S DX@WW $425WW350A 425 DX News #350 [1/7] 17 January 1998 No 350 BID: $425WW350A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3DA - Jon, 3DA0CA is active on 160 metres [425DXN 341]. The DX News Sheet reports he can be found on 1.827 MHz (QSX up 5) between 21 UTC and 22 UTC (Oceania and Japan) and around 02.45 UTC (Europe and North America). QSL via W4DR. 3W - The ARRL DX Bulletin reports that 3W6JQ will be active until 20 January. QSL via JA1IED. 4X - Amateur stations from Israel are allowed to use the special 4X50 prefix to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the nation of Israel until 1 May. These stations will also use /SK at the end of their call. 5B - Igor, UA2FZ reports he, UA2FB and UA2FF will be active fronm Cyprus (AS-004) between 23 and 25 January. They will participate in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest (Multi-Single) as C42A. QSL via DK4VW (this is a maildrop only, cards will be forwarded to Kalinigrad). 8Q - Dick Wolf, N6FF will be the pilot for the upcoming Central Arizona DX Association 8Q7AA operation from the Maldives (19-28 January) [425DXN 343, 345, 347]. You are welcome to contact him via e-mail (n6ff@snowcrest.net) with any observations you feel may be useful (eg. best time to work into specific areas on different bands, low band reports from all zones, overall comments on operator effectiveness, obvious problems of which the team may not be aware). QSL via N7TX. 9N - The Daily DX reports that Vladimir, RU6FP is active (moslty on CW) from Nepal as 9N1FP for the next four months. His licence allows him to operate on 20 and 40 metres only. QSL via RU6FP (Vladimir Zakharov, Kulakova 27/2 - 116, Stavropol 355044, Russia). CN - The Daily DX reports that Gerhard, OE3GEA expects to be active operate from Morocco as CN2GE between 16 and 22 January. QSL via OE3GEA. CO - Winston, CO2WF is very active on 14.151 or 21.215 MHz between 19.00 and 21.00 UTC, and on 7.050-7.060 MHz between 02:00 and 03:00 UTC. He also operates on 12 and 17 metres CW. QSL via VE2EH. D2 - The Daily DX reports that Fernando, EA4BB/D2BB was expected to return to Angola on 14 January. He plans to put up new antennas including one for 160 metres. He should be in Angola for one more year at least. QSL via W3HNK. FT5X - Herik, FR5DX reports that Rene, FT5X/FR5HR will be active from Kerguelen (AF-048) until the end of February. He should be active daily at 2 UTC on 14.240 MHz, at 13 UTC on 24.950 MHz and at 14 UTC on 18.130 MHz. QSL via FR5HR. I - IZ6ABB, IK6ZDF, IZ6AAV and I6FDJ will be active from Grottammare as IR6B on 17-19 January to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the local Scout Group. QSL via IZ6ABB either direct (P.O. Box 33, 63039 San Benedetto del Tronto - AP, Italy) or through the bureau. KC4_ant- Bob, K4MZU reports that operator Todd at KC4AAF (Down Stream Bravo Base, WABA K-??) [425DXN 346] will be listening for European stations on 17-18 January on 14.273 Mhz at 18.30, 19.30 and 20.30 UTC top of each hour. He will be listening for callers. QSL via K4MZU. /EX S DX@WW $425WW350B 425 DX News #350 [2/7] 17 January 1998 No 350 BID: $425WW350B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== OA - Cesar, OA4QV is currently active as OA463QV. The special prefix is to celebrate the 463rd anniversary of Lima. QSL via home call. P4 - Mike, K4PI will be active as P49I from Aruba (SA-036) between 20 and 27 January. He will participate in the CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest (24-25 January), before and after the contest he will operate mostly CW on low and WARC bands. QSL via K4PI. PJ - The Daily DX reports that Mike, K3UOC will be active (on 10-160 metres CW) as PJ5AA from St. Eustatius (NA-145) until 19 January. QSL via N2AU. PY - Pedro, PP5SZ reports that PP5VB and PP5AP will be active as either ZW5VB & ZW5AP (in the PY5 call area) and PP5VB/PY3 & PP5AP/PY3 (in the third call area) between 20 and 30 January while operating from eight or more lighthouses. They will start from Santa Marta (DFB SC-12) and end with Chuy (DFB RS-13) lighthouses. QSL via PP5VB. PY_ssh - Paulo Hernandes, PT2NP reports he and Lunkes, PT2HF [425DXN 349] are now expected to operate from King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010) between 22 January and 8 February. They will be active as ZX0DX on SSB (3.755, 7.055, 14.260, 18.128, 21.260, 24.950 and 28420 MHz) and ZX0CW on CW (3.530, 7.025, 10.140, 14.040, 18.098, 21.040, 24.920 and 28.040 MHz) and possibly on RTTY. This operation is being organized by ABRA (the Brazilian Association of Radioexpeditioners). QSL via PT2GTI, either direct or through the bureau. T31 - Although they were expected to remain on Kanton until 16 January [425DXN 349], Norbert, T31BB and his wife Judith, T31BA went QRT in the afternoon UTC on 9 January. QSL via DF6FK (Norbert Willand, Leipziger Ring 389, 63100 Rodgau, Germany). T8 - Toshi, JA1ELY reports to 425 DX News that Ken, 7M1STT will be active (SSB and CW) as T88TT from Belau between 17 and 20 January. QSL via 7M1STT either direct (Ken Suzuki, 16-6 Nishishizu 5-chome, Sakura 285-0845, Japan) or through the bureau. TI - The DXNL reports that Uwe, TI7/DL6MPG and Karsten, TI7/DL8MUG will be active from Costa Rica until 21 January. TT - The Daily DX reports that Eric, F5JKK hopes to start being active next week. He has not been issued either TT6M or TT8AQ [425DXN 345], but TT8JE. He plans to operate mostly CW on 6-160 metres until March. QSL via F6FNU. TZ - The Daily DX reports that Holger, TZ6TT, is constructing an antenna for 160 metres. Holger hopes to be active on topband in two or three weeks. QSL to P.O. Box 100, Bamako, Mali. ZD8 - Paul, ZD8V/KF4OOX reports that ZD8T and ZD8V are temporarily QRT because the USAF base hamshack on Ascension Island is being moved. "When we will be back is unknown right now", Paul says, "but the Station Manager hopes it to be just a few days". ZS - It has been reported that ZS2LL and ZS1FJ are expected to be active as ZS26BI from Bird Island (NO-REF) [425DXN 335] for five days in late January or in February. The Daily DX reports that "this will be a joint venture as they will go at the same time as a lighthouse maintenance crew. When the crew decides on an exact date they will give the operators one weeks notice". QSL via ZS1FJ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* D.I.F.O. ---> The French Overseas Islands Award (D.I.F.O.: Diplome de Iles Francaises d'Outre-mer) is sponsored by the Lyon DX Gang and it is available (Mixed, Phone and CW) to either licensed amateurs and SWLs. The basic award is for working 10 different French overseas islands. Contacts must have taken place since January 1980. The Award Manager is F5JJW (Joel Suc, La Grange, 69440 Taluyers, France). Further information is available at http://home.worldnet.fr/f5nod/ EL5CRC ---> Atson Nakayama, V63BR reports that EL5CRC (QSL via AA4US) is a pirate station operating from Micronesia. /EX S DX@WW $425WW350C 425 DX News #350 [3/7] 17 January 1998 No 350 BID: $425WW350A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL DU8ARK ---> QSL Manager I2YDX (Giuseppe de Gasperin, Via Trento, 21020 Brebbia - VA, Italy) reports he has DU8ARK's logs until 18 October 1997. Cards will be sent out in March, please do not send duplicates. QSL KP3Z ---> The *new* QSL manager for KP3Z is NP3HM (direct). QSL YJ8AA ---> QSL manager Alan Roocroft, VK4AAR reports that he cannot get in touch with Frank Palmer, YJ8AA and have him check his logs. During their last QSO, on 12 January, Frank just said there is big trouble in Vanuatu at the moment and he had to lower his antennas as a precaution and then went QRT immediately. "I have a number of QSLs to reply to for Frank", Alan says, "but I need him to check his log and give me the reports. Anyone who is still waiting for a reply at this time... please be patient and I will get them turned around as soon as possible". QSL VIA AA6BB ---> The South Sandwich Island Dxpedition Group has taken over the following QSL chores from the late Jerry Branson, AA6BB/7. Requests for QSL cards should be sent to AC7DX: Ron Lago, P.O. Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA. Ron has got the logs and QSLs from Jerry's QTH and reports there is no backlog. If you do not receive your reply within the next two weeks, please resubmit to Ron's address. Questions may be sent to Ron at ronlago@efn.org Call Dates Call Dates ==================== ============================= 1Z9A 1984-1986 KH5/AA6LF 1Z9B 1985-1984 KP4AM CQWW 1979-81-84 1Z9D 1984-1981 RI5A 1991 1Z9YL 1988-1991 RW0CWA 1991 3D2LF S79WHW 1982-1985 3D2WM 1990-1991 T30AC 1979-1990 3V8BB 14-24 Apr 1996 *only* T30W 1993-1994 3Y0PI UA0CCW 1981-1989 4B9CQ 1995 UB5UAT 1986-1988 5W1LF UD6BD 1981-1987 8P6JQ 1986-1991 UI9ACQ 1991 8P9GI UJ9SWE 1991 9K2QQ Jul-Aug 1997 *only* UK2RDX 1979-1985 9M2HB 1986-1994 UO5OAQ 1984 A35SS UO5OQ 1987-1989 AH2BE UR1RWX 1986-1989 AH2BE/KH6 UR2RRR 1986-1989 AH2BE/KH9 UV0EX 1977-1986 AH8A 1994 to present UY5PC 1983-1989 BV2FB 1989-1992 UZ2FWA 1986-1991 BV5CN Jun-Jul 1996 V31DX before 1997 *only* BV5HJ Jul-Aug 1996 V31UN 1991 BZ1FB 1989-1991 VK4ALF Flinders Island C21BD 1984-1988 VK4ALF Hope Island DL/ON4ABT 1986-1987 VK4ALF/VK9 Ashmore Reef DU/WA2PWL 1984 VK4ALF/VK9M Mellish Reef FO0SST VP8BZL FW/AA6LF VP8SSI HL9KL 1990-1991 VQ9CQ 1990-1991 HL9KLT 1990 VS6CX 1986-87-90-91 HL9MM VS6DX 1991 HS4AMS 1984-1986 XE2/AA6LF/XF1 Marieta Island JT1AN 1977-1983 XF4M JT1AO 1983-1985 XW8FA 1972-1974 KB6DAW/KH2 YB0ARC 1988-1990 KB6DAW/KH9 ZK1ALF 1994 KC6HA 1986-1988 ZK1XP 1990 KC6VE 1974-1975 ZZ2Z QSL VIA JH1NBN ---> Yuki, JH1NBN (Yoosuke Uchiyama, 924-4 Yokokawa-Cho, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0823, Japan) reports that direct cards (received through December 1997) for his past operations have all been sent out. He is now working on bureau cards received between August and December 1997. Yuki can confirm contacts made with 3A/JH1NBN, 8R1ZB, 8R1ZB/p, KH8AL/HK0 *only* (not the other KH8AL operations), J83ZB, KC6YU, T22AA, TE9RLI, JH1NBN/TI5, TI9X, TN7A, V63AQ, VP2MEY, W3USS (1996 and 1997 ARRL SSB Contest *only*). SCDXC ---> The SCDXC (Southern California DX Club) newly elected board includes Will Angenent, KN6DV (President); Harvey Laidman, W8DX (Vice President); Jim Zimmerman, N6KZ (Secretary); Charlotte Iseda, KB6FXS (Treasurer); Harvey Shore, K6EXO (Membership); Neil Kaltman, K6SMF; Cathy Gardenias, KF6LFB; Larry Shapiro, K6RO (Board members). /EX S DX@WW $425WW350D 425 DX News #350 [4/7] 17 January 1998 No 350 BID: $425WW350D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [1/4] * =========================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ============================================================================ 1B1/OE5GML OE5GML ER7A ER1DA PZ5JR K3BYV 3A/DF8XC DL1YFF ET3BN DL1JRC R1ANL RK6AYN 3D2LF AC7DX EW8WA IK5BHN R1ASP RA1AD 3D2QB SM3CER EX2U IK2QPR R1FJV UA3AGS 3D2QT SM3CER EX7MA IK2QPR RA0FA WK6C 3DA0CA W4DR EX8MLE IK2QPR RA0FF N6FF-ExW6/KL7H 3V8BB F6FMX.15-17dec EY8AM DF3OL RI1OA IK2QPR 3W6JQ JA1IED EY8MM K1BV RN3QO N2UCK 4B1AC XE1BEF EY8XX GW3CDP RU0B UA9OBA 4F2IR DU3DO F6OYU/P F5XL S50HQ S57NW 4F3CV HB9CXZ FG/F6GNZ F6GNZ S52A S56MM 4G50N DU9RG FG/JA2EZD XW2A S79MAD GW4WVO 4J0FR F6AJA FG5FC F6DZU S92AT NJ2D 4J0GAT DL1VJ FG7AG F2GA SN1I SP1MHV 4J1S 4K9C FK8HC VK4FW SO8ZH LA9ZH 4K9W DL6KVA FM5FM F6KEQ SU3AM DL1FCM 4N0AV YU7AV FM5GU WA4JTK SU3FM SU3AM 4N0S YU7JDE FO0BRD N6RT SV0LK DJ4TR 4N5ET Z37DRS FO0KEO N7CQQ T31BB DF6FK 4N70DX YU1DX FO0MIT W6RW T88DX JI3DLI 4N7DW YU7BJ FO0PLA W8AEF T88JA JA6BSM 4O9S YU7KMN FO0SPE KG6AR T88KH JM1LJS 4S7SW ON6TZ FO0SST AC7DX T88UP JH0XUP 4U1VIC LX1TI FO5VO N6VO T91S DL4SEM 4U1WB KK4HD FO8DX KG6AR T94DO DL1FDV 4X/OK1DTP OK1TD FP5BU F5TJP T95A K2PF 4X4BL WA2KNC FP5BZ F5TJP T97M K2PF 4X50AE/SK 4X4FD FP5RJ K2EJ TA2IJ DJ9ZB 4X50AT 4X1AT FS5PL N0JT TA3ZI DL8OBC 4X50DC 4X4DC FT5WG F6APU TG0OH OH3JF 4X50FB/SK 4X6UO FT5XN F6PEN TG0OH OH6XY 4X50FR 4X4FR FW/AA6LF AC7DX TK1A DF7RX 4X50UX/SK 4X2SM FY5YE W5SVZ TL8CK F6EWM 4X50VN/SK 4X6WP G6T G3NYY TL8PL F5LNA 5B4/EU1AA EU1AA GB3RN G0VIX TO7FFL F8IDR 5B4ADA 9A2AJ GB800SA G0REP TR8CR F6AJA 5H3HG WY3V GM6V GM4DMZ TR8RG F2GA 5H3ID IN3BXL GM6Z GM0KWL TT8AM IK7JTF 5H3TA I4QAL GX4BJC/P G0DBX TT8GA F2GA 5J0T YU1FW HB0/DL2SBY DL2SBY TT8JFC WA4ZJB 5N0T F2YT HB0/HB9LEY JH1BSE TT8JWF N4RXL 5N3BHF OE6LAG HC1JE HC1JOL TT8JWM N4RXL 5T5TY N5FTR HF0POL SP3FYM TT8KM F6FNU 5V7GL EA5WX HH2LQ NN6C TT8ZB IK6ERN 5X1T ON5NT HI3/DL1GKG DL1GKG TU2DP K4MQL 6W1QV F6FNU HI3/PA0GJA PA0GJA TU5GV F8BEM 6Y5WJ G0NAN HI3HN DH2JD TZ6JA JA3EMU 7Q7JL G0IAS HL0Z/5 DS4CNB TZ6SI DJ6SI 7Q7SB AB4IQ HP1XVH N0JT UA0ZDA RA3AR 7Z1IS SM0UFG HS0/DL2FDK DL2FDK UD6DFT UA9AB 8N0WOG JA0TBJ HS0/SM3DYU SM3CVM UE0FFF N6FF-ExW6/KL7H 8P6CV KU9C HS0/VK3DXI DL4DBR UE1A RV1AC 8P6DA KU9C HS0ZCT KV5V UI8OAA IK2QPR 8P9EM G3VBL HS1RU JG3AVS UK8IG RW6HS 8Q7AA N7TX HS2CRU DL2FDK UK8IT RW6HS 8Q7BV HB9DIF HS6CMT/3 JA7FYF UK8OM IK2QPR 8R30K OH0XX HV4NAC IK0FVC UN2O IK2QPR 8S3FRO SM3CVM HZ1AB K8PYD UN5J W3HNK 9A11ELS 9A2AA II7DX IK7MCJ UN7FK W3HNK 9A640KC 9A3KQ II7I IK7RWD UO0Z I8YGZ 9G1AA PA2FAS IO2L I2OKW UR0D UT5DK 9J2DR W2PD IO7A IK7DXP UR5U UR5UW 9K2AI IK7JTF IQ2S I2JSB US0HZ W3HNK 9K2EC 9K2EN IQ4KID IK4BWC UT0U UT5UDX 9K2GS W6YJ-Ex WB6JMS IQ7A IK7XIV UT8I UT8IM 9K2GS K2PF IR0I IK0OZB UX0ZZ N3IRZ 9K2MU WA4JTK IR1A IK1GPG UX2M UR4MZL 9K2RR KU9C IR2B IK2XDT UX2MM DL3BQA 9K2ZZ W8CNL IR2P IK2DUW V31JP K8JP 9M2TO JA0DMV IR4C IK4THF V47KX LA7XK 9N1ARB KV5V IR7A I7ALE V51HK DL6OBS 9N1AT JH8XIX IR9AF IT9AF V63BR AA4US 9N1CU JH8XIX IU7G IK7RWD V63KU JA6NL /EX S DX@WW $425WW350E 425 DX News #350 [5/7] 17 January 1998 No 350 BID: $425WW350E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [2/4] * =========================== 9N1FP RU6FP IU8S IK8FLW V73C AC4G 9N1UD K4VUD IY4FGM IK4QJH VI50G VK3ATL 9N1XI JH8XIX J20D F2GA VK4ALF AC7DX 9N1ZS JH8XIX J28BU F5OYM VK4CYB JE1LET 9Q5BB W3HNK J28DM F2GA VK9/VK4ALF AC7DX 9Q5TE SM5BFJ J28DP F2GA VK9EKY 7J6AAK/2 9Q5TR 4Z5DP J28FA F5MXH VK9EKY 7J6AAK/2 9V1ZB JL3WSL J37XC W2BJI VK9M/VK4ALF AC7DX 9V1ZW JA9IFF J41W SV1CIB VK9PG JR5XPG 9X0A DL5WM J59OFM I3LDP VK9XU DL4DBR A22EW KB2MS J6/JA2EZD XW2A VO2PP G8PP A35SS AC7DX J8/DF2SS DL2MDZ VP2EY HB9SL A41KB ON7LX JD1/JG8NQJ JA8CJY VP5/AA4VK N0TG A61AJ W3UR JU2DX JT1KAA VP5/N0TG N0TG A61AM KA5TQF JW0L G3WFT VP5/WA4DAN N0TG A61AP IK7JTF JW1BJA LA5VK VP5/WQ7X SP5INQ A71BY F5PYI JW4KQ LA4KQ VP5FXB W8AV AA6LF AC7DX JW5NM LA5NM VP8CTR DL5EBE AH6JN/4 K4MA JW5VK LA5VK VP8CXV G0TQJ AP2KSD IK7JTF JY8NC JM1NCA VQ9KH WJ5R AP2WAP IK4ZGY JY8ZW K4ZW Ex-KE9A VR2MM JF2JFZ BA1CO W3HC JY9QJ DL5MBY VR97LC VR2LC BA1DU W3HC K1K WU1F VU2JPS VK9NS BD4TB 9A2AJ K9K K9ZO VU2TS I1YRL BV0DX UA9CIY KC4AAC K4MZU VU2WAP K2QEY BY1QH K9FD KH0AC K7ZA VU3RSB VU2MY C56/G0SAH G0SAH KH0S JA1OGX W2SF/P KW2P C56/G0ULN G0ULN KH2D K8NA W4S K4WA C6AGN KA1DIG KH5/AA6LF AC7DX WP2/WB9Z WB9Z CL8VP HI3JH KP3X KP4XX WP3A NP4QH CM2JZ CO2QQ KP3Z NP3HM WT5BS ND5G CN/DJ8DL DJ8DL KP4CQ KP4YB X50B YU7KMN CO2WF VE2EH L75AA LU4AA XE1L WA3HUP CO8HF CT1ESO LM2SKI LA2T XE2/AA6LF AC7DX CP8XA DG9NB LR3Y LU1YU XE3/I5JHW I5JHW CQ98BD CT3BD LU1ZC LU6EF XE3WAO KD8IW CQ98BM CT3BM LU1ZS LU2CN XT2PT N5DRV CQ98FJ CT3FJ LU4D LU4DXU XU/UA0IA/MM US7IIA CQ98HF CT3HF LV1V LU1VV XW30 SM0AGD CQ98HF CT3HF LX2LX LX1NO XW30A SM0AGD CS98NH CT4NH LY1TR LY1BD YI1FLY KK3S CS98UW CT4UW LY5W LY1DR YI1US WA3HUP CT98BWW CT1BWW LZ0A LZ1KDP YJ0AIO DL7VRO CT98CBI CT1CBI M6G G1AHM YQ2R YO2DFA CT98DNP/P DJ0MW N4S N4MM YR2R YO2DFA CT98FIJ CT1FIJ N9N KG9N YT0E YU1BO CT98FMX CT1FMX NP4Z WC4E YT0X YU7AL CU1/DL3KUD DL3KUD OA463QV OA4QV YT4I YU4WU CV1F CX6FP OA8ADM N8LN YT9N YU7FIJ D2BB W3HNK OD5PI IK7JTF YT9W YT1WW D68YN HB9CYN OD5RZ YO3FRI Z31GB NN6C D68YV HB9CYV OF3KCB OH3KCB Z31VP DJ0LZ DK0JBN DL5JBN OF9AR OH9AR Z32GB NN6C DU100BG DU6BG OK8EAO DL1CW Z32XA NN6C DU100KT DU1KT ON50BDX ON7RN Z32XX NN6C DU100RG DU9RG ON50EKO ON4KKO Z350GBC NN6C DU100SAN DU1SAN ON50HRT ON4CBD Z37FCA NN6C DU3NXE W4NXE ON50KTK ON4ON Z39M Z37DRS DX3F VE7DP ON50LUS ON7LU ZA1MH Z32KV E21CJN W7TB ON50LYC ON4MM ZB2/DL7UFR DL7UFR E21EJC HS1GOS ON50NMR ON4RU ZD8T AC4IV EA6AEH EC6SN OT6P ON6AH ZF2CA I4ALU EK6GC W3HNK OY4TN OY6FRA ZF2RA K7AR-Ex WA2TMP EK7DX DL1VJ P40AV W0RIC ZK1ALF AC7DX EM1HO I2PJA PA3HEN/MM PA3BLS ZK1DI DK1RV EM5UNG UT3UZ PJ7UQ W3HNK ZK1XP AC7DX EM7V UR7VA PJ8LT W1YJI ZM2K ZL2IR EO7V UR7VA PR4Y PY4OY ZP0V ZP5WYV EP2MKO UA6HCW PY0FT JA1ELY ZS6Y KK3S EP2MRD W3HC PZ5JB AA3OE ZX0ECF PY2ASK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /EX S DX@WW $425WW350F 425 DX News #350 [6/7] 17 January 1998 No 350 BID: $425WW350F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [3/4] * =========================== 4J1S P.O.Box 116, Ktoprak 81031, Istanbul, Turkey 5N0RMS M.P.Simonet, P.O.Box 2873, GPO Marina, Lagos, Nigeria 7J6AAK Zbigniew Frank Murdzia, 8-4, Nakasugahigashi, Beppu, Oita 874, Japan 9J2DR Richard Dandine, P.O.Box 30062, Lusaka, Zambia AC7DX Ron Lago, P.O.Box 25426, Eugene, OR-97402, U.S.A. BD4ED Ed, P.O.Box 085299, Shanghai, People's Republic of China BG6JW Cui, P.O.Box 074, Luoyang 471000, People's Republic of China BT1IARU Chinese Radio Sport Association, P.O.Box 6016, Beijing 100061, China C21RK Ruben Jim Kun, P.O.Box 139, Buada District, Republic of Nauru CO2JA Jose A.Amador, P.O.Box 2004, La Habana 10200, Cuba CO2JD Juan Molina, P.O.Box 23, La Habana 10100, Cuba CT3HF Duarte, P.O.Box 40, P-9126 Canico, Madeira, Portugal DL7VRO Fritz Bergner, Sterndamm 199, Berlin 12487, Germany DS1HAM Kim Jung Hee, Kae Hwa Apt. #107-305, Bang Hwa 3 Dong, Kang So-Ku, Seoul 157-223, Korea E21EIC Tony, P.O.Box 1090, Kasetsart Bangkok 10903, Thailand EA9AZ Pablo Rodriguez Zamora, Poblado de Sanidad, Grupo II-2-B, 51000 Ceuta, Spain EP2SMH Moshen, P.O.Box 17665-441, Tehran, Iran ET3KV Karl, P.O.Box 7633, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia EU1AB George U.Grishuk, Ul.Aerodromnaya, 55-1, 220065 Minsk-65, Belarussia EW9M P.O.Box 59, Lisichansk 349900, Ukraine F5UIV Jean Guillemant, 180 Rue Quentin Barre, F-02321 Caint Quentin,France F6AJA Jean Michael Duthilleul, 515 Rue du Petit Hem, Bouvignies, Marchiennes, F-59870, France F6AXP Max Pomel, P.O.Box 73, F-63370 Lempdes, France F6PEN Gerard Ribes, 16 Rue Viollet Leduc, F-31100 Toulouse, France FR5ZQ/T Henri Namtameco, Rampe de Saint-Francois, 5052 tour de la Chaumiere, F-97400 Saint-Denis, France G0TQJ Chris M.Vernon, CAT Flt RAF, Wegberg B.F.P.O. 40, London, England G0ULN Lee Fuller, P.O.Box 803, Hull, HU7 4BY, England HL0RIG Dongshin University Amateur Radio Club Station, 252 Daehodong, Naju, Chonnam 520-714, South Korea HL1CG Song Hyung Suk, Kae Hwa Apt. #107-305, Bang Hwa 3 Dong, Kang So-Ku, Seoul 157-223, South Korea HL1DH Rim Dong-Yoon, Ju-Gong Apt. 205-705, Sang-Gye 6 Dong 740, Seoul 139-206, South Korea HL2DNU Joong Hwan Go, 914-7 Toegyedong, Chuncheon, Kangwondo, South Korea HL3ADI Bae Jeong-Ho, P.O.Box 50, Taejon 300-600, South Korea HL5FBT Kim Keum-Cheol, P.O.Box 34, Namdaegu 705-600, South Korea HL5QY Ki Hwan Yang, Sin Jin Park Apt. 513-7B2L, Wol Bong Bang A Dong, Dong Ku, Ulsan 682-020, South Korea HL5YI Chae Sang Su, Electrical Dept., Dong Myung Technical High School, Yong Dang Dong, Nam Gu, Pusan 608-080, South Korea HP1BYS Elio Eloy Salinas Ray, P.O.Box 6-9776, El Dorado, Panama City, Panama HP1DGX Victor R.Martinez Ch., P.O.Box 87-3670, Zona 7, Panama City, Panama HR1/JE3XRX Masaya Onishi, P.O.Box 5229, Tegucigalpa, Honduras IK3BPN Patrizia Rossi, P.O.Box 98, I-30100 Venezia (VE), Italy IK3RIY Martino Rizzi, Via 4 Fontane 3/B, I-30126 Lido Venezia (VE), Italy JA1OEM Shinichi Toyofuku, P.O.Box 9, Sawara, Chiba 287-8691, Japan JG3AVS P.O.Box 86, Amagasaki 660, Japan JH1BSE Masa Yamamura 2-10-6 Arai, Nakanoku Tokyo 165 Japan JH1MXT Keiko Toyofuku, P.O.Box 73, Sawara, Chiba 287-8691, Japan JW0M Jack, P.O.Box 35, 80325 Gdansk 37, Poland JX3EX Terje Berg, 8099 Jan Mayen, Norway LU6EF Raul M.Diaz (GACW), P.O.Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina K4VUD Charles Harpole, 3100 N.Hwy.426, Geneva, FL-32732-9761, U.S.A. K8JP Joe Pontek, 26441 devaney Road, Arcadia, IN-46030, U.S.A. N0TG William Rowe Jr., 1094 Big Rock Loop, Los Alamos, NM-87544, U.S.A. N6CW Terry Baxter, 5243 Mt. Burnham Dr., San Diego, CA-92111, U.S.A. N6ZV Don Jones, 1695 West Avenue # 04, Palmdale, CA-93551, U.S.A. N7TX Steve Thompson, 119 E. Jasmine St., Mesa, AZ-85201-1811, U.S.A. NN6C Mike Jakiela, P.O.Box 286, Poway, CA-92074, U.S.A. OA4QV Cesar Aguirre, P.O.Box 957, Lima 18, Peru OH2KI Jorma Saloranta, Karhutie 39, FIN-00800 Helsinki, Finland OH2PM Pertti Simovaara, Asia-Pacific Building Apt. 1106, No. 8 Ya Bao Lu, Chaoyang District Beijing 100020, People's Republic of China OH3JF Heikki Tamminen, Eprantie 4, FIN-11710 Riihimaki, Finland OH6XY Carl-Heinz Ikaheimo, Meijeritie 2 AS 28, FIN-21530 Paimio, Finland OK1TD Jirka Lunak, Dolni Libchava 185, 470 01 Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic OZ8AE Joergen Christensen, Soendervej 79, DK-2830 Virum, Denmark P29AB Abednego Selidio, Kambubu Adventist MS, Private Mail, Bag, Rabaud, Papua New Guinea P43DJ P.O.Box 417, Aruba PJ7SA Samuel Allen, Ground dove 6,Apt 3, Sint Maarten,Netherlands Antilles PP5OW Osmar Waterkemper, Rua Namen Jose Curi 71, 88070-480 Florianopolis, Brasil PY2ASK Alberto W. Setzer, P.O.Box 8.111, Sao Jose dos Campos-SP, 12.212-970, Brasil RA2FS Alex, P.O.Box 1, Slavsk 238600, Russia RU6FP V.V.Zakharov, Pr.Kulakova 27/2 - 116, Stavropol 355044, Russia /EX S DX@WW $425WW350G 425 DX News #350 [7/7] 17 January 1998 No 350 BID: $425WW350G =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [4/4] * =========================== S21R Rana, P.O.Box 10052, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh SK0UX Kvarnberget Mill Hill RC., P.O.Box 1441, S-18314 Taeby, Sweden SM0AGD Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, S-19556 Marsta, Sweden SV1CQH George Staikos, Solomoy 13, GR-301 00 Agrinio, Greece SV1DKR John Kyriakos, 4 El Benizeloy Str, GR-173 43 Athens, Greece SV1EET Takis Papakiriakopoulos, 7-13 Laodikias Str., Vironas, GR-162 32 Athens, Greece SV2CQB Elias Tasos, 6 Koroxenis, GR-502 00 Ptolemais, Greece SV2DCD Leo Fiskas, Argyriou Gouzgou 1, Argos Orestiko, GR-52200 Kastoria, Greece SV5DDR Maniatakis Vasilis, P.O.Box 329, GR-851 00 Rhodos, Greece T77WI Giancarlo Montico, P.O.Box 3, San Marino City, San Marino TG9IGI Gerry, P.O.Box 1690, Guatemala City, Guatemala TI5KD Keko Diez, P.O.Box 195-4005, Belen, Heredia, Costarica TF3KM Kristjan Magnusson, Unnarbraut 28, IS-170 Seltjarnarnes, Iceland TR8JPF Jean Paul Finet, P.O.Box 177, Libreville, Gabon U3AJ B.A.Ermilov, B.Serpunovskaya Str. 19/37-48, 113093 Moscow, Russia UA0FM P.O.Box 66, Vladimir 600011, Russia UA0FS Victor, P.O.Box 29, Sakhalin Island 693013, Russia UA0SE Serge Y.Karpov, P.O.Box 2547, Bratsk City, 665714, Russia UA0YAY Pavel F.Ustinov, P.O.Box 40, UD-1, Kyzyl-11 667011, Russia UA6AH N.V.Shepetko, Ostrovskogo 37, 353301 pgt Ahtyrskij, Russia UA9CI Yuri Loginov, P.O.Box 49, Zarechny 624051, Russia UK9AA Fyodor B.Petrov Fyodor, Husanbaeva 216a, 700143 Tashkent, Uzbekistan V31PC Don Owen-Lewis, P.O.Box 7, Punta Gorda, Belize VK1AUS Tom Stokes, P.O.Box 2063, Kambah Village, ACT 2902, Australia VR2GY Lee, P.O.Box 73328, Kowloon, Hong-Kong, People's Republic of China VU2SDU Shaik S.Sadaqathullah, G.Box 1721, Mannady, Madras,Chennai 600 001, India W3UR Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD-21738, U.S.A. W8CNL Raymond McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, N.Augusta, SC-29841-4319, U.S.A. WB8WCU Donald T.Carrick, 926 Robinwood St, Troy, MI-48083, U.S.A. WC4E Jeff Bolda, 4242 Manxcat Ln, New Port Richey, FL-34653, U.S.A. WJ5R Kenney D.Horse, 3930 Lamar Ave, Paris, TX-76460, U.S.A. YB4JIM Akhmad Ferdinand Lubis, 1027 Basuki Rahmat, Palembang 30126, Indonesia YN1ATM Raul, P.O.Box 1444, Managua, Nicaragua YV5NKV Maya, P.O.Box 295, Cagua 2122, Venezuela XW2A Hiroo Yonezuka, P.O.Box 2659, Vientiane, Laos Z21AV Ron Peacock, P.O.Box 631, Kwekwe, Zimbabwe ZC6A Ali, P.O.Box 9392, Amman, Jordan ZD7DP Desmond Peters, P.O.Box 86, Jamestown, St.Helena Island ZP1AB Artur Hiebert Braun, P.O.Box 34, Loma Plata, Chaco 883, Paraguay ZP5ADG Astolfo Davalos Gonzalez, San Antonio 656, C.Republica Dominicana, Asuncion, Paraguay ZP5CSM Claudia Schubeius, P.O.Box 1059, Asuncion, Paraguay ZP5ERC Esteban Rabery Caceres, C.C.2045, Asuncion, Paraguay ZP5FAF Felix Acosta Granados, Tte. Alvarenga 1324, Asuncion, Paraguay ZP5PAH Patrick Swanston, P.O.Box 13036, Asuncion 1749, Paraguay ZP5YAL Ana Lia Zambon, Av. Republica Argentina 2886, Asuncion, Paraguay ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1HSR, IK1QFM, IK1UGX, I2YDX, IK2HTW, I5FLN, IZ6AAV, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, AC7DX, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DJ5AV, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5BD, EA5EYJ, EA5KB, F5NOD, F6AJA, FR5DX, G4BUE, JA1ELY, JH1NBN, JI6KVR, K4MZU, K4PI, K7WX, KI6WF, N6ZS, NL7TB, OA4QV, PP5SZ, PS7AB, PS7KM, PT2NP, SM0DTK, UA2FZ, V63BR, VK4AAR, VK6LC, W3UR, WA4JQS, WD8MGQ, ZD8V/KF4OOX, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> Please send a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it Write in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> Where <address> is the subscriber's e-mail address Example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? 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