DX425 bulletin issue nr. 355

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425 DX News #355 [1/6]
 14 February 1998                   No 355                   BID: $425WW355A
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                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3C0    - The multi-national DXpedition to  Annobon (Pagalu) Island  scheduled
         for the first week of March [425DXN 353] has been postponed. "On  20
         January an attempted armed coup against the government of Equatorial
         Guinea was  put  down", The  Daily  DX reports.  "However  this  has
         unfortunately prevented the scheduled 5 March trip to the island  of
         Annobon.  As soon as things calm down the group will reschedule this
         much needed DXpedition. All of the equipment and operators are ready
         to go as soon as things cool off".
3D2    - The fifth  and last  stop of  the OK  DX Foundation's  Pacific  trip
         [425DXN 349]  will now  take place  from  Viti Levu  (OC-016),  Fiji
         Islands between 24  March and 1  April. Operators  OK1TN, OK1KT  and
         OK1VD will be active as 3D2KT and 3D2TN on 6-160 metres. A side trip
         to either  Rotuma  or  some  other  Fijian  IOTA  group  depends  on
         transportation. QSL via OKDX Foundation, P.O. Box 73 Bradlec, 293 06
         Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic. <TNX The Daily DX>
3X     - Steve, G0AEV will *not* operate during his staying in Guinea [425DXN
         353] as it  will take  over a  month to  get his  licence. He  might
         return to Guinea later this year. <TNX The Daily DX>
4S7    - Mario, HB9BRM will be active as 4S7BRG from Sri Lanka (AS-003)  from
         3 March for about three months.  QSL via HB9BRM.
5W     - The fourth stop of the OK DX Foundation's Pacific trip [425DXN  349]
         is confirmed to take  place from Western  Samoa (OC-097) between  14
         and 23 March.  Operators OK1TN,  OK1KT and OK1VD  will be active  as
         5W0SZ & 5W0VV  on 6-160 metres.  One or two  operators might take  a
         side trip to American  Samoa during their  staying on Western  Samoa
         (if they do, they will be active as KH8/KF4MIW and KH8/WP2AIH).  QSL
         via OKDX Foundation,  P.O. Box 73  Bradlec, 293  06 Mlada  Boleslav,
         Czech Republic. <TNX The Daily DX>
8P     - LA7AT will be active (mostly on 20  and 40 metres, CW and SSB)  from
         Barbados (NA-021)  between  23 February  and  2 March  (call  to  be
         announced). QSL via home call. <TNX Dx News Sheet>
8P     - Bob, G3PJT will be active as 8P9IF from Barbados (NA-021) between 13
         and 16  March.  He will  participate  in the  RSGB  Commonwealth  CW
         Contest (14-15 March). QSL via G3PJT. <TNX The Daily DX>
8Q     - Lorenzo, IK5MDF  will  be active  as  8Q7DF  from  Alimatha  Island,
         Maldives (AS-013) between 2 and 8 May. Look for him on 3.780, 7.080,
         14.180, 21.280 and  28.480 MHz. QSL  via IK5MDF (Lorenzo  Tabaracci,
         P.O. Box 142, 54033 Carrara - MS, Italy). <TNX IK5MDF>
9J     - Aki, JA0JHA will be active (mstly on SSB) as 9J2AM from Zambia until
         31 December. QSL via JA0JHA. <TNX DX News Sheet>
9M_spr - 9M0C will remain fully operational from  Spratly until around  06.00
         UTC on 23 February. They will  not operate in  the ARRL CW  Contest,
         but concentrate on  SSB and on  2, 17 and  30 metres. The  operators
         will leave the island at 2 UTC on 24 February. <TNX The Daily DX>
9Q     - Pat, 5N0T and Nicole, 5N0YL should be in the Democratic Republic  of
         Congo [425DXN 349] on 21 March. They expect to get thir 9Q  licences
         within late April. <THN The Daily DX>
A3     - The third stop of the OK  DX Foundation's Pacific trip [425DXN  349]
         will now take place from Tongatapu (OC-049) between 5 and 14  March.
         Operators OK1TN, OK1KT and OK1VD will  be active as A35KT and  A35TN
         on 6-160 metres. QSL via OKDX  Foundation, P.O. Box 73 Bradlec,  293
         06 Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic. <TNX The Daily DX>
A7     - Dave, KC9IM is currently active  as J52IM, but  he expects to  leave
         Guinea Bissau soon and to take  up a new assignment in Doha,  Qatar.
         QSL via KB9XN. >TNX DX News Sheet>
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C6     - Joe, W8GEX (ex WB8GEX) and  John, WZ8D will  be active from  Bahamas
         respectively as C6AJR  and C6AIE between  25 February  and 4  March.
         They will  participate in  the CW  WW DX  160 Meter  SSB Contest  as
         C6AIE. QSL  C6AJR  via  W8GEX  (Joe  Pater,  1894  Old  Oxford  Rd.,
         Hamilton, Ohio 45013, USA).  QSL C6AIE via  WZ8D (John Walker,  1930
         Meredith Dr., Loveland, Ohio 45140-7216, USA). <TNX WZ8D>
CO     - The VE/CO  joint  operation from  Santiago  de Cuba  (27  February-8
         March) [425DXN 353] will be take place with the call T48RAC. QSL via
         VE3ESE.  <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
DL     - Tom, DL8AAM has been forced to cancell his trip to Hamburger  Hallig
         (GIA N-036) [425DXN 351]. <TNX DL8AAM>
EA     - Antonio, EA1BEY  will be  active as  ED1BEY from  Tapia Island  (DIE
         N-069, FEA D-1658) on 21 and  22 February. QSL  via home call.  <TNX
EA6    - If you need Balearic Is (EU-004) on  12 and 17 metres, you may  want
         to look  for Vincent,  EA6AEI on  24.970 and  18.150 MHz  every  day
         around 16-17 UTC. <TNX EA6AEI>
EM_ant - EM1HO will be active from Galindez Island (AN-006), Antarctica until
         late March. He is active on  160 metres daily  (look for him  around
         1.829 MHz) and will participate in the  ARRL DX CW, ARRL DX SSB  and
         CQ WW WPX SSB Contests. He has already logged about 40,000 QSOs (CW,
         SSB and RTTY). QSL via I2PJA. <TNX I2PJA>
FK     - Eric (FK8GM), Franck (FK8HC) and Alain  (FK8FI) will participate  in
         the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (28-29 March) as TXK8DX (TX is the special
         prefix for French overseas territories and K for New Caledonia). QSL
         via WB2RAJ. <TNX F6AJA>
FS     - Eddie, EA3NY will be active from St. Martin (NA-105) between 4 and 9
         March. He will participate in the  ARRL DX SSB Contest as FS5PL.  He
         plans to be QRV for Europe on 40 and 80 metres SSB during his nights
         and some RTTY is also possible. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
FT5Z   - Mehdi, F5PFP has been  granted permission to  land and operate  from
         Amsterdam (AF-002) in December. Mehdi expects to spend one month  on
         the island: "this operation will be  a DXpedition", he states,  "and
         I'll have  nothing else  to do  except radio".  More information  is
         expected in the next few weeks  (in the meantime, you can visit  the
         web site at http://perso.easynet.fr/~f5nod/ft5z.html). <TNX F5PFP>
GU     - Bill, G4YWY, is now  expected to be  active from 14  to 18 March  as
         GU4YWY/M [425DXN 353]  from Guernsey  (EU-114). QSL  via home  call.
         <TNX DX News Sheet>
HB9    - Fabio, HB9FAP will  participate in the  ARRL DX CW  Contest as  HB5H
         (Single Operator, 40 metres). <TNX HB9FAP>
HK0    - Silvano,  KB5GL  will  be  active  (SSB  only)  as  KB5GL/HK0   from
         Providencia Island (NA-049)  between 26 February  and 2 March.  Look
         for him on  3.792, 3.797,  14.260, 14.180,  18.125, 21.260,  21.280,
         21.310, 24.940, 28.460 MHz. QSL via AC7DX (Ron Lago, P.O. Box 25426,
         Eugene, Oregon 97402, USA). <TNX KB5GL>
HL     - Club station HL0K will be active (on  40 and 20 metres, CW and  SSB)
         from Tokchok Is (AS-090) between 13 UTC  on 24 February to 3 UTC  on
         27  February.  QSL  via  HL0K  either  direct  (200-1   Hwajun-dong,
         Dukyang-gu, Koyang-city, Kyonggi-do 411-791,  Korea) or through  the
         bureau. <TNX HL0K>
HP     - HP1CKK will be active as 3E9CKK  from Isla Canas (it does not  count
         for IOTA) between 21 and 23 February. <TNX HP2CWB>
HR     - Bruce, W4OVU  and Julio,  WD4JNS will  be  HR6/ from  Roatan  Island
         (NA-057) between 3 and 10 March. They will be active on 80-6  metres
         on CW, RTTY, SSB and RS12. They will participate in the ARRL DX  SSB
         Contest as HR6/W4OVU. QSL via home calls. <TNX WD4JNS>
JA     - The special event station 8J0WPG (Winter  Paralympic Games) will  be
         active from Nagano between 23 February and 31 March. QSL via bureau.
         For        further         information         please         visit
         http://www.clio.or.jp/~obayashi/8j0wpg/ <TNX JA0DWY>
JW     - Carlos, LA9PJA will be active  (mostly on RTTY  and SSTV) as  JW9PJA
         from Longyearbyen, Svalbard (EU-026) between 15  UTC on 25  February
         and 6 UTC on 28 February. QSL via  LA9PJA. <TNX DX News Sheet &  The
         Daily DX>
KH1    - The SSIDXG/MKDXF joint  operation from  KH1 [425DXN  351] will  take
         place from Howland Island (OC-089). It  is confirmed operations  are
         due to start on or about 5 March for six days: "the trip will be  in
         conjunction with the US Fish and Wildlife Service",  N4BQW  reports,
         "and we will be at the mercy  of their work schedule and they  state
         they have six days work there". All-band operations will take  place
         as K4AU/WH1 on  SSB (QSL via  K4AU) and  WA4FFW/NH1 on  CW (QSL  via
         WA4FFW). <TNX WA4JQS>
KH3    - Al, KK5ZX is expected to be active from the club station on Johnston
         Atoll (OC-023) from around 10 March until 10 April. He will  operate
         in his spare time. He plans to install an antenna for 160 metres and
         hopes to be able to participate  in the CQ WW  WPX SSB Contest.  QSL
         via K3SX (ex K3SME). <TNX The Daily DX>
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KH5    - The SSIDXG/MKDXF joint operation from Palmyra (OC-085) [425DXN  351]
         started on 5 February  with Mark, KA4IST  signing KA4IST/KH5. It  is
         confirmed he will be joined first by N4BQW (on 20 February) and then
         (25 February) by N4DAZ, K4AU, NH6UY and WA4FFW. They will be  active
         24 hours a  day until 26  February. On  27 February  they expect  to
         depart for either  Baker/Howland (KH1)  or Kingman  Reef (KH5).  QSL
         KA4IST/KH5 via AC7DX. <TNX WA4JQS>
KH5K   - Kingman Reef was announced to be activated between 27 February and 1
         March [425DXN 353]:  "we have permission  to operate from  Kingman",
         N4BQW reports, "but we are at the mercy of the US Fish and  Wildlife
         Service and negotiations are continuing for  this leg". It may  even
         be that Chuck (N4BQW) and  Mark (KA4IST) put  Kingman on before  the
         others arrive on the 25th, but  on 18 February,  during an RTTY  QSO
         with WA6KBL, KA4IST/KH5 stated they are  probably NOT going to  make
         it to Kingman (and if they do go, it will be for 24 hours  maximum).
         <TNX WA4JQS & WA6KBL>
KH9    - The  Dateline  DX  Association's  DXpedition  to  Wake  Island   (26
         February-11  March)  [425DXN  353]  will  be  active  as   K8XP/KH9,
         N6MZ/KH9, N2OO/KH9  and N2WB/KH9.  QSL via  WA4YBV (Robert  Pond,  9
         River Cove,  Portsmouth,  VA 23703,  USA).  Information  about  this
         operation, as well as about other  DDXA activities in the past,  can
         be  found   at  www.goldtel.net/ddxa   (the  site   is  till   under
         construction). <TNX K8XP>
LU     - Claudio, LU7DW will participate in the  ARRL DX CW Contest from  his
         island QTH on Martin Garcia (SA-055). <TNX AD1C>
LU_ant - Roman, LU/UX1KA is active from the old Argentine base called Refugeo
         Naval Groussac on Peterman Island  (65.11S-64.10W). QSL via  DL5EBE.
         <TNX WD8MGQ>
LU_ssh - Hector, LU6UO and  Ernie, LU4AXV,  who are  currently signing  LU1ZC
         from the  South  Shetlands  (AN-010),  are  now  expected  to  leave
         Deception Island on 8 March [425DXN 353]. In the meanwhile they will
         participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via LU6EF (Raul M.  Diaz,
         GACW, Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina). <TNX LU1DZ>
NP3    - Eddie, EA3NY will  be active from  Puerto Rico  (NA-099) between  28
         February and 3 March. He  plans to be  QRV for Europe  on 40 and  80
         metres SSB during his nights. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
PJ9    - Tom, K2TW and Noah, K2NG will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest
         as PJ9G (Multi Single) from Bonaire (SA-006). <TNX DX News Sheet>
PY0F   - Andre, PY0FF and Bill, W9VA/PY0ZFO should participate in the ARRL CW
         DX Contest from Fernando de Noronha  (SA-003). PY0FF (QSL via  W9VA)
         is likely to operate on 15 metres single band, while PY0ZFO (QSL via
         W9VA) would do 20 metres. <TNX The Daily DX>
T8     - KJ9I, NF9V and NZ9Z will operate  as T88II from Belau between 8  and
         17 December. They will  be active on  160-10 metres, WARC  included,
         but  will  give  topband  special  emphasis.  QSL  via  KJ9I  (David
         Schmocker, N7298 County Trunk Highway F, Oconomowoc, WI  53066-9040,
         U.S.A.).  For   further   information  please   contact   David   at
         DSchmocker@Supernews.com <TNX KJ9I>
TI     - Tom, K6CT will participate in the  ARRL CW DX  Contest as TI5N  from
         TI5KD's QTH. QSL via TI5KD. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
UA     - Memorial radio  station R1ASP  has been  active from  Kotlin  Island
         (EU-133) since  late December  1997. QSL  via  RA1AD. <TNX  DX  News
UA     - Shakhan Contest Club  members will  participate in  this year's  all
         major contests (SSB,  CW and RTTY)  as RM6A. QSL  via RW6AWT  either
         direct (350062,  P.O.Box  600, Krasnodar,  Russia)  or  through  the
         bureau. <TNX RN6BN>
VK     - The Special Event callsign VI3GP has  been allocated to the  Eastern
         and Mountain  District  Radio  Club  for  use  from  5  to  8  March
         inclusive, in conjuntion with the running of the Australian  Formula
         1 Grand Prix in Melbourne.  QSL to VK3ER either direct (EMDRC,  P.O.
         Box 87, Mitcham 3132, Victoria, Australia). <TNX VK3DYL>
VK0_mq - "Tom, VK0TS has been back in  Australia for a couple of months  now,
         but he misses  the cold and  the snow so  he will be  going back  to
         Antarctica sometime in 1998", Simon Trotter, VK1AUS reports. "He  is
         not too sure yet  where he will  be operating from,  but it will  be
         either Macquarie Island or Mawson base,  I am trying  to get him  to
         decide on Macquarie because it is  wanted more by the DX  stations".
         <TNX VK1AUS>
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VP9    - Jeff, AJ2U will participate in the  ARRL DX CW Contest from  Bermuda
         (NA-005)as VP9ID (Single Operator QRP). QSL via K1EFI. <TNX DX  News
VP9    - Jeff, AJ2U  and John,  N2KJM will  participate in  the ARRL  DX  SSB
         Contest as VP9IB from Bermuda (NA-005). Before and after the contest
         they will be active as AJ2U/VP9 (QSL via WB2YQH) and N2KJM/VP9  (QSL
         via N2KJM). <TNX DX News Sheet>
VQ9    - Paul, W2JDK and James, WB9IHH are  active respectively as VQ9PH  (15
         and 20 metres SSB, QSL via  W2JDK) and VQ9JC (15  and 20 metres  CW,
         QSL via  WB9IHH)  from Diego  Garcia  (AF-006) for  the  next  three
         months. <TNX The Daily DX>
VR2    - Pekka, OH2YY/BY will participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter SSB  Contest
         (28 February-1 March)  as VR2/OH2YY from  Hong Kong.  QSL via  OH2YY
         (Pekka Ahlqvist, Vapaalanpolku 8 B, 01650 Vantaa, Finland). <TNX The
         Daily DX>
W      - Dick, K2ZR  will  be active  (on  20-80 metres  CW)  from  Key  West
         (NA-062) between 00.00 UTC and 12.00 UTC from 3 to 26 March. QSL via
         home call. <TNX DX News Sheet>
YV     - Luigino, YV5ENI plans to be active as 4M0I from Aves Island (NA-020)
         for five  days starting  on 15  March and  as 4M5I  from La  Tortuga
         (SA-044) for other five days starting on 20 March. <TNX YV5ENI>
ZC6    - Yoshi, JA1UT and the International Amateur Radio Volunteers will  be
         active from Palestine as ZC6MPT  from 13 March  for about one  week.
         QSL via JA1UT. <TNX The Daily DX>
ZK1_sc - The second stop of the OK DX Foundation's Pacific trip [425DXN  349]
         will now take place from Aitutaki  (OC-083), South Cooks between  24
         February and  3 March.  Operators OK1TN,  OK1KT  and OK1VD  will  be
         active  as  ZK1TNN  and  ZK1KTT  on  6-160  metres.  QSL  via   OKDX
         Foundation, P.O.  Box  73 Bradlec,  293  06  Mlada  Boleslav,  Czech
         Republic. <TNX The Daily DX>
XE     - N6RT, AA6DP and N6PE will be active  from XE2EBE for the ARRL DX  CW
         and SSB contests. QSL via AA6DP. <TNX N6RT>
XV     - Anders, SM0ORV is active as XV7SV from Hanoi, Vietnam. He has rather
         modest antennas and would be happy to QSO anyone who can pick up his
         signals. He has  been assigned a  set of  fixed frequencies:  3.526,
         7.026, 10.135, 14.212  and 21.235 MHz.  QSL via home  call (he  will
         handle all cards when he returns to Sweden in June). <TNX SM5MX>

                   <<< 1998 IOTA CONTEST (25-26 JULY) >>>
The following  amateurs have  announced their  participation in  this  year's
EU-106 - ON5FP as GW0RLU/P from St Tudwal's Islands. QSL via home call.  <TNX
         DX News Sheet>
EU-124 - G3NKC, G3NLY, G5LP, G4BWP,  G0KRL and possibly  others as MW8Z  from
         Anglesey Island. QSL via G5LP. <TNX DX News Sheet>
NA-100 - GM3NIG, GM3UTQ, GM3COB, GM4FDM, GM0UKZ,  GM0NAI and possibly  GM0GAV
         as V26VG from Antigua. QSL via GM4FDM (bureau cards may be requested
         at wylie@scotsboy.sol.co.uk). They  plan to  be active  on the  WARC
         bands before and  after the  contest as  V2/home   calls. <TNX  OPDX

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

INTERNATIONAL DX  CONVENTION  --->  The  1998  International  DX  Convention,
sponsored by the  Southern California DX  Club, will be  held at the  Visalia
Holiday    Inn,    CA,     on    1-3    May.     The    SCDXC    Web     site
(www.primenet.com/~scdxc/dxconv98.html)  includes  hotel  information  and  a
registration  form.  For  further  information  please  contact  the  program
chairman, Harvey Shore, K6EXO (818/716-5681). <TNX WA6WZO>

QSL A61AP ---> IK7JTF reports that the  cards for A61AP are still awaited  to
be received  from the  printer. Please  be patient  and  do not  send  second
requests. <TNX IK1RGL>

QSL K7K & K4M ---> Processing of the cards for K7K (Kure) and K4M (Midway) is
well underway, but it is expected  it will take a few more  weeks to get  all
these cards  out. Those  who have  not  sent their  cards  yet, in  order  to
expedite the  processing,  are  requested  to sent  the  K7K  and  K4M  cards
separately. QSL  via KE7LZ  (Bob Johnson,  5627  West Hearn  Road,  Glendale,
Arizona 85306-4213, USA). <TNX AH0W>
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QSL UX0FF ---> Cards for UX0FF, EM0F, RB5FF/ER1, ER0F, RB5FF/RO6, RO0F,  RY0F
and UR6F (formerly handled by OE5EIN) should now be routed via the QSL bureau
or direct  to  UX0FF (Nikolay  Lavreka,  P.O.Box  3,  Izmail-Centre,  272630,
Ukraine). <TNX UX0FF>

QSL ZK1XXP ---> "For those  of you who  are waiting for  your QSL's from  the
Dateline DX Association's operation from North Cook in September, those cards
have still not been received from the printer in Germany", Tom, K8XP reports.
"We are now  told they should  arrive in the  next 3  to 4  weeks. Please  be
patient. It is not necessary to send second requests". QSL via WA4YBV (Robert
Pond, 9 River Cove, Portsmouth, VA 23703, USA).

RCV ACTIVITIES ---> The following special calls have been and/or will be used
by Radio Club Vologda: UE1QAA, UE1QNT & UE1QKM, UE1QNY, UE1QSK. All  contacts
are confirmed with full color QSL. As  of October 1997 the *new* QSL  manager
is RW1QW (Box 23, Vologda, 160035, Russia). <TNX RA1QA>

XV7SW QRT --->  Rolf Salme,  SM5MX/XV7SW has  returned to  Sweden after  four
years spent in  Hanoi, Vietnam. Cards  for contacts  made with  XV7SW may  be
still requested of either Rolf himself  (Rolf T Salme, Korpstigen 5 B,  S-135
51 Tyreso, Sweden) or his QSL  manager, SM3CXS (direct  or via bureau).  <TNX

QSL received  via direct:  3D2RW/R, 3F6V  (NA-071), 3W5KVR  (AS-130),  3W5MNB
(AS-130), 3Y0PI, 4F2DX (OC-128), 4F3CV (OC-042),  4L1UN, 5A28, 5R8EN,  5R8FK,
5T0AS, 5V7A, 5Z4FM, 6W6JX, 7P8SR, 7Q7EH,  9G5WD, 9J2TF, 9K2ZZ, 9L1PG,  9M2JJ,
9M2OM/p (AS-097), 9M6HIL, 9M6OO, 9M6TPR,  9M6/DF8AN (OC-066), 9N1RHM,  9Q5BB,
9V1YC, A45XR, A45ZN,  A92GE, AA1IZ  (NA-148), AA4V  (NA-110), AP2MY,  BD7JA/7
(AS-129), BD7JA/7  (AS-131),  C53HG, C56/JA1OEM,  C6AHN,  N5XG/C6A  (NA-054),
CE1LDS/p (SA-085),  CE2/N1MFW,  CO2NA, CV5A  (SA-030),  CX9AU,  CY9SS,  D2BB,
HK3JJH/0B (NA-132), DL7DF/HR3,  HV4NAC, IF9/IK8WTM (EU-054;  IIA TP-005  010,
015); IL7/IK7JWX  (IIA  BR-005, 010),  IM0A  (EU-165;  IIA  SS-061),  IS0IGV,
OX/OZ8AE,  PJ8/KG8XV,  R1FJZ,   R1OO  (EU-066),   R2MWO,  RX1OX/FJL,   S21XX,
SV8/IK7WPH/p (EU-052), T88DX, T92A, TF/OZ5IPA, TI2OY, TI8/K9VV, TM7I (EU-065;
DIFM AT-001, 002, 008, 010, 036,  042, 057, 059,  121), TO7I, TT8JFC,  TU2XZ,
TZ6SI,  UI8QU,  V26KW,  V44KAI,  W7DR/VE7  (NA-118),  VE8B  (NA-173),  VK2IOM
VU2BK, XF3/EA3AOK  (NA-090),  XF3/EA3BT  (NA-045),  XR2MDP,  XV8FP  (AS-132),

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S DX@WW $425WW355F
425 DX News #355 [6/6]
 14 February 1998                   No 355                   BID: $425WW355F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/03      4G50N: Naga City * special event callsign              347
till  31/12      4KA  and 4JA: special prefixes from Azerbaijan         352
till  23/02      5W0FN & 5W0LZ (OC-097) * by HB9HFN & HB9DLZ            347
till  22/02      8N0WOG: Nagano * special event station                 345
till  16/02      8P9FX: Barbados (NA-021) * by G3RFX                    352
till  11/03      8Q7BE & 8Q7BV: Maldives (AS-013) * by DL8NBE & HB9DIF  353
till  01/03      9G5VJ: Ghana * by G4ZVJ                                351
till  23/02      9G5XA: Ghana * by G3XAQ                                352
till  31/12      9J2AM: Zambia * by JA0JHA                              355
till  23/02      9M0C: Spratly (AS-051) * by Chiltern DX Club           355
till  May        9N1FP * by RU6FP                                       350
till  early Mar  9X0A * by RW3AH                                        349
till  22/02      C91LCK * by I4LCK                                      354
till  30/09      CT98, CS98, CQ98, CU98: CT special prefixes            347
till  late Mar   EM1HO: Galindez Isl (AN-006), Antarctica               355
till  23/02      FS/K7BV & FS5PL: St. Martin (NA-105) * by K7BV         351
till  18/03      FT5WG: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5BU                       352
till  end Feb    FT5X/FR5HR: Kerguelen (AF-048) * by FR5HR              350
till  01/06      FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            352
till  ??         FT5ZQ/T: Tromelin                                      348
till  22/02      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Isl. (NA-057)                        337
till  03/03      J3 * by K4UPS, K4LTA and others                        351
till  Mar        JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  31/10      JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA                 352
till  24/02      KG4ZK, KG4CH, KG4SD * by W4ZYT, NW3K, W4SD             351
till  Mar        KH2D & KH2/KF2XN: Guam * by KF2XN                      346
till  26/02      KH4IST/KH5: Palmyra (OC-085) * by MKDXF & SSIDXG       355
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkney                                    337
till  08/03      LU1ZC: South Shetlands (WABA LU-04) * LU6UO & LU4AXV   353
till  ??         LU/UX1KA: Antarctica                                   355
till  30/04      P40MR * by VE3MR                                       343
till  24/02      PQ8MM/p & PQ8VA/p: Maraca Island (SA-045) (DIB 39)     351
till  March      S21YE * by G4VLV                                       351
till  20/02      S21YR: Bangladesh * by G3WZ                            353
till  24/02      T30JH: Western Kiribati (OC-017) * by VK2GJH           353
till  Jul-Aug    TJ1FT: Cameroon                                        352
till  28/02      VP5FXB * by The Caribbean Contesting Consortium        351
till  June       XV7SV: Vietnam * by SM0ORV                             355
13/02-26/02      HR6/KA2OIG: Morgan's Cay (NO-REF) * by OA4DBO/KA2OIG   353
15/02-01/03      SM7DQW/HI                                              354
15/02-15/03      HP * by F2JD                                           354
16/02-24/02      ZX0Z, ZZ0W & ZZ0Z: Frances Isl (SA-067) * by PY1s      354
17/02-24/02      8P9AP: Barbados (NA-021) * by K2WE                     353
18/02-08/03      PJ8 * by ND5S, KF5LG, W8DVC, W8EB                      354
15/02-23/02      J6: St. Lucia (NA-106) * by K9IMM                      353
15/02-01/03      MU0/W7MAE: Guersnsey (EU-114) * by W7MAE               353
15/02-01/03      TJ1GB: Cameroon * by W6RJ & W6KR                       351
16/02-21/02      W9RB/KH6: Maui Isl. (OC-019)                           351
16/02-24/02      ZX0Z,ZZ0W & ZZ0Z: SA-067 * by PY1LVF,PY1NEW & PY1NEZ   354
17/02-24/02      8P9AP: Barbados (NA-021) * by K2WE                     353
18/02-08/03      ND5S/PJ8, KF5LG/PJ8, W8EB/PJ8 & W8DVC/PJ8              354
19/02-08/03      9N1UD: Nepal * by K4VUD                                351
20/02-21/02      4U1ITU * by JA5CUX                                     354
20/02-01/03      9G5SW & 9G5ZM: Ghana * by G3VMW and G3ZEM              352
20/02-24/02      FO: Tahiti (OC-046) * by OK1TN, OK1KT & OK1VD          354
20/02-23/02      JI6KVR/6: Tokara Arch. (AS-049)                        341
21/02-23/02      3E9CKK: Isla Canas * by HP1CKK                         355
21/02-22/02      N4BP/C6A, WV5Z/C6A or C6A?? * by N4BP & WV5Z           353
21/02-22/02      ED1BEY: Tapia Isl (DIE N-069) * by EA1BEY              355
21/02-22/02      HB5H * by HB9FAP                                       355
21/02-22/02      LU7DW: Martin Garcia Isl (SA-055)                      355
21/02-22/02      PJ9C, PJ9/W1WEF & PJ9JT: Curacao (SA-006)              353
21/02-22/02      PY0FF & PY0ZFO: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003)           355
21/02-22/02      TI5N * by K6CT                                         355
21/02-22/02      V26B: Antigua (NA-100) * by Team Antigua               353
21/02-22/02      VP2EEI: Anguilla (NA-022) * by K3DI                    351
21/02-22/02      VP9ID: Bermuda (NA-005) * by AJ2U                      355
21/02-22/02      XA5T * by N5TU, N5RP, KZ5MM, W5MJ & XE2KB              353
21/02-22/02      ARRL International DX CW Contest                       ***
21/02-22/02      REF - French SSB Contest                               ***
23/02-31/03      8J0WPG: special event station                          355
23/02-03/03      8P: Barbados (NA-021) * by LA7AT                       355
23/02-02/03      V2: Antigua (NA-100) * by AA1M, W1HL, KA1MID & W1USN   349
23/02-08/03      ZL7DK: Chatham (OC-038) * by DLs                       353
24/02-27/02      HL0K/2: Tokchok Is (AS-090) * by HL0K                  355
24/02-03/03      ZK1TNN & ZK1KTT: OC-083 * by OK1TN, OK1KT & OK1VD      355
25/02-04/03      C6AJR & C6AIE: Bahamas * by W8GEX & WZ8D               355
25/02-28/02      JW9PJA: Svalbard (EU-026) * by LA9PJA                  355
26/02-02/03      KB5GL/HK0: Providencia Isl (NA-049) * by KB5GL         355
26/02-11/03      KH9: Wake (OC-053) * by DDXA                           355
27/02-01/03      FS: St. Martin (NA-105) * by K3DI                      353
27/02-08/03      T48RAC: Cuba (NA-015) * by VEs & COs                   355
27/02-01/03      CQ WWDX 160 Meter SSB Contest                          ***
28/02-03/03      NP3: Puerto Rico (NA-099) * by EA3NY                   355
28/02-01/03      UBA CW Contest                                         ***
28/02-02/03      YL-OM CW Contest                                       ***
28/02-12/03      3A/DJ7RJ: Monaco * by DJ7RJ                            353
28/02-01/03      VR2/OH2YY * by OH2YY                                   355
mid Feb-mid Mar  P40K, P4/I2UIY, P40V & P49V * by I2UIY, AI6V & W6OAT   351
February         J47XCJ: special event station                          352
February         KH5K: Kingman Reef (OC-096) * by MKDXF & SSIDXG    ??? 355
Feb-July         SM/ON4BDS/p: Holmon Is. (EU-135)                       345
Feb-May          VQ9JC: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by WB9IHH               355
Feb-May          VQ9PH: Diego Garcia (AF-006) * by W2JDK                355
Feb-Mar          WP2Z: Virgin Is (NA-106) * by KE2VB                    351
01/03-14/03      AA6EW/C6A: Great Abaco (NA-080) * by AA6EW             353
01/03-08/03      J7/W2KKZ: Dominica (NA-101) * by W2KKZ                 353
01/03-19/03      ZS, A22, 7P8, 3DA0, Z2 & C9 * by KA3DBN                351
02/03-08/03      5A21PA * by ON4APS, ON4APS and ON4CEL                  347
03/03-10/03      HR6/W4OVU & HR6/WD4JNS: Roatan Isl (NA-057)            355
03/03-26/03      K2ZR: Key West (NA-062)                                355
03/03-10/03      VP5NC: Middle Caicos (NA-002) * by AA4NC               353
04/03-09/03      FS5PL: St. Martin (NA-105) * by EA3NY                  355
04/03-10/03      J3: Grenada * by W8KKF & N9NS                          353
05/03-14/03      A35KT & A35TN: Tonga (OC-049) * by OK1TN,OK1KT & OK1VD 355
05/03-08/03      VI3GP: special event station * by EMDRC                355
05/03-11/03      K4AU/WH1 & WA4FFW/NH1: Howland * by MKDXF & SSIDXG     355
07/03-08/03      EA5RKX: Peneta del Moro (EU-151)                       351
07/03-08/03      PJ9G: Bonaire (SA-006) * by K2TW & K2NG                355
07/03-08/03      V26B: Antigua (NA-100) * by Team Antigua               353
07/03-08/03      VP9IB: Bermuda (NA-005) * by AJ2U & N2KJM              355
07/03-08/03      ZF2AH: Cayman Islands (NA-016) * by W6VNR              353
07/03-08/03      ARRL DX SSB Contest                                    ***