DX425 bulletin issue nr. 353

S DX@WW $425WW353A
425 DX News #353 [1/6]
 7 February 1998                    No 353                   BID: $425WW353A
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                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                                <<< JT1Y >>>

A group  of seven  Italian amateurs  will operate  as JT1Y  from  Ulan-Bator, 
Mongolia for one  week starting on  7 April. The  team includes Nicola  Sanna 
(I0SNY, Team  Leader),  Odoardo Tiberi  (I0TIC),  Mauro  Pregliasco  (I1JQJ), 
Massimo Mucci (I8NHJ), Piero Palmiotto  (IK0AEH), Francesco D'Alo'  (IK0FUX), 
Elvira Simoncini (IV3FSG)  and possibly others.   It  is planned  to keep  at 
least two stations on the air round the clock, to maximise band openings. All 
HF bands will be activated, on SSB, CW and RTTY. The activity will take place 
from JT1KAA, the club station of  The Mongolian Radio Sports Federation.  QSL 
via I0SNY (Nicola Sanna, Str. Gualtarella 8/M, 06132 S.Sisto - PG, Italy).

3A     - Manfred, DJ7RJ will be active (mostly on CW) from Monaco as 3A/DJ7RJ 
         between 28 February and 12 March. He plans to operate on 160  metres 
         (1.833 MHz) around 4 UTC. QSL via DJ7RJ.
3B7    - The  USKA  DXpedition  to  Cargados  Island   in  the  St.   Brandon 
         Archipelago (AF-015, 6-17 May) [425DXN 351] is now reported to  take 
         place with the call 3B7AZ. <TNX DX News Sheet>
3C0    - A multi-national  team of  4-6 operators  plans  to be  active  from 
         Annobon/Pagalu Island (AF-039)  the first  week of  March. They  are 
         expected to be on CW, SSB  and RTTY on all  bands, with emphasis  on 
         40, 80 and 160 metres. <TNX The Daily DX>
3C     - Alan, 3C5I is currently active (10,  15 and 20  metres for the  time 
         being, soon on  the WARC bands)  from Bioko Island  (AF-010). He  is 
         there on a long term work assignment. QSL to Alan, P.O. Box  139082, 
         Dallas, TX 75313, USA. <TNX The Daily DX>
3D2    - 3D2CC from Malolo Island (OC-121), Fiji  is reported to be daily  on 
         14.131 MHz around 18.30 UTC. <TNX VE6VK>
3D2    - JM1LJS and JE1OYE will be active as 3D2LJ/P and 3D2TS/P from  Yasawa 
         Group (OC-156) on  1-3 May. Then  will move to  Viti Levu  (OC-016), 
         from where they will be active as  3D2LJ and 3D2TS until 7 May.  QSL 
         both via JM1LJS. <TNX JA9IFF/1>
3X     - Steve, G0AEV will be working in  Guinea for 12-15 weeks starting  on 
         16 February. He expects to get a licence and plans to concentrate on 
         his favourite bands (6 and 10 metres) at first. <TNX The Daily DX>
4U1ITU - EA3AFW, EA3FQV, EA3ATM and EA3DUW will participate in the CQ WW  WPX 
         SSB Contest (28-29 March) from 4U1ITU. <TNX EA3AFW>
4X     - K4YT will be active for three years from March 1998 while working at 
         the US Embassy in Tel Aviv. <TNX The Daily DX>
5N     - Bogdan, 5N3CPR (ex 5N3/SP5XAR) is active again from Nigeria. QSL via 
         bureau to SP5CPR. <TNX SP5UAF>
8P     - Steve, K2WE (ex  NI2C) will be  active on  all bands  as 8P9AP  from 
         Barbados (NA-021) between 17 and 24  February. He will be active  in 
         the ARRL CW DX Contest. QSL via K2WE. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
8Q     - Hans, DL8NBE and Rolf, HB9DIF will  be active on all bands from  the 
         Maldives (AS-013) as 8Q7BE (SSB) and 8Q7BV (CW) respectively between 
         19 February and 11 March. QSL via bureau to their home calls.
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9M0_spr- The latest press release from G3XTT reported everything was still on 
         schedule for the Chiltern DX Club  9M0C DXpedition (12-24  February) 
         to Layang Layang, Spratly Islands (AS-051) [425DXN 351].  One of the 
         team members (Aki, VK2BEX) has had  to withdraw from the  operation, 
         but his place has been taken by three new operators: John Krzymuski, 
         N2QW (ex-AB2EC), Jeff Morris (9H1EL)  and Kazuo Ogasawara(  JA1RJU). 
         This takes the  final team  to 13:  G3NUG (team  leader), G3OZF  and 
         G3WGV (deputy  leaders), G3NOM/9M2OM,  G3SED, G3XTT,  G4JVG,  G0OPB, 
         JA1RJU, K5VT, N2QW,  9H1EL and 9M6SU.  QSL via  G3SWH either  direct 
         (Phil Whitchurch, 21  Dickensons Grove,  Congresbury, Bristol,  BS49 
         5HQ, United  Kingdom) or  through the  bureau (requests  for  bureau 
         cards may  also  be  sent  to  phil@g3swh.demon.co.uk).  "Given  the 
         higher-than-anticipated  shipping  costs",   G3XTT  says,  "we   are 
         continuing to  seek funding":  contributions may  be sent  to  G3WGV 
         (g3wgv@aol.com),     JP1NWZ     (jp1nwz@cqpub.co.jp)     or     K5VT 
         (vince@getnet.com). See "Good To Know" below for further information 
         on 9M0C Log Checking and Pilot Stations. <TNX G3XTT>
C6     - N4BP and WV5Z will be active from the Bahamas during the ARRL CW  DX 
         Contest (21-22 February) as either N4BP/C6A, WV5Z/C6A or C6A**. <TNX 
         The Daily DX>
C6     - Ray, AA6EW will be active  (10-80 metres, SSB  and CW) as  AA6EW/C6A 
         from Great Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas between  1 and 14 March. He  will 
         participate in the  ARRL SSB  DX Contest.  QSL via  home call.  <TNX 
CN     - F5LMK will be  active (10-80 metres  SSB) as  CN/F5LMK from  Morocco 
         between 9 and 16 May. <TNX F6AJA>
CO     - VE3ESE, VE3NXB, VE3NQK  and some CO  operators will  be active  from 
         Santiago de Cuba between 27 February and 8 March. A T48 callsign  is 
         expected to be issued. They will participate in the CQ WW 160  Meter 
         SSB and ARRL SSB DX Contests. QSL via VE3ESE. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
FO     - FO0BUS is reported to be  active starting on  9 February through  at 
         least the 14th. Activity will be mostly CW on 40, 20 and 15  metres, 
         from Tahiti (OC-046), Moorea  (OC-046), Huahine (OC-067),  Bora-Bora 
         (OC-067), Rangiroa (OC-066) and possibly other Tuamotu islands.  QSL 
         via W6MD. <TNX W6MD>.
FS     - Dennis, K7BV, Editor for the National  Contest Journal, will  arrive 
         on St. Martin [425DXN 351] the  evening of 18  February. He will  be 
         very active on  all HF bands  as FS/K7BV (QSL  via K7BV) before  the 
         ARRL DX CW Contest, in which  he will participate as FS5PL (QSL  via 
         N0JT). <TNX K7BV>
FS     - Dick, K3DI hopes to participate in  the CQ WW 160 Meter SSB  Contest 
         (27 February-1 March) from St. Martin (NA-105). QSL via K3DI (bureau 
         cards can be requested at wilder@clark.net). <TNX The Daily DX>
FT5    - Rene, FR5HR, who will be signing FT5X/FR5HR from Kerguelen until the 
         end of February, says he is not sure to be active from Amsterdam and 
         Crozet [425DXN 349]. <TNX F6AJA>
GU     - Bob, W7MAE  will  be active  as  MU0/W7MAE from  Guersnsey  (EU-114) 
         between 15 February and 1 March. QSL via W7MAE.
GU     - Bill, G4YWY  will  be active  as  GU4YWY/M  from  Guersney  (EU-114) 
         between 9 and 14 April. QSL via home call. <TNX DX News Sheet>
GU     - Jean-Marc, F5SGI  will be  active (mostly  on  10-40 metres  CW)  as 
         GU/F5SGI from Guernsey  (EU-114) between 11  and 17  April. QSL  via 
         F5SGI either direct or through the bureau. <TNX F6AJA>
HL     - Lee, DS4CNB is planning an IOTA operation from Kang-Won-Do  Province 
         Group (AS-???) which should take  place between 1  and 6 April  with 
         the call HL0Z/2. QSL via DS4CNB. <TNX JA9IFF/1>
HR     - Kris, OA4DBO/KA2OIG will be active as HR6/KA2OIG (QRP) from Morgan's 
         Cay (NO-REF) from 13 through 26  February. Kris will operate with  4 
         watts and a  dipole on the  lower part of  30 metres  only. QSL  via 
         KA2OIG. <TNX OA4DBO/KA2OIG>
J3     - Harry, W8KKF and Mike, N9NS  will be active  from Grenada between  4 
         and 10 March  as either J37K  and J3/N9NS  or new  calls. They  will 
         participate in  the  ARRL  SSB  DX  Contest  (7-8  March)  with  two 
         stations. <TNX DX News Sheet>
J6     - Ted, K9IMM and Carol, NS9L will be on St. Lucia (NA-106) between  15 
         and 23 February. While Carol is unlikely to get a licence, Jim  will 
         be active  on all  bands and  will participate  in  the ARRL  DX  CW 
         Contest. QSL via WB9NOV. <TNX The Daily DX>
J7     - Bob, W2KKZ will be active as J7/W2KKZ from Dominica (NA-101) between 
         1 and 8 March. He will  participate in the ARRL  DX SSB Contest  and 
         will be active on 10-80 metres CW and SSB. QSL via W2KKZ.
JT     - Hungarian Pannon DX  Club members  HA0HW, HA4GDO,  HA6NL, HA7SK  and 
         HA7VK will operate from Ulan-Bator, Mongolia in May (dates and  call 
         to be announced). They plan to be active 24 hours a day with two  or 
         three  stations  on  all  HF  bands  CW,  SSB,  and  RTTY.   Further 
         information is  available  at  http://www.dunanet.hu/pannondxc/  and 
         contributions may be sent to Laci, HA0HW (ha0khw@c3.hu). <TNX HA0HW>
KC4_ant- The current operators at KC4AAC (USN  MARS Palmer Station on  Anvers 
         Island, AN-012) will be departing in about a week. The new  operator 
         will be Dave, N5WNB who operated from KC4AAF at DownStream Bravo for 
         several weeks this this season. <TNX K4MZU>
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KH4    - NH6YK (who now has an Advanced class licence) might be  sporadically 
         active as NH4/NH6YK from  Midway (OC-030) between  18 and 29  March. 
         <TNX The Daily DX>
KH6    - Al, NH7A will participate (single operator,  hogh power, all  bands) 
         in both the ARRL CW (21-22  February) and SSB (7-8 March)  Contests. 
         QSL via N2AU. <TNX NH7A>
KH9    - The Dateline DX Association is organizing another DXpedition to Wake 
         Island (OC-053).  This  operation follows  a  successful  1996  Wake 
         DXpedition and its  emphasis will  again be  on Europe  and the  low 
         bands. K8XP, N2OO, N6MZ and N2WB  will be active (SSB, CW and  RTTY) 
         with four stations  between 26 February  and 11 March  (calls to  be 
         announced at a later date). Financial  assistance is needed and  may 
         be sent to The Dateline DX Association, c/o Robert Pond (WA4YBV),  9 
         River Cove, Portsmouth, VA 23703, USA. QSL via WA4YBV. <TNX K8XP>
KP2    - W0BV , K0TG  and KG0JH  are KP2/  from the  Virgin Islands  (NA-106) 
         until 17 February. They operate SSB,  CW, and RTTY on all HF  bands, 
         with emphasis on 160 metres and the WARC bands. QSL via home  calls. 
         <TNX W0BV>
LU_ssh - LU1ZC  (operated  by  LU6UO  and  LU4AXV  from  Destacamento   Naval 
         Deception on Deception Island, South Shetlands, AN-010) [425DXN 341] 
         has logged around 24,900 QSOs (update  2 February 1998). Hector  and 
         Ernie will leave the island around  15 March (later than  expected).  
         QSL via LU6EF (Raul M. Diaz, GACW, Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos  Aires, 
         Argentina). <TNX LU1DZ>
PJ9    - Jack, W1WEF  and John,  W1BIH will  participate in  the ARRL  CW  DX 
         Contest (21-22  February) from  Curacao (SA-006)  as PJ9C  (QSL  via 
         K1CPJ). Before and after the contest they will operate mostly on  CW 
         as PJ9/W1WEF (QSL  via K1CPJ)  and PJ9JT  (QSL via  W1AX). <TNX  The 
         Daily DX>
PY     - PY1NEZ and PY1LVF will be active respectively as ZZ0Z and ZX0Z  from 
         Frances Island  (SA-067,  DIB 068,  DFB  ES-07) between  15  and  25 
         February. QSL via home calls. <TNX PY2DBU>.
S2     - Ray, G3WZ is active (CW) as S21YR from Bangladesh until 20 February. 
         QSL via G3WZ (Ray Baldwin, 11 Meadow Court, Whiteparish,  Salisbury, 
         Wilts. SP5 2SE, United Kingdom). <TNX The Daily DX>
SP     - DL7IO, DK2OE, DL7IQ, DL7VRO,  DL7VYL, DL7UBA and  DL1YFF plan to  be 
         active as SO5OE/1 from Wolin Island (EU-132) between 10 March and 10 
         May. <TNX OPDX Bulletin>
T32    - T32O from Kiritimati (Christmas) Island (OC-024), East Kiribati   is 
         reported to be daily on 14.131 MHz around 18.30 UTC. <TNX VE6VK>
T30    - Jack, VK2GJH  will be  active (mostly  on 6  metres) as  T30JH  from 
         Tarawa, Western Kiribati  (OC-017) until 24  February. QSL via  home 
         call. <TNX ARRL DX Bulletin>
V2     - Team Antigua will  participate (Multi-Multi) in  both the CW  (21-22 
         February) and SSB (7-8 March) ARRL DX Contests from Antigua (NA-100) 
         as V26B (QSL via WT3Q). Before  and after the contest the  operators 
         will use  their own  V2 calls  (see "Good  To  Know" below  for  the 
         official QSL routings). <TNX KA2AEV>
V8     - Hal, JO1BMV and Tad, JH7PKU will  be active as either V8JA or  V85HG 
         from Brunei Darussalam (OC-088) between 25  and 31 March. They  will 
         participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest (Multi-Single). Outside the 
         contest thry plan to be active  on the WARC and  low bands. QSL  via 
         JH7FQK either direct (Ichio Ujiie,  162 Shionosawa, Towa,  Fukushima 
         964-0203, Japan) or through the bureau. <TNX JH7PKU>
VE     - VE7ARS and VE7FYO will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the  Royal 
         Canadian Mounted Police and will operate  from Trutch Island in  the 
         Estevan  Group  (NA-181)  during  the  weekend  of  23  May.   Check 
         http://mypage.direct.ca/f/fcarey/ for more details. <TNX VE7ARS>
VK0_ant- VK0AC  and  VK0ERZ  have  been  active  this  week  on  14.273   Mhz 
         (23.00-06.00 UTC) and 14.160 MHz (18.00-19.00 UTC) from ANARE  Davis 
         Base (AN-016, WABA VK-03). <TNX K4MZU>
VP5    - Steve, N9CK will be active from VP5JM's QTH (Providenciales, NA-002) 
         between 7 and 16 February as VP5/N9CK (CW and RTTY on all bands) and 
         as VP5CK in the CQ WPX  RTTY Contest.  QSL to  N9CK via the  bureau. 
         <TXN DX News Sheet>
VP5    - Will, AA4NC will be active (on all bands CW, SSB and RTTY) as  VP5NC 
         from Middle  Caicos  (NA-002)  between  3  and  10  March.  He  will 
         participate in the  ARRL DX  SSB Contest.  QSL via  AA4NC. <TNX  The 
         Daily DX>
W      - Gary, KI6T,  will  be active  from  Santa Catalina  Island  (NA-066) 
         between 16 March and 13 April.  He hopes to be able to use K6T  from 
         16 to 28 March.  QSL via KI6T. <TNX The Daily DX>
YS     - The OH operators currently signing YS1X [425DXN 352] are expected to 
         go QRT on 8 February. They work RTTY between 14.30 and 19.30 UTC  on 
         14.088 MHz and  are active  on 160  metres at  03.00-06.00 UTC  (for 
         Europe) and  11.00-12.30  UTC  (for  Japan).  QSL  via  OH2BU  (Jari 
         Jussila, Pilvijarvi, FIN-02400 Kirkkonummi, Finalnd). <TNX OH2BU>
XE     - N5TU, N5RP, KZ5MM, W5MJ and XE2KB will participate in the ARRL DX CW 
         Contest (21-22 February) as XA5T from Mexico. <TNX The Daily DX>
ZF     - Joe, W6VNR (ex WA6VNR) will participate  in the ARRL DX SSB  Contest 
         (7-8 March) as ZF2AH from the  Caymans Islands (NA-016). Before  the 
         Contest he will be active on CW on  the low and WARC bands. QSL  via 
         home call. >TNX The DX News Sheet>
ZL7    - The six  German operators  who will  operate from  Chatham  (OC-038) 
         between 23  February and  8 March  [425DXN 343]  will be  active  as 
         ZL7DK. They  plan to  operate on  all bands  CW, SSB  and RTTY  with 
         emphasis on CW and the low bands. <TNX The Daily DX>
ZS_ant - Franz and Lindsay are now active  from ZS7ANT [425DXN 346] at  SANAE 
         new base located at Vesle Skarvet  (71.40S-02.49W). They made  about 
         20 QSOs on 14.273 MHz on 7 Februeary and indicated they will be more 
         active as the summer season closes. They will be there for one year. 
         QSL manager to be announced. <TNX K4MZU>
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

8Q7AA ---> N7TX  has begun  an analysis  of the  logs of  the recent  Central 
Arizona DX Association DXpedition to the Maldives. A "first pass" through the 
.bin files from  the four operating  positions has given  the following  band 
breakdowns (CW/SSB/RTTY/Total): 664/40/0/704  on 160 metres,  537/1704/0/2241 
on 80  metres; 2149/1661/0/3810  on 40  metres; 1178/0/0/1178  on 30  metres; 
1519/2625/200/4344   on   20   metres;   1734/909/0/2643   on   17    metres; 
434/1654/0/2088 on 15 metres; 348/423/0/771 on  12 metres; 65/59/0/124 on  10 
metres. Totals are 8628 QSOs on CW, 9075 on SSB and 200 on RTTY. QSL via N7TX 
(Steve Thompson,  119 E.  Jasmine St.,  Mesa,  AZ 85201-1811,  USA).  Further 
details, and some  pictures, will soon  be available  on the  CADXA web  site 
(http://cadxa.org/8q7aa). <TNX K7WX>

9M0C LOG CHECKING ---> The team  plans to upload logs to the  Web on a  daily 
basis. To check  the logs, you  need to  go to  the DXpedition  home page  at 
http://members.aol.com/spratly98 and select one of the two "am I in the  log" 
servers. Once at the server screen, simply  type in your callsign and a  list 
of QSOs will appear.

9M0C PILOT STATIONS ---> Three pilot stations have been appointed. Their role 
will be  to  channel communications  to  and from  the  team on  the  island. 
Typically, they will receive comments (about  band openings, the  suitability 
of the announced frequencies, etc) from  the amateur community at large,  and 
will summarise the key messages to  forward to the island.   The team on  the 
island will also be able to pass information out to the pilots and the  Chief 
Pilot     (G3ZAY)     will     keep      the     DXpedition     Web      site 
(http://members.aol.com/spratly98) updated. The  piolot stations are  Martin, 
G3ZAY (spratly@dial.pipex.com),  Don,  N1DG (n1dg@aurumtel.com)  and  Yoichi, 
JP1NWZ (jp1nwz@cqpub.co.jp).

ARKANSAS DX ASSOCIATION ---> The 1998 officers of the Arkansas DX Association 
are David Norris, K5UZ (President); Dennis  Schaefer, W5RZ (Vice  President); 
Glenn Wolf, AB5RQ (Secretary/Treasurer).

BY1QH ---> The  following band breakdowns  from BY1QH have  been reported  by 
Merv, K9FD and Price, W0RI [425DXN 347]: 198  QSOs on 160 metres, 102 on  80, 
414 on 40, 45 on 30, 572 on 20. QSL via K9FD. <TNX The Daily DX>

KC4US* ---> Bob, K4MZU reports  that military calls  like KC4USV, KC4USX  and 
KC4USL, which were active during the last several years, will be coming to an 
 end. A Flag Ceremony to  commemorate the end of  Commander US Naval  Support 
Force Antarctica  as Commander  of  Operation Deep  Freeze  will be  held  at 
McMurdo Station on 11 February. Probably a KC4AA* series call will be  issued 
or amateurs will use /KC4 calls for the time being.

QSL IH9/OL5Y ---> The *new* QSL manager is OK1VK. QSL either direct (Bohuslav 
Petr, Novodvorska 416, 142 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic) or through the bureau. 

QSL OL1A, OL2M, OL5Y & OK5TOP --->  The *new* QSL manager for these  stations 
is OK1MG. QSL either direct (Antonin Kriz, Polska 2205, 27201 Kladno 2, Czech 
Republic) or through the bureau. <TNX OK1FUA>

SOUTH EAST MICHIGAN DX ASSOCIATION --->  The 1998 officers of the South  East 
Michigan DX Association  are Gene Klinger, AA8GX (President); Hank Kohl, K8DD 
(Vice  President;  Buck  Switzer,  N8CQA   (Treasurer);  Stan  Arnett,   AC8W 
(Secretary); Byron Johnson,  WA8LCZ (Program Chairman);  Gary Rutledge,  KR8V 
(Awards Manager); Bob Thompson, VA3RJT (Director).
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TEAM ANTIGUA ---> The official Team Antigua QSL routings are as follows: V26A 
via WB3DNA, V26AK via  N2TK, V26B via  WT3Q, V26C via  WA2C, V26DX via  KU9C, 
V26E via AB2E, V26J via  WX0B, V26OC via  N3OC, V26R via   KA2AEV, V26RN  via 
N5NJ, V26T via K3MQH, V26TS via K3MM, V26U via W2UDT.

TEXAS DX SOCIETY  ---> The  1998 officers  of the  Texas DX  Society are  Bob 
Walworth, N5ET  (President); Henry  Schneider, W5HNS  (Vice President);  Earl 
Morse, N5TU (Secretary);  Madison Jones, W5MJ  (Treasurer); Buzz Jehle,  N5UR 
(DX  Chairman);  Joe  Staples,  W5ASP  (Contest  Chairman);  Jim  Lane,  N5DC 
(Repeater Chairman); Dale  Martin, KG5U (Field  Day Chairman); Dave  Sarkozi, 
WG5N (Bullsheet Editor).

VIDEO ---> The operations by Josep, EA3BT and Nuria, EA3AOK from the Maldives 
(8Q7BT & 8Q7OK) and Mexico  (Mujeres NA-045 and  Cozumel NA-090, XF3/EA3BT  & 
XF3/EA3AOK) are now available on a VHS Pal video (30-40 minutes). For further 
information please contact Josep at ea3bt@redestb.es

QSL received via  direct: 3D2RW/R,  3DA0CA, 3F6V  (NA-071), 3W5KVR  (AS-130),
3Y0PI, 4L1UN, 4S7UB, 5A28, 5B4ADA, 5V7A, 7Z5OO, 9J2DR, 9K2ZZ, 9M2JJ,  9M2OM/p
(AS-097), 9M6NA, 9M6OO, 9M6/DF8AN (OC-066),  9V1YC, A45ZN, BD7JA/7  (AS-131),
C21NJ, N5XG/C6A (NA-054), CE0ZIS, CV5A (SA-030), EY8XX, FH/DL2SBY,  FJ/F6BUM,
(NA-132), HV4NAC, IF9/IK8WTM (EU-054; IIA TP-005 010, 015); IM0A (EU-165; IIA
OX/OZ8AE, R1FJZ,  SV2ASP/A,  SV8/IK7WPH/p  (EU-052),  T92A,  TF/OZ5IPA,  TM7I
(EU-065; DIFM AT-001,  002, 008,  010, 036,  042, 057,  059, 121),  TI8/K9VV,
TM1MA (EU-095), TO7I, TT8JFC, TZ6SI, V26KW, V44KAI, V51BO, V63KU, V85HY, VE8B
(NA-173), VK2IOM  (OC-223),  VK9LX,  VK9WM,  VK0TS,  VP2EST,  VR6MW,  VR97LC,
VS97SAR, XF3/EA3AOK  (NA-090), XF3/EA3BT  (NA-045), XV8FP  (AS-132),  YB1AQS,
Z21KD, ZA/IK7JWX, ZB2/DL7VEE, ZX1A (SA-029).

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
I1HYW, IK1QFM, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta
Mike, Diamond  DX Club,  Roman  DX Group,  Salento  DX Team,  AA6EW,  CT1EEB,
LNDX, NPDXG,  OPDX,  PY-DX,  QRZ-DX,  The 59(9)  DX  Report,  The  Daily  DX,

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S DX@WW $425WW353F
425 DX News #353 [6/6]
 7 February 1998                    No 353                   BID: $425WW353F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  ??         3C5I: Bioko Island (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea         353
till  31/03      4G50N: Naga City * special event callsign              347
till  31/12      4KA  and 4JA: special prefixes from Azerbaijan         352
till  ??         5N3CPR: Nigeria                                        353
till  ??         8J1RL: Antarctica (AN-015) (WABA JA-02)                346
till  16/02      8P9FX: Barbados (NA-021) * by G3RFX                    352
till  01/03      9G5VJ: Ghana * by G4ZVJ                                351
till  May        9N1FP * by RU6FP                                       350
till  early Mar  9X0A * by RW3AH                                        349
till  10/02      A35FN & A35LZ (OC-049) * by HB9HFN & HB9DLZ            347
till  ??         CE9AP: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA CE-01)            346
till  ??         CE9SAC: Antarctica (AN-001) (WABA CE-07)               346
till  ??         CE3RAC/CE9: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA MN-01)           346
till  10/02      CN2IB: Morocco * by OM3LA                              352
till  30/09      CT98, CS98, CQ98, CU98: CT special prefixes            347
till  18/03      FT5WG: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5BU                       352
till  end Feb    FT5X/FR5HR: Kerguelen (AF-048) * by FR5HR              350
till  01/06      FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            352
till  ??         FT5ZQ/T: Tromelin                                      348
till  22/02      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Isl. (NA-057)                        337
till  20/02      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  339
till  Mar        JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  31/10      JX7DFA: Jan Mayen (EU-022) * by LA7DFA                 352
till  ??         KC4AAA: Antarctica (AN-012) (WABA K-08)                346
till  ??         KC4AAC: Antarctica (AN-012) (WABA K-10)                346
till  ??         KC4AAD: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA K-23)                346
till  Mar        KH2D & KH2/KF2XN: Guam * by KF2XN                      346
till  27/02      KH5: Palmyra Island (OC-085) * by MKDXF & SSIDXG       351
till  17/02      KP2/W0BV, KP2/K0TG & KP2/KG0JH: Virgin Is (NA-106)     353
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkney                                    337
till  15/03      LU1ZC: South Shetlands (WABA LU-04) * LU6UO & LU4AXV   353
till  ??         LU6AUB/Z: Vicecomodoro Marambio Base (WABA LU-03)      349
till  ??         LZ0A: South Shetlands * by LZ2UU                       337
till  ??         OA0MP: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA OA-01)            346
till  08/02      OH8TA: Hailuoto Island (EU-126)                        347
till  30/04      P40MR * by VE3MR                                       343
till  15/02      P4/K2LE: Aruba (SA-036) * by K2LE                      351
till  ??         R1ANF: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA UA-04)            346
till  ??         R1ANL: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA UA-08)                346
till  ??         R1ANZ: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA UA-07)                346
till  March      S21YE * by G4VLV                                       351
till  20/02      S21YR: Bangladesh * by G3WZ                            353
till  ??         S79MX: Seychelles * by HB9MX                           352
till  24/02      T30JH: Western Kiribati (OC-017) * by VK2GJH           353
till  Jul-Aug    TJ1FT: Cameroon                                        352
till  10/02      V31VI, V31UY, V31NX & V31TR: South Water Cay (NA-180)  352
till  ??         VU2JBK & VU2RAY: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA VU-02)      346
till  08/02      YS1X * by OH1TD, OH3JF, OH6XY and OH7LIX               353
till  08/02      ZX0DX & ZX0CW: So. Shetlands (AN-010)*by PT2NP & PT2HF 350
till  ??         ZX0ECF: South Shetlands (AN-010) (WABA PY-01)          349
04/02-25/02      9G1AA * by PA3AWW, PA3DEW & PA3FQX                     351
05/02-mid March  TR8CR * by F8EN                                        349
07/02-22/02      8N0WOG: Nagano * special event station                 345
07/02-till ??    C91LCK (incl. AF-066) & C91LCK/C93 (incl. AF-???)      352
07/02-16/02      VP5/N9CK & VP5CK: Providenciales (NA-002) * by N9CK    353
09/02-14/02      FO0BUS: OC-046, OC-067, OC-066                         353
10/02-23/02      5W0FN & 5W0LZ (OC-097) * by HB9HFN & HB9DLZ            347
10/02-03/03      J3 * by K4UPS, K4LTA and others                        351
12/02-23/02      9G5XA: Ghana * by G3XAQ                                352
12/02-19/02      9K2F: AS-118 * by KARS                                 351
12/02-24/02      9M0C: Spratly (AS-051) * by Chiltern DX Club           353
13/02-26/02      HR6/KA2OIG: Morgan's Cay (NO-REF) * by OA4DBO/KA2OIG   353
13/02-20/02      KG4GC, KG4AU, KG4QD, KG4OS, KG4WD & KG4PK: Guantanamo  351
14/02-16/02      KH0 * by JN1TCC, JS1PNS, JA2HBK, JJ2NYT,JK2TQB,JR4URW  351
14/02-28/02      VP5FXB * by The Caribbean Contesting Consortium        351
14/02-15/02      ADRS WW RTTY WPX Contest                               ***
14/02-15/02      PACC Contest                                           ***
15/02-21/02      F5SGI/p: Re Island (EU-032) * by F5SGI                 349
15/02-23/02      J6: St. Lucia (NA-106) * by K9IMM                      353
15/02-01/03      MU0/W7MAE: Guersnsey (EU-114) * by W7MAE               353
15/02-01/03      TJ1GB: Cameroon * by W6RJ & W6KR                       351
15/02-25/02      ZZ0Z & ZX0Z: Frances Isl (SA-067) * by PY1NEZ & PY1LVF 353
16/02-??         3X: Guinea * by G0AEV                                  353
16/02-21/02      W9RB/KH6: Maui Isl. (OC-019)                           351
17/02-24/02      8P9AP: Barbados (NA-021) * by K2WE                     353
17/02-24/02      KG4ZK, KG4CH, KG4SD * by W4ZYT, NW3K, W4SD             351
19/02-11/03      8Q7BE & 8Q7BV: Maldives (AS-013) * by DL8NBE & HB9DIF  353
19/02-08/03      9N1UD: Nepal * by K4VUD                                341
19/02-24/02      PQ8MM/p & PQ8VA/p: Maraca Island (SA-045) (DIB 39)     351
20/02-01/03      9G5SW & 9G5ZM: Ghana * by G3VMW and G3ZEM              352
20/02-24/02      FO: Tahiti (OC-046) * by OK1TN, OK1KT & OK1VD          349
18/02-23/02      FS/K7BV & FS5PL: St. Martin (NA-105) * by K7BV         351
20/02-23/02      JI6KVR/6: Tokara Arch. (AS-049)                        341
21/02-22/02      N4BP/C6A, WV5Z/C6A or C6A?? * by N4BP & WV5Z           353
21/02-22/02      DL8AAM: Hamburger Hallig Isl (GIA N-036)               351
21/02-22/02      PJ9C, PJ9/W1WEF & PJ9JT: Curacao (SA-006)              353
21/02-22/02      V26B: Antigua (NA-100) * by Team Antigua               353
21/02-22/02      VP2EEI: Anguilla (NA-022) * by K3DI                    351
21/02-22/02      XA5T * by N5TU, N5RP, KZ5MM, W5MJ & XE2KB              353
21/02-22/02      ARRL International DX CW Contest                       ***
23/02-02/03      V2: Antigua (NA-100) * by AA1M, W1HL, KA1MID & W1USN   349
23/02-08/03      ZL7DK: Chatham (OC-038) * by DLs                       353
24/02-04/03      ZK1_sc: Aitutaki (OC-083) * by OK1TN, OK1KT & OK1VD    349
26/02-11/03      KH9: Wake (OC-053) * by DDXA                           353
27/02-01/03      FS: St. Martin (NA-105) * by K3DI                      353
27/02-01/03      KH5K: Kingman Reef (OC-096) * by MKDXF & SSIDXG        351
27/02-08/03      T48??: Cuba (NA-015) * by VE3ESE, VE3NXB, VE3NQK & COs 353
27/02-01/03      CQ WWDX 160 Meter SSB Contest                          ***
28/02-01/03      REF - French SSB Contest                               ***
28/02-01/03      UBA CW Contest                                         ***
28/02-02/03      YL-OM CW Contest                                       ***
28/02-12/03      3A/DJ7RJ: Monaco * by DJ7RJ                            353
February         9G5BQ: Ghana * by PA3GBQ                           ??? 352
mid Feb-mid Mar  P40K, P4/I2UIY, P40V & P49V * by I2UIY, AI6V & W6OAT   351
February         J47XCJ: special event station                          352
February         TT * by 5N0T & 5N0YL                                   349
Feb-July         SM/ON4BDS/p: Holmon Is. (EU-135)                       345
Feb-Mar          WP2Z: Virgin Is (NA-106) * by KE2VB                    351
February         ZS26BI: Bird Isl (NO-REF) * by ZSs                     350