DX425 bulletin issue nr. 331

S DX@WW $425WW331A
425 DX News #331 [1/6]
 6 September 1997                  No 331                  BID: $425WW331A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2_fij- Ron, ZL1AMO was  active from Japan  as 7J1YAJ (QSL  via JH1AJT)  and
         will be active again from Fiji as 3D2RW starting on this weekend.
3W     - JA2EZD/XW2A [425DXN 322 and 325], JI6KVR, 7L1MFS and JR2KDN will  be
         active  from  Con  Island  (AS-???)  between  14  and  20   October,
         callsign(s) and QSL route  to be announced.  The Daily reports  that
         Mr. Bac-Al, 3W6AR, the Vice President of the Vietnam Bureau may also
         be joining the group.
3X     - The DX News Sheet reports that Tony, 3X1EO is currently active  (CW)
         from Guinea. QSL via EA1EZU.
5H     - The OPDX  Bulletin reports  that Harald,  DL7VSN  will be  5H/  from
         Uroa/Zanzibar (AF-032) between 7 and 27  September. Harald plans  to
         be active on 80-10 metres (mostly  CW), possibly on 160 metres.  QSL
         via  bureau  to   DL7VSN.  Harald's  logs   will  be  available   at
5X     - Paul, 5X4F  has not  given up  160 metres  and says  he "will  start
         listening 30 minutes before sunrise after September 9th. Sunrise  is
         approximately 03.50 on  the 9th and  03.46 on the  30th". His  usual
         frequency is 1.824 MHz. He  is expected to  go QRT in  mid-Octopber.
         QSL via K3SW.
8Q     - Roberto, EA4DX reports  that he will  be active  (10-80 metres  SSB,
         with special attention to 12 and  17 metres) from Maldives  (AS-013)
         as 8Q7XX from 9 to 21 September. QSL via home call.
8R     - YL operator Tere,  8R1ASF (ex XE1ASF  and YJ8AS) is  reported to  be
         active from Guyana for the next two years. QSL via XE1MD.
9K     - Edin, T97M  will  participate  in  the  CQ  WW  CW  Contest  (Single
         Operator, 20 metres) as 9K2GS. Before  the contest he expects to  be
         active on all HF bands for one week from Abdullah's (9K2GS)  signing
9M6    - Phil, VR2CT (ex VS6CT) will be active as 9M6CT from 20 October to 16
         November. He will participate in the CQ WW SSB Contest.
A4     - Chris, SP5EXA (ex  A71CW) will be  back to Oman  [425DXN 321] on  11
         September. He  will  be active  for  five years,  but  he  is  still
         awaiting a licence.
A4     - The Royal Omani  Amateur Radio  Society (ROARS)  will celebrate  its
         25th anniversary between 1 October and  31 December. Omani  amateurs
         will add a /SJ (Silver  Jubilee) to their  calls. The special  event
         station A43XXV will be active from 17 to 21 December.
A4     - Chris, A45XL. located  on Masirah Island  (AS-014), will  go QRT  in
         October and return to the UK.
A6     - The Daily DX reports that David,  K3LP will be active (All bands  CW
         and SSB) as A61AJ from 22 November  to 2 December, CQ WW CW  Contest
         included. QSL for this operation only to K3LP (ex AA6DC).
C6     - Lluis (EA3ELM) and Jon (EA2KL) will be C6A/ (all bands, SSB and  CW)
         from Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas between 1 and 18 November. QSL via home
CY0    - The DX News Sheet reports that Alex, VE3PIG will be active (160,  15
         and 20  metres SSB)  from Sable  Island (NA-063)  between 8  and  12
         September (callsign not given).  QSL to home-call.
DL     - Tom, DL8AAM reports that Uwe, DL9GOA will be active (SSB and CW)  as
         either DL9GOA/p or DA0ISL from Faehrinsel Island (EU-057, DIA O-016)
         between 2 and 5 October.
DU     - The DX News Letter reports that Moni, WH6DAG/DU1 and Mike, AH6OM/DU1
         will be active from Mindoro Island (OC-042) until 17 September.  QSL
         via DL2SEK.
EA     - Pepe, EA5KB  reports that  the station  ED1IVT will  be active  from
         Vionta Island (DIE  O-052), in  the Salvora  group (EU-077)  between
         either 12-14 or 19-21 September.
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EA9    - Amateurs in Melilla  are allowed to  use the special  prefic AM9  to
         celebrate  the  500th  anniversary  of  the  town.  QSL  via   their
         respective EA9 home calls.
EI     - Dick, G3PFS (SSB) and David, G6QQ  (CW) will be EJ/ from Cape  Clear
         Island (EU-121) between 3 and 10 October. QSL via home-calls.
FH     - The OPDX Bulletin  reports that  Hermann, DJ2BW  and Margot,  DL2DK,
         will be FH/  from Mayotte (AF-027)  between 9 and  22 October.  They
         will be active  on all bands  from 160-10 metres,  mostly on CW  and
         RTTY, with special attention for the low bands.
FS     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Eddie, EA3NY will participate in  the
         CQ WW RTTY Contest from Saint Martin (NA-105) as FS5PL.
FS     - AA4NC, FS5PL, K9NW, K9PG and K9VV will participate int he CQ WW  SSB
         Contest as FS5PL from Saint Martin (NA-105). QSL via N0JT.
FW     - The Daily DX reports that Marcel, ON4QM will be active (10-40 metres
         SSB)  from  Wallis  Island  (OC-054)  starting  8  September   until
         mid-November. He hopes  to operate from  Futuna Island (OC-118)  for
         one week.  QSL via ON4QM.
GM     - GM3BQA, GM4YMM and GM0AXY will be  active (weather permitting) on  7
         September for 6-7 hours from Inchkeith Island (EU-123).
HK0_sa - Pedro, HK3JJH has been reported to be active from San Andres  Island
         (NA-033) on 25 September. He is also planning another activity  from
         NA-132 (Bajo Nuevo  and Serranilla  Bank Cays)  and NA-133  (Serrana
         Bank and  Roncador Cays)  which should  take place  possibly  around
HP     - HP2CTM, HP2CWB, HP2DFU,  HP2ECP, HP2JDS  and HP2IFA  will be  active
         (10-40 metres, SSB and CW) as H97D (Darien Province, HP7) on 6 and 7
         September. QSL direct to HP2CWB's *new* maildrop address (please  do
         not send  US stamps):  Jet Express  International, Jose  Ng/PTY-201,
         2509-A NW 72nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33122, USA.
HS     - The Daily DX reports that Fred,  K3ZO will be active (mostly on  CW,
         with special attention  for US) from  Thailand between 14  September
         and 6 October. He will be using his HS0ZAR call from a club station.
         He will not be allowed to  operate on 160 & 80  metres and the  WARC
         bands. QSL via K3ZO either direct or through the bureau.
HV     - Thanks to the  efforts of IK0FVC  and I0JBL, HV4NAC  will be  active
         during the CQ WW  RTTY Contest (27-28  September).  Other  operators
         include W6OTC, K6AW  and W6OSP.   Before the contest  they might  be
         active on CW and SSB as time permits.
I      - Enrico, IT9AXZ and Nando,  IT9YRE have been  forced to cancel  their
         planned trip from Eolie Islands [425DXN 330].
I      - IK3GES, IK2ILH  and IK2MRZ  will be  IL3/ [425DXN  330] from  Basson
         Island (IIA RO-021) during the weekend.
I      - Antonello, IK2DUW  and Michele,  IK2GPQ will  be  IA1/ from  an  IIA
         island in La Spezia province.
I      - IT9GNG , IT9FXY, IT9HBT and IT9WKH  will be IF9/ during the  weekend
         with one station  from Levanzo Island  (EU-054, IIA TP-009)  [425DXN
         323] and a second station from  Il Faraglione (EU-054, IIA  TP-013).
         QSL via IT9FXY.
I      - IK8WEJ, IZ8BGY  and  IZ8AZV should  be  active from  Cirella  Island
         (EU-144, IIA CS-001)  on 6 September.  Between 15  September and  20
         October they  also  plan to  be  active  (weather  permitting)  from
         Scoglio Coreca (IIA CS-004), Scogli  Formicola (IIA CS-003),  Scogli
         Isca (IIA CS-006) and Scoglio Cervaro (IIA CS-005).
I      - Vincenzo (IK1YEK),  Mauro (I1WNB)  and Sergio  (IK1RAR) plan  to  be
         active from I Pagliai (IIA SV-003) on either 14 or 20-21 September.
I      - IK8VRH, IK8UHA and IK8MVB  will be IC8/  from Scoglio della  Badessa
         (IIA NA-041) on 14 September.
I      - Special station IY1EY will be  active (all bands  SSB, CW and  RTTY)
         from 20 to  28 September to  celebrate the radioeletric  experiments
         made by Guglielmo Marconi  from his ship  "Elettra" in the  Ligurian
         Sea between 1919 and 1936. QSL via IK1QBT either direct (Tony Gallo,
         Via Capo S.Spirito 1/16, 17020 Borghetto  S.Spirito - SV, Italy)  or
         through the bureau.
J2     - Dominique, J28YC  and  others will  be  J28YC/P from  Moucha  island
         (AF-053) until 6 September in the afternoon. They are active on  all
         bands, WARC excluded, on SSB. QSL via F6EJI.
KG4    - KG4AU, KG4WD, KG4GC (QSL via W4WX), KG4MN (QSL via WB2YQH) and KG4CM
         (QSL via N5FTR)  will participate  in the  CQ WW  RTTY Contest  from
         Guantanamo Bay  (NA-015) as  KG4GC. Outside  the contest  they  will
         operate SSB and RTTY from multiple stations.
KH3    - The Daily DX  reports that  Al, KK5ZX  [425DXN 330]  has arrived  to
         Johnston, but "it  appears that he  has been told  that he does  not
         have the proper paperwork  needed to operate  the club station".  Al
         should be back on Johnston in February 1998 and now "knows what  has
         to be done in order to operate".
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KH6    - Aki, JA5DQH might be active as either KH7A and/or KH6FOC between  11
         and 22 September. QSL via home-call.
KH7K   - Frank Smith, AH0W/OH2LVG confirms that the Midway/Kure DX Foundation
         DXpedition to  Kure  [425DXN 329]  will  be QRV  from  26  September
         through 4 October. The final list of operators include KH7U,  UA3AB,
         AH0W/OH2LVG, SM0AGD, W0MY, K0EU, JA3IG/K1NT and  N9NS. This will  be
         all-band, all-mode with four HF stations operating continuously with
         much emphasis on working Europe and Africa. QSL via KE7LZ.
S9     - Hugo, HB9AFH will be active as  S92AF from 17  to 30 September.  QSL
         via home-call.
SP     - Holger, DL7IO and others will be active (with two rigs on all bands)
         as SO5OE/1 from Wolin Island (EU-132)  from 3 to 6 October. QSL  via
SV9    - Drew, GM3YOR will  be SV9/ (at  05.00, 14.00  and 21.00  UTC on  CW,
         mainly WARC bands) from  Crete (EU-015) between  23 September and  7
T30    - The DX News Sheet reports that Steve, 3D2SJ is currently active from
         West Kiribati (OC-017) as T30NAS. QSL to Steve, Box 1354, Suva, Fiji
T32    - Tuck, KH6DFW is active (20, 40 and  80 metres, CW and SSB) as  T32BI
         from Christmas Island  (OC-024), East Kiribati  until 10  September.
         QSL via KH6DFW.
TA     - Gus, DJ8QP will be active as TA0/DJ8QP/p from Alibey Island (AS-099)
         during the weekend.
TI     - K9VV and K6CT will participate in the CQ WW CW Contest as TI5KD from
         Costa Rica.
TT     - The Daily DX reports that John,  WB4MBU/TT8JFC [425DXN 328 and  330]
         will  be  back  in  Chad   on  6  or   7  September:  "neither   Jim
         [WA4KKY/TT8JWM] nor John can operate any digital modes at this time,
         however when  John gets  back in  country he  plans to  sort  things
         through his  government  contacts.    He  does  plan  to  take  RTTY
         equipment in with him on this next trip".
V2     - Frankford Radio Club's Team Antigua will participate again in the CQ
         WW SSB Contest as V26B. The following operators will be active  (CW,
         SSB and RTTY on all bands,  WARC included) with  their own V2  calls
         from 22 to 27 October (QSL  via home-calls): WT3Q as V26B, W2UDT  as
         V26U, K3MM as  V26TS, N2SR as  V26SR, N2TK as  V26AK, AB2E as  V26E,
         K5NJ as V26RN, KA2AEV as V26R, WX0B as V26?? (call to be issued) and
         W3FV as V26?? (ditto).
V4     - Alex, W2OX will  participate in the  CQ WW  SSB and  CW Contests  as
         V47KP. He will be on NA-104  between 16 and 28  October for the  SSB
         event and between 26 November and 2 december for the CW one.  Before
         the contests he will operate on 160 and 80 metres. QSL via K2SB.
VE     - Jim, K9PPY will be  active as K9PPY/VE3  from several CISA  Canadian
         islands (there  is a  possibility of  ten new  islands, weather  and
         bands conditions permitting) between 6 and 12 September.
VK     - The Daily DX reports that VK7AN  and VK7BE will  be active as  VK7FI
         from Finders Island  (OC-195) on  17 and  18 October.  QSL via  each
         operator's home-call.
W      - The OH-KY-IN ARS will  be active as  K8SCH/4 from Sullivan's  Island
         (NA-110) from 25 and 28 September. QSL via K8SCH.
W      - Don, AA5AT and Abner, WN5W plan to be active again from Marsh Island
         (NA-120) during  the  first  week  of  October.  They  will  try  to
         concentrate on  Europe, as  conditions were  bad during  their  last
         visit [425DXN 323].
XE     - Gary, K4MQG will be XE3/ from  Cozumel Island (NA-090) from 6 to  12
         September. QSL via home call.
XU     - The Daily DX reports that  Yoh, 7L1MFS and  Hiroo, JA2EZD should  be
         active (all bands CW, SSB and RTTY) from Kampuchea as XU2C (QSL  via
         home call)  and XU2A  (QSL  via XW2A)  respectively  from 13  to  15
YB     - The special event station YE8Q will be active (10-80 metres, CW  and
         SSB) from Sulawesi (OC-146) from 00.00 UTC on 19 September to  23.59
         UTC  on  21  September.  QSL  via  YB8QD  (Box  198,  Manado,  95001
YK     - Omar, YK1AO  has been  granted permission  to  operate on  6  metres
         between 50 and 54 MHz. He should be active from early 1998.
ZK1_nc - ZK1XXP (the Dateline DX Association's  DXpedition to Penrhyn  Atoll,
         OC-082) [425DXN 323] will be active  from 20 to 27 September on  the
         following frequencies: 1.832, 3.505, 7.005, 10.105, 14.020,  18.070,
         21.020, 24.895  and  28.005 MHz  CW;  1.840, 3.795,  7.065,  14.195,
         18.140, 21.295, 24.945  and 28.495  MHz SSB;  3.580, 7.085,  14.080,
         18.110, 21.080 and 28.080 MHz RTTY. Give a look to their web page at
ZL7    - The Daily DX reports that ZL2AL,  ZL2AS, ZL2GI (XYL), ZL2HU,  ZL2LF,
         ZL2RR and ZL2TT will be active (10-160 metres) as ZL7AA from Chatham
         Islands (OC-038) between 21 and 28 October. They will participate in
         the CQ WW SSB Contest.
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

BEACONS ---> Martin Harrison, G3USF (IARU HF beacon coordinator) reports that
the ZL6B beacon  is now  operational in  the NCDXF/IBP  worldwide network  on
14.100, 18.110, 21.150, 24.930  and 28.200 MHz.  Located near Masterton,  New
Zealand, it  runs  100 watts,  stepping  down to  100mw.  5Z4B is  once  more
operational  on  the  same  frequencies.  4X6TU  remains  off  the  air  with
transmitter problems. Subject to that, 16  of the planned  18 beacons in  the
worldwide network are now in place.

DXCC PROCESSING  STATUS --->  The DXCC  announced on  3 September  that  "the
number of unprocessed applications at the end of August 1997 was 245  (33,621
QSLs).  They received 233 applications (15,244 QSLs) for endorsements and new
awards during the month.  This  compares with 285 applications (27,725  QSLs)
for July and  352 applications (26,602  QSLs) for June.   Applications  being
sent out at the end of August were received about three weeks earlier.  A few
applications received  prior  to that  time  were in  the  process  of  being
audited, and so had not yet been completed".

LOGS ON LINE ---> Alex, PA3DMH reports that the full J6/PA3BBP, J6/PA3ERC and
J6/PA3EWP  logs  [425DXN 327]  are now available at <http://www.igr.nl/users/
pa3dmh/tour1997.html>. The team has now moved to Tobago (9Y4). QSL via PA3ERC
either direct (Rob  Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat  137, 2273  VS, Voorburg,  The
Netherlands) or through the bureau.

NH4/NH6YK ---> Ted, NH6YK reports that during his recent activity from Midway
[425DXN 322]  he was  active on  10 metres  SSB, 15  and  40 metres  CW,  but
"conditions on the  bands I'm  allowed on  were poor  to say  the least".  He
worked stations located in 3D2, 9M2, DU, HS,  JA, KH6, KL7, LU, V73, VE,  VK,
W, XE, YB. QSL via NH6YK.

ROARS SILVER JUBILEE AWARD ---> It will be issued to those amateurs who get 5
points working the special event station A43XXV (3 points), the club stations
A47RS/SJ and A47OS/SJ (2 points each)  and the other /SJ individual  stations
(1 point  each)  between 1  October  and 31  December  1997 (see  A4  above).
Contacts with the same station on different bands or mode double the  points.
Send a certified log with  10 IRCs or  US$ 5 to:  The Awards Manager,  ROARS,
P.O.Box 981, Muscat 113, Sultanate of Oman.

QSL 6W1AE ---> Didier Senmartin, F5OGL is the only operator at military  club
station 6W1AE.  The QSL  manager is  *not* F5THR:  QSLs should  be  requested
either direct (23eme BIMa Radio Club  Station, P.O Box 3013, Dakar,  Senegal)
or through the bureau.

QSL EK6DO ---> With immediate effect,  Phil Finkle, K6EID is the QSL  manager
for Arik, EK6DO.

QSL IK8TWP ---> Mimmo, IK8TWP reports that QSL cards for his present and past
IIA operations  are to  be requested  via home  call  either direct  (CBA  or
Domenico Ganci, Via N.Cortese 4, 80026  Casoria - NA,  Italy) or through  the

QSL IK8VRH --->  IK8VRH reports that  the QSL  cards for  his IIA  operations
(IJ7/, IL7/ and IC8/) will be mailed with 10 October. Direct requests  should
be sent to his *new*  address (P.O. Box  173. 80016 Marano  - NA, Italy)  and
bureau cards may be requested via e-mail (offinf@napoli.peoples.it).

QSL UA0AGI --->  Vladimir's (UA0AGI, also  RP9BAC, R0PK)  correct address  is
Vladimir Simonchuk, Box 8662, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia.

QSL TT8JWM  --->  Jim, WA4KKY/TT8JWM  asks  QSLs to  be  sent direct  to  Jim
Menefee, 822 Orangewood Road, Jacksonville, FL 32259, USA.

QSL VK9WY, VK9WM  & VK4YN --->  QSL cards for  the forthcoming Willis  Island
(VK9WY and VK9WM) and Holmes  Reefs (VK4YN) DXpedition  [425DXN 327 and  330]
will be handled by  Bill Horner, VK4FW.  Cards may be  sent either direct  or
through the bureau.
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QSL VK0TS  ---> QSL  manager VK1AUS  (Simon Trotter,  P.O. Box  2063,  Kambah
Village, ACT 2902,  Australia) reports the  cards for  Tom, VK0TS  (Macquarie
Island) are being printed. He expects to start answering requests in three or
four weeks. 

QSL ON LINE  ---> The following  has been  received from  Goran, SM0DRD:  "An
interesting idea is  developing at SK0UX.  You may search  our logs for  your
QSOs and then download QSLs immediately to your home printer. The QSL  Server
is already  operational. We  believe this  is a  first  and the  concept  has
already generated a lot of interest.  The potential savings are enormous.  We
have already received requests  from hams who  want to set  up their own  QSL
Servers and have  one beta tester  working on it.  Other special event  calls
which we have used are SK0HQ and SK0RQ and their QSLs as well as club members
are also available.  During the  CQ WW  CW in  November, we  will field  test
making QSLs from our expedition to Cuba (T48RCT) [425DXN 327, ed.]  available
within hours  after  your contact!    [...] Check  it  out  for  yourself  at
<http://ham.te.hik.se/clubs/sk0ux>. The QSLs are typografically the same as a
'snail-mailed' card and may have pictures. [...] Comments and suggestions are
very welcome since  new possibilities are  developing almost  daily, mail  to

QSL VIA K2PF --->K2PF is the QSL manager for T9A, T93M, T95A, T97M, T94DD and

QSL VIA YU4WU ---> Robert, YU4WU is  the QSL manager for 4N4I, 4N4AE,  4N4GD,
4N7M, 4O4BYZ, 4O4EBL, 4O4FM, 4O0SRBH, 4O4SRBIH,  4O4WCY, 4O4YL, 4O4ZX,  409S,
YU4ZX, YU8YL, YZ4BYZ, YZ4DAM, YZ4EE, YZ4GD,  YZ4I. QSL either direct  (Robert
Babec, P.O. Box 224, YU-78001 Banja Luka, R.S. via Yugoslavia) or through the

QSL received via direct: 3A/IK1CJO, 3A/IK1QBT, JF1IST/7J (Okino Tori-shima  -
AS-052),  5R8FK,  9M8QQ  (OC-165),  BD7YA  (AS-094),  BS7H,  FT5ZG,  HP1XBI/4
(NA-088),  ID8/IK2DUW  (IIA  CS-006),  ID8/IK8YFU  (IIA  RC-002),  ID9/IK2DUW
(EU-017; IIA  ME-015),  IJ7/IK7JWX (IIA  LE-014,  015),  IJ7/IK7VJX  (EU-091;
LE-001), IK3TTY/P  (EU-131;  IIA VE-42),  IK3BPN/IL3  (EU-131;  IIA  VE-055),
IL3/IK2MRZ (IIA  RO-018), IL3/IK2PZG  (EU-131; IIA  VE-002, 047),  IL4/IK2PZG
(IIA FE-004), IL4/IK2XDE  (IIA FE-005), IL4/IK2XDF  (IIA FE-005),  IL4/IK4HPU
(IIA FE-004), IL7/IK7JWX  (IIA LE-031,  034), IJ7/IK7TAJ  (IIA LE-014,  034),
IM0/IS0BDF (IIA  OR-03),  IM0/IS0VBH (EU-165;  NU-001),  IP1/IK1QBT  (EU-083;
IIA-SV-001), TS8ZA, V51Z, N6VV/VE7 (NA-051), VP5JM, XT2DB, YC8YZ/p  (OC-222),
ZW6C (SA-062).

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
I5FLN, IK7AFM,  IK8CJP, IK8TWP,  IK8VRH, IK8WEJ,  IT9HLR, Brescia  DX  Group,
Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team,
OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY

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S DX@WW $425WW331F
425 DX News #331 [6/6]
 6 September 1997                  No 331                  BID: $425WW331F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  07/09      5A28A * by OE team                                     323
till  Dec        9X/RW3AH.                                              327
till  11/09      9Y: Tobago (SA-009) * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP        327
till  11/09      BT1IARU: Beijing * special evet call (IARU Conference) 327
till  15/09      CU2 * by DL3KDV & DL4XS                                329
till  17/09      DU1: Mindoro Isl. (OC-042) * by WH6DAG & AH6OM         331
till  09/09      IA5/I5RFD: Capraia Isl. (EU-028) (IIA LI-020)          329
till  08/09      IF9: Il Faraglione (EU-054) (IIA TP-013) * by IT9 team 331
till  08/09      IF9: Levanzo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-009) * by IT9 team  331
till  06/09      J28YC/p: Moucha Isl. (AF-053)                          331
till  September  JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima                           326
till  15/09      PR5L: Sao Francisco Isl. (SA-027) (DIB 08) * by PP5LL  328
till  10/09      T32BI * by KH6DFW                                      331
till  07/09      TA0/DJ8QP/p: Alibey Isl. (AS-099)                      331
till  20/09      TY1IJ * by D4IJ                                        320
06/09-07/09      EA9: Muralla Real (CCE-049) * by EA5RD & EA5ND         329
06/09-07/09      H97D * by HP2CWB's team                                331
06/08            ID8: Cirella Isl. (EU-144; IIA CS-001) * IK8WEJ's team 331
06/09-07/09      IL3: Basson Isl.(IIA RO-021) by IK2ILH, IK2MRZ, IK3GES 331
06/09-07/09      JH3DYG/1: Niijima Isl. (AS-008)                        325
06/09-12/09      K9PPY/VE3: CISA                                        331
06/09-12/09      VK6ISL: Rottnest Isl. (OC-164) * VK6LC                 329
06/09            W4MT: special event station                            327
06/09-12/09      XE3/K4MGQ: Cozumel Isl. (NA-090)                       331
06/09-07/09      All Asian DX SSB Contest                               ***
07/09-27/09      5H: Zanzibar Isl. (AF-032) * by DL7VSN                 331
07/09            GM: Inchkeith Isl. (EU-123) by GM03BQA, GM4YMM, GM0AXY 331
07/09            IA1: IIA * by IK2DUW & IK2GPQ                          331
07/09            IJ7: Isola Cuccio (IIA LE-018) * by Salento DX Team    329
07/09            IJ7: Isola degli Scheletri (IIA LE-016)                329
07/09            IJ7: Isola della Malva (IIA LE-003) by Salento DX Team 329
08/09-12/09      CY0: Sable * by VE3PIG                                 331
08/09-mid Nov    FW: Wallis Is. (OC-054) * by ON4QM                     331
08/09-18/09      R9KM: Belyy Isl. (AS-083) * by UA9KM's team            329
09/09-12/09      8Q7XX * by EA4DX                                       331
11/09-??         4F2DX: Palawan Is. (OC-128) * by PA3CSR                329
11/09-22/09      KH7A and/or KH6FOC * by JA5DQH                         331
11/09-21/09      VK9WY & VK9WM: Willis * by Oceania DX Group            315
12/09-22/09      CY9DX: St. Paul Isl. * by VA3RU & HA5JI                325
12/09-14/09      ED1IVT: Vionta Isl. (EU-077; DIE O-052)                331
12/09-16/09      KH0/JH6VLF & AH0R                                      325
13-09-15/09      JA: Oki Arch. (AS-041) * by JA4DND's team              329
13/09-14/09      VK2IOM: Montague Isl. (OC-???) * by JARA               329
13/09-??         XU2C * by 7L1MFS                                       331
13/09-14/09      European HF SSB Championship Contest                   ***
14/09-06/10      HS0ZAR * by K3ZO                                       331
14/09            IA1: Scogli I Pagliai (IIA SV-003) * by I1WNB, IK1YEK  331
14/09            IC8: Scoglio della Badessa (IIA NA-041) * by IK8VRH    331
15/09-??         XU2A * by JA2EZD                                       331
16/09-22/09      5H3/G3SWH; between                                     329
17/09-30/09      S92AF * by HB9AFH                                      331
19/09-21/09      YE8Q: Salawesi Isl. (OC-146)                           331
20/09-28/09      IY1EY: Loano * special event station                   331
20/09-27/09      ZK1XXP: Penrhyn Atoll (OC-082) by The Dateline DX Ass  331
20/09-21/09      Nantes: The Clipperton DX Club Intern. DX Convention   318
20/09-21/09      Scandinavian activity CW Contest                       ***
21/09            IJ7: Scogli Guaceto (IIA BR-003) * by Salento DX Team  329
22/09-29/09      5H1/G3SWH: Zanzibar Isl. (AF-032)                      329
23/09-07/10      SV9/GM3YOR                                             331
24/09-30/09      P40TT * by WF1B                                        329
25/09            HK0: San Andres Isl. * by HK3JJH                       331
25/-09-28/09     K8SCH/4: Sullivan's Isl. (NA-110)                      331
25/09-06/10      VP9 * by K1EFI                                         329
26/09-03/10      KH7K * by The Midway-Kure DX Foundation                331
27/09-28/09      FS * by EA3NY                                          331
27/09-28/09      GU3HFN * by BARTG                                      319
27/09-28/09      HV4NAC                                                 331
27/09-28/09      HZ1AB                                                  329
27/09-28/09      KG4GC * by KG4s                                        331
27/09-28/09      Windsor: RSGB HF & IOTA Convention                     ***
27/09-28/09      CQ WW DX RTTY Contest                                  ***
27/09-28/09      Scandinavian activity SSB Contest                      ***
28/09            IJ7: Isolotto San Pietro (IIA BA-004)                  329
30/09-07/10      GB0LI: Lundy Is. (EU-120) * by G3WNI & G0PSE           327
September        3D2RW: Fiji * by ZL1AMO                                331
September        9M8QQ: Pulau Satang Besar Isl. (OC-165) * by DF5UG     329
September        9M8QQ: Pulau Satang Kecil Isl. (OC-165) * by DF5UG     329
September-Oct    ID8: Scoglio Cervaro (IIA CS-005) * IK8WEJ's team      331
September-Oct    ID8: Scoglio Coreca (IIA CS-004) * IK8WEJ's team       331
September-Oct    ID8: Scogli Formicola (IIA CS-003) * IK8WEJ's team     331
September-Oct    ID8: Scogli Isca (IIA CS-006) * IK8WEJ's team          331
September        KH4 * by The Midway-Kure DX Foundation                 323
mid September    KL: Amaknak Isl. (NA-059) * by N6JM                    323
late September   VK4YN: Holmes Reefs (NO-REF) * by Oceania DX Group     315
11/10-12/10      Bologna: XIII HF DX Convention * Guglielmo Marconi     ***