DX425 bulletin issue nr. 351

S DX@WW $425WW351A
425 DX News #351 [1/6]
 24 January 1998                   No 351                   BID: $425WW351A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                      <<< PALMYRA, KINGMAN & BAKER >>>

Tony DePrato, WA4JQS (Director Of Operations, South Sandwich Island Dx Group)
and Frank Smith,  AH0W/W7 (Chairman,  Midway-Kure Dx  Foundation) announce  a
joint DXpedition to Palmyra Island, Kingman  Reef and Baker Island. See  KH1,
KH5 and KH5 below for details.

3B7    - Urs, HB9ABO reports that a  major DXpedition to St.Brandon  (AF-015)
         will  take  place  between  6 and 17  May.  The  DXpedition is being
         organized by  the  Union  of  Swiss  Shortwave Amateurs (USKA)  club
         station HB9RF. Team members  3B8CF, 4X1DF/A, HB9ABO, HB9ADP, HB9AFH,
         HB9AFI, HB9AHL, HB9AJW, HB9BQI, HB9BQW, HB9BXE, HB9JAI (team leader)
         and K5KG will operate  24 hours a day with four station on all bands
         CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV. Logs will be available on a daily basis on a
         web  site  (still  under  construction).   Financial  assistance  is
         appreciated  -  the  cashier  is  Josef  Meier,  HB9AJW (100450.540@
9G     - The OPDX Bulletin  reports that PA3AWW,  PA3DEW and  PA3FQX will  be
         active (on all bands, CW and SSB) from Ghana as 9G1AA between 4  and
         25 February. QSL via PA2FAS.
9G     - Andy, G4ZVJ reports he will be active as 9G5VJ from Ghana between  5
         February and  1 March.  He  will operate  on  all bands,  mostly  CW
         including the ARRL DX CW contest and possibly the WPX RTTY  Contest.
         QSL via G4ZVJ either direct (Andy  Chadwick, 5 Thorpe Chase,  Ripon,
         North Yorkshire,  HG4  1UA, England,  UK)  and  through  the  bureau
         (bureau cards can be requested at andy@g4zvj.demon.co.uk).
9K     - Hamad, 9K2HN reports that the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society (KARS) is
         organizing their third DXpedition to AS-118.  The station 9K2F  will
         be active for one week starting on 12 February. QSL via 9K2HN either
         direct (Hamad J. Al-Nusif, P.O. Box 29174, 13152, Safat, Kuwait)  or
         through  the  bureau.  Questions  may  be  addressed  to  Hamad   at
9M0_spr- Suggested  frequencies  for  the  CDXC   (Chiltern  DX  Club)   9M0C
         expedition (12-24 February) to Pulau Layang Layang, Spratly  Islands
         (AS-051) [425DXN 349] are as follows (SSB/CW/RTTY): 1.842 and  1.824
         MHz on 160 metres; 3.795/3.802  and 3.502 MHz  on 80 metres;  7.080,
         7.002 and 7.035 MHz on 40  metres; 10.102 MHz on 30 metres;  14.195,
         14.022 and 14.080  MHz on 20  metres; 18.145  and 18.072  MHz on  17
         metres; 21.295,  21.022 and  21.080 MHz  on  15 metres;  24.945  and
         24.892 MHz on 12 metres; 28.495, 28.002 and 28.080 MHZ on 10  metres
         (a RTTY frequency for 17 and 12 metres has not been chosen as  yet).
         The team will operate split listening within 5 KHz on CW and  within
         20 KHz on SSB.  They  will also operate in the General/Novice  class
         bands occasionally, but especially near the end of the operation.
9N     - The DX News Sheet reports that  Rich, G4RHM has gone QRT as  9N1RHM.
         He is back in the UK and is unlikely to return to Nepal in the short
9N     - Charlie, K4VUD  will be  active as  9N1UD  [425DXN 341]  between  19
         February and 8  March (during his  staying in Nepal  he will make  a
         side trip to Bhutan, but *no* activity will take place from A5).  He
         is reported  to  operate  during  the  ARRL  DX  CW  Contest  (21-22
         February) and the  ARRL DX SSB  Contest (7-8 March).  QSL via  K4VUD
         (Charles Harpole, 3100 N. Hwy. 426, Geneva, FL 32732-9761, USA).
9U     - Alex, PA3DZN left Burundi [425DXN 340] on 6 January and returned  to
         the Netherlands.
A4     - The Daily DX reports that Don,  A92BE was expected to leave  Bahrain
         around 20 January for a two year work assignment in Oman.
AP     - JA1EZM is active again as AP2AP from Karachi. Pakistan. He hopes  to
         participate in the CQ WW CW 160 Meter DX Contests.  QSL via JA1EZM.
DL     - Tom, DL8AAM  reports he  plans to  be  actve from  Hamburger  Hallig
         Island (N-036 for the German  Islands Award, it  does not count  for
         IOTA) on 21-22 February.
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 24 January 1998                   No 351                   BID: $425WW351B
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EA     - Pepe, EA5KB reports that EA5RKX [425DXN  345] is now expected to  be
         active from Penyeta del Moro (EU-151) on Saturday 7 March between 13
         and 20 UTC and possibly on Sunday 8 March between 8 and 12 UTC.  For
         further information please contact Pepe at ea5kb@ctv.es
FS     - Dennis, K7BV reports he will operate from FS5PL's QTH in the ARRL DX
         CW Contest (21-22 February). QSL via N0JT. Dennis will also  operate
         a day or two before and after  the contest as FS/K7BV (QSL via  K7BV
         either direct - Dennis Motschenbacher,  4357 Appollonio Way,  Carson
         City, NV 89704, USA - or through the bureau).
I      - Special event  station IR0MFP  (Millennium for  Peace) [425DXN  333]
         will be active on 31 January and 1 February. QSL via IK0AZG.
J3     - The DX News Sheet reports that  K4UPS and K4LTA will be active  (SSB
         and CW) from Grenada between 10  February and 3 March. They will  be
         joined for ten days by NK4N/OE3JOS  and OE1GRU, with whom they  will
         participate in the ARRL DX  CW Contest (Multi  Single. QSL via  home
JA     - Toshi, JA1ELY reports that Takio, JH3QFL will be active from  Miyako
         Is. (AS-079)  on 25  January. Look  for him  on 14.260  MHz  between
         08-10UTC and 40 metres CW  or SSB between  20-22UTC. QSL via  JH3QFL
         either direct (Takio Hata, 828-1207 Kawahara, Cyuzu 520-2423, Japan)
         or through the bureau.
JT     - A group  of  amateurs from  the  Mongolian Radio  Sports  Federation
         (including JT1CD, JT1AS, JT1BL, JT1BJ, JT1CJ  and JT1CM) was  active
         in mid-January as JU2DX from Eastern Mongolia. QSL via JT1KAA.
KC4_ant- Bob, K4MZU reports that YL operator Deneb at KC4AAC (Anvers  Island,
         AN-012) [425DXN 349] will be back  on 21.243 Mhz this coming  Sunday
         (25 January) looking for European contacts and will be listening for
         callers starting  at  13.30UTC.  This  will  probably  be  the  last
         operation on 15 metres, as the  station will be starting to  prepare
         to close down next month. QSL via K4MZU.
KG4    - Bill,   W4WX/KG4GC   reports   he   and   WV3N/KG4AU,    K4QD/KG4QD,
         WA4OMS/KG4OS, KG4WD  and  KG4PK will  operate  from  Guantanamo  Bay
         (NA-015) between 13 and  20 February. They  will participate in  the
         ADRS WW RTTY  WPX Contest (14-15  February) as KG4GC:  QSL via  W4WX
         either direct (Bill Gallier, 4094 Sandy Run Drive E., Middleburg, FL
         32068, USA) or through the  bureau. After the  contest they will  be
         active on all  modes and bands  with their KG4  calls (QSL via  home
KG4    - The Daily  DX reports  that W4ZYT/KG4ZK,  NW3K/KG4CH and  W4SD/KG4SD
         will be active on all bands from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) between  17
         and 24 February (QSL via home  calls). They will participate in  the
         ARRL DX CW Contest and hope to use the call KG4DZ (QSL via W4SD).
KH1    - After leaving Kingman Reef (see KH5K below), the MKDXF & SSIDXG team
         (K4AU, N4BQW, N4DAZ, W4DKS, KA4IST, WA4FFW  and NH6UY) will sail  to
         Baker Island (OC-089), where they  will be active  between 5 and  12
         March. QSL and financial support via AC7DX.
KH5    - Mark, KA4IST will  depart Honolulu on  26 January and  will open  up
         operations from Palmyra Island (OC-085) around 4 February. Mark will
         operate during his off duty hours. On 20 February he will be  joined
         by Chuck, N4BQW until  the 25th, when  other five operators  (NH6UY,
         N4DAZ, WA4FFW, W4DKS and K4AU) will join the group. The sked at this
         time is  for  round the  clock  all-band  all-mode  operations  from
         Palmyra till the 27 February. QSL and financial support via AC7DX.
KH5K   - After leaving Palmyra on 27 February, the MKDXF & SSIDXG team (K4AU,
         N4BQW, N4DAZ, W4DKS, KA4IST, WA4FFW and NH6UY) will sail for Kingman
         Reef (OC-096),  where they  will operate  around the  clock until  1
         March. QSL and financial support via AC7DX.
KH6    - The Daily DX reports that Bob, W9RB will be active as W9RB/KH6  from
         Maui Island, Hawaii  (OC-019) between 16  and 21  February. He  will
         participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest.
KH0    - Toshi, JA1ELY reports  that JN1TCC, JS1PNS,  JA2HBK, JJ2NYT,  JK2TQB
         and JR4URW  will be  KH0/ from  Saipan (OC-086)  between 14  and  16
         February. This is their first DXpedition and they plan to operate on
         10-40 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via home calls.
KP2    - Larry, KE2VB is reported to participate  in the ARRL  DX CW and  SSB
         Contests from WP2Z in the Virgin Islands (NA-106). QSL via KU9C.
P4     - The DX News Sheet reports that K2LE will be active again as  P4/K2LE
         from Aruba (SA-036) between 2 and 15 February. QSL via K2LE.
P4     - I2UIY, AI6V and W6OAT will be active (on all bands SSB, CW and RTTY)
         from Aruba between mid February and  mid March. They will be  active
         as P40K, P4/I2UIY, P40V and  P49V and will  participate in both  the
         ARRL DX  (CW &  SSB) Contests  and in  the CQ  WW DX  160 Meter  SSB
PY     - Pedro, PP5SZ reports that a group of PY operators will be active  as
         ZW2ST from Sao Sebastiao Island (SA 028, DIB 016) between 23 and  26
         January. This  and other  PY island  stations can  be found  on  the
         Brazil DX Net (14.222 MHZ, 18-21 UTC).  QSL via PY2AE.
PY     - Mario,  PQ8MM  reports  he  will  be  joined  by  PQ8VA  during  his
         forthcoming activity from SA-045 [425DXN 349].  They will be  active
         as PQ8MM/p and PQ8VA/p. Operations (10-80  metres SSB, possibly  CW)
         from Maraca Island (DIB 39) are  now expected to take place  between
         19 and 24 February. QSL direct  to PQ8MM (Mario  S. Gomes, P.O.  Box
         533, Macapa, Amapa 68906-972, Brasil).
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 24 January 1998                   No 351                   BID: $425WW351C
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S2     - The DX News Sheet reports that  Andrew, G4VLV is active until  March
         as S21YE from, Bangladesh. QSL via G4VLV.
TJ     - The Daily DX  reports that Bob  Ferrero, W6RJ and  his son Bob  Jr.,
         W6KR will be active as TJ1GB from Cameroon between 15 February and 1
         March. They will be on safari during daylight and on the air  during
         darkness and will concentrate on 160  metres and the low bands.  QSL
         via K6SLO (ex WA6SLO).
VK     - Australin amateurs will be permitted to  replace the VK suffix  with
         AX between 24 and 26 January to celebrate the Australia Day.
VP2E   - The Daily DX reports that Dick, K3DI will participate in the ARRL DX
         CW Contest (21-22  February) as VP2EEI  from Anguilla (NA-022).  QSL
         via K3DI (bureau cards can be requested at wilder@clark.net).
VP5    - The Caribbean  Contesting  Consortium  (CCC)  will  be  active  from
         VP5JM's QTH between 14 and 28 February. Operators K4LT, K8RF,  KU8E,
         W8AV, W8TK, W9EFL, WA9S and W0CG will use VP5/ (QSL via home calls).
         They will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as VP5FXB (a special
         callsign in memory of the late Al Slater, G3FXB). QSL for VP5FXB via
         W8AV either  direct  or through  the  bureau.  More  information  is
         available at http://asgard.kent.edu/ccc/vp5fxb/vp5fxb.htm
XU     - Harv, XU2FB is reported to be now active as XUF2B. QSL via N4JR.
YN     - Carlos, YN1CB reports to  be active on  14.222 MHz at  4 UTC and  on
         Saturdays on 14.215 MHz at 20  UTC.  QSL via  YN1CB (P.O. Box  3733,
         Managua, Nicaragua).
YS     - The Daily DX reports that "due to some unforeseen reason" the  group
         of Finnish  amateurs  who was  expected  to operate  as  TG0OH  from
         Guatenmala [425DXN 347] has had a change of plans. They will now  be
         active as  YS1X from  YS1RRD's  beach QTH  in  El Salvador  and  are
         expected to be on the air by late Saturday aternoon (local time).
ZS     - John, KA3DBN/VP2EBN reports he will be back in Africa between 1  and
         19 March, starting in South  Africa and moving  around to A22,  7P8,
         3DA0, Z2 and C9. He  will try to  be as active  as possible from  as
         many locations as possible on CW,  RTTY and SSB.  QSL via bureau  to


                 <<< RULES CHANGES FOR THE DXCC PROGRAM >>>
                     Excerpt from  the ARRL Bulletin #8

"Approved by the Board were rules changes for the DXCC program that had  been
recommended by the DXCC 2000 Committee. Under the new criteria, no  countries
currently on the DXCC list will be removed.  In the future, countries will be
referred to as entities.  A political entity  will be added to the DXCC  list
if it meets any one of three criteria: it is a UN member state, it has an ITU
prefix block assigned, or  it has a  separate IARU member  society.  The  new
criteria also replace  all DXCC measurements,  including physical  separation
distances, with  metric  system figures  roughly  equivalent  to  the  former
distances. While the  57 entities on  the deleted  list will  remain, no  new
countries will be added to the deleted list in the future.  Deleted  entities
simply will be removed. In addition, the new rules specify a minimum 'island'
size of 100  meters measured in  a straight line.   The  DXCC field  checking
program will remain  in place.   The effective date  of the  changes will  be
announced later this year.  The  DXCC 2000 Committee was discharged with  the
Board's thanks."
S DX@WW $425WW351D
425 DX News #351 [4/6]
 24 January 1998                   No 351                   BID: $425WW351D
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

1998 DX DINNER ---> The Thirteenth Annual DX Dinner is being organized by the
Southwest Ohio DX Association and will be held on 15 May at the Crowne  Plaza
Hotel, Dayton OH. For information on the dinner, please contact Steve  Bolia,
N8BJQ at (937) 788-2803 or e-mail to n8bjq@erinet.com (also check the  SWODXA
homepage at http://members.aol.com/SteveB4622/index.htm).

DXER OF  THE  YEAR --->  The  seventh annual  New  Orleans  International  DX
Convention will be held at the Royal  Sonesta Hotel in the French Quarter  on 
August 14  and  15. "Beginning  now,  and continuing  through  the  month  of
February", Don  Boudreau  (W5FKX,  President  of  NOIDXC)  reports,  "we  are
inviting nominations for DXer of the Year. Please send in your nominations on
behalf of  those  who have  significantly  contributed to  our  enjoyment  of
DXing". Nominations can be mailed to Stan Pulitzer, 4236 Vincennes Place, New
Orleans, LA 70125, USA or e-mailed to w5jyk@aol.com

HS/9M NET --->  The Thailand/Malaysia 40  metres net  is now  run by  Kareem,
HS1RU each night  between 13.00-14.00 UTC  on 7.060 MHz.  John, NT5C  reports
that Kareem is used to QSY to 7.052 or 7.057 and calling USA (listening  7.15
+/- QRM) from 13.10-13.20 UTC. 

NA-198 ---> Dave,  VE3LDT reports that  Long island (CISA  NF-038), which  he
activated on 2 September 1997, can now count for IOTA NA-198  (Newfoundland's
coastal islands).

QSL MANAGER CHANGE  ---> Conrad, VE2ICM  notifies 425DXN of  a change in  QSL
manager for  the  following stations:  BA4TB,  EX2M, T95LGN,  UA0FDX,  UN7EG,
UN7FJ. The *new*  QSL manager is  HH2PK (QSL direct  to P.O.  Box 104,  22650
Plubalay, France).

QSL 9M2OM/P ---> Ray, G3NOM reports that all direct QSL requests for his 1997
IOTA operations (AS-072, AS-074, AS-097) received by 31/12/97 have been dealt
with by G3NOM and G0CMM. The  last batch was posted from  the UK on  19/1/98.
Cards received direct to-date since 31/12/97 will be sent if possible  before
the end of January 98  to meet the  IOTA list deadline.  Anyone who has  sent
cards direct to G0CMM or G3NOM who has not received a reply by 25/1/98 should
contact Ray (g3nom@ibm.net) quickly. Work has  started on cards received  via
the bureau.

QSL TK/OM3JW &  TK/OM2DX ---> Steve,  OM3JW and Mike,  OM2DX report that  the
cards for their September  1997 activities from  Corsica, EU-014 (TK/OM3JW  &
TK/OM2DX) and the island of Lavezzi, EU-164 (TK/OM3JW/p & TK/OM2DX/p)  should
be printed in late January. Please be patient.

QSL VK9EKY  ---> Ron  Wills,  ZL2TT reports  that  cards for  Zbig's  current
(VK2EKY, Lord Howe)  [425DXN 349] and  other DX  calls may  be requested  via
WA3HUP or via *7J6AAK/2* (either direct and through the JARL bureau).  Please
note that  Zbig's *new*  address [425DXN  350]  is: Zbigniew  Frank  Murdzia,
Shijimizuka 3-8-41, Shizuoka-Ken 432, Hamamatsu City, Japan.
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QSL VP5/WQ7X  ---> Cards  go  via SP5INQ.  Rys,  SP5EWY reports  the  correct
address: Zenon Kuciak, 08-460 Sobolew, Poland.

QSL VIA AC7DX  ---> Ron, AC7DX  is *not* the  QSL manager  for either  JY5IN,

QSL VIA IK2PZG ---> QSL cards  for IIA (Italian Islands Award) activities  by
IK8UHA and IK8VRH are now managed by IK2PZG (Bruno Boccia, P.O. Box 27, 20051
Limbiate - MI, Italy).

QSL VIA IT9FXY ---> IT9FXY reports  that direct QSL  cards for the  following
operations by the Egadi DX Team have been all sent out: Asinelli (EU-166, IIA
TP-016, August 1997)  [425DXN 323],  Levanzo (EU-054,  IIA TP-009,  September
1997) [425DXN  331],  Il Faraglione  (EU-054,  IIA  TP-013,  September  1997)
[425DXN 331].

QSL VIA NP2AQ ---> The OPDX Bulletin reports that those who still need a  QSL
from Ron's (NP2AQ) previous operations (DL4FDU,  EY8/NP2AQ, 4L0MR and  EK9RM)
should send their  cards to  Ron Maples,  U.S. Embassy  Mexico City/ESO,  Box
3087,  Laredo,  TX  78044-2087,  USA.  QSO  data  may  also  be  e-mailed  to

QSL VIA WW9DX ---> The OPDX  Bulletin reports that  effective 1 January  1998
all of cards for Mike's (K9NW) past and future operations are managed by  the
Western Wisconsin DX Association: QSLs  for PJ7/N0BSH, NP3/N0BSH,  NP4/N0BSH,
FS/N0BSH, V47NZ, FS/K9NW and WH7/K9NW are  now via WW9DX either direct  (P.O.
Box 411, La Crosse, Wisconsin 54602, USA) or through the bureau.

VISALIA 1998 ---> The 1998 International DX Convention will be held from 1 to
3 May at  the Holiday  Inn in  Visalia, California.  For further  information
please contact  Rick Samoian,  W6SR at  714-993-0713 (home)  or  310-616-3912
(work) or send an e-mailto: scdxc@primenet.com

WABA DIRECTORY  ---> The ninth edition  of  the  WABA  46-page  Directory  is
available from IK1GPG at US$ 11.00 (postage included). It includes more  than
800 calls used from Antarctica since  1959, the list of Antarctic bases,  the
rules for  WABA (Worked  all  Antarctic Bases  Award)  and WASA  (Worked  all
Antarctic Stations Award) etc. For further information please contact IK1GPG:
Massimo Balsamo, Strada Statale 28 Nord # 7, 12084 Mondovi' - CN, Italy.

QSL received via  direct:  3F6V  (NA-071), 3W5KVR  (AS-130), 4S7BRG,  4U1ITU,
4U0ITU, 5A28, 5B4/RU3FM, 5N0MVE, 5V7A, 7Q7DX, 9G1BJ, 9M2OM/p (AS-097), 9M6OO,
9M8TG, 9Q5TR, 9U5DX,  9V1AG, 9V1YC, A35KY,  A61AS, AA1NC/p (NA-031),  BD7JA/7
(AS-131), CT3/DL1RNW,  CV5A  (SA-030),  D68QM,  EP2MKP,  FH/DF2SS,  FH/DJ2BW,
FO5DX, FO0BRD,  FO0KEO, FR5ZQ/T,  FT5ZG,  FW5XX (OC-054),  GM6UW/P  (EU-112),
GU0SUP, HF0POL, HP1XBI,  DL7DF/HR3, HK3JJH/0A  (NA-133), HK3JJH/0B  (NA-132),
ID8/IK8WEJ (IOTA EU-144;  IIA CS-002, 003,  007, 008,  009); ID8/IZ8AZV  (IIA
CS-007, 008,  009, 010),  ID8/IZ8BGY (EU-144;  IIA  CS-001, 003,  004,  007),
IF9/IT9FXY (EU-054;  IIA TP-009),  IL3/IK3GES (IIA  RO-020), IM0/IS0NHT  (IIA
CA-025), IT9WKH/IT9  (EU-166;  IIA TP-016),  JD1YBJ,  JL1KFR/JD1,  KH4/N4BQW,
KH0/JO1CRA, MU0ASP,  SV8/IK7WPH/p  (EU-052),  TA0/DJ8QP/p  (AS-098;  AS-099),
TA0/IK3GES/p, TM7I (EU-065; DIFM AT-001, 002,  008, 010, 036, 042, 057,  059,
121), TO7I, TT8DX,  VK2IOM (OC-223), VK9WY,  VK9YM, VK0TS, VR6MW,  XF3/EA3AOK
(NA-090), XF3/EA3BT (NA-045), ZA/IK7JWX, ZX1A (SA-029).

QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service:  4U1UN, DJ6SI/9L, R1ANT, YI1FLY.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike,  Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group,  Salento
DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX,  The 59(9) DX  Report, The Daily  DX,

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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S DX@WW $425WW351F
425 DX News #351 [6/6]
 24 January 1998                   No 351                   BID: $425WW351F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/03      4G50N: Naga City * special event callsign              347
till  end Jan    5N0T & 5N0YL                                           349
till  ??         8J1RL: Antarctica (AN-015) (WABA JA-02)                346
till  01/02      8P9DX * by VA3DX                                       339
till  28/01      8Q7AA * by Central Arizona DX Association              343
till  May        9N1FP * by RU6FP                                       350
till  early Mar  9X0A * by RW3AH                                        349
till  ??         CE9AP: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA CE-01)            346
till  ??         CE9SAC: Antarctica (AN-001) (WABA CE-07)               346
till  ??         CE3RAC/CE9: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA MN-01)           346
till  30/09      CT98, CS98, CQ98, CU98: CT special prefixes            347
till  end Feb    FT5X/FR5HR: Kerguelen (AF-048) * by FR5HR              350
till  01/06      FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            348
till  ??         FT5ZQ/T: Tromelin                                      348
till  20/02      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  339
till  Mar        JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  ??         KC4AAA: Antarctica (AN-012) (WABA K-08)                346
till  ??         KC4AAC: Antarctica (AN-012) (WABA K-10)                346
till  ??         KC4AAD: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA K-23)                346
till  ??         KC4AAF: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA K-??)                346
till  ??         KC4/KL7RL: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA MN-01)            346
till  Mar        KH2D & KH2/KF2XN: Guam * by KF2XN                      346
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkney                                    337
till  Feb        LU1ZC: South Shetlands (WABA LU-04) * LU6UO & LU4AXV   341
till  ??         LU6AUB/Z: Vicecomodoro Marambio Base (WABA LU-03)      349
till  ??         LZ0A: South Shetlands * by LZ2UU                       337
till  ??         OA0MP: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA OA-01)            346
till  30/04      P40MR * by VE3MR                                       343
till  27/01      P49I * by K4PI                                         350
till  ??         R1ANF: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA UA-04)            346
till  ??         R1ANL: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA UA-08)                346
till  ??         R1ANZ: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA UA-07)                346
till  March      S21YE * by G4VLV                                       351
till  26/01      VP2ESJ * by W5SJ                                       345
till  ??         VU2JBK & VU2RAY: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA VU-02)      346
till  ??         ZX0ECF: South Shetlands (AN-010) (WABA PY-01)          349
20/01-30/01      ZW5VB & ZW5AP, PP5VB/PY3 & PP5AP/PY3: PY lighthouses   350
22/01-08/02      ZX0DX & ZX0CW: So. Shetlands (AN-010)*by PT2NP & PT2HF 350
21/01-18/03      FT5WG: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5BU                       349
22/01-25/01      7P8: Sani Pass * by ZS6RVG, ZS6CAL, ZS6XJ, ZS6HZ       343
22/01-09/03      XT2DM: Burkina Faso * by F5RLE                         349
23/01-25/01      C42A * by UA2FB & UA2FF                                350
23/01-26/01      ZW2ST: Sao Sebastiao Isl (SA 028, DIB 016) * by PYs    351
23/01-25/01      CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest                           ***
24/01-26/01      AX: Australian special prefix                          351
24/01-05/02      YS1X * by OH1TD, OH3JF, OH6XY and OH7LIX               351
24/01-25/01      REF - French CW Contest                                ***
25/01-06/02      D68YN & D68YV: (AF-007) * by HB9CYN & HB9CYV           349
31/01-01/02      IR0MFP: special event station Millennium for Peace     351
25/01            JA: Miyako Is (AS-079)  by JH3QFL                     351
31/01            UBA SSB Contest                                        ***
January          CX0XY: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA CX-01)            346
January          EM1LV: Antarctica (AN-006) (WABA UR-01)                346
January          JU2DX * by JT1CD, JT1AS, JT1BL, JT1BJ, JT1CJ, JT1CM    350
mid Jan-Apr      K8VIR/ZL7: Chatham Is (OC-038) * by K8VIR              349
Jan-Feb          ZS26BI: Bird Isl (NO-REF) * by ZSs                     350
01/02-15/02      FG/F2HE: Les Saintes Isl. (NA-114)                     345
01/02-22/02      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Isl. (NA-057)                        337
01/02            IOTA HR/Annual Listing * deadline                      ***
02/02-15/02      P4/K2LE: Aruba (SA-036) * by K2LE                      351
04/02-25/02      9G1AA * by PA3AWW, PA3DEW & PA3FQX                     351
04/02-27/02      KH5: Palmyra Island (OC-085) * by MKDXF & SSIDXG       351
05/02-01/03      9G5VJ: Ghana * by G4ZVJ                                351
05/02-10/02      A35FN & A35LZ (OC-049) * by HB9HFN & HB9DLZ            347
05/02-mid March  TR8CR * by F8EN                                        349
06/02-08/02      OH8TA: Hailuoto Island (EU-126)                        347
07/02-22/02      8N0WOG: Nagano * special event station                 345
10/02-23/02      5W0FN & 5W0LZ (OC-097) * by HB9HFN & HB9DLZ            347
10/02-03/03      J3 * by K4UPS, K4LTA and others                        351
12/02-19/02      9K2F: AS-118 * by KARS                                 351
12/02-24/02      9M0C: Spratly (AS-051) * by Chiltern DX Club           351
13/02-20/02      KG4GC, KG4AU, KG4QD, KG4OS, KG4WD & KG4PK: Guantanamo  351
14/02-16/02      KH0 * by JN1TCC, JS1PNS, JA2HBK, JJ2NYT,JK2TQB,JR4URW  351
14/02-28/02      VP5FXB * by The Caribbean Contesting Consortium        351
14/02-15/02      ADRS WW RTTY WPX Contest                               ***
14/02-15/02      PACC Contest                                           ***
mid Feb-mid Mar  P40K, P4/I2UIY, P40V & P49V * by I2UIY, AI6V & W6OAT   351