DX425 bulletin issue nr. 330

S DX@WW $425WW330A
425 DX News #330 [1/4]
 30 August 1997                    No 330                   BID: $425WW330A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

9N     - Rich, 9N1RHM is active again from  Nepal. The DX News Sheet  reports
         that he  will  try to  work  RTTY "on  an  experimental  basis  when
         propagation and local conditions allow". QSL via KV5V.
9X     - Mark, ON4WW/9X4WW [425DXN 311]  went QRT on  19 August after  41,000
         QSOs. QSL via ON5NT.
DL     - Tom, DL1AAA  and his  wife Christiane,  will  be active  (on  3.560,
         7.030, 10.106 and 14.060 MHz +/- QRM) as DL0QRP from several  EU-042
         islands between 30 Augsut and 11 September. QSL via bureau.
EA     - Pepe, EA5KB reports  that EA5RKX (on  23 August) and  EA5CCD (on  24
         August) logged 675 and 366 QSOs  respectively from Escollo del  Moro
         (EU-151). EA5RKX should be active again on 30 (16.00-19.00 UTC)  and
         31 August (05.00-11.00 UTC). QSL via EA5OL.
EA       EA7ATM/P will be active from EU-152 during the weekend. QSL via home
EM_ant - Tony, I2PJA  reports that  EM1HO (Vernadsky  Base, Galindez  Island,
         AN-006) will be QRV on  1.827 MHz CW  at 4 UTC  on 27-29 August  and
         possibly next week as well.
I      - Venice Islanders will  be active  from one  or more  islands in  the
         Venice Lagoon (EU-131) during the weekend.
I      - IV3CII and IV3JWR  will be active  from one or  more islands in  the
         Grado Lagoon (EU-130) during the weekend.
I      - IV3VER will  be active  from Isola  dei Belli  (EU-130, IIA  GO-003)
         during the week end.
I      - Gabriele (IK3GES), Roberto (IK2MRZ) and Maurizio (IK2ILH) plan to be
         IL3/ from IIA islands in Rovigo province on 6-7 September.
I      - Nando, IT9YRE and  Enrico, IT9AXZ will  be ID9/  from Eolie  Islands
         (EU-017) between 30 August and 5 September. QSL via home calls.
I      - Tony, IK1QBT will be active (CW and SSB) as ID9/IK1QBT from  Vulcano
         Island (EU-017, IIA ME-018) and possibly other islands in the  Eolie
         group between 1 and 15  September. QSL via  home call either  direct
         (Tony Gallo, Via  Capo S.Spirito 1/16,  17020 Borghetto S.Spirito  -
         SV, Italy) or through the bureau.
IS0    - IS0NHT will be IM0/ from  the islands of  Faro Vecchio (EU-165,  IIA
         OR-007) or Mal di Ventre (EU-165, IIA OR-001).
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR  will be  active from  Amakus Is.  (AS-012) during  the
         weekend. QSL via EA5KB (JA stations QSL via JJ6LXX).
KH3    - The Daily  DX reports  that Al,  KK5ZX was  scheduled to  leave  for
         Johnston Island  (OC-023) [425DXN  325 and  328]  on 23  August.  Al
         stated that "the absolute earliest he  would be on the air would  be
         28 August and more than likely it would be 1 September".  He will be
         on Johnston until 1 October. QSL via K3SX.
OH     - OH1LU will be active from EU-096  during the week end. QSL via  home
PY     - Jim, PY7XC/6 will be  active as ZY6XC  from Tinhare Island  (SA-080,
         DIB 060) from 30 August  (around 15.00 UTC)  to 1 September  (around
         09.00 UTC). He will operate  on 10-40 metres  and concentrate on  20
         metres around 14.260 MHz +/-  QRM. QSL to  PY7XC (his *new*  address
         is: Jemesson  Faria,  Rua Dhalia  228  Apt 401  B.Viagem,  Recife-PE
         51020-290, Brazil).
TT     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Jim,  TT8/WA4KKY [425DXN 328] is  now
         active as TT8JWM and that  John, TT8/WB4MBU has  also been issued  a
         new Chad callsign (TT8JFC). The DX News Sheet reports that EA2CLU is
         active again as TT8FC (QSL via EA4ASK).
VE     - Sandy, VE7FGY plans to be active  from Pasley Island from 30  August
         to 1 September.  He expects to  be QRV on  or around  14.260 Mhz  at
         20.00 UTC each day. This may be his last time on the island for  the
VK     - Bill Horner, VK4FW reports that  the callsign to  be used on  Holmes
         Reefs [425DXN 327] is VK4YN. QSL direct to VK4FW.
VK9_w  - Bill Horner, VK4FW reports that the callsigns to be used during  the
         forthcoming  operation  from  Willis  Islands  (11-21/22  September)
         [425DXN 327] are VK9WY (YL operators) and VK9WM (OMs). QSL direct to
S DX@WW $425WW330B
425 DX News #330 [2/4]
 30 August 1997                    No 330                   BID: $425WW330B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

VQ9    - The Daily DX reports that Pres, N6SS is active (also on 160  metres)
         from Chagos as VQ9SS until November. QSL via N6SS.
W      - W4/YV5DTA and W4/YV5ENI plan to be active (on 20 metres SSB and  CW)
         from Marco Island  (NA-052) during  the weekend.  QSL via  W4/YV5DTA
         (Steve Morao, 1920 NE 1st  Terr # 104H,  Fort Lauderdale, FL  33305,
         USA). This  operation will  be in  memory of  Micky Delgado,  YV5AIP
W      - The special  event station  NN50CIA  will be  active  from 1  to  30
         September  to  celebrate  the  50th   anniversary  of  the   Central
         Intelligence Agency. QSL via KB4EFP.
YB     - Irianuz, YC9NBR is currently active from Timor Island (OC-148) on 15
         metres (21275 +/-  QRM) around  10-14 UTC.  QSL via  P.O. Box  1021,
         85000 Kupang, Timor, Indonesia.
YB     - The DX  News Sheet  reports that  Chris, YC8SHQ  will be  active  in
         September for  several years  from Yamdena  Island in  the  Tanimbar
         Islands (OC-???).
ZB     - The DX News sheet reportas  that Martyn, G3RFX  will be active  from
         Gibraltar between 3 and 10 September as ZG2FX and between 11 and  16
         September as ZB2FX.  QSL via home call.

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

IL3/DL5MX --->  Recent IIA  activities by  Mike, DL5MX  took place  from  the
following islands:  Ca'  Venier (RO-011,  13  August), Polesine  (RO-003,  13
August), Donzella (RO-001, 16 August), Boccasette  (RO-014, 16 August).  Mike
will confirm all QSOs automatically through the bureau.

QSL EU-011 ---> F6BFH reports to  have sent all the  direct requests for  his
recent operation as G/F6BFH from the Scilly Isles (EU-011).

QSL NA-088  ---> Jean-Michel,  F6AJA  reports to  have  sent all  the  direct
requests for HP1XBI/4 (Bocas del Toro, NA-088).

QSL NA-120 ---> Don, AA5AT and  Abner, WN5W are  still awaiting their  recent
Marsh Island (NA-120) operation [425DXN 323] cards from the printer -  please
do not resubmit QSLs.

QSL 7Z5OO  ---> Art,  N2AU reports  that "effective  immediately, I  will  be
handling the QSLing for 7Z5OO. I have all  the logs from day one to  present.
Mike is shipping me 10,000 cards around  September 1st. I also have logs  and
cards for his  PJ5AA, PJ8H, K3UOC/PJ8  and K3UOC/YV operations.  I have  many
buro cards to answer (4,000) and  they should be finished by  the end of  the

QSL VE8KM --->  Peter, VE8PW reports  that those  who still  need cards  from
VE8KM (NA-006) should QSL to his new call, VE6KCM.

QSL VIA F5NZO ---> Didier, F5NZO  (the QSL manager for FT5XL) volunteers  for
QSL management "for all countries". If  interested, please contact Didier  at

QSL VK0IR  ---> Peter,  ON6TT  reports the  following:  "The VK0IR  QSL  team
confirms that  there  is NO  backlog  of cards  to  be sent.  Apparently  and
unfortunately, some of you are still waiting for your cards. To  shortcircuit
the problem, we  agreed with the  QSLteam on the  following: if  you sent  in
cards for the VK0IR operation and if you are still awaiting your card, please
sent an  e-mail  to K4JDJ  at  <k4jdj@norfolk.infi.net>  with  the  following
details: your call and snail mail  return address, details  for the QSOs  you
await confirmation for (date, time, band, mode, report), date when you mailed
your card to the QSL team. I hope this shows the commitment of the VK0IR team
to finish this operation with the level of  quality as we started it 2  years

QSL WP2Z ---> WP2Z (the Windwood Contest Station on St. Croix, USVI) is  used
by different operators for different contests/vacations and the QSL route for
various dates can  get real confusing.  In an attempt  to solve the  problem,
Larry, KE2VB has asked Steve, KU9C to act as QSL manager for WP2Z and he  has
graciously accepted. Please forward all WP2Z QSL requests to Steve at  either
P.O. Box 5953, Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA or via the bureau.

QSL XT2DB-> QSL manager F5LGQ reports  to have sent  all the direct  requests
for XT2DB.

+ SILENT KEY +  The IOTA community mourns the death of another friend: it was
with the  greatest  sadness that  we  have learnt  of  the passing  of  Micky
Delgado, YV5AIP, who became a SK a couple of months ago after a long illness
S DX@WW $425WW330C
425 DX News #330 [3/4]
 30 August 1997                    No 330                   BID: $425WW330C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ***   Q S L   I N F O   ***

CALL         MANAGER       CALL         MANAGER       CALL         MANAGER
3D2PN        OH5UQ         FH/DJ2BW     DJ2BW         RU0LAX       W3HC   
3E6V         HP2CWB        FH/DL2DK     DL2DK         RX1OX/FJL    DL6YET 
3F6V         HP2CWB        FO0WAE       AA4MW         SO0HWL       G0ZHP  
3Z0AIR       SP6TPM        FP5AA        K2RW          SP2QCW/1     SP2QCW 
3Z0AN        SP7LZD        FP5KE/P      FP5CJ         T32O         WC5P   
4L4CC        RV1CC         FR5DT/E      F6FNU         T48RCT       SK0UX  
4M5LR        WS4E          FR5DT/J      F6FNU         T9DX         DL1FDV 
5H1AX        WB4KAX        FR5KH        F6FNU         TF/LA2IJ     LA2IJ  
5R8DO        F6FNU         FR5KH/J      F6FNU         TJ1HP        F6FNU  
5R8FFK       NY3M          FR5TU        F6FNU         TK/EA2AVM    EA2CAR 
5R8FM        F6FNU         GB0LI        G3WNI         TK5NI        F6FNU  
5X1K         F6FNU         GM6UW/P      G3ZAY         TL8DE        F6FNU  
6W1QV        F6FNU         GW4KCT/P     G4KCT         TL8MR        F6FNU  
7J1AZL       OK1FW         GW8FIS/P     G4KCT         TM0ISL       F5IUU  
7Q7CE        IN3VZE        H36V         HP2CWB        TR8PP        F6FNU  
8P9HR        K4BAI         H86V         HP2CWB        TT6FNU       F6FNU  
8P9HT        K4BAI         H96V         HP2CWB        TT8AB        F6FNU  
8P9Z         K4BAI         HB0/DL2SBY   DL2SBY        TT8FC        EA4ASK 
8Q7PV        RU3FM         HB0/SP2FOV   SP2FOV        TT8JWM       WA4KKY 
8Q7QH        AC4BD         HG8SDS       HA8PH         TY1IJ        DK8ZD  
9A/OK1DCS/P  OK1DCS        HI3HN        DH2JD         TZ6JA        JA3EMU 
9A4A         9A4AA         HL5KY        W3HNK         UK8BWO       RW6HS  
9A90CBD      9A3UF         HO6V         HP2CWB        UM1N         N6FF   
9H3PB        DF4EK         HP6V         HP2CWB        UM8NAP       N6FF   
9J2BM        DL2IAI        HR6/CX3AN    CX3CE         UM8NU        N6FF   
9M2KQ        JA1XQC        HR6/CX3CE    CX3CE         UM93NU       N6FF   
9M2OM/P      G0CMM         HR6/CX4CR    CX3CE         UX4/DL5VI    DL5VI  
9M2TO        JA0DMV        HR6XX        CX3CE         V31JP        K8JP   
9N1BV        JA1PBV        IB0QDB       IK0QDB        V47CA        VE3BW  
A61AQ        N1DG          ID8/IZ8BAD   IK8YFU        V5/ZS6YG     W0YG   
AH7X         JP1NWZ        ID9/I1SNW    I1SNW         VE8/KD2JR    VE9RHS 
AP50JZB      K2EWB         IL6/IK6JOT   IK2PZG        VK0TS        VK1AUS 
AP50NK       AP2NK         IL7/IK2PZG   IK2PZG        VK2IOM       VK2BEX 
BD7YA        BY7HL         J28EP        F6FNU         VK9LF        JR4PMX 
BU0DX        BV2OO         J28TC        F6FNU         VK9LL        JH4RHF 
BX0CQ        BV8BC         J28YC        F6EJI         VK9LR        JH4RHF 
CL3FL        CO3CL         JW/SM7NAS    SM7NAS        VK9NX        VK2CE  
CL8VP        CO8RCG        KH0/AH7X     JP1NWZ        VK9WM        VK4FW  
CN18DKH      CN8MK         KH0/JA1BUI   JA1BUI        VK9WY        VK4FW  
CN8SN        IK7JTF        KH0/JA1DHY   JA1DHY        VP2EXM       DL3XM  
CN8VK        IK7JTF        KH0/JA2BWH   JA2BWH        VP2VI        AB1U   
CO8TW        W3HNK         KH0/JA7NJN   JA7NJN        VR2CT        VS6CT  
CS1CRA       CT1BWW        KH0/N2PQE    JE2HCJ        VR97BG       VS6BG  
CS7UW        CT4UW         KH2D         K8NA          VR97UW       VR2UW  
CT4UW/P      CT4UW         KH3/KK5ZX    K3SX          VU2TS        I1YRL  
CU9B         CU3AV         KH6/N4BQW    WA4FFW        WP2Z         KK3S   
DU3NXE       W4NXE         KL1SLE       WL7KY         WP3A         NP4HQ  
E22AAA       HS1CHB        KL7FH        WL7KY         XE1VIC       KV8U   
EA8/DL7AU    DL7VRO        KP2/AA1BU    WA1LNP        XL1MJS       VA2MJS 
ED6EIM       EA6VC         KP2/K2MQH    K3MQH         XL3AEA       VE3AEA 
ED8BIR       EA8BIR        KP2/W3CF     KK3S          XN0OX        VY2OX  
EJ9HQ/P      EI9HQ         LI3A         LA0CE         YB3SPS/P     YB5NOF 
EM8M         DL3BQA        M7D          G3LZQ         YB52RI       YB0BEH 
ER27A        ER1DA         OL7HQ        OK1MD         Z21KM        F6FNU  
ES5RY        F6FNU         OZ1LFA       OZ7DAL        ZD7OK        N2AU   
EX0V         N6FF          OZ1VYL       OZ7DAL        ZD7WRG       WA2JUN 
EX7WA        IK2QPR        PP4Y         PY4OY         ZS45TWR      ZS4Y   
EX8MLE       IK2QPR        PR4Y         PY4OY         ZW2E         PY2YW  
EX8W         DL8FCU        PV4B         PY4OY         ZW4Y         PY4OY  
F/LX6A/P     LX2AA         PV4Y         PY4OY         ZX4Y         PY4OY  
F5OGG/P      F6DGT         PW4Y         PY4OY         ZY3CEJ       F6FNU  
F5OYU/P      F5XL          PY3CEJ       F6FNU         ZY4OY        PY4OY  
FG5EY        F6EYB         R9KM         UA9KM         ZZ4Y         PY4OY  
S DX@WW $425WW330D
425 DX News #330 [4/4]
 30 August 1997                    No 330                   BID: $425WW330D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          RSGB HF & IOTA CONVENTION

The 1997  Convention will  be held  at the  Beaumont Conference  Centre,  Old
Windsor, Berkshire, UK  from 26 to  28 September.   The  Convention is  being
organised by  the  RSGB  HF  Committee in  conjunction  with  the  RSGB  IOTA
Committee, the RSGB HF Contests Committee and the Chiltern DX Club (The UK DX
Foundation). The weekend offers a full three-stream lecture programme on both
Saturday 27 and  Sunday 28 September,  with the IOTA  Buffet taking place  on
Friday 26 September and the ever popular DX Dinner on the evening of Saturday
27 September. The programme includes:
- VK0IR Dxpedition (Ghis Penny, ON5NT)
- Supporting Polar Expeditions (Laurence Howell, GM4DMA)
- IOTA (three lecture slots on Saturday and Sunday)
- DXCC Award Programme (Bill Kennamar, K5FUV)
- IARU (Ron Glasier, G6LX)
- DX Operating Techniques: Beginner to Expert (Don Field, G3XTT)
- The History of BERU (Bob Whelan, G3PJT)
- Aerials: from  HF to  Toroidal Aerials  for  73kHz (Prof.  Roger  Jennison,
- Exploring the  World of  the Digital  Modes (Chris  Lorek, G4HCL  and  Phil
  Bridges, G6DLJ)
- Technical Advances on 73kHz (Andy Talbot, G4JNT)
- PacketCluster Technology and Practice (John Dundas, GM0OPS)
- Radio and  Radiations from  the  Sun: About  The  Next Solar  Cycle  (Geoff
  Grayer, G3NAQ, Propagation Studies Committee)
- RadioCommunications Agency Open Forum
- Planning &  Advisory  Committee Forum  (Louis  Thomas, GW4ZXG,  Planning  &
  Advisory Committee)
- 73kHz Forum (John Gould, G3WKL)
- Novice Forum (Keith Kahn, G3RTU)
- HF Contest Forum - HF Contest Committee
- Trophy Presentation
- The Award of 1996-97 HF and Microwave Trophies
- Young Amateur of the Year

To obtain further information and your  priority booking form please  contact
Marcia or Fay on +44  (0)1707 659015 (0815  to 1615 UTC)  or fax +44  (0)1707
645105 (24 hour).

More information, covering the times of  the various events as well as  other
attractions - the DXCC Card checking and Special Event Station, Trade stands,
etc. at http://www.pagnell.demon.co.uk/conv/convention.html

                             >>> DXCC 2000 <<<

Jim, K1MEM  (DXAC W1)  reports that  the DXCC  2000 committee  presented  two
concepts to the board of directors  in July. The committee will finish  their
work in January with a final report to the BoD.

Concept 1: Criteria
Point 1, Government:
         To be on the DXCC list  by reason of government  one of these  three 
         conditions must be met:
         1. Be a member of the United Nations
         2. Be a member of the IARU.
         3. Have an official assigned Call Sign allotment.
Point 2, Separation by water:
         1. The 225 miles requirement is replaced with 350 kilometers.
         2. The 500 mile requirement is replaced with 800 kilometers.
         3. "minimum size" is defined as "2 points separated by not less  100 
            meters of connected land above the high tide mark....
Point 3, Separation by another DXCC country:
         1. The 75 mile requirement is replaced with 100 kilometers.
Point 4, Ineligible areas:
         1. No changes proposed

Concept 2: Band awards
The Band Award program consists of 10 single band awards. The bands are  160,
80, 40, 20, 17, 15, 12,  10, 6 and 2 metres. Two  new cumulative DXCC  awards
are being created by using the  totals from nine of  the single band  awards.
(160-6 metres).  There will be  the DXCC 2000 Challenge  Award, with 1  point
per country per band 160-6  metres (not 30  metres).  Certificates,  plaques,
pins etc. at 1000, 1500,  2000 and 2500  point levels.   A special trophy  is
given the overall leader each year  (no charge, one per  person).  A  special
DXCC 2000  Award  for  100  countries  in  the  year  2000  will  be  offered
(non-endorseable, no QSLs required).

There will  be some  changes in  the manner  Honor  Rolls and  Standings  are
reported in QST. Yearbook will not change.

This report will be  reported in QST  and copies of  the complete report  are
available from ARRL.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team,
QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily DX, URE-EA-DX, VK2SG RTTY Notes.

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


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