/03      CQWW WPX SSB Contest                                   ***
29/03-03/05      9M6CT: East Malaysia * by VR2CT                        359
29/03-??         SU8LXR: Luxor * by SUs                                 359
late March       A43DI: Daymaniyat Isl (AS-112) * by ROARS              359
March-April      ZK2, ZK3, A3, 3D2_rot * by DL7FT                       359
01/04-03/04      DS4CNB/4: AS-085 * by DS4CNB                           356
02/04-16/04      ZK2CK: Niue (OC-040) * by HB9BCK                       357
04/04-05/04      DS4CNB/4: AS-060 * by DS4CNB                           356
04/04-05/04      EA RTTY Contest                                        ***
04/04-05/04      SP DX Contest                                          359
04/04-05/04      YLRC Marconi Contest                                   ***
07/04-14/04      JT1Y * by I0SNY,I1JQJ,IV3FSG,IV3ZAC,I8NHJ,I0TIC,IZ0AEH 359