S DX@WW $425WW348A 425 DX News #348 [1/6] 3 January 1998 No 348 BID: $425WW348A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 9N - Kazu, JA8MWU is reported to be active in his spare time (all bands, mainly SSB) as 9N1WU until 10 January. QSL direct to P.O. Box 1214, Kathmandu, Nepal. 9N - Fifteen members of the Japan UNCEF Ham Club will be in Nepal until 13 January. The Daily DX reports the following calls are expected to be used: 9N1AT, 9N1CU, 9N1IZ, 9N1JZ, 9N1OW and 9N1XI. Although this is not an actual DXpedition, they should be active on 10-40 metres (CW and SSB), with the possibility of 80 and 160 metres. QSL via JH8XIX (Shigemi Harada, 30-38 Midirigaoka, Kitami 090, Japan). 9Q - The Daily DX reports that Gus, SM5DIC is active as 9Q5TE from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, until 15 January. He operates on all bands (80 and 160 metres excluded) on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via SM0BFJ. C5 - Alan, G0SAH is active from the Gambia until 9 January as C56/G0SAH. The DX News Sheet reports he may operate from one of the AF-060 coastal islands. QSL via G0SAH. DL - Tom, DL8AAM plans to be active during the weekend from a few islands near Hamburg. EM_ant - Raul, CX7BY reports that Paul, EM1HO and Roman, VP8CTR will be active from Galindez Island (AN-006) during the ARRL RTTY Roundup (3-4 January). F - F6OYU reports he will be active (7.080 and 14.270 MHz +/- QRM) from several DIFI (French Inland Island Award) [425DXN 347] islands on 2 January and from Porquerolles Island (EU-070) on 3 January. QSL via F5XL. FR/T - Henri, FR5ZQ is currently active from Tromelin (AF-031) as FR5ZQ/T. QSL to Henri Namtameco, Rampe de Saint-Francois, 5052 tour de la Chaumiere, 97400 Saint-Denis, France. FT5X - Helios, F6IHY is currently active from Kerguelen (AF-048) as FT5XN [425DXN 344]. The Daily DX reports he operates only on 20 metres for the time being, but he hopes to be QRV on others bands soon. QSL via F6PEN either direct (Gerard Ribes, 16 rue Viollet Leduc, Toulouse, 31100 France) or through the bureau. I - IK3STG reports that Simone, IW3HPO (on 6 metres) and Nicola, IK3JLS will be active (10-40 metres, mostly on CW) from Pellestrina Island (EU-131, IIA VE-033) on 3 January. ON - Patrick, ON1DDT reports the Zelzaatse Radio Association will be active as ON50ZLZ between 1 January and 31 December 1998 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of UBA (the Belgium amateur radio Union). Qsl via ON7ZT or to P.O. Box 53, B-9060 Zelzate, Belgium. Other UBA Club stations will be signing ON50xxx throughout the year. A special anniversary award will be available: for further information please check the UBA webpage at http://www.uba.be/algemeen/awardEN.htm PJ2 - The Daily DX reports that Joeke, PA0VDV is active as PJ2/PA0VDV from Curacao (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles until late January. He will work mostly on CW on 160 metres and the WARC bands. PY_ssh - Bob, K4MZU reports that Alberto, ZX0ECF at the Brazilian Antarctic Base Comandante Ferraz (WABA PY-01) on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010) will be QRV for Europe on 3 January at 21.00 UTC on 14.273 Mhz. QSL via PY2ASK. T8 - JI3DLI and JH0XUP are currently active (10-80 metres, WARC bands included, CW and SSB) from Belau as T88DX and T88UP respectively. QSL via home calls. XW - John, SM0DJZ reports the forthcoming XW30A (SSB and RTTY) and XW30 (CW) operations (5-13 January) [425DXN 347] are planned to take place as follows: on 10, 15 and 20 metres they will try to be around the usual DX frequencies (025 CW and .95 SSB); approximative frequencies on 80 and 40 metres will be around .07 CW, 3797 and 7047 SSB, +/- QRM); on 160 metres they will try to concentrate on 1823 (for JA QSX 1910); on 12 and 17 metres they should be close to 18075 and 24895 CW, 18145 and 24945 SSB; on 30 metres they should be around 10103-10108 (but they will try to find clear spots also up around 10115). On RTTY they plan to stay around 14083, occasionally they can try 21083 also. As a general rule, they will always try to work split (listening up or even down). QSL via SM0AGD (Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, S-19556 Marsta, Sweden). ZB2 - The DX Newsletter reports that DL2NWK, DL7UFR and DL7VEE, should be ZB2/ (10-160 metres, CW, SSB and RTTY) from Gibraltar until 4 January. QSL via home call through the bureau. ZK3 - The Daily DX reports that Peter, ZK3PM will be active from Tokelau (OC-048) for the next two years. QSL direct to Peter McQuarrie, Fakaofu Island, Tokelau, South Pacific via Apia Samoa (please note that Peter is not a DXer and does not have any QSL cards: it has been suggested to send him "an index card or a generic QSL with all the information on it so he can sign it"). /EX S DX@WW $425WW348B 425 DX News #348 [2/6] 3 January 1998 No 348 BID: $425WW348B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* HELP NEEDED ---> Charles Harpole, K4VUD, who will operate from Nepal in February/March 1998 [425DXN 341], is trying to collect other gear and donations for gear for 9N1AA (he still needs a rotor) and 9N1HA, the only two native Nepal hams there today [425DXN 343]. Serious donors are invited to get in touch with K4VUD at either (407) 349-2211 or harpole@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu RUSSIAN QSL BUREAU ---> Harry, RA3AUU, on behalf of SRR (Soyuz Radiolybitelej Rossii, the IARU affiliated Union of Radioamateurs of Russia) reports that the only official address for QSL bureau in Russia is: P.O. Box 59, Moscow 105122, Russia. QSL INFORMATION ---> Maurie, VK6NGG has a comprehensive database system from which he runs a QSL Information service via packet. Everyone requiring QSL info, should send a message to Maurie's packet address (VK6NGG@VK6JZA.#PER.#WA.AUS.OC), stating callsign and any dates applicable. Return is same day via Satgate. QSL CY0DX ---> VE3AU is *not* the QSL manager for CY0DX (Sable Island). QSLs should be sent to VA3EU, whose current address is Gyorgy Balint, 59 Snowcrest Avenue, North York, Ontario, Canada M2K-2K9. QSL K3TW ---> The Daily DX reports that Fred, K3ZO is no longer handling QSL cards for K3TW and has not been doing so for over 5 years. QSL requests for contact made with K3TW as 5H0T, 5H1TW, 5H3TW, AT0T, D68TW, J20TW, K3TW/4S7 and VU2TJW should be addressed to Thomas J. Warren, Engineering Services Center, PSC 115 - Frankfurt, APO AE 09213, USA. QSL NA-120 ---> Don, AA5AT states that "all logs for AA5AT/P for NA-120 will closed out effective 1 February 1998. Please make sure your QSL request is received here before the cut-off date." QSL UT3UZ ---> I0ZV is getting cards (mainly from Germnay) for UT3UZ, but he is *not* the QSL manager for this station. QSL VP5A ---> W7USA is *not* the QSL manager for VP5A. The cards received so far will be forwarded to WU3C (the correct manager), but any further request will be returned to the sender. QSL ZK1XXP ---> Tom, K8XP reports that the QSL cards for the Dateline DX Association's ZK1XXP operation from Penrhyn Atoll (OC-082), Northern Cook Islands have not yet arrived from the printer in Germany. "We ask you be patient", Tom says, "the many cards already received are safely stored and waiting attention!" QSL via WA4YBV either direct (Robert Pond, 9 River Cove, Portsmouth, VA 23703, USA) or through the bureau. QSL VIA I2PQW ---> Adriano, IK2GNW will be working outside Italy for about ten months. Now QSL cards for Adriano's past DXpeditions should be requested to I2PQW, either direct (Fabio Pandini, Via Saffi 16, 20013 Magenta - MI, Italy) or through the bureau. Fabio has the logs of the following operations: 3B8/IK2GNW (1997), 5R8GN (1990 and 1991), 8Q7PA (1985 and 1986), 9M2/IK2GNW (1992), 9M6/IK2GNW (1992), 9M8/IK2GNW (1992), D61NW (1995), FG/IK2GNW (1987), FH/IK2GNW (1986 and 1995), FJ/IK2GNW (1987), FW/IK2GNW (1988), J79W (1994), KH8/IK2GNW (1996), S79GN (1990 and 1991), T29GN (1989), V7/IK2GNW (1989). QSL VIA IK2QPR ---> Paolo, IK2QPR is the QSL manager for the following stations: 4L0DX, EK8WB, EO2CWO, EU6MM, EW6WW, EX2FU, EX2U, EX5T, EX7MA, EX8DX, EX8MF, EX8MLE, EX8QB, EX8QF, II2R, RC4/UC1WWO, RF6FU, RL0O, UC1WWO. UC2WO, UF6FFL, UI8IZ, UK7PBH, UK8IZ, UL7JGJ, UL7OAO, UL7OB, UL7PJQ, UL0OB, UM7MA, UN2O, UN7JX, UN7PJQ, UN9PQ, UP50O, UM8DX, UM8MFO, UM8MU, UM8QB. Paolo reports he has not yet received the logs for EK8WB's last activity, please be patient. QSL VIA RW6HS ---> The RW6HS QSL Service handles cards for the following stations: CE2EZE, CT3FF, DU1EIB, FP5EK, KP2J, OD5EH, OD5SE, OD5NO, TA1AZ, TA2AO, TA2EM, VK4SJP, WP4AMS, YV5DEH, ZB2FK, 3DA0BL, 3B8FQ, 4Z5FW, 9H1ED, 9H1GY, 9H0PJP, 4Z5GP, 4Z5BZ, 4Z5GV, 4Z5DW, 4Z5FB, EO6AHG, ER1OO, EX8A, EX8QA, EY7AH, EY8VV, EZ5AD, EZ8AI, LY2ER, R1FJA, R1FJC, RA6WA, RA6WF, RA0BY, RA0FAC, RA0FAN, RF6QAI, RI1OA, RI3B, RI6O, RI8BAM, RI8BDN, RI8OAA, RI0OAA, RL2O, RL0O, RP6HWF, RV0AM, RZ9DX/0, UA2FBR, UA2FGG, UA2FGU, UA2FFM, UA9CDE, UA9C, DE/UA0B, UA0BC, UA0BCU, UA0I/UV3DDC, UA0QBQ, UA0Y/UA9YC, UD8DWC, UE6ADI, UF6QAT, UF6QBA, UF6VAI, UI8DAG, UI8OAA, UI9ABL, UI9BWO, UI9B/RB3MO, UJ3I, UJ8JKK, UJ8SCH, UJ8SCI, UK50A-Z, UK8BN, UK8BAM, UK8BWO, UK8GBS, UK8FC, UK8IT, UK8OAN, UK8OB, UK8OM, UK9ADL, UL7OB, UL7TX, UM4BWO, UM5BWO, UM51BWO, UM8QA, UM8MO, UN2O, UN7AO, UN7TX, UU8I, 4L1QBA, 4K2BDU, 4K2BY, 4K2OX, 4K4BCU, 4K4BDU, 4K4CDE, 4K4CDE/UL7B, 4L1UN, 4L6FU, UK8IG, UK8IAO, UK8IWK, UK8AJ, UI8IAW, RI8AJ, UM9AA, UM8AWP, UK8ABT, UK8ZAB, RU0LX/mm, 4L1QX, 4L6QQ, UK8ZAH, UK8ZC, UK8ZK, UK8ZR, UK8ZU, YL2BI, ER2OG, 4L1RK, UM8OM, 4J8DX. QSL direct only to Vasil M. Kasyanenko, RW6HS QSL Service, P.O. Box 20, Georgievsk, Stavropolsky, Kraj 357800, Russia. THE GOLIST, QSL MANAGER LIST ---> The GOLIST, QSL Manager List (P.O. Box 3071, Paris, TN 38242, USA) files are being updated. If you are a QSL manager, please e-mail the list of the DX stations you have logs/cards to confirm contacts to golist@iswt.com YO DX CONTEST ---> The YO DX Contest 1997 Official Results are available at http://members.tripod.com/~ciprian/yodx.htm /EX S DX@WW $425WW348C 425 DX News #348 [3/6] 3 January 1998 No 348 BID: $425WW348C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [1/3] * =========================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ============================================================================ 3B8FQ RW6HS EZ5AD RW6HS UA0BC RW6HS 3C1/YN1GSR EA5BYP EZ8AI RW6HS UA0BCU RW6HS 3D2/DL7RAG DL7RAG FG/F2HE F6LQJ UA0I/UV3DDC RW6HS 3D2LJ JM1LJS FG/JA2EZD XW2A UA0QBQ RW6HS 3D2QB SM3CER FG5EY F6EYB UA0Y/UA9YC RW6HS 4F1YFT PA3FWG FK8FU NA5U UA2FBR RW6HS 4F3CV HB9CXZ FM5BH F6HEQ UA2FFM RW6HS 4G50N DU9RG FM5DN KU9C UA2FGG RW6HS 4J0FR F6AJA FM5DN YU1FW UA2FGU RW6HS 4J1S 4K9C FM5DP YU7DR UA2FM/MM DK4VW 4J8DX RW6HS FO0GUI F5UIV UA9C RW6HS 4K2BDU RW6HS FP5BU F5TJP UA9CDE RW6HS 4K2BY RW6HS FP5BZ F5TJP UC1WWO IK2QPR 4K2OX RW6HS FP5EK RW6HS UC2WO IK2QPR 4K4BCU RW6HS FY5YE W5SVZ UD8DWC RW6HS 4K4BDU RW6HS H44IO DL7VRO UE6ADI RW6HS 4K4CDE RW6HS HB0/DL2SBY DL2SBY UF6FFL IK2QPR 4K9W DL6KVA HC1JE HC1JOL UF6QAT RW6HS 4L0DX IK2QPR HF0POL SP3FYM UF6QBA RW6HS 4L1QBA RW6HS HF1GD SP2BIK UF6VAI RW6HS 4L1QX RW6HS HH2LQ NN6C UI8DAG RW6HS 4L1RK RW6HS HI3HN DH2JD UI8IAW RW6HS 4L1UN RW6HS HL0Z/5 DS4CNB UI8IZ IK2QPR 4L6FU RW6HS HL5KY W3HNK UI8OAA RW6HS 4L6QQ RW6HS HV4NAC IK0FVC UI9ABL RW6HS 4L8A OZ1HPS II2R IK2QPR UI9B/RB3MO RW6HS 4N0S YU7JDE J39A KQ1F UI9BWO RW6HS 4S7BRG HB9BRM J8/DF2SS DL2MDZ UJ3I RW6HS 4Z5BZ RW6HS JD1/JG8NQJ JA8CJY UJ8JKK RW6HS 4Z5DW RW6HS JT/KF6EIJ KF6EIJ UJ8SCH RW6HS 4Z5FB RW6HS JY8NC JM1NCA UJ8SCI RW6HS 4Z5FW RW6HS JY8ZW K4ZW UK50A-Z RW6HS 4Z5GP RW6HS K1K WU1F UK7PBH IK2QPR 4Z5GV RW6HS K9K K9ZO UK8ABT RW6HS 5B4/EU1AA EU1AA KC4AAA NC6J UK8AJ RW6HS 5B4ADA 9A2AJ KE9A K4ZW UK8BAM RW6HS 5H3HG WY3V KH0S JA1OGX UK8BN RW6HS 5H3RB LA4DM KH0U JA1QNV UK8BWO RW6HS 5N2BAV IK0SHF KH2/NH6D N6FF UK8FC RW6HS 5R8FK NY3N KH2D K8NA UK8GBS RW6HS 5W0HW DL7RAG KP2J RW6HS UK8IAO RW6HS 5W1MM JE6IBJ LU1ZC LU6EF UK8IG RW6HS 5Z4RL N2AU LX60RL LX1DA UK8IT RW6HS 6K0IS HL1WD LY2ER RW6HS UK8IWK RW6HS 6W6AX IV3OQR LZ0A LZ1KDP UK8IZ IK2QPR 7J3AXQ WV9T N2J K2WE UK8OAN RW6HS 7Q7JL G0IAS N4S N4MM UK8OB RW6HS 7S1BL SM1TDE N9N KG9N UK8OM RW6HS 8P9EM G3VBL N9N KG9N UK8ZAB RW6HS 8Q7IG JA3IG NP4A W3HNK UK8ZAH RW6HS /EX S DX@WW $425WW348D 425 DX News #348 [4/6] 3 January 1998 No 348 BID: $425WW348D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [2/3] * =========================== 9A640KC 9A3KQ OD5EH RW6HS UK8ZC RW6HS 9H0PJP RW6HS OD5NO RW6HS UK8ZK RW6HS 9H1ED RW6HS OD5SE RW6HS UK8ZR RW6HS 9H1GY RW6HS OF3KCB OH3KCB UK8ZU RW6HS 9K2GS W6YJ OF6GZ OH3GZ UK9ADL RW6HS 9K2MU WA4JTK OM7F OM7PY UL0OB IK2QPR 9M8CC PB0ALB OX3XR OZ3PZ UL7B/4K4CDE RW6HS 9N1FP RU6FP OY4TN OY6FRA UL7JGJ IK2QPR 9N1JZ JA7FWR P40AV W0RIC UL7OAO IK2QPR 9N1NE VK6NE PJ9JT W1AX UL7OB IK2QPR 9Q5TE SM0BFJ PY0FT JA1ELY UL7OB RW6HS 9V1YC AA5BT PZ5JR K3BYV UL7PJQ IK2QPR 9V1ZB JL3WSL R1ANZ UW1ZC UL7TX RW6HS 9X0A DL5WM R1ASP RA1AD UM4BWO RW6HS 9Y4VU W3EVW R1FJA RW6HS UM51BWO RW6HS A35RK W7TSQ R1FJC RW6HS UM5BWO RW6HS A43XXV A47RS R1FJV UA3AGS UM7MA IK2QPR A61AJ W3UR R97V RU3VN UM8AWP RW6HS A61AO N1DG RA0BY RW6HS UM8DX IK2QPR A61AP IK7JTF RA0FA WK6C UM8MFO IK2QPR AH8LG KS6DV RA0FAC RW6HS UM8MO RW6HS AP2WAP IK4ZGY RA0FAN RW6HS UM8MU IK2QPR BV4FH KA6SPQ RA6WA RW6HS UM8OM RW6HS BY1QH K9FD RA6WF RW6HS UM8QA RW6HS C56/G0ULN G0ULN RA9DX SP7LZD UM8QB IK2QPR CE2EZE RW6HS RC4/UC1WWO IK2QPR UM9AA RW6HS CE5/SM3SGP SM3EVP RF6FU IK2QPR UN2O IK2QPR CL8VG HI3JH RF6QAI RW6HS UN2O RW6HS CN/DJ8DL DJ8DL RI0OAA RW6HS UN7AO RW6HS CO2WF VE2EH RI1OA RW6HS UN7JX IK2QPR CO3ET WD4ION RI3B RW6HS UN7PJQ IK2QPR CO8HF CT1ESO RI6O RW6HS UN7TX RW6HS CT3FF RW6HS RI8AJ RW6HS UN9PQ IK2QPR CT98DNP DJ0MW RI8BAM RW6HS UP50O IK2QPR CV1F CX6FP RI8BDN RW6HS UR5IFB KA5TUF DE/UA0B RW6HS RI8OAA RW6HS US4IXQ WB7QXU DU100KT DU1KT RL0O IK2QPR UU8I RW6HS DU100RG DU9RG RL0O RW6HS UX0ZZ N3IRZ DU1EIB RW6HS RL2O RW6HS V47XK LA7XK DU3NXE W4NXE RP6HWF RW6HS V51HK DL6OBS E21IZC E21EIC RS17 F1FY V63KU JA6NL E22AAD DL2FDK RU0LX/MM RW6HS V73GT WF5T EA6QY G4RRA RV0AM RW6HS VE8RAC VE3VGI EA8/DJ1OJ DJ1OJ RZ9DX/0 RW6HS VK4SJP RW6HS ED1NNS EA1AUM SM7CRW W3HNK VK7GK DL8NU EI9FN G3YOG SO8ZH LA9ZH VO500JC VO1AA EK8WB IK2QPR SU0ERA SU1ER VP8CXV G0TQJ EM1HO I2PJA SU3AM DL5ZBV VP9/AA1AC AA1AC EO2CWO IK2QPR SV0LK DJ4TR VR97BG VS6BG EO6AHG RW6HS SV9/DL7RAG DL7RAG VR97LC VR2LC ER1OO RW6HS T31BB DF6FK VR98BG VS6BG ER2OG RW6HS T88JA JA6BSM VU2JBK VU2DVC EU6MM IK2QPR T88KH JM1LJS VU2RAY VU2DVC EW3LB W3HNK T91S DL4SEM VU3HKQ VU2OUT EW6WW IK2QPR T97M K2PF W6S WO6T EX2FU IK2QPR TA1AZ RW6HS WP4AMS RW6HS EX2U IK2QPR TA2AO RW6HS XE2DV K7ZR EX5T IK2QPR TA2EM RW6HS XE3WAO KD8IW EX7MA IK2QPR TA3DD TA1KA XU2FB N4JR EX8A RW6HS TJ1HP F6FNU XW30A SM0AGD EX8DX IK2QPR TL8PL F5LNA YI1WMS IK2DUW EX8MF IK2QPR TM5CRO F5RMY YL2BI RW6HS EX8MLE IK2QPR TM7BNV F6KTG YV5DEH RW6HS EX8QA RW6HS TT8JWM N4RXL YV7/I5DCE IK1GPG EX8QB IK2QPR TT8KM F6FNU ZA/IK7JWX IK7JWX EX8QF IK2QPR TT8ZB IK3ERN ZA1MH Z32KV EY7AH RW6HS TU5GD N5FTR ZB2FK RW6HS EY8AM DF3OL TZ6HP JA1OEM ZD7HI N2AU EY8MM K1BV TZ6JA JA3EMU ZD9BV W4FRU EY8VV RW6HS UA0AZ W3HNK ZF2MU K4BI /EX S DX@WW $425WW348E 425 DX News #348 [5/6] 3 January 1998 No 348 BID: $425WW348E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [3/3] * =========================== 3W5RS P.O.Box 303, Vung Tau, Vietnam 5T5TY Ghaly Ba Mamadou, P.O.Box 4225, Nouakchott, Mauritania 9N1WU P.O.Box 1214, Kathmandu, Nepal 9Z4CT Nigel, P.O.Box 20, San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago A41LZ Murthada, P.O.Box 2837, Ruwi 112, Sultanate of Oman AD4Z Julio Henriquez, 8875 NW 108th Street, Hialeah Gardens, FL-33018,USA E21EIC P.O.Box 1090, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand EK6CC Miranyan Mamikon, P.O.Box 33, Gyumri 377502, Armenia F1FY Van Ingevede Claude, Chemin des Vieilles Vignes, F-63140 Chatelguyon, France F5UIV Philippe Guillemant, 80 Rue Quentin Barre, F-02100 Saint Quentin, France HB9BRM Mario Primavesi, Falkensteinerstr.5, CH-4710 Balsthal, Switzerland K4ZW Ken Claerbout, 10 Clover Hill Dr., Stafford, VA-22554, U.S.A. N5XG Donald R.Simmonds, 5709 Azteca Drive, Fort Worth, TX-76112, U.S.A. OM7PY Erwin Benus, Erenburga 9, 98401 Lucenec, Slovakia RW6HS Vasil M.Kasyanenko, RW6HS QSL Service, P.O.Box 20, Georgievsk, Stavropolsky, Kraj 357800, Russia SM0AGD Erik Sjolund, Vestagatan 27, S-19556, Marsta, Sweden SP5JTF Adam Perez, Ul.Sucharskiego 7 m.20, 01-390 Warszawa, Poland TA1AL Mustafa Ilter, P.O.Box 17, Bakirkoy, TR-34712, Istanbul, Turkey TA7V Erol Tuncay, P.O.Box 62, 61001 Trabzon, Turkey VE3VGI John Harden, 63-2nd Line, S.Monaghan, Bailieboro, Ontario, K0L 1B0, Canada VK2ICV Nick Hacko, P.O.Box 730, Parramatta, 2124 NSW, Australia VR6PAC Pitcairn Amateur Radio Club, P.O.Box 73, Pitcairn Island,New Zealand WA3WSJ Edward R.Breneiser, 775 Moonflower Ave, Reading, PA-19606, U.S.A. WA4WTG Robert Kaplan, 718 S.E. 3rd Lane, Dania, FL-33004, U.S.A. WA4YBV Robert Pond, 9 River Cove, Portsmouth, VA-23703, U.S.A. WA8LOW Ron E.Hesselbrock, 7007 Peoria Reily Rd, Oxford, OH-45056, U.S.A. WB6JMS James L.Arther Jr., P.O.Box 84, Atwood, CA-92601, U.S.A. WT3Q Samuel M.Harner Jr., 893 Narvon Rd, Narvon, PA-17555, U.S.A. XX9BB Leong Kam Po, P.O.Box 6018, Macao YB0BUF Hendra Djaya, P.O.Box 120 JKB, Jakarta, Indonesia YB0S Gerakan Pramuka Kwartir Nasional, Jl.Merdeka Timur 6, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia YB7HWI Nazaruddin, P.O.Box 171, Banjarmasin 70001, Indonesia YB9BON Nyoman Suwena, P.O.Box 952, Denpasar 80001, Indonesia YC1FRW Sutaryono, Jl.Sempur Kaler IV/5, Bogor 16153, Indonesia YC9WZJ Joni Salim, P.O.Box 127, Sorong 98401, Irian Jaya, Indonesia YU1FW Branko Drljaca, Kragujevacka 4, YU-11050 Beograd, Yugoslavia YU1NR Ratko Novakovic, P.O.Box 145, YU-34001 Kragujevac, Yugoslavia YU7DR Djurica Maletin, Cara Lazara 119, 21400 Backa Palanka, Yugoslavia ZL2BSJ Wilbert Knol, 66a Matai Road, Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand Z21AV Ron Peacock, P.O.Box 631, Kwekwe, Zimbabwe, Africa ZK3PM Peter McQuarrie, Fakaofu Island, Tokelau, Via Apia Samoa ZS5BBO Edwin Musto, P.O.Box 211032, Bluff, 4036, South Africa ZS6BXN Dave Stols, P.O.Box 5242, Middelburg, 1050, South Africa ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1QFM, I2EOW, I2PQW, IK2QPR, IK3STG, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, I0ZV, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, AA5AT, CO3CL, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, CX7BY, DJ5AV, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA5KB, F6AJA, F6OYU, G4BUE, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, K1XN, K4MZU, K8XP, NL7TB, ON1DDT, ON4APS, PP5SZ, PS7AB, PS7KM, RA3AUU, SM0DJZ, VE3BHZ, VK6LC, VK6NGG, W3UR, WD8MGQ, YO3FWC, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> Please send a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it Write in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> Where <address> is the subscriber's e-mail address Example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? 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Results "Worked Antarctic Stations Award" - -- W.A.B.A. Results "Worked Antarctic Bases Award" 320 21/06/97 QSL Managers - -- QSL Addresses 322 05/07/97 QSL Managers - -- QSL Addresses 324 19/07/97 QSL Managers - -- QSL Addresses - -- D.I.E. Results "Diploma Islas Espanolas" 326 02/08/97 QSL Managers - -- QSL Addresses 328 16/08/97 QSL Managers - -- QSL Addresses - -- Lighthouse/Lightship activity weekend 330 30/08/97 QSL Managers 332 13/09/97 QSL Managers - -- FEA Award and Results "Spanish Lighthouses Award" - -- UIA "Ukraine Islands Award" 334 27/09/97 QSL Managers - -- QSL Addresses 336 11/10/97 QSL Managers - -- QSL Addresses 338 25/10/97 QSL Managers - -- QSL Addresses 339 01/11/97 QSL info for CQ WW SSB Contest 1997 340 08/11/97 D.I.E. "Diploma Islas Espanolas" Honour Roll List 341 15/11/97 QSL Addresses 342 22/11/97 QSL Addresses - -- QSL Managers - -- FEA Results "Spanish Lighthouses Award" 344 05/12/97 QSL Addresses - -- QSL Managers 346 20/12/97 DXCC New Fees 1998 - -- QSL Managers - -- QSL Managers 348 31/12/97 425 DX News 1997 - Summary /EX