DX425 bulletin issue nr. 328

S DX@WW $425WW328A
425 DX News #328 [1/6]
 16 August 1997                    No 328                   BID: $425WW328A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Reflector                                !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

9M2    - 9M2OM/p's operation from Pulau Besar (AS-097) [425DXN 327] will  end
         around 10 UTC  20 UTC on  16 August. QSL  via G0CMM  (John Bell,  28
         Stiles Avenue, Marple, Stockport, SK66 LR, England, UK: please  mark
         clearly the /P and IOTA Reference Number umber on the card).
9M_spr - Jani, YB0US  has  joined  N2OO  and  N0RN  in  their  side  trip  to
         Layang-Layang [425DXN  323],  which is  scheduled  to finish  on  18
         August. They are active as 9M6OO on 10-40 metres CW and SSB, and are
         expected to try RTTY on their Sunday. QSL via N2OO.
9M_spr - OH2YY's 9M6  callsign  for his  forthcoming  operation  from  Layang
         Layang, Spratly Islands (AS-051) [425DXN 327]  is still pending  but
         it will be issued upon his arrival in Kota Kinabalu, East  Malaysia.
         Pekka's expected arrival is 19 August at 09.30 a.m. local time,  and
         departure on  22  August  at  10  a.m.  He  will  be  active  almost
         exclusively on  SSB: watch  7.045, 14.195  and 21.295  MHz. QSL  via
         OH2BH (Martti J. Laine, Nuottaniementie 3D20, 02230 Espoo, Finland).
AP     - Tariq, AP2TJ reports that digital station AP50NK will be active from
         13 August  in Amtor/Pactor/Gtor  (auto-reply) on  frequencies  (mark
         tone) 14.065 MHz (03.00-17.00 UTC) and 7.038 MHz (17.00-03.00  UTC).
         Contacts with AP50NK qualify for the AP50 Golden Jubilee award.
BV     - The special prefix station BX0CQ will be active until 9 October. QSL
         via BV8BC.
CT     - Lopes, CT1CJJ/p will operate from Pessegueiro Island (EU-167)  until
         16 August.
EX     - Valery, EX0V (ex UM8NU) is now  active on RTTY. He  can be found  on
         14.080 MHz +/- QRM around 01.00-03.00  UTC and 12.00-18.00 UTC.  QSL
         via N6FF (ex KL7H/W6). If you want a sked, please contact Valery  at
         his e-mail address (EX0V@amsat.org).
F      - Laurent, F5MUX will be active from EU-064 until 30 August.
FP     - Rich, K2RW will be active on  RTTY as FP5AA from St. Pierre  Island,
         St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) until 18 August. He will  participate
         in the SARTG RTTY Contest (16-17 August). QSL via K2RW.
HL     - Chung, HL2KAT reports that the station HL0K/4 will be active (40, 20
         and 15  metres, CW  and SSB)  from Mara-do  (AS-026) from  13 to  15
         August. QSL via bureau or direct to Korea Aviation College,  Amateur
         Radio Station,  200-1  Hwajundong,  Koyang  city,  Kyunggi  411-900,
HR     - Roberto, CX8DX reports that CX3CE, CX4CR  and CX3AN will be HR6/  CW
         and SSB on  all bands, WARC  included) from  Roatan Island  (NA-057)
         from 23 August to 2-3 September. QSL via CX3CE (Box 244,  Montevideo
         11000, Uruguay).
I      - Franco (IK8WEJ), Eugenio  (IZ8AZV) and  Pino (IZ8BGY)  will be  ID8/
         from Isola dei Serpenti (IIA CS-007) on 16 August.
I      - IK0QDB and other Crazy DX Group operators will be active from a  few
         islands in the  Ponziano Archipelago (EU-045)  on 16-17 August.  QSL
         via home call.
I      - Rossano, IK1NAO is planning several IIA (Lecce province)  activities
         as from 15 until late August. 
I      - IK6CGO's operation [425DXN 327] has been postponed to this  weekend.
         He will  be joined  by IK2PZG,  IK6JOT and  IK6MWK; they  should  be
         active from IIA AN-002 on 16 August and from AN-001 on 17 August.
I      - Salento DX Team  operators plan to  be active from  a couple of  IIA
         islands (Scoglio Palombaro, IIA LE-012, and  another one) on 17  and
         18 August.
I      - Bruno, IK2PZG will be active from  Tremiti Islands (EU-050) from  20
         to 23 August. He will be staying  on San Domino (IIA FG-001) but  he
         plans to operate also from San  Nicola (IIA FG-002), I Pagliai  (IIA
         FG-007) and other islands.
I      - Claudio, I1SNW will be ID9/ from Vulcano Island (EU-017, IIA ME-018)
         as of 22 August. He will try to be active from other islands in  the
         same IOTA group.
I      - Calabria DX Team operators  [425DXN 321] will  be ID8/ from  Scoglio
         Godano (IIA VV-003) and Scoglio Mantineo (IIA VV-004) on 24 August.
S DX@WW $425WW328B
425 DX News #328 [2/6]
 16 August 1997                    No 328                   BID: $425WW328B
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

J3     - J38AI and  J38AH  [425DXN 325]  were  active from  Carriacou  Island
         (NA-147) for 24 hours on 13-14 August. QSL via IV3TMV.
JA     - Yuki, JI6KVR  reports that  JA4GXS will  be  active from  Mi  Island
         (Mishima) (AS-117) from around 4 UTC on 16 August for 24 hours.  QSL
         Via JA4GXS.
KH0    - JE2HCJ will be active (10-40 metres, CW, SSB and RTTY) as  N2PQE/KH0
         from Northern Mariana (OC-086) from 22 to 25 August. QSL via JE2HCJ.
KH3    - Al, KK5ZX should arrive on Johnston Atoll [425DXN 325] on 25 August.
         QSL via K3SX (ex K3SME).
KL     - Frank, KL7FH will operate as KL1SLE  from Shemya Island, Semichi  Is
         (NA-037)  between  22  and  25  August.   QSL  via  WL7KY.   Further
         information  and   up   the  minute   reports   are   available   at
TF     - Roberto, IK2WBA  and  Andrea, IK2WIT  will  be active  on  SSB  from
         Iceland until 21 August.  Look for them  during their "night"  hours
         from around 21 UTC.
TL     - Mike, TL8MR will be in  the Central African  Republic for one  year.
         QSL via F6FNU.
TT     - The Daily DX reports that Jim, TT8/WA4KKY has been active since late
         July mostly on  17 (around 18.150  MHz) and 20  (around 14.225  MHz)
         metres SSB. Jim  will be leaving  Chad on 5  September, but will  be
         replaced by John, WB4MBU, who will be taking equipment for RTTY. QSL
         for TT8/WA4KKY is via the WA4 QSL bureau.
ZD7    - The Daily  DX reports  that John,  ZD7WRG will  be active  from  St.
         Helena (AF-AF-022) on RTTY (14.085 or 21.085 MHz) as of 22 August.

*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

AP2AP [425DXN 327] ---> Tariq, AP2TJ  sent the following  on behalf of  PARS:
"The Pakistan Amateur Radio  Society (PARS) advises  all radio amateurs  that
the call "AP2AP" being used by JA8WPP and/or  JA1EZM is a fake. No such  call
has been issued by the licensing  authorities to anyone and these  "Amateurs"
have no permission to operate in AP temporary or otherwise. There has been no
change in local licensing regulations. [...]".

LOG D25L ---> QSL manager Alex van Hengel, PA3DMH reports that the D25L  logs
for the IARU HF Championship contest are now available on the logsearch  page
at <http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/logs/log_search.html>.

QSL T32Z ---> The OPDX Bulletin  reports that Janice,  N7YL (QSL manager  for
T32Z) says that she has not received any logs from T32Z in over a year.

QSL UE1QQQ/1 & UE1ZNF/A ---> Albert,  RA1QHJ reports that  the QSL cards  for
these operations [425DXN 322] are being  printed. He says that "all  stations
which are in the log will get the QSL-cards from us", but reminds that 1  IRC
does not cover postal expenses (1 IRC = 3,000 roubles, while ordinary postage
is 3,500 roubles).

QSL VE9MY ---> The correct QSL route for VE9MY's recent operation from NA-014
is: Len Morgan, #20-105 Inverness Place, Saint John, NB, E2J 3Z9, Canada.

QSL YB3SPS/p  ---> YB5NOF  has  taken over  the  QSL manager  activities  for
YB3SPS/p (OC-217).  His *new* address  is: John Daluas, Box 194, CPA  Ciputat
15401, Indonesia.

QSL VIA JP1NWZ ---> JP1NWZ is the QSL manager for AH7X and AH7X/AH0.

QSL VIA KX9X ---> Sean, KX9X is moving to a new QTH as of 1 September. If you
still need a QSL from his  February 1997 operation as  V26NA and V2/KX9X,  or
his May 1994 operation as 6Y7M and 6Y5/KF9PL,  please send an SASE to my  his
new address: Sean Kutzko, 702 E. Elm St., Urbana, IL 61801, USA.

QSL VIA  N5DRV --->  - John  Duke, N5DRV  reported the  following to  QRZ-DX:
"5N1ANE: Cards for Equi are now in hand but logs have not been received. Logs
may continue to be a problem; TJ1PD: Dave is  in the States on leave for  one
year. All logs are in hand and all cards received to date have been answered;
XT2CF: Nothing has been heard from Charlie either  on the air or by mail.  No
logs have been received for ANY of his contacts; XT2JF: Jerry has returned to
the States and all logs are in hand and cards answered".
S DX@WW $425WW328C
425 DX News #328 [3/6]
 16 August 1997                    No 328                   BID: $425WW328C
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [1/2] *

CALL         MANAGER       CALL         MANAGER       CALL         MANAGER
3F1P         HP2CWB        EV10Z        EW8CL         OI7MRU       OH7MRU 
3F6V         HP2CWP        EW15WZ       DL1OY         OI8UV        OH8UV  
3Z0JP        SP2GVU        EW930WN      EW1WN         OJ0JWL       DL5FF  
3Z0PZK       SP3PZK        FH/DF2SS     DF2SS         OL4Z         OK2ZU  
4F2DX        PA3GKI        FO0CQ        KA7CQQ        OY/DL4YBZ    DK4QO  
4K1A         RA3AR         FO0KK        W6KK          OZ/DF6QN     DF6QN  
4K1HK        RA3AR         FO0RW        W6RW          P29VH        VK4FW  
4L4KK        W0GHG         FO50RT       N6RT          P40TT        WF1B   
4O6A         YU7DR         FO8DX        W6DA          P40WF        WD0EWH 
4S7UB        KJ6UB         FP5EL        K2RW          PJ9G         WA2NHA 
4X2M         4X6YN         FR5GM/P      F6AJF         PJ9Y         OH6XY  
4X45ARC      4X4ARC        FW5IW        OH5UQ         PR5L         PP5SZ  
4X48ID       4X4HQ         G0ANA/P      GW0ANA        PY0FJD       PP5JD  
4X65WP       4X6WP         GB100BD      GW0ANA        PY0SR        PP5JD  
5H3MI        SM5KDK        GB2LBN       GM4UYZ        PY2/HB9JBJ   HB9CVT 
6K97EAG      HL5BUV        GB2LCL       GM3WML        RI0TA        RA3DES 
8Q7ZR        HB9CZR        GB2LCP       GM0FSZ        RJ9J/9       RA9JR  
8S2FRO       SM2IVR        GB2LDH       GM4NHX        RO3A         RX3APM 
9A0C         9A1CAH        GB2LKH       GM0WIB        RP1ADB       RZ1AXL 
9A20D        9A1CRD        GB2LO        GM0HTH        RP3A         RA3AQO 
9A7C         WA9WON        GB2LT        GM4SUC        RP3POZ       RK3PWE 
9H3SC        DL5XAT        GB2LTH       GM0PKW        RP3XKO       RK3XWL 
9H3XK        DL5NBK        GB2LTN       GM0IYP        RP3YNP       RK3YWV 
9H8/9H3XV    DL8GCL        GB2MHL       GW3IGG        RP3YPN       RW3YWS 
9J2DR        W2PD          GB3RMI       GI3FFF        RS9O         RW9OWM 
9K2JS        WB6JMS        GB60BBC      G3XJS         RW3AH        RA3AR  
9M6HIL       N2OO          GD/OE5OHO/P  OE5OHO        SN8V         SP8ARY 
9M6JM        JH0SPE        GD0WKX/P     GD3AHV        SO4AII       HB9AII 
9N1SM        VE5SM         GI7J         GW4VEQ        SO5NN        UT4NN  
9U5DX        F2YT          GJ3RTE       G3SWH         SO5VTB       N9VTB  
9X/RE3A      RA3AR         GJ3SWH       G3SWH         SP0YTF       SP4MPH 
9X/RW3AH     RA3AR         GJ4IAR/M     G4IAR         SV2/IK1TVS   IK1TVS 
9Y4/PA3BBP   PA3ERC        GM0SEI       GM0KVI        SV8/I0JBL    I0JBL  
9Y4/PA3ERC   PA3ERC        GS0ARY/P     GM0JHF        SV8/IK7WPH   IK7XNF 
9Y4/PA3EWP   PA3ERC        GS7UEG/P     G7DKX         SV9/HA0KB    HA0HW  
A35DM        ON4DM         GU3KHZ       G3KHZ         T95A         K2PF   
A45XL        G3VUO         GU3SJJ       G3SJJ         T97POPE      T94YT  
AH0R         JH6RTO        GU3TMA       G3TMA         T99CCD       F5THR  
AP50AMR      AP2AMR        GU4YWY/P     G4YWY         TA2DS/0      WA3HUP 
AP50AP       AP2AP         HAM0LG       HA0LG         TA2FE/0      KK3S   
AP50CM       AP2CM         HAM2VB       HA2VB         TA3ZJ        DL3FDU 
AP50EH       AP2EH         HAM4ZZ       HA4ZZ         TA4/DJ8QP    DJ8QP  
AP50JZB      AP2JZB        HAM5BPC      HA5BPC        TA4ZF        HB9AOE 
AP50RP       AP2RP         HAM7JIR      HA7JIR        TF0CW        LA0CX  
AX1ITU       WB2FFY        HAM7JTU      HA7JTU        TI5/KB0QMY   K3BYV  
AX8NSB       VK8HA         HAM8DM       HA8FW         TL8EJ        F6FNU  
AY5E         LU5EWO        HAM8KVB      HA8KVB        TL8PC        F5SOZ  
BD4SE        BY4RSA        HB0/HA0KB    HA0HW         TM0GL        F6DBA  
BV0DX        KA6SPQ        HB0/PA3ERC/P PA3ERC        TM1OOL       F6KWP  
BV0THU       BV3FG         HB5CC        HB9BCH        TM1W         F8KLW  
BV2/SM3SGP   SM3EVR        HG0FIN       HA0HW         TM2VH        F1CSB  
CJ1OK        VE1OK         HG0TYP       HA0HW         TM4B         F1MUT  
CN36NL       CN8GI         HGM0TYP      HA0HW         TM5BFO       F6KMF  
CN68CV       CN8CV         HL0N/3       HL1TUE        TM5V         F6KJX  
CN68DN       CN8DN         HP1XBI/2     F6AJA         TU5VQ        KE6YUW 
CN68DT       CN8DT         HP1XVH       KF0UI         TT8LJP       F5TRD  
CN68FD       CN8FD         HR3RON       N2EUN         UA9XS        W3SC   
CN68FZ       CN8FZ         IC8/I8RIZ    I8RIZ         UE1QSK       RW1ZZ  
CN68GB       CN8GB         ID8/IK8BIZ   IK8BIZ        UE3YDC       UA3YFX 
CN68GE       CN8GE         ID8/IK8DDN   IK2PZG        UE4NSH       RW4NA  
CN68LI       CN8LI         ID8/IK8WEJ   IK8WEJ        UE6ADI/P     UA6MF  
CN68MA       CN8MA         ID8/IZ8AZV   IK8WEJ        UE9AWA       RK9AWA 
CN68MC       CN8MC         ID8/IZ8BGY   IK8WEJ        UE9MKS       RK9MXD 
CN68ML       CN8ML         ID9/IK4HLQ   IK4HLQ        UE9XAC       RN9XA  
CN68NK       CN8NK         II7MDS       I7IJU         UX0W         UY5XE  
CN68SN       CN8SN         II8S         IK2IWU        UY0W         UY5XE  
CQ1I         CT1FMX        IJ9/IT9AXZ   IT9AXZ        UY9W         UY5XE  
CQ5P         CT1ETE        IJ9/IT9WDY   IT9WDY        V21CW        KA2DIW 
CQ7O         CT1DJE        IL3/IK2HTW   IK2TCZ        V29DK        Z32AU  
CQ7P         CT1ERK        IL3/IV3CCI   IV3CCI        V31RC        VG9L   
S DX@WW $425WW328D
425 DX News #328 [4/6]
 16 August 1997                    No 328                   BID: $425WW328D
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         *  Q S L   I N F O  [2/2] *

CR9WAG       DL3KUD        IL3CII       IV3CII        V73NH        JA3OIN 
CS4FMX/P     CT1FMX        IL7/IK8VRH   IK8VRH        V73NN        JE7JRZ 
CS500G       CT1REP        IR2P         IK2DUW        V73TX        JA3OIN 
CT1YTS       CT1FMX        IR7GM        IK7WUJ        V85GW        VK8CW  
CT2GLO       CT1APE        IS0/IK2UJR   IK2ABJ        VE6NQ        VE3NAO 
CU9L         CU3EJ         IT9/IT9WKH   IT9WKH        VI9NL        VK9NL  
CV1FP        CX6FP         J28AG        F6EJI         VK0GW        VK1AUS 
CY0NCD       VA3NCD        J28CV        DA1HA         VK2IFB       DF8AN  
CY9DX        VA3RU         J28PP/P      F5PWH         VK8MI        VK4AAR 
DA0BER       DF4JGP        J38AH        IV3NVN        VK9LL        JR5DUW 
DA0HRO       DL2KUA        J38AL        IV3TMV        VK9WG        VK5WG  
DA2GP        KA3YUH        J41WCA       SV1BSX        VP2MHP       JE1OEM 
EA1URM/P     EA1JW         J45FRE       SV5AZR        VP8/LZ0A     LZ1KDP 
EA3/ED5RCC   EA5AOR        J45RDS       SV5TH         VP9MW        WB2YQH 
EA8/G4DIY    G4DIY         J48W         SV1CID        VQ9XX        K6OZL  
EA9PD/P      EA9PB         J80C         K7TK          VR97GO       KU9C   
ED1CMC       EA1URO        JT0WA        OK1KRG        VR97IL       VR2IL  
ED1ISC       EA1EPB        JW/TM6E      F8IDR         VR97JE       G4CVC  
ED1MCH       EA1DHH        JW3OHA       LA3OHA        VR97KM       VR2KM  
ED1PR        EA1MV         JW6VDA       LA6VDA        VR97MC       VR2MC  
ED1RGC       EA1BPC        JX2IJ        LA2IJ         W4MT         KE4WMG 
ED1RUA       EA1BEZ        JY8WA        DK3GI         XE2EBE       NF6H   
ED1XFY       EA1DD         K2XS         DL5OBZ        XQ3PA        CE3PA  
ED2CLU       EA2CLU        KH7R         KH6HH         XT2AR        W4BYG  
ED2MIB       EA2ATU        KP3Z         WC4E          XZ5A         JA1BK  
ED5HQ        EA1AAA        KP4IX        WP4MIN        YB1ARA/9     K6DLV  
ED5HQ        EA5HQ         KP4XS        KF3P          YI1AU        WB3CQN 
ED6CNR       EA6RCC        L40H         LU7HJM        YN1RLI       TI5RLI 
ED7SAL       EA7OI         L50V         LU5VC         YR7G         YO7KFX 
ED7VCL       EA7URG        LR2DW        LU2DW         YZ7V         YU7ECD 
ED9CCL       EA9AO         LX2BN        IZ3ALQ        Z2/N9YXA     N9YXA  
ED9RGC       EA9PY         LY97RMD      LY1RMD        Z32FD        DJ0LZ  
EF5GLN       EA5GLN        MJ0ASP       F5SHQ         Z350AM       Z31DX  
EF5HQ        EA5HQ         MW7Z         G5LP          Z350KXY      Z37KXY 
EG5ITD       EA5AR         NP3F         N4YGI         Z39Z         Z37FAD 
EM10CH       UT3UR         OA6SS        KB6J          ZD9IL        ZS5BBO 
EN5E         UT7EZ         OD5/9K2MU    WA4JTK        ZF2FT        WN5YTR 
EO10U        US5UU         OD5PI        ZP5ALI        ZF2WY        W7WY   
EO150WLP     UR4WWZ        OD5SB        PA3FWP        ZK1AAT       KQ2I   
EO5HMK       UR4HXU        OE5L         OE5XVL        ZK1AGW       AG8W   
EO5IV        UX8IXX        OEM4MXB      OE4MXB        ZK2YY        JA3IG  
EO5JS        UU9JWC        OEM7KWT      OE7KWT        ZP39A        ZP5AA  
EO5KR        UR4KWA        OH0JJN       K3FK          ZV45GJR      PY2GJR 
EO5QZ        UR4QZF        OH0MB        OH0RJ         ZV5JD        PP5JD  
EO9JN        UU9JN         OH0MYF/6     OH6YF         ZW5CA        PP5VB  
EP2AG        EP2MHB        OH8W         OH8AAS        ZW9L         PY1LVF 
EP2MKO       UA6HCW        OI1LUZ       OH1LUZ        ZX8JD        PP5JD  
EU8T         EW8WA         OI1VE        OH1VE         ZY6WL        PY6WL  
EV10D        EW8DD         OI4YT        OH4YT         ZZ2Z         AC7DX  

AC7DX   Ron Lago, P.O.Box 25426, Eugene, OR-97402, U.S.A.
BD7JA   Yang, P.O.Box 1713, Canton, China
CT1BWW  Manuel Alberto Canceicao Marques, P.O.Box 41, P-2780 Oeiras, Portugal
DF0MF   Georg Breusing Promenade, D-26725 Emden, Germany
EA5HQ   STL U.R.E. Ontinyent, P.O.Box 361, 46870 Ontinyent, Spain
EA5OL   Francisco Gil Guerrero, P.O.Box 8176, 46080 Valencia, Spain
GM4SUC  Mike Dalrymple, P.O.Box 36, Prestwick KA9 1AL, Scotland
JA1EZM  Hiro Tabuchi, 242 Kumagawa, Fussa City 197, Tokyo, Japan
JW0M    Jack, P.O.Box 35, 80-325, Gdansk 37, Poland
OZ7DAL  Danish Amateur Lightship, Fyrskib 21, DK-8400 Ebeltoft, Denmark
PA3ERC  Rob Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS, Voorburg, The Netherlands
PP5JD   Jaime Dorneles, R.Afonso Pena 772, Florianopolis, SC-88070-650, Brazil
YO3FRI  Tina Muller, P.O.Box 18-130, R-71500, Bucaresti, Romania
ZS5BBO  Edwin Musto, P.O.Box 211.032, 4036 Bluff, Republic of South Africa
S DX@WW $425WW328E
425 DX News #328 [5/6]
 16 August 1997                    No 328                   BID: $425WW328E
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         NORTHERN LIGHTHOUSE WEEKEND

During the weekend 23-24 August 1997  there will be  taking place two  events
associated with lighthouses and lightships.  The first event is The  Northern
Lighthouse  Weekend  when  ten  Scottish  amateur  radio  stations  will   be
established at lighthouses  around Scotland.   Running  concurrent with  this
event is the Lighthouse/Lightship Activity Weekend when amateur radio station
will be established at lighthouses/lightships around the world.

Both events will be from 9 UTC on Saturday  23 August until 17 UTC on  Sunday
24 August 1997.  Some of the lighthouses are located in very isolated  places
far from any facilities and cannot be expected to be QRV all night,  however,
all stations will be QRV between 9 and 17 UTC on both Saturday and Sunday.

Participating stations will add "LIGHT",  "LGT", "LIGHTHOUSE" or  "LIGHTSHIP"
after the call.  The Scottish stations  may not use the 'ident' because  they
already have a special callsign with a suffix to match the name of their QTH.

Operations will take place  on the following  frequencies: between 3.510  and
3.540, 7.005-7.035  and  14.010-14.040  MHz  CW;  between  3.650  and  3.750,
7.040-7.100 and 14.125-14.275 MHz SSB.


GB2LO,  Lighthouse Orkney  (a station  will be  established in  the car  park
        overlooking the Brough  of Birsey Lighthouse  in the Orkney  Islands,
        EU-009). QSL via GM0HTH.
GB2LTH, Lighthouse Tiumpan Head  (this lighthouse is  on the  Isle of  Lewis,
        Outer Hebrides, and just to the  east of Stornoway, EU-010). QSL  via
GB2LCP, Lighthouse  Corsewall  Point  (in  the  very  south  west  corner  of
        Scotland, about 15Km from Stranraer). QSL via GM0FSZ.
GB2LBN, Lighthouse Barns Ness (this  lighthouse is to  the east of  Edinburgh
        and on the south coast of the Firth of Forth). QSL via GM4UYZ.
GB2LT,  Lighthouse Turnberry  (if you  are  a golfer  you  will have  seen  a
        picture  of the lighthouse  at Turnberry Golf  Course, just south  of
        Ayr). QSL via GM4SUC.
GB2LTN, Lighthouse Tarbet Ness (situated north of Inverness on the north east
        coast of Scotland). QSL via GM0IYP. 
GB2LCL, Lighthouse Corran Light  (at the entrance  to the Great  Glen on  the
        Firth of Lorn). QSL via GM3WML. 
GB2LKH, Lighthouse Kinnaird Head (this lighthouse is now part of the Scottish
        Lighthouse Museum at Kinnaird Head). QSL via GM0WIB.
GB2LDH, Lighthouse Dunnet Head (the most northerly lighthouse on the mainland
        of Scotland). QSL via GM4NHX.
GM0KCY, Butt  of  Lewis  Lighthouse  (the  lighthouse  keeper,  GM0KCY,   has
        confirmed that he will be QRV from his lighthouse on very top of  the
        Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, EU-010).


CS1CRA,  Clube Radios no Atlantico  have agreed to  organise, in addition  to
         CS1CRA, three or  four stations  at Portugese  lighthouses. QSL  via
DL0BRF,  Borkumriff (a lightship which is in the port of Borkum Island).
DL0EM,   Campen (a  lighthouse  and  at 65M  is  the  highest  lighthouse  in
DL0KA,   a lighthouse is in the Cologne/Rhine.
DL0MF,   Amrumbank (a steel  lightship built in  1914-18 and  last active  10
         October 1983. Now a museum in the port of Emden).
DL0PJ,   the lighthouse on Norderney Island (EU-047).
EA:      there are about  250 lighthouses in  Spain and it  is hoped to  have
         some on the air.
F6KUM,   the Dieppe Radio Club will be QRV from the lighthouse Ailly.
G0VOP/P, Portland Bill Lighthouse (England)
GB2MHL,  Milford Haven Lightship (Wales). QSL via GW3IGG.
GB2NFL,  North Foreland Lighthouse (England)
GB2SFL,  South Foreland Lighthouse (England)
JW6RHA:  Unni and Turid (JW9THA), both YLs, will be arriving in  Longyearbyen
         early on the morning of 23  August and after  joining up with  Inger
         (JW8KT), another YL, they will operate from Vestpynten lighthouse on
         Svalbard Island (EU-026).
OH:      Jari, OH2BU, hopes to get up  to ten stations active from old  light
         hills in Finland.
OZ1LFA,  Gedser Fyr (first  lighthouse built in  1802 and  is at  the tip  of
         Falster Island, EU-029). QSL via OZ7DAL.
OZ1VYL,  Motorfyrskib 1 (a wooden lightship built in 1920. Last active  March
         1988 and has been a museum since 1990. First Danish lightship  built
         with a propelling engine and is  located at Esbjerg.   This will  be
         the first ever amateur radio activity from Motorfyrskib 1). QSL  via
OZ7DAL,  Fyrskib XXI (a wooden lightship  built in 1910.   Last active  12-13
         December 1988.  Museum  since  1991.  Last  Danish  lightship  built
         without a propeller  engine. First Danish  lightship to be  equipped
         with radio at initial placing. Last active lightship in Denmark  and
         is situated at Edeltoft). QSL via OZ7DAL.
OZ?DSB,  Sprogo Fyr (lighthouse location since 1809.  Sprogo is an island  in
         the middle of Store  Baelt. Very special  permission has been  given
         because  the  island  is  closed  to   the  public  due  to   nature
         conservation). QSL via OZ7DAL.
OZ?SKA,  Skagen Fyr (the first lighthouse was  located in 1560. One of the  3
         first Danish lights ordered by King  Fredrick II, 8 July 1560).  QSL
         via OZ7DAL.
PA6NH,   the Dutch lightship Noord Hinder which is in Hellevoetsluis.
PA6URK,  the lighthouse of the city of  Urk and a contact  is also valid  for
         the 'Isle of Urk' award.
PY:      Pedro, PP5SZ, hopes to have a station(s) QRV from Brazil.
SK7DD,   the Swedish  lighthouse Kullen,  one of  the oldest  lighthouses  in
SV:      George, SV1QN, hopes to be active from a lighthouse on the north end
         of Myconos Island.  He is awaiting permission from the Greek Navy.
NOTE:    There is also the possibility of activity from other countries.

                               AWARD MANAGERS

1AL, Scotland.
FYRSKIB XXI DIPLOM ---> OZ7DAL, DK-8400 Ebeltoft, Denmark
FEUERSCHIFF DIPLOM  --->  DF0MF, Georg  Breusing  Promenade,  D-26725  Emden,
DIPLOMA DOS  FAROIS  DE PORTUGAL  --->  CT1BWW, P.O.Box  41,  P-2780  Oeiras,
SPANISH LIGHTHOUSE DIPLOMA ---> EA5OL, P.O.Box 8176, E-4600 Valencia, Spain

For further information  please contact  Mike Dalrymple,  GM4SUC: Tel:  +[44]
01292 443127; Packet: GM4SUC@GB7AYR.#78.GBR.EU; E-Mail: GM4SUC@compuserve.com
S DX@WW $425WW328F
425 DX News #328 [6/6]
 16 August 1997                    No 328                   BID: $425WW328F
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***

The following  list  of  QSL routes  has been compiled by  Pascual Guardiola,
EA5EYJ.  Further information,  comments  and amendments must  be  sent direct
to   him   at    either   e-mail   address  <ea5eyj@arrakis.es>   or    AX.25

  CALL       IOTA   QSL via
=========== ======= =======
9A/DL1AUJ   EU-136  DL1AUJ
9A/DL3DRN   EU-136  DL3DRN
9A/DL5AWI   EU-136  DL5AWI
9A4VV       EU-016  Bureau
9M2FK       AS-015  Eshee Razak, 281 C Jalan Pekeliling, 11700 Penang, 
                    West Malaysia
9M2TO       AS-015  JA0DMV bureau
9V1YC       AS-019  AA5BT
A35MJ       OC-064  KS7D
BD7YA       AS-094  BY7HL  ARS of Changsha Radio Sport Assn, Box 105,
                    Changsha, China 
BV9AAC      AS-103  bureau
CX/LU7DW    SA-057  LU7DW
DL5CW/P     EU-098  DL5CW
EA6ZY       EU-004  CBA
EJ9HQ/p     EU-103  EI9HQ
ES1RA/1     EU-149  ES1RA Oleg M Mir, POB 806, 
                    Tallinn EE-0017, Estonia
F5PHW/p     EU-032  F5PHW
FK8HC       OC-032  Frank Petitjean, P.O.Box 7636, F-98801 Noumea,
                    New Caledonia
G3RTE/p     EU-120  G3RTE
GM3PPG/p    EU-010  G3PPG
GM4DZX      EU-009  Bureau
I3BQC       EU-131  I3BQC bureau
KP2/AA1BU   NA-106  WA1LNP
M7D         EU-005  G3LZQ
OH0/DJ6AU   EU-002  DJ6AU
OZ/OX3KV    EU-029  Allan Glasdam, Box 113, DK-3953 Qegertarsuaq,
                    Greenland, via Denmark
OZ1DYI/p    EU-125  OZ1DYI
OZ4FF       EU-030  Karsten Tranberg, Drosselvangen 11, 
                    DK-3700 Roenne, Denmark
PA/ON7PC/p  EU-146  ON7PC
PJ7UQ       NA-105  W3HNK
RA0FF       AS-018  KL7H/W6
RU0LAX/p    AS-066  W3HC (ex W3HCW): Carl McDaniel,2116 Reed St.,
                    Faxon PA 17701-3904, USA
SM0OIG/5    EU-084  SM0OIG bureau
SM7DLZ      EU-037  Bureau
TI5/JH1NBN   ---    JH1NBN
TK/S53R     EU-014  S53R
UA0FDX      AS-018  HH2HM/F
VK9NS       OC-005  J B Smith, Box 90, Norfolk Island, 
                    NSW 2899,Australia
VQ9IE       AF-006  WY8Q Bureau
YC8BJK/9    OC-147  YC8BJK
YC8UYB      OC-146  Ricky Welan, P.O.Box 1423, Manado 95014, Indonesia
Z39Z         ----   Z37FAD
ZA0SI       EU-169  HB9RG (HA1AG informs that HB9RG it is not the 
                    manager. It is possible that it will be PIRATE.)
ZW2WAL       ----   PU2LCD

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

IK8CJP, IK8WEJ, IK8YFU, Brescia DX Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike, Diamond
DX Club, Roman DX Group, Salento DX Team, 4Z4DX, 9M2OM/G3NOM, AP2TJ,  CT1EEB,
PY-DX, QRZ-DX,  The 59(9)  DX Report,  The Daily  DX, URE-EA-DX,  VK2SG  RTTY

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