DX425 bulletin issue nr. 327

S DX@WW $425WW327A
425 DX News #327 [1/6]
 9 August 1997                     No 327                  BID: $425WW327A
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                               Edited by I1JQJ
                               IK1ADH - IK1GPG

! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
!                                                                           !
! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: info DX                                          !
!       (e-mail i1jqj@amsat.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)              !
! Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG: QSL Managers/QSL Routes                          !
!       (e-mail 425dxqsl@pc.fr.flashnet.it - BBS IK1GPG@IW1BIM.IPIE.ITA.EU) !
! Mirko Caserta, IK0ZSN: 425dxnews Mailing List                             !
!       (e-mail ik0zsn@amsat.org)                                           !
! Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 WWW Pages                               !
!       (e-mail i121171@amsat.org)                                          !

3D2_f  - Paul, OH5UQ  will  operate  as  3D2PN  from  Fiji  after  his  FW5IW
         activity. QSL via OH5UQ.
5A     - The QSL route  for the  forthcoming 5A28  operation (31  August -  7
         September) is: Recep Gursoy (OE2GRP) P.O.  Box 200, A-5202  Neumarkt
         a.W., Austria.
5X     - Peter, ON6TT/5X1T reports that there  is now a  very active core  of
         hams: Paul (5X4F), Mario (5X1C), Joe  (5X1P), Mats (5X1Z) and  Peter
         himself, while DJ1US is awaiting his license. Mats is back in Africa
         as of next week; and Peter will be off in Belgium from 12 August  to
         the end of September; Paul, 5X4F/W4PFM (QSL via K3SW) will go QRT in
         mid October and return to the US.
7Q     - Steve, 7Q7SB will be active from  Malawi from September/October  for
         two or three years. QSL via AB4IQ.
9A     - Gabi, HA3JB will be active as 9A/HA3JB from Krk Island (EU-136) from
         23 to 30  August. Operations will  take place on  CW (3.525,  7.025,
         14.025, 21.025 MHz) and RTTY (14.082 MHz). QSL via home call.
9M2    - Ray, 9M2OM/G3NOM plans  to be active  as 9M2OM/P  from Besar  Island
         (AS-097) from 6 UTC on 16 AUgust until 22 UTC on 17 August. QSL  via
         G0CMM (John  Bell,  28 Stiles  Avenue,  Marple, Stockport  SK66  LR,
         England, UK).  Ray  should also  return  to  Ketam  Island  (AS-074)
         [425DXN 326] in the near future, probably at short notice.
9M_spr - The Daily DX reports that Pekka,  OH2YY/BY will be active  (callsign
         unknown so far) from Spratly Islands (AS-051) from 19 to 22  August.
         Pekka will operate on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB and he might also
         be active on the WARC bands.
9X     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Andy, RW3AH will be in Rwanda from 24
         August for several months. He should be active again as 9X/RW3AH.
9Y     - Peter (PA3BBP), Rob (PA3ERC) and Ronald  (PA3EWP) will be 9Y4/  from
         Tobago (SA-009) from 30 August to 11 September.  They will be active
         160-10 metres on  CW, SSB and  RTTY with  two stations.   Thanks  to
         Alex, PA3DMHA  a special  Internet Web  Page  will be  available  at
         <http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/tour1997.html> with  daily  uploaded
         logs and digital images.  QSL via PA3ERC either direct (Rob Snieder,
         Van Leeuwenstraat  137,  2273  VS,  Voorburg,  The  Netherlands)  or
         through the bureau.
AP     - Junji, JA7SSB reports that JA1EZM will be active (mostly on 160, 80,
         40 and  30 metres,  but also  on  20, 17,  15  and 12  metres)  from
         Pakistan as AP2AP  from 9 to  17 August. Junji  will be  QRV in  his
         spare time. QSL via home call.
BV     - The DX News Sheet reports that  until 1 October BV2EW, BV5AF,  BV4FH
         and BV4YB are  active as BM0BV;  BV4BO, BV5AG, BV5EV  and BV4YL  are
         active as BX0YL; BV7WB and BV7YA are active as BW0TW.
BY     - The DX  News  Sheet  reports that  Lou,  PA0LOU  (along  with  other
         delegates,  including  Dave,  K1ZZ,  Secretary  and  Executive  Vice
         President of ARRL) will be active  from 4 to  16 September from  the
         special BT1IARU  station located  in the  IARU Region  3  Conference
         hotel in Beijing.
         and BD7KW are planning to  operate (CW and  SSB) as homecall/7  from
         Dan Gan Island  (AS-???). They expect  to get  to the  island at  12
         (local time) on 15 August and leave at 14 (local time) on 17 August.
CO     - The OPDX  Bulletin reports  that  members from  Kvarnberget  Amateur
         Radio Club (SM0DRD,  SM0JHF, SM0KCO, SM0MO,  SM0AIG and SM5DSB)  and
         Radio Club Las Tunas will participate in the CQWW CW Contest  (29-30
         November) from Cuba as T48RCT. The  station will be active (CW,  SSB
         and RTTY, WARC bands included)  one week before  and one week  after
         the contest.  QSL via  SK0UX. Further  information is  available  at
EA     - EA5AL and  EA5BD  will  be active  as  EA5AL/P  from  Sueras  Castle
         (CVC-092) on 10 August. QSL via  EA5AL (P.O. Box,  87, 12100 Onda  -
         Castellon, Spain).
F      - F5KOU, F5KQN, F5SZX and F6BVB will be active from DIFI island during
         the weekend.
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FH     - Giuseppe, IK4NQW reports that he will be active as FH/IK4NQW/p  from
         Mayotte (AF-027)  from 21  August to  2  September. QSL  via  IK4NQW
         either  direct  (Giuseppe   Negri,  Via   Circondaria  48/b,   42015
         Correggio-RE, Italy) or through the bureau.
G      - Bill, G3WNI,  and Tom,  G0PSE will  be active  (10-160 metres,  WARC
         included, CW and SSB) as  GB0LI from Lundy  Island (EU-120) from  30
         September to 7 October. QSL via G3WNI or G0PSE.
GM     - G3ZAY, GM0UGG, G0PCE, and G0PYA will  be active from Shiant  Islands
         (EU-112) on 16  and 17 August  (weather permitting).  QSL via  G3ZAY
         either direct (Martin Atherton, 41 Enniskillen Road, Cambridge,  CB4
         1SQ, England) or through the bureau.
GW     - G4KCT will be active (mainly on 80, 20 and 6 metres) as GW4KCT/P and
         GW8FIS/P from St. Tudwal's Islands (EU-106) on 9 and 10 August.  QSL
         via G4KCT. 
HL     - Hanyang University  Wave  Research Club  operators  HL1UVH,  DS1IUW,
         DS1DBX, HL1WYV, HL2LOQ, HL1OQH  and DS1JFA will  be active (SSB  and
         CW) as HL0C/4 from Mara Island (AS-026) from 12 UTC on 13 August  to
         20 UTC  on  16  August. QSL  to  Hanyang  University  Amateur  Radio
         Station, 17 Hangdang Seongdong, Seoul, Korea.
HL     - The station HL0Z/4 will be active (40 and 20 metres CW and SSB) from
         Chuja Islands  (AS-084) from  10 to  13 August.  QSL via  bureau  or
         direct to DS4CNB  (D.R.Lee, Kwangsan P.O  Box 111, Kwangju  506-050,
HL     - The station HL0BDU/4 will be active  (40, 20 and 15 metres, SSB  and
         CW) from AS-060 from 14 to  17 August. QSL via  bureau or direct  to
         Byung Kook  Hwang, Donga  University,  San 840,  Hadandong,  Sahaku,
         Pusan 604-714, Korea.
HP     - Ricardo (HP2CTM), Jose (HP2CWB), Emilio (HP2DFU) and Manuel (HP2ECP)
         will be active  (10-40 metres,  CW and  SSB) as  either HO6V,  HP6V,
         3E6V, 3F6V, H36V, H86V and H96V from Cebaco and other islands in the
         Veraguas South Province group (NA-071) between 8 and 10 August.  QSL
         via HP2CWB  (Jose Ng,  Direct  Distribution LTD.,  PTY-201,  P.O.Box
         02-5275, Miami, FL 33102-5275, USA:  please note that  it is only  a
         maildrop address for incoming mail, do not send US stamps).
I      - Salento DX Team operators along with IK8TWP, IK2PZG, IK2SGC will  be
         IJ7/ from Gallipoli (IIA LE-010) on 10 August. QSL via home call.
I      - On 10  August Vito  (I3BQC),  Stefano (IK3ABY),  Patrizia  (IK3BPN),
         Daniele (IK3BSM), Giorgio (IK3PQH) and Gianni (IK3TTY) will be  IL3/
         (weather permitting)  from  the  following  islands  in  the  Venice
         Lagoon: Motta  dei  Cunicci (IIA  VE-054),  Motta San  Lorenzo  (IIA
         VE-055), Mazzorbo (IIA VE-009) and Torcello (IIA VE-011).
I      - IK6CGO, IK6RHT and IZ6ABC  will be active  from either Scoglio  Vela
         (IIA AN-001)  or  Scoglio Le  due  sorelle (AN-002)  on  10  August,
         weather permitting.
I      - Italo, IV3CII is IL3/ from Taglio Nuovo Island (EU-130, IIA  GO-019)
         during the weekend.
I      - Gianni, I8RIZ is IC8/ from Vivara Island (EU-031, IIA NA-005) during
         the weekend.
I      - IK8WES, IZ8AZV and  IZ8BGY are ID8/  from Dino  Island (EU-144,  IIA
         CS-002) during the weekend.
I      - Roberto, IK3AWP is IG9/ from Lampedusa Island (AF-019).
I      - Nino, IK8DDN will  be IL8/ from  Secca di  Castrocucco (IIA  PZ-???)
         during the weekend, and will QRV from Scogli Formicola (IIA  CS-003)
         and Scogli Corica (IIA CS-004) during the week.
I      - Angelo, IK2HTW  should be  IL3/ from  a few  islands in  the  Venice
         lagoon on 11 and 12 August.
I      - Salento  DX  Team  operators  will  be  active  as  IJ7/IK7JWX   and
         IJ7/IK7VJX from Scoglio Fanciulla (IIA LE-009) on 31 August.
I      - Gabriele, IK3GES will be active from a few IIA islands at the mouths
         of the Po during the last week of August.
IS0    - IS0BDF and IS0UPR will active as IM0/IS0BDF from the islet of  Porto
         Pollo (EU-024, IIA SS-117) on 16-17 August.
J6     - Peter (PA3BBP), Rob (PA3ERC)  and Ronald (PA3EWP)  will be J6/  (but
         they have  applied  for  J68BP, J68RC  and  J68WP)  from  St.  Lucia
         (NA-108) from 21 to 30 August. They will be active 160-10 metres  on
         CW, SSB  and RTTY  with  two stations.  Thanks  to Alex,  PA3DMHA  a
         special    Internet    Web    Page    will    be    available     at
         <http://www.igr.nl/users/pa3dmh/tour1997.html> with  daily  uploaded
         logs and digital images. QSL via PA3ERC either direct (Rob  Snieder,
         Van Leeuwenstraat  137,  2273  VS,  Voorburg,  The  Netherlands)  or
         through the bureau.
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KH0    - JA2BWH, JA1BUI,  JA1DHY and  JA7NJN will  be  KH0/ from  Mariana  Is
         (OC-086) on 30 and 31 August.
KP2    - The Daily DX reports that Doug, W3CF and Dick, K3MQH will be  active
         from Virgin Islands (NA-106)  between 22 and  30 October. They  will
         participate in the CQ WW SSB  Contest as WP2Z (QSL via KK3S),  while
         before and after the contest they will operate as W3CF/KP2 (QSL  via
         KK3S) and K3MQH/KP2 (QSL via K3MQH) on the WARC bands and RS-12.
LA     - LA/DK4UN is active from Songvar Island (EU-061).
LA     - LA/DL1AKY and LA/DL2ATR are active from from Rundoy Island (EU-079).
SV     - Domenico, IK7WPH is  SV8/ from  Zakinthos Island  (EU-052) until  15
         August. QSL via IK7XNF.
SV5    - Elio SV5/IZ2AEQ is active from Rhodes Island (EU-001).
T9     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Mario, DL1FDV, will be active (CW and
         SSB, hopefully on  all HF  bands) from  Bosnia-Herzegovina as  T94DX
         between 24  August and  4 September.  QSL via  DL1FDV either  direct
         (please  note   that  his   correct   address  is:   Mario   Lovric,
         Hagebuttenweg 4, 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany) or through the bureau.
UA     - Ivan, UE6ADI  is  active from  Dolgy  Island (RR-17-01)  during  the
         weekend. QSL via UA6MF.
V3     - Joe, K8JP will be in Belize from 12 to 21 August. He will operate on
         80-6 metres (possibly  160), mostly on  CW with some  SSB, call  not
         know as yet.  QSL via K8JP,  whose current correct  address is:  Joe
         Pontek, P. O. Box 59573, Schaumburg, IL 60159-0573, USA.
V4     - The OPDX Bulletin reports that Joe, VE3BW will be active again  from
         St. Kitts (NA-104) as V47CA from 16 November to 1 December. He  will
         participate in the CQWW CW Contest. Before and after the contest  he
         will be active on the WARC bands. QSL to VE3BW.
VE     - Jimmy, K9PPY is going to be active as K9PPY/VE7 as follows: on 9 and
         10 August from Saltspring Island (NA-075), on 15 August from  Quadra
         Island (NA-091), on 15 and 16 August from Vancouver Island (NA-036).
         QSL via home call.
VK     - ODXG operations  from Holmes  Reef (OC-???)  are confirmed  to  take
         place after  the  DXpedition  to  Willis  Island  (see  below).  The
         callsign is still unknown. QSL via VK4FW. Donations for both  Willis
         and Holmes Reef activities are welcome and should be sent to Oceania
         DX Group Willis Effort, P. O. Box 929, Gympie 4570, Australia.
VK9_w  - The Oceania DX Group expeditioners [425DXN 315] will leave Australia
         at 14 UTC on 9 September.  The first station  should be active  from
         Willis Island  (OC-007)  by 5.30  UTC  on  11  September  (callsigns
         unknown, they should be issued around 1 September). Operations (SSB,
         CW and RTTY on 10-160 metres) are expected to stop on either late 21
         September or early 22. QSL via VK4FW.
VK0_mac- Tom, VK0TS  is now  more  or less  regularly  active on  14.222  MHz
         starting around 4 UTC. He can also be found on either 7.075 or 3.799
         MHz around 11  UTC. QSL via  VK1AUS (Simon Trotter,  P.O. Box  2063,
         Kambah Village, ACT   2902, Australia).  Simon is  in daily  contact
         with Tom  and anyone  needing info  on  Tom's activities  or  anyone
         needing special contacts  for awards etc  can contact  Simon at  his
         e-mail address (vk1aus@netinfo.com.au). "I can't promise we can  get
         you a contact  on 23cm  via moonbounce  or any  other fancy  modes",
         Simon reports, "but I will try and get  Tom to work on all bands  on
         both SSB and CW before he comes home at the end of the year".
W      - Members of the Great South Bay  ARC, Islip ARES  and Long Island  DX
         Association will operate as W2GSB/p from the Fire Island Lighthouse,
         ref #670 (NA-026, USI NY-013-S) between 14  and 22 UTC on 16 and  17
         August. QSL via AC2P.
W      - Jimmy, K9PPY will be active as  K9PPY/W7 from Orcas Island  (NA-065)
         on 16 and 17 August. QSL via home call.
W      - Special event station W4MT will be active from 13 UTC to 21 UTC on 6
         September to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the US Air Force. QSL
         via KE4WMG.
Z3     - OH3MIG is currently Z38/ and is especially active on WARC bands  CW.
         QSL via OH3GZ.
ZD9    - Ian, ZD9IL is currently active from  Tristan da Cunha (AF-029).  QSL
         direct to ZS5BBO, Edwin Musto (P.O. Box 211032, Bluff 4036, Republic
         of South Africa  or 803 Willowpark,  cnr Umbilo  & Willowvale  Road,
         Glenwood, Durban  4001,  Republic of  South  Africa),  whose  e-mail
         address is <Edwin@mec.co.za>.
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425 DX News #327 [4/6]
 9 August 1997                     No 327                  BID: $425WW327D
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*****************************    GOOD TO KNOW ... ***************************

9M2OM/P ---> Ray, 9M2OM/G3NOM is currenty attempting to activate several IOTA
Malaysian  Islands.  Two  operations  have  been  completed:  Pangkor  Island
(AS-072, 26-27  July,  9M2OM/P,  385 QSOs)  [425DXN  325]  and  Ketam  Island
(AS-074, 2-3 August, 9M2OM/P, 411 QSOs). QSL via G0CMM (John Bell, 28  Stiles
Avenue, Marple, Stockport SK66 LR, England, UK). Please note that IOTA island
operations are signified by signing /P (when Ray signs 9M2OM he operates from
Kuala Lumpur on the mainland).

FT5ZG ---> Eric, FT5ZG is reported to be unable to use his amplifier  [425DXN
314] because the  3-500Z tube is  broken. If anyone  can help please  contact
Eric's QSL manager,  F5RQQ (Jean-Marc Vigier,  4 Imp Des  Lys, 63800  Cournon
d'Auvergne, France).

INORC ---> The  logging program  for the  Italian Naval  Old Rhythmer's  Club
(INORC) annual CW contest is now available from the Contest Manager (Flaviano
Moro I2MOV, Via Po 2, 27020 Breme-PV, Italy:  please send a SASE and a  3.5''
floppy disk).  It can  be downloaded  from  IK2SOE's  home  page (http://www.
geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/1018/inorc.html), where it  is possible  to
find more information about the contest.

NEW ORLEANS INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION ---> It will be held on 22-23  August
at the Royal  Sonesta Hotel in  the French Quarter  of New  Orleans, LA.  The
hotel is rated  as one  of the  ten best  in the  USA and  is located  within
walking distance of  countless sites  of interest,  entertainment and  superb
dining. The  deadline  for early  registration  is 15  August  (registrations
should be  sent to  New Orleans  International DX  Convention, Michael  Mayer
W5ZPA, 5836 Marcia Avenue, New  Orleans, LA 70124  USA; (504) 524-2129).  For
the  special  NOIDXC  room  discount,  call   the  local  hotel  number   for
reservations: (504) 586-0300.

QSL 7Q7EH  --->  W1  QSL  Bureau  Manager  Scott  Porter,  N1SP  reports  the
following: "The W1 QSL Bureau is receiving quite a number of cards for  7Q7EH
via W1EH. We annnot contact W1EH. He does not subscribe to our bureau. The GO
List shows AA9HD as manager. My  sorter has attempted contact with AA9HD  and
failed to elicit any reply. The W1 Bureau cannot handle cards for 7Q7EH. Some
list somewhere is in error. To those who sent via W1EH: resend trying AA9HD".

QSL KD2JR/VE8  --->  VE9RHS, the  new  QSL manager  for  KD2JR/VE8  (NA-173),
reports that he is trying to do his best to reply to all the requests he  has
got so far within the end of October.

QSL KH2D  ---> Ted,  K8NA has  the computer  logs for  KH2D, dating  back  to
January 1986. All  those needing  QSL confirmations  may get  them from  K8NA
either direct (Ted Pauck, 2820 Lenox  Drive, Troy, MI 48098, USA) or  through
the bureau.

QSL ZZ2Z ---> AC7DX (Ron Lago, POB  25426, Eugene, Oregon 97402, USA) is  the
QSL manager for contest station ZZ2Z (Cesar, PY2YP).

QSL VIA PA3ERC  ---> PA3ERC  (Rob Snieder,  Van Leeuwenstraat  137, 2273  VS,
Voorburg, The  Netherlands) is  the  QSL manager  for  also QSL  manager  for
HB0/PA3ERC/p (1994);  VP5/PA3BBP,  VP5/PA3ERC, VP5/PA3EWP,  VP5/PA3FQA,  VP5C
(1995); FG/PA3BBP,  FG/PA3ERC,  FG/PA3EWP,  FG/PA3FQA,  TO5C  (1996);  J79BP,

SEYCHELLES --->  The Daily  DX reports  that Paddy,  Paddy, S79MAD  (QSL  via
GW4WVO) leaves Seychelles on 8 August: after that "there will still be 3 long
term residents.  Keith (S79KMB), the  second most active  S79: he stays  very
busy running his restaurant and sailing his yacht; Joel (S79JBM), who has not
been very active recently and Dr. Selwyn (S79BBC), who uses radio exclusively
to chat  to old  buddies back  in India.   He  is not  a  dxer, lives  in  an
apartment and suffers from humble antennae."
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SOUTH SANDWICH ISLAND DX GROUP --->  "The South Sandwich Island Antarctic  DX
Group" is  now  Incorporated as  a  non-profit DX  group  in Oregon  and  all
donations are non  taxable.  The  board of directors  of SSIDXG include  Luis
Chartarifsky (XE1L),  Terry Dubson  (K6JL, ex  W6MKB),  Gary Jones  (W5FI  ex
W5VSZ),  Sam  Brown  (WA4IUM),  Tony  DePrato  (WA4JQS)  and  Jerry   Branson
(AA6BB/7). SSIDXG newest member  Dr. Frank Weigelt,  N0DX will assist  Jerry,
AA6BB/7 in fund raising operations for the upcoming Bouvet operation.

SPRATLY 1998 ---> Exact dates of the Layan Layang operation in February  1998
[425DNX 325] will be announced later,  but the intention  is to operate  soon
after the island re-opens to visitors following the typhoon season, in  order
to maximise the opportunities for good LF propagation. The Spratlys currently
rank at number 25 worldwide in the latest (Jan/Feb 97) DX Magazine poll,  and
12th for East Coast  USA. They also  rank 18th in  the digital "Most  Wanted"
list (AA5AU). G3SWH will be QSL  manager, and QSLs will be available  through
the bureau or direct. Further details about the operation will be sent out as
it becomes available. If you wish to be e-mailed directly with information as
it becomes available, send  a message to  the expedition's publicity  officer
Don Field G3XTT at <g3xtt@lineone.net>.

YC STATIONS ---> The Daily DX  reports that YC0SBV stated that Indonesian  YC
stations have now  been granted permission  to operate on  20 metres (in  the
past only the YB and YF stations were allowed to be active on this band).

+ SILENT KEY +  It  was with the  greatest sadness that  we have learnt  from
Gene, AB9E of  the passing of  Ed, W9DWQ. Ed  was a long  time member of  the
Northern Illinois DX Association, and was an outstanding radio operator.

              For the news issued in this number, thanks to:

Group, Crazy DX Group, Delta Mike,  Diamond DX Club, Roman DX Group,  Salento
DX Team,  5X1T,  9M2OM/G3NOM, AB9E,  AC7DX,  BD7JA, CT1EEB,  CT1ENQ,  DL4VBP,
DX-NL, DXNS, LNDX, NPDXG, OPDX, PY-DX, QRZ-DX, The 59(9) DX Report, The Daily

    425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/index.html


425 DX NEWS IN ENGLISH  --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-eng.html
425 DX NEWS EN ESPANOL  --> http://www.intercom.es/qtc/qtc425.htm
425 DX NEWS IN ITALIANO --> http://www-dx.deis.unibo.it/htdx/425/425-ita.html


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S DX@WW $425WW327F
425 DX News #327 [6/6]
 9 August 1997                      No 327                  BID: $425WW327F
                            425 DX NEWS * CALENDAR
                               edited by I1JQJ
PERIOD           CALL                                                   REF

till  25/08      7Q7CE * by IN3VZE                                      325
till  15/08      9A/DL1AUJ: Rab Isl. (EU-136)                           319
till  16/08      9A * by IK4MTF                                         323
till  24/08      9M6HIL: Keningau * by N2OO & 9M6s                      323
till  16/08      C6AFP: Treasure Cay (NA-080) * by N4JQQ                321
till  02/09      CU9B: Corvo Isl. (EU-089)                              326
till  10/08      ED5HQ & EF5HQ: Columbrete Grande Isl. (EU-069)         321
till  15/08      F6HQP/p: DIFM                                          325
till  13/08      FH * by DF2SS                                          325
till  14/08      FW5IW * by OH5UQ                                       326
till  21/08      IF9/IK8WTM (IIA TP-007,009,010,012,013,014,015)        326
till  16/08      IG9: Lampedusa Isl. (AF-014) * by I2VXJ & IK2QEI       326
till  15/08      IH9: Pantelleria Isl. (AF-014) * by IT9JOF             323
till  22/08      J3 * by IV3TMV, IV3NVN, IV3ZJR                         325
till  September  JG8NQJ/JD1: Minami Torishima                           326
till  26/08      P40XM * by DLs                                         326
till  15/08      SV8/IK7WPH: Zakinthos Isl. (EU-052)                    327
till  ??         SV1QN/8: Mykonos Isl. (EU-067)                         319
till  14/08      V73AR, V73MM, V73NH, V73YAQ * by JARL Kyoto Club       321
07/08-11/08      PR5L: Campeche Isl. (SA-026) (DIB 41)                  323
08/08-18/08      4F2DX: IOTA * by PA3GKI                                325
08/08-14/08      FG/EA3CB: Guadeloupe Isl. (NA-102)                     323
08/08-10/08      HP: NA-071 * by HP2CTM, HP2CWB, HP2DFU, HP2ECP         327
08/08-11/08      PR5L: Campeche Isl. (SA-026; DIB 41)* by PP5LL         317
09/08-17/08      AP2AP * by JA1EZM                                      327
09/08/10/08      F: DIFI * by F5KOU, F5KQN, F5SZX, F6BVB                327
09/08-10/08      GW4KCT/p & GW8FIS/p: St. Tudwal's Is. (EU-106)         327
09/08-10/08      IC8: Vivara Isl. (EU-031, IIA NA-005) * by I8RIZ       327
09/08-10/08      ID8: Dino Isl. (EU-144; IIA CS-002) * by I8s           327
09/08-10/08      IL3: Taglio Nuovo Isl. (EU-130, IIA GO-019) by IV3CII  327
09/08-10/08      IL8/IK8DDN: Secca di Castrocucco (IIA PZ-???)          327
09/08-10/08      IM0: IIA * by IK2UJR & IK2XDV                          317
O9/08-10/08      N2OB Long Island Beach (NA-111)                        315
09/08-10/08      UE6ADI/p: Dolgy Isl. (RR-17-01)                        327
09/08-10/08      European HF CW Championship Contest                    ***
09/08-10/08      WAE DX CW Contest                                      ***
10/08-16/08      CQ1I: Berlenga Isl. (EU-040) * by CT1AXS & CT1FMX      326
10/08-13/08      HL0Z/4: Chuja Islands (AS-084)                         327
10/08            IJ7: Gallipoli Isl. (IIA LE-010) * by Salento DX Team  327
10/08            IL3: Mazzorbo Isl. (IIA  VE-009) * by IK3s             327
10/08            IL3: Motta San Lorenzo  (IIA VE-055) * by IK3s         327
10/08            IL3: Motta dei Cunicci (IIA  VE-054) * by IK3s         327
10/08            IL3: Torcello Isl. (IIA VE-011) * by IK3s              327
10/08            IL6: (IIA) * by IK6CGO, IK6RHT, IZ6ABC                 327
11/08-15/08      HB0 * by HB9QQ                                         321
11/08-12/08      IL3: (IIA) * by IK2HTW                                 327
12/08-31/08      TK/F5UKW                                               325
12/08-21/08      V3 * by K8JP                                           327
12/08-24/08      VP5/I4ALU                                              323
13/08-20/08      3D2RW: Fiji * by ZL1AMO                                325
13/08-16/08      HL0C/4: Mara Isl. (AS-026)                             327
14/08-24/08      JW6RHA & JW9THA * by LA6RHA & LA9THA                   319
14/08-18/08      9M: Spratly * by N2OO & N0RN                           323
14/08-17/08      EA: Mouro Isl. (EU-142) * by EA1BD & EA1EB             325
14/08-17/08      FR * by DF2SS                                     ???  325
14/08-17/08      HL0BDU/4: AS-060                                       327
14/08-16/08      JM1YGG/JD1: Ogasawara Arch. * by METHC                 325
14/08-17/08      OH0 * by SM0s                                          325
15/0-17/08       BY7: Dan Gan Isl. (AS-???) * by BY7s                   327
15/08-17/08      CY0NCD: Sable Isl. * by VA3NCD                         323
15/08-17/08      FG/EA3CB: Les Saintes Isl. (NA-114)                    323
15/08-17/08      I: Scoglio Apani (IIA BR-002) * by 59 DX Club          319
15/08-17/08      JA: Amakusa Arch. (AS-012) * by JI6KVR                 325
15/08-17/08      OH8TA: Hailuoto Isl. (EU-126) * by OH & DL team        325
16/08            9M2OM/p: Besar Is. (AS-097)                            327
16/08-17/08      GM: Shiant Is. (EU-112) by G3ZAY, GM0UGG, G0PCE, G0PYA 327
16/08-17/08      IM0/IS0BDF: Porto Pollo Isl. (EU-024, IIA SS-117)      327
16/08-17/08      IM0: IIA * by IK2UJR & IK2XDV                          317
16/08-17/08      SM/F5YJ                                                311
16/08-17/08      W2GSB/p: Fire Isl. (NA-026) (USI NY-013-S)             327
16/08-17/08      K9PPY/W7: Orcas Isl.  (NA-065)                         327
16/08-17/08      SARTG WW RTTY Contest                                  ***
16/08-17/08      Seanet SSB Contest                                     ***
22/08-23/08      New Orleans 1997 - International DX Convention         311
mid August       3D2PN: Fiji * by OH5UQ                                 327
August           FP * by WA1CFS                                         297
mid August       ID8/IK8DDN: Scogli Corica (IIA CS-004)                 327
mid August       ID8/IK8DDN: Scogli Formicola (IIA  CS-003)             327
mid August       IJ7: Sc. del Campo (IIA LE-005) * by IK7JWY's team     325
mid August       IL7: IIA * by IK2PZG, IK6JOT, IK6MWK                   325
August           KH3 * by KK5ZX                                         325
August-Sep       V5/ZS6YG * by W0YG                                     325
August           Z2/N9YXA                                               325