S DX@WW $425WW346A 425 DX News #346 [1/5] 20 December 1997 No 346 BID: $425WW346A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 5H - Ken, GM0AXY reports that YL operator Unni, LA6RHA will be active (mostly on 20 metres SSB) from Tanzania for three weeks as of 22 December. She expects to be QRV as 5H3/LA6RHA until the end of December and as 5H1/LA6RHA from Zanzibar (AF-032) from about 4 January. QSL� via home call. 9N - Joe, VK6BFI/9N1BFI and Neil, VK6NE/9N1NE will be operating (SSB only) from the QTH of Dick, 9N1ARB through 24 December. QSL via their respective home calls. FT5Z - QSL manager F5RQQ reports that FT5ZG went QRT on 14 December. HS - Mirek, VK3DXI is active (10, 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB and CW) as HS0/VK3DXI until August. The Daily DX reports he hopes get permission to operate on 80 & 160 metres and RTTY. QSL via DL4DBR. KC6 - The Daily DX reports that Toshy, JA6VZB will participate in the Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge (27-28 December) as T88JA from Belau. He will stay in Belau until 1 January and will concentrate on 160 metres. QSL via JA6BSM. KH2 - The Daily DX reports that Walt, KF2XN left for Guam on 19 December. He should be there for 90 days at least and be active in his spare time from either KH2D's and (as KH2/KF2XN) MARS/Amateur station at Andersen Air Force Base. KH0 - The OPDX Bulletin reports that KH0S (QSL via JA1OGX) and KH0U (QSL via JA1QNV) will be active (10-80 metres, CW and SSB) from Saipan (OC-086) between 19 and 22 December TT - The Daily DX reports that John, TT8JFC will return to the States on 19 December and will be replaced by Jim, WA4KKY/TT8JWM. V3 - Joe, K8JP reports he will be active as V31JP from Belize between 25 December and 12 January. He plans to participate in the Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge (27-28 December). Outside the contest he will concentrate on 40, 80 and 160 metres. Look for him on 1827.7, 3507.7, 3527.7, 7007.7 and 7027.7 KHz. Priority will be given to Europe and Asia when the bands are open. QSL via K8JP (Joe Pontek, Sr., 26441 Devaney Rd., Arcadia, IN 46030, USA). VK9_xms- The Daily DX reports that Mirek, VK3DXI will be active as VK9XU from Christmas Island (OC-002) between 21 and 26 December. QSL via DL4DBR. >><<>><<>><<>>><>>><>>><>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>><>><<>><<>><<>><<> *** ANTARCTIC NEWS *** The following updates regarding current and planned activity during the summer Antarctic season have been provided by Bob Hines, K4MZU. The information has been organized by DXCC Country, followed by IOTA Ref.No. Within each section the information is listed by WABA Reference Number. ANTARCTICA (Adelaide Island, AN-001) - CE9SAC (op. Eduardo) is active again this year from Teniente Luis Carvajal Base (WABA CE-07) between 22.30-02.00 UTC. ANTARCTICA (Galindez Island, AN-006) - Indications are that UR8LV [425DXN 337]will be one of the next at Akcademic Vernadsky Base (WABA UR-01). He hopes to be active as EM1LV. ANTARCTICA (Ross Island, AN-011) - K-09 KC4USV ham shack facilities at USN MARS Mc Murdo (WABA K-09) have been removed, possible /KC4 activities by hams passing through. - ZL5PX [425DXN 339] has returned to New Zealand and the new radio operator is not a ham. /EX S DX@WW $425WW346B 425 DX News #346 [2/5] 20 December 1997 No 346 BID: $425WW346B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ANTARCTICA (Anvers Island, AN-012) - YL operator Deneb will soon be QRV for Europe from KC4AAC at USN MARS Palmer Station (WABA K-10) on 14.243 MHz starting at 19.00, 20.00 and 21.00 UTC on 20 & 26 December and 3 January. She is a good operator and should have a good signal as they are using 1kw and a large V antenna. QSL via K4MZU (who has logs for KC4AAC from December 1996 to now). ANTARCTICA (Ongul Island, AN-015) - 8J1RL at Syowa Base (WABA JA-02) is currently active on 40, 20 and 15 metres mostly CW. QSL via JARL. ANTARCTICA (AN-016) - The new operators at KC4AAA (USN MARS Amundsen-Scott Base, South Pole, WABA K-08) this year are Skip (WB0BBE), Eric (N7HWW), Hugh (W3HUO) and Eric (KC7IVA). - Andree, VK0MAP reports he will be QRV from the above mentioned South Pole station (WABA K-08) between early January and mid February - KC4AAD is expected to be QRV from Siple Dome Station (WABA K-23) in about ten days. Initial time and frequency should be 00.00-04.00 UTC on 14.273 MHz. QRV for Europe will probably not be until after the first of the year. QSL via K4MZU. - A new base named "Down Stream Bravo" (WABA K-??, 84.01S-115.51W) has just been activated by Dave, N5WNB using the old call KC4AAF. He is active with a dipole and 150 watts on 14.273 MHz around 00.00-04.00 UTC passing family traffic, but he indicated will try to come up at other times. QSL via K4MZU. - Art, KL7RL/KC4 is back for another summer season at Patriot Hills multinational Base (WABA MN-01) on Ellsworth Land. When he is able to be on the radio he will come up at 19.00 UTC on 14.273 Mhz. - Also Sergio, CE3RAC/CE9 is active (mostly in Spanish) from Patriot Hills (WABA MN-01) between 22.00-01.00 UTC on 14.180-14.215 Mhz. - R1ANZ is quite active, moslty on 40, 20 and 15 metres, from Mirny base (WABA UA-07). QSL via UW1ZC. - R1ANL is active from SAAM Novolazarevskaya Base (WABA UA-08) on Princess Astrid Coast. He has been heard several time a week on 14 metres CW (14.015 and 14.024 MHz) between 22.30-01.00 UTC. QSL via UA6AH. - Operators Peter and Henry (VE0HSS) will be active from R1ANW at SAAM Vostok Base (WABA UA-10) on Wilkes Land (geomagnetic pole) between 14 and 18 January. QSL via K4MZU. - Both Jagdish (VU2JBK) and Kaliram (VU2RAY) are QRV daily (14.180-14.215 MHz around 22.00-01.00 UTC) from Maitri Base on Queen Maud Land (WABA VU-02). QSL via VU2DVC. - The two operators at ZS7ANT (WABA ZS-03) should be more active as of early 1998. This is a new base and the work is very time consuming. SOUTH SHETLANDS (AN-010) - CE9AP is QRV daily from 22.30-02.00 UTC, usually between 14.180 and 14.210 MHz, from Capitan Arturo Prat Base (WABA CE-01). - Enrique, CX8BBA is planning to go to Artigas Base (WABA CX-01) sometime in early January (CX0XY call is not planned at this time). - Peruvian Base Machu Picchu (WABA OA-01) is due to come up the same as last year in early January. - Alberto, PY3ASK will be QRV in early January as ZX0ECF from Comandante Ferraz Base (WABA PY-01). Currently there is a ham active from there, but he only comes up once a week for family traffic. Alberto is usually much more active. - R1ANF is quite active, mostly on 40, 20 and 15 metres, from Bellingshausen base (WABA UA-04). QSL via DL5EBE. >><<>><<>><<>>><>>><>>><>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>><>><<>><<>><<>><<> *** DXCC NEW FEES *** The ARRL DXCC Desk has announced new fees for DXCC, which will go into effect on <<< 1 January 1998 >>>. All applicable fees are charged on each application. Applicant must supply return postage or an SASE for any cards or information requests. Current Fee Item New Fee ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Initial application each year, member $10 $10 Additional application, member $20 $10 Initial application, foreign nonmember $20 $20 Additional application, foreign nonmember $30 $2 Convention/HQ walk-in card check $5 10 cents Per additional QSO* 15 cents $10 Certificate fee (includes pin) $10 $25+shipping Honor Roll & 5-Band DXCC plaques $30+shipping** $40+shipping #1 Honor Roll plaque $50+shipping** * First application prices are for 120 QSOs maximum, and additional application prices are for 100 QSOs maximum. QSOs beyond those limits are charged at this price. ** includes pin /EX S DX@WW $425WW346C 425 DX News #346 [3/5] 20 December 1997 No 346 BID: $425WW346C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* **************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... ************************** ************************* CLOSING LOGS ---> Mikhail I. Piskizjov, RW1AI (ex UA1AFM) will close all his expedition logs on 31 December 1998. If anyone still needs QSL please send your cards during 1998 to RW1AI either via bureau or direct (P.O.Box 2, St.Petersburg, 195009, Russia). Mike's operations are: 4K1B (Mirny Base, Antarctica, February-March 1981), 4K1D (Novolazarevskaya Base, Antarctica, March 1982-March 83 & May-November 1991), 4K1F (Bellingshausen Base, South Shetlands, February 1991), 4K1G (Leningradskaya Base, Antarctica, April 1991), 4K1AFM (Novolazarevskaya Base, Antarctica, May-November 1991), 4K4AFM (Severnaya Zemlya, AS-042, January-July 1990), 4K0E (SP-29 Drifting Station, June 1987-May 1988), UA1AFM/UA0 (Severnaya Zemlya, AS-042, May 1984-May 1985), UA1AFM/U0B (Severnaya Zemlya, AS-042, October-December 1989). HUNTING LIONS CONTEST ---> The "Hunting Lions in the Air" contest, in honour of Melvin Jones, the founder of Lionism, will be held between 9.00 UTC on 10 January and 2100 UTC on 11 January. For further information please contact Dave Stols, ZS6BXN at aesdave@coal.anglo.co.za QSL COLLECTION ---> With more than one million items on file, QSL COLLECTION is the world's biggest collection, reserach & documentation centre of its kind. It is supported and/or officially acknowledged by many national amateur radio societies and groups, like DIG and IOTA. If you want to learn more about their activities and, particularly, if you think you might be able to help them update and complete their files, please have a look at their homepage, with articles and have/want-lists: http://www.qsl.at QSL 3V8BB ---> QSL for contacts made on 15-17 December should go via F6FMX. QSL 4U1UN ---> The QSL manager for contacts made between 1992 and 1 April 1997 is Jerry, WB8LFO: "I have sent out in excess of 110,300 cards", Jerry reports. "There is no backlog of cards at WB8LFO. All cards that have been received have been answered, if they were in the log". The QSL manager for contacts made after 1 April 1997 is W6TER. QSL 9Q5BB & D2BB ---> Fernando, EA4BB reports that the *new* QSL manager for his operations as 9Q5BB & D2BB is W3HNK. QSL C4A ---> Pete, AH3C is *not* the QSL manager for C4A in the 1997 CQWW Contests. This call sign was issued to Pete in 1995 for the exclusive use during that year's CQWW, and those are the only contacts he can confirm (please send your requests to Peter Grillo, 501 County Road 41, Bellvue, Colorado 80512, USA). QSL VK9WM & VK9WY ---> Bill Horner, VK4FW reports that due to serious family problems "the QSLling for Willis has been somewhat held a little with much time lost. I would request that you all please be patient. I know that quite a few of you will have received your QSL cards by now but many are still sitting here. I will again get to them ASAP". QSL IIA ---> Franco, IK8WEJ reports that requests for IIA activities by Mediterraneo DX Team have all been replied. ROARS SILVER JUBILEE AWARD ---> The Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (ROARS) celebrates its 25th anniversary and offers a Silver Jubilee Award to stations earning 5 points. Contacts made with A43XXV (17-21 December) [425DXN 345] count for 3 points, with A47RS/SJ and A47OS/SJ count for 2 points and with other Omani stations count 1 point each. Send a certified log with 10 IRCs or US$5.00 to The Award Manager, ROARS, P.O. Box 981, Muscat CP 113, Sultanate of Oman. TOP NEEDED IOTA ISLANDS ---> Chris, N1HRW reports that the Islands on the Web Website is conducting a web-based "Top Needed IOTA Islands" Survey. IOTA Chasers can take part in the survey by filling out a form on the IOTW website (http://islandchaser.com go to the "Survey" section of the site), by emailing a list of needed IOTA to n1hrw@islandchaser.com, or by sending a list of IOTA needed to N1HRW (Chris Taron, 607 Harwood Ct., Champaign, IL 61820, USA). The survey runs until 00.00 UTC on 10 January 1998. Survey results will be displayed on the site on 10 January. /EX S DX@WW $425WW346D 425 DX News #346 [4/5] 20 December 1997 No 346 BID: $425WW346D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [1/2] * =========================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER ============================================================================ 1X5AA W3HNK EW3LB W3HNK SV2RWM SV2DCD 3B8/F6HMJ F6HMJ EW6WR GW3CDP T32RT W6UC 3B8/JE2HCJ JA2JSF EX8MLE IK2QPR T48RCT SK0UX 3D2LJ JM1LJS EY8MM K1BV T88X JA6BSM 3D2QB SM3CER FK8GM WB2RAJ T91ENS DJ0JV 3DA5A JH7FQK FM5GU WA4JTK T91S DL4SEM 3E1DX KU9C FO0GUI F5UIV T93Y W6MD 3V8BB JF2EZA (4/12) FP/W8MV W8MV TA1/RU9WW RW9WA 3W5FM UA0FM FP/WZ8A WZ8A TA2IJ DJ9ZB 3W8DX HA5PP FP5BZ F1TJP TF3IRA TF3GB 3XA8DX DJ6SI (CW) FP5EJ K2RW TJ1HP F6FNU 3XA8DX DJ9ZB (SSB) FR5VZ F5VZ TL8PL F5LNA 4F3CV HB9CXZ FS5PL N0JT TM0UN F5HWB 4G50N DU9RG FT5ZG F5RQQ TM7TLT F6KWP 4J0FR F6AJA G6T G3NYY TM8TON F5KKU 4K9W DL6KVA G7T G3NYY TP9CE F6FQK 4L0JA JP1BJR GB100LP GW0ANA TR8MD F6FNU 4L5O TA7A GB3RN G0VIX TR8VP F6FNU 4N0S YU7JDE GC0STH/P G4DIY TT37Y F6FNU 4U1WB KK4HD GC3EEO/P G3OCA TT8AM IK7JTF 4U1WRC 4U1ITU HB0/DL1RWB DL1RWB TT8JFC WA4ZJB 4X4BL WA2KNC HB0/HB9LEY JH1BSE TT8KM F6FNU 5A2A DL3KDV HC8N AA5BT TT8ZB IK3ERN 5B4/T97M K2PF HF1GD SP2BIK TU2XZ W3HC 5B4ADA 9A2AJ HH2/N3NCW N1XVU TU3F F6AXP 5H3HG WY3V HI3/DL2GGA DL2GGA TZ6JA JA3EMU 5R8EE FR5EL HI8/DJ4IJ DK8ZD UA0AZ W3HNK 5R8FK NY3N HI8/DL1CW DL1CW UE6FST RZ6HWA 5V7A GM4FDM HP1BXI F6AJA UK4YT K4YT 5X1M ON5NT HR6XX CX3CE UM8OM RW6HS 6C500 YK1AO HS0/JR3XMG JF3PKJ UX0ZZ N3IRZ 6D2X K5TSQ HS0/VK3DXI DL4DBR V26E AB2E 6Y5/KE7X KE7X HS0ZAA KM1R V26ED WA3WSJ 7Q7RM G0IAS HS1RU JG3AVS V26KW K3TEJ 7X4AN DJ2BW HZ1HZ N7RO V29NR YU1NR 7Z1IS SM0OFG J28AG F5OYM V47CA VE3BW 8P6DA KU9C J39A KQ1F V47KP K2SB 8P9EM G3VBL J41W SV1CIB V73AT K2CL 8P9HT K4BAI J49IL DJ5IL VA1S VE1AL 8P9Z K4BAI J52IM KB9XN VI50G VK3ATL 8Q7DV UA9CI J68BG YU1NR VK2IDR G3AUA 9A50D 9A1BHI JD1/JL1KFR JL1KFR VK2TNL G3AUA 9A640KC 9A3KQ JW1BJA LA5VK VK5CC VK3WIA 9H1EL LA2TO JW1CCA LA1CCA VK6BAT N6ZZ 9H3PB DF4EK JW4KQ LA4KQ VP2EEB AA3B 9K2GS K2PF (WWCW97) JW5VK LA5VK VP2ENR YU1NR 9K2GS WA2JMS (Other) JY8ZW K4ZW VP2ESJ W5SJ 9M2RY N4JR JY9QJ DL5MBY VP2EST KT8Y 9M6NA JE1JKL KC4AAA NC6J VP2EY HB9SL 9M8CC PB0ALB KH0/KK6WW JA6EGL VP5/WD5N WD5N 9N1BFI VK6BFI KH2D K8NA VP5DX K4UTE 9N1FP RU6FP KH7R KH6HH VP5EA WD5N 9Q5HX IK2MRZ KL1SLE WL7KY VP8CTR DL5EBE 9Q5YT W2TK KP2/N9FD KU9C VQ9HI K7HI 9U5CW EA1FFC KP3Z WC4E VQ9ZZ NS1L 9U5DX F2VX L20XSI LU6EF VR2MM JR3JFZ 9X0A DL5WM LX60RL LX1DA VR3CV HB9CXZ A22EW KB2MS LZ0A LZ2KDP VU2RAY VU2DVC A35RK W7TSQ LZ0L LZ1KCP VU3RDZ VU2APR A4/K3LP W3UR MJ0AWR K2WR W6S WO6T A4/KE3Q W3UR MU0BKA K4ZLE WP2Z KU9C A61AJ W3UR MX0ADJ G3NYY XE2/NR7O NR7O AH2R JI3ERV OF3JF OH3JF XE2HWB/B K6QXY AH8A AC7DX OL3A OK1AY XE2MX K6VNX AP2JZB K2EWB OX/OZ8AE OZ8AE XU2FB N4JR AP2TJ W3HNK OY3QN OZ1ACB XU3FLT JN3FLT AP2WAP IK4ZGY P29HI K7HI YB0ARA/9 N2AU BA1DU W3HC P29PL VK9NS YI1ALW WB3CQN BV0GSM BV4ME P4/K9TM K9TM YJ0AIO DL7VRO BV3/DJ3KR DJ3KR P4/KT8X KT8X YJ0AIQ DL7VRO C56/JA1OEM JA1OEM P40E W3HNK YJ8UU ZL2HE C6A/N4RP W3FG P40NR YU1NR YK0RJ YK1AO C6AIE WZ8D P43HOT P43ARC YN6WFM JA6VU C91JM W7MAE P49T W3BTX YN6WW JA6VU CL8VP HI3JH PJ8/KG8XV JH1ROJ YS1RRD W3HNK CN/DJ8DL DJ8DL R1ANF DL5EBE Z350CXY Z31RG CO2KK W5WP (Ex WQ5Y) R1ANL UA6AH Z350GBC NN6C (Ex KM6ON) CT3BX HB9CRV R1ANZ UW1ZC ZA1MH Z32KV CV1A CX8DX R1ASP RA1AD ZB2FX G3RFX CV1F CX6FP R1FJZ U3AJ ZD8T AC4IV CV9UA CX1SI RA0FU W3HNK ZD8Z VE3HO D2AI CT1EGH RK2FWA DK4VW ZF2LH WB7SND D3SAA CT1BZJ RV6AB N2ERN ZF2MC N7MQ (Ex N7MCA) DX1HB JA1KJK RX1OX/FJL DL6YET ZF2MK K9MK E21CJN W3PP (Ex K3WUW) RX9FM W3HNK ZK1AAT KQ2I E22AAD DL2FDK SU0ERA SU1ER ZK1DI DK1RV EA8/ON7ZM ON7ZM SU3AM DL1FCM ZK1TB W7TB EK6GC W3HNK SV0LK DJ4TR ZP0Z W3HNK EU5R EU1FC SV2CZJ SV2DCD ZP27T ZP5WYV EU8T EW8WA SV2RM SV2DCD ZP5/N3BNA N3BNA /EX S DX@WW $425WW346E 425 DX News #346 [5/5] 20 December 1997 No 346 BID: $425WW346E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [2/2] * =========================== 3D2SJ Fr.Steve Dives MSC, P.O.Box 1354, Suva, Fiji Islands 4K70DWZ P.O.Box 169, Baku 370000, Azerbaijan 6V1C Christian Saint Arroman, P.O.Box 3263, Dakar, Senegal 9H1BD Herbert Catania, 2, Gatwick Court, Triq It-Turisti, St. Paul's Bay SPB 06, Malta 9J2DR Richard Dandine, P.O.Box 30062, Lusaka, Zambia 9K2SQ Abdullah Ali Al-Sayegh, P.O.Box 38899, Dahiya A., Al-Salem 72259, Kuwait 9Z4CT P.O.Box 20, San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago A92Q VADM Scott Redd USN, Quarters U, Wash Navy Yard, 1255 Tenth St., S.E. Washington, DC-20003, U.S.A. AH8LG Lawrence A.Gandy, P.O.Box 1618, 96799 Pago Pago, American Samoa BD4DL Strong, P,O.Box 031-103, Shanghai 200031, China BG4AFV Ina, P.O.Box 031-103, Shanghai 200031, China CT1EGH Antonio Pereira, R.Guerra Junqueiro 25A, Vale de Milhacos, P-2855 Corroios, Portugal CU3EJ Leonel Gaspar Cardoso Avila, Canada das Almas, P-9700 Angra do Heroismo, Terceira, Acores, Portugal CU5AM Jose M.S.Silveira, P.O.Box 10, P-9800 Velas, Acores, Portugal DL2FDK Ralf Klingler, Feldstr.7, D-61479 Glashuetten-Oberems, Germany DS4BHW Pil-Ki Kim, P.O.Box 27, Suncheon 540-600, Korea DS5RNM Lee Joonha, P.O.Box 49, Nam Daegu 705-600, Korea DU3/GM4DKO John Fraser, 318 Caingin, San Rafael, Bulacan, Philippines DU9RG Robin U.Go, 818 Acacia Avenue, Ayala Alabang Village, 1780 Muntinlupa City, Philippines E21LLR Piti Eksitikul, P.O.Box 7, Bangkok 10206, Thailand EA5KB Jose F.Ardid, P.O.Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain EY8AM Serge, P.O.Box 320, 734025 Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan F5TJP M.Ronan Darchen, Beg an Duchen, Saint Qauy-Perros, F-22700 Perros Guirec, France F6AXP Max Pomel, P.O.Box 73, F-63370 Lempdes, France FR5HA J.Lallemand, 173 Rue E.de Parny, F-97421 La Riviere St-Louis, France G3NYY Walt Davidson, P.O.Box 23, Tewkesbury, Glos, GL20 5RN, England HH2PK Patrick Cardozo, P.O.Box 1095, Port Au Prince, Haiti HH5HK David K.Hodges, Hospital Bon Samaritan, Limbe, c/o Agape Flights, 7990 15th St.E., Sarasota, FL-34243, U.S.A. HL2TIZ Wook Han, Sanbondong, Eulji Apt. 615-1102, Kunpo, Kyungkido, 435-040, Korea HL3EHL Cha, 99-15, Jungcheon-Dong, Jung-Gu, Taejon 301-080, Korea JW7VK Tormod Eriksen, Bakke Sondre 99, N-2040 Klofta, Norway JX6RHA Unni Gran, Mellomasveien 128, N-1414 Trollasen, Norway K3TEJ John L.Bednar, 340 Mac Arthur Drive, Orwigsburg, PA-17961, U.S.A. K9MK Michael Krzystyniak, 249 Bayne Rd, Haslet, Tarrant, TX-76052, USA KU9C Steven M.Wheatley, P.O.Box 5953, Parsippany, Morris, NJ-07054, USA LX1DE J.Faber, 5-9 rue de la Fontaine, L-4122 Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg ON5NT Ghislain Penny, Lindestraat 46, B-9880 Aalter, OV, Belgium OZ8AE Joergen Christensen, Soendervej 79, DK-2830 Virum, Denmark OX3FV Kim Andersen, P.O.Box 3, DK-3930 Groennedal, Greenland PP5OW Osmar Waterkwmper, Rua Namen Jose Curi 71, 88070-480 Floriano- polis, Brazil S21R Rana, P.O.Box 10052, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh SK0UX Kvarnberget Mill Hill RC, P.O.Box 1441, S-18314 Taeby, Sweden SP3SUN Piotr Miranski, Ul.Rydza Smiglego 27/5, 65-610 Zielona Gora,Poland SV0LM Charles L.Lewis, P.O.Box 1001, GR-671 00 Xanthi, Greece SV1CQH George Staikos, Solomoy 13, GR-301 00 Agrinio, Greece SV1EET Takis Papakiriakopoulos, 7-13 Laodikias Str., Vironas, GR-162 32 Athens, Greece SV2DCD Leo Fiskas, Argyriou Gouzgou 1, Argos Orestiko, GR-52200 Kastoria, Greece SV5DDR Maniatakis Vasilis, P.O.Box 329, GR-851 00 Rodos, Greece T77C Antonio Ceccoli, Via delle Carrare 67, RSM-47031 Murata A-7, San Marino TF3KM Kristjan Magnusson, Unnarbraut 28, IS-170 Seltjarnarnes, Iceland U3AJ B.A.Ermilov, B.Serpunovskaya Str.19/37-48, 113093 Moscow, Russia UA0AGI V.A.Simonchuk, P.O.Box 8662, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia UA0FM P.O.Box 66, Vladimir 600011, Russia UA0SE Serge Y.Karpov, P.O.Box 2547, Bratsk City, 665714, Russia UA6AH N.V.Shepetko, Ostrovskogo 37, 353301 pgt Ahtyrskij, Russia V31JP Joe Pontek, Sr., 26441 Devaney Rd., Arcadia, IN-46030, U.S.A. V31PC Don Owen-Lewis, P.O.Box 7, Punta Gorda, Belize V51SG Siggi Graf, P.O.Box 57, Kombat, Namibia V85HY Horpsjo Yamada, Box 3001, Embassy of Japan, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei VK2ICV Nick Hacko, P.O.Box 730, Parramatta 2124 NSW, Australia VU2SDU Shaik S.Sadaqathullah, G.P.O.Box 1721, Mannady, Madras, Chennai 600 001, India W6MD Stephanus Busono, 5235 Fiore Terrace #410, San Diego,CA-92122,USA WZ8D John Walker, 1930 Meredith Dr., Loveland, OH-45140, U.S.A. XE3LMV Manuel Villa Vargas, Av. Aleman 90, Chilpancingo, Guerrero 39000, Mexico XQ0YAF P.O.Box 4, Easter Island, Chile XW2A Hiroo, P.O.Box, 2659, Vientiane, Laos YB4JIM Akhmad Ferdinand Lubis, 1027 Basuki Rahmat, Palembang 30126, Indonesia YO3FRI Tina Muller, P.O.Box 18-130, R-71500 Bucaresti, Romania ZC6A P.O.Box 5124, Gaza, Palestine ZD7DP Desmond Peters, P.O.Box 86, Jamestown, St.Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1QFM, IK1RGL, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, IK8WEJ, IS0ZCV, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, AH3C, CO3CL, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL9GOA, EA1YB, EA4BB EA5KB, F6AJA, G4BUE, GM0AXY, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, K4MZU, K8JP, N1HRW, NL7TB, OE1WHC, PP5SZ, PS7AB, PS7KM, RA6CO, RW1AI, VK4FW, VK6APK, VK6LC, W2CE, W3UR, WD8MGQ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> Please send a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it Write in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> Where <address> is the subscriber's e-mail address Example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? 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