DX425 bulletin issue nr. 337

S DX@WW $425WW337A
425 DX News #337 [1/9]
 18 October 1997                    No 337                  BID: $425WW337A
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                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3A     - Mike, HA/W0YR reports to 425 DX News  that he and Tom, N9NC will  be
         active on RTTY (concentrating on North  America) and CW from  Monaco
         between 23 and 27 October (they  do NOT anticipate operating in  the
         CQ WW SSB Contest). The callsigns  will be 3A/W0YR and  3A/N9NC. QSL
         via OM2SA either direct  (George  Sipos,  93013 Trhova-Hradska  550,
         Republic of Slovakia) or through the bureau.
3B8    - Gus, CX2AM reports to 425 DX  News that Mario, CX4CR will be  active
         (CW and SSB,  all bands) as  3B8/CX4CR from Jacky's  (3B8CF) QTH  on
         Mauritius Island until 26 October. QSL via CX3CE.
3D2    - Gerard, PA3AXU reports to 425 DX News that he will be active (10, 15
         and 20  metres SSB  and CW)  from  Fiji as  3D2XU  between 4  and  8
         November while on  holiday. QSL via  home call  (Gerard Dijkers,  Dr
         P.A.Cornethof 3, NL-6669 AZ Dodewaard, The Netherlands).
3DA    - The Daily DX reports  that Koji, ZS6CAX/JM1CAX  will be active  from
         Swaziland as 3DA0NX (QSL  via ZS6CAX, either  direct or through  the
         bureau or JM1CAX, bureau only) from  23 through 26 October. He  will
         participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest as 3DA5A (QSL via JH7FQK either
         direct or through the bureau).
3W     - Operations from Con Son group [425DXN 336] have started and the  new
         IOTA Reference Number AS-130/Prov was issued  on 16 October.  Please
         note that the  call 3W6VT has  been replaced with  3W5*** calls  for
         each band and  mode as follows:  3W5MNB on  160 metres  SSB and  all
         bands CW (QSL  via JA2MNB:  Yoshihiko Hirano,  P.O.Box 6,  Nishiharu
         481, Japan); 3W5KDN  on 80 and  40 metres SSB  (QSL via JR2KDN:  Yuu
         Yoshida, Kato Bldg.  4F, 529  Rokugaike, Kita,  Nagoya 462,  Japan);
         3W5KVR on 20 and 15  metres SSB (QSL  via JI6KVR: Yukihiro  Deguchi,
         4796 Takashima-cho, Yatsushiro,  Kumamoto 866, Japan);  3W5FS on  10
         metres SSB,  WARC bands  and all  bands RTTY  (QSL via  7L1MFS:  Yoh
         Yoshida, Shinko Bldg., 4-1 Arakawa 4-chome, Arakawa 116, Japan).
4S     - Hubert, DK1ZN and  his wife Nanda,  DL9GCP are now  active from  Sri
         Lanka (AS-003) as 4S7ZNG and 4S7YLR respectively.
4U1ITU - The DX News Sheet reports  that Petr, OK1CZ  will be active  (mostly
         CW, all bands, WARC included)  from 4U1ITU on  17-18 October. LF  DX
         activity is  planned  during the  night  for North  America  and  at
         sunrise for Japan - look for him around 1.826 MHz (QSX JA 1.910 MHz)
         and 3.505 MHz. QSL via home call.
5B     - The Daily DX  reports that a  group of Russians  lead by RA9JX  will
         participate in the CQ WW  SSB Contest as  P3A from Cyprus  (AS-004).
         QSL via W3HNK.
6W     - Didier, F5OGL/6W1AE reports to  425 DX News  that he and  Christian,
         6W1QV will be active as 6V1C in the 1997/98 contest season. QSL  via
         6W1QV (Christian Saint Arroman, P.O. Box 3263, Dakar, Senegal).
6Y     - Kenny, K2KW  reports  to  425 DX  News  that  a  multinational  team
         (including AG9A, JE3MAS,  JI3ERV, K2KW, KE7X,  N6BT, N6TV, W4SO  and
         W9QA) will participate in  the CQ WW  CW Contest (Multi-Multi)  from
         Jamaica (NA-097) as  6Y4A (QSL via  WA4WTG). The  team will  operate
         outside the contest  from 21  November through  2 December,  signing
         homecall/6Y5 (QSL via each operator's home call).
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8Q     - Bruce, KD6WW  reports to  425 DX  News that  he will  be active  (on
         10-160 metres, with emphasis on low and WARC bands, mostly on CW and
         RTTY) as  8Q7AJ from  Maldives (AS-013)  between 30  October and  10
         November. QSL via KD6WW either direct or through the bureau  (e-mail
         requests for  bureau cards  will be  welcome  after 12  November  at
         <kd6ww@inreach.com>.  Bruce  asks that the  request be titled  8Q7AJ
         QSL REQUEST).
9U     - Alex, PA3DZN reports  that he  will be  active (also  on RTTY)  from
         Burundi for three months at least.  He will get to Bujumbura  during
         the week of 20 October: "I will be there on a work assignment", Alex
         says, "therefore, operating depends  very much on  the spare time  I
         will have". He has applied for the callsign 9U2L. QSL via PA3DMH.
A4     - The DX News Sheet reports that  Chris, SP5EXA/A45XR should erect  an
         antenna for  160 metres  in the  next two  weeks. He  has been  very
         active recently signing A45XR/SJ (Silver Jubilee). QSL to  Krzysztof
         Dabrowski, P.O. Box 2038, CPO 111, Oman.
A4     - Before participating in the CQ  WW SSB Contest  with the A47RS  team
         [425DXN 335] Mary,  G0BQV will  be active  (CW only)  from until  24
         October as  A4/G0BQV. QSL via home call.
BY     - Yang, BD7JA  reports to  425 DX  News that  the 17-19  October  IOTA
         DXpedition  to  Gui-Shan  Island  (AS-???)  [425DXN  336]  has  been
         postponed due to licensing problems. The new dates will be announced
         later (it could be in two weeks time, in order to avoid clashes with
         the CQ WW SSB Contest).
C6     - KM4WE, W4CJK, W4USN, K4GZ and W4WX  will be /C6A from Treasure  Cay,
         Bahamas between 21 and 28 October.  They will participate in the  CQ
         WW SSB Contest (Multi-Single) as C6AJT  (QSL via W4CJK). Before  and
         after the contest they will be active SSB, RTTY and CW on all  bands
         (QSL via home calls).
C6     - Jon, EA2KL and Lluis, EA3ELM [425DXN  331] will be active (all  band
         SSB and CW) as C6AHN from  Abaco Island (NA-080), Bahamas between  2
         and 9 November. QSL via EA3ELM.
C6     - WZ8D, W9VNE, WA8NJR  and N8ZJN will  be active as  C6AIE from  Abaco
         Island (NA-080), Bahamas from 10 to 17 December. "The main focus  of
         the trip will  be the ARRL  10 Meter Contest",  John, WZ8D  reports,
         "but we will be very active  on all the bands  160 meters through  2
         meters. Modes will be SSB, CW  and satellite. Schedules may be  made
         for any band starting in November by E-mail to <wz8d@goodnews.net>".
         QSL to WZ8D (John Walker, 1930  Meredith Dr., Loveland, Ohio  45140,
CE     - Osvaldo, CE1LDS/2 will be active from Chanaral Island (SA-???) until
         20 October.
CP     - Olli, OH0XX will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest (single-op  all
         bands) from Bolivia as CP6AA. QSL via home call.
CX     - Raul, CX7BY reports  that a group  of CX  operators (CX3ACS,  CX2DP,
         CX1AK, CX6IM, CX5BBR and CX7ACH) will be active as CW1D from  Flores
         Island (SA-030) between 24 and 30  October. They should  participate
         in the CQ WW SSB Contest.  QSL via CX1AK (Daniel Muinos, P.O.Box  5,
         11000 Montevideo, Uruguay).
DU     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that DX1S  (the callsign of the  Filipinas
         DX Society founded by DU1KT and DU9RG) will be active during the  CQ
         WW SSB  and CW  Contests.  QSL to  818  Acacia Ave.,  Ayala  Alabang
         Village, 1780 Muntinlupa City, Philippines.
EA8    - Martti, OH2BH will  participate in the  CQ WW SSB  Contest as  EA8BH
         from Canary Islands. He reports that  the station "will be based  on
         PC-controlled Kachina  505DSP transceivers  and a  customized  power
         splitting, selected receiving arrangement that can effectively cover
         four beam directions simultaneously if desired". The Kachina concept
         is described at <http://www.kachina-az.com>  and comments about  the
         sound and  penetration  of the  EA8BH  station will  be  welcome.  A
         special QSL card which will be  issued to each and every EA8BH  CQWW
EM_ant - Tony, I2PJA reports that Paul, operating at EM1HO on Galindez Island
         (AN-006), will be active during the CQ WW SSB Contest.
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FK     - Eric, FK8GM reports  to 425 DX  News that he,  FK8FI and FK8HC  will
         participate in the  CQ WW SSB  Contest as  FK8GM (Multi-Multi).  QSL
         direct to WB2RAJ.
FM     - The Daily DX reports that K2PF  and KU9C will participate in the  CQ
         WW SSB Contest from Martinique (NA-107). They expect to be issued  a
         TO5 prefix. Before and after the contest they will be active on  all
         bands, WARC included, and possibly also on RTTY. QSL via K2PF.
FO     - The Daily  DX reports  that  F5JJW will  be  active as  FO0SUC  from
         Manihi, King  George  Islands (OC-131)  until  18  October.  He  has
         already been active from OC-067. QSL via F5JJW.
FO     - The Southern  California DX  Club contest  expedition to  Bora  Bora
         (OC-067) [425DXN  325] is  confirmed to  take place  from 22  to  28
         October. The operation will be  from the Bora  Bora DX Club  station
         and the club call FO8DX will  be used during the  CQ WW SSB  Contest
         (Multi-Single). Before and after the contest  the operators will  be
         active with individual FO calls: N6VO/FO5VO, N6RT/FO0RT, W6RW/FO0RW,
         KA7CQQ/FO0CQ and W6KK/FO0KK. QSL for contacts made with FO8DX is via
         KG6AR either  direct (Chris  Williams, 1117  S.  Del Mar  Ave.,  San
         Gabriel, CA 91776-3034, USA) or through the bureau.
FP     - The DX News Sheet reports that Ron, FP5EK will go QRT before the end
         of the year and move to Newfoundland. QSL via K1RH.
FR     - Roberto, IK2RXV  will be  active as  FR/IK2RXV from  Reunion  Island
         between late October  and early November.  He will participate  with
         FR5DN and FR5FC in the CQ WW SSB Contest. QSL via bureau.
FR     - Hartmut, DF6PW reports to 425 DX News that Helmut, DJ4VW will be FR/
         (SSB on  10-40  metres, WARC  bands  included) from  Reunion  Island
         (AF-016) between 18 November and 5 December.
FT5W   - James, 9V1YC reports that Rene, FT5X/FR5HR on 10 October "was /MM on
         the way back to Reunion. After a week or so in Reunion, he goes down
         to Crozet, FT5W. As he is on a  French Navy ship, he said plans  can
         change at any time". QSL via F5RRH.
GD     - Steve, G4UOL, who will operate on all  of the HF bands (CW only)  as
         GD4UOL between 21 November and 6  December [425DXN 335] is happy  to
         take skeds via e-mail (steve@g4uol.demon.co.uk).
HB9    - Gabriele, HB9BYU reports that the special event station HB4FG (Swiss
         Army Amateur Group) will be active (80, 40 and 20 metres) on 18  and
         19 October  during the  Jamboree On  The Air.  Special QSL  via  the
         will be HB0/ from  Triesen, Liechtenstein between  31 October and  8
         November. QSL via their respective  home calls. Planned  frequencies
         are 1.831,  3.511, 7.011,  7.025,  10.104, 14.011,  14.025,  18.071,
         21.011, 21.025,  24.891,  28.011 and  28025  MHz CW;  1.841,  3.789,
         7.089, 14.189, 14.240,  18.141, 21.289, 24.941  and 28.489 MHz  SSB;
         7.042, 14.080  and 21.080  MHz RTTY.  They will  participate in  the
         HA-QRP Contest as HB0/HA5RT/p (QSL via HA6NL). 
HR     - The Daily DX reports that Frank,  DL7UFR and his group [425DXN  335]
         have not got the callsigns they  had applied for (HQ3DX and  HQ3CW).
         They will be active from Honduras (17-29 October) as DL7DF/HR3.
HR     - The OPDX  Bulletin  reports  that  Joe,  VE3BW  will  be  active  as
         VE3BW/HR6 from  Roatan Island  (NA-057) between  1 and  22  February
         1998. He will participate in  the ARRL DX  CW Contest, while  before
         and after the  contest he will  concentrate on WARC  bands. QSL  via
         home call (Joe Adams, 5 Romko Court, St Catharines, Ontario,  Canada
         L2N 7A1).
HS     - The Daily DX reports  that Nodir, EY8MM  will join the  multi-single
         team of E22AAA during  the CQ WW  DX Contest. They  will be able  to
         operate on 80 and 160 metres during the contest.
HS     - The DX News Sheet reports that Phil, VR2CT (ex VS6CT) will be active
         as HS/G4JMB  from  Bangkok, Thailand  between  17  November  and  10

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I      - I0YKN and Salento  DX Team  operators will  be active  as II7A  from
         Capezzone Island  (EU-091, IIA  LE-004) on  18-19 October  and  from
         Sant'Andrea Island (IIA  BR-005) on  15-16 November.  QSL via  I0YKN
         (Nuccio Meoli, Via della Stazione, 04010 Cori - LT, Italy).
I      - Gian Luca,  IC8WIC  and other  operators  from Capri  (EU-031)  will
         operate during the CQ WW SSB Contest as IC8JAH. QSL via IC8SDL.
I      - I1JQJ will be active during the  CQ WW SSB Contest as IQ1A.  QSL via
I      - IT9PKO will be active during the CQ WW SSB Contest as II9ZZ. QSL via
I      - The IT9 CQ WW SSB Contest  team members [425DXN 335] will be  active
         from Lampedusa (AF-019), as IG9NJE (160 metres), IG9EQO (80 metres),
         IG9GSF (40 metres), IG9STG (20 metres) and IG9CVO (15 metres).
I      - IT9FXY will  be active  from Pantelleria Island (AF-018, IIA TP-001)
         between 21  and 28  October.  He will participate  in the CQ  WW SSB
         Contest with an OK team.
IS0    - Special event station IR0S will be active from Olbia (EU-024) during
         the Jamboree  On The  Air (18-19  October).  QSL via  IS0JMA  either
         direct (Roberto Alaimo,  P.O. Box 41,  07026 Olbia -  SS, Italy)  or
         through the bureau.
J3     - W8KKF (J37K),  KC5DJI (J38YL),  N0AT  (J38AT), KC5AK  (J38DD),  NH7C
         (J38NA), N7UE (J38EA), W6SR (J38SR), K6RO (J38RO), N6LL (J38LL)  and
         WA8LOW (J38L) will be active from Grenada between 23 and 28 October.
         QSL via home call unless announced otherwise. They will  participate
         in the CQ WW SSB Contest (Multi-Multi) as J3A (QSL via WA8LOW)  with
         six complete stations. CW  and RTTY should  be available before  and
         after contest.
JD1_mt - JL1KFR/JD1 is currently active from Minami Torishima.
KG4    - Jan, K4QD (ex WA4VQD) reports that he will lead a team consisting of
         K3VN (ex  WA3YVN), N2WD  (ex WD4GDZ),  KG4AU and  other amateurs  at
         Guantanamo (NA-015)  for  a Multi-Multi  effort  in the  CQ  WW  SSB
         Contest as KG4QD. The team will  arrive on 23 October and depart  on
         29 October. Outside the contest KG4QD (QSL via K4QD), KG4VN (QSL via
         K3VN) and KG4WB (QSL via  N2WD) will be  operating primarily on  the
         WARC bands. The team also plans to try some 6 metre activity.
KH2    - Guam Contest  Club  members JI3ERV/NH2C,  JG3RPL/N1BJ,  JR3RVO/WX8M,
         JR7OMD/WI3O, JK3GAD/AL7NC and JH7QXJ will participate  in CQ WW  SSB
         Contest (Multi-Single) from Guam (OC-026) as NH2C. QSL via JI3ERV.
KH5    - The Daily  DX reports  that Chuck,  N4BQW/KH5 [425DXN  336] will  be
         active also on 160 metres. Chuck is expected to operate from Palmyra
         (OC-085) between 17  and 25 October:  "while on the  island he  will
         have to work about 2 hours a day for the Fish and Wildlife  Service.
         When not working he will put this rare one on as long as he can stay
         awake.  Chuck knows  the rarity of  this one in  Europe and will  be
         putting an emphasis on them".
LU     - Claudio, LU7DW reports that YL operator LW8EXF will be active during
         the CQ  WW SSB  Contest from  Martin Garcia  Island (SA-055)  on  10
         metres. QSL to Nelida Ocampo, C.C.  7, Tapiales 1770, Buenos  Aires,
LU_so  - Operator Jorge  is  active from  club  station LU1ZA,  South  Orkney
         Islands (AN-008).
LZ_ant - Harry, LZ1BB  reports that  Dan, LZ2UU  will  operate as  LZ0A  from
         Bulgarian Antarctic  Base  St. Kliment  Ohridski  (WABA  LZ-002)  on
         Livingston Island in the South Shetlands (AN-010) starting around  7
P4     - The Daily DX reports that John, W2GD will participate (single-op all
         bands) in the  CQ WW SSB  Contest as P40W.  He will  be active  from
         Aruba between 22 and 27 October. QSL via N2MM.
PJ     - W9QQ will  participate  in  the CQ  SSB  Contest  as  PJ9/W9QQ  from
         Netherlands Antilles (SA-006). QSL via home call.
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T32    - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Paul, WC5P will be active (on all  HF
         bands, mostly on  CW) as  T32BE from  Kiritimati (Christmas)  Island
         (OC-024), East Kiribati between 19 November and 2 December. He  will
         participate in the CQ WW CW Contest. QSL via WC5P.
T7     - IV3TMV will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest (Single Operator 20
         metres) from T77V's QTH.  
T7     - Club station  T70A  will  participate  in  the  CQ  WW  SSB  Contest
         (Multi-Multi or Multi-Single). QSL  to P.O. Box  77, San Marino  A1,
         47031 Repubblica di San Marino.
TA     - George, OM2SA reports that Gabi, HA3JB will be active (mainly CW and
         RTTY) as TA1/HA3JB/p (from European Turkey) and as TA2/HA3JB/p (from
         Asiatic Turkey) between 22 and 29 October. QSL via home call.
TF     - Phil, KE8RO and Sean, KC8CSD will be  active (SSB and CW on as  many
         bands as possible) from Iceland between 17 and 24 October. Phil will
         operate as KE8RO/TF, while  Sean only has  a UHF/VHF guest  license.
         QSL direct to KC8CSD or via the bureau to KE8RO.
UA     - Igor, UR5LCV reports that Oleg's (UR8LV) planned IOTA DXpedition  to
         Bol'shoy Begichev Island  (AS-???) [425DXN 333]  has been  cancelled
         because "the Russian authorities terminated all flights in  northern
         area till  next  spring  and  now  it  is  impossible  to  rent  any
         helicopter". Oleg will leave Cape Chelyuskin in early November as he
         has been invited to join the third Ukrainan Antarctic expedition  to
         Vernadskogo Base.
UA     - Igor, UR5LCV  reports  that  Victor's  (UT8LL)  IOTA  DXpedition  to
         Ushakova Island (AS-???) [425DXN 333] has not been cancelled. Latest
         information is that Victor should be  on his way to Ushakova  around
         21-22 October.
V2     - Edward, WA3WSJ (V26ED) and  John, K3TEJ (V26KW)  will be active  (CW
         and SSB) from Antigua (NA-100) between  25 November and 2  December.
         They will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest. QSL via home calls.
V3     - Stan, W5JYK (V31YK);  Wondy, K5KR  (V31KR) and  Mike, W5ZPA  (V31MP)
         will be active (10-80 metres, CW, SSB and RTTY) from Ambergris  Caye
         (NA-073), Belize between 7 and 10 November. They will try to be  QRV
         on 160 metres, but that depends on antenna space. QSL direct to each
         operator's home call.
VE     - The Daily DX reports that John, WB2K will be active (10-160  metres,
         WARC bands included, SSB and CW) from CQ Zone 2 as VE2QRZ between 22
         and 26 October. He will participate  in the CQ  WW SSB Contest.  QSL
         via WB2K  either  direct  (John  Ross,  2020  Brooks  Drive  #  509,
         Forestville, MD 20747-1048, USA) or through the bureau.
VE     - Gerry, W1VE/VE1RM will participate in the CQ WW SSB and CW  Contests
         (Multi-Multi) as CI9DH.
VK9_lh - The  following  has   been  received  from   Nick,  VK2ICV   (e-mail
         VK9LX@watch4you.com), who will  be active  with K8RF  as VK9LX  from
         Lord Howe  between 23  November and  1 December,  CQ WW  CW  Contest
         included [425DXN 335].  "Our aim is  to be on  low bands before  the
         contest  as  much  as  possible,  particularly  160m.  Due  to   the
         cancellation of the 3C0 expedition we have an opportunity to  borrow
         the Battle  Creek Special.  A friend  of ours  in the  airlines  has
         agreed to  go to  Detroit, collect  the antenna,  bring it  back  to
         Sydney and then take it to  Malaysia in time for the G3XTT  Spratley
         expedition (an all up trip of  some 40,000 km). This trip will  cost
         approx.  US$500.  As  the  Lord  Howe  DXpedition  is  without   any
         commercial sponsors our  budget is already  stretched to the  limit.
         For this reason  I appeal to  you, my  fellow ham  friends, for  any
         monetary donations that you may be willing and able to provide.  Any
         amount. Every $ helps". Donations can be send to Nick Hacko, P.O Box
         730, Parramatta, NSW 2124, Australia (this address may also be  used
         as QSL route).
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VK0_mq - The special event call VK0ANARE (celebrating the 50th anniversary of
         the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions) will be used
         from Macquarie Island from 25 until  31 October, *CQ WW SSB  Contest
         included*.  QSL  via VK1AUS (Simon  Trotter, P.O.  Box 2063,  Kambah
         Village, ACT 2902, Australia). From 1 November the boys on Macquarie
         will revert to their own calls  and QSL managers until their  return
         to Australia soon. Simon, VK1AUS says that he will try to get either
         Tom, VK0TS and Graham, VK0GW on the air at the same time working  on
         different frequencies to give more people a chance of getting VK0.
VP9    - Igor, US1IDX will be  /VP9 from Bermuda  (NA-005) until 19  October.
         QSL via N5FG.
VP9    - Jeff, AJ2U will participate in  the CQ WW  SSB Contest from  Bermuda
         (NA-005) as VP9ID. Outside the contest he will be active (WARC bands
         CW) as AJ2U/VP9. QSL via K1EFI.
YB     - The DX News Sheet reports  that YC5XIP is  again active from  OC-106
         after signing  YB5XIP/P  from OC-109  (where  he  should  return  in
         November or December).
YU     - The special event station 4N0S has been active on all bands since  1
         April and  will be  aired by  Senta Radio  Club operators  until  31
         December. QSL via YU7JDE.
Z3     - The Daily DX reports that Jari, OH3MIG  he will be active in the  CQ
         WW SSB Contest from Macedonia as Z38G. QSL via OH3GZ.
ZL7    - The ZM7A/ZL7AA Chatham  Island (OC-038) DXpedition  is confirmed  to
         take place from  22 to 27  October [425DXN 333].  The team  includes
         ZL2AL, ZL2HU, ZL2TT,  ZL2ST, ZL2RR, ZL2LF  and ZL2GI (YL  operator).
         QSL for both ZL7AA and ZM7A (the latter to be used in the CQ WW  SSB
         Contest) is  via ZL2AL  either direct  (Lee Jennings,  P.O. Box  54,
         Hastings 4201, New Zealand) or through the bureau.
ZP     - CX6VM, ZP5AZL, ZP5VAY, ZP5CGL and others will participate in the  CQ
         WW SSB Contest (Multi-Single) as ZP0R.  The will be active also  the
         week before the contest.

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

CQ WW SSB & CW CONTESTS ---> Don't miss  the two major events in the  contest
calendar. Look for  the rules  of the  CQ World  Wide DX  SSB Contest  (25-26
October)  and  the  CQ  World  Wide   DX  CW  Contest  (29-30  November)   at

3A/F5RUQ ---> Jean-Pierre, F9RM  states that 3A/F5RUQ  (active on 5  October)
"was definitely a pirate operation. This station was absolutely not heard  in

3B9FR ---> Toshi, JA1ELY reports that Robert Felicite, 3B9FR has been QRT for
five years due  to some personal  problems, including the  loss of his  radio
equipment in a cyclone.  Robert hopes to  be QRV again  some day or  another.
Toshi met 3B9FR during his recent trip to Rodrigues Island.

FRENCH CASTLES  AWARD  ---> F5RBB  (Patrice  Verveche, Les  Gouttes,  F-19800
Gimel, France) is the Award Manager  of DCF, the  French Castles Award.  More
information is available on 425 DX News Web pages.

GETTING A LICENSE  ABROAD --->  The joint effort of  ARRL and OH2MCN  (Veikko
Komppa,    Paaskynkuja    7,    FIN-03100,    Nummela,    Finland;     e-mail
veikko.komppa@vtt.fi) has produced a  data base that  has massive amounts  of
information about how to  get a license  when you travel  abroad and want  to
have DX-fun with  your radio. The  number of entries  (countries) is now  218
covering nearly all  the most  accessible DXCC  countries. Check  one of  the
following URLs: <http://www.clinet.fi/~jukka/license.html>,  <http://www.vtt.
fi/ket/staff/komppa/license.htm>,  <http://www.arrl.org/field/regulations/io/

IOTA WEB SITE --->  A new  IOTA Internet web site, still under  construction,
is up  and  running at  <http://islandchaser.com>  by  Chris,  N1HRW  (e-mail

PAKISTAN ON CW ---> Tariq, AP2TJ reports that "of late a lot of pirates  have
been using the AP prefix to operate CW on the ham bands.  The only bona  fide
CW operators in Pakistan today are AP2HA (Hasnat, active mostly on weekends),
AP2MY (Yunus, presently  QRT), AP2SD (Shahid,  presently QRT), AP2NK  (Nasir,
occasionally active) and AP2TJ (Tariq, occasionally active).
S DX@WW $425WW337G
425 DX News #337 [7/9]
 18 October 1997                    No 337                  BID: $425WW337G
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

QSL 5R8FK ---> Ray, 5R8FK reported  to The Daily DX that  "his mail which  is
being sent direct to Madagascar is being  stolen.  He asks that all  stations
QSL via his US call NY3N.   From that location someone will  box up the  QSLs
and  forward  them to  Ray on the island.   Ray asks that  everyone please be
patient as this process may take some added time".

QSL 5V7A ---> Roger, G3SXW reports that the e-mail address of GM4FDM (the new
QSL manager for 5V7A in CQ  WW CW Contest *1997*)  [425DXN 333] has  changed.
E-mail QSL requests  for replies via  bureau shall  have to  be addressed  to
<wylie@sol.co.uk>. Direct requests  should be mailed  to Tom  Wylie, 3  Kings
Crescent, Elderslie,  Renfrewshire, Scotland,  United Kingdom.  (Please  note
that QSLs for  5V7A in CQ  WW CW  Contest *1996*  continue to  be handled  by

QSL 9X0A ---> Harry,  RA3AUU reports that  the QSL route  for Andy, 9X0A  (ex
9X/RW3AH) [425DXN 333] has changed. QSL for contacts made with 9X/RW3AH still
go to Box 899, Moscow 127018, Russia (they are handeled by Toivo, RA3AR). QSL
for contacts made with 9X0A since 6 September 1997 now go to DL5WM (Gottfried
Gerth, Obere Dorfstr 13 A, D-09661 Gruenlichtenberg, Germany).

QSL C91AI & C98AI ---> Jose, CT1EEB reports that cards for Dias, C91AI (C98AI
from AF-072) should not  be sent to  CT1DGZ. Dias gave  CT1CKP "for his  most
recent operations from Mozambique", Jose says, "but I always got a reply from
CT4HV", whose address is:  Jose  Manuel Gomes Santos,  Rua de  Bissau N 8,  4
Andar F, 2700 Amadora, Portugal.

VK POSTAGE ---> Bill, VK4FW reports that as  of 3 March 1997 the new  postage
for a 20 to 50 grams  letter to Europe, Africa & South  America is $1.70,  to
North America $1.50 and to Japan  $1.30. Postage for letters  up to 20  grams
has not changed yet.

VK9/0 BUREAU --->  The following is  a message  from Neil,  VK6NE, VK9/0  QSL
Bureau Manager: "At the present time only VK9LA and VK9LH collect their cards
from the VK9/0 Bureau. No other  VK9 or VK0 collect  their bureau cards.  Any
station managed by the ODXG people, cards addressed to the bureau in VK4,  or
any DXpedition carried out by ODXG will not accept bureau cards. I put a 'Not
Wanted Via Bureau' stamp on all the cards that I return via overseas  bureaux

ZK1XXP ---> The Dateline  DX Association recent  DXpedition to Penrhyn  Atoll
(OC-082), Northern Cook Islands logged 15,299 QSOs (6,708 on SSB, 8,101 on CW
and 490 on RTTY). About 1,900 QSOs were made with European stations mostly on
40, 30 and 20 metres. QSL  cards should be ready in  about three months.  QSL
via WA4YBV either direct (Robert  Pond, 9 River  Cove, Portsmouth, VA  23703,
USA) or through the bureau.

QSL received via  direct:  3DA0CA,  7P8FS, BD7JA/7  (AS-129), BO0M  (AS-113),
CE0ZIS, FT5ZG,  HH2PK,  IB0ONU (EU-045;  IIA  LT-019),  IB0QDB  (EU-045;  IIA
LT-008, 009, 026,  029), ID8/IK8DDN  (IIA CS-004),  IJ7/IK1NAO (LE-017,  018,
022), IJ7/IK7JWX  (IIA LE-014,  015, 017,  018,  020, 022),  IJ7/IK7TAJ  (IIA
BR-011, LE-014, 034),  IJ7/IK7VJX (LE-001,  003, 009,  025, 045),  IJ7/IK7XIV
(LE-043), IJ7/IK7XNF  (LE-010,  020),  IJ7/IK7YZE  (IIA  LE-005),  IJ9/IT9YRE
(AF-019; IIA AG-001,  002, 004), IJ9/IT9YRE  (EU-025; SR-012, 013),  IK3TTY/p
(GO-014, VE-018, VE-042), IL3/I3BQC (EU-131; IIA VE-011, 012, 019, 023, 043),
IL6/IK6CGO (AN-002,  004),  IL7/IK7JWX (IIA  LE-031,  034,  040),  IL7/IK1NAO
(LE-041), IL8/IK8DDN  (PZ-002),  IM0JMA  (EU-024;  SS-135,  137),  IS0/IS0UDF
(EU-024), J80F, JY9RU, N4BQW/KH6 (OC-055), KH0I, N2PQE/KH0, KL7AK/p (NA-041),
OA4QV, S0A, T32BI,  V63KU, VP8CTR,  XU2C, YC9NBR  (OC-148), YE8SUN  (OC-210),
YE8TI (OC-209).

QSL received via  WF5E DX QSL  Service:   3F0T (170),  4M5LR (SA-035),  5A27,
9K2HN/p (AS-118),  CO0OTA  (NA-056), HO2M,  HP2CWB/HP4  (NA-088),  UA3YH/KC4,
KG4GC, R1OO (EU-066), TU2XZ, VR2GY, XR8S (SA-008), ZS23I (AF-077).

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK8CJP, IT9FXY, IT9PKO, IS0JMA, IZ0BGS,   Brescia DX  Group, Crazy DX  Group,
Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman  DX Group, Salento DX Team, 4N7CC,  9V1YC,
LNDX, NPDXG,  OPDX,  PY-DX,  QRZ-DX,  The 59(9)  DX  Report,  The  Daily  DX,

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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S DX@WW $425WW337H
425 DX News #337 [8/9]
 18 October 1997                    No 337                  BID: $425WW337H
                         425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR [1/2]
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  28/10      3B8/CX4CR                                              337
till  23/10      3D2MF & 3D2KY * by ZL2MF & JA3MVI                      336
till  19/10      3W: Con Isl. (AS-130) * by JA2EZD & JI6KVR             336
till  Dec        9X0A * by RW3AH.                                       327
till  24/10      A4/G0BQV                                               337
till  20/10      CE1LDS/1: Chanaral Isl. (SA-???)                       337
till  06/11      EL/K3KN                                                335
till  22/10      FH * by DJ2BW & DL2DK                                  331
till  18/10      FO0SUC: Manihi King George Is. (OC-131) * by F5JJW     337
till  mid Nov    FW5XX: Wallis Is. (OC-054) * by ON4QM                  331
till  ??         JL1KFR/JD1: Minami Torishima                           337
till  March      JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
till  27/10      JY8XY * by W9XY (ex WB9YXY)                            333
till  ??         LU1ZA: South Orkney                                    337
till  22/10      SV8/HA6NL/p: Corfu Isl. (EU-052)                       336
till  21/10      SV9/G3NYY & SV9/G4VXE                                  336
till  19/10      US1IDX/VP9                                             337
till  mid Nov    VQ9AI * by WB0BNR                                      334
15/10-30/10      Z2/DF3XZ                                               335
16/10-28/10      V47KP * by W2OX                                        331
17/10-18/10      4U1ITU * by OK1CZ                                      337
17/10-29/10      DL7DF/HR3 * by DL7DF, DJ6TF, DL2RUM, DL7BO, DL7UFR     337
17/10-18/10      IL3/IK3GES: Isola dei Gabbiani (IIA RO-020)            335
17/10-25/10      N4BQW/KH5: Palmyra Isl. (OC-085)                       337
17/10-24/10      KE8RO/TF                                               337
17/10-18/10      VK7FI: Finders Isl. (OC-195) * by VKAN & VK7BE         331
18/10-19/10      9K2BI: Jamboree On The Air                             335
18/10-19/10      HB4FG (Swiss Army Amateur Group)                       337
18/10-19/10      II7A: Capezzone Isl. (EU-091, IIA LE-004)              337
18/10-19/10      IR0S: Olbia (EU-024) * special event station           337
18/10-24/10      PA/DL4FCH: Texel Is. (EU-038)                          333
19/10-26/10      XF3/EA3BT: Cozumel Isl. (NA-090)                       336
20/10-16/11      9M6CT * by VR2CT                                       331
21/10-28/10      C6AJT: Treasure Cay * by KM4WE,W4CJK,W4USN,K4GZ,W4WX   337
21/10-28/10      IG9/IT9FXY: Pantelleria Is. (AF-018; IIA TP-001)       337
21/10-29/10      V31MX: Caye Caulker (NA-073) * by K0BCN                329
22/10-28/10      FO8DX: Bora Bora Isl. (OC-067) * by SCDX Club          337
22/10-27/10      P40W * by W2GD                                         337
22/10-30/10      S92FC: Sao Tome (AF-023) * by CT1EAT                   335
22/10-26/10      VE2QRZ: CQ Zone 2 * by WB2K                            337
22/10-30/10      WP2Z * by W3CF & K3MQH                                 327
22/10-27/10      ZM7A & ZL7AA: Chatham Isl. (OC-038) * by ZL8RI's team  337
23/10-27/10      3A/W0YR & 3A/N9NC                                      337
23/10-26/10      3DA0NX - 3DA5A * by ZS6CAX/JM1CAX                      337
23/10-26/10      9M8TG (CW-RTTY) & 9M8YY (SSB): Sarawak (OC-088)        333
23/10-28/10      FP * by KG8CO, N8CC, K8AEM, W8MC                       333
23/10-24/10      IR0MFP * special event station                         333
23/10-30/10      J3A * by USA team                                      337
23/10-29/10      KG4QD * by K4QD's team                                 337
23/10-31/10      KI6T: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   333
23/10-27/10      NP3D                                                   335
23/10-28/10      V47NS * by W9NY (ex W9NSZ)                             333
24/10-02/11      CY0DX * by VA3RU, HA6OI, VA3EU                         335
24/10-31/10      FJ/F6BUM: St. Barthelemy (NA-146)                      335
25/10-26/10      8P9Z * by K4FJ, K3ZR, K3KG                             335
25/10-26/10      A47RS * by G0MRF, G0BQV, A45XR, A45ZN                  335
25/10-26/10      CI9DH * by W1VE/VE1RM                                  337
25/10-26/10      DX1S                                                   337
25/10-26/10      EA8BH * by OH2BH                                       337
25/10-26/10      EM1HO: Galindez Isl. (AN-006)                          337
25/10-26/10      FK8GM * by FK8GM, FK8FI, FK8HC                         337
25/10-26/10      FS * by AA4NC, FS5PL, K9NW, K9PG, K9VV                 331
25/10-26/10      HC8 * by N5KO, VE3EJ, W6NL, K6BL, HC1OT                333
25/10-26/10      IC8JAH: Capri Isl. (EU-031) * by IC8WIC's team         337
25/10-26/10      IG9: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by IT9s                 335
25/10-26/10      II9ZZ * by IT9PKO                                      337
25/10-26/10      IQ1A * by I1JQJ                                        337
25/10-26/10      J37K * by W8KKF                                        329
25/10-26/10      LW8EXF: Martin Garcia Isl. (SA-055)                    337
25/10-26/10      NH2C * by Guam Contest Club                            337
25/10-26/10      P3A * by RA9JX's team                                  337
25/10-26/10      P40E * by CT1BOH                                       335
25/10-01/11      P4/NE8Z                                                335
25/10-26/10      PJ9/W9QQ: Netherlands Antilles (SA-006)                337
25/10-26/10      T70A                                                   337
25/10-26/10      T77V * by IV3TMV                                       337
25/10-26/10      TO5: Martinique * by K2PF & KU9C                       337
25/10-26/10      V26B * by Frankford Radio Club's Team Antigua          331
25/10-26/10      V31DX: Ambergris Caye (NA-073) * by W2NA, KI6IM, KM6K  335
25/10-26/10      V8EA * by JO1RUR                                       333
25/10-30/10      VI0ANARE: MacQuarie Is.                                337
25/10-26/10      VP9ID * by AJ2U                                        337
25/10-31/10      YM3SV * special event station                          333
25/10-26/10      ZF2AH * by W6VNR                                       335
25/10-26/10      Z38G * by OH3MIG                                       337
25/10-26/10      ZS9F * by ZS6Y                                         335
25/10-26/10      ZP0R * by CX6VM, ZP5AZL, ZP5VAY, ZP5CGL                337
25/10-26/10      CQ WW DX SSB Contest                                   ***
S DX@WW $425WW337I
425 DX News #337 [9/9]
 18 October 1997                    No 337                  BID: $425WW337I
                         425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR [2/2]
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

26/10-27/10      N4BQW/KH5K: Kingman  Reef (OC-096)                     336
26/10-10/11      TF/OZ5IPA * by OZ5AAH                                  335
27/10-21/11      4U1ITU                                                 335
30/10-10/11      8Q7AJ * by KD6WW                                       337
31/10-08/11      HB0 * by HAs                                           337
31/10-04/11      S91FC: Principe  (AF-044) * by CT1EAT                  335
October          FR/IK2RXV: Reunion                                     337
October          FT5W: Crozet * by FR5HR                                335
October          FT5Z: Kerguelen * by FR5HR                             335
October          ID8: Sc. Isca (IIA CS-006) * by Mediterraneo DX Team   331
October          KP2/AG8L                                               333
late October     Ushakova Island (AS-???) * by UT8LL                    337
02/11-09/11      C6AHN: Abaco Isl. (NA-080) * by EA2KL & EA3ELM         337
04/11-08/11      3D2XU * by PA3AXU                                      337
05/11-14/11      5R * by DJ1RL (CW) & DK8FB (SSB)                       333
07/11-09/11      Japan International HF DX SSB Contest                  ***
15/11-28/11      FH * by DJ1RL (CW) & DK8FB (SSB)                       333
15/11-16/11      II7A: Sant'Andrea Isl. (IIA BR-005) by Salento DX Team 337
16/11-01/12      V47CA * by VE3BW                                       327
17/11-10/12      HS/G4JMB * by VR2CT (ex VS6CT)                         337
19/11-02/12      T32BE * by WC5P                                        337
21/11-01-12      9G5SW, 9G5WD, 9G5VJ * by G3VMW, G4RWD, G4ZVJ           335
21/11-06/12      GD4UOL * by G4UOL                                      335
21/11-23/11      JI6KVR/6: Danjo Arch. (AS-056)                         323
22/11-02/12      A61AJ * by K3LP                                        331
22/11-01/12      TM5CW * by F5SJB                                       335
23/11-01/12      VK9LX: Lord Howe Is. * by VK2ICV & K8RF                337
24/11-04/12      5A1A * by DJ7IK, DL3KDV, DL8OBC, DL1GGT                323
24/11-03-12      L20XSI: Isla de Los Estados (SA-049) * by GACW         333
24/11-03/12      ZF2RV * by K7AR, N7NU, N7MQ, WJ7R, K7DBV               321
25/11-02/12      8P9HT (8P9Z) * by K4BAI                                329
25/11-01/12      C6A * by K8DD, AC8W, N8KR                              335
26/11-02/12      V47KP * by W2OX                                        331
27/11-06/12      WP2Z * by K4FXN                                        329
29/11-30/11      5V7A * by Voo-Doo Contest Group                        329
29/11-30/11      9K2/T97M                                               331
29/11-30/11      CI9DH * by W1VE/VE1RM                                  337
29/11-30/11      CP6AA * by OH0XX                                       337
29/11-30/11      T48RCT * by KARC & Radio Club Las Tunas                327
29/11-30/11      TI5KD * by K9VV & K6CT                                 331
29/11-30/11      CQ WW DX CW Contest                                    ***
November         BY: Gui-Shan Isl. (AS-???) * BD7JA's team              337
November         HR * by N6LCI                                          333
November         KI6T: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   333
end November     KP2/AG8L                                               333
November         ZK1: North Cook - Manihiki Atoll (OC-014) * by AA8U    303
05/12-07/12      ARRL DX 160 Meters                                     ***
06/12-09/12      DL: Hiddensee Isl. (EU-057; DIA O-005) * by DLs        335
06/12-07/12      EA DX CW Contest                                       ***
07-12-??         LZ0A: South Shetlands * by LZ2UU                       337
10/12-17/12      C6AIE: Abaco Isl. (NA-080) by WZ8D,W9VNE,WA8NJR,N8ZJN  337
12/12-20/12      SN0QTC * special event station                         333
13/12-14/12      ARRL DX 10 Meters                                      ***
13/12-14/12      Italian Contest (40 & 80 Meters)                       ***
17/12-21/12      A43XXV: special event station                          331
December         HF0POL: South Shetland (WABA SP-01) * by SP3BGD        335
December         KI6T: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   333
mid Dec-Feb      LU1ZC: South Shetlands (WABA LU-04) * LU6UO            335
01/02-22/02      VE3BW/HR6: Roatan Isl. (NA-057)                        337
February         9M0C: Spratly * by Chiltern DX Club                    325