DX425 bulletin issue nr. 336

S DX@WW $425WW336A
425 DX News #336 [1/5]
 11 October 1997                  No 336                   BID: $425WW336A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2    - Alan, VK4AAR  reports  that ZL2MF  (Maurice)  and JA3MVI  (Ken)  are
         currently island hopping  in the Pacific  on a  business tour.  They
         will operate (15,  20 and 40  metres) from  Fiji as  3D2MF (QSL  via
         ZL2MF) and 3D2KY  (QSL via JA3MVI)  between 17 and  23 October  (see
         also A3 and YJ below).
3W     - Yuki, JI6KVR reports that  the IOTA DXpedition  to Con Dao  (AS-???)
         [425DXN 331] is  now scheduled  from 16  to 19  October. Landing  is
         planned at 23 UTC on 16  October and they expect to start  operating
         as 3W6VT around 3 UTC. The team also include JA2EZD, JA2MNB, JR2KDN,
         7L1MFS, 3W6AR, 3W6KA, and 3W6LI.
A3     - Ken, JA3MVI will be active (15 and 40 metres) as A35KY from 10 to 16
         October. QSL via home call.
BY     - Yang, BD7JA reports to 425 DX  News that he, BD7KW, BD7IX and  BG7IA
         will be active from Gui-Shan Island (AS-???) between 05.00 UTC on 17
         October and  06.30  UTC on  19  October. They  will  operate  on  CW
         (28.040, 21.040,  14.040 and  7.030 MHz)  and SSB  (28.460,  21.260,
         14.260 and 7.055 MHz).
F      - TP9CE will be aired by CERAC (Council for Europe Radio Amateur Club)
         between 10 and 12 October at  the European Summit of the  Presidents
         of the Council of Europe Member States. QSL via F6FQK.
FT5X   - Hamad, 9K2HN reports that on 5 October Rene, FT5X/FR5HR [425DXN 335]
         told him that he would stay on Kerguelen "for two weeks" and then go
         to Amsterdam Island.
JA     - Toshi, JA1ELY reports that JQ1ALQ and his son will be active (15, 20
         and 40 metres) from Izu Archipelago  (AS-008) on 11 and 12  October.
         QSL via bureau or direct to JA1EPL.
KH5    - Tony DePrato,  WA4JQS reports  that  SSIDXG (South  Sandwich  Island
         DXpedition Group) team member Chuck Brady, N4BQW has been invited by
         the US Fish and Wildlife Service  to go with them to Palmyra  Island
         (OC-085) for eight days starting on 17 October. Chuck will be active
         (10-80 metres, WARC bands  included, SSB, CW  and possibly RTTY)  as
         N4BQW/KH5. He has managed to get permission to take a beam with  him
         but no amplifier. QSL via WA4FFW (Mac McIntyre Sr., 2903 Maple Ave.,
         Burlington, N.C. 27215, USA). Donations are welcome and can be  sent
         to either  WA4FFW  or the  SSIDXG  DXpedition Fund  (South  Sandwich
         Island DXpedition  Group,  93787 Dorsely  Lane,  Junction  City,  OR
         97448, USA).
KH5K   - Tony DePrato,  WA4JQS  reports  that  "baring  unforeseen  problems"
         Chuck, N4BQW will  also be  active for  48 hours  from Kingman  Reef
         (OC-096) after his operation from Palmyra (see KH5 above).
OD     - The DAFK  (German Arabic  Friends) is  active  until 20  October  as
         OD5/DL0DAF. The DX News reports that this is the first guest licence
         issued in Lebanon since 1974.
SV     - Laci, HA0HW reports  that HA6NL  will be  active (mainly  CW on  all
         bands, WARC and 160 metres included)  from Corfu Island (EU-052)  as
         SV8/HA6NL/p beetwen 15 and 22 October. QSL via home call.
SV9    - Walt, SV9/G3NYY reports to 425  DX News that  he and Tim,  SV9/G4VXE
         will be very active on CW from Crete (EU-015) from 14 to 21 October.
         They hope to operate on all  bands 160-10 metres and there may  also
         be some  6 metre  activity.  QSL for  SV9/G3NYY  via G3NYY  and  for
         SV9/G4VXE via G3SWH (direct or via bureau for both).
S DX@WW $425WW336B
425 DX News #336 [2/5]
 11 October 1997                  No 336                   BID: $425WW336B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

TT     - Francisco, TT8FC is active daily on  20 metres SSB (14.130 MHZ  +/-)
         around 15 UTC.
XE     - Josep, EA3BT reports  to 425 DX  News that  he and  his wife  Maria,
         EA3AOK will  operate  XF3/ home  calls  (10-40  metres,  WARC  bands
         included, mainly on SSB and  RTTY) from Cancun  Island (it does  not
         count for IOTA) between 12  and 18 October  and from Cozumel  Island
         (NA-090) between 19 and 26 October. They will participate in the  CQ
         WW SSB Contest. During their staying on Cancun they will also try to
         be active from  NA-045 for 24  hours at least.  QSL via EA3BT.  Logs
         will be available at <http://www.redestb.es/personal/j_gibert> after
         the operations are over.
XE     - Fernando, XE1AE reports  that members  of Radio  Club Mexicano  A.C.
         will be active as XE1RAT/XE3 from Carmen Island (NA-135) between  13
         October (starting  around 18  UTC) to  16  October. The  Radio  Club
         Mexicano sponsors the  Mexican Islands Award  (DIMEX, Diploma  Islas
         Mexicanas) and this operation is the  first of many  to come in  the
         future (Isla  del  Carmen is  DIMEX  CAMP-001). QSL  to  Radio  Club
         Mexicano A.C., P.O.Box 19-500/510, Mexico, D.F., Mexico 03910.
YJ     - Maurice, ZL2MF will be active on 20  metres as YJ0AMF from 12 to  16
         October. QSL via home call.
*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

3B9/3B8DL ---> Toshi, JA1ELY and Roddy,  3B8DL made 1,914  QSOs (CW 664,  SSB
1060, RTTY 190)  during their recent  operation as  3B9/3B8DL from  Rodrigues
Island (AF-017): 211 QSOs were made on 80 metres,  353 on 40, 110 on 30,  606
on 20,  556 on  15 and  78 on  10 metres.  A 340-metre  hill prevented  their
signals from being  stronger and  on RTTY  they logged  three North  American
stations only (K7XB, KR6E and VE3XO), while 103 QSOs were made with Japan, 77
with Europe and 7 with other areas. QSL via JA1ELY (Toshikazu Kusano, P.O.Box
59, Kamata, Tokyo, 144 Japan).

EP23TIE ---> The ARRL Letter reported that this special event "pilot" station
was active to commemorate the 23rd  Tehran International Exhibition.  QSL  to
Directorate General of Telecommunications, Box 931, Tehran, Iran.

QSL 6W1AE --->  The QSL route  is Radio Club  du 23eme BIMa,   P.O Box  3013,
Dakar, Senegal or via the bureau.

QSL BS7H ---> Wayne, N7NG reports  the following: "I  have talked with  John,
W4FRU, QSL manager for the 1997 BS7H  DXpedition. John informs me that he  is
current with all direct requests for BS7H QSL cards.  This means that if  you
are still waiting for a reply, you will have to assume that your request  was
lost in  the mail,  one way  or the  other.   John also  reminded me  of  the
following: 1)  Bureau cards and  cards handled by paid  QSL services will  be
done after the  direct requests are  completed; 2) If  you request cards  for
other stations that John manages in  addition to your  BS7H card, your  reply
will be delayed". W4FRU handles all non-JA requests for 1997 BS7H cards.

QSL P40E  --->  Jose,  CT1BOH  reports  that the  new  QSL  manager  for  his
forthcoming P40E operations in the CQ WW SSB and CW Contests [425DXN 335]  is
W3HNK, who can also handle cards for QSOs made by CT1BOH.
S DX@WW $425WW336C
425 DX News #336 [3/5]
 11 October 1997                  No 336                   BID: $425WW336C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/2] *

CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER
3A/F5RUQ    F5RUQ          IA5/OE8CIQ  OE8CIQ         R1ANZ       UW1ZC  
3A2DB       3A2ARM         II3OTA      IK2PZG         R1FJL       UR5MAL 
3B8/JE2HCJ  JA2JSF         II7DMG      I7IJU          RA0FA       WK6C   
3B8GD       3B8DB          IL3/DJ9HQ   DJ9HQ          RA3GS       IK3PQG 
3D2KY       JA3MVI         IL3CII      IV3CII         RK0QXY      UA0KCL 
3D2MF       ZL2MF          IL6/IK6JOT  IK2PZG         RV0AM       RV6HS  
4L0CR       IK7JTF         IM0A        IS0LLJ         RX9FM       W3HNK  
4L1BW       4Z5CU          IP1/I2MWZ   IK1GPG         S92AT       NJ2D   
4L5O        TA7A           IU3VAL      I3LPO          S92FC       CT1EAT 
4N9X        YU1GP          J41W        SV1CIB         SO1HH       DL7VRO 
4S7SW       ON6TZ          J42TCE      SV2CWW         SO5OE/1     DL7VRO 
4U1WB       KK4HD          J48ISL      SV2AEL         SP0IPA      SP9BRP 
4X4BL       WA2KNC         JW8XM       LA8XM          SV0LK       DJ4TR  
5H1/G3SWH   G3SWH          K4M         KE7LZ          SV9/DJ9XB   DJ9XB  
5N0BHF      OE6LAG         K7K         KE7LZ          SV9/GM3YOR  GM3YOR 
5N3/SP5XAR  SP5CPR         K8SCH/4     K8SCH          T20JH       VK2GJH 
5R8EE       FR5EL          KG4GC       W4WX           T30JJ       JR2KDN 
5X1Z        SM7PKK         KG4MN       WB2YQH         T33BB       DF6FK  
5X4F        K3SW           KH0AC       K7ZA           T77XC       I8KUT  
7S6QW       SK6QW          KH0T        JA1SGU         T91DNO      DL4DCO 
9H3CZ       OK1FJH         KH2/WH6ASW  VK4FW          T93Y        N2MAU  
9H3RJ       HB9TU          KH2A        Bureau         T94CQ       VK4EXA 
9J2TF       JA2BOV         KH2C        CBA USA        T94DO       DL1FDV 
9M2TO       JA0DMV         KH2D        K8NA           T94DX       DL1FDV 
9M6CW       JR1CHX         KH2F        N4UK           TA/OK1MM    OK1DWX 
9M8TG       JH3GAH         KH2G        Bureau         TF/F5KBF    F5NZO  
9M8YY       JH3GAH         KH2H        JS6BLS         TF7/F6AMI   F5NZO  
9U5CW       EA1FFC         KH2I        CBA USA        TM0CC       F5MCC  
9U5DX       F2VX           KH2J        JA Bureau      TM5CW       F5SJB  
9U5W        VE2MNS         KH2K        JA1RWU         TT8JFC      WA4ZJB 
A35KY       JA3MVI         KH2L        WF5T           TT8KM       F6FNU  
A47RS       A41MC          KH2M        CBA USA        TT8ZB       IK3ERN 
AA5DX/KP4   AA5DX          KH2N        CBA USA        UE1QSK      RW1QQ  
AH0AY       JA1MXY         KH2O        JH1DXU         UK8FF       W3HNK  
AH2A        CBA USA        KH2P        JL1BLW         UK8OM       RW6HS  
AH2B        CBA USA        KH2Q        Bureau         US0HZ       W3HNK  
AH2C        CBA USA        KH2R        CBA USA        V51CM       WA2JUM 
AH2D        Bureau         KH2S        JH4RHF         V51MA       NN9K   
AH2G        Bureau         KH2U        CBA USA        V63BR       AA4US  
AH2H        CBA USA        KH2V        JA8RWU         V63CP       JH1BLP 
AH2M        KP2L           KH2W        JH4RHF         V63DX       JA7HMZ 
AH2N        CBA USA        KH2Y        JA8RUZ         V85TG       JH3GAH 
AH2O        CBA USA        KH2Z        CBA USA        VD2MJS      VA2MJS 
AH2S        Bureau         KH4/N4BQW   WA4FFW         VD3AAN      VA3AAN 
AH2T        Bureau         KH5/N4BQW   WA4FFW         VD3NJ       VA3NJ  
AH2V        CBA USA        KH6/N4BQW   WA4FFW         VE0FFF      KL7H   
AH2W        CBA USA        KH7/N4BQW   WA4FFW         VK0WH       VK9NS  
AH2X        Bureau         KP2/AG8L    KM6ON          VO1XC/M     VO1XC  
AH2Z        CBA USA        LA1H        LA2MV          VQ9KR       N4UK   
AM0MM       EA3MM          LR2DW       LU2DW          VR97BG      VS6BG  
AM3GCV      EA3GCV         LX8DL       LX1DA          VU2VKC      VU2VIT 
AM9TK       EA9TK          NH2A        Bureau         VU3RSB/50   VU2MY  
S DX@WW $425WW336D
425 DX News #336 [4/5]
 11 October 1997                  No 336                   BID: $425WW336D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/2] *

BA4TB       9A2AJ          NH2B        JA7MVI         VX3SJL      VE3SJL 
BU0DX       BV2KI          NH2C        JI3ERV         VX8XN/P     VE3XN  
C91JM       W7MAE          NH2D        JQ3OZY         WH2E        CBA USA
CL3FL       CO3CL          NH2E        Bureau         WH2F        JI2QUQ 
CM3IP       WD4OIN         NH2F        CBA USA        WH2H        KP3U   
CN8NY       DL2EAD         NH2G        WF5T           WH2I        JH2PDS 
CO3CL       W3HNK          NH2H        JA Bureau      WH2J        JA3NEP 
CO3ET       WD4OIN         NH2I        Bureau         WH2K        JA Bure
CT2GLO      CT1AP          NH2J        Bureau         WH2L        PA3DZN 
CV1F        CX6FP          NH2K        CBA USA        WH2M        JE7RJZ 
CW166NP     CX3FL          NH2L        JA Bureau      WH2N        JA Bure
D2BB        EA4BB          NH2M        JA Bureau      WH2O        CBA USA
DA0ISL      DL9GOA         NH2N        CBA USA        WH2P        JA Bure
DA0SI       DK1WI          NH2O        JA Bureau      WH2Q        JI1DLZ 
E21CJN      K3WUW          NH2P        JA Bureau      WH2R        JA Bure
E22AAA      HS1CHB         NH2Q        JG3HJG         WH2S        Bureau 
ED2MGB      EA2URV         NH2R        CBA USA        WH2T        Bureau 
ED3PSL      EA3GIS         NH2S        CBA USA        WH2U        Bureau 
ED7NHI      EA7AJM         NH2T        CBA USA        WH2V        CBA USA
EL/K3KN     KB3U           NH2U        CBA USA        WH2W        JA Bure
EP2MKO      UA6HCW         NH2W        Bureau         WH2X        JA Bure
EW35WB      EW1WB          NH2X        JR6IQI         WP3A        NP4QH  
EX0V        N6FF           NH2Y        CBA USA        YI97BIF     YI1XW  
EX8MLE      IK2QPR         NH2Z        CBA USA        YI9CW       SP5AUC 
EX8QB       IK2QPR         NN50CIA     KB4EFP         YJ0AMF      ZL2MF  
FP/W8MV     W8MV           NP3D        W3HNK          YM3SV       TA3YJ  
FR/N3MW     F3NW           OD5/DL0DAF  DL0DAF         YN6WW       JA6VU  
FT4YD       F5NZO          OF0RJ       OH0RJ          ZB2/DL2NBU  DL2NBU 
FT5ZL       F5NZO          OF1KAG      OH1KAG         ZB2JS       DL6RAI 
FW5XX       ON4QM          OH0/K8MN    WA8JOC         ZK1MJF      ZL2MF  
FY5YE       W5SVZ          OH0/OH2BYJ  OH2BYJ         ZK1MVI      JA3MVI 
GB0LI       G0PSE          OH0BH       OH2BH          ZK1XAN      KI6AN  
GB0LI       G3WNI          OH2/K8MN    WA8JOC         ZK2KY       JA3MVI 
GJ4IFB/P    G4IFB          OY/F5KBF    F5NZO          ZK2MF       ZL2MF  
H44MM       JF3PIE         OZ/OX3XR    OZ3WZ          ZK2PJ       VK4AAR 
HB5CC       HB9BCK         P40GH       WA2TTI         ZW1A        PY1OB  
HS0/JA3XMG  JF3PKJ         P40TT       WF1B           ZW2E        PY2YW  
HV4NAC      IK0FVC         PA/F5KBF    F5NZO          ZX1A        PY1SL  
IA5/I5GWO   I5GWO          PX5JP       PP5OW          ZZ97JP      PY1NEZ

7M3VAL  Hideyo Takeuchi, 203-2 Lida, Ohta, Gunma 373, Japan
CT1EAT  Francisco Costa, P.O.Box 172, P-7800 Beja, Portugal
DK8ZD   Jochen Errulat, Berlinerstrasse 31-35, D-65760 Eschborn, Germany
DK9OY   Detlef Reinecke, Katenser Hauptstr.2, D-31311 Uetze, Germany
DL1FDV  Mario Lovric, Hagebuttenweg 4, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany
DL8YR   Peter Kallfelz, Langenbruchweg 58, D-52080 Aachen, Germany
EK0AK   P.O.Box 22, 375002, Yerevan, Armenia
EK7DX   Karen Karapetian, P.O.Box 54, 375010, Yerevan, Armenia
HJ3PXA  Robeto Rey, P.O.Box 101939, Bogota, Colombia
IS0LLJ  Anna Lucini Mischi, Via Amsicora 89/9, I-07046 Porto Torres, Italy
JA1ELY  Toshikazu Kusano, P.O.Box 59, Kamata, Tokyo 144, Japan
JR1CHX  Daisuke Kuroiwa, #8-603, 15-28 Nishishin 5 Chome, Fukuoka, 814-0002,
JT1BL   N.Batchuluun, P.O.Box 602, Ulan Bator 44, Mongolia
K3SW    James D.Kulp, Signal Hill Farm, 88 Signal Hill Lane, Middletown,
        VA-22645, U.S.A.
KE7LZ   Robert Johnson, 5627 West Hearn Road, Glendale, AZ-85306-4213, U.S.A.
KH2D    QSL Bureau, Jim, P.O.Box 445, Agana, Guam 96910, U.S.A.
KK4HD   Paul J.C.VanDer Eijk, 4900 Bradford Drive, Annandale, Fairfax,
        VA-22003, U.S.A.
LA4LN   Tom V.Segalstad, P.O.Box 15, Kjelsas, N-0411 Oslo, Norway
NN9K    Peter E.Beedlow, 741 Greenway Avenue, Colona, IL-61241-9337, U.S.A.
OKDXF   P.O.Box 73, Bradlec 29306, Czech Republic
PY2HA   Luis, Rua Joao Rosa 75, Guaruja, SP-11431-360, Brasil
RW3AH   Andy Fyodoroff, P.O.Box 899, Moscow 127018, Russia
RW9FZ   P.O.Box 7605, Perm 614007, Russia
SP5AUC  Tomasz Rogowski, P.O.Box 11, Warsaw 93, Poland
SV2AEL  Savvas Pavlidis, P.O.Box 22013, GR-55310 Triandria, Greece
TA3YJ   Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O.Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
UA0NL   Arthur A.Zorin, 690000 Vladivostok, Russia
UW1ZC   V.N.Mykitenko, Akademgorodok 2-1, 184340 Loparskaya, Murmansk, Russia
VK4EXA  Mike M.Sivcevic, 3/62 Peach Street, Greenslopes, 4120 Brisbane, QLD,
WA4YBV  Robert Pond, 9 River Cove, Portsmouth, VA-23703, U.S.A.
WA8JOC  Ken Scheper, 5875 Cedaridge Drive, Cincinnati, OH-45247, U.S.A.
WB0BNR  Rick Levandowski, P.O.Box 367, Cascade, WI-53011-0367, U.S.A.
S DX@WW $425WW336E
425 DX News #336 [5/5]
 11 October 1997                  No 336                   BID: $425WW336E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

NOTE ON KH2 QSL ROUTES  --->  Jim  Kehler,  KH2D  (Guam QSL  Bureau  Manager)
reports that "the KH2 QSL Bureau in Guam is becoming a repository for a  very
large  number of unclaimed QSL cards.  This document [which has been included
in the "QSL INFO" above, ed.] is an attempt to address the correct QSL routes
for Guam 2x1  calls only. The MAJORITY of extra  class  call signs issued for
Guam are NOT issued to  hams in Guam. If you have  sent QSL  cards to hams on
the following list  via  the  bureau  system,  your  card  is  probably  here
unclaimed.  Please QSL  again via  the route mentioned in the list. This list
was complied on October 1, 1997 and is correct to the best of  our  knowledge
at this time. Please email any corrections, additions, additional information
to <kh2d@kuentos.guam.net> or mail it to the KH2  QSL Bureau at P.O. Box 445,
Agana, Guam 96910. If you are activly using an AH2, KH2, NH2, or WH2 callsign
and  you are not  in Guam but  want your QSL  cards that  arrive here, please
email <kh2d@kuentos.guam.net> and I will provide you  with  details on how to
get your cards forwarded to you. All unclaimed cards at the  KH2  bureau will
be  destroyed on  January  1, 1998  and  thereafter  unclaimed cards will not
be kept on  file or returned, but will be  destroyed on arrival."

Guam           = OK to QSL via bureau system.
Guam ??        = Listed as being in Guam but unknown to Guam Club/Bureau. May 
                 or may not actually be in Guam.
MIA            = Missing in Action. Don't know who/where they are.
CBA in US      = Not in Guam. QSL to U.S. Callbook address.
Via (callsign) = QSL direct to callsign. Do *not* QSL via bureau.
Via JA?        = Japanese ham  with Guam  callsign. JA  callsign unknown.  Do 
                 *not* QSL via bureau.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

I1HYW, IK1QFM, I5FLN, IK7AFM, IK8CJP, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta 
Mike, Diamond  DX Club,  Roman  DX Group,  Salento  DX Team,  9K2HN,  CT1BOH, 
LNDX,  NPDXG,  OPDX,  PY-DX,   QRZ-DX,  The 59(9)  DX Report,  The  Daily DX,

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


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425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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