DX425 bulletin issue nr. 349

S DX@WW $425WW349A
425 DX News #349 [1/6]
 10 January 1998                   No 349                   BID: $425WW349A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2    - OK1TN, OK1KT and OK1VD will leave Western Samoa (see 5W below) on 23
         March and fly to Fiji, where they will stay until 1 April (callsigns
         to be announced). A trip to  Rotuma depends on transport. They  plan
         to concentrate on the low and WARC bands with at least two stations.
         QSL via OKDX Foundation, P.O.BOX 73  Bradlec, 293 06 Mlada Boleslav,
         Czech Republic.
5N     - The Daily DX reports that Pat, 5N0T and his wife Nicole, 5N0YL, will
         go QRT from Nigeria and move to the Democratic Republic of Congo  on
         February. QSL for both 5N0T and 5N0YL via F2YT.
5W     - OK1TN, OK1KT and OK1VD will leave  Tonga (see A3 below) on 14  March
         and fly to  Western Samoa (OC-097),  where they will  stay until  23
         March (callsigns to be announced). A side trip to American Samoa  is
         possible during  their  staying  on  Western  Samoa.  They  plan  to
         concentrate on the low and  WARC bands with  at least two  stations.
         QSL via OKDX Foundation, P.O.BOX 73  Bradlec, 293 06 Mlada Boleslav,
         Czech Republic.
9K     - QSL manager W8CNL reports  that Bob Furzer,  9K2ZZ, is again  active
         from Kuwait for about one year. For the time being he can operate on
         40 metres only,  but plans are  to put up  antennas for other  bands
         (WARC and  160  metres  included).  QSL  direct  to  W8CNL  (Raymond
         McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, N. Augusta, SC 29841-4319, USA).
9M0_spr- Don Field, G3XTT reports that arrangements for the CDXC (Chiltern DX
         Club) forthcoming  9M0C  expedition [425DXN  339]  to  Pulau  Layang
         Layang, Spratly Islands (AS-051) are going  well. The equipment  has
         been shipped by  sea from UK  and Japan.  It will  arrive in  Sabah,
         Malaysia in early  January and  will then  be sent  to Pulau  Layang
         Layang before the arrival of the multinational team. The first  main
         group now plans  to arrive on  Pulau Layang Layang  on 10  February,
         which gives them three full days to set up a very extensive  antenna
         farm (they will have at least two antennas for virtually every band)
         and five stations.  The second group  arrives on  13 February.  They
         will then be fully operational for at least nine full days including
         two  complete  week-ends.  Pilot  stations  will  be  Martin,  G3ZAY
         (spratly@dial.pipex.com)in Europe; Don, N1DG (n1dg@aurumtel.com)  in
         North America  and  Yoichi, JP1NWZ  (jp1nwz@cqpub.co.jp)  in  Japan.
         Donations can  be made  to K5VT  (USA), VK2BEX  (Japan/Oceania)  and
         G3WGV (elsewhere). QSL via G3SWH either direct (Phil Whitchurch,  21
         Dickensons  Grove,  Congresbury,  Bristol,  BS19  5HQ,  England)  or
         through the bureau (Phil  will accept requests  for bureau cards  by
         e-mail  at  phil@g3swh.demon.co.uk).  For  further  information  and
         latest development please check http://members.aol.com/spratly98
9X     - The Daily DX  reports that Andy,  9X0A (RW3AH) will  be active  from
         Rwanda until  early March.  QSL via  DL5WM (Gottfried  Gerth,  Obere
         Dorfstr 13 A, D-09661 Gruenlichtenberg, Germany).
A3     - OK1TN, OK1KT and OK1VD will leave  South Cooks (see ZK1 below) on  4
         March and  fly  to  Tonga,  where they  will  stay  until  14  March
         (callsigns to be announced). They plan to concentrate on the low and
         WARC bands  with at  least two  stations. QSL  via OKDX  Foundation,
         P.O.BOX 73  Bradlec, 293 06 Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic.
A3     - The Daily DX  reports that Ed,  K8VIR will be  active as A35VI  from
         Tonga from April to May (see ZL7 below). Look for him on 14.260  and
         21.300 MHz +/- QRM. QSL to Ed Hartz, A35VI, P.O. Box 9, Te Anau, New
D6     - Martin, HB9CYN reports he and Chris, HB9CYV will be active as  D68YN
         and D68YV respectively from Comoros (AF-007) between 25 January  and
         6 February.  They will  operate CW  and SSB  (maybe RTTY)  on  10-80
         metres (maybe 160). Logs will be  available after the DXpedition  at
EA6    - Paco, EA5OL reports that ED6IDR will  be active from Isla del Rey  o
         del Hospital (EU-004, DIE E-168) on 11 January. QSL via EA6QY  (Apto
         240, 07700 Mahon, Menorca, Spain).
F      - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that Jean-Marc, F5SGI will be active  (on
         10-40 metres  CW  and 20  metres  SSB) as  F5SGI/P  from  Re  Island
         (EU-032) between 15 and 21 February.
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 10 January 1998                   No 349                   BID: $425WW349B
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FO     - Czech DX  Foundation (OKDXF)  members OK1TN,  OK1KT and  OK1VD  will
         leave Prague on 18 February for a DX trip to the Pacific. Between 20
         and 24 February  they will be  active from  Tahiti (OC-046),  French
         Polynesia (callsigns to be announced). They  plan to concentrate  on
         the low and  WARC bands with  at least  two stations.  QSL via  OKDX
         Foundation, P.O.BOX  73   Bradlec,  293  06  Mlada  Boleslav,  Czech
FT5    - The OPDX Bulletin reports that FR5HR is expected to be on Crozet for
         five days, then Kerguelen for five  days and then Amsterdam for  ten
         days between 1 and 22 January.
FT5W   - Jean-Michel, F6AJA  reports  that Jean-Paul,  F5BU  is  expected  to
         arrive to Crozet (AF-008) on 21  January. He will be active  (mostly
         on SSB) as FT5WG until 18 March. QSL via F6APU.
HB0    - Joe Iwakura,  HB0/HB9LEY  reports he  will  look for  North  America
         (04.30-06.30 UTC) and for Japan & Pacific (20.30-22.30 UTC) on 1.830
         MHZ on 17  and 18  January. QSL  via JH1BSE  (Masa Yamamura,  2-10-6
         Arai, Nakanoku, Tokyo 165, Japan).
JW     - JW1BJA is  reported to  be active  on 160  metres from  Bear  Island
         (EU-027), Svalbard. QSL via LA1BJA.
KC4_ant- Bob, K4MZU reports that since propagation has been poor to Europe on
         20 metres, Deneb (YL) and Sheldon at KC4AAC (Anvers Island,  AN-012)
         [425DXN 346] have agreed to  come on 15  metres this coming  weekend
         (10 and 11 January). Look for them on 21.243 Mhz at 13.00, 14.00 and
         15.00 UTC (top of the hour). QSL via K4MZU.
LU_ant - The  Daily  DX  reports  that  LU6AUB/Z  is  currently  active  from
         Vicecomodoro Marambio  Base (WABA  LU-03).  QSL to  Jorge  Gonzales,
         Marambio Base,  via Deposito  Antartico,  Primeira Brigada  Aera  el
         Palomar, CP 1684, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
PY     - Pedro, PP5SZ reports to 425 DX News that Jesus, PS8ET will be active
         from Grande  de Santa  Isabel Island  (SA-025,  DIB 19,  DFB  PI-03)
         between 12 and 18 January. QSL via PS8ET.
PY     - Pedro, PP5SZ reports that Lima, PY1NEZ  will be active as ZW0Z  from
         Itacoruca Island (DIB 66) between 15 to 18 January.
PY     - Mario, PQ8MM is  reported to be  planning an  operation from  Maraca
         Island (SA-045) between 19 and 21 February. His activity from SA-042
         [425DXN 339] has been postponed, maybe to July. QSL via Mario Gomes,
         P.O. Box 533, 68906-972 Macapa, Amapa, Brazil.
PY_ssh - The Daily DX reports that PT2HF  and PT2NP will be joining  Alberto,
         PY2ASK at ZX0ECF (Comandante Ferraz  Base, South Shetlands,  AN-010)
         [425DXN 348]  between 19  January and  9  February. QSL  via  PY2ASK
         (Alberto W.  Setzer,  P.O. Box  8111,  Sao Jose  dos  Campos  -  SP,
         12212-970, Brasil).
T31    - The Daily DX reports that Norbert,  T31BB [425DXN 345] and his  wife
         Judith,  T31BA  will  remain  on  Canton  Island  (OC-043),  Central
         Kiribati until 16  January. Norbert should  be listening for  Europe
         only at 06.00 UTC on 40  metres and at 07.00 UTC  on 20 metres  over
         the North Pole. QSL via DF6FK.
TL     - Pascal, TL8PL, is still active even though he was reported to  leave
         at the end of December 1997 [425DXN 342]. QSL via F5LNA.
TR     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that Roland, F8EN will be active  (mostly
         on CW) as TR8CR  from 5 February  for five weeks  at least. QSL  via
TT     - The Daily DX reports that Michel, TT8KM [425DXN 335] was expected to
         take down his antennas this week. He  has been in Chad for 3  months
         and made  over 14,500  QSOs as  TT8KM and  over  500 QSOs  as  TT37Y
         [425DXN 343]. QSL via F6FNU.
TZ     - The Daily DX  reports that Larry,  TZ6VV and his  wife Trish,  TZ6YL
         will leave Mali on 19 January. They will be in the US until 1 August
         and then head back to Mali,  hopefully with some RTTY equipment  and
         some better low band antennas. Larry is a missionary who has been in
         Mali since 3 January 1987.  To date he has made over 66,000 QSOs.
V2     - AA1M, W1HL, KA1MID and W1USN will  be active (all bands CW and  SSB,
         callsigns have  not  been assigned  as  yet) from  Antigua  (NA-100)
         between 23 February and 2 March. QSL via home call either direct  or
         through the bureau.
VK9_lh - Zbig, VK2EKY/SP5EKY is  currently active  as VK9EKY  from Lord  Howe
         (OC-004).   QSL   via   7J6AAK   (Zbigniew   Frank   Murdzia,   8-4,
         Nakasugahigashi, Beppu, Oita, 874, Japan).
XT     - The Daily DX reports that Mike,  F5RLE will be active (mostly on  CW
         on all bands) from Burkina Faso  as XT2DM between  22 January and  9
ZK1_sc - OK1TN, OK1KT  and OK1VD  will  leave Tahiti  (see  FO above)  on  24
         February and fly  to Aitutaki  (OC-083), South  Cook Islands,  where
         they will stay until 4 March (callsigns to be announced). They  plan
         to concentrate on the low and WARC bands with at least two stations.
         QSL via OKDX Foundation, P.O.BOX 73  Bradlec, 293 06 Mlada Boleslav,
         Czech Republic.
ZL7    - The Daily DX  reports that Ed,  K8VIR will be  active (in his  spare
         time) as  K8VIR/ZL7 from  Chatham Is  (OC-038) from  mid January  to
         April (see A3 above). Look for him on 14.260 and 21.300 MHz +/- QRM.
         QSL to Ed Hartz, K8VIR/ZL7, P.O. Box 9, Te Anau, New Zealand.
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 10 January 1998                   No 349                   BID: $425WW349C
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                         << NEW IOTA  CHECKPOINTS >>

The RSGB IOTA Committee is happy to announce the new checkpoint  appointments
in Eastern  Europe and  Japan. With  regard to  Eastern Europe  (see  details
below), Istvan Bogyo,  HA0DU (P.O. Box  16, H-4003 Debrecen,   Hungary)  will
head a team which has as  its other members HA0HW, HA0NAR  and HA0UZ.   HA0DU
has also agreed  to act as  Country Assistant for  Hungary.  In  the case  of
Japan, in addition to the appointment of Jim Nakajima, JA9IFF/1 as checkpoint
(Setogaya 138-19-704,  Hodogaya,  Yokohama  240-0024,  Japan),  Kouji  Hoshi,
JQ1HBT has been   appointed  Country Assistant  and Yuki  Deguchi, JI6KVR  as
Special Adviser to the IOTA JA team.

                   << HONOUR ROLL/ANNUAL LISTING UPDATE >>
                           << IOTA CHECKPOINTS >>

IOTA members are  reminded that  updates for  the annual  listings should  be
mailed to their nominated checkpoints on  or before 1  February 1998.   There
have been a number of checkpoint  changes.  Some were announced in  September
1997, others are announced above.  The full list of current IOTA  Checkpoints

DK1RV    (for Germany, Austria and Switzerland),
EA5KB    (for Spain),
F6AJA    (for France, Monaco, Andorra and French DOM-TOM),
G3ALI    (for England-all  G &  M call-numbers  except 0,  Benelux,  Denmark,
         Gibraltar, Ireland, Malta and Portugal plus  Africa and Asia  except
         Japan and ex-CIS),
G3TOK    (for England-call-number G0 & M0, the  rest of the UK including  the
         Channel Islands and Isle of Man, all British SWLs, Finland, Iceland,
         Norway, Sweden and ex-CIS countries),
HA0DU    (for Hungary, Albania,  Bosnia, Bulgaria,  Croatia, Czech  Republic,
         Estonia, Greece,  Latvia,  Lithuania,  Macedonia,  Poland,  Romania,
         Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Yugoslavia),
I1JQJ    (for Italy and San Marino), 
JA9IFF/1 (for Japan), 
PY2DBU   (for Brazil and South America excluding French Guiana), 
VE3XN    (for Canada, Mexico, Central America and other Caribbean), 
VK9NS    (for Australia, New Zealand and other Pacific), 
W4BAA    (for USA Call areas 7, 8, 9 & 0), 
W4DKS    (for USA Call areas 1, 2 & 3), 
W9DC     (for USA Call areas 4, 5 & 6; Caribbean and Pacific islands with  US
         Zip codes).

                      << NEW IOTA  REFERENCE NUMBERS >>
                    << ISSUED AND/OR CONFIRMED IN 1997 >>

AF-076       5N4    Gulf of Guinea Group (Nigeria)
AF-077       ZS1    Cape Province - South Coast Group (South Africa)
AF-078       6W     Atlantic Coast South Group (Senegal)
AS-125       HS     Gulf of Thailand North East Group (Thailand)
AS-126       HS     Butang Group (Thailand)
AS-127       S2     Chittagong Region Group (BangladeshI
AS-128       XV,3W  Mekong Delta West Group (Vietnam)
AS-129       BY7    Guangdong Province East Group (China)
AS-130       XW,3W  Con Son Group (Vietnam)
AS-131       BY7    Guangdong Province West Group (China)
AS-132       XV,3W  Fai Tsi Long Archipelago (Vietnam)
OC-217       YB3    Kangean Islands (Indonesia)
OC-218       FK     Matthew Islandsland (New Caledonia)
OC-219       YB8    Tukangbesi Islands (Indonesia)
OC-220       VK5    South Australia State West Group (Australia)
OC-221       YB8    Kai Islands (Indonesia)
OC-222       YB8    Obi Islands (Indonesia)
OC-223       VK2    New South Wales State South Group (Australia)
OC-224       YB8    Tanimbar Islands (Indonesia)
SA-085       CE1    Chanaral Island (Chile)
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 10 January 1998                   No 349                   BID: $425WW349D
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SA-085        CE1    ATACAMA PROVINCE  group  (Chilean islands,  letter  "b",
                     operation from Chanaral  Island by  CE1LDS/P in  October

                  >>> IOTA REFERENCE NUMBERS CONFIRMED <<<

AS-131        BY7    GUANGDONG PROVINCE  WEST  group (China,  operation  from
                     Gui-Shan Island  by BD7IA/7,  BD7IX/7, BD7JA/7,  BD7YA/7
                     and BG7NQ/7 in November 1997).
AS-132        XV,3W  FAI TSI LONG ARCHIPELAGO (Vietnam, operation from Cac Ba
                     Island by XV8FP in November 1997).
OC-224        YB8    TANIMBAR IS (Indonesia, operation from Yamdena Island by
                     YC8SHQ/P since September 1997).


EU-065  F/ON4BDS/P  Ouessant Island     (July 1997)
EU-068  F/ON4BDS/P  Sein Island         (July 1997)
EU-074  F/ON4BDS/P  Brehat Island       (July 1997)
EU-094  F/ON4BDS/P  Glenan Islands      (July 1997)
EU-157  F/ON4BDS/P  Cezembre Island     (July 1997)
AF-032  5H1/G3SWH   Zanzibar            (September 1997)
AS-056  JI6KVR/6    Danjo Archipelago   (November 1997)
AS-131  BD7IA/7     Gui-Shan Island     (November 1997)
AS-131  BD7IX/7     Gui-Shan Island     (November 1997)
AS-131  BD7JA/7     Gui-Shan Island     (November 1997)
AS-131  BD7YA/7     Gui-Shan Island     (November 1997)
AS-131  BG7NQ/7     Gui-Shan Island     (November 1997)
AS-132  XV8FP       Cac Ba Island       (November 1997)
OC-224  YC8SHQ/P    Tanimbar Islands    (resident since September 1997)
SA-085  CE1LDS/P    Chanaral Island     (October 1997)

(*) Includes  operations  where  validation material was volunteered, ie  not
specifically  required  for  credit  to be given -  in all cases  cards   now
submitted will be accepted by Checkpoints.
*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

CWJF   --->   1998-99   officers   for   the    Grupo   de   CW    Juizforano
(http://www.powerline.com.br/cwjf)  are  PY4WAS,  PY4VB,  PY4WQN,  PY4VG  and

IIA ---> 1997  activities by Salento  DX Team from  Italian islands  included
IJ7/ and IL7/ operations  from the following  IIA Reference Numbers:  BA-003,
BR-005, BR-011,  BR-012,  LE-001, LE-003,  LE-004,  LE-006,  LE-009,  LE-010,
LE-013, LE-014,  LE-015,  LE-016, LE-017,  LE-018,  LE-020,  LE-022,  LE-021,
LE-024, LE-025,  LE-026,  LE-029, LE-030,  LE-031,  LE-032,  LE-034,  LE-040,
LE-041, LE-042, LE-045, TA-003, TA-004.

LU1ZC --->  LU1ZC  (operated by  LU6UO  and LU4AXV  from  Destacamento  Naval
Deception on  Deception Island,  South Shetlands)  [425DXN 341]  has  already
logged 10539 QSOs (update 3 January 1998)  on 160 (CW 2/SSB 0), 80  (358/13),
40 (1365/3), 30 (1788), 20 (2111/120), 17 (687/0), 15 (2822/25), 12  (897/12)
and 10 metres (244/92). QSL via LU6EF (Raul M. Diaz, GACW, Box 9, 1875 Wilde,
Buenos Aires, Argentina).

LX9DX ---> QRZ-DX reports  that this station,  which was worked  on 80 CW  in
late December, has not been on 80 metres for  over a year and has not  worked
CW for over ten years.

MACQUARIE ---> The  Daily DX reports  that Tom Stokes,  VK1TS/VK0TS hopes  to
have another opportunity to go back  to Macquarie with proper equipment  next
year. There is currently one radio amateur on Macquarie, but he is only  able
to operate on UHF.

QSL FO ---> Doug, N6RT reports that the cards for the Southern California  DX
Club October 1997  expedition to Bora  Bora (OC-067) [425DXN  337] have  been
received from the printer and are being sent out. Cards for FO8DX (1997  CQWW
SSB Contest *only*) are via KG6AR,  FO5VO via N6VO,  FO0BRD via N6RT,  FO0KEO
via N7CQQ, FO0MIT via W6RW, FO0PLA via W8AEF, FO0SPE via KG6AR.
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 10 January 1998                   No 349                   BID: $425WW349E
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QSL KP2A & TR8IG ---> Terry, N6CW is no longer the QSL manager for KP2A as of
1990 (QSL via W3HNK). Terry is *not* the QSL manager for the *current*  TR8IG
operation (QSL direct  to Jean-Luc Perony,  P.O.Box 740, Libreville,  Gabon),
but for the *old* TR8IG operation back in 1985. 

QSL XV8FP ---> Jean-Michel, F6AJA  reports that Alain,  F6BFH should get  the
cards for XV8FP (AS-132, Fai Tsi  Long Archipelago) in early January.   Alain
hopes to send them out by the end of the month.

QSL Z21AV ---> Karl, DL2FAG is *not* the QSL manager for this station.  Cards
should be addressed to Ron Peacock, P.O.Box 631, Kwekwe, Zimbabwe, Africa.

QSL ZM2K ---> Wilbert, ZL2BSJ is *not* the QSL manager for this station.  QSL
for ZM2K is via ZL2IR.

QSL VIA N2OO ---> Bob Schenck, N2OO reports the 9M6OO (Spratly Islands) cards
have arrived from  the printer and  should be sent  out in  a fortnight.  The
9M6HIL cards are expected in a  couple weeks from  the printer. The  KP2/N2OO
cards were printed awhile ago and  have been processed. The 9M6AAC cards  are
not ready yet and won't be for awhile.

QSL received via  direct:  3A/DJ7RJ,  3B8CF, 4F2DX  (OC-128), 4U1UN,  4U0ITU,
5A28, 5R8FK, 6W1QV,  9J2BO, 9K0A,  9X5/G3MRC, A35KY,  A35RK, A35WA  (OC-169),
A4XYJ, BV5BG,  C50YL, C6AJR  (NA-113), CV5A  (SA-030), DU9RG,  EM1HO,  ET3BT,
F5VCR/p (DIFM  AT-008,  126, 133, 134;  MA-017, 057, 058,  139, 140),  FH5CB,
FK8GM,  FK8VHN,  GM6UW/P  (EU-112),  HI3HN,  HL5FUA,  HP1/DL5RBW,  DL7DF/HR3,
IA1/IK2PZG (EU-083; IIA SV-002); IA5/IK2YWO (EU-028; IIA GR-002),  ID8/IK8WEJ
(IOTA EU-144; IIA CS-002, 003, 007,  008, 009); ID8/IZ8AZV (IIA CS-007,  008,
009, 010), ID8/IZ8BGY (EU-144; IIA CS-001, 003, 004, 007), ID9/I1SNW (EU-017;
IIA ME-019, 022, 023, 025, 034,  035), IF9/IT9GNG (IOTA EU-054; IIA  TP-013),
IF9/IT9HBT (IOTA EU-054; IIA TP-009), IF9/IT9WKH  (IOTA EU-054; IIA  TP-009),
II3OTA (EU-131; IIA VE-033; VE-057), IL3/IK3BPN (IIA PD-001), IL3/IK3PQH (IIA
PD-001), IL3/IK3PQH (IOTA EU-131; VE-056), IL3/IK3RIY (IIA PD-003),IL3/IK3TTY
(IIA PD-002), IL6/IK2PZG  (IIA AN-001); IL6/IK6JOT  (IIA AN-003),  IL7/IK2PZG
(EU-050; IIA  FG-002, 003,  005, 006,  007,  008), IL7/IK7EZP  (IIA  BR-012),
IL7/IK7TAJ (IIA BA-003, BR-012), IQ1A, IT9/IT9WKH (IOTA EU-165; IIA  TP-016),

QSL received via  WF5E DX  QSL Service:  8P9JA, 9G1BJ,  C94AI, EA9PB,  HD2RG,
HK3JJH/5 (SA-017),  HS50A  (AS-125), PY1ZOFO/0F,  S01M,  S202R,  S0A,  YL2RP,

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

I1HYW, IK1QFM,  I5FLN, IK7AFM,  IK7JWX, IK8CJP,  Brescia DX  Group, Crazy  DX
Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team,  CT1EEB,
Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes.

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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S DX@WW $425WW349F
425 DX News #349 [6/6]
 10 January 1998                   No 349                 BID: $425WW349F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  31/03      4G50N: Naga City * special event callsign              347
till  end Jan    5N0T & 5N0YL                                           349
till  ??         8J1RL: Antarctica (AN-015) (WABA JA-02)                346
till  13/01      9N1ARB * by KV5V & KC5RPK                              347
till  13/01      9N1AT, 9N1CU, 9N1IZ, 9N1JZ, 9N1OW, 9N1XI * by JAs      348
till  15/01      9Q5TE * by SM5DIC                                      348
till  early Mar  9X0A * by RW3AH                                        349
till  ??         CE9AP: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA CE-01)            346
till  ??         CE9SAC: Antarctica (AN-001) (WABA CE-07)               346
till  ??         CE3RAC/CE9: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA MN-01)           346
till  30/09      CT98, CS98, CQ98, CU98: CT special prefixes            347
till  01/06      FT5XN: Kerguelen * by F6IHY                            348
till  ??         FT5ZQ/T: Tromelin                                      348
till  20/02      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  339
till  Mar        JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  ??         KC4AAA: Antarctica (AN-012) (WABA K-08)                346
till  ??         KC4AAC: Antarctica (AN-012) (WABA K-10)                346
till  ??         KC4AAD: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA K-23)                346
till  ??         KC4AAF: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA K-??)                346
till  ??         KC4/KL7RL: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA MN-01)            346
till  Mar        KH2D & KH2/KF2XN: Guam * by KF2XN                      346
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkney                                    337
till  Feb        LU1ZC: South Shetlands (WABA LU-04) * LU6UO & LU4AXV   341
till  ??         LU6AUB/Z: Vicecomodoro Marambio Base (WABA LU-03)      349
till  ??         LZ0A: South Shetlands * by LZ2UU                       337
till  ??         OA0MP: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA OA-01)            346
till  30/04      P40MR * by VE3MR                                       343
till  ??         R1ANF: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA UA-04)            346
till  ??         R1ANL: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA UA-08)                346
till  ??         R1ANZ: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA UA-07)                346
till  16/01      T31BB & T31BA                                          349
till  ??         T88DX & T88UP: Belau * by JI3DLI & JH0XUP              348
till  ??         TL8PL * by F5LNA                                       349
till  19/01      TZ6VV & TZ6YL                                          349
till  12/01      V31JP * by K8JP                                        346
till  17/01      V47XK * by LA7XK                                       345
till  ??         VK9EKY: Lord Howe (OC-004) * by VK2EKY/SP5EKY          349
till  15/01      VP5/WQ7X * by WQ7X                                     347
till  ??         VU2JBK & VU2RAY: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA VU-02)      346
till  13/01      XW30A & XW30 * by JH1AJT's team                        347
till  ??         ZX0ECF: South Shetlands (AN-010) (WABA PY-01)          349
10/01-end March  PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                              341
11/01            ED6IDR: Isla del Rey (EU-004) (DIE E-168               349
12/01-18/01      PS8ET/p: Grande de Santa Isabel (SA-025) * by PS8ET    349
18/01-05/02      TG0OH * by OH1TD, OH3JF, OH6XY and OH7LIX              347
14/01-26-01      BY1QH * by K9FD & W0RI                                 347
14/01-18/01      R1ANW: Antarctica (AN-016) (WABA UA-10)                346
14/01-20/01      TM5CRO: Porquerolles Isl. (EU-070) * by F5RMY          345
15/01-March      TT * by F5JKK                                          345
15/01-18/01      ZW0Z: Itacuruca Island (DIB 66) * by PY1NEZ            349
16/01-23/01      N0TG/VP5, WA4DAN/VP5, AA4VK/VP5                        347
18/01-01/02      8P9DX * by VA3DX                                       339
18/01            HA DX CW Contest                                       ***
19/01-28/01      8Q7AA * by Central Arizona DX Association              343
21/01-18/03      FT5WG: Crozet (AF-008) * by F5BU                       349
22/01-23/01      7P8: Sani Pass * by ZS6RVG, ZS6CAL, ZS6XJ, ZS6HZ       343
22/01-26/01      VP2ESJ * by W5SJ                                       345
22/01-09/03      XT2DM: Burkina Faso * by F5RLE                         349
23/01-25/01      CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest                           ***
24/01-25/01      REF - French CW Contest                                ***
25/01-06/02      D68YN & D68YV: (AF-007) * by HB9CYN & HB9CYV           349
31/01            UBA SSB Contest                                        ***
January          CX0XY: South Shetland (AN-010) (WABA CX-01)            346
January          EM1LV: Antarctica (AN-006) (WABA UR-01)                346
January          HP1XBI * by F2JD                                       344
Jan-Feb          VK0MAP: Antarctica (AN-016)                            346
mid Jan-Apr      K8VIR/ZL7: Chatham Is (OC-038) * by K8VIR              349
01/02-15/02      FG/F2HE: Les Saintes Isl. (NA-114)                     345
01/02-22/02      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Isl. (NA-057)                        337
01/02            IOTA HR/Annual Listing * deadline                      ***
05/02-10/02      A35FN & A35LZ (OC-049) * by HB9HFN & HB9DLZ            347
05/02-mid March  TR8CR * by F8EN                                        349
06/02-08/02      OH8TA: Hailuoto Island (EU-126)                        347
07/02-22/02      8N0WOG: Nagano * special event station                 345
10/02-23/02      5W0FN & 5W0LZ (OC-097) * by HB9HFN & HB9DLZ            347
12/02-24/02      9M0C: Spratly (AS-051) * by Chiltern DX Club           349