DX425 bulletin issue nr. 335

S DX@WW $425WW335A
425 DX News #335 [1/6]
 4 October 1997                    No 335                  BID: $425WW335A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

4U1itu - The Daily  DX reports  that club  station  4U1ITU (Geneva)  will  be
         active during World  Radio Conference 1997  (from 27  October to  21
         November). The station  is likely to  participate in the  CQ WW  SSB
5A     - The RRDXA all-mode  ll-band DXpedition  is confirmed  to take  place
         from 24 November to 4 December  [425DXN 323]. DJ7IK, DL3KDV,  DL8OBC
         and DL1GGT will be active from 5A1A with two stations and will enter
         the CQ WW CW Contest in the Multi-Single category.   QSL via DL3KDV.
         Detailed        information         is         available         at
         <http://www.afthd.th-darmstadt.de/5a1a/>.    "All    equipment    is
         currently on its  way to Libya",  Felix (DL8OBC)  reports. "We  will
         leave it there after our operation,  so that it can  be used by  the
         Libyan operators of  5A1A.  All  this has placed  a heavy  financial
         burden on the team, so if  you can, please  consider making a  small
         donation to us".
8P     - David, VE3VET will be active (RTTY and SSB, all bands) as 8P9IJ from
         Barbados (NA-021) between 5 and 12 October. QSL via home call.
8P     - The Daily DX reports that  K4FJ, K3ZR and  K3KG will participate  in
         the CQ WW SSB Contest (Multi-Single) from Barbados (NA-021) as 8P9Z.
         They will be active on RTTY  before and after  the contest. QSL  via
8Q     - 8Q7KD (op. Carlos)  will be active  from Maldives  (AS-013) until  5
         October. QSL via EA1BD (Box 249 C.P., 39080 Santander, Spain).
9G     - G3VMW (Steve), G4RWD (Ken) and G4ZVJ (Andy) will be staying in Ghana
         from 21 November and 2 December.  Outside the CQ  WW CW Contest,  in
         which they will participate as 9G5VJ [425DXN 333], they will operate
         (mainly on  WARC and  low bands)  respectively as  9G5SW, 9G5WD  and
         9G5VJ with QSL via home-calls.
9K     - The Kuwait Amateur Radio  Society (KARS) and  the Kuwait Boy  Scouts
         Association (KBSA) will  be active  as 9K2BI  on 18  and 19  October
         during the Jamboree On The Air.
A4     - The DX News Sheet reports that G0MRF, G0BQV, A45XR, A45ZN and others
         will participate in the CQ WW  SSB Contest (25-26 October) from  the
         A47RS club station (Multi-Single category).
C6     - The Daily DX reports that K8DD, AC8W and N8KR will be C6A/ from  the
         Bahamas between 25 November and 1  December.  They will  participate
         in the CQ  WW CW Contest  as C6A/K8DD (Multi-Single).  QSL via  home
CO     - Jose, CO3CL reports that the following  Cuban stations will be  very
         active in October: CM3IP (7.000-7.025 MHz,  00.00-04.00 UTC, QSL via
         WD4OIN), CO3ET  (on 30  metres, 23.00-04.00  UTC, QSL  via  WD4OIN),
         CL3IP (28.800-28.900  MHz, 21.00-23.00  UTC, QSL  via CO3CL),  CO3CL
         (24.930-24.940 MHz,  around 23.00  UTC, QSL  via W3HNK,  Europe  via
CY9    - The Daily  DX  reports that  "due  to some  technical  and  personal
         difficulties" the CY9DX DXpedition to St. Paul Island (23  October-2
         November) [425DXN 333] has been delayed and replaced by an operation
         from Sable (see CY0 below).
CY0    - The Daily DX reports that VA3RU, HA6OI and VA3EU will be active from
         Sable Island for  ten days starting  on 24 October.  They have  been
         granted the necessary permissions and issued the call CY0DX.
DL     - DL2RVL, DL2RNS and DL2VFR will be active (all bands, mainly CW) from
         Hiddensee Island (EU-057, DIA O-005) between  6 and 9 December.  QSL
         via home-calls.
EL     - The Daily DX reports that Joe,  K3KN will be active as EL/K3KN  from
         Monrovia, Liberia until 6 or 7 November. He operates (mainly on SSB,
         CW on request) with 50-60 watts  and a log periodic (10-40  metres).
         QSL via KB3U.
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 4 October 1997                    No 335                  BID: $425WW335B
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F      - Max, F6AXP reports that Derek, F5VCR  plans to be active from  Valan
         Island (EU-105, DIFM MA-140) between 9 and 12 UTC on 4 October.
F      - Dominique, F5SJB will be active as  TM5CW between 22 November and  1
         December, CQ WW CW Contest included.
FJ     - Jacques, F6BUM  will be  FJ/ (10-40  metres, SSB  and CW)  from  St.
         Barthelemy (NA-146) between 24 and 31 October. 
FP     - KG8CO, N8CC, K8AEM and W8MC  will be active  as FP/home call  during
         their 23-28 October operation from Miquelon Island (NA-032)  [425DXN
         333]. During the CQ WW  SSB Contest they  will operate as  FP/KG8CO.
         QSL via K8AQM.
FT     - F5PFP reports that Rene, FR5HR was due to leave on 26 September  for
         Amsterdam (AF-002), Crozet (AF-008) and Kerguelen (AF-048)  islands.
         He hopes to be active for three or four days from each island.  Look
         for him between 14.110-14.130 MHz and  around the IOTA frequency  on
         15 metres. QSL via home call.
GD     - The Daily DX reports that Steve,  G4UOL will be active (on 160,  80,
         40, 30, 20,  17 and 15  metres CW) as  GD4UOL from the  Isle of  Man
         (EU-116) between 21 November and 6 December. QSL via the GD bureau.
HR     - The Daily DX  reports that DL7DF,  DJ6TF, DL2RUM,  DL7BO and  DL7UFR
         will be active (with three rigs on all bands SSB, CW and RTTY)  from
         Honduras between 17 and 29 October. They will participate in the  CQ
         WW SSB Contest. The callsigns maybe HQ3DX and HQ3CW. QSL via DL7DF.
I      - Laguna DX Team will be active from either Orbi (EU-130; IIA GO-007)
         or Montaron (IIA GO-008) Islands during the weekend.
I      - IJ9/IT9SGC  will be active from  Forte  Garcia  (EU-025: IIA SR-018)
         between 4 and 9 October. QSL via home-call.
I      - IK2MRZ and  IV3VER plan  to be  active from  a  few IIA  islands  in
         Gorizia (GO) and/or Udine (UD) provinces during the weekend.
I      - IK1QBT (Tony), IK1ZOZ (Nino), IK1WJI (Gigi) and IK1CJO (Mauro)  will
         be IP1/  (CW and  SSB, WARC  bands included)  from Gallinara  Island
         (EU-083, IIA SV-001)  on 11 and  12 October  (or 18  and 19  October
         depending on weather conditions). QSL via  home calls eother  direct
         or through the bureau.
I      - Gabriele, IK3GES will be active from Isola dei Gabbiani (IIA RO-020)
         on 17 and 18 October.
I      - Mediterraneo  DX  Team's   (IZ8BGY,  IZ8AZV   and  IK8WEJ)   planned
         activities from IIA islands [425DXN 331] are now planned as follows:
         Scoglio Isca  (IIA CS-006)  on 7  or 14  October; Scoglio  Formicola
         (CS-003) on 6, 13 or 20 October; Scogli Coreca (IIA CS-004) on 6, 13
         or 20  October.  QSL via  IK8WEJ  either  direct  (Francesco  Fazio,
         P.O.Box 101, 87011 Cassano Jonio-CS, Italy) or through the bureau.
I      - IT9GSF, IT9EQO, IT9NJE, IT9CVO and IT9STG will participate in the CQ
         WW SSB Contest from Lampedusa Island  (AF-019). They will be  active
         as either IG9A, IG9B, IG9C, IG9D & IG9I or homecall/IG9.
IS0    - Six operators from ARI Porto Torres (IS0OMH, IS0LYN, IS0XVS, IS0XRB,
         IS0HSF and IS0VSG) will be active as IM0A (SSB and CW) from  Asinara
         Island (EU-165,  IIA SS-061)  between 10  and  13 October.  QSL  via
         IS0LLJ either direct (Anna Lucini Mischi,  Via Amsicora 89/9,  07046
         Porto Torres - SS, Italy) or through the bureau.
IS0    - IS0NHT wiil be /IM0 from Su Cardolinu Island (EU-024; IIA CA-025) on
         4 October. QSL via home-call.
JW     - The Daily DX reports that Math, JW5NM will stay on Svalbard until at
         least next summer.  He plans to  be active on 160 metres, mostly  on
         CW. He will participate in the CQ WW CW and SSB Contests.
JX     - The Daily DX reports  that Terje, LA3EX/JX3EX,  will be leaving  for
         Jan Mayen (EU-022) on 10 October.  He will be active until March  or
         April 1998. QSL to Terje Berg, 8099 Jan Mayen, Norway.
KP4    - Andy, NP3D will be active from San Juan, Portorico between 23 and 27
         October. He will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest. His *new* QSL
         manager is W3HNK.
LU_ant - Alberto, LU1DZ  reports  that  Hector  (LU6UO),  Ernie  (LU4AXV,  ex
         LU1ZPF) and other  two operators  will be  active on  CW from  LU1ZC
         (WABA LU-04) on Deception Island,  South Shetlands (AN-010)  between
         mid-December and late February 1998.
P4     - Rick, NE8Z reports to 425 DX News that he will be active (mainly  on
         CW on the  WARC bands)  as P4/NE8Z  from Aruba  (SA-036) between  25
         October and 1 November. QSL via K8LJG.
P4     - Jose, CT1BOH will participate in both CQ WW SSB and CW Contests from
         Aruba (NA-036) as P40E. He is  expected to start  being QRV about  a
         week before each contest. QSL via CT1AHU.
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S9     - Francisco, CT1EAT  reports to 425 DX News that he will be active  as
         S92FC  (10-80 metres, WARC included, on SSB and RTTY) from Sao  Tome
         (AF-023)  between 22 and 30 October. He plans to participate in  the
         CQ WW  SSB  Contest  (he has  applied for  the special  call  S97A);
         outrside the  contest he will concentrate on RTTY. He will then move
         to Principe  (AF-044), from where he  will be active (10-20  metres,
         WARC  included,  SSB  only)  as  S91FC  between  31  October  and  4
         November.  Please note that it will  *not* be an actual  DXpedition.
         QSL  for S91FC, S92FC and S97A  via CT1EAT either direct  (Francisco
         Costa, P.O.Box 172, 7800 Beja, Portugal) or through the bureau.
SP     - Jan, SP9BRP  reports that  all-mode all-band  special event  station
         SP0IPA (International Police  Association) will be  active from  the
         Regional Police Headquarters in Cracow between 5 and 12 October. QSL
         via SP9BRP. 
SP_ant - The Daily  DX reports  that Stan,  SP3BGD will  leave Poland  on  20
         October to reach  King George  Island, South  Shetland Is  (AN-010),
         where the Henryk Arctowski Antarctic Base  (WABA SP-01) is  located,
         after a 40-day  voyage. Stan will  be active from  the club  station
T8     - Toshi, JI1CEL and Endo, JG2EBN are active from Belau respectively as
         T88AA and T88ME. QSL via home calls.
TF     - Preben, OH5AAH reports that he  will be active  (mostly on WARC  and
         low bands CW) as TF/OZ5IPA  (International Police Association)  from
         Iceland between 26 October and 10 November. QSL direct to OH5AAH.
TT     - The local licensing authorities have assigned  TT6SE and TT6EB,  who
         were reported to be active from  Chad until 15 January 1998  [425DXN
         334], the calls TT8KM (Michel) and TT8BE (Etienne). QSL via F6FNU.
UA_ant - Club station R1ANF is active from  Bellingshausen Base (WABA  UA-04)
         located on King George Island in  the South Shetlands (AN-010).  QSL
         via DL5EBE.
V3     - The Daily DX reports that W2NA,  KI6IM and KM6K will participate  in
         the CQ WW SSB  Contest as V31DX  (Multi-Single) from Ambergris  Caye
VE     - Bruce, VE5RC plans to be  active as either  VE5WF/5 or VE5RC/5  from
         Willow Island (CISA SK002) on 4 October.
VK9_lh - The Daily DX  reports that  Dan, K8RF  will join  forces with  Nick,
         VK2ICV [425DXN  333] and  operate as  VK9LX  from Lord  Howe  Island
         (OC-004). They will concentrate on 80 and 160 metres.
VK0_mq - QSL manager Simon Trotter (VK1AUS) reports  that Tom, VK0TS "is  not
         an avid  CW man,  so he  didn't take  a key  with him  to  Macquarie
         Island. He found an old key  in a drawer down  there, cleaned it  up
         and has given a few scratchy CW contacts, but during a panic in  the
         radio room one day the 40-year-old key was knocked to the ground and
         broke into two pieces,  so I don't think there will be many more  CW
         contacts. He has  tried to  fix it,  but he  now says  that it  just
         sounds totally awful. Tom is trying to make another CW key while  he
         is down there and so we can just hope that he gets one going".
VP5    - The Daily DX reports that Dan, K8RF (ex WT8N) will be active (mostly
         on 80 and 160 metres CW) as VP5/K8RF from 6 to 13 October.  QSL  via
W      - The  Daily  DX  reports  that  Jeff,   WV3B  will  be  active   from
         Chincoteague Island (NA-083)  on 4 and  5 October. Look  for him  on
         7.030-7.035 or 14.030-14.035 MHz.
Z2     - DF3XZ  will  be  active  as Z2/DF3XZ  (mainly on 40 metres SSB) from
         Z21HJ's  QTH between 15  and 30 October.  QSL via DF3XZ.
ZF     - Joe, W6VNR will participate in the  CQ WW SSB Contest as ZF2AH  from
         Cayman Is  (NA-016). Outside  the contest  he will  operate on  WARC
         bands only. QSL via home-call.
ZS     - ZS6Y will be active as ZS9F  during the CQ WW  SSB Contest. QSL  via
ZS     - The DX News Sheet reports that Barry, ZS1FJ is planning to be active
         in early 1998 from Bird Island, off Port Elizabeth.
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 4 October 1997                    No 335                  BID: $425WW335D
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

5A1A REFLECTOR --->  An E-mail reflector  for the RRDXA  DXpedition to  Libya
(see 5A  above) has  been set  up: send  a  message to  <libya@qth.net>  with
<subscribe libya> in the body of the message.

9N1MM, THE BIOGRAPHY ---> Jim, W6CF  reports that a biography on Fr  Marshall
Moran, 9N1MM has been published. "Most of the book has nothing whatever to do
with ham  radio  and DXing",  Jim  says, "but  part  of it  does.  The  cover
illustration shows him in front of  his rig". The book, "Moran of  Kathmandu"
(ISBN 974-89271-6-4) by Donald Messerschmidt, are available from White Orchid
Press, 98/13 Soi Apha Phirom, Ratchada Road, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900 Thailand
(e-mail wop@mozart.inet.co.th)

FRANKFORD RADIO  CLUB  ---> The  Frankford  Radio Club  celebrates  its  70th
anniversary by sponsoring  a very special  award. Additional information  for
this certificate and a full list of  members of the Frankford Radio Club  may
be  found  at  <http://www.frc-contest.org/70th.html>  or  from  K2FL   (SASE

QSL CO3CL ---> IK8ENH (Nino Molaro, Via R. Raiola 61, 80053 C/Mare di  Stabia
- NA, Italy) is the new QSL manager (*Europe only*) for CO3CL [425DXN 333].

QSL N4BQW/KH4 & N4BQW/KH7K --->  The OPDX Bulletin  reports that Mac,  WA4FFW
has processed all  bureau and direct  cards received to  date. Cards for  the
recent N4BQW/KH6 operation from  Tern Island (OC-055)  will be mailed  within
the next two weeks.

QSL OH5AB/MVI  & R1MVI  (1997)  ---> Jari,  OH2BU  (Jari.Jussila@oh2bu.pp.fi)
reports that "QSO data is not printed on labels but directly to the cards  at
the printing house. All OH5AB/MVI QSL's have been printed, but some QSO files
from R1MVI were corrupted and the  printing machines couldn't read the  data.
The files are  now OK and  the OH5AB crew  is waiting the  printing house  to
deliver the R1MVI QSL's any day now!". The QSL manager is OH5NE (Orvo  Arkko,
Muukko, FIN-53400 Lappeenranta, Finland).

QSL R1ANZ ---> The OPDX Bulletin  reports that QSLs  for Wally, R1ANZ  should
not go to RU1ZC [425DXN 332]  but to his home call,  UW1ZC (V. N.  Mykitenko,
Akademgorodok 2-1, 184340 Loparskaya, Murmansk, Russia).

QSL V51MA ---> NN9K (Peter E. Beedlow, NN9K, 741 Greenway Avenue, Colona, IL 
61241-9337, USA) is the new QSL  manager for Mike, V51MA. Peter will  process
cards for contacts made after 15 September 1997.

QSL WP2Z ---> QSLs for W3CF's and K3MQH's operations from WP2Z during the  CQ
WW SSB Contest  [425DXN 327] will  be handled  by Steve,  KU9C either  direct
(P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054,  USA) or through the bureau. Steve  has
become the QSL manager for *all* future operations from WP2Z [425DXN 330].

QSL MALYJ VYSOTSKIJ  (1990-95) ---> OH5NZ  (John Ahlbom,  Puustellintie 3  E,
FIN-53200 Lappeenranta, Finland) is the QSL  manager for 4J1FS (1990).  OH2BU
(Jari Jussila, Pilvijarvi, FIN-02400 Kirkkonummi, Finland) is the QSL manager
for R1MVI & OH2BU/MVI (1995) and 4J1FS (1991 and 1992). Frank Smith, AH0W  is
the QSL manager for 4J1FW and 4J1FM (1991).

QSL EU-120  ---> Cards  for GB0LI,  which will  be active  from Lundy  Island
(EU-120) until 6 October [425DN 327]  go either direct or through the  bureau
to the operators' home calls, G3WNI (Bill Lindsay-Smith, Way Close,  Madford,
Hemyock, Devon EX15 3QY, England)  and G0PSE (Tom  Taylor, 19 Derwent  Grove,
Taunton, Somerset TA1 2NJ, England).

QSL VIA IK0ZKK ---> Paolo, IK0ZKK is the new  QSL manager for YC8FI.  He  has
not received the logs from J39JQ  so far and  regrets not to  be able yet  to
confirm the requests he has got.

V26B CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION ---> Team  Antigua announces that both  the
Five Band and Six Band  Certificates of Appreciation  will be available  once
again for the 1997 operation [425DXN 331].  To qualify for them all you  have
to do is work V26B during the CQWW SSB Contest period on either five bands or
six bands. V26B will enter the  Multi-Multi category. The Team Antigua's  WWW
site is at <http://WWW.frc-contest.org/v26b.html>.

WILLIS BREAKDOWNS --->  Bill Horner, VK4FW  reports that the  grand total  of
QSOs made by VK9WM and VK9WY  is 42,275. After taking all  the dupes out  the
breakdowns are as follows (CW/SSB/RTTY): VK9WM 30,367 QSOs (12,662/17,705) on
160 metres (182 CW), 80 metres (856/1253), 40m metres (3141/2613), 30  metres
(1167), 20 metres (3491/6164), 17 metres  (949/2626), 15 metres  (1772/2289),
12 metres (228/1177) and  10 metres (878/1572  + 5 QSOs  on FM); VK9WY  9,898
QSOs (4803/3537/1558)  on  30 metres  (838),  20 metres  (2151/1497/999),  17
metres (1018/92), 15 metres (393/1513/549), 12 metres (403 CW) and 10  metres
(435 SSB). The grand total of QSOs (dupes excluded) is 40,265.
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8Q7XX LOGS  --->  The logs  of  EA4DX's recent  operation  as 8Q7XX  are  now
available at <http://www.redestb.es/personal/ea4dx/8q7xxlog1.htm>. QSL direct
to EA4DX: Roberto Diaz,  P.O. Box 50.546,  28080 Madrid, Spain  (he is not  a
memebr of U.R.E.).

ZK1XXP LOGS  ---> Don  Greenbaum, N1DG  has received  the  last logs  of  the
expedition  and  posted  them  to the web site (http://www.aurumtel.com/cook.
html). "The file now contains over 12,000 QSOs", Don reports. "I was told  on
the air towards the end of the DXpedition that they had logged over 14,000. I
can only assume  that somewhere some  other QSOs were  lost in  transmission.
After the  team  returns we  will  repost the  logs  after we  reconcile  the

+ SILENT KEY + The American Radio Relay League reports the loss of Milton  F.
"Doug" DeMaw, W1FB.  One of the  most widely published  technical writers  in
Amateur Radio, Doug died on 28 September at 71 years of age.

QSL received via direct: 7P8/OE2VEL, 9M6NA  (OC-133), AH8A, ED7SCC  (CA-024),
ET3YU, FT5ZG, HP1XBI/4 (NA-088), IB0ONU (EU-045; IIA LT-019), IB0QDB (EU-045;
IIA LT-008, 009, 026, 029), I8RIZ/IB0 (EU-045; IIA LT-003),  IC8/IK8MRA  (IIA
SA-???), IC8/IK8VRH (IIA  NA-007, 040), ID8/IK2DUW  (IIA CS-006),  ID8/IK8YFU
(IIA RC-002),  ID8/IZ8BAD  (IIA VV-004),  ID9/IK2DUW  (EU-017;  IIA  ME-015),
IJ7/IK1NAO (LE-017,  018,  022), IJ7/IK7JWX  (IIA  LE-014,  015),  IJ7/IK7VJX
(EU-091; LE-001, 009, 045), IJ7/IK7XIV (LE-043), IJ7/IK8VRH (IIA LE-007, 011,
012, 019,  020);  IJ9/IT9YRE  (IIA  SR-012),  IL3CII  (EU-130;  IIA  UD-003),
IK3BPN/IL3  (EU-131;  IIA  VE-055),  IL3/IK2ILH  (RO-021),  IL3/IK2MRZ   (IIA
RO-018), IL4/IK2PZG (IIA  FE-004), IL4/IK2XDE (IIA  FE-005), IL4/IK2XDF  (IIA
FE-005),  IL4/IK4HPU  (IIA  FE-004),  IL7/IK7JWX  (IIA  LE-031,  034,   040),
IJ7/IK7TAJ (IIA  BR-011, LE-014,  034), IJ7/IK7YZE  (IIA LE-005),  IL7/IK1NAO
(LE-041), IL7/IK8VRH  (IIA LE-030,  043),  IM0/IS0BDF (IIA  OR-003,  SS-117),
IM0/IS0NHT (EU-165; IIA OR-001), N2PQE/KH0, OA4QV, S0A, TS8ZA, TZ6JA,  V31JP,
YC9NBR (OC-148), YE8SUN (OC-210), YE8TI (OC-209), ZF2JC/ZF8, ZK2PJ.

QSL received via WF5E DX QSL Service: 5A27, 9K2HN/p (AS-118), UA3YH/KC4, R1OO

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK0ZKK, IS0LYN, IS0VSG, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond
DX Club, Roman  DX Group, Salento  DX Team, CT1EAT,  CT1EEB, CT1ENQ,  DL2VFR,
PY-DX, QRZ-DX,  The 59(9)  DX Report,  The Daily  DX, URE-EA-DX,  VK2SG  RTTY

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S DX@WW $425WW335F
425 DX News #335 [6/6]
 4 October 1997                    No 335                  BID: $425WW335F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  12/10      3B8/JE2HCJ                                             334
till  05/10      8Q7KD                                                  335
till  Dec        9X0A * by RW3AH.                                       327
till  09/10      C56/JA1OEM                                             333
till  05/10      DA0ISL: Faehrinsel Isl. (EU-057; DIA O-016) by DL9GOA  333
till  10/10      FO0MOT: Moorea (OC-046) * by T77WI/IK0WIN              334
till  mid Nov    FW5XX: Wallis Is. (OC-054) * by ON4QM                  331
till  07/10      GB0LI: Lundy Is. (EU-120) * by G3WNI & G0PSE           327
till  06/10      HS0ZAR * by K3ZO                                       331
till  06/10      SO5OE/1 (SSB) & SO1HH (CW): Wolin Isl. (EU-132)        333
till  07/10      SV9/GM3YOR                                             331
till  10/10      TK/DL4FF                                               333
till  06/10      VP9 * by K1EFI                                         329
till  mid Nov    VQ9AI * by WB0BNR                                      334
till  14/10      ZB2/G3HBN                                              334
03/10-10/10      EJ: Cape Clear Isl. (EU-121) * by G3PFS & G6QQ         331
03/10-05/10      TM7RL * special event station                          333
03/10-05/10      ZW1A (SSB) & ZX1A (CW): Ilha Grande (SA-029) (DIB 11)  333
04/10            F5VCR: Valan Isl. (EU-105; DIFM MA-140)                335
04/10-09/10      IJ9/IT9SGC: Forte Garcia (IIA SR-018)                  335
04/10-05/10      IL3 * by IK2MRZ & IV3VER                               335
04/10-05/10      IL3 * by Laguna DX Team                                335
04/10            IM0/IS0NHT: Su Cardolinu Isl. (IIA CA-025)             335
04/10            VE5WF/5 or VE5RC/5: Willow Isl. (CISA SK-002)          335
04/10-05/10      Ibero Americain SSB Contest                            ***
04/10-05/10      VK/ZL SSB Contest                                      ***
04/10-05/10      WV3B: Chincoteague Isl. (NA-083)                       335
05/10-12/10      8P9IJ * by VE3VET                                      335
05/10-06/10      KH4 * by The Midway-Kure DX Foundation                 334
05/10-12/10      SP0IPA * special event station                         335
06/10-27/10      JY8XY * by W9XY (ex WB9YXY)                            333
06/10-13/10      VP5/K8RF                                               335
08/10-12/10      ZW2E:  Ilha das Couves (SA-028, DIB 70)                333
09/10-22/10      FH * by DJ2BW & DL2DK                                  331
09/10-12/10      ZW2E: Couves Isl. (SA-028) (DIB 70)                    329
10/10-13/10      IM0A: Asinara Isl. (EU-165; IIA SS-061)                335
10/10-March      JX3EX * by LA3EX                                       335
11/10-12/10      IP1: Gallinara Isl. (EU-083, IIA SV-001) * by IK1s     335
11/10-12/10      VK/ZL CW Contest                                       ***
11/10-12/10      Bologna: XIII HF DX Convention * Guglielmo Marconi     ***
14/10-20/10      3W: Con Isl. (AS-???) * by JA2EZD & JI6KVR             331
15/10-30/10      Z2/DF3XZ                                               335
16/10-28/10      V47KP * by W2OX                                        331
17/10-29/10      HQ3DX & HQ3CW * by DL7DF, DJ6TF, DL2RUM, DL7BO, DL7UFR 335
17/10-18/10      IL3/IK3GES: Isola dei Gabbiani (IIA RO-020)            335
17/10-18/10      VK7FI: Finders Isl. (OC-195) * by VKAN & VK7BE         331
18/10-19/10      9K2BI: Jamboree On The Air                             335
18/10-24/10      PA/DL4FCH: Texel Is. (EU-038)                          333
20/10-16/11      9M6CT * by VR2CT                                       331
21/10-29/10      V31MX: Caye Caulker (NA-073) * by K0BCN                329
22/10-30/10      S92FC: Sao Tome (AF-023) * by CT1EAT                   335
22/10-30/10      WP2Z * by W3CF & K3MQH                                 327
22/10-27/10      ZL7AA: Chatham Isl. (OC-038) * by ZL8RI's team         333
23/10-26/10      9M8TG (CW-RTTY) & 9M8YY (SSB): Sarawak (OC-088)        333
23/10-28/10      FP * by KG8CO, N8CC, K8AEM, W8MC                       333
23/10-24/10      IR0MFP * special event station                         333
23/10-31/10      KI6T: Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)                   333
23/10-27/10      NP3D                                                   335
23/10-28/10      V47NS * by W9NY (ex W9NSZ)                             333
24/10-02/11      CY0DX * by VA3RU, HA6OI, VA3EU                         335
24/10-31/10      FJ/F6BUM: St. Barthelemy (NA-146)                      335
25/10-26/10      8P9Z * by K4FJ, K3ZR, K3KG                             335
25/10-26/10      A47RS * by G0MRF, G0BQV, A45XR, A45ZN                  335
25/10-26/10      FS * by AA4NC, FS5PL, K9NW, K9PG, K9VV                 331
25/10-26/10      HC8 * by N5KO, VE3EJ, W6NL, K6BL, HC1OT                333
25/10-26/10      IG9: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-019) * by IT9s                 335
25/10-26/10      J37K * by W8KKF                                        329
25/10-26/10      P40E * by CT1BOH                                       335
25/10-01/11      P4/NE8Z                                                335
25/10-26/10      V26B * by Frankford Radio Club's Team Antigua          331
25/10-26/10      V31DX: Ambergris Caye (NA-073) * by W2NA, KI6IM, KM6K  335
25/10-26/10      V8EA * by JO1RUR                                       333
25/10-31/10      YM3SV * special event station                          333
25/10-26/10      ZF2AH * by W6VNR                                       335
25/10-26/10      ZS9F * by ZS6Y                                         335
25/10-26/10      CQ WW DX SSB Contest                                   ***
Oct-06/11        EL/K3KN                                                335
October          FT5X: Amsterdam * by FR5HR                             335
October          FT5W: Crozet * by FR5HR                                335
October          FT5Z: Kerguelen * by FR5HR                             335
October          ID8: Sc. Coreca (IIA CS-004) * by Mediterraneo DX Team 331
October          ID8: Sc.Formicola (IIA CS-003) by Mediterraneo DX Team 331
October          ID8: Sc. Isca (IIA CS-006) * by Mediterraneo DX Team   331
early October    UA0: Bol'shoy Begichev Isl. (AS-???) * by UR8LV's team 333
October          UA0: Ushakova Isl. (AS-???) * by UR8LV's team          333
early October    W: Marsh Isl. (NA-120) * by AA5AT & WN5M               331