DX425 bulletin issue nr. 345

S DX@WW $425WW345A
425 DX News #345 [1/4]
 13 December 1997                  No 345                 BID: $425WW345A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !


3V     - Albert, F2KN plans to be active  from club station 3V8BB during  the
         weekend. QSL (for this operator *only*) via F6FNU.
3X     - Baldur, DJ6SI  and  Franz,  DJ9ZB are  active  with  two  rigs  from
         Conakry, Guinea as 3XA8DX. The  Daily DX reports  they plan to  stay
         until 15 December. QSL via  DJ6SI (for CW  contacts) and DJ9ZB  (for
         SSB contacts).
4J     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports  that Yannick,  F6FYD will  be active  as
         4J0FR from Azerbaijan  between 23 December  and 6  January. QSL  via
8Q     - The Daily DX reports that Yuu, JA3IG will be active (mostly on CW on
         the higher  bands) as  8Q7IG from  the Maldives  between 19  and  25
         December. QSL via JA3IG.
9N     - Brad, KV5V and his daughter (KC5RPK) will be in Nepal between 1  and
         12 January. Brad plans to operate mainly on CW and RTTY.
A4     - Special event station A43XXV [425DXN 331] will be active from 17  to
         21 December to  celebrate the 25th  anniversary of  the Royal  Omani
         Amateur Radio  Society  (ROARS). A  special  postage stamp  will  be
         issued on 23 December. QSL via A47RS.
A6     - The DX  News Sheet  reports  that Oleg,  RA9WX  is now  resident  at
         Sharjahin and is trying to get a licence.
BY     - The Daily DX reports that K9FD  and W0RI will  be active from  BY1QH
         [425DXN 341] starting on 14 January.  They will operate from  sunset
         to sunrise moslty on 40, 80  and 160 metres.  Donations to W0RI  and
         QSL via K9FD.
C5     - Lee Fuller, G0ULN reports to 425 DX News he will be active from  the
         Gambia between  22  December  and 8  January.  He  will  be  signing
         C56/G0ULN (unless he  is able to  get a local  call, which might  be
         C56LE.) daily around 14.200 and  21.200 MHz. QSL  via P.O. Box  803,
         Hull, HU7 4BY England.
EA     - Pepe, EA5KB reports that EA5RKX will be active from Peneta del  Moro
         (EU-151) between 13 and 21 UTC  on 9 March 1998. He  will be QRV  on
         14.260 MHz  especially  for Japan  and  USA (European  stations  are
         requested to call only if it is a new one for their IOTA score). For
         further information please contact EA5KB at ea5kb@ctv.es
F      - F5RMY reports to  425 DX News  that he and  other operators will  be
         active (10-160  metres,  SSB and  CW)  as TM5CRO  from  Porquerolles
         Island (EU-070) between 14 and 20 January. QSL via F5RMY.
FG     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that Alain, F2HE will be active again  as
         FG/F2HE from Les Saintes (NA-114) between 1 and 15 February. QSL via
H4     - Suggested  frequencies  for  Holger's  (DL7IO/H44IO)  and   Birgit's
         (DL7IQ/H44??)  operation   from   Solomon  Is   [425DXN   344]   are
         1.830-1.835, 3.507, 7.007,  10.102, 14.007,  18.077, 21.007,  24.897
         and 28.007 MHz CW and 14.195, 18.145, 21.295, 24.295 and 28.495  MHz
         SSB. Holger will operate mostly on  CW, while Birgit will work  SSB.
         QSL via DL7VRO.
HK     - Pedro, HK3JJH started being active as HK3JJH/HK0B from NA-133 on  12
         December. Reportedly he  also plans to  operate as HK3JJH/HK0A  from
         NA-132. QSL via home call.
J2     - Bruno, F5OYM [425DXN 343] is now active as J28AG.
JA     - The Daily DX reports that all amateur radio operators attending  the
         forthcoming Olympic games  in Nagano  will have  the opportunity  to
         operate from the special event station  8N0WOG. The station will  be
         open from 09:30 to 21:00 (JST) between 7 and 22 February.  For  more
         information  please  contact   the  JARL  Nagano   Office  (fax   at
         81-26-233-2356) or  send  an e-mail  to  Kimi  Koyanagi,  JA0TBJ  at
J5     - Dave Bendt, KC9IM is still quite active (especially to Europe on  40
         metres) as J52IM from Guinea-Bissau. QSL direct to KB9XN.
J8     - Volkmar's (DF2SS) operation  from St.  Vincent [425DXN  339] is  now
         scheduled for  20  December-9 January.  He  plans to  be  active  as
         J8/DF2SS on RTTY and CW.  QSL via DL2MDZ.
KC6    - Hide, JM1LJS is reported to be active (WARC bands included) as T88KH
         from Palau (OC-009) between 30 December and 4 January. QSL via  home
KH2    - Dave, N2NL (ex WH2Z) will be transferred to Guam in January 1998 for
         at least two years. He expects  to be on the air  (mostly on CW)  in
         early spring and hopes to organize a serious operation on 160 metres
         from both KH2 and KH0.
S DX@WW $425WW345B
425 DX News #345 [2/4]
 13 December 1997                  No 345                 BID: $425WW345B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

KH6    - WH6T will participate in the ARRL 10 Meters Contest as KH7R and will
         be QRV for Europe long path.
OH     - During his staying in Sweden (see  SM below) David, ON4BDS plans  to
         go  on  a  side  trip  to  Norrbyskar  (EU-101)  and  be  active  as
         OH6/ON4BDS/P. More details to be announced. QSL via home call either
         direct (David Steeman, Kapelweg 11,  B9200 Dendermonde, Belgium)  or
         through the bureau.
OZ     - Ulli, DL2HEB  reports he  will be  active (10-80  metres on  CW  and
         digital modes  QRP)  as  OZ/DL2HEB/p  from  Roemoe  Island  (EU-125)
         between 19 December and 2 January. QSL via bureau to DL2HEB.
SM     - David, ON4BDS, who will be in Sweden between early February and late
         July 1998,  plans to  be active  as SM/ON4BDS/P  from Holmon  Island
         (EU-135). More details  to be announced.  QSL via  home call  either
         direct (David Steeman, Kapelweg 11,  B9200 Dendermonde, Belgium)  or
         through the bureau.
T31    - The Daily DX  reports that Norbert,  DF6FK will be  active again  as
         T31BB from  Canton  Island (OC-043),  Central  Kiribati  between  25
         December to 10 January. QSL via DF6FK.
TG     - The DX News Sheet reports that the Finnish operation (by OH2NSM  and
         others)  from  Guatemala  [425DXN  339]  is  now  scheduled  for  20
         January-25 February as TG0O.
TT     - The Daily DX reports that Eric, F5JKK will be active (mostly on  CW)
         on HF and 6 metres as TT6M or TT8AQ from around 15 January to March.
         QSL direct to F6FNU.
V4     - The Daily DX reports that Halvard, LA7XK will be active (during  his
         evenings and mornings) from  St. Kitts (NA-104)  as V47XK between  4
         and 17 January. QSL via home call.
VP2E   - Bill, W5SJ  reports  he  will be  active  as  VP2ESJ  from  Anguilla
         (NA-022) between 22 and 26 January. He will participate in the CQ WW
         CW 160 Meter contest. QSL via W5SJ.
VP9    - Mark, AA1AC reports to 425 DX News he will be active (10-40  metres,
         CW and SSB) as AA1AC/VP9  from Bermuda netween  18 and 22  December.
         QSL via home call.
W      - Leo, W3LEO reports  to 425  DX News  that the  Potomac Valley  Radio
         Club, thanks  to the  hospitality of  the Voice  of America  Amateur
         Radio Club,  will  again activate  K3VOA  for the  rare  DC  section
         multiplier in  the ARRL  10 Meters  Contest. A  multi-operator  team
         (including W3LEO, K3IXD, KD4QVT, N3NT and WB3ECU) will be active  on
         both CW and  SSB. QSL (for  this contest only)  direct to W3LEO  (ex
YJ     - Suggested frequencies  for  Holger's (DL7IO)  and  Birgit's  (DL7IQ)
         operation from Vanuatu (9-16 December) [425DXN 344] are 1.830-1.835,
         3.507, 7.007, 10.102, 14.007, 18.077, 21.007, 24.897 and 28.007  MHz
         CW and 14.195, 18.145, 21.295, 24.295 and 28.495 MHz SSB. Holger has
         been assigned YJ0AIO and will operate mostly on CW, while Birgit has
         been assigned YJ0AIQ and will work SSB. QSL via DL7VRO.
YK     - The special prefix 6C50 is being used until 25 December to celebrate
         the 50th anniversary of Syria's national  Society. The club  station
         YK0RJ is active as 6C50O (QSL via YK1AO).
*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

LIGHTHOUSES ---> Karl,  PS7KM (kleite@summer.com.br)  collects postcards  and
pictures of lighthouses worldwide. If you can help Karl, please get in  touch
with him  (Karl  M. Leite,  Rua  Estacio de  Sa  1838, 59054-580  Natal,  RN,

LOGS ON  THE  INTERNET --->  Dave,  NO4J has  a  new site  for  placing  your
DXpeditions     and      contest      logs     (give      a      look      to
http://db-sales.com/nfdxa/logs/logs.html). This  service is  free: send  your
logs to no4j@pobox.com  in .RES  or .ALL  formats.   For further  information
please contact Dave (no4j@pobox.com) or Bill, W4WX (w4wx@bellsouth.net).

MILE HIGH DX ASSOCIATION ---> The  following amateurs have been elected  1998
officers  of  the  Mile  High  DX  Association  (Denver):  Don  McCoy,   W0DM
(President),  Bill  Leahy,   K0MP  (Vice-President)  and   Greg  Dunn,   W0ZA

R0QQ --->  RA4FY reported  to I1-12387  that the  station R0QQ,  who said  to
operate from AS-055 on 27 June 1997 (QSL via RA4FY), was a pirate.

QSL CQ WW CW CONTEST 1997 ---> Pascual, EA5EYJ as compiled a list of 420  QSL
routes for  stations  active in  the  CQ WW  CW  Contest 1997.  The  list  is
available at http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj (those who want to get the list by
e-mail can get in touch with Pascual at ea5eyj@arrakis.es).

QSL 5H1FS ---> Fabio, I4UFH reports that  the first bulk of direct QSL  cards
for his July-August operation from Zanzibar  Island (AF-032) has been  mailed
on 30 November. Subsequent requests are  replied on a weekly basis. Logs  are
available at http://www.qsl.net/5h1fs/index.html

QSL 5V7A --->  The QSL manager  for 5V7A operation  in the CQ  WW CW  Contest
*1997* is GM4FDM. Bureau requests are accepted via e-mail at wylie@sol.co.uk,
while direct  requests  should  be  sent to  Tom  Wylie,  3  Kings  Crescent,
Elderslie, Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom. Cards for 5V7A in CQ WW CW
Contest *1996* continue to be handled by GM4AGL.
S DX@WW $425WW345C
425 DX News #345 [3/4]
 13 December 1997                  No 345                 BID: $425WW345C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL 8Q7AA ---> Requests for confirmation of contacts with 8Q7AA [425DXN  343]
can be made by either direct, bureau or e-mail routes. Direct and bureau QSLs
should go to N7TX (Steve Thompson,  119 E. Jasmine St., Mesa, AZ  85201-1811,
USA). Bureau QSLs can be also  requested by sending e-mail to  n7tx@cadxa.org
(the SUBJECT line  should read: 8Q7AA  QSL REQUEST; the  BODY of the  message
should list the following for each  QSO: Your call sign,  Date, Time in  UTC,

QSL 9J2DR  ---> The  DXNL reports  that cards  for 9J2DR,  PT2ZDR, TR8DR  and
YS1DRF (previously managed  by the late  W2PD) now should  be sent direct  to
9J2DR: Richard Dandine, Box 30062, Lusaka, Zambia.

QSL 9U5CW ---> Bureau cards can be requested by sending an e-mail message  to
the QSL manager  (EA1FFC) at  ea1ffc@arrakis.es (please  include call,  date,
GMT, band and mode).

QSL CQ2I --->  Jose, CT1EEB reports  that all  the direct  requests for  CQ2I
(Insua Island, EU-150) have been replied.  Bureau cards will  be sent to  the
CT1 Bureau service after Christmas.

QSL GD4UOL --->  Steve, G4UOL  (steve@g4uol.demon.co.uk) made  7,206 CW  QSOs
(1,836 in the CQ WW CW  Contest) during his 21 November-6 December  operation
from the Isle of Man (EU-116). All QSLs  will be answered the usual way  with
direct cards going first, then e-mail requests followed by bureau cards  when

QSL TI5N --->  The correct mailing  address for TI5KD  (QSL manager for  TI5N
operation in the CQ WW CW Contest)  is: Keko Diez, P.O. Box 195-4005,  Belen,
Heredia, Costa  Rica, Central  America. Keko  also manages  cards for  TI2KD,
TI1W, TE1W, TI9W and TE9W.

QSL TU3F  ---> Cards  for contacts  made with  TU3F [425DXN  343] between  23
November and 3 December should be sent to F6AXP.

QSL ZB2X ---> Cards for contacts made with  ZB2X during the CQ WW CW  Contest
should be  sent  to OH2KI  (Jorma  Saloranta, Karhutie  39,  00800  Helsinki,

QSL VIA CT1EEB ---> Jose de Sa,  CT1EEB can confirm contacts made with  CQ1A,
CR8A and  CS1A in  1991, 1992,  1993 and  1994 *only*.  He is  *not* the  QSL
manager for either D44BS, CQ1I, CQ1C and CQ1A, CR8A & CS1A for contacts  made
in 1995, 1996, 1997.

TF5CW ---> Seli, TF3AOT reports that the station TF5CW (QSL via F2YT) [425DXN
344] "doesn't exist, so this is a pirate". We apologize for any inconvenience
this may have caused our readers.

QSL received  via  direct:   3B8/DL6UAA,  3B9/3B8DL, 3D2RW,  4F2DX  (OC-128),
5B4/G3LNS, 8P9HR,  8P9Z,  8R1AK/p  (SA-068),  9G5CW,  9K5/KA5TQF,  9X5/G3MRC,
A61AS,  A625ND,  AY7D,  BD7JA/7  (AS-129),  BY2HIT,  CV5A  (SA-030),   CY9SS,
VK2BEX/CY0, EM1HO (AN-006), ET3AA, F5SHQ/p (EU-157), F5SNY/P (EU-048), FT5ZG,
FW5IW,  GM6UW/P  (EU-112),  HC8N,  II9R,  IA5/IK2YWO  (EU-028;  IIA  GR-002),
IJ9/IT9HLR (EU-025; IIA  SR-012, 013), IL3/IK3BPN  (EU-131; IIA VE-021,  036,
038, 056), IM0/IS0UPR (EU-024; IIA NU-007),  IS0/IK2UJR (IIA NU-008),  JY8XY,
TZ6VV, V31MX, V63DX,  VP9KK, WF1N (NA-112),  XF3/OH2NSM, XT2DP, XU2FB,  YV30T
(SA-044), ZD7DP.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
I1HYW, IK1QFM,  IK1TAZ,  I1-12387, I4UFH,  IK4RQJ,,  I5FLN,  IK7AFM,  IK8CJP,
Brescia DX  Group, Crazy  DX Group,  Delta Mike,  Diamond DX  Club, Roman  DX
Group, Salento DX Team, AA1AC, AD1C,  CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DJ5AV, DL2HEB,  DL4VBP,
The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes.

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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S DX@WW $425WW345D
425 DX News #345 [4/4]
 13 December 1997                  No 345                 BID: $425WW345D
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  Jan        3D2AG/p: Rotuma                                        342
till  15/12      3XA8DX * by DJ6SI & DJ9ZB                              345
till  25/12      6C50 & 6C50O * special event station                   345
till  Dec        9X0A * by RW3AH.                                       327
till  13/12      C56/JA1OEM                                             342
till  17/12      C6AIE: Abaco Isl. (NA-080) by WZ8D,W9VNE,WA8NJR,N8ZJN  337
till  ??         HK3JJH/HK0B: NA-133                                    345
till  20/02      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  339
till  Mar        JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkney                                    337
till  ??         LZ0A: South Shetlands * by LZ2UU                       337
till  30/04      P40MR * by VE3MR                                       343
till  17/12      PJ8/KG8XV                                              343
till  Dec        TL8PL * by F5LNA                                       342
till  13/12      TT37Y * special event station                          343
till  ??         VU2JBK: Antarctica                                     339
till  16/12      YJ0AIO & YJ0AIQ * by DL7IO & DL7IQ                     345
till  ??         ZL5PX: Antarctica - Ross Isl. (AN-011)                 339
10/12-22/12      E22DL: Koh Samet (AS-107) * by HS0/DL2FDK & HS2CRU     343
10/12-16/12      KL0OB: Near Is. (NA-064)                               343
12/12-20/12      SN0QTC * special event station                         333
13/12-14/12      3V8BB * by F2KN                                        345
13/12-14/12      K3VOA: The Voice of America  Amateur Radio Club        345
13/12-14/12      KH7R * by WH6T                                         345
13/12-14/12      ARRL DX 10 Meters                                      ***
13/12-14/12      Italian Contest (40 & 80 Meters)                       ***
13/12-14/12      TARA RTTY Sprint                                       ***
14/12-21/12      TZ6HP * by JA1OEM                                      343
16/12-20/12      3D2: Fiji * by G4FRE & G7FRE                           343
17/12-21/12      A43XXV: special event station                          331
18/12-22/12      AA1AC/VP9                                              345
19/12-25/12      8Q7IG * by JA3IG                                       345
19/12-02/01      OZ/DL2HEB/p: Roemoe Is. (EU-125)                       345
20/12-09/01      J8 * by DF2SS                                          345
20/12-21/12      Croatian CW Contest                                    ***
22/12-08/01      C5 * by G0ULN                                          345
22/12            N5XG/C6A: Berry Is. (NA-054)                           339
23/12-06/01      4J0FR: Azerbaijan * by F6FYD                           345
23/12-28/12      HL0C/4: Ch'uja Is. (AS-084)                            344
23/12-30/12      K1K * special event station                            343
25/12            HL0Z/5: Hansan Isl. (AS-081)                           341
25/12-10/01      T31BB * by DF6FK                                       345
27/12-29/12      JI6KVR/6: Amakusa Is. (AS-012)                         343
28/12            Canada Winter Contest                                  ***
31/12            HL0Z/5: Ulrung Isl. (AS-045)                           341
December         FT5XN * by F6IHY                                       344
December         FT5WG * by F5BU                                        341
mid Dec          HK3JJH/HK0A: NA-132                                    345
December         KI6T: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   333
mid Dec-Feb      LU1ZC: South Shetlands (WABA LU-04) * LU6UO & LU4AXV   341
December         PY: SA-042 * by PQ8MM                                  339
December         VO2PP * by G8PP                                        343
01/01-12/01      9N * by KV5V & KC5RPK                                  345
01/01-31/12      HF0POL: South Shetland                                 341
04/01-17/01      V47XK * by LA7XK                                       345
05/01            HL0Z/4: Bokil Isl. (AS-085)                            341
10/01-end March  PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                              341
14/01-??         BY1QH * by K9FD & W0RI                                 345
14/01-20/01      TM5CRO: Porquerolles Isl. (EU-070) * by F5RMY          345
15/01-March      TT * by F5JKK                                          345
18/01-01/02      8P9DX * by VA3DX                                       339
18/01-05/02      TG * by OHs                                            339
19/01-28/01      8Q7AA * by Central Arizona DX Association              343
20/01-25/02      TG0O * by OH2NSM's team                                345
22/01-23/01      7P8: Sani Pass * by ZS6RVG, ZS6CAL, ZS6XJ, ZS6HZ       343
22/01-26/01      VP2ESJ * by W5SJ                                       345
01/02-22/02      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Isl. (NA-057)                        337
01/01            Happy New Year Contest                                 ***
01/01            SARTG New Year RTTY Contest                            ***
03/01-04/01      ARRL RTTY Roundup                                      ***
07/01-09/01      Japan DX CW Low Bands (40/80/160) Contest              ***
18/01            HA DX CW Contest                                       ***
23/01-25/01      CQ WWDX 160 Meter CW Contest                           ***
24/01-25/01      REF - French CW Contest                                ***
31/01            UBA SSB Contest                                        ***
January          H4 * by DL7IO & DL7IQ                                  345
January          HP1XBI * by F2JD                                       344
01/02            IOTA HR/Annual Listing * deadline                      ***