DX425 bulletin issue nr. 334

S DX@WW $425WW334A
425 DX News #334 [1/4]
 27 September 1997                 No 334                   BID: $425WW334A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3B8    - Skip, JE2HCJ will be  visiting Jacky, 3B8CF  on Mauritius between  3
         and 12 October.  Skip will  be active  as CALL  3B8/JE2HCJ on  10-80
         metres CW, SSSB and RTTY. QSL via JA2JSF. Skip has also applied  for
         a 3B9 licence.
5X     - Steve, DJ1US [425DXN 327] has been issued the call 5X1S, but "due to
         QRL in 9Q and northern 5X", he says, "it will take me some more days
         to show up on the air". QSL via DF2RG either direct (Gerhard Jaeger,
         P.O. Box  1425, 92405  Schwandorf, Germany)  or through  the  bureau
         (those who want a 5X stamp may apply direct to him: Stefan M.  Bauer
         TSU, c/o UN WFP, P.O. Box 7159, Kampala, Uganda).
9A     - Special event  station  9A97WPC  will  be  active  from  Koprivnica,
         Croatia until 28 September during the 6th World Puzzle Championship.
         QSL via bureau or direct to 9A3KQ.
9N     - Rich, 9N1RHM is now active on RTTY. QSL via KV5V.
FO     - Giancarlo, T77WI reports that he has been issued the call FO0MOT  to
         be used during his forthcoming activity from Moorea (OC-046) [425DXN
         333]. QSL via I0LTX.
I      - Ruggero, IK2PZC  will be  IG9/ from  Lampedusa Island  (AF-019,  IIA
         AG-001, African Italy)  until 29 September.  He will participate  in
         the CQ WW RTTY Contest.
I      - IV3JWR, IV3KTY and IV3CII plan to be active from Bioni (IIA  UD-001)
         and San PIetro (IIA UD-002) islands during the weekend.
I      - Bruno, IK2PZG and  Gabriele, IK3GES plan  to be  active from  Scanno
         Cavallari (IIA RO-015) on 28 September.
I      - IK8UHA, IK8VRH and IK8MVB [425DXN  331] now plan  to be active  from
         Scoglio della Badessa (IIA NA-041) on 28 September.
KH4    - Gary McClellan, K7ZD reports that the Midway-Kure Dx Foundation team
         plans for a very brief operation  also from Midway Atoll just  after
         the team returns  from their K7K  operation [425DXN 333].  Tentative
         plans are for  the team  to operate  on 5  and 6  October only.  The
         callsign for the Midway part of the operation will be K4M (Kilo Four
         Mike). QSL via KE7LZ (Bob Johnson,  5627 West Hearn Road,  Glendale,
         Arizona 85306-4213, USA).
OZ     - The OPDX  Bulletin  reports that  Ulli,  DL2HEB will  be  active  as
         OZ/DL2HEB/p from Laeso  Island (EU-088)  between 27  September to  5
         October. QSL via DL2HEB either direct or through the bureau.
TT     - TT6SE and TT6EB are reported to be active from Chad until 15 January
         on CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via F6FNU.
VQ9    - The DX News Sheet reports that Rick, WB0BNR is active as VQ9AI  from
         Chagos until  mid-November. He  can be  found  daily on  14.186  and
         14.260 MHz around 13 UTC.  QSL via home-call.
VR6    - Mey, JA6CT has recently become active as VR6CT from Pitcairn  Island
         (OC-044). QSL to JA6CT via the bureau.
W      - Don, AA5AT and Abner, WN5W will be active (10, 15, 20 and 40 metres)
         from Marsh  Island (NA-120)  between 16  and  24 UTC  (depending  on
         weather) on 29 September.  They plan to  have two stations  running.
         QSL direct to home-calls.
ZB     - Jimmy, G3HBN will be active from Gibraltar (30 September-14 October)
         as ZB2/G3HBN and not ZB2FX [425DXN 333]. QSL via home-call.
ZK1_nc - The ZK1XXP operators are expected to leave Penrhyn around 04:00  UTC
         on  27 September. Log checking is available at <http://www.aurumtel.
         com/cook.html>. QSL via WA4YBV, either direct (Robert Pond, 9  River
         Cove, Portsmouth, VA 23703, USA) or through the bureau.
ZP     - The DX  News Sheet  reports that  Ernesto, LU2BRG  (ex LU6BEG)  will
         participate in the  CQ WW  RTTY Contest  as ZP5XF  (single band,  15
S DX@WW $425WW334B
425 DX News #334 [2/4]
 27 September 1997                 No 334                   BID: $425WW334B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

5A28 LOG ---> The 5A28 Log Search is now available on the 5A28 DXpedition web
page  at   <http://www.point.at/point/5a28.htm>.  They   made  11,404   QSOs,
including the first RTTY contacts from Libya for 30 years.

BRAZILIAN ISLANDS WEB  PAGES ---> Further  information about the  forthcoming
operations from Ilha  Grande, SA-029 (by  ZW1A, ZX1A and  ZV1A, 3-5  October)
[425DXN 333] and Ilha das Couves, SA-028 (by ZW2E, 8-10 October) [425DXN 333]
may  be  found  respectively  at <http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/
7193> and <http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/4160>.

DXPRESS ---> As  of 1 October  the new  editor of  DXPress will  be Rudy  van
Dalen,  PA3GQW  (Kleinpolderlaan   120,  2911-PB   Nieuwerkerk  a.d.   Yssel,
Netherlands; E-mail: pa3gqw@worldaccess.nl). Many  thanks to Dick  Grolleman,
PA3FQA who has been the editor for the past four years and three months.

HH2PK ---> It has been reported [425DXN 333] that Ivo, HH2PK is now active as
5B4ADA from Cyprus.  Zack, W9SZ  reports that  "Ivo Pezer's  call was  HH2AW.
HH2PK is Pat,  who I assume  is still in  Haiti and will  be in the  upcoming
contests. Ivo often used Pat's station for contesting - that may be where the
confusion came  from!". We  apologize for  any  inconvenience this  may  have
caused our readers.

NA-059 & NA-158 ---> John Minke, N6JM says that his IOTA DXpedition to  Dutch
Harbor, Fox Islands (NA-059) [425DXN 332]  was a bust: "There were almost  no
signals the first day so I thought maybe the next two days would be  better",
John says. "No, they  were worse. The  result of three  days of checking  the
bands amounted to no log entries at all!". He did not attempt to activate  an
island in Kachemak Bay (NA-158) as the weather was cold and wet and "with the
bands the way they are it just wasn't worth even trying".

QSL EU-083  ---> Tony,  IK1QBT reports  that all  the  direct cards  for  the
Gallinara Island (EU-083) operations in June [425DXN 317] have been mailed.

QSL EU-127 ---> DJ3XG, DF5WBA and DL6CGC report that the cards for their  May
activity from Neuwerk Island (EU-127) [425DXN 305] have all been sent through
the bureau.

QSL YC8SHQ/P ---> Doc, K7SO reports  that QSL cards for Chris, YC8SHQ/P,  who
is currently  active from  the town  of Saumlaki  on  Yamdena Island  in  the
Tanimbar group (OC-???) [425DXN  333], should be  sent to Pastoran  Saumlaki,
Maluku Tenggara, 97664 Indonesia. Father  Chris is a  missionary and will  be
there for at least three years.

VK9WM & VK9WY  ---> The Willis  DXpedition went QRT  around 20.00  UTC on  21
September after a grand total of 42,275 contacts. QSL to ODXG Willis  Effort,
P.O. Box 929, Gympie, Queensland 4570, Australia.

+ SILENT KEY +  It was with great sadness that we have learnt from The  Daily
DX of the passing of Phil Williams, 5W1AU.  He had been the President of  the
Western Samoa Amateur Radio Club and operated  the QSL bureau out of his  own
pocket from 1971 until May 1997 [425DXN 315].
S DX@WW $425WW334C
425 DX News #334 [3/4]
 27 September 1997                 No 334                   BID: $425WW334C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/2] *

CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER 
3B9/3B8DL   JA1ELY         HB0/HB9LEY  JH1BSE         SN0FAT      SP9OYK  
3D2/DL7RAG  DL7RAG         HC8N        AA5BT          SP0CUW      SP4GFG  
3DA0XTH     ZS6TH          HI3/DH2JD   DH2JD          SX2THE      SV2TSL  
3X1EO       EA1EZU         HS0ZAR      K3ZO           T30NAS      3D2SJ   
4K8DX       DL7ABL         IA1/IK1EDC  IK1EDC         T30WP       JA1WPX  
4L4MM       ON4CFI         IA1/IK1JJB  IK1JJB         T32BI       KH6DFW  
4N0S        YU7JDE         IA1/IK1YEK  IK1YEK         T32WP       JA1WPX  
5A28        OE2GRP         IA1/IK2DUW  IK2DUW         T77WI       I0LTX   
5H1/DL7VSN  DL7VSN         IA1/IK2PZG  IK2PZG         T88AA       JI1CEL  
5H3/G3SWH   G3SWH          IA5/I5RFD   I5RFD          T88ME       JG2EBN  
5H3HG       WY3V           IA5/IK2YWO  IK2YWO         TA0/DJ8QP   DJ8QP   
5W0HW       DL7RAG         IB0JN       IK8DYD         TK/OM2DX    OM2DX   
6W1QV       F6FNU          IC8/IK8UHA  IK8VRH         TM4WAG      TA1KA   
6Y5DA       VE4JK          ID8/IK8WEJ  IK8WEJ         TM7RL       F5LVL   
7Q7DC       KC7JDC         ID8/IZ8BGY  IK8WEJ         TT8FC       EA4ASK  
7X2RO       OM3CGN         ID9/IK1QBT  IK1QBT         TT8JWM      WA4KKY  
7Z1IS       SM0OFG         IG9/I2VGW   I2VGW          TU2XZ       W3HC    
8P6DA       KU9C           II2G        IK2DUW         TZ6JA       JA3EMU  
8Q7WP       JA1WPX         IJ7/IK7EZP  IK7EZP         UE0FFF      KL7H    
8Q7XX       EA4DX          IJ7/IK7VJX  IK7VJX         UE3FFU      RK3DXZ  
9A11ELS     9A2AA          IJ7/IK7XWL  IK7XWL         UP6F        W3HNK   
9A4EM       DL1GRD         IJ9/IT9SGC  IT9SGC         UT70U       UT3UA   
9A97WPC     9A3KQ          IL3/IK3SWA  IK3SWA         V63YV       JA1WPX  
9G5VJ       G4ZVJ          IO6ARI      IK6DUN         V73WP       JA1WPX  
9M8QQ       DF5UG          IP1/I2MWZ   IK1GPG         V85HY       JA1WTR  
9X/RE3A     RW3AH          IP1/IK1NEG  IK1NEG         V8EA        JH7FQK  
9X/RW3AH    RW3AH          IQ2W        IK2DUW         VK0TS       VK1AUS  
9X0A        RW3AH          IQ8AC       IK8HEQ         VK2WAH      VK2KAA  
A22EW       ZS6EW          IR2P        IK2DUW         VK6ISL      VK6LC   
A61AS       YO3FRI         IT9/N5TB    N5TB           VK9LX       VK2ICV  
AM9BG       EA9BG          IY1EY       IK1QBT         VK9WM       VK4FW   
AM9IB       EA9IB          JA4DND/P    JA4DND         VK9WY       VK4FW   
AM9KQ       EA9KQ          JR4ABB/4    JR4ABB         VP2EXM      DL3XM   
C21/JA1WPX  JA1WPX         JY8RP       DK1RP          VP8CTR      DL5EBE  
C56/DL9GFB  DL9GFB         JY8XY       W9XY           VQ9AI       WB0BNR  
C56/JA1OEM  JA1OEM         KC6WP       JA1WPX         VR2MM       JR3JFZ  
C91A        IK4QIZ         KH2/JA1WPX  JA1WPX         VR97LC      VR2LC   
CI3YRM      VE3BLU         KH3/KK5ZX   K3SX           W2V         W2MZX   
CL8VP       CO8RCG         KH8/JA1WPX  JA1WPX         WP2Z        KU9C    
CS8DNP/P    DJ0MW          KP2/AG8L    NN6C           XL3SJL      VE3SJL  
CY0PIG      VE3PIG         L20H        LU4HAW         YE8Q        YB8QD   
DU3NXE      W4NXE          L70FM       LU4FM          YI1DKS      IK2DUW  
EA9/DL6RAI  DL6RAI         LG5LG       SM0DJZ         YI1FLY      KK3S    
EA9PY/P     EA9PY          LQ0N        LU2NI          YI1OM       IK2DUW  
ED5RCC      EA5ADT         LY8X        LY1BZB         YI1WMS      IK2DUW  
ED5SDX      EA5CVN         OH0JJS      OH6LI          YJ0AWP      JA1WPX  
ED6DDM      EA6ACB         PJ2MI       W2CQ           YM4WAG      TA1KB   
EK6DO       K6EID          PY5ZHP      DL4DBR         YQ2O        YO2BV   
EM8M        DL3BQA         R1ANF       DL5EBE         Z31VP       DJ0LZ   
ER0PC       K4PC           R1ANK       UA6AH          Z32MW       DL1FDD  
ER1/RB5FF   DF8BK          R1FJR       F5PYI          ZA1MH       Z32KV   
ER1OO       I8YGZ          R1FJV       UA3AGS         ZB2FX       G3RFX   
ER27A       ER1DA          R3RRC       RW3GW          ZD8T        AC4IV   
EW3AG       SP5MXV         R9/UT2LA    UA3ZK          ZG2EO       ZB2EO   
F/LX6A/P    LX2AA          R9KM        UA9KM          ZG2FX       G3RFX   
FG/F2HE     F6LQJ          RU1POL      UA0KCL         ZK1RAG      DL7RAG  
FK/JA1WPX   JA1WPX         RV9UFN      RZ9UZM         ZK1XXP      WA4YBV  
S DX@WW $425WW334D
425 DX News #334 [4/4]
 27 September 1997                 No 334                   BID: $425WW334D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/2] *

I5RFD   Francesco Ricciardi, Via Latini 15, I-50133 Firenze, Italy
IK1QBT  Tony Gallo, Via Capo S.Spirito 1/16, I-17020 Borghetto S.S.(SV),Italy
JA1WPX  Tadao Shimoichi, 4-12-8 Ebara Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142, Japan
JH3JYS  Ryozo Goto, A9-202, 5 Fujishirodai 3 chome, Suita 565-0873, Japan
K4PC    Chris Penick, P.O.Box 1926, Boone, NC-28607, U.S.A.
RA0ZD   Alexey G.Antipov, P.O.Box 12, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683000 Russia
RA0ZN   Alexander Novokov, P.O.Box 51,Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683049 Russia
RW3AH   Andy Fyodoroff, P.O.Box 899, Moscow, 127018, Russia
UA0ZC   Valery Makarov, P.O.Box 12, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683000, Russia
VK1AUS  Simon Trotter, P.O.Box 2063, Kambah Village, ACT 2902, Australia
VK4FW   ODXG WILLIS EFFORTM, P.O.Box 929, Gympie, QLD 4570, Australia
VMARC   Vancouver Mountain ARC, P.O.Box 1622, Vancouver, WA-98668, U.S.A.
W9XY    Bob Johnson, W.5514 Grouse Drive, Endeavor, WI-53930, U.S.A.
WA4KKY  Jim Menefee, 822 Orangewood Road, Jacksonville, FL-32259, U.S.A.
YC8TZR  Jusuf Maringka, P.O.Box 205, Lirung 95871, Indonesia
YC9MKF  Ferdinand Konay, J1. Diponegoro No.3 Kupang, Timor 85119, Indonesia
YF7PT   R.Soesanto Eko WSP, P.O.Box 226, Banjarmasin 70001, Indonesia

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

DX Group,  Crazy DX  Group, Delta  Mike, Diamond  DX  Club, Roman  DX  Group,
Salento DX Team, 5X1S, 9A4ZP, 9A6JYL, AA5AT, CT1EEB, CT1ENQ, DL4VBP,  DL7VOA,
OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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