S DX@WW $425WW352A 425 DX News #352 [1/6] 31 January 1998 No 352 BID: $425WW352A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ *************************************************************************** ============================== *** Most Wanted in Italy *** ============================== We apologize for the delay in publishing this annual survey - the last announced submissions arrived just a couple of days ago. This listing has been compiled thanks to 288 Italian DXers who have submitted their Most Wanted lists. RTTY desiderata have been merged into one single listing together with CW and SSB, and that is the reason why some RTTY Most Wanted Countries/Entities (such as A3, 5W, EP, JD1 Minami Torishima, PY0 Trindade, V6, ZK1 North and South Cooks, etc) are not mentioned. The "needed by" percentage ranges from the obvious 100% of North Korea to the 18.1% of East Kiribati. Heard Island, which ranked third in last years' survey, has disappeared from the listing after VK0IR's tremendous effort. Hopefully in 1999 four of the current Most Wanted will move near the bottom (at least): Kingman Reef, Howland and Palmyra (which are needed respectively by the 78.1%, 51.4% and 29.9% of the partecipants in the survey) are going to be activated by the SSIDXG & MKDXF joint DXpedition between February and March, while the USKA major DXpedition to St. Brandon (needed by the 59.7%) is scheduled to take place in May (see 425DXN 351 for the details). Good luck to you all! /==========================================================================\ | % | Pfx Country | % | Pfx Country | % | Pfx Country | |----|--------------------|----|-------------------|----|------------------| 100.0| P5 North Korea |37.5| 3Y Peter 1 |25.7| 3D2 Rotuma | |79.2| A5 Bhutan |36.4| VU7 Laccadive |25.7| VK9 Mellish | |78.1| KH5K Kingman reef |35.8| PY0 Peter & Paul|25.0| VP8 So.Georgia | |71.5| VK0 MacQuarie |35.1| E3 Eritrea |24,6| FT_X Kerguelen | |70.5| BS7 Scarborough |34.0| FO0 Clipperton |24.3| ST Sudan | |59.7| 3B6,7 St.Brandon |33.0| BV9 Pratas |24,0| VP8 So.Sandwich| |57.3| VU4 Andaman |32.3| KH4 Midway |23.6| FT_W Crozet | |55.2| ZL9 Auckland |31.2| 3D2 Conway reef |23.2| KP1 Navassa | |51.4| KH1 Howland |30.2| HK0 Malpelo |22,6| KH8 Amer. Samoa| |47.2| 7O Yemen |29.9| KH5 Palmyra |21.5| TI9 Cocos | |45.8| 3Y Bouvet |29.6| FT_Z Amsterdam |20.5| T2 Tuvalu | |44.8| T33 Banaba |28.5| ZK3 Tokelau |19.8| XF4 Revilla | |41.7| 3C0 Annobon |27,4| CE0 San Felix |19.1| VR6 Pitcairn | |39.9| ZL8 Kermadec |27,1| ST0 So. Sudan |18.8| KH3 Johnston | |37.8| T31 Centr.Kirib. |26.0| KP5 Desecheo |18.1| T32 East Kirib.| \==========================================================================/ /EX S DX@WW $425WW352B 425 DX News #352 [2/6] 31 January 1998 No 352 BID: $425WW352B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== 4J - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that amateur radio stations from Azerbaijan are allowed to replace their usual prefixes with 4KA and 4JA until 31 December. The Radio Club of Baku may be active as 4K80ADR to celebrate 80 years of independence of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. 8P - The DX News Sheet reports that G3RFX will be active (CW and SSB, mostly on 20 and 40 metres with some 17 and 15 metres) from Barbados (NA-021) as 8P9FX between 2 and 16 February. QSL via G3RFX. 9G - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Steve, PA3GBQ he will be in Ghana during the first 3 weeks of February. This is not a DXpedition, but he might be active as (probably) 9G5BQ. QSL via PA3GBQ. 9G - Steve Wilson, G3VMW reports that four British amateurs will be active from Ghana in February. Andy, G4ZVJ will be active as 9G5VJ between 5 February and 1 March [425DXN 351] and will be active in the FOC Marathon. He will be joined on 12 February by Alan, G3XAQ who will be active as 9G5XA until 23 Fberuary. Steve, G3VMW and Bob, G3ZEM fly to Accra on the 20 February to join the others and will be QRV as 9G5SW and 9G5ZM on all bands. They will be QRV during the ARRL CW Contest and the the RSGB 7 MHz CW Contest. The DXpedition will end on the 1st March. Activity will be mainly on CW but with the possibility of some RTTY and SSB if required. QSL 9G5SW via G3VMW, QSL 9G5VJ via G4ZVJ, QSL 9G5XA via G3XAQ, QSL 9G5ZM via G3ZEM or RSGB Bureau. Further information is available at www.bramham.demon.co.uk C6 - Wade, AA8LL reports he will be active as AA8LL/C6A from Crooked Island (NA-113), Bahamas between 2 and 4 February. Look for him on SSB IOTA frequencies 10-40 metres. QSL via AA8LL either direct or through the bureau. C9 - Franco, I4LCK reports to 425 DX News he will be active again from Mozambique starting on 7 February. On 8 or 9 February he plans to be active from Inhaca Island (AF-066) for one or two days with his *new* call, C91LCK. Franco and Silvano, C91A will then move to Beira and try to be active from Chiloane Island, Sofala District group (AF-???). Plans are to operate as C91LCK/C93 possibly between 14 and 16 February, but actual dates and duration are subject to several local factors. CN - Ivan, OM3LA is active as CN2BI from Morocco until 10 February. QSL via OM1APD. EK - Sergei, EK4JJ is reported to be active as EK1700JJ (with this special event prefix Armenia celebrates 1700 years of Christianity). QSL via GW3CDP. FG - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that Alain, F2HE has been forced to cancel his February trip to Las Saintes (NA-114) [425DXN 345] and will try to be there in March. FT5W - Mehdi, F5PFP reports that that Jean-Paul, F5BU [425DXN 349] arrived to Possession Island, Crozet (AF-008) two days ago. He is expected to start being active as FT5WG on 31 January, around 16.30 UTC on 14.183 MHz. QSL via F6APU (Andre Jungbluth, 4 rue des Tulipes, 67380 Lingolsheim, France). FT5X - F5PFP reports that Helios, FT5XN [425DXN 348] is regularly QRV for North America on 14.209 and 14.031 MHz between 03.00 and 05.00 UTC and again between 13.00 and 14.00 UTC. He expects to receive the amplifier donated by the Clipperton DX Foundation in a few days' time. He will also try to be active with dipoles on the low and WARC bands. QSL via F6PEN (Gerard Ribes, 16 rue Viollet Leduc, 31100 Toulouse, France). HZ - Ibrahim, 7Z1IS reports he will be active (10, 15, 20 and 40 metres) as 7Z1IS/P from Tarut Island (AS-111) between 30 January and 4 February (but he states he will be off the radio for one day). QSL either direct to 7Z1IS (Ibrahim Saud, P.O. Box 3361, Al khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - please note that "IRCs are not accepted at our post service", he states) or via SM0OFG. JX - The DX News Sheet reports that Per LA7DFA will be active again (6-160 metres) from Jan Mayen (EU-022) as JX7DFA from 1 February through October. QSL via LA7DFA. KH2 - Dave, N2NL is now active from Guam (OC-026) as N2NL/KH2 [425DXN 345]. The Daily DX reports that Dave is waiting for his permanent housing to be assigned. For the next two weeks he will concentrate on 40 and 80 metres. QSL via W2YC. /EX S DX@WW $425WW352C 425 DX News #352 [3/6] 31 January 1998 No 352 BID: $425WW352C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== S7 - Kurt, HB9MX is active again from Seychelles as S79MX. He has been granted a special permission to operate on 80 metres and will be active from 00.00 UTC on 13 February to 24.00 UTC on 15 February, and again from 00:00 UTC on 20 February to 24.00 UTC on 22 February. He will be operating on 3.508 MHz (+/-) with 100 Watts. QSL via HB9MX. SV - The Daily DX reports that the Radio DX Group of Thrace, Greece will be active on all modes as J47XCJ between 1 and 28 February to celebrate the Xanthi Carnival Festival. TJ - The DX News Sheet reports that Tim, TJ1FT is active from Cameroon until July or August. Look for him around 23 UTC on 14.220. MHz QSL to P.O. Box 41, Makak, Cameroon, Africa. V3 - Jim Zimmerman, N6KZ reports that four operators from the Bay Area DX Association and the Southern California DX Club will be active (10-160 metres, CW, SSB and RS-12) from South Water Cay, Belize (NA-180) between 3 and 10 February. The operators are V31VI (QSL via N6KZ), V31UY (QSL via N6UY), V31NX (QSL via N6FH) and V31TR (QSL via K8BK). VP5 - The DXNL reports that Yuki, KQ6QJ, and Yoko, KF6NWQ are active until 2 February as VP5/KQ6SJ and VP5/KF6NWQ while on their honeymoon. QSL via JF6WBP. YN - On 25 January Carlos, YN1KDM/4 reported to Dan, W4DKS that he should be on Corn Island (NA-013) "for four or five more days". His activity takes place in his spare time. QSL via TI5KD. YS - The group of Finnish amateurs (OH6XY, OH1TD, OH3JF and OH7LIX) who were expected to operate from Guatemala [425DXN 347] is now active from El Salvador as YS1X [425DXN 351] until 6 February. They are using Raymundo's (YS1RRD) contest call and are operating from his QTH at the seaside. Look for them on CW (1.827, 3.507, 7.007, 10.103/10.108, 14.007, 18.077, 21.007, 24.897, 28.007 MHZ), SSB (1.840, 3.789, 7.045, 14.195, 18.145, 21.295, 24.945, 28.495 MHz) and RTTY (14.088, 21.088, 28.088 MHz). QSL via OH2BU (Jari Jussila, Pilvijarvi, FIN-02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** ANTARCTIC NEWS *** The following updates regarding current and planned activity during the summer Antarctic season have been provided by Bob Hines, K4MZU. ANTARCTICA (AN-06) - Art, KC4/KL7RL [425DXN 346] from Patriot Hills multinational base closed the station down on 22 January and has returned home. - Astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL was recently active for five days as KC4/W5LFL from Patriot Hills multinational base. - KC4AAF from DownStream Bravo [425DXN 346] is QRT. It is hoped to have an amplifier and better antennas next Summer season. - Henry, VE0HSS was forced to cancell his planned trip to R1ANW at SAAM Vostok Base [425DXN 346] because of bad weather conditions. - The Director of SANAE has indicated that the operators at ZS7ANT [425DXN 346] may have more time for the amateur bands as the season ends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** IOTA OPERATIONS WHICH HAVE PROVIDED ACCEPTABLE VALIDATION MATERIAL (1) ** EU-147 RK1B/1 Kimalisti Island (July 1997) EU-148 TM5BCU/IPA Fort Brescou (June 1997) EU-162 RK1B/1 Glov Island (July 1997) NA-045 XF3/EA3BT Mujeres Island (October 1997) NA-045 XF3/EA3AOK Mujeres Island (October 1997) NA-090 XF3/EA3BT Cozumel Island (October 1997) NA-090 XF3/EA3AOK Cozumel Island (October 1997) NA-157 KL7/W6IXP Kayak Island (July 1997) (1) Includes operations where validation material was volunteered, ie not specifically required for credit to be given - in all cases cards now submitted will be accepted by Checkpoints. /EX S DX@WW $425WW352D 425 DX News #352 [4/6] 31 January 1998 No 352 BID: $425WW352D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* 1A0KM --> With reference to an amateur radio activity which has been recently rumoured to take place from SMOM, Francesco Valsecchi, IK0FVC (QSL manager for 1A0KM) reports that the SMOM authorities "have declared themselves to be in the dark about it. Any future activity from SMOM", Francesco states, "will be announced well in advance, with the full list of operators and in compliance with the Order's strict and selective rules": 9M0C PROPAGATION PREDICTIONS ---> Please note: AF = Africa; Am = Americas (ENA, WNA and SA); E/A = All of Europe AND Africa; ENA = Eastern North America; EU = Europe (all); EU(E) = Europe (Eastern only); JA = Japan; LP = Long Path; NA = North America (east AND west); Pac = Pacific rim (VK and JA); SA = South America; VK = Australia; WNA = Western North America. UTC 00-03 03-06 06-09 09-12 12-15 15-18 18-21 21-24 ------------------------------------------------------------- 10m WNA VK EU(E) E/A Am/LP SA - - VK E/A AF 12m WNA VK EU(E) SA/LP Am/LP Am - - Pac Pac E/A E/A E/A 15m WNA EU(E) EU(E) SA/LP SA/LP NA AF VK SA Pac Pac E/A E/A SA Pac Pac VK E/A 17m SA EU(E) EU(E) SA/LP ENA Am WNA ENA/LP Pac Pac Pac E/A SA/LP E/A VK VK Pac E/A 20m SA JA Pac SA/LP ENA NA Am SA AF EU E/A E/A E/A E/A JA Pac Pac VK Pac 30m E/A - JA NA NA WNA SA SA SA/LP Eu E/A E/A E/A Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac 40m - - - ENA NA WNA SA SA Pac EU(E) E/A E/A E/A Pac Pac Pac Pac 80m - - - ENA WNA E/A E/A SA Pac EU(E) Pac Pac E/A Pac 160m - - - ENA WNA EU(E) E/A JA Pac Pac Pac Pac E/A ALASKA QSL BUREAU ---> Frank Hurlbut, KL7FH reports that the Alaska QSL Bureau has changed address. The new address is: Alaska QSL Bureau, Box 520343, Big Lake, Alaska 99652, USA. DXPEDITION GROUP ---> Bill Gallier, W4WX is interested in forming a "Space "A" DXpedition Group": "Members would be from all over the world", Bill says. "Only requirements would be [a] retired military with space available privileges, [b] have email address. The group would communicate via email an organize at least one DXpedition a year. There are many places available to visit via military air. Give me your thoughts and ideas". Bill's e-mail address is w4wx@bellsouth.net EXPO 98 AWARD ---> The Portuguese national society (REP) sponsors the Expo 98 Award for contacts made with CT98, CS98, CQ98 and CU98 stations [425DXN 347], including the special event stations CT98REP and CT98EXPO. For further information please contact the REP Award/Contest Manager, Apartado 2483, 1112 Lisboa Codex, Portugal. QSL K7K & K4M ---> Frank Smith, AH0W reports that the QSL cards for the recent K7K (Kure) and K4M (Midway) operations have been received from the printers and are being sent out. "Please give us a few weeks at least to get this chore done before sending inquiries", Frank says. QSL via KE7LZ (Bob Johnson, 5627 West Hearn Road, Glendale, Arizona 85306-4213, USA). /EX S DX@WW $425WW352E 425 DX News #352 [5/6] 31 January 1998 No 352 BID: $425WW352E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL TT8SA ---> The QSL manager for this station is IV3VBM, whose *new* address is: Mario Simonutti, Via Oltrerugo 127, 33091 Castelnovo - PN, Italy. QSL VK9LX ---> Nick, VK2ICV reports that the first lot of about 700 cards is in the mail. So far he has received more than 2000 direct requests for his and K8RF's activity from Lord Howe as VK9LX (23 November - 1 December 1997), and it would probably take another 3-4 weeks to answer them all. QSL via VK2ICV (Nick Hacko, P.O.Box 730, Parramatta NSW 2124, Australia). QSL VIA AC7DX ---> Ron Lago, AC7DX reports he will *no longer* handle the QSL chores of 9K2QQ and UA3CT. QSL for both direct to CBA. QSL VIA TI2YO ---> Minor, TI2YO can confirm contacts made with TE2M, YN0TI, HT7YO and TI9YO. His new address is Minor, P.O. Box 41-1300, Hatillo, San Jose, Costa Rica. SPRATLY ISLANDS ---> Ray, G3NOM reports that the the Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters Society (MARTS) has formally applied to the authorities to allocate a separate prefix to the this group, i.e. 9M7 (for HF and VHF licence) and 9W7 (for VHF only licence). It could take a considerable time before we know whether the proposal is accepted by the authorities. In the meantime, 9M0C [425DXN 351] may be your last chance to work one of the romantic, legendary 9M0 Spratly prefixes! VK4RC ---> The Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club services the needs of amateur radio and shorth wave listening enthusiasts in the city of Redcliffe, Queensland and surrounding area. Membership is open to amateurs and SWLs from around the world. The club station VK4RC can be contacted every Sunday at 08.30 UTC on 14.205 MHZ +/- QRM during the Australian summer (December, January and February) and on 3.612 MHz +/-QRM every Sunday at 09.30 UTC all year through. The Radio Club sponsors the "Redcliffe City Award" and the "Rally Australia Award". Further information is available at http//www.st.net.au./~vk4vw./rdrc/ or from Kevin, VK4AKI (c/o Redcliffe and Districts Radio Club Inc., P.O. Box 20, Woody Point, QLD 4019, Australia). VK9YQS ---> The station who recently signed VK9YQS (Macquarie) on 40 metres CW is believed to be a pirate. Jim, VK1FF states that "VK three-letter callsign suffixes YAA-YZZ are allocated to Australian LIMITED Licensees who are permitted to transmit only on designated frequencies above 50 MHz, except for 29.0-29.7 MHz on FM telephony". The genuine Doug, VK0YQS is actually on Macquarie [425DXN 349], but he is only operating on 6 metres at this stage. + SILENT KEY + It was with great sadness that we have learnt of the passing, on 19 January, of Eric Edberg, W6DU (a past President and Secretary of both California DX Foundation and NCDXF) and, on 24 January, of Valery "Larry" Saldin, RA4HA, for many years a familiar voice on 14.175 MHz. ============================================================================ For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1QFM, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IK0FVC, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F5PFP, F6AJA, G4BUE, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, NL7TB, OZ5MJ, PP5SZ, PS7AB, PS7KM, VK6LC, W3UR, WD8MGQ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> Please send a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it Write in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> Where <address> is the subscriber's e-mail address Example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? Please go to: http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html and try the "Search" button ***************************************************************************** /EX S DX@WW $425WW352F 425 DX News #352 [6/6] 31 January 1998 No 352 BID: $425WW352F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== **** DANISH ISLANDS **** =========================== The following list has been provided by Thomas M. Roesner, DL8AAM. The original source is Jens Palle, OZ5MJ, EDR Award Manager. County Name of the island Number IOTA ------------------------------------------------------ K�benhavn (01) Sj�lland 01-01 EU-029 Amager 01-02 EU-029 Saltholm 01-03 EU-029 Frederiksborg (02) Sj�lland 02-01 EU-029 Hessel� 02-02 EU-029 Eskils� 03-03 EU-029 Roskilde (03) Sj�lland 03-01 EU-029 Vestsj�lland (04) Sj�lland 04-01 EU-029 Sejer� 04-02 EU-029 Neksel� 04-03 EU-029 Or� 04-04 EU-029 Sprog� 04-05 EU-029 Om� 04-06 EU-029 Agers� 04-07 EU-029 Orm� 04-08 EU-029 Gl�n� 04-09 EU-029 Musholm 04-10 EU-029 Storstr�m (05) Sj�lland 05-01 EU-029 Lolland 05-02 EU-029 Falster 05-03 EU-029 M�n 05-04 EU-029 Vejr� 05-05 EU-029 Fem� 05-06 EU-029 Fej� 05-07 EU-029 R�g� 05-08 EU-029 Ask� 05-09 EU-029 Bog� 05-10 EU-029 T�r� 05-11 EU-029 Eneh�je 05-12 EU-029 Nyord 05-13 EU-029 Gavn� 05-14 EU-029 En� 05-15 EU-029 Dybs� 05-16 EU-029 Lang� 05-17 EU-029 Far� 05-18 EU-029 Bornholm (06) Bornholm 06-01 EU-030 Christians� 06-02 EU-030 Fyn (07) Fyn 07-01 EU-029 Brands� 07-02 EU-029 B�g� 07-03 EU-029 Illum 07-04 EU-029 F�n� 07-05 EU-029 �bel� 07-06 EU-029 Tor� 07-07 EU-029 Roms� 07-08 EU-029 Ly� 07-09 EU-029 Avernak� 07-10 EU-029 Drej� 07-11 EU-029 Skar� 07-12 EU-029 Hjort� 07-13 EU-029 �r� 07-14 EU-029 T�singe 07-15 EU-029 Thur� 07-16 EU-029 Stryn� 07-17 EU-029 Birkholm 07-18 EU-029 Langeland 07-19 EU-029 Bj�rn� 07-20 EU-029 Si� 07-21 EU-029 S�nderjylland (08) Als 08-01 EU-029 Bars� 08-02 EU-029 R�m� 08-03 EU-125 �r� 08-04 EU-029 Okse� 09-05 Ribe (09) Fan� 09-01 EU-125 Mand� 09-02 EU-125 Langli 09-03 EU-125 Vejle (10) Endelave 10-01 EU-029 Hjarn� 10-02 EU-029 Ringk�bing (11) Ven� 11-01 Jegind� 11-02 Aarhus (12) Anholt 12-01 EU-088 Sams� 12-02 EU-029 Tun� 12-03 EU-029 Alr� 12-04 Hjelm 12-05 EU-029 Vejr� 12-06 EU-029 Viborg (13) Nordjylland 13-01 Mors 13-02 Fur 13-02 Nordjylland (14) Nordjylland 14-01 Hirsholmene 14-02 EU-088 L�s� 14-03 EU-088 F�r�n 14-04 EU-088 Kringelr�n 14-05 EU-088 Hornfiskr�n 14-06 EU-088 Egholm 14-07 DL8AAM reports that some conversion problems may occur with the special characters: <"> is a letter <o> (Oscar) with a stroke (like a crossed Zero); <'> is a letter <ae> (Alpha and Echo written together); a "cross" is <aa>, that is a letter <a> with a point on the top. /EX