S DX@WW $425WW357A 425 DX News #357 [1/6] 7 March 1998 No 357 BID: $425WW357A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ <<< JT1Y >>> Suggested frequencies for the 7-14 April JT1Y operation from Mongolia [425DXN 356] are as follows (+/- QRM): 28.015, 24.895, 21.015, 18.075, 14.015, 10.105, 7.005, 3.505 and 1.835 MHz CW, 28.485, 24.945, 21.285, 18.145, 14.185, 7.080, 3.780 and 1.840 MHz SSB; 14.080 and 21.080 MHz RTTY; 50.115 and 50.145 on 6 metres. Visit the JT1Y website at http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/jt1y/ ***************************************************************************** <<< IOTA CONVENTION >>> The VIII IOTA Convention will be held at the Hotel Reina Isabel in Las Palmas, Canary Is on 1-3 May 1998. Further information, including the programme and accomodation packages, is available on the URE, Union de Radioaficionados Espanoles, web site (http://www.ure.es). You can also contact Mr. Manolo Hernandez, c/o Viajes Mas at mas@step.es (telephone 0034-28-275000, fax 0034-28-223460). ***************************************************************************** 3D2 - Mamoru, 7N1RTO (ex JG2EBN) is going to Fiji for business and hopes to operate as 3D2ME in his spare time. Look for him between 8 and 11 March on 20 and 15 metres SSB. QSL via home call either direct (Mamoru Endo, 102-83-2 Kizuki-Omachi, Kawasaki, 211-0031 Japan) or through the bureau. <TNX JA1ELY> 3W - Steve, K2WE and Les, W2LK will be active (on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres, and on 12, 17 and 30 metres if they get the permission) from Vietnam as 3W6WE on SSB (QSL via K2WE) and and 3W6LK on CW (QSL via W2LK) between 25 and 31 March. They will be operating from the club station 3W6KA (QSL to Kasati Ham Radio Club, P.O. Box 76, Saigon, Vietnam) and may be on the air with the club call before 25 March. They will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (Multi Single) as 3W6WE or possibly a special prefix callsign. <TNX The Daily DX> 5H - Jim, G0IXC is active (on all bands SSB) until 11 March as 5H3/G0IXC from the mainland, and then until 29 March as 5H1/G0IXC from Zanzibar Island (AF-032). QSL via G0IXC. <TNX DX News Sheet> 5N - Mario, TT8AM will be active until 8 March, then he will be moving to Nigeria from where he plans to operate as soon as he gets a licence. <TNX IK1RGL> 9H - Andy, G4ZVJ will be active as 9H3ZV from Malta (EU-023) between 10 and 17 March. He will participate in the RSGB Commonwealth Contest. QSL via G4ZVJ. <TNX DX News Sheet> 9M6 - Pekka, OH2YY/BY will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (28-29 March) as 9M6PO from Keningau, East Malaysia. QSL via OH2YY (Pekka Ahlqvist, Vapaalanpolku 8 B, 01650 Vantaa, Finland). <TNX The Daily DX> 9N - Henning (ex OZ2CU and A22CU) is active as 9N1CU from Katmandu, Nepal for two-three years. For the time being he operates on 15, 20 and 80 metres, but expects to be on 40 metres from 1 July. QSL to P.O. Box 4010, Katmandu, Nepal. <TNX DX News Sheet> 9U - Alfredo, EA1FH has left Burundi, from where he logged almost 37,000 QSOs as 9U/EA1FH and 9U5CW. He is now in Nairobi, Kenya and is working on getting a license. QSL via EA1FFC. <TNX The Daily DX> /EX S DX@WW $425WW357B 425 DX News #357 [2/6] 7 March 1998 No 357 BID: $425WW357B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== EA - EA5GRC, EA5GJT, EA5AQA, EA5CE, S01M and EA5XX will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as ED5WPX (Multi Single). QSL via bureau to EA5ELX. <TNX EA5XX> ES - Special event stations ES80R (QSL via ES7RE), ES80Q (QSL via ES5MC or ES5RY), ES80J (QSL via ES1AX), ES80L (QSL via ES6PL) and ES80M (QSL via ES1QD) are active to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Estonia Republic. <TNX DX News Sheet> F - Jim, G3RTE and Phil, G3SWH will be active from Ile de Sein (EU-068) between 27 and 30 March. They will be active on all bands 80 to 10 metres respectively as F/G3RTE/P (SSB) and F/G3SWH/P (CW). QSL for both calls via G3SWH either direct (Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury, Bristol, BS49 5HQ, UK) or through the bureau. <TNX G3SWH> F - The French CQ Gang will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (28-29 March) as TM4CQ. All the contacts will be confirmed automatically through the bureau (SWLs can request their bureau card at F11556@aol.com). <TNX F-11556> FS - Bob, K1YJK, will be active (10-160 metres, mostly CW) as FJ/K1YJK from St. Martin (NA-146) between 14 and 28 March. QSL via K1YJK. <TNX DX News Sheet> FT5 - Rene, FR5HR will be heading again to the Frech sub-antarctic zone (Crozet, Kerguelen, Amstersm & St. Paul) on 23 March. He will be away until 6 May, but he does not know yet which island he will visit. QSL via FR5HR (Rene Allegre, 56 Leconte de Lisle, Bois de Nefles, 97411 Saint-Paul, France). <TNX The Daily DX> FT5Z - Mehdi, F5PFP will be joined by Eric, F5SIH during the one month December DXpedition to Amsterdam Island [425DXN 355]. They have been issued the callsign FT5ZH and will operate on 10-160 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. Donations are welcome and can be sent to the Lyon DX Group Treasurer, F5PXT (Eric Blanchard, 2 rue Bichat, Bat 32, 69002 Lyon, France). The DXpedition web site is at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ft5z.html <TNX F5NOD> HB0 - HB9LEY will be HB0/ on 14 and 15 March. He plans to operate on 40-10 metres, WARC bands included, on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via JH1BSE. <TNX JA1QGT> HK - Pedro, HK3JJH reports he plans to be /1 from Rosario Is (SA-040) for two or three days starting on 16 March. Look for him on the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL direct to HK3JJH. <TNX HK3JJH> HR - After leaving Panama in late March [425DXN 354] Gerard, F2JD will be active as HR5/F2JD from Honduras for one month. QSL via F6AJA. <TNX F6AJA> HV - Francesco, IK0FVC (15 metres) and Luciano, I0JBL (40 metres) will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest from HV4NAC . QSL via IK0FVC. <TNX I0JBL and IK0FVC> I - Bruno, IK2PZG will be active as II3OTA from Motta Bombae (EU-131, IIA VE-057) and other two islands (IIA new) in the Venice Lagoon on 7 and 8 March. QSL via IK2PZG. <TNX IK2PZG> I - Gianni, IT9PKO will be active as II9ZZ during the ARRL DX SSB contest. QSL via IT9PKO. <TNX IT9PKO> I - Alfredo, IK7JWX and other operators from the Salento DX Team will be IL7/ (on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres, SSB and CW) from Pedagna Grande (EU-091, IIA BR-001) on 7 and 8 March. QSL via home calls. <TNX IK7JWX> J8 - EA2ADJ, EA2BP and EA2CLU will be active (on all bands CW, SSB and RTTY) as J8/EA2BP from St. Vincent (NA-109) between 21 March and 1 April. They will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as J80R. <TNX EA2CLU> JA - Takio, JH3QFL will be /6 from Daito Is (AS-047) on 21 and 22 March. Look for him on the usual IOTA frequencies (he will have a beam for 10, 15 and 20 metres and a dipole for the low bands). QSL via home call JH3QFL either direct (Takio Hata, 828-1207 Kawahara, Cyuzu, 520-2423 Japan) or through the bureau. <TNX JA1ELY and JI6KVR> JA - Yuki, JI6KVR will be active as JI6KVR/6 from Amakusa Archipelago (AS-012) on 21 and 22 March. QSL via EA5KB (JA stations only: QSL via JJ6LXX). <TNX JI6KVR> JD_oga - JF1LGD/JD1 is active (15, 18 and 24 metres, mainly SSB) from Ogasawara (AS-031) until the end of March, when he will move to Iwo Jima (AS-030). QSL via home call. <TNX JH3XDO> JT - The Hungarian Pannon DX Club's activity from Mongolia [425DXN 353] is now scheduled to take place between 17 May and 2 June. The operators (HA7SK, HA7VK, HA6NL, HA4GDO and HA0HW) plan to use individual callsigns (to be announced) and to participate in the CQ WPX CW Contest as JU0HA. Further information is available at http://www.dunanet.hu/pannondxc/ <TNX HA0HW> /EX S DX@WW $425WW357C 425 DX News #357 [3/6] 7 March 1998 No 357 BID: $425WW357C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== KG4 - A team from the Florida Contest Club (FCC) will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (7-8 March) as KG4GC (QSL via W4WX either direct to Bill Gallier, 4094 Sandy Run Drive E., Middleburg, FL 32068, USA or through the bureau) from Guantanamo (NA-015). Team members Doug KG4OX (W4OX), Bill KG4WW (KX4WW), Bill KG4GC (W4WX) and their host Rusty KG4AU (WV4N) will arrive on 4 March and remain for one week. They will be active on all bands and modes before and after contest (QSL via their respective home calls). Any comments or questions can be sent to w4wx@bellsouth.net <TNX W4WX> KH1 - In the early hours UTC on 27 February the SS Midway left Kingman Reef, where Chuck, N4BQW/KH5K logged more than 1,000 QSOs (the majority on 20 metres SSB) in about 24 hours. The US Fish and Wildlife Service dropped one team off on Baker Island and then proceeded to Howland. Operations started just before 8 UTC on 5 March (please note that KH1 is 11 hours behind UTC) on 20 metres SSB. The following will be tentative TX frequencies (CW/SSB/RTTY) subject to modification if other stations already occupy the area: 1823/-/-, 3503/3795/-, 7003 & 7023 /7080/7035 & 7085, 10101/-/-, 14023/14195 & 14245/14085, 18073/18125/-, 21023/21295/21085, 24893/24945/-, 28003/28495/- kHz. The calls to be used are K4AU/WH1 on SSB (QSL via K4AU) and WA4FFW/NH1 on CW (QSL via WA4FFW), RTTY call will be announced. The team must leave on either 9 or 10 March to make it to Johnston (KH3) to catch a plane. <TNX KH7U> KH2 - Michael, DF8AN will be active as KH2/DF8AN from Guam (OC-026) between 11 and 14 March. QSL via DF8AN either direct (Michael Noertemann, Neustadt 18, D-37154 Northeim, Germany) or through the bureau. <TNX DXNL> KH6 - Tamaki, JG1OUT will be active as KH6/JG1OUT from Hawaii (OC-019) between 7 and 10 March. Look for him on 10-40 metres SSB/CW. QSL via JG1OUT. <TNX JA1ELY> KH6 - Mike, HA/WOYR will be active from Maui Island, Hawaii (OC-019) between 10 and 17 March. He will operate mainly on RTTY. QSL via AA9DX. <TNX DX News Sheet> KH9 - The Dateline DX Association's DXpedition to Wake Island (OC-053) [425DXN 356] started aroun 10 UTC on 27 February. The team is expected to be active as N2OO/KH9 (SSB), N6MZ/KH9 (CW) and N2WB/KH9 (RTTY) until 11 March. QSL via WA4YBV (Robert Pond, 9 River Cove, Portsmouth, VA 23703, USA). Pictures and the first logs just received are available at http://www.goldtel.net/ddxa/wake98.html <TNX The Daily DX and N1DG> LU - Claudio, LU7DW will be active from Martin Garcia (SA-055) between 5 and 9 March. He will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (10 metres) as LW8EXF. <TNX LU7DW> OE - Members of the Austrian OE2DX-GROUP (OE2S) will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (7-8 March) as OE9S. QSL via bureau to OE2GEN. <TNX OPDX Bulletin> OH0 - OH1NX, OH2BH, OH2TA and possibly others will participate in the ARRL SSB DX Contest as OH0W from Aland Is (EU-002). QSL via OH2IW (Pasi Luoma-aho, Vallikuja 10 A 8, 02600 Espoo, Finland). <TNX The Daily DX> OH0 - OH1EH, OH2TA, OH2XX and OH6EI will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as OH0W from Aland Is (EU-002). QSL via OH2IW (Pasi Luoma-aho, Vallikuja 10 A 8, 02600 Espoo, Finland). <TNX The Daily DX> OH0 - DK6QW, DL3QQ, DF8QJ, DG1YHV and DL6YFB will be active as OH0/home call/P from Aland Islands (EU-002) between 23 and 31 March. They will operate with two stations on 10-160 metres. QSL via home calls through the DARC bureau. <TNX DL6YFB> PY - PP5LL will be active (10-80 metres, SSB and CW) as ZY5YZ from Ratones Island (SA-026, DIB 64) between 26 and 30 March. QSL via PP5LL (Jaime Lira, Cx. Postal 08, Florianopolis, SC 88010-970, Brasil). <TNX PP5SZ and PS7AB> T8 - Michael, DF8AN plans to be active from Koror (OC-009) between 22 and 28 March. Callsign unknown at the moment. QSL via DF8AN either direct (Michael Noertemann, Neustadt 18, D-37154 Northeim, Germany) or through the bureau. <TNX DXNL> V2 - Gavin, GM0GAV will be active (mostly CW on the low and WARV bands) from Antigua (NA-100) possibly as V27X between 11 and 20 March. QSL via GM0GAV. <TNX DX News Sheet> V2 - Jim, K5TT (ex WV5S) and Dave, W5AO (ex N5CG) will be active from Antigua (NA-100) between 26 May and 2 June. They will operate on 10-160 metres, WARC bands included, and will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. Probable calls are V26TT (QSL via K5TT/WV5S) and V26GG (QSL to P.O. Box 88, Morris, OK 74445-0088, USA) respectively. <TNX N5OGP> /EX S DX@WW $425WW357D 425 DX News #357 [4/6] 7 March 1998 No 357 BID: $425WW357D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== V6 - Michael, DF8AN plans to be active from Micronesia between 14 and 22 March. Callsign and QTH unknown at the moment. QSL via DF8AN either direct (Michael Noertemann, Neustadt 18, D-37154 Northeim, Germany) or through the bureau. <TNX DXNL> VK - The Northern Corridor Radio Group will be activating the special callsign VI6EWT to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the opening of the East-West Telegraph (the line carried all communications between Adelaide and Perth). The club's activity will start from the tiny township of Eucla, where one of the Telegraph Repeater stations was placed, from 01.00 UTC on 21 March to 00.59 on 22 March during the Australian Field Day Contest. The callsign will be then used by various VK6 operators for about two weeks, including a Multi Single entry in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (28-29 March). QSL via the bureau or direct to VK6ANC (Northern Corridor Radio Group Inc., P.O. Box 244, North Beach, WA 6920, Australia). <TNX VK6APK> VP2V - Bob Denniston, W0DX/VP2VI and others will be active as VP2VI/50 from the British Virgin Islands (NA-023) between 00.00 UTC on 14 March and 24.00 UTC on 15 March. Bob will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of his first-ever DXpedition (as VP7NG from Bahamas), which is now thought to be the first modern DXpedition. QSL via AB1U. <TNX The Daily DX> VP5 - Don, KN4UG will be active from Providenciales, Caicos Is (NA-002) between 16 and 24 March. QSL to Don Namm, 103 Birkhaven Dr., Cary, NC 27511, USA. <TNX The Daily DX> XT - Dan, N9XAG will go QRT as XT2DP in April. He will be in the USA for one year and will return to Burkina Faso in June 1999 with better antennas. QSL via WB2YQH. <TNX DX News Sheet> YS - Hrane, YT1AD and Dragan, Z32AU are currently YS9/ and will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest respectively as HU1X (QSL via YT1AD) and HU4X (QSL via Z32AU). Hrane will operate from Raymundo's (YS1RRD) city QTH, while Dragan will be active from Raymundo's QTH on Cangrejera Beach. <TNX YS1RRD> Z3 - Mike, NO6X and Mike, NN6C will be in Macedonia between 20 March and 1 April. They expect to be active as Z38/NO6X and Z38/NN6C (QSL via home calls) and to participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as Z38C (QSL via NO6X). <TNX NO6X> ZF - Joe, W6MR is currently signing ZF2MR from Cayman Is (NA-016) until 10 March. He will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (15 metres). QSL via W6MR. <TNX The Daily DX> ZF - Ken, G4RWD will be active as either ZF1RD or ZF/G4RWD form Cayman Is (NA-016) between 13 and 20 March. He will participate in the Commonwealth Contest. QSL via G4RWD. <TNX DX News Sheet> ZK2 - Albert, HB9BCK will be active as ZK2CK from Niue (OC-040) between 2 and 16 April. Activity will be on 10-80 metres, WARC bands included, on CW, SSB and possibly RTTY. QSL via HB9BCK. <TNX OPDX Bulletin> ZP - Tom, ZP5AZL will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest as ZP0Z (Single Operator, 20 metres). <TNX OPDX Bulletin> ZS - John Rouse's, W3JLR (ex KA3DBN) African tour (ZS, A22, 7P8, 3DA0, Z2 and C9) [425DXN 351] has been postponed to 1 to 21 May. He will try to be as active as possible from as many locations as possible on CW, RTTY and SSB. QSL via bureau to W3JLR. <TNX The Daily DX> ZS - The IOTA activity from Bird Island (NO-REF) [425DXN 354] is confirmed to take place between 9 and 13 March. ZS1FJ, ZS1B, ZS2U, ZS2LL and ZS6ALJ will be signing ZS26BI on all bands CW and SSB. They expect to be operational at or before 14.00 UTC on the 9th starting on either 21.295 or 14.195 MHz. QSL via ZS1FJ. <TNX G3ZAY and ZS1FJ> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* 9M0C ---> The 9M0C operation closed down on 24 February after making well over 65,000 QSOs with over 180 DXCC countries. The team was able to run four high-power (400 watt) stations round the clock and two further low-power (100 watt) operating positions enabled them to be on two additional bands at key times. Some further analysis on the logs is needed, but a preliminary band breakdown is as follows (CW/SSB/RTTY): 1150/0/0 (160 metres), 2854/1395/0 (80 metres), 6599/4267/0 (40 metres), 5710/0/0 (30 metres), 4675/7396/1390 (20 metres), 3540/2998/77 (17 metres), 4784/7089/543 (15 metres), 3020/2576/0 (12 metres), 2048/2634/70 (10 metres), 262/127/0 (6 metres). The total is 65,204 QSOs (34,642 CW, 28,482 SSB and 2,080 RTTY), which places 9M0C in fourth position after VK0IR, 4J1FS and ZA1A. QSL via G3SWH either direct (Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Conresbury, Bristol, BS19 5HQ, England, UK) or through the bureau (e-mail requests accepted at phil@g3swh.demon.co.uk). The 9M0C web page is at http://members.aol.com/spratly98 <TNX G3XTT> C91LCK ---> Franco, I4LCK logged 10895 QSOs (5145 on CW and 5750 on SSB) during his 13-day recent staying in Mozambique. He was not able to operate from Chiloane Island (AF-???) [425DXN 354], but he was active twice (on 8 and 13-14 February) as C91LCK/p from Inhaca (AF-066) reaching a total of 1909 QSOs. QSL via I4LCK. <TNX I4LCK> /EX S DX@WW $425WW357E 425 DX News #357 [5/6] 7 March 1998 No 357 BID: $425WW357E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL C91A ---> As of 1 January 1998 the *new* QSL manager for Silvano, C91A is I4LCK (Franco Armenghi, Via Jussi 9, 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena - BO, Italy). QSL CQ5P ---> Paulo Pinto, CT1ETE reports he can confirm contacts made with CQ5P in 1994 (CQ WPX) *only*. QSL S92FC, S97A & S91FC ---> Francisco, CT1EAT reports that direct cards for his October-November 1997 activities as S92FC (Sao Tome), S97A (Sao Tome, CQ WW SSB) and S91FC (Principe) have all been sent out. Further requests will be processed on a weekly basis. QSL via CT1EAT either direct (Francisco Costa P.O.Box 172, 7800 Beja, Portugal or Rua dos Acores, 6-2 Esq, 7800 Beja, Portugal) or through the bureau. <TNX CT1EAT> QSL VIA IK2QPR ---> Paolo, IK2QPR has received the logs for EK8WB [425DXN 348] and has started sending out the cards. He is also the new QSL manager for UK8OM, UM8OM (November-December 1997), UI8OAA and RI1OA. <TNX IK2QPR> QSL VIA IK7JTF ---> IK7JTF has receiived the cards for A61AP from the printer and has started sending out the QSLs. He is also the new QSL manager for BV5BG and already has Taya's logs back to 1991. <TNX IK1RGL> QSL VIA W3HNK ---> QSL manager Joe Arcure, W3HNK, underwent major surgery (he was operated on 26 February). Our best wishes to Joe (P.O. Box 73, Edgemont, PA 19028, USA) for a full recovery and of course, since his health and welfare come first, we will be patient on QSL cards. <TNX AI5P> QSL VIA SM6CNS ---> Tom, SM6CNS (http://home6.swipnet.se/~w-68234/) reports that cards for DU7CC, SM0CNS/4E7 and SM0CNS/DU7 may be sent to: Thomas Bevenheim, Gardesgatan 2, SE-441 32 Alingsas, Sweden. SRI LANKA PREFIXES ---> Denver Wijesuriya, 4S7DA (Sri Lanka in-bureau QSL Manager) reports the following: "I have recently come across cards for contacts with calls signs beginning with 4P,4R and 4Q. These are callsings used by Government agencies other than Amateur Radio. The ONLY ham prefixes issued are been 4S5 (VHF 0nly), 4S6 (Novice limited HF), 4S7 (general calls) and the special prefix 4S0, which was issued some time ago." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSL received via direct: 3B8/F6HMJ, 3W5KVR (AS-130), 3W5MNB (AS-130), 3XA8DX, 5A28, 5B4/T97M, 5N0YL, 7X0AD, 8Q7AJ, 9J2BO, 9M2OM/p (AS-097), 9M2TO, 9M6HIL, 9M6OO, 9U5CW, 9V1AG, 9X/RW3AH, 9X0A, 9Y4/PA3ERC, 9Y4/PA3EWP, A41LZ, A61AJ, AH7L, AL7R, BD7JA/7 (AS-129), BD7JA/7 (AS-131), BD7YA, BY4SZ, C31LD, CE1LDS/p (SA-085), CE0ZAM, CV5A (SA-030), CX/LU7DW (SA-057), D2BB, DU4DX, KB2FB/DU7, EK6CC, EL2CE, EL2JR, EL/K3KN, F6OYU/p, FK8GM, FK8VHN, FR5DX, FR5ZQ/T, HK3JJH/0A (NA-133), HK3JJH/0B (NA-132), DL7DF/HR3, IC8/DJ6SI (EU-031), IC8/IK8UHA (IIA NA-044), J69EE, J6/PA3ERC, J6/PA3EWP, JW5NM, JY9QJ, K4M, K7K, LA/DK4UN/p (EU-079), LW8EXF (SA-055), P49I, PJ5AA, RI0TA, S79AF, T88DX, TZ6SI, VK0TS, VQ9ZZ, VU2MPS, WH0AAV, XF3/EA3AOK (NA-090), XF3/EA3BT (NA-045), ZA/IK7JWX, ZX1A (SA-029). ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> Please send a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it Write in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> Where <address> is the subscriber's e-mail address Example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? Please go to: http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW357F 425 DX News #357 [6/6] 7 March 1998 No 357 BID: $425WW357F ====================== 425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR ====================== edited by I1JQJ PERIOD CALL REF till 12/03 3A/DJ7RJ: Monaco * by DJ7RJ 353 till 31/03 4G50N: Naga City * special event callsign 347 till 29/03 5H3/G0IXC & 5H1/G0IXC (AF-032)* by G0IXC 357 till 23/03 5W0SZ & 5W0VV: Western Samoa * by OK1TN, OK1KT & OK1VD 355 till 31/03 8J0WPG: special event station 355 till 11/03 8Q7BE & 8Q7BV: Maldives (AS-013) * by DL8NBE & HB9DIF 353 till 10/03 9M6BG: West Malaysia * by VR98BG/VS6BG 356 till May 9N1FP * by RU6FP 350 till 08/03 9N1UD: Nepal * by K4VUD 351 till early Mar 9X0A * by RW3AH 349 till 12/03 CT3BX: Madeira (AF-014) * by DJ6QT 356 till 11/03 DU1/DF8AN: Philippines * by DF8AN 356 till late Mar EM1HO: Galindez Isl (AN-006), Antarctica 355 till 09/03 FS5PL: St. Martin (NA-105) * by EA3NY 355 till 18/03 FT5WG: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5BU 352 till 01/06 FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY 352 till 31/03 HG5P: Hungary * special event call 356 till 10/03 HR6/W4OVU & HR6/WD4JNS: Roatan Isl (NA-057) 355 till 10/03 J3: Grenada * by W8KKF & N9NS 353 till 08/03 J73KKZ: Dominica (NA-101) * by W2KKZ 353 till Mar JX3EX * by LA3EX 335 till 31/10 JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA 352 till 26/03 K2ZR: Key West (NA-062) 355 till 11/03 KG4OX,KG4WW,KG4GC & KG4AU: Guantanamo (NA-015)*by FCC 357 till 10/03 K4AU/WH1 & WA4FFW/NH1: Howland * by MKDXF & SSIDXG 357 till Mar KH2D & KH2/KF2XN: Guam * by KF2XN 346 till 11/03 N2OO/KH9, N6MZ/KH9 & N2WB/KH9: Wake (OC-053) 357 till 08/03 LU1ZC: South Shetlands (WABA LU-04) * LU6UO & LU4AXV 353 till ?? LU/UX1KA: Antarctica 355 till mid Mar P40K, P4/I2UIY, P40V & P49V * by I2UIY, AI6V & W6OAT 351 till 30/04 P40MR * by VE3MR 343 till 08/03 ND5S/PJ8, KF5LG/PJ8, W8EB/PJ8 & W8DVC/PJ8 354 till March S21YE * by G4VLV 351 till 08/03 T48RAC: Cuba (NA-015) * by VEs & COs 355 till Jul-Aug TJ1FT: Cameroon 352 till 08/03 VI3GP: special event station * by EMDRC 355 till 10/03 VP5: Middle Caicos (NA-002) * by AA4NC 353 till May VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by WB9IHH 355 till May VQ9PH: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W2JDK 355 till June XV7SV: Vietnam * by SM0ORV 355 till ?? YS9/YT1AD & YS9/Z32AU: El Salvador 357 till 10/03 ZF2MR: Cayman Is (NA-016) * by W6MR 357 till 08/03 ZL7DK: Chatham (OC-038) * by DLs 353 01/03-14/03 AA6EW/C6A: Great Abaco (NA-080) * by AA6EW 353 05/03-14/03 A35KT & A35TN: Tonga (OC-049) * by OK1TN,OK1KT & OK1VD 355 05/03-09/03 LU7DW & LW8EXF: Martin Garcia (SA-055) 357 07/03-08/03 EA5RKX: Peneta del Moro (EU-151) 351 07/03-08/03 HU1X & HU4X: El Salvador * by YT1AD & Z32AU 357 07/03-08/03 HV4NAC * by I0JBL & IK0FVC 357 07/03-08/03 II3OTA: Venice Lagoon IIA islands * by IK2PZG 357 07/03-08/03 II9ZZ * by IT9PKO 357 07/03-08/03 IL7/IK7JWX et al: Pedagna Grande (EU-091) * by SDXT 357 07/03-10/03 KH6/JG1OUT: Hawaii (OC-019) 357 07/03-08/03 OE9S * by Austrian OE2DX-GROUP 357 07/03-08/03 OH0W from Aland Is (EU-002) * by OH1NX,OH2BH,OH2TA 357 07/03-08/03 PJ9G: Bonaire (SA-006) * by K2TW & K2NG 355 07/03-08/03 V26B: Antigua (NA-100) * by Team Antigua 353 07/03-08/03 VP9IB: Bermuda (NA-005) * by AJ2U & N2KJM 355 07/03-08/03 WP2Z: Virgin Is (NA-106) * by KE2VB 351 07/03-08/03 ZF2AH: Cayman Islands (NA-016) * by W6VNR 353 07/03-08/03 ZP0Z * by ZP5AZL 357 07/03-08/03 ARRL DX SSB Contest *** 08/03-11/03 3D2ME: Fiji * by 7N1RTO 357 09/03-13/03 ZS26BI: Bird Isl (NO-REF) * by ZS1FJ's team 357 10/03-17/03 9H3ZV: Malta (EU-023) * by G4ZVJ 357 10/03-10/04 KH3: Johnston Atoll (OC-023) * by KK5ZX 355 10/03-17/03 KH6: Hawaii (OC-019) * by HA/WOYR 357 10/03-10/05 SO5OE/1: Wolin Island (EU-132) * by DLs 353 11/03-14/03 KH2/DF8AN: Guam (OC-026) 357 11/03-20/03 V27X: Antigua (NA-100) * by GM0GAV 357 13/03-16/03 8P9IF: Barbados (NA-021) * by G3PJT 355 13/03-20/03 ZC6MPT: Palestine * by JA1UT & IARV 355 13/03-20/03 ZF1RD or ZF/G4RWD: Cayman Is (NA-016) * by G4RWD 357 14/03-28/03 FJ/K1YJK: St. Martin (NA-146) * by K1YJK 357 14/03-18/03 GU4YWY/M: Guersney (EU-114) * by G4YWY 355 14/03-15/03 HB0/HB9LEY: Liechtenstein 357 14/03-22/03 V6: Micronesia * by DF8AN 357 14/03-15/03 VP2VI-50: British Virgin Is (NA-023) * by W0DX 357 16/03-19/03 HK3JJH/1: Rosario Is (SA-040) 357 16/03-16/04 KI6T (K6T): Santa Catalina Isl (NA-066) * by KI6T 353 18/03-29/03 NH4/NH6YK: Midway (OC-030) * by NH6YK 353 16/03-24/03 VP5: Caicos Is (NA-002) * by KN4UG 357 20/03-01/04 Z38/NO6X, Z38/NN6C & Z38C: Macedonia * by NO6X & NN6C 357 21/03-01/04 J8/EA2BP & J80R: St. Vincent (NA-109) * by EA2s 357 21/03-22/03 JH3QFL/6: Daito Is (AS-047) 357 21/03-22/03 JI6KVR/6: Amakusa Archipelago (AS-012) 357 21/03-05/04 VI6EWT: special event call * by NCRG 357 21/03-22/03 Russian DX Contest *** 07/04-14/04 JT1Y * by I0SNY,I1JQJ,IV3FSG,IV3ZAC,I8NHJ,I0TIC,IK0AEH 357 01/05-03/05 Canary Is. >>> VIII I.O.T.A. Convention <<< 357 /EX