DX425 bulletin issue nr. 343

S DX@WW $425WW343A
425 DX News #343 [1/6]
 29 November 1997                  No 343                  BID: $425WW343A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU)           !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

                             CQ WW CW DX CONTEST

A list of the DXpeditions that will be active in the forthcoming CQ WW CW  DX
Contest is maintained by Dennis, K7BV  (K7bv@aol.com) on the NCJ WEb site  at
http://waterw.com/~ncj (Dennis  will  update  the  list  with  additions  and
changes right up to the moment the contest starts).
Another list of announced operations for the contest is available from Bill's
(NG3K) Web pages at either  http://www.cpcug.org/user/wfeidt/Misc/cqcw97.html
and http://www.his.com/~wfeidt/Misc/cqcw97.html (the page will continue to be
updated, additions and corrections should be sent to wfeidt@cpcug.org).

3D2    - Dave, G4FRE and  Meg, G7FRE  (who are  active as  VK2IDR and  VK2TDL
         until 15  December) plan  to operate  from Fiji  on 16-20  December.
         QSLs via G3AUA.
3DA    - Koji, JM1CAX/ZS6CAX  is reported  to participate  in  the CQ  WW  CW
         Contest as 3DA5A from Swaziland. QSL via JH7FQK.
4L     - Thor, TF1MM  is active  as 4U/TF1MM  from the  Administrative HQ  of
         UNOMIG, the United Nations Observer Mission  In Georgia. QSL via  TF
4U1ITU - The Daily DX reports that K3IPK and K5RX will participate in the  CQ
         WW CW Contest (Multi-Single or Multi-Multi) from I.T.U. Geneva.
5A     - The Rhein Ruhr DX Association operators [425DXN 341] are now  active
         as  5A2A.   QSL   via   DL3KDV.   Log   search   is   available   at
5X     - Frank, DL2CC (ex DL1SBR) reports  he will be  active from Uganda  as
         5X1M until 3 December. During the CQ WW CW Contest he will be QRV as
         5X1T on either 20 or 15 metres. QSL for both calls go via ON5NT.
7P     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that ZS6RVG, ZS6CAL, ZS6XJ and ZS6HZ  will
         be /7P8 from the top of  Sani Pass, Lesotho, at 2,873 metres  (9,425
         Ft) between 22-23 and 25 January 1998. Main activity will take place
         on RTTY and SSTV (SSB and  CW will depend on  conditions on site  at
         the time). QSL  via ZS6RVG either  direct (Dave  Plaskett, P.O.  Box
         8116, Edleen 1625, Republic of South Africa) or through the bureau.
8Q     - UA9CDV, UA9CLB and  UA9CI are  active as  8Q7DV and  8Q7LB from  the
         Maldives (AS-013). They will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest and
         will be active during the week after the contest with emphasis on 80
         and 160 metres and RTTY. QSL via UA9CI.
8Q     - Warren Hill,  K7WX  announces the  Central  Arizona  DX  Association
         upcoming DXpedition to the Maldives (AS-013).   Plans are to be  QRV
         as 8Q7AA beginning 19 January, with four stations operating 24 hours
         a day on 160-10 metres  through 28 January  1998. The team  includes
         SSB operators NP3BY,  KP4RF, KM5EP, K7ZV  & NA7DB  and CW  operators
         N6NT (who will also run  HF RTTY as  operating time permits),  AF7O,
         K7WX, N7TX &  NN7X. A concentrated  effort will be  made on the  low
         bands with adequate  power and antennas.  8Q7AA will participate  in
         the CQ 160-meter CW DX Contest  (23-25 January). QSL via N7TX.  More
         complete details are available at http://www.cadxa.org/8q7aa
9K     - Bob, 9K2ZZ is reported to be  active again until December 1998.  QSL
         direct to W8CNL.
9M6    - Saty, JE1JKL is reported to participate  in the CQ WW CW Contest  as
         9M6NA from Labuan Island (OC-133). QSL via home call.
9U     - The Daily DX reports that 9U5CW  and PA3DZN will participate in  the
         CQ WW CW Contest as 9U5CW. They plan to be active on all bands.  QSL
         via EA1FFC.
9V     - Sam, 9V1ZB will be active on  160 metres during the weekends, CQ  WW
         CW Contest included. QSL via JL3WHL.
A6     - Plans changed rapidly and Dave, KA5TQF and Tom, WT2O were active  as
         A61AH/P from AS-124 [425DXN 341] on 27 November.
A7     - Dave (KA5TQF) and Tom (WT2O) were  active as A71CX/P from AS-088  on
         24 and 25 November. QSL via via KA5TQF.
C6     - The Daily DX reports that N4RP will be /C6A in the CQ WW CW  Contest
         from South Bimini (NA-048), Bahamas. QSL via W3FG.
CE0_sf - John Torres, CE0ZAM is planning to be again active as XQ0X from  San
         Ambrosio Island (SA-013) for about 20 days in April or May 1998.
CT3    - Ari, OH1EH is  reported to participate  in the CQ  WW CW Contest  as
         CT3BX from Madeira (AF-014). QSL via HB9CRV.
D2     - D3SAA is reported to be currently active from Angola, length of stay
         not known.  QSL via CT1BZJ.
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F      - Jean-Michel, F6AJA  reports  that F5HWB  will  be  active  as  TM0UN
         between 29 November and 4 December. QSL via F5HWB.
FK     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that FK8HC (40 metres, QSL via VK4FW) and
         FK8GM (80 metres, QSL via WB2RAJ) will be active during the CQ WW CW
FP     - The ARRL DX  Bulletin reports that  N1RL, W8MV and  WZ8A plan to  be
         active as  FP/W8MV  (QSL  via W8MV)  from  St.  Pierre  et  Miquelon
         (NA-032) during the ARRL 160 meter Contest (5-7 December). They will
         also operate FP/homecalls as conditions permit (QSL via home calls).
FR     - Olivier (ex FR5HG) [425DXN 318] is again active from Reunion  Island
         (AF-016) with his new call  FR5CC. QSL to  Olivier Dijoux, 40  route
         Gabriel Mace, 97490 Sainte Clotilde, Reunion Island, France.
FS     - John, W2GD is  reported to participate  in the CQ  WW CW Contest  as
         FS5PL from Saint Martin (NA-015).
GU     - The DX  News Sheet  reports  that Jay,  K4LZE  will be  active  from
         Guernsey (EU-114) as MU0BKA (mainly on  160-10 metres CW) between  4
         and 9 December. QSL via home call.
GW     - The DX News Sheet reports that Jay, K4LZE will be active from  Wales
         as MWOBKA (mainly  on 160-10 metres  CW) between 29  November and  1
         December. QSL via home call.
HC8    - Trey, N5KO is  reported to participate  in the CQ  WW CW Contest  as
         HC8N from Galapagos Is (SA-004). QSL via AA5BT.
HS     - Fred, K3ZO  reports  that  club  station  HS0AC  [425DXN  341]  will
         concentrate on 80 and 160 metres in the CQ WW CW Contest during  the
         hours of darkness in Thailand. HS0/DL2VK and HS0ZAA have also put up
         antennas for 80 metres and will concentrate on that band.
HS     - The DXNL reports that Ralf, HS0/DL2FDK [425DXN 342] and HS2CRU  will
         be active possibly as E22DL from  Koh Samet (AS-107) between 10  and
         22 December. QSL via DL2FDK either direct or through the bureau.
I      - Oreste, IK3VIA will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest (40  metres)
         as IU3V from Lido (EU-131, IIA VE-032). QSL via bureau to IK3VIA.
J2     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports  that Bruno F5OYM/FR5FA  (ex FG5GJ)  will
         stay in Djibouti for 3 1/2 months. He is waiting for a licence to be
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR  reports to  425 DX  News that  he  will be  active  as
         JI6KVR/6 from Amakusa Is  (AS-012) between 27  and 29 December.  QSL
         via EA5KB.
JW     - The DXNL reports that JW1CCA and JW5NM will be active during the  CQ
         WW CW Contest.
KH8    - Don, N5OLS is active as KH8/N5OLS and will participate in the CQ  WW
         CW Contest. QSL via AA5BL.
KL     - Peter, VE8PW reports  that KL0OB  plans to  be active  from Near  Is
         (NA-064) between 10 and 16 December.
KL     - Frank, KL7FH and Chris Hurlbut, WL7KY report they will be active  as
         KL1SLE from Saint  Paul Island (NA-028)  between 2  and 4  December.
         They expect to  be on the  air around 16.00  local time (01.00  UTC,
         but, "as always with air travel  in AK, this can  be changed at  any
         time", Chris says) with two rigs on CW and SSB.
KP4    - The OPDX Bulletin  reports that the  Puerto Rico  Contest Club  will
         participate in the CQ WW CW Contest (Multi Single) as KP3Z. QSL  via
OE     - Gery, OE2GEN reports that OE2VEL will be active as OE2S (QRP) during
         the CW WW CW Contest. QSL via bureau to OE2GEN.
P4     - The DX News  Sheet reports  that Martin,  VE3MR is  active again  as
         P40MR from Aruba (SA-036) until 30 April 1998. QSL via home call.
PJ8    - Isao, JH1ROJ reports the will be active (10-160 metres, CW and  SSB)
         as PJ8/KG8XV from Sint Maarten (NA-105) between 10 and 17  December.
         QSL  via  JH1ROJ  (Isao  Numaguchi,  4-9-31,  Naka-Aoki,  Kawaguchi,
         Saitama, 332-0032 Japan).
PY     - Alex, PY1KS reports he will participate  in the CQ WW CW Contest  on
         10 metres (Single Operator Low Power).
SV     - Mak, SV1BSX reports that Kiki, SV1BRL will be active (mostly on WARC
         and low bands) as SV1BRL/8 from  Kefallinia Island (EU-052) from  27
         November, length of stay not known.
T9     - Boris, T93Y will participate in the CQWW CW Contest (Single Operator
         Low Power,  20 metres).  QSL via  W6MD (ex N2MAU,  N2UE):  Stephanus
         Busono, 5235 Fiore Terrace #410, San Diego 92122, USA.
TK     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA  reports  that  TK5NN  (160  metres),  TK5EP  (80
         metres) and TK/DF9LF (40 metres)  will participate in  the CQ WW  CW
TT     - The Daily  DX  reports  that to  celebrate  the  37  anniversary  of
         independence of  the Republic  of Chad  Etienne, TT8BE  and  Michel,
         TT8KM will be active as TT37Y  between 30 November  (23 UTC) and  13
         December (23 UTC). QSL via F6FNU.
TU     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that F5EQ, F5ECX and F3KT will be  active
         from TU2XP's QTH until 4 December. They will participathe in the  CQ
         WW CW Contest as TU3F.
TZ     - Toshi, JA1ELY reports that Mako, JA1OEM will be active as TZ6HP from
         Mali between 14 and 21 December. QSL via JA1OEM (Mako Toyofuku, P.O.
         Box 9, Sawara 287, Japan).
VE     - The DX News  Sheet reports that  Les, G8PP will  be active (QRP)  in
         December as VO2PP from Labrador. QSL via home call.
VK     - Phil, N6ZZ  will participate  in  the CQ  WW  CW Contest  as  VK6BAT
         (Single Operator All Band) from Zone 29. QSL via home call.
VP5    - Dave, WD5N is  reported to participate  in the CQ  WW CW Contest  as
         VP5EA.  QSL via home call.
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W      - Joel, WU1F will be active as K1K from 23 to 30 December to celebrate
         the eight nights of Hanukkah (The Festival of Lights). QSL via  WU1F
         either direct or through the bureau.
XE     - AA6DP, N6RT and others are reported  to participate in the CQ WW  CW
         Contest as XE2EBE.
YN     - Hiro, JA6WFM/YN6WFM  will participate  in the  CQ WW  CW Contest  as
         YN6WW.  QSL via JA6VU.
YV     - Paolo, YV1DIG reports to 425 DX News that he will participate in the
         CQ WW CW Contest (80 metres) as YX1D. QSL via YV1AVO.
ZD8    - The DX News  Sheet reports that  Jim, N6TJ is  active again as  ZD8Z
         from Ascension Island (AF-003) at 19 UTC on 21.250 MHz and later  on
         CW. He will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest. QSL via VE3HO.
ZK1_sc - Guenther, DF4DI is active again (mainly CW 40, 80 and 30 metres)  as
         ZK1DI from Rarotonga  (OC-013), South  Cook Islands.  QSL via  DK1RV
         either direct or through the bureau.
ZK1_sc - The Daily DX reports that  Lew, W7TB, who  is currently active  from
         South Cook Is  as ZK1TB, plans  to be participate  in the  CQ WW  CW
         Contest on all bands. QSL via homecall.
ZL     - The Kiwi Contest  Group will  participate in  the CQ  WW CW  Contest
         (Multi-Single) as ZM2K. QSL via ZL2IR.
ZL7    - The Daily  DX reports  that  DL8WPX/YB1AQS, DL3DXX,  DL7UFN,  DK7YY,
         DK1BT and DL2OAP  will be active  from Chatham  (OC-038) between  23
         February and  9  March 1998.    They plan  to  have  three  complete
         stations (two of which should be on the air at the same time) and to
         operate on all bands CW, SSB  and RTTY with emphasis  on CW and  the
         low bands.
ZP     - ZP5ALI reports that Paratodo  DX Group operators  will be active  as
         ZP27T between 28 November and 8 December.
*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

CENTRAL ARIZONA DX ASSOCIATION ---> The  new board of the Central Arizona  DX
Association includes  Mike  Bill, N7MB  (President);  Bob Myers,  W1XT  (Vice
President); Steve Thompson,  N7TX (Secretary); Rick  Dill, N7KO  (Treasurer);
Ned Stearns, AA7A (Member at large); Dave Hollander, N7RK (Member at  large);
Mike Fulcher, KC7V (Past President).

FRANKFORD RADIO CLUB  ---> If  you are  still working  towards the  Frankford
Radio Club's 70th Anniversary Award [425DXN  335] the following DX  callsigns
will participate in the CQWW CW Contest with FRC operators at the helm  (they
will all qualify  for FRC station  QSO credit): FS5PL,  V47KP, 4U1ITU,  ZP0Z,
VP2EEB, V26KW, VE9DH. A  list of all  the FRC operators  is available at  the
Club's WEB  Site  (http://www.frc-contest.org). The  anniversary  certificate
requires QSO with  70 FRC Stations  for North American  amateurs and only  35
QSOs for DX stations. Logs should be submitted to the Award Manager (K2FL).

HELP NEEDED  ---> Charles  Harpole, K4VUD,  who will  operate from  Nepal  in
February/March 1998 [425DXN  341], reports  that local  operators have  great
problems in  getting amateur  radio equipment  (coax, beams,  TNCs etc):  "if
anyone wants to donate anything to 9N1AA or 9N1HA, the only two native  Nepal
hams there  today, I  will carry  it in  my baggage",  Charles says.  Serious
donors are invited to  get in touch  with K4VUD at  either (407) 349-2211  or

HV ON SSTV ---> Peter, 5X1T/ON6TT brought the Vatican on the air in SSTV  for
the first time on 19 November. He operated for about one hour from HV4NAC and
logged 16 stations. QSL via IK0FVC.

NATIONAL CAPITOL DX ASSOCIATION ---> The following amateurs have been elected
1998 officers  of  the National  Capitol  DX Association:  Leo  Boberschmidt,
KA3TGY (President);  Erinn Tordella,  N3HSA  (Vice President);  Rick  Murphy,
WA1SPT (Secretary); Henry Herman, W3UJ (Treasurer).

NEW CALL ---> HI3MTU is now HI3Y. QSL to Martin De Jesus Tavarez Urena, Calle
5 21, Savica, Santiago, Dominican Republic.

NEW CALL ---> KS6DV is now  AH8LG. QSL to Lawrence A.  Gandy, P.O. Box  1618,
96799 Pago Pago, American Samoa.

NORTH JERSEY DX  ASSOCIATION ---> The  following amateurs  have been  elected
1998 officers  of  the  North Jersey  DX  Association:  Ben  Friedland,  K2BF
(President),  John  Sawina,  NA2R  (Vice-President),  Gene  Ingraham,   N2BIM
(Treasurer), Bill Hudzik, W2UDT (Secretary).

OKLAHOMA DX  ASSOCIATION --->  The Oklahoma  DX Association  has elected  the
following officers for their 1997-98 Associational year: Bruce Burnette, K5PX
(President), Craig  Boyer,  AH9B (Vice  President),  Dave Land,  KD5FX  (Vice
President)  and  Mark  Byard,  N5OGP  (Secretary/Treasurer).  The   following
Directors have been appointed: Lu Fisher, K5YP (Northwest), Troy Warren, K5OH
(Southwest), Coy Day, N5OK (Central), Lee  Ward, W5UDA (Southeast) and  Jerry
Chouinard, K5YAA (Northeast).

POTOMAC VALLEY RADIO CLUB --->  The following amateurs have been elected 1998
officers of the Potomac Valley Radio  Club: Tyler Stewart, K3MM  (President);
Brian McGinness, N3OC  (Vice President);  Rich Boyd,  KE3Q (Secretary);  Dave
Baugher, WR3L (Treasurer).

QSL EY8AM --->  The DXNL  reports that  cards can  be sent  either direct  to
Serge, Box 320,  734025 Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan  or direct  to DF3OL  (Juergen
Carow, Hillerser Weg 2, D-31234 Edemissen,  Germany). Please note that  DF3OL
has not Serge's logs: he just collects cards and "enclosures" and sends  them
to EY8AM, who replies after about three months.
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QSL 9K9K --->  QSL cards for  9K9K (operated  by 9K2RR  during the  CW WW  CW
Contest) [425DXN  342]  go through  the  9K bureau  (KU9C  is *not*  the  QSL

QSL ID9/IK1QBT ---> Tony, IK1QBT reports that cards for his recent  operation
as  ID9/IK1QBT  from  Vulcano  Island  (EU-017,  IIA  ME-018,  31   August-11
September) should be ready in mid-December. Requests will be replied as  soon
as possible.

QSL SV1RK ---> Mak, SV1BSX reports  that the correct address [425DXN 342]  is
Mike Krideras, P.O. Box 87535, ZC  18507, Piraeus, Greece.  We apologize  for
any inconvenience this may have caused our readers.

QSL TF0CW ---> Ulrich Heuberger, LA0CX  reports he is  *not* the QSL  manager
for TF0CW.

QSL TR8XX ---> Cards for Jean-Claude, F2XX, who is active as TR8XX, should be
addressed to P.O. Box 4069, Libreville, Gabon.

QSL VK9LX ---> The QSL manager  for the current VK9LX (Lord Howe)  DXpedition
is VK2ICV (Nick Hacko, Box 730, Parramatta, 2124 NSW, Australia). Please note
that Eddie Schneider, W6/G0AZT  only handles VK9LX  for 20-30 September  1995
(and VK9LZ & VK9NM for the same dates).

QSL YI9CW ---> Rys, SP5EWY reports that Tom, SP5AUC, who was active as YI9CW,
is very busy as he has  just moved to a new home.  "He has promised all  QSLs
will be answered soon", Rys says, but those who "cannot wait" can send  their
request to SP5JTF  (Adam Perz,   Ul.  Sucharskiego 7  m.20, 01-390  Warszawa,
Poland) or send an e-mail message to Rys (rtym@ippt.gov.pl).

QSL VI0ANARE &  VK0ANARE --->  Alan, VK4AAR  (QSL manager  for VI0ANARE)  and
Simon, VK1AUS (QSL manager for VK0ANARE, Macquarie Island) have decided that,
to semplify matters, the cards for  both these special calls will be  handled
by VK4AAR. Therefore,  while VK1AUS will  still be  handling VK0TS  contacts,
cards for both VI0ANARE *and* VK0ANARE  may be sent direct to Alan  Roocroft,
c/o Post Office, Dalveen, QLD 4374 Australia.

QSL REFLECTOR ---> Looking for QSL information? You can subscribe to the  QSL
reflector by sending a message to: majordomo@larry.wu3v.net (no subject, type
SUBSCRIBE QSL in the body of the message).

RTTY ON WARC ---> Jon Severt, WB8YJF  is trying to generate interest in  RTTY
on the WARC bands. "I am QRV almost  daily from 13.30-14.30 UTC on 12  metres
(24.918 MHz) when the band is open", Jon writes. "I am also QRV on 17  metres
(18.108 MHz) around  22.00 UTC and  30 metres (10.140  MHz) from about  01.00

QSL received  via  direct:   3B8/DL6UAA,  3B9/3B8DL, 3D2RW,  4F2DX  (OC-128),
5B4/G3LNS,  9G5CW,  9K5/KA5TQF,  A625ND,   BD7JA/7  (AS-129),  BY2HIT,   CV5A
(SA-030), CY9SS,  VK2BEX/CY0, FT5ZG,  FW5IW,  HC8N, IM0/IS0UPR  (EU-024;  IIA

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

DX Group,  Crazy DX  Group, Delta  Mike, Diamond  DX  Club, Roman  DX  Group,
Salento DX Team, 5X1T, 9K2HN, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DJ5AV, DL2CC, DL4VBP,   DL7VOA,
The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes.

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


                            425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR
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               Example:   subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj@amsat.org


                             425 DX NEWS SEARCH
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S DX@WW $425WW343E
425 DX News #343 [5/6]
 29 November 1997                  No 343                  BID: $425WW343E
                         425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR [1/2]
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  12/12      3B8/F6HMJ                                              339
till  Jan        3D2AG/p: Rotuma                                        342
till  07/12      3E1DX: Contadora Isl. (NA-072) by DL5XX, DL2BAY, S57NW 342
till  end Nov    4I9RG * by DU9RG                                       339
till  04/12      5A2A * by DJ7IK, DL3KDV, DL8OBC, DL1GGT                343
till  Dec        5B * by UA9YAB, RA9JX, RA9JR, UA9MA, UN7FZ, UN7FW      342
till  04/12      5V7A * by Voo-Doo Contest Group                        341
till  03/12      5X1M * by DL2CC                                        343
till  02/12      8P9HT (8P9Z) * by K4BAI                                329
till  02/12      9G5SW, 9G5WD, 9G5VJ * by G3VMW, G4RWD, G4ZVJ           342
till  02/12      9K2/T97M                                               342
till  02/12      9M2/G3OZF: Pangkor Isl. (AS-072)                       341
till  Dec        9X0A * by RW3AH.                                       327
till  02/12      A61AJ * by K3LP & KE3Q                                 339
till  13/12      C56/JA1OEM                                             342
till  01/12      C6A * by K8DD, AC8W, N8KR                              335
till  06/12      GD4UOL * by G4UOL                                      335
till  10/12      HS/G4JMB * by VR2CT (ex VS6CT)                         337
till  03/12      J49IL * by DJ5IL                                       342
till  20/02      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  339
till  15/12      JL1KFR/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  341
till  06/12      JR0BQD/JD1: Ogasawara (AS-031)                         341
till  Mar        JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  03/12      L20XSI: Isla de Los Estados (SA-049) * by GACW         341
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkney                                    337
till  30/04      P40MR * by VE3MR                                       343
till  02/12      T32BE * by WC5P                                        337
till  07/12      T48RCT (T49C) * by KARC & Radio Club Las Tunas         341
till  Dec        TL8PL * by F5LNA                                       342
till  04/12      TU2X (TU3F) * by F5EQ, F5ECX, F3KT                     343
till  02/12      V26ED, V26KW, V26E * by WA3WSJ, K3TEJ, AB2E            339
till  01/12      V47CA * by VE3BW                                       327
till  02/12      V47KP * by W2OX                                        331
till  15/12      VK2IDR & VK2TDL * by G4FRE & G7FRE                     343
till  01/12      VK9LX: Lord Howe Is. * by VK2ICV & K8RF                341
till  02/12      VP2EEB * by AA3B                                       341
till  ??         VU2JBK: Antarctica                                     339
till  06/12      WP2Z * by K4FXN                                        329
till  03/12      ZF2RV * by K7AR, N7NU, N7MQ, WJ7R, K7DBV               321
till  ??         ZL5PX: Antarctica - Ross Isl. (AN-011)                 339
till  28/11      ZP5/LU2BRG                                             341
26/11-19/01      HS0/DL2FDK                                             342
27/11-??         SV1BRL/8: Kefallinia Isl. (EU-052)                     343
28/11-01/12      HP1XBI/2: Grande Isl. (NA-202)                         342
28/11-08/12      ZP27T * by Paratodo DX Group                           343
29/11-30/11      3DA5A * by JM1CAX/ZS6CAX                               343
29/11-30/11      4U1ITU * K3IPK & K5RX                                  343
29/11-30/11      5X1T * by DL2CC                                        343
29/11-30-11      6D2X * by Grupo DX Panamericano                        338
29/11-30/11      7Z5OO * by K3UOC                                       342
29/11-30/11      8Q7DV & 8Q7LB * by UA9CDV, UA9CLB, UA9CI               343
29/11-30/11      8R1K * by OH0XX                                        342
29/11-30/11      9K2/T97M                                               331
29/11-30/11      9K9K * by 9K2RR                                        342
29/11-30/11      9M6NA: Labuan Isl. (OC-133) * by JE1JKL                343
29/11-30/11      9U5CW * by 9U5CW & PA3DZN                              343
29/11-30/11      9V1ZB                                                  343
29/11-30/11      9Y4H * by K6NA                                         342
29/11-30/11      A45XR * by SP5EXA                                      342
29/11-30/11      A45ZN (AS-014) * by G4KLF                              342
29/11-30/11      AH2R * by JF1SQC, JK3GAD, JR7OMD                       341
29/11-30/11      C6A/N4RP: South Bimini (NA-048)                        343
29/11-30/11      CI9DH * by W1VE/VE1RM                                  337
29/11-30/11      CT3BX * by OH1EH                                       343
29/11-30/11      CW5W * by CX7BY                                        342
29/11-30/11      CX5X * by CX6VM                                        341
29/11-30/11      DX1HB * by JA1KJK, JA1WLL, JK1CWR, JE8IVF, 9V1ZW       341
29/11-30/11      E22AAA * by EY8MM & HS1CHB                             339
29/11-30/11      EA6IB: Ibiza Isl.                                      342
29/11-30/11      EA8EA * by OH2MM                                       342
29/11-30/11      EM1HO: Galindez Isl. (AN-006)                          342
29/11-30/11      FK8HC                                                  343
29/11-30/11      FK8GM                                                  343
29/11-30/11      FS5PL * by W2GD                                        343
S DX@WW $425WW343F
425 DX News #343 [6/6]
 29 November 1997                  No 343                  BID: $425WW343F
                         425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR [2/2]

29/11-30/11      HC8N * by N5KO                                         343
29/11-30/11      DL1HCM/HI8                                             341
29/11-30-11      HS5AC                                                  338
29/11-30/11      HS8AS * by The Southern Thailand DX Group              342
29/11-30/11      HZ1AB * by SM0CXU                                      342
29/11-30/11      IQ2I * by IK2WXQ                                       342
29/11-30/11      IU3V: Lido Isl. (EU-131; IIA VE-032) * by IK3VIA       343
29/11-30/11      J39A                                                   342
29/11-01/12      JA: Hachijo Isl. (AS-043) * by 7K4STV & JQ1USM         339
29/11-30/11      JW1CCA                                                 343
29/11-30/11      JW5NM                                                  343
29/11-30/11      KH8/N5OLS                                              343
29/11-30/11      KP3Z * by Puerto Rico Contest Club                     343
29/11-01/12      MW0BKA * by K4LZE                                      343
29/11-30/11      OE2S * by OE2GEN                                       343
29/11-30/11      OX3FV * by OX/OZ8AE & OX3FV                            341
29/11-30/11      P40R * by K4UEE                                        341
29/11-30/11      PY1KS                                                  343
29/11-30/11      TF3IFA * by South China Sea DX Team & I.R.A.           342
29/11-30/11      TI5KD * by K9VV & K6CT                                 331
29/11-30/11      TI5N * by K6CT, K9VV, TI2CCC, TI2OY                    341
29/11-30/11      TK5NN                                                  343
29/11-30/11      TK5EP                                                  343
29/11-30/11      TK/DF9LF                                               343
29/11-30/11      TM5DX * by F5EJC                                       341
29/11-04/12      TM0UN * by F5HWB                                       343
29/11-30/11      V8EA * by JO1RUR                                       342
29/11-30/11      VK6BAT * by N6ZZ                                       343
29/11-30/11      VP5EA * by WD5N                                        343
29/11-30/11      XE 2EBE * by AA6DP & N6RT                              343
29/11-30/11      YN6WW * by JA6WFM/YN6WFM                               343
29/11-30/11      YX1D * by YV1DIG                                       343
29/11-30/11      ZD8Z * by N6TJ                                         343
29/11-30/11      ZF1A * by K1TO, K4UVT, W5ASP, K9MK, K9LA               341
29/12-30/11      ZK1TB: South Cook Is. * by W7TB                        343
29/11-30/11      ZM2K * by Kiwi Contest Group                           343
29/11-30/11      ZP0Z * by N3BNA                                        342
29/11-30/11      CQ WW DX CW Contest                                    ***
30/11-13/12      TT37Y * special event station                          343
02/12-05/12      A4 * by K3LP & KE3Q                                    339
02/12-05/01      CF5=VE5 * special prefixes                             341
02/12-04/12      KL1SLE: Saint Paul Isl. (NA-028) * by KL7FH & WL7KY    343
04/12-09/12      MU0BKA * by K4LZE                                      343
05/12-07/12      FP * by N1RL, W8MV, WZ8A                               343
05/12-07/12      ARRL DX 160 Meters                                     ***
06/12-09/12      DL: Hiddensee Isl. (EU-057; DIA O-005) * by DLs        335
06/12-07/12      EA DX CW Contest                                       ***
07-12-??         LZ0A: South Shetlands * by LZ2UU                       337
10/12-17/12      C6AIE: Abaco Isl. (NA-080) by WZ8D,W9VNE,WA8NJR,N8ZJN  337
10/12-22/12      E22DL: Koh Samet (AS-107) * by HS0/DL2FDK & HS2CRU     343
10/12-16/12      KL0OB: Near Is. (NA-064)                               343
10/12-17/12      PJ8/KG8XV                                              343
12/12-20/12      SN0QTC * special event station                         333
13/12-14/12      ARRL DX 10 Meters                                      ***
13/12-14/12      Italian Contest (40 & 80 Meters)                       ***
14/12-21/12      TZ6HP * by JA1OEM                                      343
16/12-20/12      3D2: Fiji * by G4FRE & G7FRE                           343
17/12-21/12      A43XXV: special event station                          331
17/12-23/12      HL0C/4: Ch'uja Is. (AS-084)                            341
20/12-20/01      J8 * by DF2SS                                          339
22/12            N5XG/C6A: Berry Is. (NA-054)                           339
23/12-30/12      K1K * special event station                            343
25/12            HL0Z/5: Hansan Isl. (AS-081)                           341
27/12-29/12      JI6KVR/6: Amakusa Is. (AS-012)                         343
31/12            HL0Z/5: Ulrung Isl. (AS-045)                           341
December         FT5WG * by F5BU                                        341
December         KI6T: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   333
mid Dec-Feb      LU1ZC: South Shetlands (WABA LU-04) * LU6UO & LU4AXV   341
December         PY: SA-042 * by PQ8MM                                  339
December         VO2PP * by G8PP                                        343
01/01-31/12      HF0POL: South Shetland                                 341
05/01            HL0Z/4: Bokil Isl. (AS-085)                            341
10/01-end March  PJ9JT: Curacao * by W1BIH                              341
18/01-01/02      8P9DX * by VA3DX                                       339
18/01-05/02      TG * by OHs                                            339
19/01-28/01      8Q7AA * by Central Arizona DX Association              343
22/01-23/01      7P8: Sani Pass * by ZS6RVG, ZS6CAL, ZS6XJ, ZS6HZ       343
01/02-22/02      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Isl. (NA-057)                        337
12/02-24/02      9M0C: Spratly * by Chiltern DX Club                    339
20/02-23/02      JI6KVR/6: Tokara Arch. (AS-049)                        341
23/02-09/03      ZL7: DL8WPX, DL3DXX, DL7UFN, DK7YY, DK1BT, DL2OAP      343
end Feb-March    9N1UD * by K4VUD                                       341
April-May        XQ0X: San Ambrosio * by CE0ZAM                         343