DX425 bulletin issue nr. 344

S DX@WW $425WW344A
425 DX News #344 [1/5]
  5 December 1997                  No 344                   BID: $425WW344A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !


9Q     - The Daily DX reports that Karl, K4YT will be in Kinshasa, Democratic
         Republic of Congo between 9 and 13 December.  He plans to be  active
         as 9Q5YT using 9Q5PA's station. QSL via W2TK.
FT5X   - Helios, F6IHY left  Reunion Island on  2 December. He  will stop  at
         Crozet between 6 and 9 December  (no radio activity is planned)  and
         is due to arrive to Kerguelen  (AF-048) on 12  December. He will  be
         active (100 watts, vertical and dipoles) as FT5XN for six months  on
         SSB (14.209, 21.209/21.309, 28.509, 18.159 and 24.959 MHz) and CW on
         request. QSL via F6PEN either direct  (Gerard Ribes, 16 rue  Viollet
         Leduc, Toulouse, 31100 France) or through the bureau.
H4     - The Daily  DX reports  that Holger,  DL7IO/H44IO and  Brigit,  DL7IQ
         (call to  be issued  upon arrival)  will visit  the Solomon  Islands
         after their trip to Vanuatu (see YJ below) is over. They will  leave
         on either 3 or 10 January (if they  leave on 3 January they will  go
         back to  Vanuatu  for a  week).  Log search  will  be  available  at
         http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/cgi-bin/dl7io  (logs  are   expected  to   be
         uploaded on  a daily  basis). QSL  via DL7VRO  either direct  (Fritz
         Bergner, Sterndamm  199, D-12378  Berlin,  Germany) or  through  the
         bureau (bureau cards may be requested  by sending an e-mail  message
         to DL7VRO@aol.com).
HL     - DS1DBX reports  to 425  DX News  that  the Hanyang  University  Wave
         Research Club (HL0C) operation from Ch'uja Is. (AS-084) [425DXN 341]
         is now scheduled from 23 to  28 December: HL0C/4 will be active  SSB
         and CW on 20, 40, 80 and possibly 15 metres. QSL to CPO 4397, 100643
         Seoul, Korea.
HP     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that Gerard, F2JD/HP1XBI will be  leaving
         Panama on 16 December  and return to  France.  He  might go back  to
         Panama in January.  QSL via F6AJA.
JY     - Ken, K4ZW is active from Jordan  as JY8ZW until 7 December.  Special
         attention is  paid  to  low bands  during  his  sunrise  and  sunset
         windows. QSL via home call.
YJ     - The Daily DX reports that  Holger, DL7IO and  Brigit, DL7IQ will  be
         active (calls to be issued upon arrival) from Vanuatu between 9  and
         16 December and possibly for a  week in January (see H4 above).  Log
         search will  be  available  at  http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/cgi-bin/dl7io
         (logs are expected to be uploaded on a daily basis). QSL via  DL7VRO
         either  direct  (Fritz  Bergner,  Sterndamm  199,  D-12378   Berlin,
         Germany) or through  the bureau (bureau  cards may  be requested  by
         sending an e-mail message to DL7VRO@aol.com).

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

LOG 5A2A ---> The German  team left around  12 UTC on  4 December after  some
25,000 QSOs. The log server (http://www.afthd.tu-darmstadt.de/5a1a/) has been
update for all  contacts made through  10:52 UTC on  3 December.   QSOs  made
after that  will be  uploaded on  6 December.  QSL via  DL3KDV (Dieter  Voss,
Friedrichsthal 21, D-51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany).

QSL TF3IRA ---> Tim Totten, N4GN is not the QSL manager for the recent TF3IRA
operation [425DXN  342]. QSL  for TF3IRA  go either  direct to  the  callbook
address or  through  the bureau.  Tim  just handles  his  own cards  for  his
TF/OH4GN operation  (QSL  direct  to  Tim  Totten,  8309  Dawson  Hill  Road,
Louisville, KY 40299-5317, USA or via the bureau).
S DX@WW $425WW344B
425 DX News #344 [2/5]
  5 December 1997                  No 344                   BID: $425WW344B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL V5/ZS6YG  ---> Charlie  Summers,  W0YG says  he  is getting  cards  (also
duplicate and triplicate requests) for his  V5/ZS6YG operation from both  the
ZS and the  US bureaus. "Some  of the cards  sent to the  ZS Buro will  never
reach me", Charlie  says, so do  not use this  route (if, after  a couple  of
years, a person  does not receive  his/her card,  then QSL  direct to  W0YG).
Charlie's policy is "not to answer duplicate requests through any bureau" and
to QSL direct requests without  return postage through  the bureau: "my  last
mailing was in April of  this year.   My next mailing  will probably be  next
year sometime. If you are in  a hurry for a card, please  send it direct"  to
Charlie Summers, 6746 North Yucca Trail, Parker, CO 80138-6110, USA.

QSL VK9WM & VK9WY ---> On  29 November Bill Horner,  VK4FW reported that  "to
date all received QSL cards from  1A thru to HZ have  been completed and  are
ready to  go in  the mail.  As well  I have  done the  whole rtty  log.  Bulk
mailings have already been sent to  GDXF, DDXG and NPDXG as  was part of  the
sponsored  agreement.  As  I am one person I envisage it will take me another
couple of weeks before I am finished".

TF ---> Not only LA0CX is not the QSL manager for TF0CW [425DXN 343], but, as
reported by Seli Oskarsson, TF3AOT, "TF0CW doesn't exist so this is  pirate".
Seli also reports that TF3CW "is not active and  has not been for the last  3
years or so".

VK9LX ---> Nick (VK2ICV) and Dan (K8RF) made a total of about 13,300 QSOs  on
all bands during their VK9LX operation from  Lord Howe. "We made 500 QSOs  on
160", Dan reports: "the  local WX didn't  cooperate much as  it seemed to  be
raining every night  starting around 1000  GMT which made  the QRN VERY  VERY
VERY bad, with worse condx as  the week progressed. Even  80 meters was  very
noisy the last three days of the operation, which was unfortunate as Nick and
I hoped to concentrate on 80 more during the contest period since we 'wasted'
so much valuable greyline time on  160 early in the week."  Nick and Dan  are
already making plans  to go back  again next year  probably as a  Multi-Multi
operation for  the CQ  WW CW.  QSL  via VK2ICV:  Nick  Hacko, P.O.  Box  730,
Parramatta, 2124 NSW, Australia.


AS-131/Prov   BY7    GUANGDONG PROVINCE WEST  group (Chinese islands,  letter
                     "c")  following  the  operation  by  BD7IA/7,   BD7IX/7,
                     BD7JA/7, BD7YA/7 and BG7NQ/7 from Gui-Shan Island.

AS-132/prov   XV,3W  FAI TSI  LONG  ARCHIPELAGO (Vietnamese  islands,  letter
                     "e") following  the  operation  by  XV8FP  from  Cac  Ba



AS-128        XV,3W  MEKONG DELTA WEST  group (Vietnam,  operation from  Quan
                     Phu Quoc Island by 3W4EZD in June/July 1997).

AS-130        XW,3W  CON SON  group (Vietnam,  operation by  3W5MNB,  3W5KDN,
                     3W5KVR and 3W5FS from Con Dao).

AF-032  5H1/DL7VSN   Zanzibar            (September 1997)
EU-040  CQ1I         Berlenga            (August 1997)
SA-057  CX/LU7DW     Timoteo Dominguez   (July 1997)

(*) Includes  operations  where  validation material was volunteered, ie  not
specifically  required  for  credit  to be given -  in all cases  cards   now
submitted will be accepted by Checkpoints.



AS-131/Prov   BY7    GUANGDONG PROVINCE  WEST  group (China,  operation  from
                     Gui-Shan Island  by BD7IA/7,  BD7IX/7, BD7JA/7,  BD7YA/7
                     and BG7NQ/7 in November 1997).

AS-132/prov   XV,3W  FAI TSI LONG ARCHIPELAGO (Vietnam, operation from Cac Ba
                     Island by XV8FP in November 1997).

OC-224/Prov   YB8    TANIMBAR IS (Indonesia, operation from Yamdena Island by
                     YC8SHQ/P in September 1997)

Checkpoints are not authorised to accept for IOTA credit QSL cards confirming
contacts made with islands/groups whose Reference Numbers have been issued on
a provisional basis.
S DX@WW $425WW344C
425 DX News #344 [3/5]
  5 December 1997                  No 344                   BID: $425WW344C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/3] *

3B8DB     Taher Baccus, 412 Modern Square, Vacaos, Mauritius
3B8GE     Rungapamestry Rajhen, 81 Ylang Ylang Ave, Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius
4F1CW     CW Philippines, c/o Rey Fermin, #246 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City,
6W1QV     Christian Saint Arroman, P.O.Box 3263, Dakar, Senegal
8R1Z      Lennox Smith, P.O.Box 12111, Georgetown, Guyana
9J2DR     Riccardo, P.O.Box 30062, Lusaca, Zambia
9V1AG     Robert Limb, P.O.Box 5004, Singapore 508988, Singapore
A45XR     Krzysztof Dabrowski, P.O.Box 2038, CPO 111, Oman, Sultanate of Oman
A45ZN     Tony Selmes, P.O.Box 981, 113 Muscat, Oman, Sultanate of Oman
CX9BAG    Maria I.S.Polalak, P.O.Box 13.107, Montevideo 3, Uruguay
DL3KDV    Dieter Voss, Friedrichsthal 21, D-51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany
DL5WM     Gottfried Gerth, Obere Dorfstr 13/a, D-09661, Gruenlichtenberg,
ER1DA     Moldavian QSL Service, P.O.Box 9537, Chisinau MD-2071, Moldova
ET3AA     Sid, Ethiopian A.R.S., P.O.Box 60258, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
EW7LO     V.V.Nosov, Zapadnaja Str., 24-8, Bobruisk, 213810 Byelorussia
F5WN      M.Cedric Faure, Montadour 40, F-40500 St.Sever, France
HL0C      Hanyang University Wave research club, CPO 4397, Seoul 100643, Korea
HL0CBD    Jeonnam University, P.O.Box 110, Kwangju 505, Korea
HL5FUA    Jong Sul Choi, P.O.Box 5, Ullung Island, Kyungbuk, 799-800, Korea
IK0XBX    Fucelli Francesco, Strada S.Lucia 38, I-06125 Perugia (PG), Italy
JA0DMV    Tex Izumo, Bukit Dumbar APR 9-4, 97 Jalan Thomas 11700, Gelugor
          Penang, Malaysia
JA8CJY    Susumyu Sin Sanada, 5-15, 5-4, Shin-Ei, Toyohira, Sopporo 004,Japan
JH1ROJ    Isao Numaguchi, 4-9-31 Naka-Aoki, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0032,Japan
JH3GAH    Taiei Gotoh, 154 Koyasan Wakayama-pref. 648-0211, Japan
JH7FQK    Ichio Ujiie, 162 Shionosawa, Kohata, Towa, Adachi-gun, Fukushima
          964-02, Japan
JI3ERV    Toshinobu Aki, 1-9-26, Ikuno Higashi, Ikuno, Osaka 544, Japan
JL1KFR    Ryoichi Tojo, #1-102, 5-37 Miyazaki 2 chome, Cyuo-ku, Chiba, 
          260-0806 Japan         JAPAN. <source QRZ-DX>
JL3WSL    Akiomi Naito, 5-500-31, Hikita-Mati, Nara-Shi, Nara, Japan
LU6EF     Raul M.Diaz, GACW, P.O.Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina
LY1BZB    Club Station, P.O.Box 927, Vilnius, LT-2050, Lithuania
K4BAI     John T.Laney III, P.O.Box 421, Columbus, GA-31902, U.S.A.
K4UTE     William R.Hicks 7002 Deauville Rd, Jacksonville, FL-32205, U.S.A.
K5TSQ     Ken Quin, P.O.Box 734, Edinburg, TX-78540-0734, U.S.A.
KH0CE     Ignacio G.Capuchino, P.O.Box 2249, Saipan 96950, Northern Mariana 
KP2SJ     St.John Amateur Radio Club, P.O.Box 1318, Cruz Bay, VI-00831, U.S.A.
N2AU      Arthur J.Hubert, 436 N.Geneva St, Ithaca, NY-14850-4112, U.S.A.
N5JA      Jon A.Barclay, RT 1 Box 155, Kennard TX-75847, U.S.A.
OH0XX     Olli Rissanen, Suite 599, 1313 So. Military Trail, Deerfield Beach,
          FL-33442, U.S.A
OM2SA     Juraj Siposs, C.P.550, 93013 trh Hradska, Slovakia
OM3CGN    Ivan Gombos, Dr.Clementisa 4/161, Rimavska Sobota, 97901, Slovakia
SV1EPE    Minos Iosif, P.O.Box 75039, ZC-17610 Kallithea, Greece
UA0SJ     Yuri A.Maltsev, P.O.Box 2304, Bratsk City 665700, Russia
UA0SR     Serge T.Sobolev, P.O.Box 323, Irkutsk 664050, Russia
UK8GK     Ruzmatov Nigmat, mw Ahunbabaeva 10-7, pos. Dangara, Kokand, 713016
T88IY     Yoshihiro Imaishim P.O. Box 1516, Palau, Republic Of Palau
TG9AKC    P.O.Box 2700, Guatemala City, Guatemala
TR8JPF    P.O.Box 177, Libreville, Gabon
TR8XX     Jean Claude Jupin, P.O. Box 4069, Libreville, Gabon
VU2NTA    Nataraj V., #878, 1E Main Road, Girinagar 2nd Phase, Bangalore
          560085, India
W3UR      Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, MD-21738, U.S.A.
YB0JWA    Johanes Wardhana, P.O.Box 1867, Jakarta 10018, Indonesia
YB0DX     A.Yung, P.O.Box 1004, Jakarta 11010, Indonesia
YC5OKA    Oka Wirawan, P.O.Box 178, Rumbai, Pekanbaru 28271, Indonesia
YC9WZJ    Joni Salim, P.O.Box 127, Sorong 98401, Indonesia
YT1AD     Hrane Milosevic, Bulev Lenjina 10-E 254, YU-11070 Novi Beograd,
YX0AI     Association de Radio Aficionados, Apartado 3636, Caracas, Venezuela
ZP5WYV    Yoe Zambon, P.O.Box 10104, Asuncion 1209, Paraguay
ZP5RPO    Ruben Preda Ojeda, P.O.Box 983, Asuncione 1209, Paraguay
ZS6RVG    Dave Plaskett, P.O.Box 8116, Edleen 1625, Republic of South Africa
S DX@WW $425WW344D
425 DX News #344 [4/5]
  5 December 1997                  No 344                   BID: $425WW344D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/3] *

CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER
1X5AA       RW6PA          C6A/N4RP    N4RP           RN3R        RW3RQ  
1X5AA       W3HNK          C6A/N5XG    N5XG           RX1OX/FJL   DL6YET 
3B8/F6HMJ   F6HMJ          C6AIE       WZ8D           RX9FM       W3HNK  
3DA5A       JH7FQK         C91JM       W7MAE          RZ3Q        N2UCK  
3E1DX       KU9C           CM7DJ       CO7JC          S92AT       NJ2D   
3V8BB       YT1AD          CN/DJ8DL    DJ8DL          SO1HH       DL7VRO 
3W5FM       UA0FM          CN22AMV     CN8GB          SV0LK       DJ4TR  
4G1A        4F1FZ          CP4BT       CP0ARA         SV8/SV0JD   DL6NBA 
4N9BW       YU7BW          CT3BX       HB9CRV         T32BE       WC5P   
4O6Y        YT6Y           CW5W        CX7BY          T48RCT      SK0UX  
4U1WB       KK4HD          CX5X        W3HNK          T49C        SK0UX  
4X/OK1DTP   OK1DTP         DX1HB       JA1KJK         T93Y        W6MD   
5A2A        DL3KDV         DX1S        DU9RG          T98PSR      F5WN   
5B4/EU1AA   EU1AA          E21CJN      K3WUW          TF/OH4GN    N4GN   
5B4/T97M    K2PF           EA8/DJ1OJ   DJ1OJ          TF0CW       LA0CX  
5B4/UA9NN   UA9NN          EA8EA       OH2MM          TF3IRA      N4GN   
5B4/UN7FK   UN7FK          EJ/IK0XBX   IK0XBX         TF3IRA      TF3HP  
5B4AGC      G3LNS          EK7DX       DL1VJ          TF5CW       F2YT   
5J2X        HK3DDD         EP2MKO      UA6HCW         TI5N        TI5KD  
5K1X        HK1HHX         EX8MLE      IK2QPR         TJ1HP       F6FNU  
5N37T       F2YT           FH/DJ9DX    DJ9DX          TK/DF9LF    DF9LF  
5R8EE       FR5EL          FK8HC       VK4FW          TK/DF9LJ    DF9LJ  
5R8FK       NY3N           FM/YT6A     YU1FW          TK/IK0XBX   IK0XBX 
5R8FM       F6FNU          FM5DN       KU9C           TK5NN       DK5NN  
5R8FX       DJ9DX          FO0GUI      F5UIV          TL8PL       F5LNA  
5V7BC       F5KPG          FT5ZG       F5RQQ          TM0UN       F5HWB  
5V7BG       N7BG           G7G         M0ADU          TM5CM       F8KRM  
5V7FA       G4FAM          GD4UOL      G4UOL          TM5CW       F5EJC  
5V7MF       KC7V           H22A        YL3AF          TM5DX       F5EJC  
5V7RF       GM3YTS         H2A         W3HNK          TM7BNV      F6KTG  
5V7VT       K5VT           HB0/HB9LEY  JH1BSE         TM7TLT      F6KWP  
5V7ZM       G3ZEM          HC8/N5KO    AA5BT          TP9CE       F6FQK  
5X1M        ON5NT          HC8N        AA5BT          TR8MD       F6FNU  
5X1S        DF2RG          HH2/N3WCN   N1XVU          TR8VP       F6FNU  
6C5OO       YK1AO          HI4M        AD4Z           TT37Y       F6FNU  
6D2X        K5TSQ          HI8/DL1HCM  DL1HCM         TT8JFC      WA4ZJB 
6K0IS       HL1IWD         HK3MCM      HK3SGP         TU2DP       K4MQL  
6V1C        6W1QV          HL0C/4      HL0C           TU3F        TU2XP  
6Y5/N6TV    N6TV           HP3XUG      KG6UH          TZ6JA       JA3EMU 
6Y5/W9QA    W9QA           HS0/DL2FDK  DL2FDK         UE6FST      RZ6HWA 
7J2YAF/P    JA1KSO         HS0AC       LA7JO          UN5J        W3HNK  
7X2RO       OM3CGN         HS8AS       E21AOY         US4IXQ      WB7QXU 
7X5AB       F6BFH          HZ1AB       K8PYD          V26B        K3TEJ  
7Z5OO       N2AU           HZ1HZ       N7RO           V26E        AB2E   
8P9AK       KT9P           IH9/IK0XBX  IK0XBX         V26ED       WA3WSJ 
8P9HT       K4BAI          IH9/OL5Y    OK1FUA         V26KW       K3TEJ  
8P9Z        K4BAI          IQ0A        IK0XBX         V26OC       N3OC   
8Q7DV       UA9CI          IR5R        I5JHW          V29TT       N2AU   
8Q7LB       UA9CI          IU3V        IK3VIA         V44KAI      K2SB   
8R1K        OH0XX          J28AG       F5OYM          V44KW       WB2LCH 
9A11ELS     9A2AA          J39A        KQ1F           V47CA       VE3BW  
9A20D       9A1CRD         J45T        SV5TH          V47KP       K2SB   
9A50D       9A1BHI         J49IL       DJ5IL          V63CP       JH1BLP 
9A5I        9A2OB          J8/DF2SS    DL2MDZ         V63CQ       JA6CM  
9G5VJ       G4ZVJ          JD1/JL1KFR  JL1KFR         V8EA        JH7FQK 
9G5WD       G4RWD          JD1/JR0BQD  JR0BQD         VK6BAT      N6ZZ   
9H0A        LA2TO          JW1CCA      LA1CCA         VK8VJ       DL8YR  
9J2DR       W2PD           JW5NM       LA5NM          VK9LX       VK2ICV 
9K2/SP5UAM  SP5PBE         JY8ZM       K4ZM           VP2EEB      AA3B   
9K2/T97M    K2PF           JY8ZW       K4ZW           VP2EST      KT8Y   
9K2GS       WB6JMS         KH0FO       WH0AAV         VP5DX       K4UTE  
9K2HN/P     9K2HN          KH2/N2NL    W2YC           VP5EA       WD5N   
9K2K        KU9C           KH7R        KH6HH          VQ9HI       K7HI   
9M2EU       JA2EJI         KH8/N5OLS   N5JA           VR2MM       JR3JFZ 
9M2TO       JA0DMV         KP3Z        WC4E           VU2JBK/P    VU2DVC 
9M6NA       JE1JKL         L20XSI      LU6EF          W1T         N1TMG  
9M8YY       JH3GAH         L25EY       LU3EY          WP2Z        KU9C   
9N1FP       RU6FP          L75KT       LU4KT          XE2EBE      AA6DP  
9Q2T        ON5NT          LA8W        LA4DCA         XU2FB       N4JR   
9U5CW       EA1FFC         LU1ZC       LU6EF          XU3FLT      JN3FLT 
9U5DX       F2VX           LX/DF1AL    DF1AL          YA/PA3BTQ   PA3BTQ 
9V1ZB       JL3WSL         LY3MR       LY1BZB         YB1AQS      DK7YY  
9X/RE3A     RW3AH          LY8X        LY1BZB         YI1ALW      WB3CQN 
9X0A        DL5WM          MJ0AWR      K2WR           YJ8UU       ZL2HE  
9Y4H        K6NA           MU0BKA      K4ZLE          YM2IYK      TA2IR  
9Y4SF       WA4JTK         NH7A        N2AU           YN6WW       JA6VU  
9Y4VU       W3EVW          NP4A        W3HNK          YX1D        YV1AVO 
S DX@WW $425WW344E
425 DX News #344 [5/5]
  5 December 1997                  No 344                   BID: $425WW344E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [3/3] *

A43/K3LP    W3UR           OD5PY       KU9C           Z21KM       F6FNU  
A43/KE3Q    W3UR           OE2S        OE2GEN         Z30GBC      KM6ON  
A45SJ       SP5EXA         OF1AF       OH1XT          ZD8Z        VE3HO  
A45XR       SP5EXA         OF9BVM      OH9BVM         ZD9IL       ZS5BBO 
A45ZN       G4KLF          OT7P        ON6AH          ZF1A        K9LA   
A61AH/P     KA5TQF         OX/OZ8AE    OZ8AE          ZF2LH       WB7SND 
A61AJ       W3UR           P29AS       K6VNX          ZF2MK       K9MK   
A61AO       N1DG           P3A         W3HNK          ZF2RA       K7AR   
A61AS       YO3FRI         P40MR       VE3MR          ZF2RV       WJ7R   
A71CX       KA5TQF         P40R        NK4U           ZF2VR       WB8WCU 
A71CX/P     KA5TQF         P43HOT      P43ARC         ZK1DI       DK1RV  
A72O        KA5TQF         PJ2MI       K2PEQ          ZK1TB       W7TB   
AH0AY       JA1MXY         PJ8/KG8XV   JH1ROJ         ZK3MF       ZL2MF  
AH2M        K2PL           PT4M        PY4MBJ         ZM2K        ZL2IR  
AH2R        JI3ERV         PY0FF       N6KT           ZP0Z        W3HNK  
AP2JZB      K2EWB          R1ANF       DL5EBE         ZP27T       ZP5WYV 
AP2TJ       W3HNK          R97V        RU3VN          ZP5XF       N2AU   
BY1QH       K9FD           RK0QXY      UA0KCL         ZY4VG       PY4KL  
C31VN       N1DX           RN3QO       N2UCK          ZZ4W        PY4KL  

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
I1HYW, IK1QFM, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta
Mike, Diamond  DX Club,  Roman DX  Group, Salento  DX Team,  CT1EEB,  CT1ENQ,
59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes.

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