DX425 bulletin issue nr. 339

S DX@WW $425WW339A
425 DX News #339 [1/12]
 1 November 1997                   No 339                  BID: $425WW339A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3B8    - Jean-Michel, F6AJA reports that Jacques, F6HMJ  will be 3B8/ on  all
         bands from Mauritius (AF-049) between 26 November and 12 December. 
3D2_rot- It is  being rumoured  that Ron,  ZL1AMO  will operate  from  Rotuma
         (OC-060) probably as 3D2RW/R from 8  November for one week. QSL  via
5T     - The Daily DX  reports that  a group  of Japanese  amateurs from  the
         International Amateur Radio Volunteers will be in Mauritania from  6
         to 12 November. They hope  to operate (especially  on low bands  and
         RTTY) in their spare time as 5T5U. QSL via JA1UT.
5V     - The DX News Sheet reports that Mike, N7MB, one of the 5V7A CQ WW  CW
         Contest team operators [425DXN 333], will be active on RTTY as 5V7MB
         for ten days  before and ten  days after the  contest. QSL via  home
8P     - The Daily DX reports that Glenn, VA3DX will be active as 8P9DX  from
         Barbados (NA-021) between 10  and 17 November  and again between  18
         January and  1 February  1998.   He  will  be looking  for  European
         stations on 160 metres at their sunrise. QSL via VE3ICR or VA3DX.
9M2    - Ray Gerrard,  G3NOM/9M2OM  will leave  Malaysia  on 2  November  and
         return to the UK.  He is expecting  another overseas assignment  but
         until further notice please send  any mail to  37 Godward Road,  New
         Mills, High Peak, SK12 2BU, England UK.
9M0_spr- Don  Field,  G3XTT  reports  that  the   CDXC  (Chiltern  DX   Club)
         multinational expedition to Layang Layang, Spratly Islands  (AS-051)
         is confirmed to take place between 12 and 24 February 1998 with  the
         call 9M0C.  It is planned to keep four stations on the air round the
         clock, to maximise band openings. All HF bands will be activated, on
         SSB, CW and RTTY. The target is  to make at least 40,000 QSOs,  with
         particular emphasis on specialist bands and  modes (low bands,  WARC
         bands, 6 metres and RTTY) and  on reaching parts of the world  (such
         as east  Coast  US)  which have  a  difficult  propagation  path  to
         Spratly. It  is intended  to make  significant use  of computer  and
         Internet  technology  to  make   information  available  about   the
         expedition and to expedite QSLing after the event. QSO data will  be
         uploaded to the  Internet while the expedition is in progress. Pilot
         stations  in  Europe  (G3ZAY),  the  US  (N1DG)  and  Japan  (to  be
         announced) will  act as  an interface  to  the team.  The  Malaysian
         Tourism Promotion Board has kindly agreed to help with the  printing
         of QSLs and will sponsor a series of prizes and awards in connection
         with the  expedition,  details of  which  will  be  released  later.
         Donations can  be made  to K5VT  (USA), VK2BEX  (Japan/Oceania)  and
         G3WGV (elsewhere). QSL via G3SWH either direct (Phil Whitchurch,  21
         Dickensons  Grove,  Congresbury,  Bristol,  BS19  5HQ,  England)  or
         through   the    bureau.    A   Web    page    is    available    at
9Q     - Peter,  5X1T/ON6TT  and  Mats,  5X1Z/SM7PKK  will  be  active   from
         Kisangani, Democratic  Republic of  Congo (Zaire)  between 3  and  7
         November. Look for them during their evenings.
A4     - The DX News Sheet reports that  Chris, G4VUO, has gone QRT as  A45XL
         (AS-014) [425DXN 331]  but will be  active again between  17 and  21
         December. His old shack is being used by Dave, A45XJ.
A4     - The Daily DX repots that  after their operation  from Dubai (see  A6
         below) David, K3LP and Rich, KE3Q  will be active from Muscat,  Oman
         between 2 and 5 December.
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425 DX News #339 [2/12]
 1 November 1997                   No 339                  BID: $425WW339B
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A6     - The Daily DX reports that David,  K3LP will be joined by Rich,  KE3Q
         in Dubai between 22 November and 2 December [425DXN 331]. Plans  are
         to help Ali, A61AJ, finish off his antenna farm and then participate
         in the CQ WW CW Contest.  They will be active  before and after  the
         contest mostly on CW on the  low bands. QSL for this operation  only
         to K3LP (ex AA6DC).
BY     - The DX  News Sheet  reports that  Merv, K9FD  and Price,  W0RI,  are
         planning to be active for  a week in  November, December or  January
         from BY1QH. Special  emphasis will be  given on 160  metres using  a
         full size dipole. QSL via K9FD.
C6     - Don, N5XG reports to 425 DX News that he will be active as  N5XG/C6A
         from Berry Is (NA-054) on 22 November.  Look for him on 7.015 MHz  3
         UTC, on 14.260 MHz 13 UTC  and 19 UTC,  on 14.040 MHz  at 16 UTC  22
         UTC. QSL via N5XG (ex K5BDX).
CO     - Carlos, SM0KCO reports  that the  T48RCT operation  [425DXN 327]  is
         confirmed to  take  place  from  Cuba  between  24  November  and  7
         December. A group of 12 amateurs  from Sweden and Denmark will  join
         forces with local operators of Radio Club Las Tunas and be active on
         all bands, WARC included, on CW, SSB and RTTY. They will participate
         in the CQ  WW CW Contest  (Multi-Multi) on 29-30  November. QSL  via
         SK0UX  (please  note  that  a  QSL  server  will  be  available   at
         http://ham.te.hik.se/clubs/sk0ux - you will be able to download  and
         print your card a few hours after the QSO).
DU     - Yuki, JI6KVR reports that KE6UP/DU6 will  be active from Visayan  Is
         (OC-129) until 2 November. QSL via KE6UP.
DU     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Robin, DU9RG will be active as  4I9RG
         in  November.  This  special  prefix  is   to  celebrate  the   65th
         anniversary of the Philippine Amateur Radio Association.
EI     - Keith, EI4FBB reports to 425 DX  News that a  group of EI  operators
         will be active in the Leonids meteor shower (16-17 November) on  144
         MHz as  EI2CA.  Skeds are  availible  by e-mailing  Paul,  EI2CA  at
EL     - Joe, EL/K3KN [425DXN 335] is now active as EL2JR. QSL via KB3U.
ER     - If you need Moldova on 30,  17 and 12 metres  look for Slawa,  ER1LW
         during the weekends on  10.104, 18.072 and  24.895 MHz (CW),  18.130
         and 24.945 MHz (SSB). Slawa is  also active on RTTY. QSL to  P.O.Box
         112, Chisinau,  MD 2012,  Moldova, C.I.S.Slawa's  e-mail address  is
HS     - Masa, JE2UFU reports he will be  active (10, 15,  20 and 40  metres)
         from E22AAA until 14 November while on a business trip in Bangkok.
HS     - The DX  News  Sheet  reports that  EY8MM,  HS1CHB  and  others  will
         participate in the CQ WW CW  Contest from E22AAA. They have  applied
         for a special permission to operate on 160 and 80 metres.
I      - Gaetano, IT9GAI will  be IJ9/  from Isola delle  Palme  (EU-025, IIA 
         SR-???) on 1 November and (with Nando, IT9YRE)  from Isola Grande di
         Marzameni (EU-025, IIA SR-005) on 2 November.
J3     - The DXNL reports  that Andree, DL8LAS  will be  active from  Grenada
         between 30  October  and 17  November.  QSL via  home  call  (Andree
         Schanko, Eutiner Str 4, D-24306 Ploen, Germany).
J8     - The Daily DX  reports that Volkmar,  DF2SS will be  active from  St.
         Vincent between 20 December and 20 January 1998.
JA     - Juki, JI6KVR reports to 425 DX  News that 7K4STV and JQ1USM will  be
         active (SSB and  CW on 40,  20 and 15  metres) from Hachijo  Island,
         Nampo Archipelago (AS-043) between 29 November  and 1 December.  QSL
         via home call.
JA     - The DX  News Sheet  reports that  JH4FHV lives  on Innoshima,  which
         counts for IOTA group AS-117.
JD1_min- The Daily DX reports that Take, JG8NQJ will be active as  JG8NQJ/JD1
         from Marcus Island, Minami Torishima (OC-073) from 25 November to 20
         February. QSL via  JA8CJY (Susumu  Sin Sanada,  5-17, 5-4,  Shin-Ei,
         Toyohira, Sopporo, 004 Japan).
KH3    - The Daily DX reports that Mark,  W4FJE should be KH3/ from  Johnston
         Island (OC-023) until 9 November. QSL via W4FJE (ex W3GMG).
KH5K   - Chuck, N4BQW  reportedly left  Palmyra around  20 UTC  on Friday  24
         October. He could not operate from Kingman Reef [425DXN 336] because
         "the captain of the ship said they did  not have time to stop as  he
         had to get back to Christmas Island to catch the weekly plane  out",
         Tony, WA4JQS reports.
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425 DX News #339 [3/12]
 1 November 1997                   No 339                  BID: $425WW339C
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KP2    - The OPDX Bulletin  reports that Jim,  K4MA will be  on St.Croix,  US
         Virgin Islands  (NA-106) between  11 and  17  November. He  will  be
         active as either  KP2/K4MA (QSL via  K4MA) and WP2Z  (QSL via  KU9C)
         during the ARRL SSB Sweepstakes.
LU     - Alberto, LU1DZ reports that the DXpedition to Staten Island (SA-049)
         is confirmed to take place  from 25 November  to 3 December  [425DXN
         333]. The call L20XSI still has to be confirmed, but in the meantime
         two complete stations (1Kw and beams) are being prepared.
LU_ant - Alberto, LU1DZ reports that Hector (LU6UO) and Ernie (LU4AXV) expect
         to be  active as  LU1ZC [425DXN  335] from  Deception Island,  South
         Shetlands (AN-010) in the first week of December. They will have two
         complete stations and should be active (CW only) 12 hours a day. QSL
         via LU6EF (GACW, Box 9, 1875 Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
PA     - The DX News Sheet reports that a group of handicapped amateurs  will
         be active (CW and SSB) as  PI4LEA from Terschelling Island  (EU-038)
         between 7 and 10 November.
PY     - The DX News Sheet reports that Mario, PQ8MM plans to be active  from
         an island counting for IOTA SA-042 in December.
S2     - The Nouvelles DX reports that Jim, VK9NS and Yannick, F6FYD (see  VU
         below) have  also  plans to  operate  from Dhaka,  Bangladesh  S21ZA
         (VK9NS) and S21?? (F6FYD).
SV     - Charles (ex S92SS) and his wife Leslie (ex S92YL) [425DXN 315]  will
         be active for  four years from  Greece as  SV0LM and  SV0LN. QSL  to
         Charles Lewis, Greek Relay Station (KAV),  P.O. Box 1001, GR 67  100
         Xanthi, Greece.
TG     - The OPDX Bulletin  reports that  a group  of Finnish  DXers will  be
         active from Guatemala between 18 January and 5 February 1998.  Their
         main target will be Europe, with emphasis on low bands.
TZ     - Larry, TZ6VV  is reported  to  be QRT  for  six months  starting  in
V2     - WA3WSJ, K3TEJ  and  AB2E are  reported  to be  active  from  Antigua
         (NA-100) between 25 November  and 2 December.  They will be  signing
         V26ED, V26KW and V26E respectively (all bands, CW and SSB) and  will
         participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as V26B.
V3     - W5JYK, K5KR and W5ZPA have been forced to cancel their planned  trip
         to Ambergris Caye due to start on 7 November [425DXN 337].
V7     - The Daily DX reports that Sasaki is active from Marshall Islands  as
         V7X331.  He is using a commercial callsign and hopes to receive  his
         own amateur call in two weeks.  QSL via JOCV Marshall Office, Box F,
         Majuro, Marshall Is. 96960.
VE     - The special event station VG3W will  be active daily from 14 UTC  to
         21 UTC between 4 and 11 November. QSL via VA3SWS.
VU     - The Nouvelles DX reports that Jim, VK9NS/VU2JBS will arrive in India
         on 3 November. He and Yannick,  F6FYD will operate  as VU2JBS for  a
         few weeks (see S2 above).
VU_ant - VU2JBK is active from Indian Antarctic  Base Maitri (WABA VU-02)  on
         Queen Maud Land (70.56S-11.45E). QSL via VU2DVC.
ZD8    - The OPDX Bulletin reports that  Paul, KF4OOX is  going to be  active
         from Ascension Island (AF-003) as ZD8V. He plans to operate on 10-20
         metres after work between 18 UTC and 23 UTC and during the weekends.
         QSL to Paul L. Hutley,  CSR 6310 Ascension,  P.O. Box 4915,  Patrick
         AFB, FL 32925, USA (or to Paul L. Hutley, 298 Logan Ave, Sharon,  PA
         16146, USA).
ZL_ant - ZL5PX is active from Scott Base Mc Murdo Sound (WABA ZL-02)  located
         on Ross Island (AN-011). QSL via ZL3PX.
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425 DX News #339 [4/12]
 1 November 1997                   No 339                  BID: $425WW339D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

LOGS XF3/EA3BT & XF3/EA3AOK ---> Josep, EA3BT and Nuria, EA3AOK logged  8.422
QSOs during their recent operations [425DXN 336] from Cancun, Mujeres  Island
(NA-045)  and   Cozumel  Island   (NA-090).  Logs   are  now   available   at

PIRATE! ---> Tariq, AP2TJ reports to  425 DX News that  Bob, AP2JZB does  not
work CW and  has no intentions  of doing so.  The "AP2JZB"  who was  recently
active on CW should therefore be considered as a pirate.

QSL HK0EFU & HK0TCN ---> Jim Vaughan, K4TXJ reports the following: "I used to
be QSL manager for HK0EFU and HK0TCN.  In 1989 they stopped sending me  logs.
I have recently used all the QSL cards they supplied and I have sent all  the
logs that I  had back to  them. I can  no longer answer  ANY QSL request  for
HK0EFU or HK0TCN. Please QSL to P. O. Box 464, San Andreas Island, Colombia."

QSL SU1SK ---> Said, SU1SK reports that IK8AUC is not his QSL manager. QSL
requests should  be  addressed to:  Said Kamel Ahmed,  P.O.Box 62,  Shobra
Al-Khima, Cairo, Egypt.

QSL V31DX --->  Art, N2AU is  the QSL manager  (direct and  bureau) for  this
year's V31DX operation (Ambergris Caye, NA-073) [425DXN 335]. Art expects  to
get the logs and QSL cards in about 6-10 weeks.

QSL ZL7AA/ZM7A  --->  The ZM7A/ZL7AA  Chatham  DXpedition [425DXN  337]  Team
leader Lee, ZL2AL reports that  very poor propagation  at times slowed  their
progress to  approximately  12,000 QSOs.  Incoming  cards are  just  starting
arrive and hopefully the first QSLs will go out in about six weeks time.  QSL
via ZL2AL  either direct  (Lee  Jennings, P.O.  Box  54, Hastings  4201,  New
Zealand) or through the bureau.

QSL ZP0R --->  Cards for ZP0R  (CQ WW SSB  Contest 1997) will  be handled  by
W3HNK (who is also the QSL manager for ZP0Z and CX6VM/CW6V).

ST. KITTS & NEVIS  (NA-104) ---> The  DX News Sheet  reports that "The  Nevis
Island administration decided  to secede from  its federation  with St  Kitts
(formed after the countries obtained independence in 1983) on 14 October, and
now require  a  two-thirds  majority  from the  island's  5000  voters  in  a
referendum to implement it".

VK POSTAGE ---> Further information [425DXN  337] comes from Jim, VK1FF  (WIA
VK1 Division Inward/Outward QSL Bureau Manager). He states that "the most  it
costs to send a small letter anywhere in  the world is VK $1.20": since  1.00
US$ = 1.33 VK$ (at .75c exchange  rate), Australian stations "only need 1  US
dollar to cover the cost  of air mail  postage anywhere in  the world".   Jim
also states  that 1  IRC is  acceptable as  well:  speaking from  his  direct
experience at  several different  post offices,  he says  that "a  A IRC  has
always been redeemed for one first  class stamp (small  letter) for the  zone
I'm sending to letter to,  which means it varies from a VK$1.20 stamp to a 75
cent stamp".  Please note  that a"small  letter"  should have  the  following
characteristics: "Rectangular in shape - the length of the article must be at
least 1.414 times the width; no  larger than 130mm x  240mm; no thicker  than
5mm; no heavier than 250g".
S DX@WW $425WW339E
425 DX News #339 [5/12]
 1 November 1997                   No 339                  BID: $425WW339E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

WILLAMETTE VALLEY DX CLUB ---> The following amateurs have been elected  1998
officers of the Willamette Valley DX  Club: Vince Varnas, K7REG  (President),
John Fulton, W7WZ (Vice-President), Bill Vanderheide, AA7KF (Secretary), Mike
Conatore, K7NT  (Treasurer),  Russ Fillinger,  W7LXR  and  Craig  Cook,  N7OR
(Directors). The Willamette  Valley DX Club,  Inc. (P.O.  Box 555,  Portland,
Oregon 97207) is now in its 35th year handling the 7th District Incoming  QSL
Bureau, managed by Ken Miller, K7IFG.

+ SILENT KEY  + It is  with deepest  regret that  we have  learnt from  Brett
Graham, VR2BG  that Mike  Vestal, W0YZS  (VR2WV, VS6WV,  SV0FE and  currently
known as XU6WV) passed away in Cambodia the evening of 27 October.

QSL received via direct:  4K8F,  7Q7DC, 8R1Z, 9M2TO, A41LZ, AP2JZB,  AP50JZB,
BD7JA/7  (AS-129),  CE0ZIS,  EA6QJ/m,   EP2MKO,  FT5ZG,  FW5IW,   HB0/HB9LEY,
IA1/IK1JJB (IIA SV-004), IB0ONU (IIA LT-019), I8RIZ/IB0 (LT-003),  IB0/IK6JOT
(IIA LT-001, 021),  IJ7/IK7FPX (IIA  LE-002, 015),  IJ7/IK7VEH (IIA  LE-015),
IJ9/IT9YRE (AF-019; IIA  AG-001, 002, 004),  IJ9/IT9YRE (EU-025; IIA  SR-012,
013), IL3CII (IIA GO-003, 023, 024,  025, 029, 030, UD-010), IL3/IK3GES  (IIA
RO-001, 003, 005, 009, 010, 014, 015, 016, 017, 019, VE-044), IL3/IK2PZG (IIA
VE-030, 047), IL6/IK6CGO (IIA AN-002, 004), IL6/IK6JOT IIA (IIA AN-003, 004),
IL7/IK7FPX (IIA  BR-011,  LE-032), IS0LYN/IM0  (IIA  SS-121),  IS0LYN/p  (IIA
SS-127), J41WCA, JT1T   KG4ML, N4BQW/KH6  (OC-055), N4BQW/KH7, KH0I,  KL7AK/p
(NA-041), R1FJV,  SV8/IK3GES  (EU-049),  T32BI,  T94B,  TA0/IK3GES  (AS-099),
TT8JFC, V63KU, VP8CTR, XU2C, YC8BJK/9 (OC-147). 

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

I1HYW, IK1QFM,  IK3ZAW, I5FLN,  IK7AFM, IK8CJP,  Brescia DX  Group, Crazy  DX
Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club,  Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team,  AP2TJ,
OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


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S DX@WW $425WW339F
425 DX News #339 [6/12]
 1 November 1997                   No 339                  BID: $425WW339F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  21/11      4U1WRC                                                 338
till  10/11      8Q7AJ * by KD6WW                                       337
till  10/11      9J2CE * by IN3VZE                                      338
till  Dec        9X0A * by RW3AH.                                       327
till  02/11      KE6UP/DU6: Visayan Is. (OC-129)                        339
till  14/11      E22AAA * by JE2UFU                                     339
till  06/11      EL2JR * by K3KN                                        339
till  mid Nov    FW5XX: Wallis Is. (OC-054) * by ON4QM                  331
till  08/11      HB0 * by HAs                                           337
till  March      JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  09/11      W4FJE/KH3                                              339
till  03/11      KH0 * by JA4DND, JA1HGY, W1BRK, WH2Q, JA1HYF, JR1MLU   338
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkney                                    337
till  04/11      S91FC: Principe  (AF-044) * by CT1EAT                  335
till  mid Nov    VQ9AI * by WB0BNR                                      334
till  ??         VU2JBK: Antarctica                                     339
till  ??         ZL5PX: Antarctica - Ross Isl. (AN-011)                 339
30/11/17-12      J3 * by DL8LAS                                         339
31/10-05/11      EY8/K4YT * by K4YT/DL4YT                               338
01/11            IJ9: Isols delle Palme (IIA SR-???) * by IT9GAI        339
01/11-02/11      Ukranian DX Contest CW/SSB                             ***
02/11-09/11      C6AHN: Abaco Isl. (NA-080) * by EA2KL & EA3ELM         337
02/11            F5VCR/p: Yvinec Isl. (DIFM MA-057)                     338
02/11            IJ9: Gr. di Marzameni Isl. (SR-005) by IT9GAI * IT9YRE 339
03/11-07/11      9Q * by 5X1T/ON6TT & 5X1Z/SM7PKK                       339
03/11-mid Nov    VU2JBS * by F6FYD & VK9NS                              339
04/11-08/11      3D2XU * by PA3AXU                                      337
04/11-11/11      VG3W: special event station                            339
05/11-14/11      5R * by DJ1RL (CW) & DK8FB (SSB)                       333
06/11-12/11      5T5U * by JAs                                          339
07/11-10/11      PI4LEA: Terschelling Isl. (EU-038)                     339
07/11-09/11      Japan International HF DX SSB Contest                  ***
08/11-15/11      3D2RW/R: Rotuma * by ZL1AMO                            339
08/11-09/11      OK/OM DX CW SSB Contest                                ***
08/11-09/11      WAE DX RTTY Contest                                    ***
10/11-17/11      8P9DX * by VA3DX                                       339
11/11-17/11      KP2 * by K4MA                                          339
15/11-28/11      FH * by DJ1RL (CW) & DK8FB (SSB)                       333
15/11-16/11      II7A: Sant'Andrea Isl. (IIA BR-005) by Salento DX Team 337
15/11-16/11      IARU 160 Mt. CW Contest                                ***
15/11-16/11      INORC CW Contest                                       ***
16/11-01/12      V47CA * by VE3BW                                       327
17/11-21/11      A4 * by G4VUO                                          339
17/11-10/12      HS/G4JMB * by VR2CT (ex VS6CT)                         337
19/11-02/12      T32BE * by WC5P                                        337
21/11-01-12      9G5SW, 9G5WD, 9G5VJ * by G3VMW, G4RWD, G4ZVJ           335
21/11-06/12      GD4UOL * by G4UOL                                      335
21/11-23/11      JI6KVR/6: Danjo Arch. (AS-056)                         323
22/11-02/12      A61AJ * by K3LP & KE3Q                                 339
22/11-01/12      TM5CW * by F5SJB                                       335
23/11-01/12      VK9LX: Lord Howe Is. * by VK2ICV & K8RF                337
24/11-04/12      5A1A * by DJ7IK, DL3KDV, DL8OBC, DL1GGT                323
24/11-07/12      T48RCT * by KARC & Radio Club Las Tunas                339
24/11-03/12      ZF2RV * by K7AR, N7NU, N7MQ, WJ7R, K7DBV               321
25/11-02/12      8P9HT (8P9Z) * by K4BAI                                329
25/11-01/12      C6A * by K8DD, AC8W, N8KR                              335
25/11-20/02      JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima (OC-073)                  339
25/11-03-12      L20XSI: Isla de Los Estados (SA-049) * by GACW         339
25/11-02/12      V26ED, V26KW, V26E * by WA3WSJ, K3TEJ, AB2E            339
26/11-12/12      3B8/F6HMJ                                              339
26/11-02/12      V47KP * by W2OX                                        331
27/11-06/12      WP2Z * by K4FXN                                        329
29/11-30/11      5V7A * by Voo-Doo Contest Group                        329
29/11-30-11      6D2X * by Grupo DX Panamericano                        338
29/11-30/11      9K2/T97M                                               331
29/11-30/11      CI9DH * by W1VE/VE1RM                                  337
29/11-30/11      E22AAA * by EY8MM & HS1CHB                             339
29/11-30-11      HS5AC                                                  338
29/11-01/12      JA: Hachijo Isl. (AS-043) * by 7K4STV & JQ1USM         339
29/11-30/11      TI5KD * by K9VV & K6CT                                 331
29/11-30/11      CQ WW DX CW Contest                                    ***
November         4I9RG * by DU9RG                                       339
November         BY: Gui-Shan Isl. (AS-???) * BD7JA's team              337
November         FT5W: Crozet * by FR5HR                                335
November         FT5Z: Kerguelen * by FR5HR                             335
November         HR * by N6LCI                                          333
November         KI6T: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   333
end November     KP2/AG8L                                               333
November         S2 * by VK9NS & F6FYD                                  339
November         UA: Ushakova Island (AS-???) * by UT8LL                337
November         ZK1: North Cook - Manihiki Atoll (OC-014) * by AA8U    303
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The following  list  of  QSL routes  has been compiled by  Pascual Guardiola,
EA5EYJ.  Further information,  comments  and amendments must  be  sent direct 
to   him   at    either   e-mail   address  <ea5eyj@arrakis.es>   or    AX.25
<EA5EYJ@EA5URM.EAMU.ESP.EU>.  HTML: http://www.arrakis.es/~ea5eyj

========== ===========================================================
3D2SJ      Steve, PO Box 1354, Suva, Fiji Islands
3DA0CA     W4DR , bureau
3DA5A      JH7FQK bureau or Ichio Ujiie, 162 Shionosawa, Kohata, Towa,
                  Adachi-gun, Fukushima 964-02, Japan
3E1DX      N0JT (ex KF0UI)
3V8BB      YT1AD  Hrane Milosevic, Bulev Lenjina 10-E 254, 
                  YU-11070 Novi Beograd, Yugoslavia
4F4IX      DU4IX Francisco Lim, POB 6119, Naga City 4400 (Philippines)
4K6GF      BOX 116, Ktoprak 81031, Istanbul, Turkey
4L0CR      IK7JTF
4M5E       YV5NWG
4N1N       YU1AST
4N7B       YU7BJ
4O6A       YU1FW
4U1WRC     IARC, PO Box 6, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
4X1VF      Bureau
5B4AGC     G3LNS or George, Box1344, Paphos, CY-8133, Cyprus
5B4XF      bureau
5C8M       CN8MC
5K1X       HK1HHX
5N0T       F2YT bureau or direct: Paul Herbet, 9 Rue de l Alouette,
           Estree Cauchy, F-62690 Aubigny en Artois, France
5V7GL      EA5WX Juan Marti Sala, Apartado de Correos 151, 
           03610 PETREL, Alicante (Spain)
5X1T       ON5NT Ghislam Penny, Lindestraat 46, B-9880 AALTER, OV, Belgium
5X1Z       SM7PKK new: Mats Persson, Zenithgatan 24 #5, 
           SE-212 14 Malmoe,  Suecia.
5X4F       K3SW James D Kulp, Signal Hill Farm, 88 Signal Hill Ln, 
           Middletown, VA 22645, USA.
5Z4RL      N2AU Arthur J. Hubert, 436 N Geneva St, Ithaca, NY 14850-4112, USA
6D2X       K5TSQ Russell K.Quin,POB 734,Edinburg,TX 78539, USA
6V1C       6W1QV Christian Saint Arroman, Box 3263, Dakar, Senegal.
6Y4A       WA4WTG
6Y6A       JE3MAS buro or (ex 6Y5XX): Masiii H.Kozu, Box 8202 C.S.O.
           Kingston Jamaica. E-Mail: masiii@InfoChan.COM
7Q7DX      E R Espindza, Seventh Day Adventist Hospital, Makwasa, Malawi
7Q7JL      G0IAS
7X2RO      OM3CGN    ,also bureau
7Z5OO      N2AU   Arthur J. Hubert, 436 N Geneva St, Ithaca, 
           NY 14850-4112, USA
8P6CV      KU9C direct or bureau or e-mail 
8P9Z       K4BAI
8R1K       OH6DO Marko Myllymaki, Mehtokuja 10 B 3, 
           SF-63700 Ahtari, Finland
9A1A       9A1A Team, P.O.Box 108, Zagreb 10001, Croatia
9A4D       Bureau
9A5D       9A1BHI
9A7A       Bureau
9A9D       bureau
9G1BJ      G4XTA
9G1MR      IK3HHX
9G1YR      G4XTA Paul D Godolphin, 3 Knipe View, Haweswater, 
           Penrith, CUMBRIA CA10 2RF, Great Britain
9H0A       LA2TO
9H1ZE      IZ3AHY Joe, Box 10, I-32010 Polpet DI P.n.A. (Belluno), Italy
9H3YG      DF4RD
9H3YV      EA1DVY
9J2CE      IN3VZE  Ely Camin, Corso 3 Novembre 136/2, 
                   38100 Trento-TN, Italy
9J2FR      I2ZZU
9K2GS      WB6JMS
9K2HN      buro or Hamad J. Al-Nusif, Box 29174, 13152, Safat, Kuwait.
9K9K       bureau
9M2OM      G0CMM Buro or : John Bell, 28 Stiles Ave., Marple, 
           Stockport,  SK66 LR, England, UK
9M2TO      JA0DMV Jarl buro or direct:Tex Izumo, Bukit Dumbar APR 9-4, 
           97 Jalan Thomas 11700, Gelugor Penang, Malaysia
9M6ACC     N2OO  Bob Schenck, PO Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087-0345, USA
9M8R       W7EJ
9M8YY      JH3GAH
9U5CW      EA1FFC  Jesus M.Huerta Cuervo, Apartado 727, 33400 Asturias,Spain
9U5T       F2VX Gerard Debelle, 4 le Haut d|vrac, F-33370 Tresses,France
9V1ZB      JL3WSL
9X0A       DL5WM Gottfried Gerth, Obere Dorfstr 13 a, D-09661,  
           Gruenlichtenberg, Germany.
9Y4NZ      Chris, P.O.Box 168, San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago
9Y4VU      W3EVW dir or buro E-Mail (9Y4VU): intech@carib-link.net
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 1 November 1997                   No 339                  BID: $425WW339H
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A41LZ      bureau or Murtadha, Box 2867, RUWI CP 70112, Oman
AH8A       AC7DX Ron Lago,P.O.Box 25426, Eugene, Oregon 97402,USA
AP2N       AP2MMN
AY1I       I0WDX
AY7D       LU7DW Claudio Fernandez, C.C. 7, Tapiales 1770, 
           B.Aires, Argentina
AZ9W       LU5UL
BD4DL      Box 031-103, Shanghai, China
BP0A       BV2AA
BV4FH      KA6SPQ William R Wortell, 110 Cannon Dr, Cresent City CA-95531, USA
BY2HIT     Lin, Box 73 Harbin, CHINA.
BY4BZB     ARS of Shanghai, Zhabei District Chil Sci and Tech Center, 
           POB 083-105, Shanghai, China
BY4RSA     ARS of Jiangsu Radio Sports Assn, Box 538, Nanjing, China
BY4SZ      ARS of Suzhou RSA, Box 51, Suzhou, CHINA
C31LJ      VE3GEJ
C4A        9A2AJ
C6AJT      W4CJK
CE0ZIS     Eliazar Pizarro Rojas, Box 1, Juan Fernandez Isl., CHILE
CE8T       CE8EIO
CI9DH      VE9DH
CN8NK      Mhamed, P.O.Box 6343, Rabat , Marroco
CO2BCC     Box 685, 11300 La Habana, Cuba
CO2JD      HI3JH Julio E Henriques, Box 122, Santiago, Dominican Republic.
CP1AA      Bureau
CP6EB      Lou, Box 291, Santa Cruz
CP6UA      CBA
CS6S       CT1ERK Antonio Rocha Grapa, P.O.Box 4403, 4007 Porto, PORTUGAL
CT3BX      HB9CRV Hermann Stein, Bruelmatten 13, CH-4410 Liestal,
CT3FF      Bureau via WF5E o direct Joe Freitas, Box 1, 
           PONTA DO SOL 9360,  Portugal
CT8T       bureau
CV1F       CX6FP
CV1T       CX8CP
CW1D       CX1AK Daniel Muinos, P.O.Box 5, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay.
CW5R       CX2ABC or P.O.Box 2, ZC 11000, Montevideo, 
           Uruguay, S.A.         IOTA SA-039
CX7BY      bureau 
CX8DX      F1NGP or via CBA 1997
CY0DX      VA3EU
D2BB       EA4BB bureau
D44BC      Julio Vera-Cruz, Box 36, Mindelo, Republic. of Cabo Verde,
           Via Portugal
DU1SAN     Serafin A Nepomuceno, 186 MacArthur Highway, Potrero, 
           Malabon 1475, MM, Philippines
DU1SSR     CBA-95
DX1CW      CW PHIL, c/o Dr. Rey Fermin, 4F1FZ, # 246 Shaw Blvd., 
           Mandaluyong  City, 1501, PHILIPPINES.
DX1S       Filipinas DX Society founded, 818 Acacia Ave., 
           Ayala Alabang Village, 1780 Muntinlupa City, Philippines.
E21CJN     K3WUW
EA4URE     Buro
EA6AEQ     P.O.BOX 10180, Palma de Mallorca, 07080 Balearic Is. (Spain)
EA8BH      OH2BH
EA8ZS      Bureau
EA9IE      Juan J.Rosales Fernandez, Apartado 410, 51080 Ceuta, Spain
EA9KB      CBA
EA9LZ      POB 530, CEUTA, Spain
ED1BD      EA1BD  carlos, Box 249,E-39080 Santander, Spain
ED1II      EA1FDG  Box 8243, E-36200 Vigo, Spain
EM1HO      I2PJA
EM8I       UT8IM
EO6F       OE5EIN direct
ER5AA      I8YGZ
ER5DX      I8YGZ
ES5Q       ES5RY
ES7RE      buro
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ET3AA      English school ,P.O. 60258, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
EW1NY      N8LCU
EW4MM      Casamir Kopachel, Box 88, 231500, Belarus
EW4XA      Bureau
EX9A       DF8WS bureau or direct: Wilhelm Schommer, Merscheiderweg 37, 
           D-54662 Speicher, Germany
EY8AM      DF3OL
FG5BG      KI6FE
FG5FC      F6DZU
FK8FB      F6FNU
FK8VHN     Didier Lavisse, Caserne Normandie, P.O.Box 12, 
           F-98842 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia
FM5BH      W3HNK
FM5CD      F5VU
FO8DX      KG6AR Bureau or Chris Williams, 1117 So. Del Mar Ave., 
           San Gabriel, CA. 91776-3034, USA
FR5DX      Herik Mauduit-Larive, P.O. Box 200, F-97834 Le Tampon CEDEX,FRANCE
FS5PL      K9PG
FW5XX      ON4QM
G6Q        G0SAH
G7Q        G0SAH
GD4PTV     Brian W Brough, Kimmeragh View, Ballacorey Rd, Bride, Man Isl., U.K.
GM7V       Bureau
GW3YDX     bureau
GW4BLE     Steve R Cole,101 Allt-yr-yn Road Newport,Gwent NP9 5EF Wales,UK
GW7K       GW0ANA
HB6FG      Bureau
HB9H       USKA Sezione ART, Box 385, CH-6500 Bellinzona
HC1JQ      Bureau
HC2GT      Roberto Marcos S, POB 09-01-15004, Guayaquil, Ecuador
HC5C       W5AJ
HC8N       AA5BT
HD1J       HC1JE (ex HC1JOL) Keith Clukey, P.O.Box 17-17-691, 
           Quito, Ecuador
HD2RG      HC2RG
HG1S       HA1KSA
HG5C       Bureau
HG9MDP     Bureau
HH2PK      P.O.Box 1095, Port Au Prince, Haiti
HK6KKK     buro
HP2CWB     new address(09/97): Jet Express International, Jose Ng/PTY-201, 
           2509-A NW 72nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33122, USA.
HP2CWB     Also W2JN
HR1JPT     Javier Pinel Turcios, Apart. Postal 2754, 
           San Pedro Sula,  Honduras
HS5AC      HS5AC
HZ1AB      K8PYD
HZ1HZ      N7RO
IG9CVO     automatically via buro
IG9EQO     IT9EQO automatically via buro
IG9GSF     automatically via buro
IG9NJE     automatically via buro
IG9STG     IT9STG automatically via buro
II3T       Bureau
II9ZZ      IT9PKO Bureau or direct
IO2L       I2OKW
IO4I       IK4QIB
IQ1A       I1JQJ
IQ2C       IZ2ABW
IQ2X       IK2GZU
IQ4A       IK4QJH bureau
IR1A       IK1GPG bureau
IR2W       I2EOW
IR4T       IK4IEE
IS0NHT     Roberto Meloni, via Tirso 14, 09037 San Gavino-CA, Italia
IT9WPO     bureau 
IU4U       I4AUM
IZ8Z       IK8HCG
S DX@WW $425WW339L
425 DX News #339 [10/12]
 1 November 1997                   No 339                  BID: $425WW339L
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J28MD      DL2RDP   , bureau
J3A        WA8LOW
JT1CO      C. Chadraawal Box 905 Ulan Bator 23 MONGOLIA
JT1T       HQ Station of the MRSF, Box 639, Ulan Bator 13, Mongolia
JW2FL      LA2FL
JY9QJ      DL5MBY Ullrich Helgert, Appenzeller Str 53, 
           D-81475 Muenchen,   Germany
KG4QD      K4QD Jan Heise, 131 Sand Pine Road, Indialantic, FL 32903,USA
KH0A       JF1MIA Takashi Sugawara, 3-4721-13-403 Sobudai, 
           Zama-city 228, Japan
KH0I       Hilario P Feliciano, P.O. Box 7670 SVRB, Saipan MP-96950,USA
KH2D       K8NA or James D Kehler, Pob 25666, Barrigada GU-96921, USA
KH2JU      Danny Pobre, Box 22061 GMF, Barrigada, GU 96921, USA
KH2K       JA1RWU
KH6BZF     Lee R Wical, 45-601 Luluku Rd Ct 44-25, Kaneohe, Honolulu,HI-96744 , USA
KH6CC      Jack N Wheeler, POB 436, Paauilo, HI-96776, HAWAII, USA
KH6FKG     Harry K Nishiyama, 1990 Hale Hooko ST, Hilo HI-96720, USA
KH7R       Kenneth H Hoppe Jr, POB 31241, Honolulu HI-96820, USA
KH8/N5OLS  N5JA (ex AA5BL) Jon A Barclay, RT 1 Box 155, Kennard TX-75847, USA
KP2BH      CBA
KP3L       Luis R Rosario Padro, Terr Guaynabo Aleli N 30, Guaynabo PR-00969, USA
KP3Z       Felipe Hernandez, 320 32nd St. Villa Nevarez, Rio Piedras,PUERTO  RICO.
KP3Z       WC4E
L20H       LU4HAW
L40H       LU4HH Radio Club Cordoba, P.O.Box 65, 5000 CORDOBA, ARGENTINA
L50V       LU5VC
L70FM      LU4FM
LQ0N       LU2NI
LQ7N       LU2NI
LR2DW      LU2DW Bureau or direct
LS9F       LU5FCI
LT1F       LU1FKR  Carlos Luis Bruno, Espana 1115, 2000 Rosario,Argentina
LT5V       LU8VCC
LU0FM      LU4FM
LW8EXF     Nelida Ocampo, C.C. 7, Tapiales 1770, Buenos Aires,Argentina.
LX60RL     Bureau
LY5W       LY1DR
LY7A       LY2ZO Kauno Tech Univers, P.O.Box 210, 3000 Kaunas, Lithuania
LY8X       LY1BZB
LZ0L       LZ1KCP Radio Club, ul Sveven 4, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria
LZ7N       LZ1KAZ
LZ9A       LZ2KTS
M7P        G3GAF
NH2C       JI3ERV 
NH2D       Takanobu Ose, C/O Ted Rachwal 1600 Wolf Creek HWY, Adrian,MI-49221, USA
NH7A       N2AU Arthur J Hubert, 436 N Geneva St, Ithaca, NY 14850-4112,USA
NP3D       W3HNK
NP4A       W3HNK
OD5RAK     Bureau
OE2S       OE2GEN
OE5T       OE5XVL bureau
OF1AF      OH1XT
OH0TA      OH2TA Pekka Holstila, Linnaistentie 7, 01640 Vantaa, Finland
OK5W       OK1AEZ
OL5T       Bureau
OM2I       OM3TA or bureau
OM3A       OM3KAG
OM7M       OM7PA  bureau
OT7A       Contest coordinator: e-mail: lelievre@glo.be
OT7C       Bureau
OT7P       ON6AH
OT7T       ON4UN bureau e-mail: john.devoldere@innet.be
OY3JE      Jan Egholm, P.O.Box 3033, FR-110 Torshavn, FAROE ISLAND.
OZ5W       Bureau
OZ7X       Bureau
S DX@WW $425WW339M
425 DX News #339 [11/12]
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P29AS      K6VNX
P3A        W3HNK from Cyprus (AS-004).
P40E       W3HNK
P40W       N2MM
P43A       P43ARC Aruba ARC, POB 740, Spaans Lagoenw 12, Aruba
P43E       P43ARC
PI4TUE     Buro or E.T.S.V. Thor TBV de Esrac, Den Dolech 2, Eindhoven, Netherlands 
PJ2MI      W2CQ
PJ9/ON4CFD ON4CFD bureau 
PJ9B       K2SB direct or bureau
PQ5W       PP5WG
PR2W       PT2AW Paulo Cesar G. Milito, SHIS QI 15 Chacara 62, 
           71600-800 - Brasilia (DF), BRASIL
PR5L       PP5LL
PW2N       PY2NY Bureau or Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos, 
           P.O. box 204 - Jaboticabal (SP) Zip: 14870-000, BRASIL
PX2U       PT2QX
PZ5JR      K3BYV John R Mantell Jr. POB 2137, Brevard, NC-28712, USA
RA0FF      KL7H/W6 or Eugene Popov, P.O.Box 79, Yu-Sakhalinsk-10, 
           693010, Russia
RA0FW      Ken Prokushev, P.O.Box 37, 693010 Yu-Sakhalinsk, Rusia
RK0AXX     Bureau 
RN3R       RW3RQ
RU4WJ      Bureau
RW6AWT     P.O.Box 600, Krasnodar, 350062, Rusia
RZ3Q       RK3QWA
RZ9AZA     bureau or UA9AB Gene Shumat, Box 17, Troitsk, 
           457100 Chelyabinskaya Obl., Russia
S50O       S59VM Miran Voncina, Cvetkova c 35, 65282 CERKNO, Slovenia
S57O       S51OJ
S97A       CT1EAT bureau or Francisco Costa, Box 172, 7800 Beja,Portugal
SN1I       SP1PEA
SN2B       SP5FAX
SV0AN      bureau or CBA
SV8CS      P.O.Box 205 - 29100 ZANTE ISL. GREECE 
T70A       P.O. Box 77, San Marino A1, 47031 Repubblica di San Marino.
T77V       IS0QDV
T91ENS     DJ0JV Bureau OR direct
T94QE      DL4KAX
T95A       K2PF
T97M       K2PF
T99W       DL1QQ
TA1FA      TA1AL
TA2IJ      DJ9ZB
TA3BN      Nuri Boylu, P.O.Box 976, 35214 Izmir, TURKEY.
TA3D       cba or buro
TG9NX      N4FKZ
TI1C       TI2CF / W3HNK
TK5NN      Patrick Bittiger, BP 227, 20179 Ajaccio Cedex, France
TL8MS      DL6NW bureau
TM1K       F6KHK
TM2T       F6KDF
TM2V       F6KRC
TM2Y       F6BEE
TM8A       F5SSG
TR8IG      Jean Luc Perony, P.O.Box 740, Libreville, Gabon
TT8JWM     WA4KKY via W4 bureau or to (NEW) Jim Menefee, 
           822 Orangewood  Road, Jacksonville, FL 32259, USA
TU2CI      Ivory Coast ARAI bureau
UA2AA      DK4VW
UN8LA      Bureau
UN8LW      bureau
UN9GL      UL7LG
US1I       N5FG
UT0D       UT7DX
UU5J       bureau
UX8I       Bureau
V26B       WT3Q
V26ED      WA3WSJ
V26KW      K3TEJ
V31DX      AA6BB/7 Jerry Branson, 93787 Dorsey Lane, 
           Junction City, OR-97448, USA
V31MX      K0BCN
V44NK      Karl P. O. Box 549 Nevis Island WEST INDIES
V47KP      K2SB
V47NS      W9NY
V51SG      Box 116, Tsumen, Namibia
V63KU      JA6NL bureau or Direct: Sam, Box 1679, Truk Lagun, Micronesia
V8EA       JH7FQK
V8EA       JH7FQK
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VD3DX      VA3DX
VE2QRZ     WB2K bureau or direct (John Ross, 2020 Brooks Drive # 509, 
           Forestville, MD 20747-1048, USA
VG3CRC     bureau
VK0ANARE   VK1AUS Simon Trotter, P.O. Box 2063, Kambah Village, 
           ACT 2902, Australia)
VK2ICV     Nick Hacko, P.O.Box 730, Parramatta 2124 NSW, Australia.
VK4MZ      manager reply via the bureau
VK5GN      bureau
VP2EC      N5AU
VP2VF      Dirk J DE Jong, Box 137, Road Town, Tortola, Virgin Islands
VP5DX      K4UTE
VP5T       N2VW Direct or bureau 
VP9ID      K1EFI
VR97BG     VR2BG 
VX6JY      VE6JY
W2A        W2XX
W2B        W2HHE or K2WE
WH0AAV     Toribio C Mercado Jr, P.O.Box 1941, Saipan MP-96950, USA
WH6CQH     bureau or Ken R Wages, HC 3 Box 13065, Keaau HI-96749, USA 
WL7E       KL7GNP John C A Bierman, 4304 Garfield S, Anchorage, 
           AK-99503-6438, USA
WP2Z       KK3S , also via KU9C bureau or Steve, P.O. Box 5953, 
           Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA or via the bureau.
WP3A       NP4QH
XF3/EA3BT  EA3BT    Josep Gibert, P.O.Box 366, 
           08800 Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain
XM7A       VE7SV
XX9AU      Cheang Va Ip, Box 6018, Macao
XX9KC      CBA
YB5QZ      Anton Iriawan, P.O.Box 1035, Pekanbaru 28010, Indonesia
YC8UYB     Ricky Welan, Box 1423, Manado 95014, Indonesia
YC9MKF     Ferdinand Konay, J1. Diponegoro No.3 Kupang, 
           Timor 85119, Indonesia
YM3SV      TA3YJ Nilay Mine Aydogmus, Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey.
YN6WW      JA6VU
YP2C       YO2LIF
YT1R       Bureau
YT4D       YU4FDE
YU4A       YU4WU  Robert, P.O.Box 224, 78001 Banja Luka, R.S. via Yugoslavia
YU4EBL     YU4WU  Robert, P.O.Box 224, 78001 Banja Luka, R.S. via Yugoslavia
YW1A       YV1AVO Italo Stradiotto, P.O.Box 20, 4123 Punto Fijo, Venezuela
YZ4IZ      YU4WU  Robert, P.O.Box 224, 78001 Banja Luka, R.S. via Yugoslavia
Z38G       OH3GZ
Z39Z       Z37FAD
ZD7HI      N2AU  Arthur J Hubert, 436 N Geneva St, Ithaca, NY 14850-4112, USA
ZD8T       AC4IV
ZD8Z       VE3HO
ZF2AH      WA6VNR, buro
ZL1AA      ZL1ANJ   J M Ellis, 3 Hawera Road, Kohimarama, Auckland 1105, 
                    New Zeeland
ZL7AA      ZL2AL Bureau or Lee Jennings, PO Box 54, HASTINGS 4201, NEW ZEALAND
ZM2K       ZK1K
ZM7A       ZL2AL Bureau or Lee Jennings, PO Box 54, HASTINGS 4201, NEW ZEALAND
ZP0R       ZP5AZL
ZP5XF      Box 1937, Asuncion, Paraguay.
ZP6CC      bureau or JOSE. P.O.BOX 1041 LUQUE
ZS4BS      SARL Bureau or Dennis Green, P.O. Box 12104 , Brandhof ,9324, 
           Rep of South Africa. 
ZS6Y       KK3S bureau or Jacobus J Berrevoets, 160 Valley Rd, 
                Windsor PA-17366-8904, USA
ZS9F       KK3S bureau or Jacobus J Berrevoets, 160 Valley Rd,Windsor PA-17366-8904,USA
ZV8C       PY5AMS
ZW5B       PY5EG Atilano De Oms Sobrinho, Caixa Postal 37,Curitiba,PR-80001-970, Brasil
ZX0F       PY5EG Atilano De Oms Sobrinho, Caixa Postal 37,Curitiba,PR-80001-970, Brasil
ZX5J       PP5JR 
ZY2HT      PY2KC
ZY2RK      PY2RKM bureau or PO Box 13560 Sao Paulo,SP 03399-970 Brasil
ZZ2B       PY2GY
ZZ2Z       AC7DX Ron Lago, Box 25426, Eugene, OR 97402, USA