S DX@WW $425WW341A 425 DX News #341 [1/8] 15 November 1997 No 341 BID: $425WW341A =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH - IK1GPG /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: ! ! ! ! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX ! ! (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes ! ! (e-mail ik1gpg@amsat.org - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) ! ! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List ! ! (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org) ! ! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages ! ! (e-mail i121171@amsat.org) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 3DA - The Daily DX reports tha Jon, 3DA0CA will put up a dipole for 160 metres. It may take a few weeks more but he does plan to be active very soon. Jon can often be found around 24.901 MHz between 16 UTC and 20 UTC. QSL via W4DR. 5A - Felix, DL8OBC reports that the Rhein Ruhr DX Association's expedition to Libya [425DXN 335] will probably use the call 5A7A between 24 November and 4 December, CQ WW CW Contest included (Multi-Single). Outside the contest two stations will be active on all bands (WARC and 160 metres included) CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via DL3KDV. To subscribe their mailing list please send an e-mail message to < majordomo@qth.net > with only the words < subscribe libya > in the message. Log search will be available at http://www.afthd.tu-darmstadt.de/5a1a/ 5V - Roger, G3SXW reports to 425 DX News that all arrangements are in place for the 5V7A expedition to Togo, to operate in the Multi-Multi category of CQ WW CW Contest [425DXN 333]. QSLs for 5V7A will be handled by GM4FDM. Before the contest (26-28 November) the team will operate on contest bands, checking antennas. After the contest (1-4 December) they will also operate WARC bands. Arrangements have now also been made to operate some RTTY. These operations (several simultaneous stations) will be with personal callsigns: 5V7A (G3SXW), 5V7ZM (G3ZEM), 5V7FA (G4FAM), 5V7RF (GM3YTS), 5V7VT (K5VT), 5V7PN (K7PN), 5V7MF (KC7V), 5V7BG (N7BG), 5V7MB (N7MB) and 5V7BV (W6RGG). More details are available at http://www.getnet.com/~k7wx/5v7a.html 9K - Dave (KA5TQF), Tom (WT2O) and Hamad (9K2HN) will be active as 9K2HN/P from IOTA AS-118 on 27-28 November. QSL via 9K2HN. 9M2 - Don, G3OZF will be active as 9M2/G3OZF from Pangkor Island (AS-072) between 24 November and 2 December. Main activity will take place on 80-10 metres CW, with some SSB on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. He will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest. QSL via G3OZF. 9N - Charles Harpole, K4VUD reports to 425 DX News that he is again planning to go to Nepal. He should be active as 9N1UD soon after 20 February 1998 for about two weeks. 9Q - Gus, 9Q5TE is active again (CW and SSB) from the Democratic Republic of Congo (ex Zaire). QSL via SM0BFJ. A6 - Dave (KA5TQF), Tom (WT2O) and Al Mur (A61AH) will be active from Sirat Al Khwar (AS-124) as A61AH/P between 17 and 19 November and from IOTA AS-021 on 19-20 November. QSL via KA5TQF. A7 - Dave (KA5TQF), Tom (WT2O) and Ali (A71CX) will be active as A72O from IOTA group AS-088 between 23 and 25 November. QSL via KA5TQF. BY - W0RI and K9FD are planning a trip in either December or January to BY1QH. The main thrust of the trip is to put BY on 160, 80 and 40 metres for a full week (if conditions are poor, they will be on the high bands as much as possible). The BY club is in need of a amplifier and they have purchased one to "hand carry" over: "we are asking for any donations to help defray the cost of the amplifier", K9FD says. "Any donations over $5 will be returned if for some reason the trip is cancelled. The rest will go into the QSL/postage/equipment fund for BY1QH". Donations can be sent to W0RI: Harold P. Smith, 742 Henry Ave, Manchester, MO 63011. CO - The Kvarnberget Amateur Radio Club (SK0UX) and the Radio Club Las Tunas (T48RCT) [425DXN 339] will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as T49C. QSL via SK0UX. CX - Jorge, CX6VM reports he will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as CX5X (10 metres). QSL via W3HNK. /EX S DX@WW $425WW341B 425 DX News #341 [2/8] 15 November 1997 No 341 BID: $425WW341B =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== DU - Toshi, JA1ELY reports that JA1KJK, JA1WLL, JK1CWR, JE8IVF and 9V1ZW will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest (Multi-Single) from the Philippines as DX1HB. They will be active on 10-160 metres and on RTTY before the contest. QSL via JA1KJK. F - Gil, F5EJC will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as TM5DX. QSL via F5EJC (P.O. Box 96, 14128 Mondeville, France). FT5W - The DX News Letter reports that F5BU will be active as FT5WG from Crozet (AF-008) between December 1997 and February 1998. HI - The DX News Letter reports that Mike, DL1HCM/HI8 will be active during the CQ WW CW Contest. HK - Roberto, HJ3PXA reports that special call 5J2X will be aired on 20 and 40 metres during the weekend from La Guajira Department of Colombia. QSL via HK3DDD. HL - HL5FUA is active from Ullung Island. QSL to Jong Sul Choi, P.O. Box 5, Ullung Island, Kyungbuk, 799-800 Korea. HL - The Daily DX reports that a group of HL operators will be active as HL0C/4 from Ch'uja Is (AS-084) between 17 and 23 December. QSL via HL0C. HL - Lee Dae Ryung, DS4CNB reports that club station HL0Z will be active as follows: HL0Z/5 from Hansan Island (AS-081) on 25 December, HL0Z/5 from Ulrung Island (AS-045) on 31 December, HL0Z/4 from Bokil Island (AS-085) on 5 January 1998. HS - The OPDX Bulletin reports that the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand is planning a multi-multi effort in the 1997 CQWW CW from its club station HS0AC. They have been already granted permission to operate on 80 and 160 metres. QSL via LA7JO. If you are interested in joining the team (SM3DYU, LA7JO and E21CJN), please contact Tony, HS0/G4UAV at tonyw@mozart.inet.co.th HS - LA7JO reports that on 5-7 December and 12-14 December HS0AC will be active on 160 metres (plus some activity on 80 metres). They will operate on 1.826 MHz (+/- QRM), QSX up 4 to 10 kc. QSL via LA7JO. I - Bad weather forecast has caused Nuccio, I0YKN to cancel his planned II7A operation from Sant'Andrea Island (BR-005, it does not count for IOTA) [425DXN 337]. At all events, the island might be activated by another Salento DX Team member with a different call. J2 - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that Dominique, J28DB will be active from Djibouti for the next three years. QSL via F4AAQ. JA - Yuki, JI6KVR reports that his operation from Danjo Is (AS-056) [425DXN 323] has been postponed to 22-24 November. QSL via EA5KB. JA - Yuki, JI6KVR reports that he will be active as JI6KVR/6 from Tokara Archipelago (AS-049) between 20 and 23 February 1998. QSL via EA5KB. JD1_min- Toshi, JA1ELY reports that Ryoichi, JL1KFR will be /JD1 from Minami Torishima (OC-073) between 25 November and 15 December. He will operate in his spare time (look for him around 9-11 UTC) on 10-80 metres, mainly CW. QSL via home call (Ryoichi Tojo, #1-102, 5-37 Miyazaki 2 chome, Cyuo-ku, Chiba, 260-0806 Japan). JD1_oga- Toshi, JA1ELY reports that Satoshi, JR0BQD will be /JD1 from Ogasawara (AS-031) between 28 November and 6 December. He will be active on 10-160 metres (low power) and will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest. QSL via JR0BQD. KH2 - Toshi, JA1ELY reports that JF1SQC, JK3GAD, JR7OMD and others will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest (Multi-Single) as AH2R from Guam (OC-026). QSL via JI3ERV. KH0 - Toshi, JA1ELY reports that JH0YKS, JA0IXW, JH0AKT, JF0WIR, JE0WTU and JI0EYA will be KH0/ from Mariana Islands between 22 and 25 November. They will be active on 10-80 metres, SSB and CW. QSL via their respective home calls. LU - Alberto, LU1DZ reports to 425 DX News that the GACW IOTA operation from Staten (Los Estados) Island (SA-049) [425DXN 339] has been issued the call L20XS. Team members LU7XP, LU4XS, LU3XQ, LU1DZ and LU1XQG will be active (mainly on CW) from 26 November to 3 December. QSL via LU6EF (Raul M. Diaz, GACW, Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina). LU_ssh - Alberto, LU1DZ reports that Hector, LU6UO and Ernesto, LU4AXV [425DXN 339] will leave Buenos Aires in late November. They will stop at Marambio Base (WABA LU-03, Seymour Is) before voyaging to Deception Island in the South Shetlands (AN-010) from where they will be active as LU1ZC. Main activity will be on CW, but they will work SSB as well. Special attention will be paid to 40 metres, where they will use a two-element monobander. This activity will celebrate the golden anniversary of the Destacamento Naval Deception (WABA LU-04). QSL via LU6EF (Raul M. Diaz, GACW, Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina). OX - Joergen, OX/OZ8AE and Kim, OX3FV will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as OX3FV (Multi-Single). QSL via OX3FV either direct (Kim Andersen, Box 3, 3930 Groennedal, Greenland) or through the bureau. /EX S DX@WW $425WW341C 425 DX News #341 [3/8] 15 November 1997 No 341 BID: $425WW341C =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== P4 - Bob, K4UEE is reported to participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as P40R from Aruba (SA-036). QSL via NK4U. PJ9 - The Daily DX reports that John, W1BIH will be active as PJ9JT from Curacao (SA-006) from about 10 January through the end of March 1998. QSL via W1AX. SP_ssh - Jacek, SP3LFV reports that Stan, SP3BGD [425DXN 335] will operate from HF0POL (AN-010, WABA SP-01) between 1 January and 31 December 1998. He plans to work mainly on RTTY and CW. QSL via SP3SUN either direct (Piotr Miranski, ul. Rydza Smiglego 27/5, 65-610 Zielona Gora, Poland) or through the SP bureau. TI - The OPDX Bulletin reports that K6CT, K9VV, TI2CCC and TI2OY will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as TI5N. QSL via TI5KD. V2 - CQ WW CW Contest call to be used by WA3WSJ and K3TEJ from Antigua [425DXN 339] will be V26KW. Outside the contest they will operate as V26ED (WA3WSJ) and V26KW (K3TEJ). QSL via home calls either direct or through the bureau. V5 - The DX News Letter reports that Frank, V5/DL7UFS is active from Namibia mainly on 20 metres CW. QSL to Frank Steinhaeuser, Kaerntner Weg 7, D-40551 Duesseldorf, Germany. VE - VE3IPR will be /M from the islands of Manitoulin (CISA ON-001), Great Cloche (ON-016) and Birch (ON-017) on 15 and 26 November. VE - The DXNS reports that Weyburn ARC members can use the CF5 prefix instead of VE5 between 22 December and 5 January 1998 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Roral Canadian Army Cadet Corps of Weyburn. Commemorative certificate for QSOs with three CF5 stations via VE5RMO (or e-mail log to hjwhiteoak@sk.sympatico.ca). VK9_lh - VK2ICV and K8RF confirm they will be active as VK9LX from Lord Howe (OC-004) between 23 November and 1 December [425DXN 337]. They will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest (Multi-Single) and will run two stations before the contest as much as possible. They will pay particular attention to the lower frequency bands and areas of the world with difficult propagation paths. "Right now we plan on taking just one amplifier", K8RF reports: "we have an offer of another loaner amp as well which we would like to bring with us. However overweight shipping charges to Lord Howe Island are very high, and our resources are limited, if we can afford the overweight charges for it we will bring it along". VP2 - The Daily DX reports that Bud, AA3B will be active from Anguilla (NA-022) as VP2EEB between 25 November and 2 December, CQ WW CW Contest included. QSL via AA3B. XE - Luis, XE1L reports to 425 DX News that XE3HLR, XE3AD, XE3LYC, XE3LBT and XE3LMV (members of the Asociacion de Radioexperimentadores del Estado de Guerrero, A.C.) will be active as XF3/home call from Roqueta Island (NA-183) between 21 UTC on 21 November to 21 UTC on 23 November. Operations are planned on 10-160 metres (plus 6 and 2 metres, RS12 and RS13). QSL via XE3LMV (Manuel Villa Vargas, Av. Aleman 90, Chilpancingo, Guerrero 39000, Mexico). XV - A group of French operators (including F6BFH, F9IE, F5LGQ, F6AOI and F6AUS) is currently signing XV8FP from the Vietnamese island of Cac Ba (AS-132/Prov). They have been granted permission to use 7.063, 14.263 and 21.263 MHz only (on both SSB and CW) and will be active until 16 November. QSL via F6BFH. They will stay in Vietnam until 30 November and it is rumoured they will be active from other islands. ZF - Dan K1TO/ZF2??, Bob K4UVT/ZF2RF, Joe W5ASP/ZF2NE, Mike K9MK/ZF2MK, and Carl K9LA/ZF2LA will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest (Multi-Single) from Cayman Islands (NA-016) as ZF1A (QSL via K9LA). QSLs for QSOs outside the contest period go to the respective home call. ZP - Ernesto, LU2BRG (ex LU6BEG) reports he will operate from Paraguay as ZP5/LU2BRG on 27-28 November (QSL to Ernesto Grueneberg, Box 1589, 1000 CF, Argentina). Then he will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as ZP5XF on 15 metres (QSL via N2AU). /EX S DX@WW $425WW341D 425 DX News #341 [4/8] 15 November 1997 No 341 BID: $425WW341D =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== ************************* ***************************** GOOD TO KNOW ... *************************** ************************* DXING ON 160 METRES ---> Jeff Briggs, K1ZM (e-mail K1ZM@aol.com) is the author of "Dx'ing On the Edge....The Thrill of 160M!", a new book on the history of Dxing on 160 metres which has just been released as an official ARRL HQ publication. In addition to the book, there is also a 65 minute audio CD that is included in the purchase price. On the CD (which is not sold separately from the book) are many recordings of DX QSOs made on 160 metres by the big guns as recorded from overseas. The price is $29.95USD plus shipping. The book is available from the ARRL webpage at http://www.arrl.org GUI-SHAN ISLAND ---> Yang, BD7JA reports that around 1600 QSOs were logged from Gui-Shan Dao (AS-131) [425DXN 340]. QSL via P.O. Box 1713, Guangzhou, People's Republic of China. LONE STAR DX ASSOCIATION ---> The following amateurs have been elected 1998 officers of the Lone Star DX Association: Bob Alexander, W5AH (Chief Director); Bud Walton, K5HW (Membership Director); Herb Blair, K5IDX (Information Director); Bill Priakos, W5SJ (Program Director). The Lone Star DX Association was founded in 1987 by a small group of DXers from the Fort Worth area to aid in the furthering the DX endeavors of each of its members. From this small beginning, the group has grown to and sustained over 150 members throughout Texas and the surrounding states. NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION ---> The Board of Directors of the New Orleans International DX Convention have announced that the dates of the 7th annual event will be 14-15 August 1998 at the Royal Sonesta Hotel on Bourbon Street in the New Orleans French Quarter. OH0/N4GN & OJ0/N4GN LOGS ---> The OH0/N4GN and OJ0/N4GN DXpedition logs are now searchable at < http://www.iglou.com/n4gn/oj0/ >. "Much of the original logs were on paper", Tim, N4GN reports, "so there are likely a few data entry errors. Please notify me of any discrepancies". Tim expects to answer direct requests by the end of December - please do not send second requests before then. QSL 9J2FR & 9J2AA ---> IK2RZQ has replaced I2ZZU as QSL manager for 9J2FR and 9J2AA (do not send duplicates, as the cards mailed to the old manager are redirected to the new one). QSL 9Q5HX ---> QSL manager IK2MRZ reports that Piero, 9Q5HK (who is now QRT) made some 6000 QSOs (SSB and CW) between 1996 and 1997. Direct cards have all been sent out, the remaining QSOs have all been confirmed automatically through the bureau. QSL A61AJ ---> Effective immediately all QSL requests past, present and future for A61AJ [425DXN 339] should go direct to W3UR (ex WR3E): Bernie McClenny, 3025 Hobbs Road, Glenwood, Maryland 21738, USA. QSL CY0DX ---> The current address of VA3EU, QSL manager for CY0DX (Sable Island ) [425DXN 335] is Gyorgy Balint, 59 Snowcrest Avenue, North York, Ontario, Canada M2K-2K9. Please note that a mail redirection is in effect from his old Willowdale address. QSL FR/IK2RXV ---> The QSL cards of Roberto, FR/IK2RXV [425DXN 337] will be sent automatically through the bureau. He also participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest with FR5DN from Philippe's QTH. QSL KL1SLE (NA-037) ---> Frank, KL7FH reports that the direct cards for KL1SLE August activity from Shemya Island (NA-037) [425DXN 328] have all been sent out. /EX S DX@WW $425WW341E 425 DX News #341 [5/8] 15 November 1997 No 341 BID: $425WW341E =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== QSL OH0/K8MN ---> Ken, WA8JOC reports he has put all the direct OH0/K8MN QSL cards in the mail (this also includes a "few" miscellaneous A22, and OH2 cards). The bureau cards will be out to the bureau within the next few weeks (please note that duplicate QSLs will not be issued for QSOs received via the bureau and returned direct earlier). Ken is used to processing bureau cards twice annually. QSL RZ3Q ---> The Daily DX reports that as of 1 November N2UCK is the new QSL manager for RZ3Q. QSL SM7CRW (EU-037) ---> W3HNK (Joe Arcure Jr., P.O.Box 73, Edgemont, PA 19028, USA) is the QSL manager for SM7CRW, who operates from EU-037. QSL VE8KM (NA-006) ---> Peter Wollenberg, VE8PW reports that VE8KM has changed his call again and is now VE6TX (ex VE6KCM, ex VE8KM): "he is very busy with work and was late in QSLling for his VE8 call, but cards are going out now". QSL VK9WM & VK9WY ---> Bill Horner, VK4FW, reports the QSL cards for the recent DXpedition to Willis Island will start to go out next week. QSL VIA HB9BGN ---> The Daily DX reports that Al, HB9BGN is no longer the QSL manager for any ZA station: "for over five years he has collected QSLs and mailed them by private courier to Albania due to the fact mail was being stolen in Albania. Once the ZA's got the requests they sent the QSLs out". SA-057 ---> Isla Timoteo Dominguez has been added to the list of islands which count for SA-057. As a result, QSL cards of Claudio, CX/LU7DW, will be accepted for IOTA credit for contacts made during the July 1997 IOTA Contest. SAO TOME & PRINCIPE ---> Francisco, CT1EAT reports that he had many unexpected problems during his recent operations from Sao Tome (S92FC) and Principe (S91FC) [425DXN 335]: heavy QRM on all bands, laptop PC and TNC failures (which meant no RTTY), no low band activity from Sao Tome (lack of space), power supply restrictions and blackouts on Principe. Francisco participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest (Multi-Single) as S97A from Gary's (S92AT) QTH. QSL for S92FC, S91FC and S97A via CT1EAT, either direct (P.O. Box 172, 7800 Beja, Portugal) or through the CT bureau. THE GOLIST, QSL MANAGER LIST ---> GO-NET is the monthly GOLIST sent via the Internet to subscribers around the world. For further information please contact The GOLIST, P.O. Box 3071, Paris, TN 38242, USA (e-mail golist@qsl.net). WABA DIRECTORY ---> The eighth edition of the WABA 46-page Directory is available from IK1GPG at US$ 11.00 (postage included). It includes more than 800 calls used from Antarctica since 1959, the list of Antarctic bases, the rules for WABA (Worked all Antarctic Bases Award) and WASA (Worked all Antarctic Stations Award) etc. For further information please contact IK1GPG: Massimo Balsamo, Strada Statale 28 Nord # 7, 12084 Mondovi' - CN, Italy. ============================================================================ QSL received via direct: 3B9/3B8DL, 4U1WB, 5R8FI, 9K5/KA5TQF, A41LZ, A45ZN, A625ND, AP2JZB, AP50JZB, BD7JA/7 (AS-129), C21TT, CE0ZIS, CV5A (SA-030), VK2BEX/CY0, FK/JM1LJS, FT5ZG, FW5IW, HV4NAC, IA1/IK2PZG (EU-083; IIA SP-002), IA5/IK1VCI (EU-028; IIA LI-001), IC8/IK8VRH (IAI NA-040), ID8/IK8DDN (IIA CS-006), IJ7/IK8VRH (IIA LE-012), IL8/IK8DDN (EU-144; IIA PZ-001), IM0JMA (EU-041; IIA SS-004, 011), IS0/IK2UJR (EU-024; IIA NU-008), JT1KAA, N4BQW/KH6 (OC-055), T32BI, TA0/IK3GES (AS-099), TL8MS, TZ6TT, V63KU, V85HG, VP8CTR, VU2NGB, VX8XN/p, XU2C, YC8BJK/9 (OC-147), YC0LOW. QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service: 9M6TPR (AS-051), BO0KS (AS-102), BO0M (AS-113), CE7AOY (SA-064), CY0XX, ED1MC (EU-077), FK8HCC, HC1HC, HF0POL (AN-010), K2OLG/m, KC4AAC (AN-012), OY9JD, R1FJR, S21XX, SU3AM, TN6X, VK9CR, VP8CTR (AN-006), XU2FB, ZS8IR. /EX S DX@WW $425WW341F 425 DX News #341 [6/8] 15 November 1997 No 341 BID: $425WW341F =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [1/2] * =========================== 7X4AN Mohamed Boukhiar, 10 rue Louis Lumiere, F-18000 Bouvges, France 9A2AJ Tomislav Polak, PP 34551, Lipik, Republic of Croatia 9A9D P.O.Box 106, 43000 Bjelovar, Republic of Croatia AA5BT Derek Wills, 4002 Amy Cir, Austin, TX-78759, U.S.A. AC4IV David D.Pedigo, 1878 Longleaf Rd, Cocoa, FL-32926, U.S.A. BY2HIT Harbin Institute of Technology, P.O.Box 10, Harbin City 150001, China CT1BWW Manuel Alberto Canceicao Marques, P.O.Box 41, P-2780 Oeiras, Portugal CT1EWA Paulo Santos, P.O.Box 415, P-2430 Marinha Grande, Portugal CT4HV Jose Manual Gomes Santos, Rua de Bissau, N`8-4 Andar F, 2700 Amadora, Portugal CX6FP P.O.Box 1, 70101 Nueva Palmira, Uruguay CX8CP Gerardo Otero, P.O.Box 6000, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay DF3OL Juergen Carow, Hillerser Weg 2, D-31234 Edemisse, Germany DJ4VW Helmut Waldner, Ringstr 8, D-57612 Kroppach, Germany DJ9ZB Franz Langner, Benfelder Str.4, D-77955 Ettenheim, Germany DK4VW Ulrich Mueller, Kreutzacker 13, D-35041 Marburg, Germany DK7YY Falk D.Weinhold, Schwarzmeerstr.70, D-10319 Berlin, Germany DL5EBE Dominik Weiel, Reinshagener Str.99, D-42857 Remsheid, Germany DL7DF Siegfried Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany DL7UFS Frank Steinhaeuser, Kaerntner Weg 7, D-40551 Duesseldorf, Germany DL8FCU Alex Sudermann, Weidenweg 3, D-50389 Wesseling, Germany DU1SSR Jose Sonny C.Chong, 2 N.Romualdez St., BF Homes, Quezon City 1120, Philippines DX1S Sociedad de DX de Filipinas, 818 Acacia Ave, Ayala Alabang Village, 1780 Muntinlupa City, Philippines EA5BYP Anselmo Bernabe Coll, P.O.Box 3097, 03080 Alicante, Spain EA5WX Juan Marti Sala, Apartado de Correos 151, E-03610 Petrel, Alicante, Spain EA9KB Juan Enrique Bellido Garciolo, P.O.Box 2172, 51080 Ceuta, Spain F5VU Jean Brunner Montgame, Vouneuil sur Vienne, F-86210 Bonneuil Matours, France F6AJA Jean Michel Duthilleul, 515 Rue du Petit hem, 59870 Bouvignies, France F6DZU Hubert Loubere, P.O.Box 107, F-40605 Biscarrosse Cedex, France F6FNU Antoine Baldeck, P.O.Box 14, F-91291 Arpajon Cedex, France F6KEQ Radio Club of 38 Reggmt de Trasmissions, Quartier Ferrie, P.O.Box 1307, F-53013 Laval Cedex, France FR5CC Olivier Dijoux, Route Gabriel Mace 40, F-97490 St.Clotilde, Reunion Island G0IAS A.R.Hickman, Conifers, High St, Elkesley, Retford, Nottingham, Notts, DN22 8AJ, Great Britain G3NOM Ray Gerrard, 37 Godward Road, New, Mills, High Peak, SK12 2BU, Great Britain GW0ANA Glyn Jones, Nirvana, Castle Precinct, Llandough, Cowbridge, Vale of Glam, CF71 7LX, Wales HB9HFN Cedric Baechler, Mettetlet 26, 1763 Granges-Paccot, Switzerland HC2RG Reynaldo G.Navarrete, P.O.Box 09-01-7413, Guayaquil, Ecuador HJ6PPN Alejandro Naranjo F., P.O.Box 889 Pereira, Colombia HL5PVN Kang, P.O.Box 12, Tong-Nae Pusan, 607-600, Korea HS5AC Chiang Mai ARC, 123 30-31 Chotjana Road, Changpuank, Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand IRAN Buro Director General of Telecommunications, Ministry of PTT, Dr.Shariati Avenue, P.O.Box 11365-931, 16314, Iran JA1RWU M.Omo, 149 Kamadai, Hodogaya, Yokohama, Japan JA6VU Masaaki Kano, P.O.Box 877, Kagami Kumamoto, 869-42, Japan JH3GAH Taiei Goto, 154, Koyasan, Wakayama 648-02, Japan JH7FQK Ichio Ujiie, 162 Shionosawa, Kohata, Towa, Adachi-gun, Fukushima, 964-02 Japan JI3ERV Toshinobu Aki, 1-9-26,Ikuno Higashi, Ikuno, Osaka 544, Japan JL3WSL Akiomi Naito, 5-500-31, Hikita-Mati, Nara-Shi, Nara, Japan JT1BL N.Natchuluun, P.O.Box 602, Ulan Bator 44, Mongolia /EX S DX@WW $425WW341G 425 DX News #341 [7/8] 15 November 1997 No 341 BID: $425WW341G =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** =========================== * Q S L I N F O [2/2] * =========================== K1EFI Frederick A.Lucas, 72 Long Meadow Hill Rd, Brookfield,CT-06804,USA K2PF Ralph G.Fariello, 23 Old Village Road, Hillsborough, NJ-08876, USA K2WE Steven L.Weinstein, 45 Estherwood Ave., Dobbs Ferry, NY-10522, USA K3MD John W.Thompson, 1047 treasure Lake, Dubois, PA-15801, U.S.A. K3TEJ John L.Bednar, 340 Mac Artur Dr, Orwigsburg, PA-17961, U.S.A. K3WUW E.Dallas Carter, Rt 1 Box 125-D, Laurel, DE-19956, U.S.A. K4BAI John T.Laney III, P.O.Box 421, Columbus, GA-31902, U.S.A. K4UTE William R.Hicks, 7002 Deauville Rd, Jacksonville, FL-32205,U.S.A. K6VNX Arlen T.Turriff, 8819 East Callita St., San Gabriel, CA-91775, USA K8AQM Theodore A.Rachwal, 1600 Wolf Creek Highway, Adrian, MI-49221, USA K8PYD LEO W.Fry, 5740 N Meadows Blvd, Columbus, OH-43229, U.S.A. K9PG Paul R.Gentry, 2207 Colfax St., Evanston, IL-60201, U.S.A. KA5TUF William A.Schumann, 3517 NW 64th St., Oklahoma City, OK-73116, USA KA7CQQ John Kennon, P.O.Box 31553, Laughlin, NV-89029, U.S.A. KE6UP Alan C.Zack, P.O.Box 6185, Anaheim, CA-92816, U.S.A. KG6AR Chris Williams, 1117 So.Del Mar Ave, San Gabriel,CA-91776-3034,USA KI6FE Ryuichi Nakano, 18833 Midvale Avenue N, Shoreline, WA-98133, U.S.A. KP2BH James Soto, P.O.Box 803, Frederiksted, VI-00840, U.S.A. KZ4DX Scott Cronin, 1909 N 41st Ave, Hollywood Hills, FL-33021, U.S.A. LA2FL Magne Overbo, Brakke H 2, P.O.Box 10, N-4030 Hinna, Norway LU4HAW RC Villa Carlos Paz, P.O.Box 104, 5152 Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina LU5UL Alex Cozzi, P.O.Box 12, 9120 Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina ON4QM Marcel Dehonin, Everestr 130, B-1932, St.Stevens Woluwe, Belgium VA3EU Gyorgy (George) Balint, 59 Snowcrest Avenue, North York, Ontario, M2K-2K9, Canada ***************************************************************************** For the news issued in this number, thanks to: I1HYW, IK1QFM, IK2MRZ, IK2RXV, IK2RZQ, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, I0YKN, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, BD7JA, CT1EAT, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, CX6VM, DL4VBP, DL7VOA, DL8AAM, DL8OBC, DL9GOA, DS4CNB, EA5EYJ, EA5KB, F5EJC, F6AJA, F-10255, G3OZF, G3SXW, G4BUE, HJ3PXA, HL2KAT, JA1ELY, JI6KVR, K1ZM, K4VUD, K5IDX, K8RF, K9FD, K9LA, KL7FH, LA7JO, LU1DZ, LU2BRG, N4GN, N5UR, NT5C, NL7TB, OZ8AE, PP5SZ, PS7AB, PS7KM, SP3LFV, VA3EU, VA3JS, VE8PW, VK4FW, VK6LC, W3UR, W5FKX, WA3WSJ, WD8MGQ, ARRL-DX, DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html 425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm 425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR <<< SUBSCRIPTIONS >>> Please send a message to: majordomo@pc.fr.flashnet.it Write in the body of the message: subscribe 425dxnews <address> Where <address> is the subscriber's e-mail address Example: subscribe 425dxnews i1jqj@amsat.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS SEARCH Are you looking for any information published in past issues of 425DXN? 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CW Contest *** 15/11-16/11 INORC CW Contest *** 16/11-01/12 V47CA * by VE3BW 327 17/11-21/11 A4 * by G4VUO 339 17/11-19/11 A61AH/p: Sirat Al Khwar (AS-124) by KA5TQF,WT2O,A61AH 341 17/11-10/12 HS/G4JMB * by VR2CT (ex VS6CT) 337 19/11-20/11 A61AH/p: (AS-021) * by KA5TQF, WT2O, A61AH 341 19/11-02/12 T32BE * by WC5P 337 21/11-01-12 9G5SW, 9G5WD, 9G5VJ * by G3VMW, G4RWD, G4ZVJ 335 21/11-06/12 GD4UOL * by G4UOL 335 21/11-23/11 XF3: Roqueta Isl. (NA-183) * by XE3s 341 22/11-02/12 A61AJ * by K3LP & KE3Q 339 22/11-24/11 JI6KVR/6: Danjo Arch. (AS-056) 341 22/11-25/11 KH0 * by JH0YKS,JA0IXW,JH0AKT,JF0WIR,JE0WTU,JI0EYA 341 22/11-01/12 TM5CW * by F5SJB 335 23/11-25/11 A72O: AS-088 * by KA5TQF, WT2O, A71CX 341 23/11-01/12 VK9LX: Lord Howe Is. * by VK2ICV & K8RF 341 24/11-04/12 5A1A * by DJ7IK, DL3KDV, DL8OBC, DL1GGT 323 24/11-02/12 9M2/G3OZF: Pangkor Isl. (AS-072) 341 24/11-07/12 T49C * by KARC & Radio Club Las Tunas 341 24/11-03/12 ZF2RV * by K7AR, N7NU, N7MQ, WJ7R, K7DBV 321 25/11-02/12 8P9HT (8P9Z) * by K4BAI 329 25/11-01/12 C6A * by K8DD, AC8W, N8KR 335 25/11-20/02 JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 339 25/11-15/12 JL1KFR/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073) 341 25/11-02/12 V26ED, V26KW, V26E * by WA3WSJ, K3TEJ, AB2E 339 25/11-02/12 VP2EEB * by AA3B 341 26/11-12/12 3B8/F6HMJ 339 26/11-04/12 5V7A * by Voo-Doo Contest Group 341 26/11-03-12 L20XS: Isla de Los Estados (SA-049) * by GACW 341 26/11-02/12 V47KP * by W2OX 331 26/11 VE3IPR/m: CISA 341 27/11-06/12 WP2Z * by K4FXN 329 27/11-28/11 ZP5/LU2BRG 341 28/11-06/12 JR0BQD/JD1: Ogasawara (AS-031) 341 29/11-30-11 6D2X * by Grupo DX Panamericano 338 29/11-30/11 9K2/T97M 331 29/11-30/11 AH2R * by JF1SQC, JK3GAD, JR7OMD 341 29/11-30/11 CI9DH * by W1VE/VE1RM 337 29/11-30/11 CX5X * by CX6VM 341 29/11-30/11 DX1HB * by JA1KJK, JA1WLL, JK1CWR, JE8IVF, 9V1ZW 341 29/11-30/11 E22AAA * by EY8MM & HS1CHB 339 29/11-30/11 DL1HCM/HI8 341 29/11-30/11 TI5N * by K6CT, K9VV, TI2CCC, TI2OY 341 29/11-30/11 TM5DX * by F5EJC 341 29/11-30-11 HS5AC 338 29/11-01/12 JA: Hachijo Isl. (AS-043) * by 7K4STV & JQ1USM 339 29/11-30/11 OX3FV * by OX/OZ8AE & OX3FV 341 29/11-30/11 P40R * by K4UEE 341 29/11-30/11 TI5KD * by K9VV & K6CT 331 29/11-30/11 ZF1A * by K1TO, K4UVT, W5ASP, K9MK, K9LA 341 29/11-30/11 CQ WW DX CW Contest *** November A61AH: AS-021 * by KA5TQF, WT2O, A61AH 341 November FT5W: Crozet * by FR5HR 335 November FT5Z: Kerguelen * by FR5HR 335 November HR * by N6LCI 333 November KI6T: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066) 333 end November KP2/AG8L 333 November S2 * by VK9NS & F6FYD 339 November UA: Ushakova Island (AS-???) * by UT8LL 337 November ZK1: North Cook - Manihiki Atoll (OC-014) * by AA8U 303 /EX