DX425 bulletin issue nr. 329

S DX@WW $425WW329A
425 DX News #329 [1/6]
 23 August 1997                    No 329                  BID: $425WW329A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

5H     - Phil, G3SWH informed  425 DX Nes  that he will  be active (CW  only,
         10-80 metres) from Tanzania as follows: between 16 and 22  September
         from mainland Tanzania  as 5H3/G3SWH;  between 22  and 29  September
         from Zanzibar Island (AF-032) as 5H1/G3SWH. He will be using one  of
         the IOTA Committee's Yaesu FT-900AT transceivers  with 100 watts  to
         wire antennas.   This  is a  holiday  operation, and  activity  will
         probably be restricted to 3 or 4 hours per day. QSL via G3SWH either
         direct (Phil Whitchurch, 21 Dickensons Grove, Congresbury,  Bristol,
         BS19 5HQ, England, UK) or through the bureau.
5V     - Roger, G3SXW informed  425 DX News  that the  Voo-Doo Contest  Group
         will operate from  Togo. They  will participate  in the  CQWW DX  CW
         Contest (29-30  November, multi-multi  category)  as 5V7A  (QSL  via
         GM4AGL:  e-mail  requests   for  bureau  replies   are  welcome   at
         <g3sxw@compuserve.com>), but outside  the contest  the team  members
         will be active (on WARC bands as well) with their personal calls  as
         follows: 5V7A (G3SXW), 5V7ZM (G3ZEM), 5V7FA (G4FAM), 5V7RF (GM3YTS),
         5V7VT (K5VT),  5V7JL  (K7GE),  5V7PN  (K7PN),  5V7MF  (KC7V),  5V7BG
         (N7BG), 5V7MB  (N7MB),   5V7BV  (W6RGG).  QSL via  home  call.  Full
         details   of   this   contest   DXpedition    can   be   found    on
8P     - John, K4BAI will be active as  8P9HT from Barbados (NA-021) from  25
         November to 2 December. Main activity will take place on 160  metres
         and WARC bands  CW. He will  participate in the  CQWW CW Contest  as
         8P9Z. QSL via home call.
9M2    - Ray, 9M2OM/G3NOM is returning to Ketam Island (AS-074). Operation as
         9M2OM/P should start  around 10.00 UTC  on 22 August  and end on  25
         August  around  20.00  UTC.  Look  for  him  mainly  on  14.042  Mhz
         (secondary  14.025),  18.079  Mhz  (secondary  18.098),  21.040  MHz
         (secondary  21.025),  14.260  MHz  (secondary  14.265,  14.270  etc.
         depending on other operations),  21.260 MHz (secondary  up in 5  Khz
         steps depending on QRM  or other operations).  QSL via G0CMM  either
         direct (John  Bell,  28 Stiles  Ave.,  Marple, Stockport,  SK66  LR,
         England, UK) or through the bureau.
9M2    - Honda, JK1LSE reports  that Tex, 9M2TO  will be  /P from  Perhentian
         Island (AS-073) from 30 August to 1 September. QSL direct to CBA  or
         via bureau to JA0DMV.
9M8    - Hans, DF5UG might be active in September as 9M8QQ from Pulau  Satang
         Besar Island (Big  Fresh Water Island,  OC-165) and/or Pulau  Satang
         Kecil (Small Fresh Water Island, OC-165). QSL via home call.
CT     - CT1DTE, CT1EXK, CT1FCF,  CT1FCI and CT2CVE  will be  active as  CQ4B
         from Berlenga Island (EU-040) until 24 August.
CT     - Jorge, CT1FMX plans to be active as CT1FMX/P from Pombas Island (DIP
         ES-021) on 27 August. QSL via home call.
CT     - Jose, CT1EEB reports that  amateurs in Portugal  will be allowed  to
         use  the  following  special  prefixes  between  1  January  and  30
         September 1998 to celebrate the Expo 98: CT98 (used by CT1, CT2  and
         CT5 stations), CS98 (CT4), CQ98 (CT3), CU98 (CU).
CU     - The Daily DX reports that  Dieter, DL3KDV and  Maike, DL4XS will  be
         CU2/ (emphasis on  160 metres) from  Azores (EU-003)  for two  weeks
         starting on 1 September. QSL via the DARC bureau.
DL     - DL2BWO is  going  to be  /P  from Usedom  (EU-129,  DIA  O-013)  and
         Goermitz (DIA O-015) islands. He will go QRT on 4 September.
S DX@WW $425WW329B
425 DX News #329 [2/6]
 23 August 1997                    No 329                  BID: $425WW329B
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DU     - Hans, PA3CSR reports  that 4F2DX [425DXN  325] will  be active  from
         Luzon (OC-042) until the end of  this month. He will then be  active
         from Palawan (OC-128) starting on 11 September. QSL direct to DDXG  
         (Dutch DX Group, P.O. BOX 232, 7670 AE, Vriezenveen, Netherlands).
EA9    - Frank, EA5RD and Kim, EA5ND will be EA9/ on 6 and 7 September.  They
         will operate from Muralla Real (CCE-049) and will be active on 10-80
         metres (CW, SSB  and RTTY)  with two  stations. QSL  via home  calls
         either direct or through the bureau.
F      - F5AAR is active from Yeu Island (EU-064).
FP     - FP5CJ, FP5AC, FP5BU will be signing FP5KE/P from l'Ile aux  Chevaux,
         St. Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032) from  around 22 UTC on 22 August  to
         around 15 UTC  on 24 August.  They will be  active on  all bands  (6
         metres included) SSB. QSL via FP5CJ (Jean-Pierre Carrere, B.P. 1543,
         Saint Pierre et Miquelon).
HB0    - Henry, SP2FOV  and Kazik,  DL2SBY will  be HB0/  from  Liechtenstein
         until 27 August. QSL via home call.
HZ     - Dave Earnest, K7JJ reports that HZ1AB  is making big plans to be  in
         the CQWW RTTY Contest (27-28  September). Most likely  it will be  a
         multi/single all band effort.
I      - IK2ILH, IK2MRZ and possibly IK3GES will be IL3/ from Isola  Canarin
         (IIA RO-???) during the weekend.
I      - IK3GES will  be IL3/  from Isola  d'Ariano (IIA  RO-019) during  the
I      - IV3CII will be active as  IL3CII from Sentinella Island (IIA GO-025)
         on 23 August.
I      - Claudio, ID9/I1SNW [425DXN  328] will be  active from Scoglio  delle
         Sirene (EU-017, IIA ME-???) on 23 August. He will be ID9/ from Eolie
         Islands until 2 September.
I      - Salento DX Team operators and IK1NAO are expected to be active  from
         one or more IIA islands in Lecce province.
I      - IK4HPU will be IL3/ or IL4/ from an island in the delta of the Po on
         24 August.
I      - Francesco, I5RFD  will  be IA5/  from  Capraia Island  (EU-028,  IIA
         LI-020) from 3 to 9 September.
I      - Salento DX  Group  operators should  be  active from  the  following
         islands  in  September:  Isola  Cuccio  (IIA  LE-018),  Isola  degli
         Scheletri (IIA  LE-016) and  Isola della  Malva  (IIA LE-003)  on  7
         September; Scogli Guaceto (IIA BR-003) on 21 September and  Isolotto
         San Pietro (IIA BA-004) on 28 September.
J3     - Harry, W8KKF will participate in  the CQWW SSB  Contest as J37K.  If
         you want to join him, please contact Harry at <hflasher@dayton.net>.
JA     - JA4DND, JI4POR, JM4MAQ, JM4BPV, JA4AHV and  others will be /4  (SSB,
         CW and  RTTY on  160-6 metres)  from Oki  Archipelago (AS-041)  from
         06.00 UTC on 13 September  to 02.00-03.00 UTC  on 15 September.  QSL
         via home calls.
JW     - Kjell,  SM7NAS  will  operate  as  JW/SM7NAS  from  JW5E's  QTH   in
         Longyearbyen, Svalbard (EU-026) from 29 August  to 1 September.  QSL
         via SM7NAS either direct (Kjell  Adolfsson, Dalbovagen 16B,  S-59096
         Overum, Sweden) or through the bureau.
KH7K   - The Daily DX  reports that the  DXpedition to  Kure Island  (OC-020)
         [425DXN 323]  is  now scheduled  to  take place  from  26  September
         through 3 October.  The operators  will be  Andy Chesnokov  (UA3AB),
         Bert Myers  (W0MY,  ex W0RLX),  Erik  Sjolund  (SM0AGD),  Kimo  Chun
         (KH7K), Frank Smith (OH2LVG/AH0W, team leader) and a JA operator  to
         be announced later. The group will have four complete stations  with
         amplifiers and high  priority will be  placed on working  Europeans,
         with a special effort on the low bands. QSL via KE7LZ (Bob  Johnson,
         5627 West Hearn Road, Glendale, Arizona 85306, USA).
KL     - Frank, KL7FH reports that Steve, KL7DC  (ex NT0J) will be /P on  St.
         Paul Island, Pribilof Is (NA-028) until 28 August. He expects to  be
         active with  100 watts  and a  longwire on  CW  and SSB  during  his
         evenings. QSL via KL7DC either direct or thorugh the bureau.
KP2    - Dan, K4FXN reports he will participate in the CQWW CW Contest (29-30
         November) as WP2Z from US Virgin Islands (NA-106). He will be on St.
         Croix between 27 November and 6 December. QSL via KU9C.
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425 DX News #329 [3/6]
 23 August 1997                    No 329                  BID: $425WW329C
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P4     - The OPDX Bulletin  reports that Ray,  WF1B will be  active as  P40TT
         from Aruba (SA-036) from 24-30 September. He will participate in the
         CQWW RTTY Contest  and will operate  some SSB before  and after  the
         RTTY contest.
PY     - PP5LL will be  active (10-80 metres,  SSB and CW)  as PR5L from  Sao
         Francisco Island (SA-027,  DIB 08) from  1 to 15  September. QSL  to
         PP5LL (Jay Lira, P.O. Box 8, 88010.970 Florianopolis, Brazil).
PY     - Pedro, PP5SZ informed 425 DX News that ZW2E will be active (SSB  and
         CW) from Couves Island (SA-028, DIB  70) from 9  to 12 October.  QSL
         via PY2YW.
TT     - The Daiily DX reports that Jim,  who was signing TT8/WA4KKY  [425DXN
         328], is now using TT8JWM.  QSL via bureau to WA4KKY.
UA9    - Nick (UA9KM),  Alex (UA9KAS),  Serge  (UA9KG), Serge  (UA9KL),  Mike
         (UA9KO), Leo (UA9FL) and Valeriy (RW4HW)  will be signing R9KM  from
         Belyy Island (AS-083)  between 8 and  18 September. Operations  will
         take place on  all HF bands,  WARC included,  on CW,  SSB and  maybe
         RTTY. QSL  via UA9KM  (Nikolai Kuprin,  P.O. Box  158, 626711  Nadym
         Tyumen obl.,  Russia: please  do not  send US  dollars, 2  IRCs  are
V3     - The Daily DX reports that Jay, K0BCN,  will be active (10, 5 and  20
         metres, CW and SSB) as V31MX  from Caye Caulker (NA-073) from 21  to
         29 October.
VK     - JARA (Japanese  Amateur Radio  in Australia)  VK2IOM operation  from
         Montague Island (New South Wales State South group, OC-???)  [425DXN
         325] will take place from around 00.00 UTC on 13 September to  04.00
         UTC on 14 September.  Frequencies will be  7.055 (for USA  listening
         7.206), 14.260, 21.260, 7.006, 14.026 and 21026 MHz +/- QRM. QSL via
         VK2BEX either direct (Atsu Asahina, P.O. Box 195, Killara, NSW 2071
         Australia) or through the bureau.
VK     - Mal, VK6LC  informed 425  DX News  that he  will  be on  holiday  on
         Rottnest Island (OC-164) from 6 to  12 September. He will be  active
         as VK6ISL on the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL direct to VK6LC.
VK9_w  - The operators for the forthcoming ODXG  DXpedition to Willis  Island
         [425DXN 315 & 327] now include  WA1S (Ann), IV3FSG (Elvira),  7K3EOP
         (Noriko), VK4MR (Bob), VK2AEA (Vlad),  VK4FW (Bill), AF7O  (Darryl),
         FK8GM (Eric), K6KM (Bill) and VE5RA (Doug).
VK0_mq - VK1UAS, QSL manager for VK0TS (Macquarie Island) reports somew times
         and frequencies  that Tom  can manage  at the  moment: Thursdays  at
         09.30-10.45 UTC on 7.075 or 7.070 MHz; Sundays at 10.00 UTC on 3.570
         and 3.798 MHz; Mondays at  09.30-10.30 UTC on  3.570 and 3.798  MHz;
         Tuesdays at 04.00-04.45 UTC on 14.222 MHz. 20, 40 and 80 metres  are
         the only bands Tom, can work at present, because to change bands  he
         has to walk 500 metres from the shack to retune equipment (this is a
         real problem now that  it is winter  on the island  and it is  total
         white out most of the time).
VP9    - Fred, K1EFI will be /VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005) from 25 September  to
         6 October. He will operate CW on  WARC bands and SSB on the  Bermuda
         Net (on Sundays at 12.30 UTC, 14.275 MHz). QSL via home call.
Z2     - Cedric, Z2/N9YXA [425DXN 325] is sad to report that during the  long
         flight to Zimbabwe his antennas and radio were seriously damaged. He
         did manage to make a few QSOs with Europe, Africa, and Hawaii:  "I'm
         very sorry for not being able to activate Z2 on the RTTY/SSTV modes,
         and on the other bands", Cedric says, "but I do anticipate  bringing
         Zimbabwe on the air in 1998".
ZS     - ZS45TWR is  a special  callsign that  will be  used during  1997  to
         celebrate the 45 years of Trans  World Radio. The callsign has  been
         activated a number of times during the past eight months. QSL  cards
         will be  printed later  in the  year. QSL  via  ZS4Y (Leon  M  Foot,
         P.O.Box 1561, Welkom, 9460, Republic of South Africa).
S DX@WW $425WW3294D
425 DX News #329 [4/6]
 23 August 1997                    No 329                  BID: $425WW329D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

5H1FS ---> Pictures and log of Fabio's (I4UFH) recent activity as 5H1FS  from
Zanzibar Island can be found at <http://www.qsl.net/5h1fs/index.html>.

5X1T ---> Peter, 5X1T/ON6TT is back  in Belgium for  about six weeks  [425DXN
327], after which he will return to 5X at least until March 1998. Between mid
March and mid August he made  some 11,000 QSOs (about 500  on RTTY). QSL  via

9M6PO ---> It was the callsign used by Pekka, OH2YY during his operation from
Layang-Layang,  Spratly  [425DXN  328].  QSL  via  OH2BH  (Martti  J.  Laine,
Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland).

9X4WW --> Mark, 9X4WW/ON4WW is leaving Rwanda and went QRT on 19 August after
41,000 QSOs. QSL via ON5NT.

AP2AP [425DXN 328] ---> Toshikazu Kusano, JA1ELY (editor of The 59  Magazine)
reports that according  to a letter  from Hiro, JA1EZM,  the latter has  been
attending to the  construction of a  coastal radio station  of Pakistani  PTT
since october 1996: "The head of PTT indicated to use ham radio frequency for
testing a new coastal  radio station.   Then Hiro operated  AP2AP as a  guest
operator under observation by PTT. AP2AP is Mr. Mobin Shahzad and his QTH  is
#35 KH-E-BHERIA, RH-V, Defense Society, Karachi, Pakistan".
On the  other hand  PARS  has released  the  following: "The  only  competent
authority to  issue licenses  and callsigns  temporary  or otherwise  is  the
Frequency  Allocation  Board  of  the   Pakistan  Telecom  Authority   (PTA),
Government of  Pakistan.  PTT was  converted  into a  commercial  corporation
(PTCL) in 1994 and therefore cannot  legally allow anyone the use of  amateur
radio frequencies for testing  of commercial radio  stations, neither can  it
allow the use of a ham callsign by someone other than the owner of the  same,
which is strictly prohibited under the terms of the license."

AVES ISLAND ---> Reinaldo, YV5AMH informed The  Daily DX that a group of  YVs
are in  the preliminary  planning stages  of an  operation from  Aves  Island
(NA-020) for Spring 1999.

BRAZILIAN LIGHTHOUSES AWARD ---> Pedro Sirzanink, PP5SZ manages the Brazilian
Lighthouses Award.  For further  information, please  contact him  at  either
<pedrosir@prodau-sc.com.br>  or  R.Padre   Roma  194/704,   Florianopolis-SC,
88010-090, Brasil.

DESECHEO --->  Vance, W5IJU,  editor of  the  Island/DX News,  has  requested
permission to land on Desecheo (KP5),  but the request has been denied  again
giving the reason as unsafe and dangerous conditions on the island.

DIE CONTEST ---> Just a reminder: participants in the 3rd DIE Contest (6 July
1997) will all get a certificate. Entrants with at least 25 different islands
in their logs  may get  the basic  DIE Award  (please enclose  12 US$).  Logs
should be sent to S.T.C. URE  Marina Alta, P.O.Box 194, Pedreguer,  Alicante,
Spain. Contest rules and software are  available on Paco's (EA5OL) home  page

PAKISTAN ON CW  ---> The  Daily DX  has been  informed by  Tariq, AP2TJ  that
"there are  around 250  licensed hams  in Pakistan  of  which only  about  20
percent are active.  AP2HA is the only one active on CW at this time.   AP2SD
is currently in the United Kingdom for a  years study and he did operate  CW.
AP2NK should be on CW in the near future."

QSL CL3FL ---> The QSL manager  for this station is  CO3CL (Jose Carlos  Leon 
Ortega, Box 59  C.P. 33600, Guira de Melena, Habana, Cuba).

QSL N7QXQ/HR6 ---> QSL manager W7TSQ  reports that Gary  is expected to  mail
logs for June, July and August on 4 September. Gary indicates that his QTH on
Roatan Island (NA-057) is still availale  for the CQ WW both  SSB and CW.  If
you are interested please contact him at <oakbay@globalnet.hn>.

QSL RI0TA  ---> The  QSL manager  for this  recent operation  from AS-095  is
RA3DEJ [425DXN 324 & 326], not RA3DES  as mistyped in 425DXN 328. QSL  either
direct (Dmitrij Ognistyj,  P.O. Box 2,  Zarya, Mosk. obl.  143992 Russia)  or
through the bureau.
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425 DX News #329 [5/6]
 23 August 1997                    No 329                  BID: $425WW329E
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YC STATIONS [425DXN 327] ---> Stephan, N2UE reports: "The recent  information
regarding new privilge for YF and YC stations on 20 metres band is incorrect.
Apparently there has been a mistake on the YC/YF license renewals in the zero
call area.  ORARI is  working to  clarify the  situation and  to correct  the
mistake. So 20 metres are still reserved  for YB and YE prefixes only.  YC/YF
can still be found on 40, 80/75 and 15 metres".

+ SILENT KEY  + It was  with the  greatest sadness  and sorrow  that we  have
learnt of the sudden passing of Gerald "Jerry" Branson, AA6BB/7 on 17 August.
Many thousands of DXers around the world benefited in many ways from  Jerry's
tireless work in DXing over the past several decades. Jerry was also the  QSL
manager for many DX stations and had lead the South Sandwich Island DX  Group
QSL and support team since 1988.
Tony De Prato (WA4JQS/VP8BZL), of the South Sandwich Island DXpedition Group,
and  Frank  Smith  (AH0W/OH2LVG),  of  the  Midway-Kure  DX  Foundation  have
announced the formation  of a DX  scholarship fund  to honour  the memory  of
Jerry: "The Jerry Branson Memorial Scholarship " will, in general, be awarded
to entering freshmen who have distinguished themselves in DXing  achievement.
Tax-deductible donations  are now  requested of  the DX  community  worldwide
which can  be made  payable to  the "WVARC",  C/O The  Consulate Of  Finland,
P.O.Box 1036, Sun City, Arizona 85372-1036.

QSL VIA  AA6BB/7 --->  A few  years ago  Jerry Branson,  AA6BB/7 set  up  the
"Joanie and Jerry  Branson Trust"  with Mark  Perrin (N7MQ)  and Ron  Vincent
(WJ7R) as trustees, and with Valley Radio Club as the beneficiary.  Then  the
Trust and the Valley Radio Club  entered into a memorandum of  understanding,
to provide QSL services in the event of Jerry's death or disability. Now that
this sad  moment has  come, the  QSL mail  sent to  Jerry's address  will  be
handled efficiently  by those  he selected  to do  this  work: if  all  DXers
continue to  QSL via  AA6BB until  further notice,  then their  mail will  be
processed promptly.

QSL received via direct: 3A/IK1CJO, 3A/IK1QBT, JF1IST/7J (Okino Tori-shima  -
AS-052),  9M8ZZ,  9Q5BQ,  9Q5PA,  9X/RW3AH,  BS7H,  C6AJR  (NA-113),  GM5VG/P
(EU-059), HL0N/3 (AS-088), IJ7/IK7JWX (IIA LE-014, 015), IJ7/IK7VJX  (EU-091;
LE-001), IL3/IK2PZG  (EU-131;  IIA VE-002,  047),  IL4/IK2PZG  (IIA  FE-004),
IL7/IK7JWX  (IIA  LE-031,  034),  IM0/IS0VBH  (EU-165;  NU-001),   IP1/IK1QBT
(EU-083; IIA-  SV-001), J77FT,  KL7AK (NA-161),  S92DW, S0A,  VP2EZI,  XT2AW,
YC8YZ/p (OC-222), ZB2/DL7CM, ZL9DX, ZL9/K8VIR, ZK2EH.

QSL received via  WF5E DX QSL  Service: 3B8CF, 7Q7EH,  A92Q, FR5ZU/T,  FT5WE,
JD1/7J1AYK, T88T, VE8KM (NA-006), XJ1CWI (NA-126), YB5NOF, YB5NOF/8 (OC-146),
YE8P (OC-146), YE8T (OC-213), ZV0MB (SA-010), ZV0MV (SA-010).

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:
Brescia DX  Group, Crazy  DX Group,  Delta Mike,  Diamond DX  Club, Roman  DX
Group, Salento  DX  Team, 5X1T,  9M2OM/G3NOM,  9X4WW,  AC7DX,  AP2TJ,  CO3CL,
DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX,  The 59(9) DX  Report, The Daily  DX,

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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S DX@WW $425WW329F
425 DX News #329 [6/6]
 23 August 1997                    No 329                  BID: $425WW329F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  end Aug    4F2DX: Luzon Is. (OC-042) * by PA3CSR                  329
till  25/08      7Q7CE * by IN3VZE                                      325
till  25/08      9M2OM/p: Ketam Isl. (AS-074)                           329
till  24/08      9M6HIL: Keningau * by N2OO & 9M6s                      323
till  24/08      CQ4B: Berlenga Isl. (EU-040)                           329
till  02/09      CU9B: Corvo Isl. (EU-089)                              326
till  04/09      DL2BWO/p: Usedom Isl (DIA O-013), Goermitz Isl (O-015) 329
till  30/08      F5MUX: EU-064                                          328
till  27/08      HB0 * by SP2FOV & DL2SBY                               329
till  30/08      IJ7/IK1NAO: IIA                                        328
till  22/08      J3 * by IV3TMV, IV3NVN, IV3ZJR                         325
till  September  JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima                           326
till  20/09      TY1IJ * by D4IJ                                        320
till  24/08      VP5/I4ALU                                              323
21/08-02/09      FH/IK4NQW/p                                            327
21/08-30/08      J6 * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP                         327
22/08-24/08      FP5KE/p: Ile aux Chevaux * by FP5CJ, FP5AC, FP5BU      329
22/08-02/09      ID9/I1SNW: Vulcano Isl. (EU-017) (IIA ME-018)          328
22/08-25/08      N2PQE/KH0 * by JE2HCJ                                  328
22/08-25/08      KL1SLE: Shemya Isl. (NA-037) * by KL7FH                328
22/08-28/08      KL7DC/p: Pribilof Is (NA-028)                          329
22/08-23/08      New Orleans 1997 - International DX Convention         311
23/08-24/08      9A/HA3JB: Krk Isl. (EU-136)                            327
23/08-24/08      EJ/GI3VFW: Tory Isl. (EU-121)                          325
23/08-03/09      HR6: Roatan Isl. (NA-057) * by CX3CE, CX4CR, CX3AN     328
23/08            ID9/I1SNW: Sc. delle Sirene (EU-017) (IIA ME-???)      329
23/08            IL3: Scanno Canarin (IIA RO-???) * by IK2ILH & IK2MRZ  329
23/08            IL3CII: Sentinella Isl. (IIA GO-025) * by IV3CII       329
23/08-24/08      IL3/IK3GES: Isola d'Ariano (IIA RO-019)                329
23/08-24/08      IL7: IIA * by Salento DX team                          329
23/08-24/08      TM0ISL: Sainte Marguerite Isl. (EU-058)                325
24/08            ID8: Sc. Godano (IIA VV-003) * by Calabria DX Team     328
24/08            ID8: Sc. Mantineo (IIA VV-004) * by Calabria DX Team   328
24/08            IL3/IK4HPU: IIA                                        329
24/08-Dec        9X/RW3AH.                                              327
24/08-04/09      T94DX * by DL1FDV                                      327
25/08-???        KH3 * by KK5ZX                                         325
26/08-02/09      OX * by PA3GQW                                         325
27/08            CT1FMX/p: Pombas Isl. (DIP ES-021)                     329
27/08-05/09      KH6: Tern Isl. (OC-055) * by N4BQW                     325
29/08-01/09      JW/SM7NAS                                              329
29/08-31/08      R3RRC & R3IOTA * special event station                 321
29/08-31/08      Voronezh: III IOTA/DX Russian Convention               321
30/08-01/09      9M2TO/p: Perhentian Isl. (AS-073)                      329
30/08-11/09      9Y: Tobago (SA-009) * by PA3BBP, PA3ERC, PA3EWP        327
30/08-31/08      KH0 * by JA2BWH, JA1BUI, JA1DHY, JA7NJN                327
31/08-07/09      5A28A * by OE team                                     323
31/08            IJ7: Sc. Fanciulla (IIA LE-009) * by IK7JWX & IK7VJX   327
August           FP * by WA1CFS                                         297
August-Sep       V5/ZS6YG * by W0YG                                     325
01/09-15/09      CU2 * by DL3KDV & DL4XS                                329
01/09-15/09      PR5L: Sao Francisco Isl. (SA-027) (DIB 08) * by PP5LL  328
03/09-09/09      IA5/I5RFD: Capraia Isl. (EU-028) (IIA LI-020)          329
04/09-11/09      BT1IARU: Beijing * special evet call (IARU Conference) 327
05/09-08/09      IF9: Levanzo Isl. (EU-054) (IIA TP-009) * by IT9 team  323
06/09-07/09      EA9: Muralla Real (CCE-049) * by EA5RD & EA5ND         329
06/09-07/09      JH3DYG/1: Niijima Isl. (AS-008)                        325
06/09-09/09      VK6ISL: Rottnest Isl. (OC-164) * VK6LC                 329
06/09            W4MT: * special event station                          327
06/09-07/09      All Asian DX SSB Contest                               ***
07/09            IJ7: Isola Cuccio (IIA LE-018) * by Salento DX Team    329
07/09            IJ7: Isola degli Scheletri (IIA LE-016)                329
07/09            IJ7: Isola della Malva (IIA LE-003) by Salento DX Team 329
08/09-18/09      R9KM: Belyy Isl. (AS-083) * by UA9KM's team            329
11/09-??         4F2DX: Palawan Is. (OC-128) * by PA3CSR                329
11/09-21/09      VK9: Willis * by Oceania DX Group                      315
12/09-22/09      CY9DX: St. Paul Isl. * by VA3RU & HA5JI                325
12/09-16/09      KH0/JH6VLF & AH0R                                      325
13-09-15/09      JA: Oki Arch. (AS-041) * by JA4DND's team              329
13/09-14/09      VK2IOM: Montague Isl. (OC-???) * by JARA               329
13/09-14/09      European HF SSB Championship Contest                   ***
16/09-22/09      5H3/G3SWH; between                                     329
September        9M8QQ: Pulau Satang Besar Isl. (OC-165) * by DF5UG     329
September        9M8QQ: Pulau Satang Kecil Isl. (OC-165) * by DF5UG     329
September        KH4 * by The Midway-Kure DX Foundation                 323
mid September    KL: Amaknak Isl. (NA-059) * by N6JM                    323
11/10-12/10      Bologna: XIII HF DX Convention *  Guglielmo Marconi    ***