DX425 bulletin issue nr. 332

S DX@WW $425WW332A
425 DX News #332 [1/6]
 13 September 1997                 No 332                   BID: $425WW332A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !


9A     - Helmut, DF9NW will be  active as 9A/DF9NW/p  from Murter Island  (it
         does not count for IOTA) until 21 September. QSL via home-call.
9X     - Andy, 9X/RW3AH [425DXN  327] is now  active as 9X0A.  He is  usually
         active on 21.295, 14.195 and 3.795 MHz. QSL via RW3AH.
AP     - Tariq, AP2TJ is currently active on RTTY.
D2     - CT4KO will be active as D2AI  from Luanda, Angola from 15  September
         for one year at least. He is expected to operate on SSB (80, 40, 20,
         15, 17, 12  and 10 metres),  RTTY (20, 17,  15, 12  and 10  metres),
         satellite (RS-12/13)  and  6 metres  on  schedule.  QSL  via  CT1EGH
         (Antonio Pereira, R. Guerra Junqueiro 25A, Vale de Milhacos,  P-2855
         Corroios, Portugal).
DL     - Tom, DL8AAM reports that  Rug, DJ3XG will  be active (10-80  metres,
         WARC included,  mostly  CW) as  DJ3XG/p  from Foer  (EU-042,  German
         Islands Award N-017), Langeness (EU-042,  N-019) and Oland  (EU-042,
         N-020) islands between 16 and 30 September.
EM_ant - Tony, I2PJA reports  that Paul,  EM1HO (AN-006)  intends being  very
         active on RTTY (mostly on 20 metres from 19 UTC) in September. 
F      - Stephane, F-10255 reports that  F5CKH and F8AFC  will be active  (20
         and 40 metres)  as F8AFC/p from  Tascon Island (DIFM  AT-081) on  13
         September. QSL via F8AFC.
FR     - David, VK3EW reports that Yas, JA8NFV will be active (all bands  SSB
         and CW) from Reunion Island (AF-016) from 16 to 20 September.
HB0    - HB9LEY (JA1LZR/N2AIR) will be HB0/ (CW  and SSB) from  Liechtenstein
         between 13 and 15 September. QSL via JH1BSE.
I      - IK1NEG, I1WXY, I1VRO, I1FX, IK1CJO and I2MWZ will be active from the
         island of Bergeggi (EU-083, IIA SV-002)  on 14 September. They  will
         operate SSB and CW with the calls IP1/IK1NEG and IA1/I1WXY.
I      - Gabriele, I2VGW, who was IH9/ from  Pantelleria Island (AF-018,  IIA
         TP-001), will be  IG9/ from  Lampedusa Island  (AF-019, IIA  AG-001)
         until 14 September.
I      - I3BQC will be active from the San Servolo Island (EU-131, IIA VE-019)
         on 13 September.
I      - IV3JWR plans  to operate from  Valerian Island  (EU-130;  IIA GO-024)
         on 18 or 19 September;  it will be the second activity from this rare
         italian island!
I      - Mediterraneo DX Team/ARI Cosenza members  IK8WEJ, IZ8BGY and  IZ8AZV
         [425DXN 331] also plan to be active from the following IIA  counters
         in the second  half of September:  Scoglio Regina (CS-008),  Scoglio
         dei  Tre  Fratelli  (CS-009)  and  Scoglio  di  Guardia   Piemontese
KC4_ant- In a conversation with Bob (K4MZU), Jaime at KC4AAC (Anvers  Island,
         AN-012) indicated he will be  leaving on or  about 6 October.  Jaime
         said he will be QRV for  European stations to  call him starting  at
         18.30 UTC to 19.30 UTC on  Saturdays and Sundays on 14.270 MHz  each
         weekend through to early October. QSL via K4MZU (for the time  being
         he has all the station logs through 20 July 1997).
KH7K   - The following  pilot stations  will relay  information back  to  the
         DXpedition on Kure, scheduled to start on 26 September [425DXN 331]:
         9K2MU, AL0E,  CT1EEB, KE7LZ,  OZ8RO and  W7KW.  QSL via  KE7LZ  (Bob
         Johnson, 5627 West Hearn Road, Glendale, Arizona 85306, USA).
KL     - John Minke, N6JM reports that his trip to Dutch Harbor, Fox  Islands
         (NA-059) [425DXN 323] is on schedule. He should start operating with
         a vertical  antenna  and 100  watts  late in  the  afternoon  on  13
         September. Look for him near the usual IOTA frequencies of 14.260 or
         14.040 MHz (he will also see about 40 and 80 metres). John's  flight
         will be leaving  Dutch Harbor at  20.37 UTC on  16 September. He  is
         unlikely to be active from the Four Mountain Islands group  (NA-???)
         due to costs of getting there, but "if I have the time", John  says,
         "I will see about putting on  an island from Kachemak Bay  (NA-158)"
         after NA-059 is over.
S DX@WW $425WW332B
425 DX News #332 [2/6]
 13 September 1997                 No 332                   BID: $425WW332B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

KL     - Frank, KL1SLE should  be active from  Middleton Island (NA-042)  for
         three days between 15 and 19  September. He hopes to operate on  15,
         20 and 40 metres  using the same  setup as in  his previous trip  to
PY     - Fred, PY7ZZ reports that Jim, PY7XC/6  will be active again  [425DXN
         330] as  ZY6XC from  Tinhare Island  (SA-080) between  12-13 and  14
         September. This time Jim will operate CW (7.005, 10.140, 14.040  and
         21.040 MHx) as well as SSB  (7.060, 14.260 and  21.260 MHz). QSL  to
         PY7XC/6 (Jemesson Faria, Rua Dhalia 228 Ap 401, Recife PE, 51020-290
SP     - Andrzej, SP6ECA reported that Peter, SP5PB was expected to be active
         from EU-129 and EU-132 for three  weeks starting on 8 September.  He
         would also try to operate from other SPIA (the Polish Islands Award)
         islands. QSL  via home-call  either  direct (Piotr  Brydak,  Okolnik
         9/16, 00 368 Warszawa, Poland) or through the bureau.
TA     - The special event station YM4WAG will  be active on all bands  until
         21 September during the World Air Games. QSL via TA1KB.
TF     - The OPDX  Bulletin reports  that Petr,  OK1CZ, will  be active  from
         Iceland (EU-021) as TF/OK1CZ/P between 13 and 19 September. He hopes
         operate from Westman Islands (EU-071) for a couple of nights.
VE     - Len, VE9MY plans to operate from  Taylors Island on 17 September  at
         about 21.00-23.00  UTC  conditions permitting.  He  also  should  be
         active from Long Island  on 20 September  at about 16.00-18.00  UTC.
         Both these C.IS.A. New Brusnwick islands  are still unnumbered.  QSL
         via VE9MY either  direct (Leonard Morgan,  #20-105 Inverness  Place,
         Saint John, NB, E2J 3Z9, Canada) or through the bureau.
ZK1_nc - Tom, K8XP reports that the Dateline DX Association team (K8XP, N7RO,
         KI6AN, WA4YBV,  N4RF, N6MZ  and ZS8IR)  are  expected to  arrive  on
         Penrhyn Atoll  (OC-082), North  Cook Islands  before noon  (Hawaiian
         time) on Saturday, 20 September. The setting up process will be  top
         priority into the hours of darkness as no outside work is allowed in
         the Cook Islands on Sundays. Saturday's goal is to have all antennas
         up before dark and then commence station setup. Three stations using
         the call ZK1XXP will operate CW, SSB and RTTY: expect some frequency
         adjustment [425DXN  331]  depending on  conditions  and  efforts  to
         operate effectively  in concert  with  the Willis  Island  operation
         scheduled to be active at the  same approximate time. As one of  the
         goals of the operation is to provide as much exposure to Europe  and
         the East Coast of  North America, arrangements  have been made  with
         Ghis, ON5NT to dissiminate daily updates  to his part of the  world.
         Log        checking        will        be        available        at
         <http://www.aurumtel.com/cook.html> as  well  as  a  unique  feature
         prepared by Mike, N6MZ:  it allows any  DXer worldwide to  determine
         when (best time of the day)  and on what  frequency he/she can  best
         expect to have optimum conditions for contactig the DXpedition.  QSL
         via WA4YBV, either direct (Robert Pond, 9 River Cove, Portsmouth, VA
         23703, USA) or through the bureau.

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

QSL CO8TW ---> The QSL manager  for both Juan Carlos's callsigns (CM8TW  from
21 September 1996 to 28 February 1997 and CO8TW as of 1 March 1997) is  W3HNK
(Joe L. Arcure, PO Box 73, Edgemont, PA 19028, USA).

QSL TU4EI --->  Jim Bennett, W9FW  (TU4EI/TU5EV) is receiving  QSL cards  for
contacts made with TU4EI in 1997.  "Please be advised  that my operations  as
TU4EI in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire were  terminated in March 1995", Jim  states.
Do not send any QSLs to him (Bob Reed, 1991  Route 37 W Lot 109, Pines  Acres
Manor II, Toms River, New Jersey 08757,  USA) except for QSOs made from  1993
to 1995.
S DX@WW $425WW332C
425 DX News #332 [3/6]
 13 September 1997                 No 332                   BID: $425WW332C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/2] *

CALL         MANAGER       CALL         MANAGER       CALL         MANAGER  
3A/DF8XC     DL1YFF        F/ON5FP      ON5FP         RA0FF        N6FF     
3DA0XTH      ZS6TH         F0ZR         K1RH          RA0FF        W6/KL7H  
3DA5A        AA3JA         F5OGL        6W1AE         RA3GS        IK3PQG   
3W6JQ        JA1IED        F5PHW/P      F5PHW         RJ1J         K1BV     
3W8GL        6W1AE         FG5NR        F6BUM         RP9BAC       UA0AGI   
3X1EO        EA1EZU        FJ/N6DLU     N7UE          S07QF        EA4URE   
3Z0AU        SP6CZ         FJ5AB        N7UE          S50D         S50AD    
3Z0ORP       SP3KWX        FK/JM1LJS    JM1LJS        S92AA        6W1AE    
4N4A         SM7VZX        FK8VHM       F5TLP         S92PI        6W1AE    
4N4BO        SM7VZX        FO5PV        F6BCX         SM0/F5YJ/P   F5YJ     
4N7B         YU7BJ         FR5DT        F5FNU         SM2/F5YJ/P   F5YJ     
4O6A         YU1FW         FR5KH/E      F5FNU         SM6/F5YJ/P   F5YJ     
4Z8YL        4K9C          FR5KH/J      F5FNU         SM7/4N4BO    SM7VZX   
5B4AGE       SM0TGG        FT4YD        F5NZO         SM7/F5YJ/P   F5YJ     
5H1/G3SWH    G3SWH         G3RTE/P      G3RTE         SM7/T94BO    SM7VZX   
5H1CW        WB4KAX        G7Q          G0SAH         SO5OE/1      DL7VRO   
5H3/G3SWH    G3SWH         G7Y          G0FOS         SP0PEA       SP1NQF   
5H3TW        K3TW          GJVXE/P      G3SWH         SU1EE        K1RH     
5N0/SP5XAR   SP5CPR        GM/OE5OHO/P  OE5OHO        SV1BRL/8     SV1BRL   
5N7T         F2YT          GM3PPG/P     G3PPG         SV1CID/3     SV1CID   
5W0HW        DL5RAG        GM4EVS/P     GM4EVS        SV8ZC        SV8ZC    
5Z4EE        K1RH          GS0GNK       MM1AUF        SV8/EA3CB/P  EA3CB   
6V1A         6W1AE         GW7V         GM0GEI        T20XC        JE1DXC
6Y5/K2KW     K2KW          H44TQO       SM4NLL        T30XC        JE1DXC
6Y5/KF9PL    KX9X          H80S         HP2CWB        T30/JJ1DWB   JM1LJS   
6Y5/N6TV     N6TV          HB0CZS       HB9CZS        T5EC         DL0MAR   
6Y5/W4SO     WA4WTG        HC8/HC4MZ    HC4MZ         T9/WA5IKQ    KB6BZF   
6Y5/WC9E     WC9E          HG1LPS       HA1CC         T94BO        SM7VZX   
6Y5M         KX9X          HGM1LPS      HA1CC         TA3BN        TA3BN    
7J/JF1IST    JI1FXS        HI9/K9LTN    K9LTN         TF/F5NZO     F5NZO    
7J1YAJ       JH1AJT        HK0TCN       HK0TCN        TF/KZ1L      KZ1L     
7N2ATO       HL5CL         HK6W         HK6KKK        TF/OK1CZ/P   OK1CZ    
7P8ZZ        W4DR          HK7/SM5HV    SM5HV         TF7/F6AMI    F5NZO    
7Q7DC        KC7JDC        HL2AMF       HL2AMF        TG8IGE       WK60     
8P6EQ        KC3AE         HL5FUA       HL5FUA        TI2GSC       TI2GSC   
8P9CI        W1USN         HQ1JPT       HR1JPT        TI3CF        W3HNK    
8P9CK        AA1M          HR3KLB       K4ZLE         TI4/K6KM     K6KM     
8Q7XX        EA4DX         HS0/JR3XMG   JF3PKJ        TI5/JH1NBN   JH1NBN   
8R1ASF       XE1MD         HS0/TK5AE    TK5AE         TK/DL4JLM    DL4JLM   
9A/DL1AUJ    DL1AUJ        HS6CMT       JA7FYF        TK/HB9ASZ    HB9ASZ   
9A/DL3DRN    DL3DRN        IA1/IK2GPQ   IK2GPQ        TM0CC        F6CLQ    
9A/DL5AWI    DL5AWI        IB0/DL6MDG   DL6MDG        TM0TN        F6KSM    
9A/DL6LZM    DL6LZM        IC8/IK0FTA   IK0FTA        TM0VJ        F5SEE    
9G1BJ        G4ZCA         ID9/IK2DUW   IK2DUW        TM5FAR       F5PVX    
9G1XA        K1ER          IF9/IT9ECQ   IT9FXY        TM5R         F5FAB    
9J2OR        W4CER         IF9/IT9FXY   IT9FXY        TM5YEU       F5TKA    
9M2AG        JA9AG         IF9/IT9GNG   IT9FXY        TM6P         F6HPP    
9N1AA        JM2HBO        IF9/IT9HBT   IT9FXY        TO5OHZ       W3HNK    
9X5EE        PA3DMH        IF9/IT9WKH   IT9FXY        TR0D         6W1AE    
9Z4BM        9Y4NZ         IF9/IW9FRA   IT9FXY        TR31GL       6W1AE    
A35EM        JA1OEM        IH9/I2VGW    I2VGW         TR8GL        6W1AE    
A35NY        DJ3NY         IJ7/IK7YZE   IK7YZE        TU2AA        W6OML    
A61AT        AA6DC         IQ0A         IK0XBX        TU4CN        K1RH     
AX2KM        VK2KM         J28DB        F4AAQ         UA0YAY       RW6HS    
AX4BER       VK4BER        J3/N9NS      N9NS          UA3/AH0W     KE7LZ    
AX4MGA       VK4FW         J3/W2HRX     W2HRX         UA9V/UA0UBG  UA9AB    
AX4PCB/P     VK4FW         J38AB        KQ1F          UE0FDX       HH2HM    
AX9AZ        VK6UE         J41AG        SV1IB         UL9PC        W3HNK    
AX9AZ/P      VK6UE         J45RDS       SV5BJR        UN5JX        N2AU     
S DX@WW $425WW332D
425 DX News #332 [4/6]
 13 September 1997                 No 332                   BID: $425WW332D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/2] *

AY4A         LU4AA         J47OCF       SV7BVM        UN7FZ        W3HNK    
BV4HR        BV4ME         J52APM       IK0PHY        UR4WW        WR3L     
BY1QH/G3SWH  G3SWH         J59KX        HK9KX         UR6F         OE5EIN   
C03ZD        CT1ESO        J68AR        W9BQL         US0SZ        W3HNK    
C31EJ        VE3GEJ        J68DR        K9BQL         UT70U        UT5UDX   
C31IL        K1RH          J68NR        WB8ENR        V2/GM0GAV    GM0GAV   
C53/DL4NAM   DL4NAM        J79MV        AA6MV         V26RN        N5NJ     
C53HP        DL7AFS        JD1/JG8NGJ   JA8CJY        V31AB        WA4WIP   
C53YL        DL7AFS        JT1CD        JT1CD         V31MD        NM2D     
C56/DK3FK    DK3FW         JW5E         SM7NAS        V31PU        N7UE     
C82JD        HI2JH         JW9PJA       LA9PJA        V47/AI5P     AI5P     
C91WM        W7MAE         JY8XY        W9XY          V47KAC       N4RJ     
CI2AT        VE2AT         KC6YZ        JA1BRM        V51GC        W3HCW    
CI3BLU       VE3BLU        KC8CMH/200   WA8MEM        V6/ZS6YG     KY0A     
CI3YRM       VE3BLU        KG4US        W4WSZ         V63AQ        JH1NBN   
CL8UB        CO8RCG        KH0/JA1YEM   JA1YEM        V63CP        JH1BLP   
CO2KK        W5WP          KH0/W1BRK    JA1BRK        V73AT        K2CT     
CO3JY        AE4MO         KH0FA        JI1SQK        V8ATG        JH3GAH   
CO7PG        W4YC          KH0V         JJ1KZI        VI0ANARE     VK4AAR   
CS7PSP       CT1EDX        KH2/W1BRK    JA1BRK        VI21DS       VK4FW    
CS8DNP/P     DJ0MW         KH4/N1VXT    JA3IG         VK3GNK       OE8GNK   
CT2GFK       CT2GFK        KH6/W7GMH    W7GMH         VO2WL        VO2NS    
CU2/DL4XS    DL4XS         KH6EDY       KH6BZF        VP2MHY       KM9D     
CV8UA        CX1SI         KH6FHX       WA9VJM        VP5A         WE3C     
CX/LU7DW     LU7DW         KH7/K9PG     WX9E          VP5CK        N9CKC    
DA0PLG       DL1DCY        KP2/KF8UM    KF8UM         VP8CTR       DL5EDE   
DL4FCH/P     DL4FCH        KP4/AA2OX    K3CN          VP9/G4GKQ    G4GKQ    
DU1A         K7UN          LA/F8UFT     F5YJ          VQ9ZZ        NS1L     
EA1/EA5JC    EA5JC         LA5M         LA9VDA        VR6DR        VR6PAC   
EA1WO/P      EA1WO         LU1EYW/D     LU5EWO        VR6ID        VR6PAC   
EA5EOR/P     EA5EOR        LU5VC        LU5VC         VR6MW        VR6PAC   
EA7GXP       EA7GMC        LY5A         KY2ZZ         VR97LC       VR2LC    
EA8BBR       EC8ATN        LZ1JY        KA9WON        VS97UW       VS6UW    
EA9KB        EA9KB         M7S          M0AGQ         W1B          N1PDV    
ED2ECL       ED2ECL        M7Z          G4BWP         WT5BS        ND5DG    
ED2ISN       EA4EGZ        MW0AQD       W1A0D         X9RHS/P      V9RHS    
ED4MVH       EC4GG         NL7P         WB4BSJ        XE1ASF       XE1MD    
ED5RCV       EC5AGG        OA462QV      OA4QV         XL2JFM       VE2JFM   
ED5USA       EA5HQ         OE2ZBM       WA0ROI        XU3FLT       JN3FLT   
ED7SDC       EA7GVP        OH0/DJ6AU    DJ6AU         XX9Y         W3HCW    
ED8BY        WA1ECA        OH0A         OH2BH         Y38I         DL1AWI   
EF3VGC       EA3NI         OH0MDR       OH1MDR        YB1XUR       EA5KB    
EI/IK0XBX    IK0XBX        OH9/F5YJ/P   F5YJ          YB9AS        YB9BON   
EI3SPD       EI3AK         OJ0/KF7PO    AH0W          YB9BV        K7BV     
EI4VSN       N9TGR         OJ0/N7BG     AH0W          YI1AK        KC5HWR   
EJ/IK0XBX    IK0XBX        OY/N5NZO     F5NZO         YI9HW        HA0HW    
EJ2I         EI5HD         OZ/DL2JRM    DL2JRM        YJ8AS        XE1MD    
EK8DX        EK8DX         OZ/F5YJ/P    F5YJ          YM2ZM        OK1DTP   
EK8ZZ        DL1VJ         P4/KI7LC     W7WW          YN2OM        TI2OHL   
EL2AB        IK0PHY        P40Z         K7BV          YQ2O         YO2BV    
EP2EXX       K1VV          PA/F5KBF     F5NZO         YS9YS        KK8K     
ER0PC        K4PC          PI4SHB       OE3XBR        YU4BO        SM7VZX   
ER5WU        W3HNK         PJ2MI        W2CQ          YV1DIG       YV1AVO   
ES1QD/0      ES1QD         PJ5HP        JA1OEM        Z37FCA       KM6ON    
EU1AA        PA3BFM        PJ8/K1NA     K1NA          ZB2AAA       HB9AAA   
EW6WF        EU6DX         PJ8LF        PY2VA         ZB2BJ        CT1CAD   
EX2M         HH2HM         PS1ZZ        PY1NEZ        ZD860CC      G0DEZ    
EY3M         K1BV          PT7BR        PT7BR         ZD8CJK       KF4OOX   
EY8RR        N7RR          PW2P         PT2NP         ZD8T         AC4IV    
F/EA3NY      EA5OL         PY1ZFO       W9VA          ZF1RY        W6/G0AZT 
F/G0GRC      G0GRC         R1ANZ        RU1ZC         ZL4WA        ZL4WA    
F/G8MBI      G4RGK         R3RRC        RW3GW         ZW0Z         PY1NEZ   
F/LX8RBJ     LX2AA         R3RRC/3      RW3GW         ZY6XC        PY7XC 
S DX@WW $425WW332E
425 DX News #332 [5/6]
 13 September 1997                 No 332                   BID: $425WW332E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                             FEA AWARD - SPANISH
                              LIGHTHOUSES AWARD
U.R.E. Local Branch of Paterna (Valencia), willing to promote ham  radio and
specially the operations from Spanish Lighthouses, has created the FEA AWARD
(SPANISH LIGHTHOUSES AWARD),which can be obtained according to the following
 1. This Award is available to all licensed amateurs and SWL worldwide.
 2. All contacts must be done after January 1, 1988. ONLY CONTACTS WITH
 3. Cross-mode and cross-band (except satellite) contacts are not allowed.
 4. Each DIFFERENT Spanish Lighthouse confirmed will credit ONE point.
    Each Lighthouse can be only contacted once, regardless of band or mode.
    According to the applicant's WAZ Zone, a minimum number of points must
    be credited: 
    4.1. Spanish Stations: 50 points. 
    4.2. Stations from Zones 14, 15, 16, 20 and 33 : 45 points. 
    4.3. Stations from Zones 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 34, 35,
         36, 37 and 40 : 35 points. 
    4.4. Stations from all other Zones: 30 points. 
 5. ENDORSEMENTS can be claimed after contacting 100, 150 and 200 Lighthouses
    From 200 on, endorsements will be credited for each 5 new Lighthouses
 6. Contacts made between two stations located in the same Lighthouse will be
    valid for the Award.
 7. Contacts made with and from licensed portable and mobile stations will be
 8. The Lighthouse station must be land-based, and located inside a maximum
    radius of 50 meters from the Lighthouse buildings or its private surroun-
    ding area. Therefore, contacts with stations such as ships at sea, aero-
    nautical mobile, etc., are not acceptable.
 9. QSL cards (or Certified List by an authorized Checkpoint) must be send
    with the application which will contain complete details of the confirmed
    contacts. Any altered or forged confirmation submitted may result in
    permanent disqualification.
10. The fee for Award and Endorsements is: 
    Spanish Stations 2.000'- pts. (Award); 100 pts. (Endorsements)
    Non-Spanish Stations 15 $ USA or 20 IRC (Award); 2 $ USA or 3 IRC (Endors.)
    When applying for endorsements a self-adressed envelope must be included.
    THE AWARD IS A FULL COLOURED METALLIC PLATE, ready to be mounted on wood. 
    The Award Manager appointed by the URE Paterna Branch is:
    EA5OL, FRANCISCO GIL GUERRERO, P.O.Box 8176, 46080 Valencia, Spain 
                               RELEASED  AWARDS
 1   EA3KB      16  EA5KY      31  EA5JC      46  EA7HCZ     61  CT1ELF
 2   EA5KB      17  EA7JB      32  EA5AEI     47  EA2AOL     62  EA-1565-URE
 3   EA5OL      18  ON5KL      33  EA1JW      48  EA7HBC     63  EA8KL
 4   EA5RC      19  EA9PB      34  EA5CRA     49  IK1GPG     64  EA8KG
 5   EA8AKN     20  EA9PD      35  EA3EYR     50  EA5MB      65  EA8PY
 6   EA7BR      21  EA7CYS     36  EA5FGK     51  EA5TT      66  EA1DFP
 7   EA6BE      22  EA7BF      37  EA5GNT     52  EA5YJ      67  EA1FEA
 8   EA7OH      23  EA5AT      38  EA8AG      53  CT1AHU     68  EA-1701-URE
 9   EA5BD      24  CT4UW      39  EA4ENT     54  EA1FBE     69  EA4CAZ
 10  EA7ABW     25  CT4IC      40  F5XL       55  EA7COT     70  EA1FY
 11  EA7CIW     26  EA7FQS     41  EA7HDO     56  EA8KJ      71  EA1AGZ
 12  EA9TQ      27  EA3BT      42  EA4GZ      57  CT1BSC     72  EA5DMU
 13  EA8KK      28  EA7ABL     43  EA1BEY     58  EA1BT
 14  EA5AEN     29  EA5BHK     44  EA7CWV     59  EA1EAU
 15  EA4CBA     30  EA2CMU     45  EA5GMB     60  EA8KV
S DX@WW $425WW332F
425 DX News #332 [6/6]
 13 September 1997                 No 332                   BID: $425WW332F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ********  U.I.A. **********

The following update (Dnipro River islands) has been edited by UY5XE.

DN-07 - Lenin i.
DN-08 - Tavolzhanskyi i.
DN-09 - Kozlov i.
DN-10 - Velykyi Markhotet i.
DN-11 - Kajdachok i.
DN-12 - Kamianuvatyi i.
DN-13 - Starukha i.
DN-14 - Shevski is.
DN-15 - Komsomolskyi i.
DN-16 - Zelenyi i.(Dnipropetrovsk)
DN-17 - Bezimennyi i.
DN-18 - Horilyi i.
DN-19 - Obukhivskyi i.
DN-20 - Divochyi i.
DN-21 - Kamianystyi i.
DN-22 - Kriachynyi i.
DN-23 - Pohorilyi i.
DN-24 - Zelenyi i.(Dniprodzerzhynsk)
DN-25 - Anhelina i.
DN-26 - Horodok i.
DN-27 - Novoriazhski Kuchuhury i.
DN-28 - Vyshniaky i.
DN-29 - Sviata Kosa i.
DN-30 - Moskal i.
DN-31 - Baidak i.
DN-32 - Zasukha i.
DN-33 - Velykyi Kriachok i.
DN-34 - Kriachkovskyi i.
DN-35 - Durnyi Kut i.
DN-36 - Striletskyi i.
DN-37 - Shalomai i.
DN-38 - Dynky i.
DN-39 - Zelenyi i.(Kremenchuk)
DN-40 - Kriachyna i.
DN-41 - Didok i.
DN-42 - Lypivski is.
DN-43 - Zhovnino i.
DN-44 - Veremiyevskyi i.
DN-45 - Halytskyi i.
DN-46 - Kulishevskyi i.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
IK7AFM, IK8CJP,  IK8WEJ, Brescia    DX Group,  Crazy  DX Group,  Delta  Mike,
Diamond  DX  Club, Roman DX  Group, Salento DX  Team, CO8TW, CT1EGH,  CT1EEB,
DX-NL,  DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG,  OPDX,  PY-DX, QRZ-DX,  The  59(9)  DX Report, The
Daily DX, URE-EA-DX,  VK2SG  RTTY Notes.

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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